8 Skirmish With Tramps. Downinotown, Pa., November 11. The bands of tramp that have receutty boeu robbing the freight trains on the retiiiRylvania Railroad, broke Into a num ber of loaded freight cars which were ittandlng on a siding at West Chester Junction, and carried off a largo quantity of valuable goods. Several of the employes of the railroad company cHscoverod tho robbery soon after its commission and followed the robbers, but the latter fired upon their pursuers and drove them back to the Junction. At midnight the rail roaders were reinforced by the arrival of a number of tralnmeu from Lancaster, they usually "laying over" at this point until Monday morning. The railroaders determined to make a raid upon the depredation tramps, whose lair for several weeks has been in a woods about three miles west from here. Between 1 and 2 o'clock this morning the train men surprised the tramps while they were cast ing dice for a division of the spoils, and a lively fight ensued, during which two of the railroaders, Delos Harris and Charles Burt, both brakemen, were injured. Four of the tramps were also wounded, and those with their comrades, some 23 others, were captured and taken to the Junction and locked up in an empty freight car to await the disposition of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. It is probable they will be sent to tho Chester or Lancas ter county jail to-morrow morning. The plunder found in their possession has been replaced in the cars from which it was stolen. Two trains wore boarded and stopped near Lewistown this morning, aud it was only after a desperate resistance upon the part of the conductors and their assistants that the would-bo train robbers were driven off. It is estimated that be tween 1,000 and 1,500 tramps are wander ing through tho country traversed by the Pennsylvania liailroad, and particularly between here aud Pittsburgh. These nomads appear to plan their at tacks upon tho trains at such points where there is little or no protection from regular ly constituted constables aud police, aud it requires tho utmost vigilance upou the part of the railroad men to prevout tho stoppago of tho trains and frustrate the robbers. A largo number of the train plunderers have been arrested aud severely punished by the courts of Chester, Dela ware, Lancaster and Columbia counties, but this does not Beeni to abate the out lawry in the least, but, on the contrary, the outrages are now more numerous aud flagrant thau ever. A Lively Set-to with Four Masked Men. The Dally Miltonian give an accouut of a desperate fight between a miller aud four masked men, near Milton, Pa., last Friday, from which we glean the following : A singular case of attempted burglary transpired at Keminerer's flouring mill, situated about half way between Milton aud Watsoutown last Friday night. It seems that a son of Mr. Kemmercr had been working about the mill uutil midnight, and was just washing his hands before going home, when a man iu disguise opeued the door, aud presenting a pistol at the young man's head, demanded some Hour or his life, seeming to have a pre ference for the former, as he at once laid hold of a sack of flour, which he proposed to appropriate to himself. Mr. Kemmerer told him that sack was sold, but he would got him some from another part of the mill, and loweiing his light started, bis visitor flourishing the pistol uncomfortably close to liis head the while Arriving at the bin mentioned Mr. K., suddenly seized a Hour stamper, and quick as thought fulled the iutruder to the floor, dealing him several blows purely compli mentary to tho occasion. Tho racket brought a large dog upon the field of ac tion just in time to extend a welcome to another iutruder who opened the door, and was making it very lively for him, when two more men came iu, and driving away the dog, rescued the two bloeding robbers who were now lying upon the lloor, carried thom to a wagon iu waiting and drove rap idly away. Mr. Kemmerer was not injured iu the af fray, and cannot tell how badly the would be burglars were damaged. No clue to the party has as yet bceu discovered. tW A few days since a little daughter of Hobort Gordon, proprietor of the Wheol Pump hotel, Norristown, had a citron seed taken from her wind-pipe by a surgeou of this city. lis cut a small slit in her threat and iu that way worked the seed out, which wasfoundtobe sprouted. It had been there about three days, and iu a short time would have caused the child's death. The operation was so nicely dono that in an hour or two after, the little girl was playing about as usual. PhWa. Star. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 13. County Treasurer Nathan D. Wendell and ex Supervisor Whitman, were arrested here this afternoon on a charge of attempting to bribe the inspectors of elections in the First ward to alter the returnr of the late elections. They were held In their own recognizance. Mr. Wendell emphatically denied the charge. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! CARPETINGS, OIL-CLOTIIS, WALLPAPERS. A complete Stock Just opened for FALL TRADE from New York and Philadelphia Markets. COMP1USINO TUUKE I'L YS, EXTRA S UI'JIRS, BRUSSELS. VENETIANS, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS. AND OIL-CLOTHS, ALL CHOICE PATTERNS AND NEW DESIGNS. MATTINGS, HASSOCKS, A HANDSOME LINE OF ENGLISH FELT SQUARES, AND OILCLOTH RUG H. W Pi Ph O o o H cc W O f rA.XTKI.NH IN HOME-MADE CARPETS, ALL COLORS IN STEPHENS & REETEM, Bentz House Building, No. 2, East Main St., CA 11LISL I J, VENN' A . HERE AVE ARE AGAIN! WITH better inducements to our customers and people In general than ever we have offered, we have just laid In our Immense FALL and; WINTEH STOCK, and as usual, Intend keeping the lead for LOW PIIICES and GOOD GOODS. Of our many bargains, the following are but a few : CLOTHING, CARPETS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Men's Heavy Work Suits JJJO toJS.iO Men's llimi ncss " ri.nn tu 8.00 Men's Dress ' 10.00 t( 12.IK) Youths' Work " 4.M) to i.00 Youths' Dress " 6 on to ln.uo Hoys' Dress " S.t) to 7. 0 Men's Overcoats HUM to 15.00 Men's Overcoats .H.C0 to 6.00 Hoys' Overcoats 3.M) to A.5D Men's Common Coats 1.50 to 3.00 Men's Dress Coats 4.M to H.o.) Hoys' Common Coats 1.60 to 2.50 Hoys' Dress Coats 2.50 to 6.00 Men's Common Pauls 1.00 to 2.00 Men's Dress 1'ants 2.60 to r.0n Hoys' Common Pants l.(K) to l.fO Hoys' Dress l'ants l.fO to 3.00 Men's Vests 76 to 2.00 Hoys' Vests 60 to 1.25 Men's Wool tints " to 1.00 Men s Kelt lints 1.26 to 2.50 Hoys' Wool Hal s f O to 75 Hoys' Dress Hats 75 to 1.25 Men's Caps 40 to 1.50 Hoys' Caps 25 to 75 Hoom Carpet IS to 25 Flowered Carpet KM to 45 Wool Carpet (it) to 1.00 Floor Oil Cloth 40 to 60 Table Oil Clot II 30 to 40 Trunks 2.00 to T.M Satchel 75 to 2.60 ALSO Jewelry, Culleiy, Aecordeons, Mouth Organs, Btmps, Perfumery, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Combs, llrushes, Collars and t'uflfa, Ties, Hows, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Motto Frames, Germantown Wool, Spool Cotton, Slippers, Lace Curtains, Furs, Counterpanes, and many other great Bargains, which ppaee will not permit to name. Give us a call and see what we say is true, ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPORT, PEJSTN'A. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. ' THIRTY-THIRD TEAR. The most Popular scientific paper in the world. Only 83.30 a Year, Including postage. Week ly. 53 numbers a year. 4,000 book pages. The Scientific Amihican Is a lance first class weekly newspaper of sixteen panes, printed In the most beautiful style, pruiusoly illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the new. est inventions aud the must recent advances In the Aits and Sciences; Including Mechanics and Engineering, steam Engineering, Kailway, Min ing, Civil lias and Hydraulic Engineering. Mill Work, Iron, Steel aud Metal Work: Ciicinlstry and Chemical Processes; Electricity. Light, Heal, Sound; Technology. Photography, Printing, New Machinery, New ptocesses, New liecipes. lin provemunts perla'ning to Texlle Industry. Weav ing: Deinn, Coloring, New Industrial Products, Animal, Vegetable uud Mineral; New and Inter esting fads in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home,. Health, and Medical Progress, Social Scl ence. Natural History, Geology, Astronomy, etc. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers In all departments of Science, will be found In the Scicutitlo American; the whole pre sented iu popular language, free from technical terms, Illustrated with engravings, and soarrang ed as fo interest and Inform all classesof readers old and young. The Scientillo American Is pro motive of knowledge and progress In every com munity wliera It circulates. It should have a place in every Family, Heading Koom, Llbrarv, College or School. Terms S3.20 per year, 1.6o half year, w hich includes prepayment of postage. Discount to Clubs and Agents, ti.ugle copies ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Itenilt bv postal order to MUNN 4iCl)., Publishers, 37 Park liow, New York. PATFNT8 In connection with the Sclen rniuiltfi tide American, Messrs. Munm & Co , are Solicitors of American aud Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishment Hi the world, Patents are outalned on the best terms. Models of new Inventions and sketches examined, aud advice free. A special notice is made In the Scientillo American of all inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name aud residence of the Patentee. Publlo attention Is thus directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or Introduction often eliecttd. Auy person who lias made a new dlscoAery or Invention, can ascertain, free ol charge, whether a patent oan probably be obtained, by writing to the undei blgiied. Addrees (or the Paper, or con deruiug Patents, MUNN & CO,, 37 Pai k Biw, New Pork. Branch Oillce, oor. F, &7th sis., Washington 1. C. f o t 1 w o o o Q a f ex w H W o (J n o w o in 9? p P All Wool White Blankets per pall All Wool Colored Hlnnkets per pair Ladles' Double Shawls Ladies' single Shawls Ladies' Felt Skirts Ladles' Balmoral skirts Ladle's Niihlas Ladies' Coats Ladles' Corsets Ladles' Hair Switches Ladies' Ties Ladies' Linen Collars Ladies' ltuehes Ladies' Handkerchiefs Ladles' Hose 4 pair Ladles' Undershirts Embroidery nnd Edgings Ladies' Leather Helts Ladles' licit I' hi Fins 2s rows for Bilk Handkerchiefs Men's White Shirts Men's Colored shirts Men's Woolen Shirts Men's Undershiits Men's Drawers Men's Colored Hose. 3 per pair Men's Hunilkercliiels Men's Suspenders Horse Illaukets Overalls Kult Hlou.se 82 50 and up 2 25 " '. 3.(NI " " 76 " " 60 " " (0 " " 25 " ' 2.75 " " 40 " " 1.25 " ' 20 " " 8 " " i " 5 " " 2 " " 40 " 3 " " 10 ' 2) " " 5 " " 25 ' " 75 " " 60 " " 75 " " 30 " " 30 " " 25 " " 8 " " 10 " " 1.25 " 40 " " 75 " ' WIDE AWAKE FOR 1878. The popular eM I matlon of Wide Awake Is well summed up in wuita distinguished it (erarv gen tleman said; The other Magazine lie on t'he ta ble fresh and clean, while Wide Awake Is read to tatters." That Wldo Awake will continue tu lie "rend to tatters" the following announcements for 1S7S are good guarantees. "TKUK hLUIC." Hv Mrs. Lucia Chase Bell. A serial story for the Cirls of Life In the great North-west. A (J UN Kit AL MINCNDKKSTANDIXf. HyChas. H. Talbor. A splendid aud humorous Serial story for the Hovs. TIIK STOItV OF ENCL1SII L1TU!ATI'HE K)i; YOl N(l PKOPLK. Hy Lucy Cecil White (Mrs. Lille). Khrhteen Illustrated Papers. Al'NT fit ILIA'S SJIIOdLltOdM STOIilES. For little folks. Hv Mrs. Win, li. Bryant. Til K (Ml I I.I) TOI l.KHS OF BOSTON Slf PKTa Twelve Illustrated papers. Hv lininia A. Hi own. LITTLE .MISS MIM.ISOK gi'INTII.I.IAN StUAKE. 11 EK FOK1LNKS AND MISFUU TUNES. Hy Joint Brow njohii. Drawings of Hopkins. Original Music by T. Crainpton. Parlor Past times by (jeo. 11. lUrlletr. I'rl.e Cuess-work. Illustrated Short Stories. Full pane Illustrated Poems Papers of Foielgn Travel, and Natural History. All by the biij,htest Authors and Artisis. Onlv S2.H0 a vear. Flee of Postai n. Rnl subscriptions to u. i.uiJiuor co Puns. Boston, Mass. ITFriTXWATWI" TV.M. rtrf. I. aad wli hTAR hpa Wll Ltfl) Ha n- 4kh." family avoiiitu ..4 U. yr-r ti Till MILLH'M. PUV. U.k. IML Tk'e aiitiaa l.a. w (ill J foaua, rkh and poar, hid I an. iim, "llwt'n'ft ALL." IliflulaiRetO-tsluaia, i-K-. Bl.ria Wit. ilm. tZ ibm, Fuii'm, Daiuoroaa Fia, aU.. Ma. , "ROtlt'CH CoRMKB." ntnll.isdU'. t. HiDliir. tmd Tumd U fall. r.l. .1 l iisnnn. - iuclwo tHi.li ih 1J1.pHU4M1Un1IP.pK. TRY IT ONt i .If n MUtrai, M UB rrMtiaa. .f BIX eiLaan. '1Mb. tai aaaaa. a.k tl. T.I.I T.m. THtm. Ooa't pat ttaT bat KJtMO OPIUM md Monihtn Habit ahaolntely Dr1 RMMllly urfM. I'ftiulwi popublkiiy. beadalauun for particular. In. Cahitoh, Ol tv tag, wm VMiaj) re Don't you want come cheap foods lor Pauls and Suits f ( you do, don't lull to ex amine the snlfndld assortment for sale by F. MClt'lTMlU. You cau suit yourself In style and pi ice. JBii"naHPKD MOW. 0. m Ckamiaf I'hruuiHa, M Im fit f HUH. AUitm "NT AM MVkh REATTY P.,A,0' K"ANS best. r. Look t " ' "tiirllliigt Meet Uranus. 1 stois '.. Pianos only l i, cost two. Clr. free. Daniel fc.Deatty, Washlngion, N. J. 4,d4t Send for Jtrdnceit 1'rlce Lint of MAHONAs IIAIIIIV CABINET ORGANS. NKW AND BPLKNItID HTVLFH. price re diieedJ10to,(l. KAOII. THIS MONTH. ( Not -1H7i). Address. MASON i HAMLIN OltdAN CO., Huston, New York, or Chicago. 4;-(u6 AGENTS WANTED ! .... F0R. PARTU'tiLAHS, ADDHE88 WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO, 829 Broad wav. New Vork City t Chicago, III. i New Orleans. La. t 45dH or Han Francisco, Cat. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old phjHiclnn. iwf.lrad tnm pruritic, having ro f'vpil Irmn bii Ktwt Indi miftnlonftry tlm form ti In. of A Mn'i i T.wUt.M romnil; f.r 1 kncl iHinnsnpnt t tir- ..f rAumftton,brmirhitiit, eatarrh,alhma, and all J ro-it ;ind lunff aifoctitmn: nnna ntr fir nprrormdi -l lity nnd ll nnrrnnn rnmplnint. af(sr hftvintr tpftpil iin 'MirntlTH pnwfm In thrMinnndn of enm, hnn felt ft his nutv to mnkn It known tj bm milTprHim fnllrtwii. Artu ti'd bj a dfrnrtt to rl(B hnmnn mifTiTinff, I w ill tmntl iron t -11 whodpiirn It, this rwiptt In Jnrinn, KrMirh. cr U".1.' wihfMiw-tlinfi. Artrlr-m.viih Btnnin, Vf, W.bUEiUM,lM Puwur'a JJiock.Hocheiter.N. V. JACKSON'S BEST & ABOVE ALL. These brands of Sweet Plug are acknowledged by all, to be the Finest Chewing Tobaccos In the market. Put up In all shapes and sizes. In ma hogany and black wrappers. Hold by the trade generally. Send for snmpleto the manufacturers C. A. JACKSON i CO., Petersburg, Va. Geo F. WAitm.R. (leneral Agent, 40d4t. Nos. 3 and 6 South Water Street, 1'lilla. RUPTURE. Those wishing Ilellef and Cure for ItUPTURE should consult lr. . I. A. HIIKltMAN, iifiU Broad way. New York, send llicts.,for his new book, with Photographic likenesses of bad cases before and after cum. Beware of cheats who pretend to furnish Dr. Sherman's treatment. One of these fellows, a german clerk, now calling himself Dr. W. (I. Crunpien. Is Indicted on complaint of Dr. H. and awaits trial for for gery and embezzlement. 4.'id4t RMNQ ""d revolver. Illustrated Price list. free. uuilvJ (jrcut WeKternUun Wurku, Pittsburgh, 4kflt. Onew vocal S 2 new Instrumental pieces Bheet "Muslc.loc. silver orstps. Music Pub. Co.,Mld- uieuui o, jriass. 43d4t CDCC MAMMOTH OUTFIT to evervbndv. i t-L. siein wluder watch free with tlfst order Ten dollars a day guaranteed. M CuO.NKOIIS CO., Philadelphia, Pa., or Milwaukee, Wlscon ! 4M4t. RflLAKllK Mixed Cards with name. In case. 13 cts SB without ease. 9. Ml new fun cards. Me. Outlltsloe. F. WASHBUKN. & CO., Middle boro, Mass. 43d4t n io Vrm"iN icsr "f" MARCH'S WORKS the Bible, Home Life hi the Bible, , , nnd Our Father's House. No books ever published have received such universal approval from the Press, Ministers and leading men everywhere. The choice reading.nne steel engravings and superb bindings, make them welcome In every home. One sample sells all. Send for terms. Begin a paving business at once. J. O. McCUKDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 43d4t A MAN OF A THOUSAND. A CONSUMPTIVE CUBED. When death was hourly expected from Consumption, all remedies having failed, and Dr. II. James was experiment ing, he accidentally made a preparation of Indian Hemp, which cured his only child, and now gives this recipe free on rejelpt of two stamps to pay expenses. Hemp also cures night-sweats, nausea at the stsmaeh, and will break a fresh cold In 24 hours, Address. CHADDOCK & CO., 1.032 Race Street, Philadelphia, naming this paper. 43d4t SANFORDS JAMAICA GINGER. The only combination of the true Jamaica Ginger with choice Aromatlcs and French Brandy, for weak ness, weariness and prostra tion of the nervous forces, in ability to sleep, coldness of the extremities and sus pended circulation. Is grate ful boon to suirering human ity at once sootliiiig.strcngth ening. and refreshing. Ask for SANFOltD'S JAMAICA OINGEB 4Jdlt. I N H A L A T I O N A POSITIVE CUKE FOB CATARRH, BRONCHITIS. AND ASTHMA. Thousands have been cured by Dr. Golden berg's Inhalation, who were pronounced Incura ble by physicians and friends. Patients living at a distance dishing to avail themselves of the ad vice of Dr. Goldenberg, can write their name and post olllce address, and forward to Dr. Golden berg. iilil Arch Street Philadelphia, when he will return them a list of printed questions, and the answers to which will enable him to determine the nature of their diseases and the probability of cure. He will forward to anv address, giving full descriptions of the diseases he treats, etc. 21V.I Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia. Oct.. 3d. Is77. I have used Dr. Gohlenberg's Inhalation for Catarrh, Bioncliitlls, and Asthma, aud am en tirely cured. 43d4t ANNIE NEAL. KIDNEY and LIVER SPECIFIC ! 'A RADICAL CUBE FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS. BLADDER, AND URINARY ORGANS. Patients sending two ounces of urine, express, age paid, can have a chemical analysis made, and an opinion rendered regarding the uature of their diseases, etc., free of charge. Consultations and examinations free. Send for Descriptive Paper to Db. GOLDENBF.RO'S Principal Office, 43d4t Dili Arch Street, Philadelphia, EWAIUIIXti'S (1S76 Uniform Copyrighted 1877) LAW BLANKS, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low aud whatever you need. Law aud Commercial Supplies of all Kinds. - Send for samples and price lists of what you want. aa-Catalgues of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, or direct from the publisher. . E. WAKING, Tyrone, Pa. per month, wl II be paid to a good energetl e luau lu each comity to introduce Dr. EOIlS'S New Illustrated History of Penn'a. Write Immediately, and state experience In this business, and age. Address, D. C. GOODRICH, Publisher. tH3t HaiTlsburg, Penn'a. "Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind hi the World.'' Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Notices of the Tress. The veteran Magazine, which long ago outgrew ts original title of the New Monthlv Magazine, has not In the least abated the popufarlly It won at the outset, but has added to It in many wavs, and has kept fairly abreast of the times, thaiiM to tho enterprise of (lie publisher and the tact and wisdom of Its editors. Foi whatever Is best aud most readable In the literature of tiavel, dis covery, and fiction, the average reader of to day looks to Harper's Magazine, Just as expectantly as did the readers of a quarter of a century ago) there Is the same admirable varletv of contents, and the same freshness and suggesllveness in it editorial departments, now as then. "Boston Journal." TERMS : Itntjefrce to atlsubscrllmrt in tht United Stata. Harper's Magazine, one year (4 (M .i "''""'"'les prepayment of U. 8. postage by the publishers. f)ibcrl)iwm to Harper' Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address foroneyear, 110 ucj or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, 17 00 1 postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazine. Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis lor every Club of Five Subscribers at f4 00 each, paid for by one tV.7orM Without ex- Itnck iVimr can be supplied at any time. lhe Volumes of the Magazine commence with the numbers for June and December of each year. When no time Is specified, It will be on derstood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. A Complete Set of Harper's Magazine, now coinprislngftS Volumes, In neat cloth bluding.wlll be sent by express, freight at expense of purchas er, for ti 2r per volume. Single volumes.by mall, postpaid, 3 o. Cloth cases, for binding, t8 cts., by mall, postpaid. A Completo Analytical Index to the first Fifty Volumes of Harper' s Magazine has been publish ed. rendering available for relerence the vast and varied wealth of Information which eonstitues this periodical a perfect Illustrated literary cvclo pedla. 8vo, Cloth, 13 U0S Half Calf, ,3 l& Sent postage prepaid. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodicals onlv. Newspaper are not to copy tills advertise, nient without tho express order of Harper i Bros. Address HAKPEK & BKOTHEKs, New Vork. "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times" " 'I he best, cheapest, and most success ful Family Paper iu the Union.'' UAIIPEIVFWEEKL Y ILLUSTRATED. Notices of the Press. The Weekly Is the ablest and most powerful II Instrated periodical published In this country. Its editorials are scholarly and convincing, and carry much weight. Its illustrations of current events are full and fresh, ard prepared bv our best designers. Louisville Courier Journal." Harper's Weekly should be In every family throughout the land, as n piirer.more Interesting, higher toned, better Illustrated paper is not pub lished In this or any other country. " Commer cial Bulletin." Boston. The Weekly Is the only Illustrated paper of the day that in Its essential characteristics is recog. nized as a national paper.'- Brooklyn Eagle." TEKMS: ranlarte free to nil si('wcr'crs in the United States. Harper's Weekly, one year Jt 0i. ft 00 includes prepayment of U. a postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper' Magazine. 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Indexesto each volume sent gratis on receipt of stamp. Subscriptions recalved for Harper Periodicals only. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper i Brothers. Address HAKPElt & BKOTHEKS, New York. 'A Repository of Fashion. Pleasure, nandl struction." HAIIPE1VS JiAZAli. ILLUSTRATED. Notices of the Press. The Bazar Is the organ ol the fashionable world, and tlie expounder of that world's laws; and it Is the authority in all matters of manners, etiquette, costume, ami social habits. Boston Traveller." , The Bazar commends Itself to eveiy member of ' the household to the children by dioll and piet ty pictures, to young ladies by its fashion-plates iu endless variety, to the provident matron by its patterns for the children's clothes, to pater fanii lias by its tasteful designs for embroidered slip pers and luxurious dressinit-gowns. But the reading-matter of the Bazar Is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acquired a wide popu larity for the II reside enjoyment it affords and ha become an established auiliority with the ladies of America. "N. Y. Evening Post." TEKMS: Postage free to all subscribers In the United States. Harper's Bazar, one year Jt 00. HI On includes prepayment of U. 8. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address lor one year, tin On ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address lor one year. J7 Oil; postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at. 84 OoedCh. paid for 1y one re mittance: or. six Copies one year, without txtra copy, for tu) 00. lUck Numbers can be supplied at anytime. The Volumes of the K.iz ir commences wit h the year. W hen no time Is nientioneu, it will be un derstood that the subscriber wishes to commence Willi the Number next after the receipts of his or der. The Annual Volume of Harper's B.izar, In neat Cloth binding, will be sent by express, liee of ex pense, providing the freight does not exceed one dollar, for $7 each. A complete Set, comprising 10 Volumes, sent on receipt of each at tho late of So.W. Cloth Cases for eace vol., suitable for binning, will be scut by mail, postpaid, on receipt of si each. Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt of stamp. Subscriptions received for Harper's Periodicals only. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement Without the express order ol Harper it Broth-is. Allures HAKPElt & BitOTHLlW, N. Y. TESTATE JsOTICE.-Notlr-e Is hereby given li that Letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Ensminger late of Carroll township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing iu the same township. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will preseut them duly authenticated for settlement to ELIZABETH ENSMINGER, COK.NELIUS fc.NSMINGEB, A.M. Markel, Atl j for Adm'rs.J Administrates August 2d, 1877. Dl API Ull I C JiUi llOKV and the ULMUIV IIILLJj GKKAT NOKTH W KST a large loo page book, cxiitaluing full infoiuia thin of the country, with maps and illustrations, will be sent free hi every oue sending fl.un for six mouths subscription to the DAKOTA HEK ALD. The Hekald is a large 32-coluiuu journal, and Is filled with entertaining reading matter, both original and selected. It is a western journal with western Idiias. The paper threo months wuli book for 75 cents i the price of the boon aloue is 7 cents. Address, THE II EH ALU, Sept. 25, Sin. Yauktou, Dakota.