0 THE TIMES, NEW BL00ME1ELI), TA., OCTOBElt 30, 1877. (! lie iUoomfitlb frmtfs. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. W? Invite cnmmimlrstlnris frnm sit person wlin are Interred ill matters properly belnUKiUK to tula de partment. Arab Maxims. . I. Let your colt be domesticated and live with you from Ms tenderest age, and when a horse he will he simple, docile, faithful, and Inured to hardship and fatigue. II. Do not bent your horseB, nor speak to them In a loud tone of voice; do not get angry with them, but kindly reprove their faults ; they will do hotter there after, for they understand the language of man and its meaning. III. If you have a long day's journey before you, spare your horse at the start ; let him frequently walk to recover his wind. Continue this until he has sweated and dried three times, nnd you may ask of him whatever you please, he will not leave you in difficulty. IV. Observe your horse when he is drinking at a brook. If in bringing down his head he remains square, with out bending his limbs, he possesses sterling qualities, and all pnrts of his body are built symmetrically. V. Four things he must have broad front, chest, loins and limbs ; four things long neck, chest, fore-arm and croup ; four things short pasterns, back, cars and tail. Why Some People are Poor. Silver spoons are used to scrape ket tles. Coffee, tea, pepper, and spices are left to stand open, and lose their strength. Totntoes In the cellar grow, and sprouts are not removed until the potatoes be come worthless. Brooms arc never hung up, and are soon spoiled. Nice handled knives nro thrown into hot water. The flour Is sifted in a wasteful man ner, and the bread pan is left with the dough sticking to it. Clothes are left on the line to whip to pieces in the wind. Tubs and barrels arc left in the sun to dry and fall apart. Dried fruits are not taken care of in season, and become wormy. Itngs, string, and paper are thrown in to the tire. Tork spoils for want of salt, and beef beciuise the brine wants scalding. Hits of meat, vecotables, bread, and cold puddings are thrown away when they might lie warmed, niuameu, served as good as new. and Meat Gravy. In roasting beef, if it Is to be rare, allow 10 minutes cooking for every pound of beef; when done, place it on a l,.i,.t,l .lltli Tn rnrvinpf. the luice will run out aim mis is cousiueieu vy . . i i.i i u gravy snouiu ue miiue uuu your guest, given his choice. After removing the beef place the pan on the range, add a teacupful of boiling water; boiluponce; do not thicken ; send to the table in a sauce boat. Veal when roasting needs basting frequently at first withsaltand water, afterwards with its gravy; allow 15or20 minutes cooking for every pound; remove the veal when done ; placo the pan on the range, and thicken the gravy with a teaspoon ful of flour, first moistened with a little water to prevent lumps; boil up once and pour into a gravy boat Muttou or lamb gravy is made in the same way. Pork gravy Is thickened and improved by adding the juice of a lemon. Green Tomato Pickle. Gather the tomatoes, wash and drain dry, stick each tomato four or five times with a large straw, put in a stone jar and lay grape leaves over them, and weigh down ; then make a strong brine and pour over ; when reeded soak 24 hours in fresh water ; to a gallon of vinegar add one tablespoonful each of cloves, black pepper, allspice and mus tard, tied up in a thin muslin bag ; boil the vinegar with the spices in it, then pour over the tomatoes while hot ; they will keep good two or three years in brine. Citron Preserves. Put a layer of grape leaves in a kettle ; then a layer of shapes sprinkled lightly with alum ; another of shapes sprinkled as before; then cover with boiling water, and boil until you have a nice brittle shape ; have ready a strong ginger tea, in which boil half an hour one and a half pounds of sugar to a pound of shapes; add a considerable quantity of water to the sugar and boil the shapes until preserved; if the syrup is not thick enough boil down. g3f One of the simplest remedies for neuralgia is essence of peppermint. Bathe the part affected, keeping the hand over it. It will burn and draw, but not blister. MAKE HOWIE HAPPY. A Planum Supply of Good Reading and Beautiful Flotnros WILL DO IT. THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY STAR, A Una HbM-ph rnp.r, wl'h S full fl'tl uttm., coata oiu.v al.OO mi .vrtir (Wl 1AV liLlri., Mill I. Ill tlttfflt, Itrlithtnt, and tt'rt tmiter rulU.lict t"i Ihv iiiiinuv. It I. imleii.iiltHI Iti iwiliHc, uti' alt 'Hip iipwh, ami, liptip. (niirh ntlipr aniil rtn'Mlijt. vhy mminpr linn lliri'B ur fmlr exci'llpnt nriiittmt or nr levtfl Ktovlrn. Kfi'ry BtlMeiilier nine receive n cilir or tho limnHlul pimniv iim, "Tho I'oor the lonr Mnn'a Frlcll.l," ulna HM Iniilu i, itml a c..(.y .if Tilli UTAH 11,1.1'STKATKll ALMA NAC. VA eta. extra tmi.t lip .put tr pnr expeiim nf imrklim mid inRllliitt ii,--un'iim.. t!'0Oiir IniliMM'iiM-iila In AflWMl". Rltvnyn thu mum lilipr.l In tlie HtTil, ma noil (jrenCev thitn w. We want etpr.v club nm-itt In the rpniitrr In rommuiikala witti 11. Iiefnre commencing work. To any iier.on ilp.triotf to apt op n dun, we will ipikI a .nmple pony l tlie plrtura ami a oniivrtn.pl f. nullil ror H.l vim. SiMtmrn rvpw nf pnper frrr. stentl ftr on brftiro atitMcrll Iiiif tor nn.r other. Ivimui. to wlinm wp lmp nlroaoT .out the pirturp, "Tlie Poor tlie I'oor ftfllll'M tVleiMl," lv miylna .o run have In it .ipml miotlipr pxcellptit cii qravlnu, nf .amp Mk( which wo have lecnrcil for thin puipimp. eilrr irtthnut picture.. Out TMnr. 1130 Walnut SI., Vlnrl n nntt, O. MAKE HOME PLEASANT. THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. Choice books no longer fortho few only. The beat standard novels within the rench of every one. Hooks usually sold from 81 to given (unchanged and uuabridged) lor 10 and "0 cents. 1. East Lynno, Mrs. Henrv Wood (Dnul)ldNo.)2nc. 2. John Halifax, (tent., lly Miss Mulock. 2iic. 3. Jane Kyre.lly Charlotte Itronte.dJoiilile No.JJUo. 4. A Woiiiaii llatr,Cliarlp Heade's new novel. 20c. 6. TheHlauk. Indie, Jules Verne's latest. lee. 0. Last Davs of Pompeii, Hy Hiilwer. ldn. 7. Adam Bede. Bv (leorue KMot. (Dotihle No.) am. 8. The Arundel Motlo, ByMaryCeeU liny. liie. U. OldMyddelton's Money By Mary Cecil Hay.Kio. in. The Woman In White, By Wllkieliollins. 2ita. 11. The Mill on (he Floss. Hy (ieorue mint. 2ue. 12. The American Senator, lly Anthony Trol- Inpe. ..... 2ne. 13. A Princess of Thule, Bv William Black. 20c. 14. The Head Secret, lly Wilkie Collins. 1(c. 15. Koniola, Bv (ieore Kllot. (Double No.) auc. lij. The Kim'lis'h nt the North l'ole and Field of Ice, In one book, By Jules Verne. 10c. 17. Hidden Perils, By Mary Cecil I lav. hc. H. Barbara's History, By Amelia II. Kdwards. 2Hc. in. A Terrible Temptation. By Chas. Itcade. pie. 2i. Old Curiosltv Whop, Hy Charles Dickens. 2oc. 21. Foul Play, Hy Charles Heade. - Inc. 22. Man and Wife, By Wllkio Collins. 20c. 23. TheSipnre's l.et;aey, Hy Mary Cecil Hay. 2nc. For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt nf price by (ll'XIKtili MUNlto, PunusiiKit, P. O. Box 5037. 21, 23, and 25 VaudomUer Ht., N.Y. GOLD ! ms Chance to make monev. can't pet Uold you can eenuacKs. ve neeua person lit liVI'.KV TOWN to take subscriptions lor the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication In the World. Any one can become a successful aneiit. Tito most elegant works of art (?! ..'t free to subscribers. Tho price is so low that ulnnist everybodysubsctlbes. One Agent reportsinaklns over Jl.'al In a week. A lady agent reports taking over 4IK subscribers In ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote till your tiino to the business, or only your spare time. You need not beawav from home over night. You can do it as well oilier. Full particulars, directions and terms free. ICIc gant and expensive Out tit free. If you want prolltablo work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to t ry the business. No one who engages fails to make great pay. Address "The reople'sjournal," Portland, Maine. 31Ty Bargains in Carpsts. 3.3 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. If you want a pretty CAItPUT for only 3,'i Cents per yard, come and see what you can net at that price of F. MUKTTMICK. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS 35 CENTS 35 CENTS Thirty-Five Cents Isthe price of a pretty OAK PF.T at MOKTIMElt'S. The same amount nf money will also buy a good CALICO Dress It you don't make It too large. LOTS OF OTHER BARGAINS HIGHEST AWARDS! J. REYNOLDS & SON. NORTHWEST CORNEtt THIRTEENTH AND FILBEKT 8TS.. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SHAKING AND CLIN KER-G RINDING GRATES FOR BURNING ANTHRA CITE OR BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KETSTONE WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOKING RANGES.I.OW DOWN GRATES, Etc. Descriptive Circulars sent free to any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING. 191y A4S. fs TAKEN" INTERNALLY. ANQPOSlTIVtlV CUHEj HHElirMTISM, GOUT. NEURALGIA AND LUMBAGO. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVEflY WHEflE. SEND FOR CIR- lUlftrt 10 HELPHENSTINE & BENTLEY. DAUCSISTS, WASHINGTON, 0. C. For sale by wholesale Druggist! In Pitt-, burg and Philadelphia. ' X ly Philadelphia Advertisements. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner ot 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 210 NORTH WIIA11VES, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. DOUGHERTY WIT It D. J. HOAR & CO., wnoLESAt.e BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, U13 MARKET STItEKT, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., WaOLESALB Drai.ehs id TOBACCO, CIGARS &c NO. 4. NORTH FIFTH STREET, PIIILADKLPIIIA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealersl u Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Drooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Hatting, Twines, &o, And a tine assortment of WOOD ami WILLOW WAIIH, No. (20 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. r U C A S ' " : READY IIXED PAINTS ! NO WATER, NO CHEMICALS, NO BENZINE, HUT A PURE Oil, PAIXT, READY FOR USE. fSsimplo Cards. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF PAINT SENT BY MAIL. IT I PUT ON LIKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD AND OIL, VI.: NICELY BRUSHED OUT. NOT FLOWED UN LIKE WATER PAINT. TRY IT, And Yon Will Trove It to bo the Best Liquid In tho Market. JOHN LUCAS Ac CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss mid Imperial French Green, WHITE LEAD COLORS AND VARNISHES. gMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, " on High Street, East of Carlisle b.. Xcw lilonmfleld, l'enn'n. Til ff tnhflirltia. I.n. v.. II l.. .. J rtlous Shop onlllnh Ht., East of Cat lisle Street New RhminttAhi i. uh.iiii.i.i1.....jt : . nuUIE JIO III iriviiaicu u IIIHH ufactttreto order Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, bullttoorder, and finished In the mostartlstloand durable manner. Havlnasunerlnr wnrlrmflii. hA U nmniit tofurnlsh work that will cum pare favorably with the best City Work, and mueh more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. REPAIRING of allklndsneatlyandDrotnp ydone A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMfTP Philadelphia AdTertlsonicnts. D. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS Booksellers nnd Stationers, And Dealers tn WINDOW CURTAINS WALL PAPEIl, ETC, No. 430 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. 2EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' SuocefiBors to 8BAFFNEK, ZIEGLER tt CO.. Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, (Jlovcft, IlibhoiiH, NuspeiMlers, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 38, North Fourih Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Combs. jower, pons & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers tn CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. It Ij A NIC ISOOKN Always on hand, and made to Order. Nos. 631) Market and 523 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO S. Publishers of Sanders'Now Headers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's Ktstoryol the UliltedHtates.I'elton'sOutllne Maps.&o. gARCROFT & CO., fmporlen ami Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linena, White Goods, &o., Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET. (Above Fourth, North Side,) PHIL ArEL3?I II A. EW. T. M0UL, REPRESENTING Weimcr, Wright & Wntkln, Manufacturer & Wholesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes JVo. 302 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Importeks and Jobbers or Oliimi, Glass AND QUEENS WARE, v 823 Market Street, S PHILADELPHIA., w. H. KENNEDY, TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Oo., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 606 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. T 19 Phllndelpliift AdrcrtiRenicnts. TLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON" WHOLBBALB HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street, Pliilndolphia, renn'a. rrofesslonftl Cnrds. JE. JUNKIN, Attorney at-Law, New llloomtleld, Perry Co., Y. - Ofllce Next door to the residence of Judue Jttnkln. 46tf AM. MARK EL. Attorneyat-Law, ' New iiioointleld, l'erry county. Pa. -ff Office directly opposite the FoBt-OflJce, and adjoining the Mansion House. JEAVIS I'OTTKIt! ' ATTORSET AT LAW, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., FA. T'Clalms promptly secured collected Writings and au lcRal business carefully attend ed to. a yl JAMES II. FERGUSONTAttorney-at-La NEWPORT, PA. WOfllce Market Street, near the Square. 36 6 IIARLE8 II. SMILKV, Attorney at Law. New Ulootnlleltl, Perry Co. Pa. Ofllce with C. A. Harnett, Esq., on High Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbyte riaH Church. AttKust 0, 1872. TTM. A. 8PON8LEH, Attorney at-Law, TV Office adjoining his residence, on East Main street. New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa. 8 2 ly JOHN O.SIIATTO, HurReon Dentist. New Hlooinlleld, Perry Co., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done In the best manner, and at reasonable prices. M.onice at his residence ono door Fast of the Roliinsnn House, and opposite W in. A. Sponsler'a Law oiiice. 3 2ly WM. N. SE1BKRT, Attorncy-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry co.,ra. Bloomlleld, 3 331v. WM. mTsUTCIT, ' ATTORN liY-AT LA Vf, NewKluomllel(l,Perrvco.,Pa'. WOmee Two doors West ol Jf. Alortimer, btore 371y J" .KWIS POTTER, notaht runuc. New Bloom. Held, Perry f'o., Pa. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All Kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certilled, will also take depositions to bo rerd in any court In the United States. 7 10 ly CHAS. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa. -All professionallinsinesspromptlyandfalth fully at tended to. 8 2 1 y. WM. A. MOItKIHOX, .MJMTICK OF THE PEACE and CENERAL COLLECTOR. New (Ikkmantown, Perry co., Pa. Remittances will be made promptly tor all Collections made. 7 44 CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld. Perry co., Pa r.Ofllce on high street. North side, nearly op positethn Presbyterian Church. 8 21y tdichardT. MAGEE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, -Olliceat his residence. In CENTRE TOWN R.IUP. Perry County, Penn'a., one mile South of New Bloomtleld. 0f yiLLiIAM M. SUTCII, .TiiMlicc of Iio leae. AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, NowBloomfleld, Perry County, Penn'a. -Special attention paid to Collections of all. kinds. Deeds, Bouds.Mortgages and Agreements, neatly executed. 71iitf QE0RGE H. MARTIN OENEIIAL AGENT. IJLAIN, PKHUY COUNTY, PA. Special attention plven to flio collection of claims, and any other business entrusted to Mm will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. Apt il.iyth, 11)77. Dally hxpress nnd Freight Lino 15KTWEKN PLOOM FIELD & NEWPORT! f nil Rsubscrlberwlshes to notify the cltlzensof' X Bloomlield andNewport that he isriiuning a. Daily Line between these two places, and wilt haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packaeeV or messages entrusted to his care. Orders may be lelt for hltn at the stores ofi F.Mortimer Co., New Bloomlleld, or Milllgan. ft Musser, Newport, if a. J. 8. WIIITMOHEJ Bloomtleld.January25.1870. v JINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE J AND ( REFLECTOR COMBINED !" Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney-, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL! Everybody who sees them are delighted. F. MORTIMER, C '!i'r Is not easily earned In these times, but j4 i 4 i(can be made In three months bv any one of either sex. In anv part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. Iti a week In jour own town. You need not be far away from home overuigh. You can give your whole time to I lie. work, or only your spate moments. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and 6 Cut tit free. Address at once, 11. Hallett & Co.. Port land, Maine. H ly.- TADIE8 AND CHILDREN will And J snletiHid Aftsnrfmptit tf .hmi. price ttore of F. Mortimer. JO P1UNTIXO of every deM'iiptli n really and I promptly executed at KeatM.nable Kates at the Blootuheld Times Steam Job Otlice S3 1 J(n,a. Address, A. Coultjib A Cu Catcwu. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers