, THE, TIMES, ,HW lU)pj(liniVV, 1VA,0VEMJIE11;13, 1877. THE TIMES. tfeio liloomfleld t jVoM. 13, 1S77. : nutick to advkhtisehb. No flnl or BtPTOolyp will rlnrted Inlhli paper VnlMw light fftiie sud ou metal bs. tWTwMity iwrrml. intrii of roiriilsr rales, will In obsiwd for Uvirtl.finmU Ml 111 lHubl Uulniuu. ' NOTICE TO HIIIlSfltinF-RH. I.nnk l the ftirtire. n the Inbel of rnnr rspir. TlioHKllviirfM tt-ll vnii tbn dnte to-wlilc jrnnr mill rrliiilon In nnld. VVIIIilit a wii kf uit.r money Is until. If the tlte ! chunked. other Mci lpt ts ueottMiinrv. T1IK TIMKS FPU IMS. For the year W8 we propose to furnish Till Timks to single subscribers mid clubs at tho following rates, payable In udvalire i Plnulo Copies for i fl.SH. Ten " " i. 11110. Twenty " " 'M.W. Out or tiih C'ountt. Slnlo Copies (noslnga Inclndrd) . fl.Wl Klvo " " " 7. (HI Ten " i " " 1S.0I) Twenty " " " !.'0.U0 Tin porson getting up dubs of tun or mora will tie entitled to a ropy free. Tub Ti.mrb run Notiiino. The subscribers remitting now will rccwlro Tub Timus until January 1st, IS7H freo of (Oniric, as nil subscribers now iccclved will ditto from Unit time. OTIimi ri'lll.H'ATIONS. Bulmi'i Ibcrs who desire other publications can linro Tun TlMBS and Vrltrion'i Mtiiiazltit foilfa.75 " " " nruc'i Matiiuini " 4. Ml ' ' Witkly " 4. fill " " i.'nciir " 4.&0 (JllVICItNOK WlLLIAMH lilts fippollltotl I). AV. Voiirlicos to fill tlio vnoiinry in tlie Unlti'il HtntcB Hennto ocoiihIoiu'iI by Senator Morton's iUuitli. Tim IndluulluiiB nro Unit the total voto of the HttUe will reach C7S,(Kl(l, ncnily 100,000 less ilinn hint yenr. Tlio green-bnck-lalior vote will (iggrpgulu between 50,000 and 00,000. Tim hoittii litis a peculiar wny of titling things. At a recent fair in lied Itlver county, Texas, they opened tlio fair by tv procession with a triumphal ear, con taining a young lady to represent every Btnte In the Union. Pennsylvania was represented by Mrs. Hell Devor, former ly of this county. The fair wound up with n light between a hear and eight dogs, bruin whipping the whole lot. Tim? Ho run has passed tlio Silver bill by a large majority. This bill makes the silver dollar, though worth four cents less than a greenback dollar and six cents less than a gold dollar, a legal tender for all debts. It Is a pity that legislation upon financial matters could not lc placed on a body of men who had some knowledge of tlio subject. As a general thing politicians and lawyers are poor financiers except in so far ns caring for their individual interest is concerned. They make a great hue and cry ttbout the " dollar of our daddies," but if they only had some of the cmo of tlulr dad dies the people generally would have a chanco to handle more dollars. This continual tinkering at the finances up sets every one's calculations-and lias a tendency to keep all business at a stand still. If Congress, after passing the appro priation bills, would njourn with a guar antee that It would not con veno again for two years, we believe tho money troubles would lie settled by tlio people, in a satisfactory manner. On Tuesday last elections wcro held in twelve states. New York, New Jer sey, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minne sota, Mississippi, Virginia and Wiscon sin elected State officers and legislatures. Massachusetts, Mississippi and Wiscon sin also voted upon proposed Constitu tional Amendments. Kansas, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania elected Btato officers, but not members of the Legislature. Connecticut elected State Senators and Representatives and county sheriff1. Pennsylvania has given a Democratic majority on the whole State ticket of from 5 to 0,000. New Jersey has gone Democratic, Gen eral McClellan being elected Governor by about 0,000. Maryland has also gone Democratic by probably 25,000 majority. In Connecticut the result favors the Republicans. The Legislature chosen will possibly elect a United States Sen ator to succeed Senator Barnum. In Virginia and Mississippi no Repub lican ticket was run, and of course the Democrats had it all their own way. Massachusetts re-leets Gov. Rice, by an increased Republican majority of about 10,000 over the vote of last year. In Minnesota the Democrat and Greenback parties united but the Repub licans carry the State over both tho fu sion and the Prohibitory ticket. New York elects the Democratic State ticket by about 15,000. ' The Legislature will be Republican by a small majority. Wisconsin goes Republican by about 5,000. The Greenbfickers, in that State cast about 30,000 votes. Nebraska goes Republican by 4,000 or 5,000 majority. COUNTY VOTE OF 1877. - OFFICIAL, The following It the ofllcial vote cnit In this county on Tuimduy, November (Uh,18T7i . i, ' Staf Trtamrtr. AuiHIor Juilnt of (Ujuml. N.Vouri. 3 S I 1 3 : f DlSTlllCTS. jj ' E I ' j r ? llloomnuld Ml Wl Ml nil W ' 11 llumilo two , 03 TO fit TO no Ti Carroll, Mil 1117 Ml 1117 W 1IIH Centre, 1(X) 11H WO 11 100 117 llunoaunon, 114 lilt Ml JU4 , H5 114 Hrccnwoiid, 7!1 HO T4 ' Wl Ti WO Howe, 11.1 fl Hi B5 111) HA Jnt'kRon, MO Til Hill HO Mil HO Jiinliiln, HII Ml (HI fill (Ml Ml Umlliitinrp, 'J Ml H'J 40 HI Ml Liverpool fior. Mrt f7 Wl f.7 WV ' Liverpool Twp. nil fi.1 till fi.1 US to MiidlKon, Tfl NH T.I Wl Til Mnrynvllle, IH H4 HI H4 1"l HM Miller, 1111 IK ill) IS itO ' II MlllerRtnwn, 117 71 117 Tt '-'II HO New Hufliilo, '."J 1'J 'J'J I'l L'il 1'J Newport, II'J Hit ' 11111 U'U I0H 1S4 Oliver, OH 4:1 IHl 4il ml 4:1 IVnii, HI 10') Nil M.I H'J M5 Itye, HI 4S H.I 4S HI 41 Kitnily 11111, 4.1 104 45 104 4fl 104 Hitvlllii, K.l U.I 1M H."i lit HI Kprlnjr, 40 'J'.'il 40 '-"."J 47 Tohoyne, 1111 41 I tfl I 41 IIS 4(1 Tiwiiront, 7:1 7T 7;l 77 711 71) Tyrone, 1ST 1:.T. l'.'S 1:.'t 1!7 I'M Wntts, : (10 H ft) H nil 11 Wlieiillleld, 76 r,T 75 67 'iO 60 Totnin, rani ai74 y:w7 217S s:na ami a!74 StTH 'JtfO.1 MnJorRk'B, 'J17 U0U . M7 Ami'le wwitr Ji'mJ fitmry. S3 IIISTItll TS. 3 S W I P a Jlliionillelcl (l Rri f.H H7 P0 H7 (111 SO lliillulo twp., 2ii H"i m V. (VI 71 (VI 7:1 Carroll, IU 111 IH 1IJ W VM )4 1M Centre, !0 117 H7 Til !H IJi) ln 111 Jmiifiiniinn, Ai lis wi x& :ii l:u wi l.ii (ireenwoud, .IS Ml f2 InH 71 1 74 V7 Howe, :n u :ki :n ir :ni ,n liicknon, 170 70 174 7'1 IIS HI M4 hi .limhitit, W 51 17 f'll 87 CI 1(7 f4 Ijiinillslnnn, liii M 4.'l J1S 2 62 .13 fill Liverpool Imi, H'.i 47 7:") (HI RS f.ll Hj f.S Llverpiiol twp.,ill ill ml fi7 (!'i 61 ni M MiiiIIhoii. 7! Si H0 S3 IU I'S 77 R7 NiirvRVille. Mo R2 41 I'll p:i HI M PI Miller. to 1s : 21 no is :u m milleiHtown, !!7 Cil M 7) ;i7 70 .'17 7(1 Newlliilliilo, 21 11 22 11 22 12 22 12 ewlolt, ' Mi W I"'' 117 1(M 127 110 121 Oliver, lit 40 (111 4(1 nil 41 07 II r i, in ii.t ii I7.i wi inn 7n icii live, 77 61 C.i lis m 41 K4 4H Hiimlvlllll, M HI 44 P4 41 101 4(1 K2 Havllle, 163 CI 112 II'J 1 III IHl 161 W HrliiK. 231 47 215 .111 2JI 47 2.V1 47 Tolicijiie, US 4'! 117 41 13H 41 120 41 Tn(Miuia, i7 111 "7 PI 71 77 71 77 Tyione, 11 12:1 112 lml 12il 122 120 l2i IVhIIr. 60 I) (ill S HI K 11 K WlieiltlleM, Hi I 64 70 6S 74 6S 7.1 67 Totuls, KKll 21P2 2:!l 2337 2:i:is 2213 2:M 21B7 2IH2 zm 22:- 21S7 Mnjoiitles, 227 11 KB 2"0 Democrat In hmall capS, Ropubli ciins in Jtalic. Greenback Ticket. The following is tlio voto cast in this county, at the lateelcction forthedreen-back-liiibor ticket: DiSTIIICTS. iinirniotwp. llunennnon, (Ireonwood, Howe, Jiiekson, Junluta, LRiidlubnig, MitryBvllle, Miller, New UuflUlo Newport, (Hlver, Penn, Bprlnif, Tyrone, Wutts, Wlieatlleld, Totals, 11 Si tl 14 1 a 2d 8 3 8.1 13 !i'J 18 1 303 M 3 a 10 SO 3 14 3 23 H 3 .11 13 !!tl M 1 5 204 15 :.'a l 14 1 10 8 3 as 13 1)7 17 1 5 104 82 1(1 1 20 1 a l.i 8 5 60 11 SI) 1.1 1 11 a 273 13 27 1 14 n 15 7 3 33 11 38 17 a 5 188 13 27 1 14 3 Id 7 3 33 1 1 30 17 1 7 180 Mr. Wetzel, candidate for Sheriff, withdrew a few days before the election, lie received 1 voto In Howe; LaudlRburga Newport 0 ; Ol iver 3j Spring 11 Wheattlold 1 Total 24. Tho Temperance Ticket received 4 votes In Elooinllekl j Centre 1 1 Jackson 1. Rather an Unpleasant Test. A party a few daysslnco left New York to test a lire extinguisher, and had sing ular experience. The steamer Thomas Hunt, with about fifty persons, left Tier 10, East river, at noon, and proceeded to Prince's bay, Staten Island, where the extinguishers aro manufactured. At this point an abandoned canal boat was to be used for the experiments. The hold of tho boat was partitioned off' into sec tions, one of which was filled with com bustible material. To make sure of a hot fire, two barrels of petroleum were poured into tho section by over-zealous workmen. Tho extinguishing apparatus being arranged, a torch was lighted and thrust Into the hole. The petroleum ex ploded Instantly, blowing the old canal boat into a thousand pieces. Some thirty persons were standing upon the boat, and, singularly enough, only two were injured. They were James Qulnn, a laborer, who was cut about the head and his legs badly brulsed,and a reporter for the World, who received a severe gash on the chiu. The lire extinguishing apparatus con sists of iron cylinders charged with liq uified carbonic acid gas. Ah oil tank was set on fire, and the flames almost Inntnntly extinguished. It 1 propoH. ed to give another trial of It at an early day, when thoRe Interested will iiave a bettor chance to Jtidne of Its merits. . A Woman Burned te Death, The farm house on what Is known ns the Major farm, In Durry township, Miftllu county, and occupied by Joseph KuiriiiiKlc, Wan discovered to bo on fire about 0 o'clock on Hat unlay a week, by Mr. John Miller, who was on his way to work at Logan. On reach I lift tho bonne, Mr. Miller discovered Mr. Huff nnglo Insldo tho front room, and succeed ed In rescuing him and two children in an InsctiHlblo 1 condition. Mrs. Hufl nnglo was up stairs, and wns heard to cry for help, but those who had reached the burning building wcro unable to rentier her nny assistance, nnd sho was burned to death In the house, which wiih entirely consumed, together with all of Mr. lf iiirnnglu's household goods. He was considerably but not seriously burned. One Flash of Lightning. The town of Rlchnrtlsou and vicinity wns visited by a severe lightning storm Sunday evening a week. A Mr. Stone, living one and a half miles from town, fearing that tho lightning might strike his hoiist!, grasped his llttlo boy in his arms and called to his wife to follow, started to a hole ting In tlio ground nnd covered, about ono hundred yards from tho resldeneo. They had got about half way, when a bolt struck tho father nnd child, killing them Instantly.1 Mrs. Stone wns thrown several yards, nnd lay for toino time Insensible. Tlio shoes and clothing on Stone and his child wcro literally torn into shreds. Gritim- Dilomtna of a Tramp. A tramp, who dried to steal a rldo from Cheyenne, Wyoming, to (Ireen river, on tlio top of one of Jarrett & Palmer's cars recently, had a terrible experience. Tho rapid motion of tho car compelled him to wind his arms and legs round a stove pipe, and hnng on for dear life, and his coat and hat were carried away by the force of tho wind. Tlio burning-cinders pierced his clothes llko bullets, and cut and scorch ed ills hands and face, so that, when ho reached Green river, tlio terror, exhaus tion and pain had made his hair turn gray. til' In Alabama two white penitentia ry convicts escaped from Mr. J. W. Coiner about two weeks since in a sin gular way. On of them had been given some arsenic to put upon a fistula on a horse's neck. Instead of putting it there, however, be put it in ills pocket, and when he and his comrade got the chance to run away they threw down on their tracks pieces of meat on which tills arsenic was sprinkled. As the dogs would como upon the meat they devour ed it, of course, all the dogs in conse quence soon got sick and quit tlio drive. Two of them havo died. Tlio convicts thus fur havo eluded capture, and Mr. Andrew Johnson, Mr. Comer's agent, who went in pursuit of them Immedi ately upon their escape, has not slnco been heard from. t'iT A farmer in Chester county, I'a., prosecuted three hunters for trespassing on his premises, for which they were fined. Tho retaliated on him by telling him they would give him thirty days' time to remove all tlio noxious weeds from ofr his farm, and, in enso he did not, they would Institute suit against him for a violation of a special law for Chester county, which is punishable with a fine of $50. The farmer, taking tho hint, has four men busily engaged in cutting and pulling weeds. tW The New Jersey Republican, pub lished at Ilackcnsdck, devotes over four columns In its liiht lssvto to further ex posures of the so-called Itov. Mr. Phillips, who ofliciated at tho Iinptist Church in that villago a short time. It Rays that ho deserted a wifo and two childreu InMonon gahola City, this Stato, wns arrested and oouvicted io Ohio for robbing a publio library, and accuses him of gross obscenity in London, England. C3" Francis M. Dowlin, of Fast Brandywlne, Chester county, while working in his cornfield, cocked his gun and leaned it up against a shock. Short ly afterward, forgetting his gun, he wert to strike the shock with his corn-knife, when he hit the trigger of the gun and the contents entered his breast killing him almost instantly. tW A policeman hunting in a Sharon, Conu., house for Charles Lock wood who bad broken out of the Litchfield jail, ' was just about giving it up when be saw a human noso sticking out of the cellar earth under uia feet. Farther search showed that Lock wood was neatly buried, and that the officer had been unwittingly stand tog on bis breast. ' Tokoxto, Ont., November 5. The first snow storm of the season prevailed throughout this province to-day. The snow is from one to eight Inches deep. The weather Is cold and stormy. The earthquake shock was distinctly felt Sunday morning In the Hay of Oulnte district. ' i NT The Supreme Court of the United States lias just decided that au Indorse' meiit on a not by a third party ,i. made before the same Is dell veretl to the payee, constitutes the lndorfler a co-maker op guarantor. . i . AST Thoy havo swimming matches In San Francisco. Any match will swim well enough, but no match is good for much for Illuminating purposes after it lias swam a mllo or two, The Christian at Work. Now subscriber for tho " Christian at Work" will receive It the remainder of this year free. Subscribe at once and commence with tho new story, by Mrs., Ollphnnt. Address, with $11, Tlio Chris tian at Work, Ilox fi,lnf),New York, nnd yotii -subscription will m paid for tlio whole of 1H7M, till wo can wisli you " A Happy Now Year," January 1st, 1H70. F0FI SALE. A valuable farm situate 2 miles south of this borough, contain ing about Kill acres. (WJ acres of which are dearer! and In a high stato of cultiva tion, tho balance well Ret with fino tlm ber. Tho improvements are a good two story dwelling house with kitchen at tached, Ham, P.lackRinlth.shopand oili er outbuildings. There Is also a good limestone quarry, a large orchard of choice fruit trees on tlio premises, and a never-railing spring of water near tlio tloor. This property Will be sold cheap, and on reasonable terms, For further nartlmilars, nddress J At tin Fitrr,, Car lisle, Cumberland Co., Pa., or apply at this office. 41 FOR RENT. The best Conch nnd Wag on Maker Shop in tho County. Tliore is a iilacksmitli Shop connected with it, and everything convenient to carry on a first-class Coach business. For further particulars apply to N. UlCNIlF.ltSON, 37 pd Orccn Park, Perry co., Pa. " The Above All," Is a new brand of chewing tobacco, and is without a peer for excellence and sweetness. For sale, wholesale and retail, by J.U. Hahtzell in Uantt'sJiullding. Now Tailor Shop. The undersigned gives notice to the publio that he has opened a shop opposite Klnesinltli's hotel New IMoomlleid, Pa., in tho room formerly usetl as a confectionary, where he is prepared to do work in his line promptly, and at reasonable prices. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Give mo a call. Samvkl Uentzkl. P.loomfiehl, May 1, '77 tf. Germantown Wool nil new shades 10 cents per ball, at Ihidok Sen waiit.'h, 114t Newport, I'a. Slipper Patterns at ' , ' i Isiiion S( itwAiriYs, 41 4t Newport, I'a. Ladles' Coats in nil the latest styles, from ifl 1o up to $15 00. Isinoit Hciiwaktz, 44 4t Newport, Pa. Heal Hair Switches at $1.00 each at Isinoit Si iiWAirrz's, 414t Newport, I'a. Whito and Colored Blankets $-2 60 per pair. ,. i.siDoii M hwautz, 414b Newport, I'a. - Children's Furo "5 Cents per set nt IsiDOll St:ll WAUT.'S, 41 4t Newport, Pa. Silk Handkerchiefs K Cents each, at lsiuoit Schwartz's, 41 4t Newport, I'a. Ladic3' Felt Skirts only 50 cents each. Ihidok Schwa htz. 4 1 4t Newport, I'a. Ladies' Furs from 4 00 per set and up ward. ISlDOlt HOHWAIITZ, 44 4t Newport, Pa Men's Overcoats from S3 00 upwards at ISIDOIl SC'HWAUTZ'H, 4 1 4t Newport, Pa. Nubias from 25 cents upwards at ISIIIOK Sf HWAllTZ'S, 41 4t Newport, I'a. lust Received, 20 pieces of CATtPKT, which we oiler at exceedingly Low Prices, at lsiuoit S( hwahtz'h, 44 4t Newport, I'a. W. J. Rice. Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, will visit liloomfleld the fikst two wkkks of each month, profession ally. Olllce at 'Squire Ciouser's resi dence. The remainder of his time at his office in Ickesburg, Perry co., Pa. Call and hear his prices. 28 Removal. J. T. Messimerhas remov al ills Shoe Shop to tho room adjoining 1i. Ciouser's oillce, 4 doors west of the Post-OHlce, where iie will make to order Boots and Shoes of ail kinds. Impair ing promptly and neatly executed. He will also keep on hand a good Assort ment of Boots and Shoes, which ho will sell at low prices. Give him a call. 17 Horse Blankets from SI 25 upwards at ISIDOIt- StH WAKTZ'8 44 it Newport, Pa. Blank Receipt Books for Administrators and Executors. Also blank notes and all other blanks for sale at this office, tf 13T With a cake of Glcnn'i Balphnr Boap and a commodious bath-tub, the victim of chronic cutaneous eruption can improvise. sulphur bath, which no professed bathing es tablishment can snpply. Bold by all Druggists. tiT Hill's Hair K Whisker Dye, black or brown. 43 jyjUSSER & ALLEN - CENTRAL STORE NliWroitT, l'ENN'A. i . ... i , t , Mow offer the publio A HAKE AND KLKOANT AflBOKTMKNT OP DRESS GOODS Consisting sf nil shade, suitable for the season.. JILA CK ALVA CCAS ANH MonrnUi ff Goods A SPECIALITY. UfiHAC'IIKlJ AND UNKLKACIIED- MUBLINH, AT VAItfOUB l'llICICS. AN KNIir,KSS8lf,KOTION OK PRIHT8! Wesellsnd do keep s good qunllty of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything Under the head of GROCERIES ! Machine needles and nil for all makes of Ala jhl nes. To be convinced that our Roods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, 13 TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. JLJUMj tA NCOTXKY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 34S NORTH WATER STREET, PHILADELPHIA, and wholesale dealers In Butter, Cheew. Lard. Tallow, l-:ijs, I'oiilliy, fame. Htock, Potatoes, RIITTFR Apples, Oraln, Flour, Fur, Wool, UU I ILI1. Cotton, lilce. Tobacco, Peanuts. Broom Corn, Dried Fruit, Hay, Hops, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, and In fact we can sell any and everything at the mnrketprlce; make prompt returns, and PUCCCC JjIHKJIAIj CASH AIL ItnLtOt. VANCKS made on all shipments except perishable articles. To show that we do extensive business, any game dealer In J'liil'a. will tell you we handled wore game last season than all other PHI II TDV Houses in Philadelphia put to- UUL I fl I. gethnr, Hend for price list, Htenell. Sc., fto. KKK. FltK.NCU CASH, or we refer yoti to ANY JIK. HFONW1ILK HOUBE in OL'K CITY, EGGS. GAME. October 9, T3;7-ly. . 4 I'gigr r in i iWEVAIID NOW fa " HTAK ttPAK'If.rti ha " Vamii.v rivnf rri" ur t th Milium r.k. i.h4. IU. TtiWa Mfl (.W , Oil ' It nM fW All. " Il . Ir -t,.. run n, rwmt, U "Rwiiiriciiiivri," .TF.,ifi.., .-!, nsattf. m fnM Mlt, tt-u. t.l luDniiBiii ijt. ai r..i r... A44IM-, "TA af AMU Mil UAMXUl," " -ftiU. M. lit $1.00. WAWSLTTA $1.00. SIIII1TS. Three ply Linen Bosom, Three-ply Neckbands, 1.1 nen Wristbands and Mulshed complete. We can positively say that frU.OO HIIIIIT Is superior to any other, and that there Is no bet ter Bhlrt In the Market at any price. ISID0R SCHWARTZ, XEWrORT, PENN 'A. By readtTijf nnd prscrtflns the inestimable truth con tained ia tho bent medical bfok ever lurt), entitled I SiWAri Price oulyfl. bentbymatt I II I v2.bl na receipt of pric. It frfntof Kxhnnstpd Vitality, Premature Decline, Rcrvous and ltiy?ical Debility, and the endlfM roncomitaut it! nnd untold niipncs that result therefrom, and contain moro ttmn SOorifrintil pre acriptions, any ono of which H worth tlicpricts of the bock. Thi hock wat written by the mo't ex t naive and probably the moat ikilful practitioner in America, toirhom wa w trrted a pold and jew elled mcdid by the National Mwiicul Aiocift'on A Pamphlet, lutrutcd with the very iiaeat feted tDffravines a maN Iff A I Tel of art and beauty llAL cnt ynEB to ail. fiend a a for it at once. Addrcas 1'EABODY MEDlCALapi p finch bt., Uoatoo, Mm. Wfcal OPIUM ant Uorptnu tltilUMOiiiy atut iiwui wpswucaiari. vikltims, OK FAST1ION ABLE CAKDS no two alike, Uh name. Ktc. 2i Scroll, with name. Inc. ?t paid. Ain' outfit, lie. GLO. 1. UEkl& Co., NasHaii, N.Y. 40Hly.