The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, October 30, 1877, Page 4, Image 4

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New Itloomjleld, Oct. H09 18T7
Ko Out orRtrrmtyp tt III bo limortnd 111 this aper
nnttw Unlit lure and on lut'liil bami.
ff"Twmit3' p.Tvir. in ptrfHB uf rrirnlnr Mtwi, will
do uurKcu i or nimiriuH'tui'm nee in lmhiuhi uoimun,
Iiftntt nt tho flu-urn on tlio 1r1u1 of ynr fnpor.
Thiii' itiurrM h'U vontltn An in In tvlilcti vmir kiiIY
rrht'lon In mill!. Within a neck nit-r tiiottt v Ik
diiii, Hctt if thu iluto in cliuiiKtHi, No other ruiwirt
is ue'-'i'PKJiry,
The United Slides, vUhin the lant ten
yenrs, liavo sold $,(NI0,MI0 worth of
arms nnd munitions of war to Ktiropc,
nntl still the demand continues. Hlther
to Turkey 1ms been our best customer,
lint now orders upon a liberal scnlo nre
coming from Ilr.mtiii.
In th k yenr imo the capital Invested
in manufactures In the United Stales
amounted to $2t!7,72(l70, and the total
production was valued at $444,473,H120.
In 1877 the single city of Philadelphia
exceeds both these aggregates. In this
fact we have evidence suftlelent to show
the stupendous growth of this metropo
lis of labor. In 1H30 the persons directly
engaged in manufactures In the United
Stnfea scarcely reached ;!0,000, and In 1S70
Philadelphia alone had 152,000 thus em
ployed. rhihulduh la A'orth American.
The Baltimore Election.
Baltimohk, Md., October 2"). The re
sult of the election Is a surprise even to
the Democrats, who have elected their
Mayor by 15,274 majority over both the
Workingmen and Beform candidates,
and carried the City Council solidly in
both branches. The total vote Is 51 ,082,
of which Kane received 33,178; Thomp
son, 17,300, and AVarfield, 535. The
Workingmen claim that there was fraud.
The colored people mainly kept out of
the contest.
- -
No Mileage.
There must be some disappointment
nt Washington among the assembled
Congressmen nnd Senators, after being
told that there can be no mileage paid
members for the present special session.
The statutes in force show they nre
nllowed mileage for two sessions only in
each Congress, and that it can not be
paid to them before the first day of each
" regular session." A decision of the
llrst comptroller of the Treasury lias
determined that a called session is not a
" regular session."
A Scottish Horror.
A special dispatch from Glasgow to
the dated 25th Inst., says nu explosion
lias occurred in a colliery at High
Blantrye, near that city. The latest
particulars from High Blantrye show
that 233 men descended into the mines
.this morning. None of these, except
nnp wlin U'fla U'nil: t n rr npni tlm alinff of
he time of the explosion, had been res
cued up to a late hour this evening.
Very little hope of rescuing the men is
entertained as the explosion occurred nt
nine o'clock in the morning. The ex
ploring parties hnd to relinquish their
efforts in one pit at four o'clock in the
afternoon because of the poisonous gases
at the bottom of the shaft of the other
pit (the colliery comprises two pits with
communication between). A faint
knocking has been heard, but so far it
" has been impossible to reach the bottom
of the shaft in consequence of the vol
ume of gas and the destruction of wood
work and hoisting apparatus by the ex
plosion. Another Charlie Ross Found.
John W Hinman and his mother, an
account of whose arrest nt Richmond,
Indiana, for the abduction of Johnnie
Eddy Mrfllt, was published in the east
ern papers last week, made the follow
ing statement :
They knew nothing of the abduction
of Charlie Boss, until led to nn investi
gation by young Mafllt himself, who, in
looking at a paper containing his broth
er's picture, said, " That is my brother
Walter; I wonder where he is now?"
When shown pictures of the homo of
Charlie Boss, he said, " Oh, that is
where I used to live, and there, pointing
under the trees, " is where my swing
used to be; way up this street is where
I got into a carriage with two men."
When shown pictures of Charlie Boss
he said, " I used to have curls, too, like
that, but they were cut off while I was
drumming on a tin pan with two sticks,
away up on a high hill, on the porcli of
a big house, before we went on the water
on a big house that went puff, puff"
(imitating the exhaust pipes of a
Hinman says there are at least seven
distinct marks upon the person of
Johnnie Mafflt corresponding with sim
ilar marks on the person of Charlio
Boss, and that tho boy has been locked
up and ill treated for talking to them
about his old home. When called by
the name of Charlie Boss, he burst into
tears, and said, "don't call me that
name here, or I will be locked up In a
dark closet."
They sny that an adopted daughter of
MnflU's cautioned them ftgalnst making
any facts in regard to tho boy in public,
nnd acknowledged that there was a myB
tery as to who he was. The 1 Unmans
say that they did not ask Johnnie to go
with them; that he voluntarily yvn
awny from Mafllt, and accompanied
young Hinman to the wagon in the
woods, where ho begged to be taken
with them; that they were trying to
reach a telegraph olllce, where they
could communicate with Mr. Boss. Mr.
Mafllt is a very wealthy farmer and
bears an unblemished reputation In this
community. The only statement lie
will nmke to tho reporters Is that lie
can' irvye that he adopted Johnnie be
fore the itrtsfl boy was stolen, and that
his only object In not giving the facts to
the publlo is for the boy's own good.
Two Highwaymen Dispatched.
Cl Ni lN N ATI, October 22. A special
dispatch states that a desperate encoun
ter took place on Saturday evening at
Big ditty, Kentucky, near Louisville,
between two highwaymen and Joseph
Hansen, n traveling salesman. Hansen
started to walk from West ditty to Big
Cllfty to catch a traln,and was met upon
the bridge, which spans a chasm otie
hundred and forly-six ft. in depth,by two
desperate characters who demanded his
money. Hansen drew a revolver and
shot one of them,when the other rushed
upon him and attempted to throw him
over the bridge, but Hansen drew a
butcher knife from his package of
pamples, stabbed the robber and succeed
ed in throwing him down tho chnsm
and then escaped to Big Cllfty. The
robbers were arrested, but not recognled
by the people of the place. Tho one
who was thrown over tho bridge was
saved from Instant death by falling in
iS'olin river, but both men will probably
Strange Phenomenon In a Well.
Situated about four miles southwest of
Clinlonville, Venango county, is a well
which, Tor volume of production, sur
passes anything yet discovered in that
county. The well was completed up
ward of a mouth ngo. Ko oil was
found, but nn immense gas vein was
encountered at the place where oil was
expected. Before abandoning tho well
the owners resolved to draw out
the casing. This was attempted in the
usual way, but the casing stuck about a
foot above its former resting-place. As
it was elevated to its present position,
the fresh water from the upper part of
the hole rushed into the well at the bot
tom of the casing in great quantity. As
it did so, the gas raised it to the surface
of the earth, after sending it forty feet
above the top of the derrick. There it
continues to gush, and may for all time.
It is estimated that at least 20,000 bar
rels of water are thrown out daily. It l.f
truly a remarkable phenomenon.
A Drunken Man Wounds Four Persons.
Yohk, Pa., October 21. Last evening
a man named Frank Frey, entered the
laundry of the Rational House nt this
place, and drawing a revolver, shot a
young girl employed there named Gray-
bill, in the breast. He then fired at an
other woman, named Belly, the bullet
striking her in the breast. Upon leav
ing this place he fired at a man named
Neiley, but the ball struck a buckle on
his suspenders and glanced oft. He then
met Thomas Craig, a colored man, and
shot him in the breast. Bunningacross
the street, he shot another man, named
Joseph Erney, the ball merely grazing
his body. He then entered a cigar store
firing one shot there, but without injury
to any one, when he was Ecized by a
man named Sponsler, and in tho strug
gle which ensued Frey was himself shot
in the hand. None of tho victims are
considered dangerously hurt. Frey had
been drinking heavily.
Paper Ware.
Tho paper ware manufactory of Stock
ton, New Jersey, promises to be one of
the modern wonders of the world. The
buckets are Impervious to water, nnd it
will remain cool nnd sweet in them a
long time, and even acids will not eat
them up, coal oil cans do not become
saturated with the oil, ana vessels con
taining alcoholic liquors will not be
come intoxicated. That the ware pos
sesses merit is beyond all doubt, and the
energy that pervades the enterprise in
dicates success. We regret our inability
to do justice to this concern. No ad
mission is the inflexible word,and we are
seeking some charm or mnglo word that
will enable us to overcome this barrier,
and if found a fair account of this fac
tory may be given. Doylcnlown Dcm
Railroad War.
PiTTSiiVRGH, October 23. The Pitts
burgh and Lake Erie railroad crosses the
tracks of the Lawrence and New Cas
tle, a leased lino of the Pennsylvania
railroad, nt Mahonlngtown, Pa. Last
week the latter began grading for a sldo
track to be placed four or five feet below
the grade of the main track, with the
intention of preventing the new road
from crossing their line. The Lnke Erie
road, however, put a large force of men
to work and succeeded in making the
crossing. Lust night a large force of
workmen employed by the Lawrence
nnd New Castle road marched to the
crossing nnd tore up the newly laid
track of tho Lake Krle road. The latter
road with a still larger number of work
men relald the track, nnd It was again
torn up this evening.
Since then tho matter has been settled.
V.W Tho Hunterdon County, (N.J.,)
Jicmnrrttl says : A very curious thing
occurred lit Ncshanlc last Wednesday
night. Mr. Brokaw was belated with a
load of hay, and whllo driving along the
road nt a pretty lively trot, the load
pressed the shclvlngs against the wheel
of tho wagon, the friction occasioned
thereby setting flro to the load, which
was consumed together with the wagon.
Mr. B. escaped with tho horses.
Love to Hatred Turned.
There is much excitement nt Fairfax,
Vt,, over tho attempted murder of l)rk
Brush, a well-known physician, by Juliu
Cod'co, who fired at him four times as he
was passing her house, but missed him.
They were engaged to bo married, but
as tho Doctor's children objected, he
married another woman, and to prevent
a breach or promise suit 'allowed Miss
Cofleo $8 a month. There has been
much bitterness between them.
- -4- - -
Wabhinoton, D. C, Oct. 2-lth, 1877.
No business of Importance. 1ms as yet
boon transacted by Congress at this great
extra session with any results that are
visible.. Last Wednesday the House nd
journcd till Saturday when a fow minutes'
session was hold just long enough for the
Chaplain, to pray briully, mid to adjourn till
Monday. During tlio last dnysof the week
Speaker Buudall took a trip to Philadel
phia, for what purposo is not known. All
this seems liko a wasto of time, but I sup
pose It is not so. Tho days have boon oc
cupied lu tho making up of Committees
which must bo dono bofore anything elso
could be accomplished. The Henate hold
no session on Saturday and Friday, was
deep in the consideration of that tiresome
old Pinchback case. Poor Pinchback 1 lie
has ono strong characteristic at all events,
that of perseverance. For years and years
he has beon knocking nt tho door of the
Senate, without avail, but ho will not give
it up. Perhaps be is thinking that although
they will not rise aud give him his desire
for friendship's sake, yet because of bis
much knocking thoy will rise and give him.
Mr. Thurnian hasexpousod Mr. Fastis' case
against Pinchback, and after speaking at
some length oa the question last Friday ho
closed by making the motion, since the
wholo case bad beon under consideration
for so many years and was so thoroughly
understood, that it bo voted on and settled
then and thore. Put in a very unexpected
manner this was slopped by Senator Davis
who roso aud calmly stated that he, not
having beou in tho Senato beforo was en
tirely ignorant of the details of tho cuse
and could li'it possibly vote upon it with
propriety at presont. Bo it had to go over
and " Piuchback's caso" still exists.
Mr. Blaino recoivod a telegram Satur
day, stating that his daughter Alico had
been Bhot by tho premature explosion of a
toy pistol. Ue made preparations for an
immcdiato trip to Maine, but was taken
with a severe chill, just before timo for the
train to leave, and his physician forbade
his leaving bofore Monday or to-day. Mr.
Blaine is said to bo still ambitious for the
Presidency, but even bis friends are not
over sanguine of his success in that direc
tion. Ho grows old. Ilia faces shows the
warfares bo has been through, lie is
growing corpulont and now be has those
samo swollen circles uuder and over his
eyes that Sumner bad during the lattor
part of his life. Ilia hair is very gray and
his wholo faco aud peison bavo aged at
least twenty years in tho last ten. Couk
ling is Btill a bright and shining Senatorial
light, but bis glory, physically speaking la
also on tho wane. Ilia top-knot of Bilvery
gold doesn't curl as high and is somewhat
thinned out in the last year or two ; nnd
the wrinkles iu bis handsome face have
porceptibly deopcucd. And yet, bo is called
by fur tho handsomest man in tho Senato,
Spencer has a general "slicked up" ap
pearance this session. Evidently his wife
has had hor dainty hands in his hair for it
no longer lies flat to his head as formorly.
Now it is brushed up and out at the sides,
and even curled into a crest on the top, al
most rivaling tho style of Conkling. Ho
receives his congratulation appreciatively,
and has at once entered upon his own
special business. Conkling is said to be
his legal adviser.
Stanley Matthews wears gold-bowed
glasses aud looks likeBrighara Young. He
occupies his new seat with digulty, and
with as apparent comfort as if the rival
images of Kwing and Pendleton did not
loom before bhn.
Senator Hamlin, old and tent, but clear
headed and long-sighted as sver, Is still In
his old plaoe. The Senator Chamber would
not look itself without him. His appear
ance Is scarcely that of a fop. Ills coat
looks ns If It had Been a doendo's wear and
is cut after tho same pattern of bis first
wedding swnllow tall very likoly. His boots
nre coarse, and largo and long-hoeled, and
ho wears the kind of spectacles that young
people ransack nil oroation for now-a-days,
lu which to llguro at an "old folks eon
cert," or "antiquarian supper."
This week enme in cold and damp and
full-like, Inaugurated by a thunder storm on
Sunday evening. Tho weather for the last
fortnight has been glorious, nnd wo wore
hoping for a continuanco of the samo
through tho month at least. Wo usually
havo somo days in November, too, warm
and sunny, full or Indian summers' golden
glory, but yesterday and to-day are most
pronounced dampers.
Miscellaneous News Items.
tW It is estimated that turbino wator
wheels have, siuco their Invention, saved
tho country over $300,000,000 iu the one
single Item or fuel.
New Yonic, Octobor 23 Jaiio Laugh
ten, who was yesterday convicted or ab
ducting a llttlo girl, was to-day sent to
prison Tor ton years.
IW During the year Just closed the
United States sold 103 ,000,000 yards of
cotton goods abroad, ton times more than
was exported the year bofore.
IW A while ago a party of lynchers
postponed a hanging Ave minutes to allow
the victim time to finish smoking a cigar.
This proves that the use of tobacco pro
longs life.
tW Samuel Humphries and Edmund
Smith, who both pleaded guilty to tho
burning of the Lebanon Valley bridge,
were each sentenced to an imprisonment
or live years and to pay a fine or $1, 000.
tW A Union square, New York, jewelor
has had a solitaire opal ring, purchased for
an engagement ring, returned nine times,
on account of tho superstition that tho
opal brings disaster to its owner.
tW A lady In Talbotton, Oa., who has
beon using one needle cushion for twenty
five years, had occasion to cut it open
recently, when she counted out two bun
dled and twenty-five needles as tho saving.
Pitt afield, Mass., October 12. Tho
sons of "William Doauey loaded an old gun
barrel with powder yesterday, and dis
charged it. Tho weapon burst, killing two
of the boys and tearing off a hand of tho
Baltimore, October 23. Gov. Carroll
has appointed November 23 for tho execu
tion of Jameslt. Hawkiiis.colored.who was
found guilty in the Howaid circuit court
in September last of committing a rape
upon a white girl thirteen years.
tW General Wagner, of Philadelphia,
has received a letter, partially written in
crimson ink, to represent blood, informing
him that if ho does not slacken his zeal in
an effort to have the salaries of city officials
and employees reduced ho will havo " a
bullot put through" him.
tW Ooorge II. Prlco, express messenger,
was arrested iu Chicago on tho chargo of
Stealing money from packages in his care
betweon Pittsburgh and Chicago. Price
ouco distinguished himself by shooting a
man who attempted to rob his car, and
was much rospoctod by tho company.
tW A Pittsburgh dispatch of the 23ru
inst., says that tho Manchester savings
bank of Allegheny closed its doors this
morning. The liabilities and assets have
not yet beon made known. The bank is a
long established ono, and the depositors
are hopeful.
tW Last March Zono Fees, of Lewis
town, was robbed of a horse, buggy and
harness. Last week the Sheriff of Miillin
county discovered tho horse in a livery
stable in Miillin county, which resulted iu
Mr. Fees again getting his horso. Tho
buggy has not yot been found.
tW A good looking young fellow, who
has been doing farm work about Brewer
nnd Orrington, Mass., this summor,smoked,
chewed, shaved regularly till ho gave pro
mise of a good beard, and courted tho
girls so successfully that the other young
fellows wcro jealous, proves to be a buxom
tW Oa Sunday a week lightning struck
a rod in Blair county, passed into the
dining room where about a dozen devout
persons were holding a prayer meeting,
dismissed the audience, tore up the floor,
passed into the cellar, buret through tho
wall and beforo betaking itself to its grave
demolished the hydrant. Nu one was in
jured. t Dr. Everhart, a prominent physi
cian of Scranton, met with a serious acci
dent while handling a breechloading gun
at his residence on Sunday a week. A
cartridge-, which he was lu the act of in
serting, exploded under a slight pressure,
giving him the full charge of powder in
his eyes and sending the bullet whistling
past his cheek. His face Is badly burned,
aud friends fear he will lose his sight.
tW About ton o'clock last Tuesday
night, an unfortunate tramp, while at
tempting to board a freight train, while
passing through the Narrows, about a
mllo on this side of Dauphin, missed bis
hold and was thrown upon the track.
Tho body was out In two, and the parts
severed wore found twenty yards apart by
tho railroaders. An Inquest was held over
tho body, the coronet's jury rendering a
veidlct in accordance with tho facts.
I2T Tho trial of James P. Funk, of
Allooun, ono of tho counterfeiters nrrestodi
at Tyrone, about the middle of September
last, at tho time when bis accomplice,
HIIhIi Moad, was killed by Detective Por
kins was convicted at Pittsburgh the latter
part of Inst week. After a row moments
deliberation, tho jury returned a verdict
or "guilty," and Funk was romanded
to jail for sentence.
IW On Sunday a weok the wife of
Goorgo Garvin, noar Oreensburg, was
struck by lightning and rendered insensible
for several hours. Hor ono side was par
alyzed, but it Is thought she will recover
tho uso of her limbs. The bolt struck her
on tho shoulder and produced a livid streak
from the shoulder to tho elbow. Sho was
walking about a kitchen stove when she
was Injured.
IW A special from Indianapolis says :
" Dr. Bliss, who is attending Senator
Morton, does not now seem very hopeful of
his immediate improvement. Ho has eaten
littlo or nothing ror nearly a month, and it
Is reared he will literally starvo to death.
A chango in treatment has been decided
on, and medical skill will now be directed
to housing nourishment into the system."
IW The State Supremo Court In Maine
has decided In a caso where a woman
burned hor bouse to get the insurance that
nobody can be convioted or arson in burn
ing his own property, nor can a woman
who burns her husband's house, arson be
ing described as " tho malicious and volun
tary burning or tho house or another by
night or by day."
It is decided also that a pew-owner has
no absolute right or property as iu a grant
or land, ir the building is burned or
taken down or sold, his right is gone, and
he has no claim ; neither can he decorate it
according to his fancy, nor cut it down nor
remove it. And bis ownership gives him.
no right to the ground on which it stands.
V. J. Rice, Simeon and Mechanical
Dcnlht, will visit Bloomfleld the fiiist
two wkkks of each month, profession
ally. Oflico nt 'Squire Clouser's resi
dence. The remainder of his time at
his oflloe in Jckesburg, Perry co., Pa.
CaT Call and hear his prices. 23
Removal. J. T. Messhner has remov
ed his Shoe Shop to the room adjoining
V. B. Clouser's office, 4 doors west of the
Post-Ofllce, where he will make to order
Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Bepair
ing promptly and neatly executed. He
will nlso keep on hand a good assort
ment of Boots nnd Shoes, which ho wilt
sell nt low prices. Give him a call. 17
Blank Receipt Books for Administrators
and Executors. Also blank notes an
all other blunks for sale at this office, tf
Tub CnHisTiAN at Work lias Just concluded
arrangements for tlie publication In Its columns
of a story with the above title from the pen of
Mrs. Ollphant. It is nnnecessnry to introdnce
the authoress of Margaret Maitland, The
Chronicles of Carllngforil, Salem Chapel, The
Minister's Wife and The Biouraptiy of Edward
Irving, to the American pubiic. In England,
after George Eliot, the name of Mrs. Oliphant
comes next ia the order of female writers j and
we congratulate Its readers on the treat that is
In store for tliein.
An Excellent Text-Book. ,
A new school hlotory of tho United
Prof. John Clark Itidpath, which is a history
in fact as well as In name, has awakened fresh
interest In the subject, even among those to
whom ordinary school books with, a similar
object have become distasteful. Teachers and
scholars speak of its prominent features with,
enthusiasm, and evidently believe that no
mensnre of commendation is too good for it. A
hasty examination demonstrates to u that it
contains mora genuino and really desirable In
formation about the country than any work of
tho kind we have seen.
Its prominent characteristics nre complete
ness of narrative, ready helps In maps, dia
grams, charts and Illustrations, perspicuous
arrangement and terseness, all of which show
the hand and brain of tho accomplished schol
ar and expert historian, and seem to as sulll
cient to enchatn the Interest of yonth, which
many school histories fail to do. This work is
already largely in use In many of the States,
and its general adoption is probably only a
question of time. A thoughtful examination
by an intelligent judge of school textbooks will
prove conclusively that we have not overstated
the merits of the volume, and it should there
fore attract tho prompt attention of all friends
of our common school system. (
tW The Premicm Enoravino, isued by
"Peterson's Magazine" for 187S, like every
thing else from that quarter, Is of rare excel
lence and beauty. It is not one of the cheap,
colored lithographs, with which the country is
flooded, but a flrsl-clns lino and stipple en
graving, executed lu the highest style of art.
The artists are Illman B Brothers, and they
have engraved It, (size, 21 inches by 20,) ex
pressly for " Peterson's Magazine," In their
most brilliant manner. It is such a plate as
would sell, at retail, for five dollars. The
picture represents the " Angels of Christmas."
They are hovering In the sky, over tlio Holy
City, the Star of Betbelem streaming down on
tho landscape. It is a picture that ought to be
in every household la America. In artistic
merit and beauty it is, we think, the finest
" Peterson" has ever Issued. You can get it,
gratis, by raising a club for "Petersou" for
1S78, or by remitting for It aud for the
magazine, the magazine alone being; two
dollars. This is a rare chance. Specimens
of the magazine sent, gratis, to those wishing
to get up clubs. Address Chas. J. Peterson,.
UUU Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.