The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, November 13, 1877, Page 5, Image 5
.'. THE i TIMES, f NEW BLOOMFIELB, l'A KOVEMllElt 13,' 1877. THE TIME'S. Ioiihl Depciftncit. .4 PENNSYLVANIA R. R.-MIDDLE EIVISION. On and aftr June 13th, Trntn rnu as follow! I WESTWARD. EASTWARD. War Mali, Are. Paw Tr'u Tr'u PKINI'IPAI. HTATIONH. 1'im Ki. Mull All'. Tr'u El. MITI. Aefl. A. M. 'P.M. f. M. I. M. I 146 83 8 19 7.47 7.!'9 7 18 7 Oil 8.411 t.M 6:15 B.IKII .!tu 6 4(1 natTlablirg, lt.K-kvllIp, , Maryaville, Imurnuuoti, ' Jlully' Newport MlllcrHtuwn, Tluitnpsouru. AlKxieo,...,.... Tort It .... mi iritu , l.pwlBtown J., AlHlpl"RnX.i. McVi'jtowil,..! N., . Huiithiirduii... T rmic, ....... AltlH.TIIi P.M 1.8U r.Mi, t-.rvi. a.m lu.Ui HI 41 7. Ml 7. fill K'Jl i.5'j: i (if B.65 II. IK .4(1 .M no 1. 1 7.4H 7.M MM 19.M 7.80 lO.Stl .ftS "(IS pan met t H.M ltl.lli ill.U 11.14 11.411 12.2(1 l.:u 7. IB 8.4:1, i.h! 8.0" 19.99 0.64 g.M H.4S . Ml 8.2:) S.2H a.w a.oo 1IB"1 41 Clh 1 P. In a in 4.UIII 4.5; 4. .'.I .! H.:n T.i P.M.I 11. IH 6.4(1, 8.41 10.114 ."' 8 ! III. Ill 4.471 H.s;; 4. IH 7.IW 8. ' 8.S8! .MI. 8.15 3 . fl i 8.11 A.M. P.M.IP.M. 1.16 rw I'ltrMhnri- Pnrr lnvos tl:irrtsluiv at 11. m' cm. Dmicamimi II. f8 (ilni'l: Newport 11.11 (IIuk) aid rlVf'Kttt 1'ltlKlill:-vtll8.1llA. M. flT-0"ii!t West. Ui" Wtv r.isnnc lavi(a Harris burir Pully -t!u ellicl l.l- ihiH J.',I! v exn:'t Khli'ia . "H'ihir KW. tlie AfliMiHi? F.xprcs Ifiva A Dully, the other trains Dally except Sunday. tTfl'acltl-- Kiiiri'M Wpft Kill t"i at lliucsnicm nt 4.6:1 anil at Ni-WKllt at 6.17 a; in., ulimi'd. Iti-UM'ItoiiiK. C. W. Z. Your eommunleiilioti Is too personal lor publication. VHome persons entered the granary of Mr. riiilip MciXemnr, In Centre town ship on Tuesday niht, and carried oil" about twenty bushels of corn. The rnln full of Thursday and Thurs dny night was very great. Considerable damage to fences was done and va rious small bridges were carried oil. Ya two year old child of Mr. Young, at Duncannon was so badly scalded about two weeks since that it died from the effects on Thursday last. On Sunday night aweek the old ware house hi Mcvcytown was set on flreaud consumed with the stable attached. Loss about !?i!,000. We cull the attention of shippers of Produce to the card of J. M. tiirvin & Son, Baltimore. From all we can learn it is a reliable house. On Thursday night last, a house be longing to Harry .Long Bituatein Green wood twp., took fire from the Hue and before tho Uatnea were extinguished, burned the roof nearly oil". X The late style of collars Is very high. A few nights since one of the young men in this place, woke up, and saw a ghost in his room. Seizing his six shooter, he approached it, and found it was his collar, which happened to be standing on the floor. V The profit seems to be all on one side when a furmer brings you a pound of butter and a bushel of potatoes and col- lects eighty cents, and then brings in seven of his fumlly to dinner. Such an incident happened in this borougli.on the day of the re-union. On Monday night last, a horse be longing to Kev. Logan, of Millerstown, and a buggy belonging to John Ernest, of tho same place were stolen. The horse and wagon were heard to pass through Greenwood twp., on tho road leading to Liverpool, shortly before day light on Tuesday morning. The German Baptists recently had a love-feast in their new church near Blaiu ; after the love-feast, they contin ued preaching near two weeks, which resulted in the conversion and immer sion of four in the Sherman's creek. Not a few of tho wealthiest farmers and others belong to this unassuming class of people. ; Robbery. On Monday night of last week, some person made a forcible entry into the store of D. It. Kleffmnn, of Millerstown. About thirty dollars worth of goods were stolen. Marks of a wagon were seen next morning, showing that the goods had been removed in that manner. Tho Schools of Carroll twp., are taught by the following persons : Sher mansdale school, Mr. Dunkelberger; Wolf's, Miss Annie Smiley; Windy Hill, Chas. Henderson ; Narrows, John Garman; Tleasant Grove, Mr. Hippie; Houston's, B. F. Buckwalter ; I'ine Hill, Wm. Garman; Brownwell'g, T. S. McCord; Lackey's, Miss Mollie Lackey ; Fox Hollow, Mr. Steele. Doings at the Register's Office. The following is a record from the Register's Office for the month of October. Letters of Administration. John W. Shuman, Administrator of Elizabeth Strieker, deceased Bond, SI, 000. Wills Admitted to Probate. Thos. M. Sullenberger, Executor of l'eter Wax. John Sweger, Executor of Bich ard Thompson. Deeds of Assignment W. A.Spons ler, Assignee of J. Morrison & Son. Joseph Hamaker, Assignee of Samuel K. Leedy & wife. More Careless Gunning. On Saturday afternoon a young man named " Scatch er" Campbell, went out from Newport for rabbits, being accompanied by Harry Wingert and Elmer Zlegler. The dogs ran a rabbit into a pile of rails, the Wingert and Zlegler boys went to one end of the pile, while Campbell with the gun was at the other. Ziegler held his hand over a hole, while the other boy was looking In, when Camp bell fired, eight shots entering Zlegler's hand, and other shots taking1 effect in Wingert's face, one going Into his eye, destroying that valuable organ.. It is time some action was taken to prevent these gunnltig micldnnts, by- severely punishing those who by their careless ness cause them. ; ; ' ' v - , ' I Another Sudden Death. On Wednesday last Mr Solomon Itoth, of KsChol was found dead on tho road bctweon.the tan nery and his residence. Mr.' Ttoth had been working at the tannery and not feeling well said he would quit for a while and come back after dinner. In about half an hour some boys brought word that a man was lying In the road and they thought ho was dead. Borne men went to see and found that It was Mr. Both and that he had probably been dead for some minutes. He had com plained of a pain In his breast but had generally enjoyed good health. Horse Drowned. A few days ago, while on the homeward trip with a boat load of coal, at the Nantlcoke dam, about six miles this side of Wilkesbarre, a val uable horse belonging to Jones Brothers & Company, of this place, fell down over a stone wall Into the canal and was drowned, dragging a mulo that was hitched In the same team into tho water also, tho mule, however, fell on top of the horse, keeping tho latter under tho woter until death ensued, and then his muleshlp was towed thirty yards or more up the canal to where the wall wns lower, where he climbed to tho tow path. Newport Kcwt. October Weather Report. B. Mclntire, Esq., sends us the following report of the weather for tho month of October, 1877 : Average of 'Thermometer at 8 o'clock A. M., and C2'. Avernge greatest degree of heat,00 and 21',and of lowest of cold, 42 and 40'. Average of Barometer, 30 inches minus 0-tenths. There fell during the month 7 Inches and 7-tenths of rain, on the 4th, 2 Inches and 7-tcnths,on the 8th, 2-tenths, on tho 10th, 3-tenths, on the 11th, 2-tenths, on the 10th, l-tenth,on the 20th, 1-tenth, on the 21st, 1 inch and 5-tcnths, on the 2Gth, 4-tenths, on the 27th, 1-tenth, and on 31st, 3-tenths. There were 10 clear days, the 17th was the warmest day, the Thermometer run ning up to 70 and the 23d was the coolest, the mercury sinking to 42. There was no frost to Injure vegetation. Tomatoes In blossom during tho whole month. There has not been so warm an October for 20 years by an average of 8 degrees. Information Wanted. About twenty years ago, there lived in Juniatacounty, Pa., somewhere along tho Black Log mountain, a family by the name of Mc Gurvey. In addition to the father and mother, there were twin daughters, three years old, who were separated at that time, and they have never been able to hear of each other since, owing, no doubt, to their extreme youth when parted. The one sister is now a resident of Newport, and Is anxious to learn, if possible, tho whereabouts of her long lost sister, who, it lias been ascertained was taken by one Mr. John Thompson, who removed, about the same timo,from Juniata county to some one of the west ern states, most likely Iowa. The then little girl who accompanied Mr. Thomp son was named either Juniata or Sus quehanna McGurvey. Any person kindly furnishing information that will assist in bringing the long lost sisters to gether will be gratefully remembered by those immediately interested. Exchang es will confer a favor by making a note of the above circumstances. Address Solomon Zelgler, Newport, Perry coun ty, Ta. Court Proceedings. In addition to what we published last week, the follow ing miscellaneous business, together with a great deal that does not interest the public generally was disposed of. ORPHANS' COURT. WIDOWS' ArrilAISEMENTS C'ONKIKMKD. Catherine McKenney, widow of Pat rick McKcnney, deceased. Louisa Gelbach, widow of John Gel bach, deceased. Margaret J. King, widow of Sampson S. King, deceased. Martha Sweezy .widow of Chas.Swee.y, deceased. Lena Lukenbaugh, widow of Adam Lukenbaugh, deceased. Susan Jacobs, widow of Nicholas Jacobs, deceased. GUARDIAN APPOINT1IEXTS. Elias B. Leiby, Guardian of minor children of Alex. Troup, deceased. Abraham Evans, Guardian of minor children of Wm. Fenicle, deceased. SALE OF HEAL ESTATE CONFIRMED. A tract of land, situate in Miller town ship, sold by W. A. Sponsler, Adminis trator of Isaac. Bretz, deceased, for S800. A tract of woodland, to Wm. Pines, for $100 ; also a tract of land to J. E. Wright, Esq., for $1905, sold by Daniel Pines, Administrator of John Pines, deceased, the balance of the real estate belonging to the widow under the will of decedent. The real estate of Catherine Roath, deceased, of the borough of Liverpool, to Lindley J. Fritz, by M. B. Holruan Administrator, for the sum of $302. The mansion farm of George Wilt, deceased, to Absalom Gougler, by Wm. Barger, Administrator, for $3079.75 House and lotin Duncannon borouch. sold by Wm. C. King, Administrator of eampson . King, deceased, to Wm. 1 Smith, for f2fl00. The balance of the real estate remains unsold. OIIDKIIBTO SELL TtEAL ESTATE ' AWARDED. ' A. J. Trover, Administrator, Ac, of Ge4rge Rupley, of Marvsvllle, to sell the undivided one half of a lot of ground, In Marysvllle. Peter Smith, Administrator, &o., of Wm. I. Smith, to sell a house and lot In the borough of Newport. Wm. II. Morrltz, Administrator, Ac, of Wm. B. Ackley, to sell a tract of land, containing 11 acres in Howe twp. Richard M. Jones, Administrator. &o., of Joseph Dukes, for two tracts of land, to wit: No. 1, containing 20 acres, and No. 2, containing 12 acres, In Carroll township. Charlotte A. Rice, Adm'rx, Ac, of Jacob A. Rice, for two tracts, to wit : Nol, a mill property, containing 18 acres, and No. 2, a tract of woodland, containing 44 acres, situate In Savillo township. Catherine Trostle, Adm'rx, Ac, of Elins Trostle, for a tract of land con taining 18 acres, In Sivville township. COMMON TLKAS & QUAKTEtl SESSIONS. InrjutMlons Confirmed. Inquest on dead body of Margaret Bnrget, held by H. L. Hohenshlldt. lmiiiest on dead body of John Moore, held dy I. Chisholm, Esq. Jniiditiflnn de Itinnflro Inqulrcndo on Michael Peters, of Watts township, and John Hemperiy appointed his Com mittee. Hotel License of John A. Llnawcaver of Newport borough, transferred to Wm. T. Kepner. Preliminary Injunction granted to restrain County Treasurer from issuing huckster licenses for a less period than one year. Report of viewers appointed to assess dumuges sustained by Jacob Steel, by reason of tho Pennsylvania Canal Co., appropriating land, etc., was confirmed provided no exceptions be filed within three days. Charles II. Smiley, Esq., appointed Auditor to examine accounts of County Officers. TItUKTEKS SALES OF HEAL ESTATE CONFIRMED. Mansion farm and limestone quarry, sold to George Stambaugh for $0050 00, also house and lot sold to Mrs. Margaret Graham for $1078 00 by W. W. McClure committee of Wm. J. Graham. A tract of land sold to Lewis B. Kerr, by V. W. McClure, Assignee of John Irvine for $000 00. A tract of land in Savillo township, sold to Conrad Rice, by D. Kistler, Assignee of Benjamin Rice and John S. Wetzel, Asslgneo of B. F. Rice for $3H80 00. A tract of land In Madison township, sold to Wm. Rice by D. Kistler Assignee of Benjamin Rice for $5050 00. A house and lot in the borough of Newport, sold to John A. Hogentogler, by E. B. Weise Assignee of John Leon ard for $700 00. Two tracts of mountain land sold to Wm. Everhart by Avlin Fry, Assignee of John Crum for $200 00 and $18 40 respectively. A tract of land in Carroll township, sold to J. E. Junkln, Esq., by J. 8. Rickey ,Assigneeof Margaret R. Donley for $2000 00. A tract of land Bold to George Kener, by D. B. Milliken and D. H. Sheibly, Assignee of John D. Cree for $3500. A houso and lot sold by Emanuel Smith, Assignee of D. W. Barrick to Frances English for $200. The viewers appointed to pass upon the expediency of making the Newport Bridge a public bridge, under the recent act of assembly reported adversely to any change from its present condition. Juniata County. We copy tho follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week. Samuel Imes, a colored citizen of Walker township, lias been observing the work of the fly" in tho growing wheat. He says tiiat by going to a wheat field on a clear evening about the time of sunset, and putting one's face to the ground, and directing the eyes toward the settii.g aun the "fly"- may be seen at work. It Is exceedingly small, and requires good eyes, but a close look will see them in great numbers. depositing their larva) in the groove of tne lear or tne wneat stalk, at a pluce where the larvre adheres till a dew or rain washes it down to the heart of the stalK, where it germinates, or takes life. and of course after that the vitality of me wneoi is seriously impaireu 11 not entirely uestroyea. On Saturday liiBt Buyers & Kennedy's coal team Btarted from the ware-house and ran up to Pennebaker & Slautter back's blacksmith shop, where thev run against and upset another wagon besides upsetting the one to which they were at tached. One of the horses was quite Be verly hurt. One night last week, Joseph Selber, residing near McAllisterville, had a valuable horse kicked on the hind leg while in the stable, breaking the leg in two places. The animal was a valuable one and had to be shot. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland county papers of last week : A number of students have been sus pended from Dickinson college, owing to depredations committed on Halloween night. Mr. N. J. Glass, of Hunter's Run, in forms us that he shot a strange-looking animal a few days since. The animal had made frequent visits to his chicken coop, and is pronounced by knowing ones to be a species of catamount. It measured exactly three feet in length, 15 inches In height, and weighed 10i pounds. Volunteer. On election evening a fight occurred near the square, between Geo. Hotl'man, saddler, and a young man by the name of Meek. During or after the first troub le, a quarrel arose between Hoffman and John Faber, a young man, when Hoff man was knocked down, his head strik ing on the curh-6tone. Ho Mas taken up unconscious and carried to the office of Dr. Krlse, who examined and dressed Lis injuries, Hoffman all the while re maining Insensible. He was removed In this condition to his home. Wednes day Meek and Floyd, both young men, were arrest!, but Falter has fled. , Al though his life was despaired of hopes are now entertained of ids recovery. On Tuesday lust a colored child by the name of Thompson, whose parents re side on North street, in this borough, was so bndly burned that death ensued a short time after. The burned child with one or two other children was left in the house while the mother was out washing. The little one getting too near the stove Its clothing took fire when It ran into the street. A neighbor woman ran to its assistance and stripped ofr the burning clothes. At first It was supposed that no serious injury had been done, but the deceased must have Inhaled some of the smoke and (lames. Church Notices. Presbyterian preaching next Sunday at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. The third Quurterly Meeting for New Bloiimfield Circuit M. E. Church, will be held at lckesburg on Saturday and Sun day .next. Dr. Mitchell, 1'. E., will be present. Does This fit You ?-Some of my custom ers have apparently forgotten that store accounts need to be paid. I want money and a little attention to this notice will save costs. F. MORTIMER. County Price Current. . f) loom field November 12, 187. Vlax-Heed 1 26 Potatoes 35 Butter p pound 1032) EggD V dozen 15 " Dried Apples Hi pound 6 qtn" Dried Teaches 10 9 15cts.Vlb N BWPOUT MAUKKTSi t Corrected Weekly by Kough A Jlroihtr. J DEALERS IN CJ II A.IIV Ac PHODUOK. Newi-okt, November 10, 1877. Flour, Extra 10 50 " Super $1 50 Wlilte Wheat V bush, (old) 136aia5 Ked Wheat 1 30 1 30 Kye r.50r,5 Corn 40 S2 Oat9 V 32 pounds 2S2S Clover Seed 4 2.3Q4 25 Timothy Boed 1 20 Flax Seed 1 00 Potatoes 30 30 Bacon 8 ft 11 Dressed lings Ground Alumn Bait 135 6135 Llmeburner's Coal, 2 00 Stove Coal 3 75 0 4 25 Pea Coal 2 f.O Gordon's Food per Sack, t2 00 FISH, SALT, LIMB AK1) COAIj Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the io west. Ai.ii Kei nates. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLT. woodward ti Bonn. Carlisle, October 27,1887. Family Flour (6.50 Superfine ltye Flour 3.50 White Wheat, new 1 30 Red 1 30 rye 55 Corn, (new) 50 Oats 25 Cloverseed 5.(0 a 5.00 Tlmothyseed 1 25 MAIIIIIAGEQ. IMce IlEimiKii On the Ttli int., at the resi dence of the bride's ptirrulH. In 'Joliovne twp., by the Itev. M. C. Piper, Mr. Win. M. Rice, of tan- neiisiHin;. rn., ioaiiss Alarm li. Merrier, or lo buyue twp., Perry county. ItoTii. At Kshcol on the 7th Inst., Mr. Solomon j.oui, agca auout a years. r ADIKS addicted to tho habit of lutein J j perauce are invited to seek information at a liilvnte homo, where medical attendance and nil comforts are provided. For information address wits. w. it. jsnjiiiM.riti.'s, isox i,tii. l'liliatleliHa. nuvuuiuer, u, mil. A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Jacob Rlstlne, and Susanna his wife, of Wheatlield twp.. Perry Co., Ph., have assigned their properly to the under signed, residing in I ne same lownslilp, lor the benefit of creditors. All persons therefore Indebted to aid Jacob Klstlne and wife. are reouested to make ii.ivment. and those liavlnR claims will present them duly authenticated to the undersigned for settlement wuuoiii ueiiiy. SOLOMON BIGTIAM, November 13, 1877. Assignee. Lewis Potter, Attorney. J. M. Giuvis. J. JI. Gikvik. J. M. GIRVIN & SON., FLOUR, GRAIN, SEED & PRODUCE Commission Merchants, No. 04 South Gay, St., BALTIMORE, MD. We will pay strict attention to the sale of all kinds of Country Produce and remit the amounts promptly. 45 lvr. J. M. GIRVIN fc SON. XECUT0R'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE subscriber. Executor of Wm. Moore, de ceased, will sell at public sale, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1677, the following described property, to wit: A HOUSE AND LOT, situate in the borough of llloomnelil. The proper ty Is located on Mam street, and Is a desirable projierty for any person wanting a pleasant town residence. ,, ROBERT MOORE. Bloomneld, Nov. 13, '77 Kxeeutor. ALSO FOR SALE the entire real estate, formerly owned by Wm. Moore, situate In Centre township. This proper, tyoonslstsof twoGOOD FARMS, containing al together about iro ACRES, with HOUSES BARN'S, o all complete. These properties will be gold separately or together. TFor fui ther lutormation apply to KOBLKT MOORE. New lilouinlleli. SAY I .'if n i DO VOlJ WANT TO BUY A FIRST CLASS BUFFALO ROUE, DOURLH LAP ROBE, CIIEAPt DOUBLE HORSE BLANKETS, CHEAP T A FIRST CLASS 8EWINU MACHINE, CHEAP T OR ANY HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DRUGS, WINES, LIQUORS. e., Ac, CHEAP T t GO TO THE OHEAP STORE t OF S. M. S1IULER, Liverpool, Terry County, Fenna. 1'liEAPKR THAN EVKR. 1878. NEW YORK. 1878. As the time nppronehes for the renewal of sub scrlptlims. 1 If K HliN would remind Its friends and wellwlshers everywhere, that It Is again a candidate for their consideration and support. lipon Its record for the past ten years It relies for a continuance of the dearly sympathy and general co operation which have hitherto been extended to It. from every quarter of the Union. The Dally flun Is a four page sheet of 2Rcol mims, price by mail, poet paid, 66 cents a month, or fN'Mfl per year. The Sunday edition of THE RUN fs an elRht page-sheet of 5(looliimii9. W hile giving the news of (he day, it also contains a large amount, of lit erary and miscellaneous matter specially pre pared for it. THESI.NliAV SUN has met with great success. Post paid 81.20 a year. THE WEEKLY SUN. Who does not know THE WEEKLY HUN f It circulates throughout the United States, the Can adas, and beyond. Ninety thousand families greet Its welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide, counselor, and friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, and literary depart ment make It essentially a Journal for the faml lyand the llreslde. Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid. This price, (piallty consideied. makes It. the cheapest newspaper published. For clubs of ten, with 810 eash.we w ill send an extra copy free Address PUBLISHER OF THE SUN, New York City. JOHN D. GROVES, CotiinilMfilon Merchant For the sale of Produce. Consignments and Corresbondence solicited. Dealer In Lime. Plasters Hair, Calcined Plaster ml Cements: Sewer Pipe, Vlre, Iirlck, Tile, C'hlmiiev, Tops and Gutter Brick. 45 4tw No. 0 Ninth Street. . - Pittsburgh. JyJOTICE. Jons J. Tatlou ) In the Court of CommonTleas i of Perry County. Elle.n Tati-OH. ) No. 43 . August Term, 1877. KimpiENA in Divorce. Sc. Notice Is hereby given to the respondent to ap- 5 ear on the llrst Monday of January next, being IONDAY, the 7th day of January, A. D.. 1874, and answer the complaint of the said Ilbellant, and show cause why a decree of divorce a vincu lo matrimonii should not be granted, Kc. . . W. WILLIAMSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's OHIce, New Uloomlield, Oct.SC,1877. gUKPItlSlNO! JUST OPENED A VA11IETY STOIZU, TJ1 TOWIV! We Invite I lie Citizens of BLOOM FIELD and vicinity, to call and examine our Stock of GROCERIES, (JUEENSWARE. GLASSWAR TIN WARE. A FULL VARIETY OF NOTIONS, &c, &c, 4to., All 'of which we are selling at astonishingly LOW PEICES. Give us a call and ftAVTI MONEY, as we are almost GIVING. THINGS AWAY. I S Butter and Eggs taken in trade. VALENTINE BLANK, West Main Street. 381y VALUABLE STORE STAND AT I'MIFATJJ SALE. Tho subscriber will sell at private sale his DWELLING HOUSE AND STORE STAND AND A LOT OF GROUND, containing Four Acres more or less. There Is a never-failing Spring of Water and other Out buildings on the premises. The above proiiertv Is located In the village of Centre, Ferry county. Pa. The Store Stand is good. Post-Ollice in the Store. - Price llfitiu payments easy. Possession giveu iu April 1st, lbTti. G. 8. MILLS. November 6,1377. VALUABLE rilflWiRTY" AtPiivnfoSnlc. THE subscriber otters at private sale in gprins township, Perry county, Pa., A Tit ACT OF LAND containing TWENTY-TWO ACRFS. more or less, having thereon erected a THREE STORY LOG WEATHER HOARDED HOUSE, Frame Barn and Shoemaker Shop and all the necessary out buildings and a Well of water near the door and a lot apple, peach, pear, quince and cherry Ireea , grapes, &c. This property Is located one mile North East of Oak Grove, and is an excellent location for a Shoemaker Shop. ,Terms of sale easy. August 7, 1877. DAVID REIBER. VALUABLE STORE STANL At Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale about ONE ACRE OF G ROUND, havin? tliereoii erected a LARGE HOI SE. with KITCHEN WASH HOUSE and STABLE, and a WEI L of good water near the door. v?r,T,lre '? lar,re STORE ROOM In the building in which a store has been kept for a J,"" luestaudl iy desirable There Is also erected on the premises another HOUSE AND STABLE, which will be i mid 7kZ aratehr or wKh the Store Stand, to suit purchas ers. These properties are located In a good com. munlry, with Schools and Churches convenient 44 Call ou or addrets o, --, HOLI.ENBAUGH, Aug. 21. 77pdJ (Sandy Hill, Perry Co., Pa CALL AND SEE ME. The Subscriber ha opened a Store opposite the Railroad Depot, at NEWPORT, where he spu pared to supply v" OYSTERS, GROCERIES, de., At the lowest market price. A full stock on hand. The patronage of Hie public Is solicited WM. 1CKES. ' Newport. Pa, Don't you want some cheap foods lor Pauts and Suits f I you do. don't lull to ei. Mm.l!!?rt,i'.L-pleJlld wtment for sale by F. S!.rIWtl -uu can 8uit yourself lu style and