8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELI), PA., NOVEMBER 0, 1877. Tumultuous Matrimony. A gontlrmnu relates to a News reporter a Bingulnr matrimonial case, running throughout twenty-five years In the past history of Ikuiierstown, Jefferson cmnty. A gentleman In tlint town married a Inrly of the same neighborhood nbout twenty five years ago. After living together four or five years they separated ou nccount of inconsangulnity of tempor, and the hus band received a divorce. A couple of years after the divoroe both parties again married. The husband, however, as iu the first case of the imirrlago, did uot get on pleasantly with the second wife, and iu a couple of years after the second marriage he applied to the Chancery Court for a divorce from his wife, and the coveted divoice was granted, and he was again free. Then two or three years more intervened, when the doubly-divorced husband pined for another wife, and, seeking among the fair women of that section of the country, he dually succeeded in finding one well suited to his miud, and after a short courtship be was married to her, thus coming iuto possession of his third wife. A few years lator he was divorced from her. The first wife of the much-divorced man lived with her second husband very happi ly uutil five or six years ago, when he sick ened and died. Ami now comes the sing ular feature in the history of the widowed wife and her first and three-times divorced huslmml. He ngaiu pitied for matrimony, itnd as he again cast about for another part ner for his now declining y oars, he bethought .himself of his first wife ; and no sooner had -this thought taken lodgment in his mi ml thau he hied himself to the pleasant domi .ciloshe occupied iu her widowhood, and proposed that they once more take passage iu life's boat together. The old times and the differences between them were talked over, and that the ilame of their first love was ro-kiudled is uot at .all singular, for does not poetry say that first love is ever enduring ? And so they agreed to again wed, and soon thereafter their nup tials were solemnized. The intervening years have glided peacefully, prosperously, and delightfully for them, and they live lovingly together, and are not only happy themselves, but make nil happy who come under their hospitable roof. Both parties, and indeed, all parties to the several marriages aud divorces, are very respectable people, and the " News" publishes this Eeemingly series of matri monial episodes only because of their sing ulurity, dofyiug any other county In Ken tucky or the South to furnish an equal cx ; ample of matrimony aud divorce to the jwe above narrated. The truth of the mat ter is just as valid as though the names of the parties were given, but the giviug of the names is neither proper nor important. Selling Love Powders. Sarah A. Summers is under arrest in Dos Moines. She was fast accumulating a for tune, when her business was interrupted by the police. She sent to all parts of the country circulars advertising a substance really composed of white sugar alone, but of which sho said : " It possesses such powerful and maguetic influeuces that, when handled by either Bex aud given to the other, they immediately become at tracted, and in a short time love the giver, no matter who they have loved before. Any lady or gentleman can gain the love, and wed the one they love, by using this powder. It is easily given in wine or liquors of any kind, or tea, coffee, or any drink that can be sweetened, as it tastes and looks like sugar, and can be given without fear of detection, or can bo given by another per son after following directions. The love you gain will be true, pure, and perma nent." In Mrs. Summers' rooms a vast number of letters were found, chiefly from girls in seminaries, showing that she had old a great quautity of white sugar at the rate of about a dollar per half once. Some of the purchasers had written to say that they had administered the powders, but without effect. C5T" Corroborative of the alleged supera bundant "cheek" of the average traveling drummer, on the last day of the State Fair, an excursion train on the Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Road, was overloaded and only room could be pro vided for ladies in the coaches, the men having to take flat and box cars. Two Chicago drummers were on hand and got mad because they could not got iuto the coach. One finally qrawled in at a window. The other expostulated with the conductor oa his right under a fiibt-class ticket. The disgusted conductor towel him iuto a ooach where there were only ladies and sang o Lidies, here is a nice young man, who has a first-class ticket aud doesn't want to disgrace himself riding in ft freight car. Will some lady give him a seat." Three matronly women arose and the cleiky chap squatted in one of these vacant seats and had bis first-class ride. tW Two years ago, in getting out of a passenger car on the Delaware, Lackawan na and Western railroad at East Btrouds burg, Mrs. Napheys, broke her leg. Suit was brought, and a short time since a ver dict was rendered awarding ler and her busbaud $7,000 damages. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! CARPETING S, OIL-CLOTHS, WALL PAPERS. A complete Stock Just opened for FALL TRADE from New York and Philadelphia Mnrkets. COMPRISING TII11EE PL YS, BXTUA S UVJURS, BRUSSELS. VENETIANS, HALL AND STAIR CAltPETS, AND OIL-CLOTHS, ALL CHOICE PATTERNS AND MEW DESIGNS. MATTINGS, HASSOCKS, A HANDSOME LINE OF ENGLISH FELT SQUARES, AND OILCLOTH 11UGS. f PATTKltNH ITX HOME-MADE CARPETS, ALL COLORS IN ovixi'iurr oi-r flits'. STEPHENS & BEETEM, Bentz House Building, No. 2, East Main St., CARLISLE, PENX'A. notice; TO YOU ! P W Ph Put hi 1-1 O O O H W The finest Stock of Goods ever brought to this place, has just been opened by the subscriber. Prices were never so low either. Call and see for yourself. F. MORTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. HERE WE ARE AGAIN! WITH better Inducements to our customers and people in general than ever we have offered, we have juBt laid in our immense FALL and WINTER STOCK, and as usual, intend keeping the lead for LOW PRICES and GOOD GOODS. Of our many bargains, the following are but a few : CLOTHING, CARPETS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Men's Heavy Work Suits Men's Business " Men's Dress " Youths' Work " Youths' Dress " Hoys' Dress " Men's Overcoats Men's Overcoats Boys' Overcoats Men's Common Coats Men's Dress Coats Hoys' Common Coats Hoys' Dress Coats Men's Common Pants Men's Dress Pants Boys' Common Pants Buys' Dress Pants Men's Vests Boys' Vests Men's Wool Hats Men's Felt Hals Boys' Wool Hats Boys' Dress lints Men's Caps Boys' Caps Room Carpet Flowered Carpet Wool Carpet Floor Oil Cloth Table Oil Cloth Trunks Satchel ALSO Jewelry, Cutleiy, Accordeons, Mouth Organs, Soaps, Perfumery, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Combs, Brushes, Collars and Cuffs, Ties, Bows, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Motto Frames, Germantown Wool, Spool Cotton, Slippers, Lace Curtains, Furs, Counterpanes, and many other great Bargains, which space will not permit to name. Give us a call and see what we say is true, ISLDOR SCHWARTZ, KKWPOET, PEISTN"'.. o o o o w I I o Q t"1 t w CZ! H l-H W O U O O w o zn 9? o 4.f0 to$8.00 Alf Wool White Blankets per pair J2.50andup fi.Ou to 8.00 All Wool Colored Blankets per pair 2.25 " ', 10.00 to 12.00 Ladles' Double Shawls 3.00 " 4.00 to S.00 Ladles' Single Shawls 76 " ' 6.00 to 10.00 Ladles' Felt Skirts 60 " " S.00 to 7.0 Ladles' Balmoral Bklrts N) " " 10.00 to 15.00 Ladle's Nubias . 25 " " S.00 to fl.OO Ladles' Coats 2. 78 " " 3.0 to 6.50 Ladles' Corsets 40 " " 1.50 to 8.00 Ladles' Hair Switches 1.25 " 4.60 to 8.0.1 Ladles' Ties 20 " " 1.60 to 2.60 Ladles' Linen Collars 8 " " 2.50 to 6.00 Ladles' Ruches S " " 1.00 to 2.00 Ladles' Handkerchiefs 6 " " 2.50 to 5.00 Ladies' Hose 4 pair 25 " " 1.00 to 1.60 Ladles' Undershirts 40 " " 1.60 to 8.00 Embroidery and Edgings 3 " " 75 to 2.00 Ladles' Leather Belts 10 " " 60 to 1.25 Ladles' Belt Fin 20 " " 05 to 1.00 Pins 28 rows for 5 " " 1.25 to 2.60 Bilk Handkerchiefs 25 ' " 60 to 75 Men's White Shirts 75 " " 75 to 1.25 Men's Colored Shirts 60 " " 40 to 1.50 Men's Woolen Shirts 76 " 25 to 75 Men's Undershirts 30 " " 18 to 25 Men's Drawers 80 " " 33 to 45 Men's Colored Hose, S per pair 25 " " 00 to 1.00 Men's Handkerchiefs 8 " " 40 to 60 Men's Suspenders 10 " " 30 to 40 Horse Blankets 1.25 " " 2.00 to 7.00 Overalls 49 " " 75 to 2.50 Knit Blouse 75 " " BEATTY r.,A?f,0' OBfANS best. tH- Look ! 7s Vi... . I"1""1'!? I Wee I Organs, 1 stois AGENTS WANTED 1 roil PARTICULARS, ADDUKhq WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO, 8l!l Broadway. New York City i Chicago, III. New Orleans. La. t 4la4t t or Ban Francisco, Cal. CROSS thb CRESCENT. The thrilling History of Him and Turk for Sno years. A wild story of llloodshed and Krantlclsm. the strife for power nndcreed. By the popular his torian, Dr. L. P. Brockett. Describes their pecti. liar Hellglous, Social, and Political customs; their Holers and Generals, causes of this war, weighty Interests at stake.etc. tioo pp. Klch Ill's, only fi.M. OUR BIBLES have 2m 4) Ill's, and far excel all others In quality and quick sale. Prices Just re duced 25 per cent. Belief lor full particulars. HUBDARU BROS., Pubs., Phll'a,, Pa. 41dlt RUPTURE. Those wishing llellef and Cure for RUPTURE should consult Dr. ,. A. SHKKMAN, 258 Broad way, New York, send locts.,for his new book, with Photographic likenesses of bad cases liefore and arter cure. Bewaro of cheats who pretend to furnish Dr. Sherman's treatment. One of these fellows, a german clerk, now calling himself Dr. W. G. Cremplen, Is Indicted on complaint of Dr. 8. and awaits trial for for gery aud embezzlement. 43d4t RUNS and revolver, Illustrated Price list, free. . - ... ' i irr urn-, lira, Ureat Western (Jun Work. Pittsburgh Fa. 4idit. Onew vocal Hi 2 new Instrumental pieces Sheet "MuslclOc. silver or stps. Music Pub. Co.,Mld dleboro, Mass. 4ad4t FRET MAMMOTH OUTFIT to everybody.- ' , Stein.wlnder watch free with Hist order jeii nniinrs a oay guaranteed. M CuONIiGHS CO., Philadelphia, Pa., or Milwaukee, Wlscon- sin. 43U4t. KflLARGE Mixed Cards with name, In case. 13 "cts. 25 wllliout case. 9. SO new fun cards, 10c. Outfits 11) c. F. WASHBURN, & CO., Middle boro, Mass. , 4;ja)t WfSSti MARCH'S WORKS the Bible, Home Life In the Bible, , , and Our Father's House. No bonks ever published have received such universal approval from the Piess, Ministers and leading men everywheie. The choice rcadlng.ilne steel engravings and superb bindings, make them welcome in every home. One sample sellsall. Send fur terms. Begin a paving business at once. J. C. Mct'UUDY & CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. 43dlt "TMiiuiFX A CONSUMPTIVE CURED. When death was hourly expected from Consumption, all remedies having failed, and Dr. 11. James was experiment ing, lie accidentally made a preparation of Indian Hemp, which cured his only child, and now gives tills recipe free on re lelpt of two stamps to pay expenses, Hemp also cures night-sweats, nausea at the Htsmach, uud will break a fresh cold Iu 24 hours, Address, CHADDOCK CO., 1.032 Race Street, Philadelphia, naming this Paper. 43d4t SANFORD'S JAMAICA GINGER. The only combination of the true Jamaica Oinger with choice Aromatlcs and French Brandy, for weak ness, weariness and prostra tion of the nervous forces, In ability to sleep, coldness of the extremities and sus pended circulation, Is grnte lurboon to sultering human ity atonce sooihiiig.strength- for SAN FORD'S JAMAICA U.INUEU 4;)dU. I N H A L A T I O N A POSITIVE CURE FOR CATARRH, BRONCHITIS. AND ASTHMA. Thousands have been cured by nr. Oolden berg's Inhalation, who were pronounced Incura ble by physicians and friends. Patients living at a distance disirlng to avail themselves of the ad vice of Dr. (ioldenberg, can write their name and post-ollice address, and forward to Dr. (iolden berg. 010 Arch Street Philadelphia, when he will return them a list of printed questions, and the answers to which will enable him to determine the nature of tlielr diseases and the probability of cure. He will forward to anv address, giving full descriptions of the diseases he treats, eto. 2110 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia. Oct.. 3d. 1877. 1 have used Dr. Ooldeiiberg's Inhalation for Catarrh, Bronchltits, und Asthma, and am en tirely cured. 43d4t ANNIE NEAL. K I D NEY an d L I V E R SPECIFIC ! A RADICAL CURE FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS. BLADDER, AND URINARY ORGANS. Patients sending two ounces of urine, express, age paid, can have a chemical analysis made, and an opinion rendered regarding the nature of tlielr diseases, eto., free of charge. Consultations and examinations free. Send for Descriptive Paper to Dn. UOLDENBERO'8 Principal Office. 43d4t B10 Arch Street, Philadelphia. EWARKINU'8 (1876 Uniform Copyrighted 1877) TjAJW blanks, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low aud whatever you need. Law aud Commercial Supplies or all Kinds. i send for samples and price lists of what you want. - CatalRiies of Blanks furnished at THI3 OFFICE, or direct from the publisher. K. WAKING, Tyrone, Pa. $1.00. WAMSITIA $1.00. si-nrrrs. Three-ply Linen Bosom, Three-ply Neckbands, Linen Wristbands and Mulshed complete. We can positively say that ttfl.OO SIIIltT Is superior to any other, and that there Is no bet ter Shirt in the Market at any price. ISID0R SCHWARTZ, Per month, wl 11 be paid to a good energetio man lu each county to introduce Dr. EULfc'S New Illustrated History of Penn'a. Write Immediately, and state experience In this business, aud age. Address, 1. C. GOODRICH. Publisher. - 4113t iiarrlsburg, Peuo'a, JEANS. We have the Best Stock of Goods for Men's Wear that can to found iu the county, aud we dou't care who knows F. MORTIMER. jyjUSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Now offer the public A It ARE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP DRESS GOODS Consisting sf all shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALP AC CAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN EXDLE43 SELECTION OF PRINTS! We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head of GROCERIES ! Machine Needles and oil for all makes or Machines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. K3- No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. H GENERAL N MERCHANTS, NO. 346 NORTH WATER STREET, PHILADELPHIA, and wholesale dealers In Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tallow. Kggs, Poultry, Oame. Stock, Potatoes, RIITTFR Apples, Grain, Flour. Fur. Wool, uu I bll. cotton. Rice. Tobacco, Peanuts, Broom Corn, Dried Fruit, Hay, Hops, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, and in fact we can sell any and everything at the market price; make prompt returns, and PUFCQIT LIUKltAL CASH All- triLtOt. VANCK8. made on all shipments except perishable articles.' To show that we do extensive business, anv game dealer In Phll'a. will tell you we handled more game last season than all other Dm II TDV louses in Philadelphia put to- iUUL llili gether. Send fur price list. Stencil. So., Hie. REF ERENCE CASH, or we refer you to ANY RE SPONSIBLE HOUSE In OUR CITY. EGGS. October 9, 187- GAME. ly. I719TATK NOTICK. Notice Is hereby given U that Letters of Administration ou the estate of Joseph Ensmlnger late of Carroll township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing In the same township. All persons indebted to said estateare requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to ELIZABETH ENSMINfiER, CORNELIUS KNHMINUUR, A. M. Markel, Att'yfor Adm'rs.J f Administrates August 28, 1877. 37STATK XOTJCE.-Notlce Is hereby given li that letters testamentary on the estate ol David McAllister, of Carroll twp., Ferry Co., Pa., dec'd.,have been Issued lo John McAllis ter, of same twp. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN MCALLISTER, Sept. 25, 1877. Executor. Rl API Ull I Q 1HG HOKX and the DLMUIV niLLO, GKKAT NORTHWEST, a large 100 page book, containing full informa tion of the country, with maps and illustrations, will be sent free to every one sending Jl.uo (or six months subscription to the DAKOTA HEK AI.l). The Herald is a large 32-coIumn journal, and is filled with entertaining reading matter, both original and selected. It is a western Journal with western Ideas. The paper three months with book for 75 cents j the price of the book alone Is 75 cents. Address, TI1E nEBALD, Sept 25, Sm. Yankton, Dakota. J71STATK NOTICE. Notice is hereby given H that letters testamentary on the estate of Mary Ann Crlley, late of Liverpool twp.. Perry Co., Pa., dee'd., have been granted to tie undersigned residing iu same township. All persons indebted tosald estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement to GEORGE W. CRILEY. Bept. 18, '77 pd Liverpool P. O., Perry Co',' Pa. nnim m r--- .......j III I . UnNt. llulil ttOllubUlUv. tMBd.iiuuu Momhtni) Hddiuii,i-i- . , II r 1 11 W51tifir.. , i.. c;.it,., Id! WwUoitaajii, CUu-n UL, OR FASHIONABLE CARDS no two alike, with name. llio. 20 Scroll, with name, Hkj. post paid. Agents' outfit, luc. G to. I. REED St CO., Nassau, N. Y. 4l)uly COMMISSIO utlfWWMIMl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers