The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, October 23, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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L(05h,l Department.
On and ftr ludIMh. Tr1m run m follows i
Tr'n Ux.
Mpx1im. ......
Port Hojril....
1. 80,
8 38
e u
7 m
I. Ml.
1.8(1 10. HI
.M l.M
J .mi
11. Ml
1.40, 0.414
N'. Hamilton, ,
A I ton mi
10. 94' 8 W 8.28
lll.lrt .47:
fl.87! 4.18 7.W
8.8(i: 8.8H 8 W'
8.18 8.8(1 8.16
A.M. P.M.;P.M.I
fw IMttwbunr F.xiirAft. Icsvp lUrrtolxirtr Ht II. mi p.m.
Duncaiiimn II. Bit (fliiir): Newport 11.87 lllw) Mid
five at I'lttnlmrK .18.10 a. m.
On Wednesday evening about seven
o'clock some "thieving cuss" stole a
large roast from Minleli's refrigerator lu
this place.
David Risser, of Lelinnon Co., charg
ed with the murder of Mr. Miller Las
been acquitted. " ,
Xa little son of Maj. Griffith Jones, a
former resident of Duncannon, recently
lost an eye by the explosion of a torpedo,
with which he was playing.
E. B. M'Crum, Esq., has sold an
Interest in the Mlfliintown Iribune,
to Mr. J. M. Bowman of the Mt. Union
Times, who will edit the paper.
A little three year old daughter of Jo
seph Boehm of Harrlsburg, was run
over and instantly killed by a street car
on Wednesday last.
Messrs. George and Frederick Barnctt of
this borough have made a contract with
Mr, Singer Whitmer to work their farm
the coming year.
S. II.Galbraith, Esq. , a former resident
of this county, died at his residence in
New Oxford, Adams county, on Mon
day of last week. , ,
Among the notables In town on Thurs
day last, we noticed the editor of the
Ledger. We wonder if be saw the ter
rible fighting he so graphically described.
Br. Ellerman declines being a candi
date on the Greenback ticket, and D.
Morrison 4 Jr., of Tyrone twp., has been
named as candidate for Director of the
Poor in his place.
-G. E. McClellan, one of the boys em
ployed in The Times office, cut an ar
tery in his leg on Wednesday last, while
cutting spruce for decoration, which has
caused him to use a crutch, for several
The Ledger has a very sensational re
port of the proceedings of last Thursday
afternoon and evening in this place. It
is evident that their correspondent had
drank more than his share of the fight
ing whiskey he speaks of. , , , . , v .
"Cranes seem to be very plenty this sea
son. Already we have recorded the kill
ing of several and now Mr. John Baugh
man reports the killing of one on W.
W. Snyder's dam, that measured 5
feet 2 inches in height and 0 feet 1 inch
across the wings.
On Thursday evening of last week
Mr. Christian Kaufman, who resided in
Latlmore township, Adams county,
about one-half mile from Deardorlf's
mill and about six miles from Dillsburg,
suddenly dropped dead in his yard when
on his way from his barn to his house.
On Saturday last Annie, little daughter
' of l'hilo Shively, residing in Fermanagh
Up., Juniata co.,met with an accident by
:. 'which she broke her leg. She was after
chestnuts near the house and was in the
act of getting oil' a tree and jumped
lighting on the side of her foot with the
result above mentioned. The distance,
she jumped was not more thun live or
six feet. , , . .-
Horse Thier. Chas. E. Wirt M as ar
rested in Newport on Saturday last by
Constable Leonard, charged with steal
ing a horse from his irother, David
Wirt in Cumberland county. It is al
leged that he stole the horse and brought
him to Shermunsdale this county, and
traded with Mr. Dew-alt, and shortly
after he had left, his brother came and
recovered his horse, leaving Mr. Dewalt
short just one quadruped. Ilia son im
mediately started in pursuit and over
took the lad in Newport, when he ob
tained a warrant and caused his arrest.
The thief was brought to this borough
and placed in Fort Williamson until
the authorities of Old Mother Cumber
land claims her own and takes him
Narrow Escape. The Altoona. Evening
Mirror, of Monday, says : " On Sat
urday morning, as the pay car of the
Pennsylvania railroad was passing Bell's
Mills station some miscreant hurled a
stone through the car window. Messrs.
Wm. Cook and Wm. Trace, of Harris
burg, were in the car at the time. Mr.
Trace was sitting with his back to the
window, and the rock grazed his bead
in its flight. The difference of an inch
might have made a very serious result.
Who the miscreant was could not be
learned, although the car was stopped
and search made. We learn that Super
intendent M'Crea is determined to break
up the practice of stoning trains, and
that a reward will be offered for the de
tection of the rascals."
WnyiMiiil Aon. i
Pus 1'r'u 1'r'n
e.lH) l.M t.HO
n il
6-91 1.I&9 6.U.
i.BH l.W t il).
S.S8 9.81 (.401
P.(H 1.41 t.M
9 1.66 7.10;
HW i OS T.8S
MS V46t
.M 1.89 I.Mi
1(1. Ill .M 8.011
10.43 .(IU
11.14 .
11.40 4.6'J
19.8(1 till
l ift g.94
l.M 1.0(1
r.H. p.m.
Soldiers' Re-Unlotu-rThursday last was
the day set for the re-iinioti of the sol
dlers of Perry county. It was a pleasant
day and at an early hour 'crowds of
pedestrians were seen coming from
every direction. Carriages and vehicles
of every description also began to bring
In their loads', and before eleven o'clock
the town was packed with such a crowd
as has not been seen in it for many
yearB. There never was a town that
wag more tastefully decorated. In every
direction were to be seen wreaths, arches,
mottos and flags that gave evidence of
the fact that the citizens of the town
had taken an interest in making the
gathering a pleasant one, and one that
would long be remembered.
Every one seemed bent upon making
the day pass pleasantly, and the 1 houses
of many of the citizens were thrown
open to friends and strangers, and all
were made welcome.
At 11 o'clock the Court House bell
rang for the assembling of a business
meeting, which was called to order
by Capt. F. M. M'Keehan.. A constitu
tion had been prepared for the action of
the members, who unanimously ac
cepted it, and the association was named
"The Veteran Association of Perry
County." The committee appointed to
select the place for holding the next re
union decided upon Mlllerstown as the
place, and the time will be made known
by the proper authorities at some future
The following officers were elected for
the next year: Capt. O. C. Palm, Ander-
sonburg, president ; C. II. Smiley, Esq.,
New Bloomfleld, secretary, and Dr.
Joseph Swartz, Duncannon, treasurer.
At about one o'clock a procession was
formed of the following detachments i
J. W. Williamson, Chief Marshal, ' -'
Aide: D. C, Orris, C. II. Broiler, F. M. McKee
han, J. j. Bponenberger, II. Shearer, J.
Weaver, and Dr. Joseph Bwartz,
Duncannon Brass' Band, IS members, J. N.
Gladden, leader.
Loysvllle Soldiers' Orphans, 83 neatly uni
formed and well dlclpllned boys, Captain
Edward Butler, commanding.
Detachment ' of the Ninth ' Pennsylvania
Cavalry thirteen members, Maj.
Bhuman, commanding.
Blaln Cornet Band, eighteen membors, W. B.
Dunbar, leader.
Company I. Pennsylvania, Reserves, S3 men,
James Hahn, commanding.
New Buffalo Cornet Band, 13 members, Nel
son Graham, leader. , ,
Detachment of the Fourth Regiment, Penn
sylvania Volunteers, 63 men, David
McCoy, commanding.
New Bloomfleld Cornet Band, 15 members.
8. n. Beck, leader.
Company I, 208ti Regiment, Pennsylvania
Volunteers, 8 men, John Ayle ,
Company E. 208th -Regiment, Pennsylvania
Volunteers, 30 men, E. 13. Welee,
Newport Gcrmanla Band, 15 members, W. A.
ZInn, leader.
Company B, 7th Regiment, P. R. C, fifty-six
men, Captain H. C. Bnyder,
After marching over the route 'pre
viously selected, the parade ended arid
the crowd gathered in front of the -stand
beside the Court House and listened to
some excellent speeches. , Letters of re
gret at their inability to attend were
read from General Sherman and Gov
Hartranft. After the speeches the dif
ferent bands that were present delighted
the people with their choice muslo until
near sunset when the visitors began to
leave for home. ' We doubt whether any
pleasanter gathering was ever' held in
the county, and as such seemed to be the
opinion of all present, we presume
that re-union day will in future be look
ed forward to with pleasant anticipa
tions. Delegations were present from
Cumberland, 'Juniata ''.'and' Snyder
counties, and from Altoona. It is
thought that over three thousand per
sons were present.
Sheriff '8 Sales. Tho following prop
erties were sold by the Sheriit'ou Friday
last :
A lot of ground situate in Marysville,
poized as the property of Sarah and John
II. IiongsdorU", sold to Marysville Build
ing and Loan Association for $(()0.
A tract of land situate in Juniata twp.
containing 05 acres, more or less, seized
as the property of Jerome M. Wise and
Andrew J. Wise, sold to A. M. Markel,
for $051.
A lot of ground situate in the bor
ough of Liverpool, seized as the proper
ty of John Neugley, sold to A. M. Mar
kel for $801.
Defendant's interest in a lot of ground
situate in Liverpool borough, seized as
the property of John Haas, sold to G.
Cary Tharp for $67.
A lot of ground situate in Savllle twp.,
seized as the property of J. R. Smith,
sold to W- A.Sponsler, for $720.
A lot of ground situate in Savilletwp.,
seized as the property of J. H. Smith,
sold to W. A. Sponsler, for $61.
- A tract of land situate in Wheatfield
twp., seized as the property of 11. B.
Ebersole. sold to W. A. Sponsler for $11.
A tract of woodland situate in Miller
twn.. seized as the property of Wm. O,
McFadden sold to Wm. A. Sponsler
for $100.
A tract of land situate in Tuscarora
twp., seized as the property of George
D. Kobinson, Bold to W. A. Sponsler
for $5.
A tract of land situate in live twn.
seized as the property of Geo. Lelghty,
sold to Jonn f rymier lor Sfstio.
A tract of land situate in Carroll twp,
seized as the property of Stephen Fenni
cle, sold to W. A. HiionHlcr for $351.
A tract of land situate in Carroll twp.,
seized as the pioperty of Christian
Home, sold to W. A. Sponsle'r for $150.
A tract ef land situate in Liverpool
twp., seized as .the property of John
Hoffman deceased, sold to O. A. Barnett
for $20.
A traot of WooillanoLsltuato In Liver
pool twp., selted as the pr6rrtynf Ja
cob irolllnan, deceased, sbid to C. A.
Barnett, for $30. i
The Synod of the Potomac, of the He
formed .Church, ' convened ' In . annual
Bession on Wednesday evening, Oct.,
17th, in the First Reformed church, Cal
vert street, Baltimore, and organized,
after an able sermon by the Rev. Dr.
Gans, by the election of Kev, J. A.
Peters, of Alexandria, Pa., as President,
Kev. J. S. Keiffer, of Hagerstown, Md.,
Cor. Secretary, and Elder Louis II. Mar
kel of Frederick, Md., Treasurer, and
Rev. Wm. M. Deatrlok of Mercersburg
as Stated Clerk. The Revs. Herbert of
Landisburg, Llndman of Blaln, and
Kretzlng of Newport, together with
Messrs. linger, and Hench Were present
from Perry county. The attendanceand
Interest was encouraging.
Another Railroad Bridge Across the Sus
quehanna. The Waynesboro' (Pa) Rec
ord, of last week, Bays : " The Buccess
of the Harrlsburg and Potomac; railroad
Is now assured. The Messrs. Dacy, of
Boston, have articled for the building
of the bridge between New Cumberland
on the Cumberland county side and Ew-
ington on the Dauphin county side of
the Susquehanna river, below Harrls
burg, and the completion of the road is
as far as Waynesboro'. In addition,",
continues the Jieeord, " it Is the purpose
to extend the road from that place, via
Hagerstown or Boonsboro', . to Virginia
to make connection with the Shenan
doah Valley railroad, thus affording an
outlet to Baltimore and elsewhere for all
farm products, manufactures, etc."
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland -'county
papers of last week :
On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Mary
Dysroth, eldest daughter of Mrs. Char
lotte Yalser, was found dead in bed at
her mother's residence, on East Main
street. She had been ill with chills and
fever, and had retired to bed, where, in
an hour afterwards, she was found by
her mother cold in death.
Mr. Alex. Huber bad a valuable sorrel
horse stolen from his stable on last
Thursday night. The thief was follow
ed into York county by Mr. H.', on Frl
day morning but be soon lost trace of
him and returned home again. A reward
of $26 is oll'ered for the return of the
horse, and $20 additional for the capture
of the thief. . lift
Sunday afternoon, a horse belonging
to Mr. John Moyer, of Sliver . Spring
township, ran olf and badly broke the
buggy to which lie was attached. The
horse had been hitched to a post In front
of Eli Moyer's, and was frightened by
some meanB, when he dashed out the
Silver Spring road, and soon caused a
complete wreok, - i 1
A large barn on the farm of David
Hays, near vEyster's hotel, on the Wal
nut Bottom road, was burned with its
contents on .Wednesday of last week
The men were engaged in threshing,and
the fire caught from the machine, blaz
ing up into the mow,and ulmost instant
ly getting beyond control. We are In
formed that the insurance on the barn
had expired a few days before., and the
loss is a total one. The crops, including
the grain in bags anil tno threshing ma.
chine, were burned. Tlio latter belonged
to jir. iMTBtcr. A Mr. J-iong resided on
the farm.
Church Notices.
Preaching in the Reformed Church
next Sunday at 10J o'clock A. M.
Preaching in the Lutheran Church
next Sunday at 21 o'clock P. M. Pruyer
meeting on Wednesday evening.
Presbyterian preaching next Sunday
at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M. Pruyer meeting
every Wednesday evening at 7 o'ciocit.
Preaching in the M. E. Church next
Sunday at 101 o'clock A. M. Sunday
School at H o'clock A. ju. rrayer meet
ing every Thursday evening.
County Trice Current. ;
Oloomfield October 22, 1877.
Klax-Seed t 25
Totutoes 35
Butter V pound, 20S2O
Hkks f) dozen, 15 "
Dried Apples V pound, 5 CM"
Dried Peaches, 1015ct..ft&
I Corrected Weekly by Kough Brother.) , -
Newpokt, October 20, 1877.
Klour, Extra 13 80
" Super
White Wheat V bush, (old) 13SalSS
Red Wheat,.. 1 8001 80
Rye 6555
Corn , to 50
Oats y 32 pounds, 2525
Clover Seed 6 Ot' J8 to
Timothy Seed, 1 20 '
Flax Seed 1 00
Potatoes ' 30Q30
Bacon 8 H
Dreaaod Hogs,
Ground Alumn Bait, 1 SS1 85
Llmeburner'i Coal, 2 15
otovo Coal 8 75 Q 4 25
Pea Coal, g
Gordon's Pood per Back 12 00
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at tbe
owi Maritot iwtes.
.oarusi.k pRonncR mabsbt.
V i j.,:. , oobiib "sn wssxtt. ' j
'! -- WOODWARD mUH, 4r,
' ' .' ' ' " OARLWLa, October 20,18.17.
Famllj Flour, ...... ....... W.69 '
BiipKrttne Bye Flour, , , t.!f '
wnlts Wheat, new...... ,..-. 1 8 I
Red Wbeat.nBW..... 1 ); .j
Ry,.u..'.j..; J .
Oortt. (new) ......... A.. ...;. ' 50'
OrM, .... , .... , , 25' S
Clnrnrseed, 6.(0 a 5.(0
Tlmothyseed .v... 1 15
n " . It.'.
Philadelphia Produoe and Stock Report,
PHrt.-nrrr ii. net with .Thmiirl, trmA t.-.
been moderately active the nant week there tit no
special nliaiiRe to note in prices ot Droduce, Pren
ent quotation aret Wheat l.HSftlBOt OrD,60QGl
ivy", ioi uni ,-nifiz.ii j uiovenwea, I'tvii.
Stock quotation
ar: Fenn'i
'O. K. K., 294
Heading, 15 t Penna. SErle, 10 1 Northern Ceu-
l.'ijit Lehigh Val. 89 1 Gold, 102.
Krrm PfcTng. At the M V.. TnnniM 'nn th
10th Hint., by theRey. J. W. Cleayer, Mr. Harrison
A. Kiiun to Mm Jemima 1'etre, ol thli county.
Ki.mckbh Kennedt. On the 15th Inst., at
I.andlsbuiir, by the Bfttne, Mr. Geo. W. KUIcker,
to MiM Annie Kennedy, allot this county.
.l.iNH McCu'HB. On the 4th lnt, by Rev.
R, Merherson, Mr. It. It, I.lnn.of Hockford. 111.,
to MIM Anna I McClure, of Green Park this oo.
Bhenner Ukahtok. On the Baine day by the
name, at the Mansion House, I.andlsburg, Mr. Jo
seph hrenner to Mlu Emma Beaatun, all of Land
Uburu, tills county..
Plain Kiamer. On the7th Inst, near Markel Rev. J. KretziiiK, Mr. James Ulaln to Mrs.
Margaret a. nenmer noin ot tne duniaia twp.
Jacobs Zmui.En.-t On the 4th Inst., at the
Manse, Carlisle, Pa., by Rev. Geo. Noroross.-P.
W. Jacobs to Catherine 11. Zeleler. both of this
fLIOKBH KHNftHDT. On tlie 15tn Inst., Dy
Rev. J. W. Cleaver, Mr. George W. Flicker to
Miss Annie R.Kennedy, ail ot Landisburg this
Shrawtibb Sn.Rfl. On the 11th Inst., by John
Oannan, Ksq., Mr. Levi J, Bhrawder to Miss
Sarah L. Silks, both ol Buffalo township.
Thompson. On the 15th lust.. Richard Thomn-
soii ot Carroll twp., In the 6!uh year of his age.
jiui;oknki on me tun insc.,ac Montgomery's
Ferry, Alexander MoConuel, aged 15 years, 8
months and 8 days.
Gamhbh. On the Pth Inst., In Duncannon.
Mary E., wife of Geo. Uamber, aged 32 years, 2
months and 3 days.
GaI.braith. At New Oxford. Adams county,
on the Kith Inst. 8. H. Gnlbralth, Ksq., formerly
of tills county, In the 43rd year of bis age.
178 Baltic Street, Bbookltn, N. If.,
.NOV. 14, 1874.
n. R. Stevens, Esq.
Dear Sir ; From personal benefits reoelred by
its use, as well as from personal knowledge of
those whose cures thereby have seemed almost
miraculous, I can most heartily and sinoerely
recommend the VEGETINE for the complaints
which it Is claimed to cure. JAMKR P. LUDLOW,
Late Pastor Ualvary Uabtlst Church, .
i- Sacramento, Cat
f 1 Booth Poland, Me., Oct 11, 1878.
Mr. TI. it. Btbvenb.
Dear Sir.- I have been sick two years with
the liver complaint, and during that time have
taken a great many different medicines, but none
of them did me any good. I was restless at
nights, and had no appetite. Since taking the
VEGETINB I rest well, and relish my food. Can
recommend the Vegetine for what it liasdone for
me. Vours respectfully
Witness of the above.
r r i Aledf old, Mass. '
Boston Home, H Ttler Sreet, (
Boston, April, 1876.
II. R. Stevens.
Dear Sir : We foel that, the children in onr
home have been greatly benefited by the VEOK
TINE you have so kindly given us from time to
tune, especially those troubled with the Scrofula.
With respect. , :
Mrs. N. WOttMEtL, Matron.
:- i. ..j'
, , itEV. O. T. WALKER SAYS.
Providence, It. L, 161 Transit Street
JI. R. Stevens, E6.
I tcel bound to express with my signature the
hit;h value I place upon your VJiCKliNK. My
family have usd It lor the last two years. In
jMrvntiB debility It Is Invaluably, and I recom
mend it to all who may lined an Invigorating, ren
ovating tonic.
, . iFormerly Pastor of Bowdolu square Church,
j i . Boston.
'': South Salem, Mass.. Nov. 11, 1376.
Mr. H. R. Stevens.
Dear tiir:l have been troubled with Scrofula,
Canker, and Liver Complaint for throe years.
NothrflK ever did me any good until I commenced
using the VEGETINE. I consider there Is noth
ing equal to It for such complaints. Can heartily
recommend it to everybody. Yours truly,
No. 1G Lagrange St., South iSalum, Mass.
South Boston.
Mr. Stevens.
. Dear Sir .'I have taken several bottles of ynnr
VEGETINE, and am convinced It is a valuable
remedy for DyspeiMla, Kidney Complaint, and
General Debility of the System. I can heartily
recommend it to all sult'erers from the above coiu
pluluts. Yours respectfully,
Prepared by
H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass.
Vegetine Is Sold
October 16. 1877.1m.
by all Druggists.
CI Our Stock of NEW GOODS
lor Men's Wear Is complete.
Prices from 1-H cents up.
F. MORTIMER. New Bleomtleld. Pa,
foii ftALi:.
A Valuable Mill Property on reasonable terms
at Private Sale. It uot sold before
.THURSDAY, November 1st, 1877,
It will be offered at public sale on that day.
For further information, address
New Germantown,
Perry county, Pa.
October 2, 1877.
1877. ;- ,. . , ,r
,.;'.' I 'i 6nAHD icnons., i VI
Penn Wm. Krooka, Sutnl. Smith, William
Keel, V. O. Bmlth.
LRtitllsbtiru Henry ninpsmlth.
Utiffalo Peter Moyor, tanil. Dnlr,
MadlHon Hen. itlstline, Philip btambauah.
John h. Evlnuer. .
. , Tohnyne John Rmltli.
. HprliiR Jacob IKnfjRonnr, W. Hj Rhonda.
lllooiiilltild Saml. Huath, Snml Smith.
... Centre Dnvld Holmes, Sr. .
Newport Heck Hnmell, J, A. Br-atty.
Liverpool T.-John Hoffman.
Liverpool 11. Clias. V. Binder. .
1 Jackson- Oeoren H. Stroup, ' '
.; Marysvllln II. It.. Fisher. , , ,.
TPlicatOeld Henry Clay.
' Oliver II. L. Troup. '
TRAVF-tlSfC JBIlORS. i ,,,, . ,
, Ccntie Roltert I). Nellson. , i,
' Marysvlllo John Rodabnuali,' John II.
Wetzel, ll'm. 8. UaiiH. ' .'
Penn Jonathan Mlohoner,, W. K. SwarU,
IJavkl Smith. .
Savllle John t)enn, John M. tlnllor, John
8( Kerr, It. O. Woden. ' .
Toboyne Isaac Eby i .
Carroll John MoCalllster, Eobert Mcbon
nnlly, Jacob Doms.
Tyrone IPllfinin Brlrklev. Iao P. MIllHr,
Bninwl K. Sheaffcr, Jonas Noll. .
Greenwood William 11. Leas, Henry Lau
ver, Henry Ortibb, H. P. Coclirnn, Isnlto
Troutinnn, John Plttlng. ,
Spring Dnniel IKent.nll.
Mlllerstown Jnnirs (iilflllen, iHn. Jones.
New BurTnlo-K. D. IPclls, John Albright.
. IJverpool I. Snml. Yohn, IFin. II. MUlor.
Liverpool T. Josinli Sweezy.
nioonifiehl milinm McKee. '"' '"
Newport William H. Flickinanr.
Jnckson Wm.Sencer, John ft. Uryner.
IVlieatfleltl Samuel Shearer.
Miller Martin Cless.
. Hye Thomns C'olemnn. 1 ,
lUifTnlo U. IK. Potter.
Madison Chnrles Shields.
Juniata Miuhael I), Acker,
Oliver-Henry L. Smith, Henry Flckes.
Snmuel Lelby.
f pitlAL, LINT, OCTOREH T Eim,'77
1 I. N- Rliiplmrt vs. J.r.inelmrt cfi Perry co.
2 O. W. -Zllin, Bdm'r of Amelia Hllblsb, vs.
John AlIUulsu.
3 S. U. Crawford, adm'r of J. S. Laird, vs.
Dr. Jnmes Oalbrnth'a ndm'rs.
4 M. It. Spahr vs. Barbara Baker, ct al.
8 Sbnnk & Williamson vs. A. 1). Vaiulling.
db Son.
B Andrew J. Burd vs. Penna. Cannl Co,
7 Dr. M. Price va. D. Breckblll, et ux. -
8 Same vs. Jacob Zang, et ux.
0 U. Cnrv Tharo's use vs. S. S. Pehrer.
10 Same vs. Same.
11 Lewis W. Beach vs. Jacob Stotifofy '
12 Adam Knrstetter vs. Charles Wright, et aL
13 Anna M. Elliott vs. Dr. W. Cisna.
14 Samuel Brlner vs. Henry VVingert's ex'rs.
15 Greenwood twp. school district vs; A. W.
Long, etc. , . , ,,
IB F. It. Swartz vs. Margaret D. vir.
17 Henry Saxton vs. F. W. Gibson.
IS Henry C. Kling, et ux, vs. Abraham Fry.
19 W. It. S. Cook & Co., vs. Elizabeth De-
wees, surviving, etc.
20 Jacob Brandt vs. Daniel Power. I ''
21 Benj. C. Kheem vs. Lewis McNeal. (
22 Martin Motzer vs. David Kistler.
23 W. Hurt! vs. Wm.J. Graham's Committee.
24 Joseph Hayes vs. W. W. Knrnsworth.'
20 C. Thudiiim vs. Commissioners of Perry.
2tt Robert Taylor vs. Same. ' '
27 John Bechtel db Son vs. Same. ' ' "'
28 J.S.McClintock vs. Moses Hess, aclm'r,&c.
ftild1 Wliplcstile dealers in Butter, Clieese, Lrd,
Tallow, Kses, 'Poultry, Game. Stock, Potnloes,
RIITTFR Apples, Grain, Klour. Fur, Wool,
0U I I tn. cotton. Rice. Tobacco, Peanuts!
Broom Corn, Dried Eruit, Hay, Hops,! Foreign
And Domestic Fruits, and in fact we can sell any
and everything at tliemnrket price; make prompt
V?lKlYl' A".a H E F S F i L 1 4 lilt Alt.
cash ai- untwc, V A. S CES
made on all shipments except perishable articles.
To show that we do extensive business, any game
dealer In Plill'a. will tell yon we handled more
tame last season tlian all other PCllI! TDV
Houses in Philadelphia put to- rUUL I fl I .
pettier. Send for price list. Stencil. Iko.. e. REF
KRENCE CASH, nr we refer vou to ANY KE
: , GAME.
677 ly.
up toavn: '
Wo tnvlie the Citizens of BLOOMFIELD and
vicinity, to Civil and examine our block of
NOTIONS, tc, &c, &c,
, Ali'of which we' are selling at astonishingly
Give us a call and ftAVFl MOXF.Y, as we
, Butter and Eggs taken In trade.
38 ly West Main Street.
$1.00.' $1.00.
Three-ply Linen Bosom, Three-ply Neckbands,
Linen Wristbands and tluished complete.
, We can positively say that
Is superior to any other, and that there Is no bet
ter Shirt hi the Market at any price.
Per month. vl II be paid to a good energetlo
man lu each county to introduce
New Illustrated History of Penn'a.
Write immediately, and state experience la this
business, und sue. Address,
D. C. GOODHICH, Publisher,
4113t Harrlsburg, Penn'a.
Vie have the Best Stock of Goods for
Men's Wear that can be found lu the
county, and we don't care who knows
OK FASHIONABLE CAKDS no two alike, with
"J name. loc. 20 Scroll, with name, Inc. post
paid. Aueuts' outfit, He. GtO. 1. 1!EKD ft CO.,
Sussau, N. V