8 The Pittsburgh Riots. Tlie grand jury, which tans been inves tlgntinu; tho rlols of July last in Mils city, lms tnatlo a speolul presentment to the court giving tlio result of their Inquiries. Tho dooiimont la very lengthy; ud gives a detailed history of the events preceding and subsequently to the acts of ylolonce. It says tho grand jury have been unablo to traoe the proclamation oalling out the Btato troops farther thau to the uutboi ities of the Pennsylvania railroad, and assert at the time it was issued Governor Hartranft was slumbering iu his car in Utah territo ry. They imsort that the railroad officers were importuned not . to resort to harsh measures, but tho advice was not bonded. They stated that the testimony is con clusive that the Fbiladolphia soldiers fired without ordors after a pistol shot from tho crowd, and denounce the act by which 23 citizens wore, killed as unauthorized, wilful and wanton killiug, which cau be called by no milder term than murder. They sny the whole military operation was . a blunder from beginning to end, and ex hibited a pitiful absence . of truiuiug and executive ability worthy of a comtnander-in-chiof who selocts mnjor-gonorals for their political or social rather than their military qualifications. The occupation of tho round house is characterized as a lamentable mistake, and the retreat of Oen. Urluton's forces, and the fleeing of the Btato officials to Beaver Bre severely crlticisod. Tho grand jury claims that tho citizens after being busely deserted by the military put down tho riot and restored order, and that the subsequent military occupation of tho city long after all danger had passed, was intended as a threat to tho citizens and a mark of con tumely to the county. They say tho mar tial achievements under tho head of tho governor bavo only their parallel in the military feat of the Fronch king who marched his party up bill and then down iignin. Tho Pennsylvania railroad company is severely criticised for massing cars hero when they knew interruption existed, and tho presentment reflects severely upon the governor for refusing to give information which would have enabled them to give more prcciso information. That it is not moro preciso they Bay is duo to the fact that the grand jury has been thwarted openly and privately in its inquiry by those to whom the wholo truth should have been a welcome vindication. Its suppression com pels the opposite conclusion. Tho docu ment throughout Is very bitter in tone, and while it denounces the leaders of the mili tary, cudoavors to defend tho citizens against tho chargo of being in sympathy with tho rioters. A Wife's View of Dueling. Smith has bad a scene at the club with another gentleman of a peppery disposi tion ; blows and cards hnvo been exchang ed, a duel has been agreed upon, and bo returns to Break the news to his wife. " Miserable man !" sho cries in an ex cess of emotion, ' would you go forth to fight and be brought back to me all shot full of holes and having your life blood all spilled over the carpet? What would bo Icomo of me if you were killed? Tho light of my life would be quenched iu rayloss gloom, and I would be reduced to want and misery, because all the fortuno belongs to you, aud, as you have made no will, when you are killed all tho property will go to those miscrablo brats of ncph" ' Hold 1" cries the husband. "Do not accuse me wrongfully. I have thought of every contingency, and arranged to secure your happiness. Should I fall, all my property will become yours. See I here is my will, duly signed, sealed and deliv ered." Tho young wife seizes it, runs over its contents with anxious eyes, puts the pecious document in bor pocket, and then, with the air of a Spartan matron, says " Go 1 Avengo your insulted honor. Go to fight if needs be, to fall." A Shocking Mishap. In Atlanta, Sunday, before day, private Smith, of Company E,Elgbteonth Infantry, while returning to tho barracks, perfectly 6oborl fell into a dry well twenty-five feet, and was empaled by a stake at the bottom. Ho suffered thus four-and-a-half-hours, when his cries were heard and ho was pulled out by big comrades. He may pos sibly live, but be is ruined as a man. The stake penetrated bis groin eight inches. Cincinnati, November 10. A dispatch from Columbus, Ohio, states that a gang offivo tramps boarded a western-bound ' Tan Handle train on the Indianapolis di vision Saturday night last, and refusod to pay thoir fares. The conductor wag shot at, but without effect, while putting them off at Hilliard's station. With the as gistance of other railroad employees the tramps were all arrested and on them wag found a large lot of burglars' tools. Cincinnati, Nov. 19. A special dispatch states that at an early hour yesterday morn ing a tramp, while robbing the post office at Grafton, X was fired upon by Charles Allen, who slept in the building. The tramp returned tho Are, with probably fatal effect and then made his escape. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! ,i 1 ; j i f CARPETING S, OIL-CLOTHS, WALL PAPERS. A complete (Stock just opened for KATjTi TKADE from New York mid Philadelphia MarketB. COMPRISING TllK El! l'L I S, 11XT11A S UPFMS, BRUSSELS. VENETIANS, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, AND OIL-CLOTHS, " ' ALL CHOICE PATTEIIN'3 AND NEW DE3IOX3. MATTINGS, HASSOCKS, A HANDSOME LINE OF ENGLISH FELT. SQUARES, AND Ol L C LOT I T LI UG S. f 1'ATTKKINH IN HOME-MADE CARPETS, ALL COLORS IN CA11PET ouuvirv. STEPHENS & REETEM, Bcntz House Building, No. 2, East Main St., CA11L1SLE, PENN'A . O Q en (3 W Ph Ph O w o H CO W HERE WE ARE AGAIN! WITH better Inducements to our custoiucia mid people In general than ever we have ollered, we have just laid In our immense FALL and WINTKH STOCK, and tw usual, intend keeping the lead for LOW I'll ICES and GOOD GOODS. Of our many bnrgnlns, the following are but n few : CLOTHING, CARPETS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Men's Heavy Work Bults J.'0 togS.fO Men's Business " li.Ou to 8.00 Men's Dress " 10.00 to 12.U0 Youths' Work " 4.HI to s.W Youths' Dress " 'O.ou to lo.ou Hoys' Dress " .i.(Ji) to 7.' II Men's Overcoats ln.im to lfi.im Men's Overcoats iU'O to tl.no Boys' Overcoats .S'.'ll to fi.ft'l Men's Common Coats 1.S0 to 8.00 Men's Dress Coats 4."' to k.ii.1 Hoys' Common Coats 1 . 50 to 2.n0 Hoys' Press Coats 2.r0 to 6.00 Men's Common Hants . to 2.0,) Men's Press Hants 2.f0 to 6.0l Hoys' Common Hunts 1.00 to l.M) Hoys' Press Hants l.N) to 3.1X1 Men's Vests 7n to 2.00 Hoys' Vests P0 to 1.2.1 Men's Wool Hats til to 1.00 Men's Kelt Hats 1.25 to 2..10 Hoys' Wool Hats fO to 71 Hoys' Press Hats 75 to 1.21 Men's Cars 40 to l.r.0 Hoys' Caps 21 to 71 Room Carpet IX to 21 Flowered Carpet 3:t to 41 Wool Carpet 00 to l.oo Moor Oil Cloth 40 to 60 Table Oil Cloth SO to 40 Trunks 2.i0 to 7.00 Satchel 75 to 2.60 ALSO Jewelry, Cutleiy, Accordeons, Mouth Organs, Soaps, Perfumery, Tabl e Cloths, Nupklns, Towels, Combs, Brushes, Collnra mid CulTs, Ties, Kows, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Motto Frames, German town Wool, Spool Cotton, Slippers, Lace Curtalng, Furs, Counterpanes, and many other great Bargains, which space will not permit to name. Give us a cull and see what we say is true, ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPOET, PElSn'A.. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. The most Popular scientific paper in the world. Only $3.30 a Your, Including postage. Week ly. 52 numbors a year. 4,000 book pages. The Scientific Amekican is a large first class weekly newspaper of sixteen panes, printed In the most beautiful style, profusely Illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the new est inventions aud the most recent advances In the Arts and Sciences; Including Mechanics and linglneerliiE, steam lineineerinif, Hallway, Mlu Iuk. Civil (ins and Hydraullo .Engineering. Mill Work, Iron, Steel and Metal Work: Chemistry and Chemical Processes; Electricity. Light, Heat, Sound; Technology, l'hotography, printing, new Machinery, New ptocesses, New Kecipes, Im provements pertaining to Texlle Industry. Weav ing; Pyeing, Coloring, New Industrial Hroduets, Animal. Vegetable and Mineral; New and Inter esting facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home,. Health, and Medical Progress, Social Sci ence, Natural History, Oeology, Astronomy, etc. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers In all departments of Science, will be found In the Sclentitlc American; the whole pre sented In popular language, free from technical terms, Illustrated with engravings, aud snarrang ed as fo Interest and Inform all classes o( readers old and youngs The Selentllto American Is pro motive of knowledge and progress In every com munity where It circulates. It should have a place In every Family, Heading Room, Library, College or School, lerius $3.20 per year, dl.fio half year, which Includes prepayment ol postage. Discount to Clubs and Agents. Single copies len cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Kenilt bv postal order to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park How, New York. PATCNTQ In connection with the Rolen lM I Cll I O. title American, Mtssrs. Ml'nn & Co , are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishmeut In the world, Patents are obtained on ti e best terms. Models of new Inventions and sketches examined, and advice free. A special notice is made In the Selenlllle American of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with tho name and residence of the Patentee, Public attention is thus directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or Introduction often effected. Any person who has made a new dlscoAeryor Invention, can ascertain, free ol charge, whether a patent cau probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. Addrees fur the Paper, or cou doming l'aterts, JUUNN ci CO,. 37 Park Row, New Pork. Branch Olllce, oor. &7lh sis., Washington P. C. 5 o S3 o g o o Q ft f C) w H o o O O W u 9? o 9? a All Wool AVhlte lllankets per pair All Wool Coloreil Blankets per pair Ladies' Double shawls Ladles' Single shawls Ladies' Felt Skirls Ladies' Balmoral Hklrts Ladle's Nuhlns Ladies' Coats I. miles' Corsets Ladles' Hair Switches , Ladles' Ties Ladies' Linen Collars I.udles'Kuches Ladies' Handkerchiefs Ladies' Hose 4 pair liadies' Undcrsulrls Embroidery and Edgings Ladies' Leather Belts Ladies' licit Pin Pins 28 rows for Silk Handkerchiefs Men's White (shirts Men's Colored Shirts Men's Woolen Shirts Men's Undershirts Men's 1 nnwei s Men's Coloreil Hose, 3 per pair Men's Handkerchiefs Men's Suspenders Horse lllankets Overalls Knit Blouse S2..10aiid up 2 21 " '. ll.on " " 71 " " fO " " II) " " 2.1 " 2.7.1 " " 40 " " 1.21 " 20 " " H " A " " 6 " " 21 " " 40 " " 3 " " 10 " " 20 " " 1 " 21 " " 30 30 21 8 10 1.21 40 76 WIDE AWAKE FOR 1878. The popular estimation of Wide Awake Is well summed up in what a distinguished II terary gen tloman said: "The other Magazines lie on the ta ble fresh and clean, while Wide Awake Is read to tatters." That Wide Awake will continue to be read to tatters" the following announcements for IH18 are good guarantees. "TKUEULUK." Hv Mrs. Lucia Chase Bell. A serial story for the tiirls of Life In the great North-west. AGENKltALMIKHNnEItSTANHINO. BvChas. It. Talbot. A splendid aud humorous Serial story for the Hovs. TllK S'i'OltY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE FOR YOl'NO PEOPLE. Hv Lucv Cecil White (Mrs. Lille). Eighteen Illustrated Papers. AUNT POLLY'S SCHOOL ROOM 8TOEIES. For little folks. Hv Mrs. Win. E. Bryant. the en i lp Toilers of boston sheets. Twelve Illustrated papers. Hv Emma A. Brown. LITTLE MISS MUSLIN OK OUINTIL1.1AN SQUARE. HER FORTUNES AND MISFOU TUNES. By John Brownjohn. Drawings of Hopkins. Original Music by T. Crampton. Parlor Past times by Ceo. 1). llartlett. Prize Guess-work. Illustrated Short Stories. Full-page Illustrated Poems Papers of Foreign Travel, and Natural History. All by the brightest Authors and Artists. Only 2.00 a year. Free of Postase. Send subscriptions to P. LOTIIUOP & CO.. Pubs. Boston, Mass. "ITHTTtLWATllfll" Tfc..M. wlrf. .t, an4 "BT It UPANill.KD FliR. KA." Ik. FA .ILT PAVoKtTI" ..1 fte Tim HII.1.IUM. Im.1. 114. IM. n..a a.ti.. I.W ft. 014 Hwa.M Tm ALL." ll I. uw(. Jm.'Tb.C .... TT, ar4 with (kiiBiu t.'m. 'I.U "BOUI'B-8 COKSKH." ..m, BiU, g.Mb. D.oib, Mi r..wl 1. fall,. r,H,. . l,.lkrBllf UBCMi. N. .M m IwlaJlal U pritHA. ' .....A - 10.0 a.i. .... u.HlnialU.NMM.lFu,. TB, IT 1)11 (' I. a U. O.I. T . ,.. M tlh PMn HIC AAi.k "IITt BTAKyLBK lUMMBB," K. a. T1 HI 1 1 1 A itnil Mornhliia Hftblt BbwilnMy bhiI m1llv 1 1 U I I I B Jl 1-Alul-., bo puLlklly. 8vbJ,uiu, lirilKfl lAuUrul.-in. 1B. Cauiiok, J I I W 1 1 1 1.1 Vi'ashlBgiou Ul, Cuknfo, IU. iT C WV i W Pon't you want some cheap IV T Z'H '"r Ynt and Suits t ID II Mlli If you do, don't fall to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale by F. MORTIMER. You cau suit yourself iu style and price. AT Ch.r.. HIIIMQ "l revolver, llliist rated Prlrellst. free. UUIIO ureal ll'(ra (iun urk, Pittsburgh, Pa. 47dlt. CAIIDH fiMiiyles with iminfl iT'tOntflt inc. Sattiile8c. J, PL' SI lil) tVLo . Nas lad, N. Y. 47(ltt. . FRFF MAMMOTH OUTFIT TO KVFYItMOPY -b Slem-winder wateh free with Hist order Ten dollars a day guaranteed. M. ( ItONK.dll ft CO., Philadelphia- Pa., or Milwaukee, Wis. 47llt AGENTS WANTED FOR Crcuti v 0 ficiencef or M inhnn ). Worn itihood, and their Mutual Inter Relations i Love, Us Laws, l'ower, etc. Agents are selling from 15 to ir copies a day. Send for specimen pages and our extra terms to Agents, find sen why It sells taster than any oilier hook. Addles I, Nat'oual Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 47dlt PATH Klt'S I For Cuts Bruises and Sprains, HEMKD1, Blind and Bleeding PIlcs.Rlieu- mat Ism, Fractured Limbs Frosted Limbs nnd Parts. Pains In the Muscles and Joints, Indolent Ulcers, Discharging Mores, Swelled Hore Leg, Erysipelas, and Varicose Veins Is Sandford's Extract ol Witch Hazel. Ak for It, because It Is better, strongerand cheaper than liny other, and Is warranted by Weeks id Potter, Wholesale Druggists, 3 H) Washington St. . Boston, Mass. 47d4t WANTED I An energetic man or woman in every county to take the Agency for two of the most popular publications in the country. Four ol the most finest .chromes (21x10 Inches each) to every sub scrlber. The best combination ever before of fered to Agents, nnd the most liberal induce ments to subscribers. Our tine publications, Ele gant Premiums, and large commissions place us HheHd of all Competitors. Hend for Illustrated Circulars and Terms. E. P. i L. It KHTEIN, Pub Ushers, 717 Sansom St., Philadelphia. 4 id It n,wn AGENTS WANTED TO SELL The most Intense and powerful blow ever dealt the demon drink, liy the veteran author, T.H. A Kill UK. A book to startle and ellghten the people. Vivid pictures and proofs, how It curses body, soul, home, society, etc. Unfolds the work of I nehrlate Asylums, (lospel Temperance, Wom an's Crusade, 1 rands Murphy, Prohibition, etc. Only ti. Its sale Is marvellous. OUR HIHLES with 2,000 Illustrations far excell and others. Prices Just, reduced 25 per ct. Send lor terms. HUlillARD BROS., Pubs.. TX Sansom Street, Phh'tt. 47dit. RFATTVI'lANOi"I(?ANf' "" ra- L'"k I . . siiu-iung I seel Organs, 1 stons t'.S. Pianos only Jl:to, cost (W50. Cir free, Daniel Si.iseatty, wasiiingion, N. J. 4 .(IU Maul for lleduccd 1'rlce Lint of CABINET ORGANS. NEW AND SPLENDID STYLES. Price re dncedSlO to J-.ll. EACH, THIS MONTH. (Nov 1S77). Address. MASON : HAMLIN ORGAN CO.. Boston, New York, or Chicago. 40d4i AGENTS WANTED I FOB, PARTICULARS, A DDK ESS WILSUN SEWING MACHINE CO. 829 Broadway. New York City ; Chicago, 111. New Orleans, La. t tfdlt or San Francisco, Cul. CONSUMPTION CURED. n old p!iyicinn,rMired trotn jtrnc.tittfi, having fv c- f-d from mi hunt India iriisimi.ry the fonnnlnof 1 nt;il- vnKoUblH renmdy for 8inii)y and pf-rmnner t i j: - pf ruttimiitwn.irnnckUi, catarrh, anihitia, and nil 1 M it:ind luiiK arf HctkmH : fiUn turn far imrronnd Uiy una nil nrvnn rfmiphiintfl.aftpr hnrirnr tfti-d ifi '.nimtivo in thH!Hnln nf rFen, bnn folt it hii ( ii!y to mnk" it known t' h t HnfTermir folli.wH. Aotti ftnd lf n df-drn U rlivo Immnn nntlrin(r, I will Ben I i re iii r) whodfrr it.thtfl rHPipe in liernmn, l-'r-nch vt rnirlHh. with.'"" dirnctH.n. AMrfl,with ntmnvl . V .tHiiiXiu.liei'uwfjr'! lilock.lIotlieetor.N. V. JACKSON'S BEST & ABOVE ALL. These brands of Sweet Plug are acknowledged by all, to be the Finest Chewing Tobaccos in tho market. Put up In all shapes and sizes, in ma hogany and black wrappers. Hold by the trade generally. Send for sample to the manufacturers C. A. JACKSON & Co., Petersburg, V. GKO. F. Waiim.k, General Agent, 4id4t. Nos. Sund 5 South Water Street, Phlla. THE SUN. 1H7S. NEW YOKK. 1878. As tho t ime approaches for the renewal of sub scriptions. THE SUN would remind its friends and wellwlshers everywhere, that it is again a candidate for their consideration and support. Upon its record for the past ten years it relies (or acontinuaiiceof the hearty sympathy and general co operation which have hitherto beeu extended to It from every quarter of the Union. The Pally Sun Is a four page-sheet of 28 col uinns, price by mail, post paid, 65 cents a month, or JH.60 per year. The Sunday edition of THE SUN Is an eight page-sheet of IS columns. While giving the news of the day, it also contains a large amount, of lit erary and miscellaneous matter specially pre pared for It. THE SUNDAY HUN has met with great success. Post paid 81.20 a year. THE WEEKLY BUN. Who does not know THE WEEKLY SUNT It circulates throughout the United States, the Can adas, and beyond. Ninety thousand families greet Its welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide, counselor, and friend. Its news, edltorlai, agricultural, and literary depart ment make It essentially a Journal for the fami lyand the fireside. Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid. This price, quality considered, makes It the cheapest newspaper published. For clubs of ten, with Jio cash.we will send an extra copy free. Address PUBLISHER OF THE SUN, New York City. $1.00. AVAMSUTTA $1.00. SHIRTS. Three-ply Linen Bosom, Three-ply Neckbands, Linen Wristbands and finished complete. We cau positively say that SrjSl.OO HIIIltT is superior to any other, and that there Is no bet ter Shirt in the Market at any price. ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, XE Wl'OBT, PENX 'A. EWAIIIUN'O'S . (Is7ti Uniform Copyrighted 1877) LAAV BLANKS, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low aud whatever you need. Law aud Commercial Supplies of all Kinds. Mf Send for samples and price lists of what yon want. r Catalgues of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, or direct from the publisher. WARINU.TyronePa. per month.wl 11 be paid to a good energetl o man in each county to introduce Dr. EULK'fcS New Illustrated History of Penn'a. Write Immediately, and state experience iu this business, aud age. Address, P. C. GOODRICH. Publisher. 411;!t iiarrisburg, Penn'a. ft We liavo the Best Stock of Goods for i i iueu s tvrai uiiii. cii im louiia iu ine lililOi county, aud we don't care who knows t. P. MORTIMER. PRINTING of every description neatly ex ecuted at the Bloomticld Times Olllce, at reasonable rates. " Unquestionably the best sustained work of the , , , kind In the World.? - ) Harper's Magazine. . ILLUSTRATE. 1. Notices of the 7'ress. The veteran Mngalne, which longago outgrew Its original title of the New Monthly Magalne, lias not In the least abated the popularity it won at the outset, but has added to It In many ways, and has kept lalrly abreast of tkn times, tlmiiks to tho enterprise of the publishers and the tact and wisdom of Its editors. Foi whatever Is best and most readable In the literature of travel, dis covery, and lle.tlnn. the average reader of to day looks to Harper's Magazine, Just as expectantly as did the readers of a quarter of a century auni there 1st ha same admirable variety contents, and the same freshness and siiggestlveuess In (ts editorial departments, now fls l(;i,"H.toWu Journal," . TE1UM.S : rojMfsree fo nil tnhncrlimrt in tit VniUffHtc: I. ,9.'er 1 MK?le, one year ft (m tlie pub"s7,ers.S1'l'el,Byl"e,'t ' U" 8- ,oslaKe '' 'scrin's to Harper's MagMIno, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year. 1' otii or. two ol Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, D0; postage free. A n Extra Cony of ell her the Magazine. Weekly, or Bazar will (, supplied gratis for every Club of Five subscribers at l (to each, paid for by one remittance) or. Hix Copies one year, without ex. tra copy, for !) 00. ' ll trk Nmniieri) can be supplied at any time I he Volumes nf the Magazine commence with the numbers lor dune and December o! each year. When no time Is specified, It will lie un derstood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current. Number. A Complete Set of Harper's Magazine, now comprising. Volumes, In imat cloth bliiding.wlll be sent liy express, freight at expense of purchas er, for ti 2-1 per volume. Single volumes.by mall, postpaid, :i . Cloth cases, lor binding, 68 cts., by mall, postpaid. A Complete Analytical Index to the first Fifty Volumes of Harper' s Magazine lias been publish ed, rendering available lor reference the vast and varied wealth ol information which eotistltues this periodical a perfect Illustrated literary cvelo pedia. 8vo, Cloth, 13 00; Half Calf, SSu. Sent postage prepaid. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodicals only. Newspapers are not to copy thin advertise ment without Hie express order of Harper Si Bros. Address HARPER lit BROTHERS. New York. "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times" ' The best, cheapest, and most success ful Family Paper In the Union." ILAUVmvlfWEEKL Y ILLUSTRATED. Notices of the Press. The Weekly Is the utilest and most powerful Il lustrated periodical published in this country Its editorials are scholarly and convincing, and carry much weight. Its illustrations of current events are full and fresh, and prepared by our best designers." Louisville Courier Journal." Harper's Weekly should be in every family throughout the land, as a purer.more Interesting, higher toned, better illustrated paper is not pub lished In this or any other country. "Commer cial Bulletin," Boston. The Weekly Is the only Illustrated paper of the day that In Its essential characteristics Is recog nized as a national paper." Brooklyn Eagle." TERMS: rmtmip free to all m'wr'wrs in the Unite'l fsintes. Harper's Weekly, one year 81 on. St 00 Includes prepayment of U. 8. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address lor one year. flO 00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, S7 no. postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazine. Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of F'ive subscribers at 54 00 each, paid for bv one remittance; or. Six Copies one year, without ex tra copy for 2D 00. Hack Number can be supplied at any time. The Volumes of the Weekly commence wilhthe year. When no time Is mentioned, it will be un derstood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt ol his order. The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freeof expenses provided the freight does not exceed 81, for 7 00 each. A complete Set, comprising il Volumes, sent on receipt nf cash at the rate of J j 25 per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. (.'loth Cases for each vol., suitable for binding, will be sent by inail.postp'd.,on receipt of SI each. Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt of stamp. Subscriptions recslved for Harper Periodicals only. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper Brothers. Address HARPER Si BROTHERS. New York. "A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and In struction." HAiirEirs 1JAZAK. ILLUSTRATED. Notices of the Press. The Bazar Is the organ ot the fashionable world, and the expounder of that world's laws; and it Is the authority In all matters of manners, etiquette, costume, and social habits. " Boston Traveller." The Bazar commends Itself to everv member of the household to the children by droll and pret ty pictures, to young ladies by its fashion-plates I In endless variety, to the provident matron hy its . patterns for the children's clothes, to pater fanii Iias by Its tasteful designs for embroidered slip pers and luxurious dressing-gowns. But the reading-matter of the Bazar is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acquired a wldepopu larity for the Preside enjoyment it a fiords and has become an established authority with the ladies of America. "N. Y. Evening Post" TERMS; Postage free to all subscribers In the United States. Harper's Bazar, one year 81 00. $4 Oil includes prepayment ot U. 8. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year, $10 bu ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for oue year. 7 00 ; postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazine. Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of F'ive Subscribers at 14 W each, paid for by one re mittance: or. Six Copies oue year, without extra copy, for 120 00. Back Numbers can be supplied at anytime. The Volumes of the Bazar commences with the year. W hen no time Is mentionea.it will lie un derstood that the subscrilier wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipts of his or der. The Annual Volume of Harper's Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of ex jiense, providing the freight does not exceed one dollar, for 17 each. A complete Set, comprising 10 Volumes, seut on receipt of each at the rate of Jo.25. Cloth Cases for eace vol., suitable for binning, will be seut by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 41 each. Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt of stamp. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodicals only. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Bmtkeis. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, N. Y. I7S3TATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given J that Letters of Administration on the estate ol Joseph Ensininger late of Carroll township,' Perry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing In the same township. Ail persons indebted to said estateare requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to ELIZABETH ENSMINGER, CORNELIUS ENSMISUEU. A. M. Market, Atl'yfor Adin rs.J ( Administrate August 28, 1877. Rl APtf HII r? mo and the DUMblV niL.L.0, GRKAT NORTHWEST, a large 100 page book, containing full informa tion of the country, with maps and illustrations, will be sent free to every oue sending (l.oo for six months subscription to the DAKOTA HER ALD. The Hkkalu is a large 32-columu journal, and is filled with entertaining reading matter, both original and selected. It is a western journal with western idvas. The paper three months with book for 75 cents ; the price ot the boon alone is 7ft cents. Address, THE IIKKALT. Sept, IS, Sin. Yauktuu, LmkoU.