The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, October 02, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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On and sfter Junegsth, Trains run as follows i
PasslTr'n Tr'n
J'nsiMstliAtl'.i Mffl.
i;x. ur n ci. acu.
. M.
8. to
a. i
8 40
7 K'J!
A. M.
8 48
8 19
' 7.47
7 m
Mexico,.. ......
l'ol-t Royal....
8. IS. 10.56
R 21
6 8H
1. 0
i'.m lo.Jo
a nr.
0 I'll
10. in
ii. in1
4. Oil
tiewlstoWH J.,
u!in t'.i&, t'.u
a in
N. Hamilton, .
10.841 B.OU 8.2:1
10.101 4.471
C371 4.15 7.8-f
8.80 S.'.'X 8.(0.
8.1ft1 9.60; 6.lii
A.M. P. M.I
Diiwmhkvi 11.33 h:ur); Newport 11.57 (Siw) and
W lit...M ).... U...I.IlI.M...I II ill i
lvi'H n iiidomrir ni n.iii A. si.
tF(t"ltiif West, the Way P;mrai.-pr Ir-nrra HnrrJa
urir lnil v the other trains Til1ly exceot Hmiilnv.
Itf-Uoiii? Knit. Hi Atlantic Kmrewleavee AUot:
lallr. the other trnitia Daily except Humlnv.
IWPneinr Express AVot will atop nt Pmieiumon at
4.6-J ant :it Neivi-ort at 5.17 a. in., when tla;.-u-el.
ttvlol Items.
-jacoi) luiniT, oi j.smin, mis u imiuiiKiii
T - irtn j-rit- l 1-1
weighing 9"J pounds. Who can bent it ?
-vThe Donley farm In Carroll twp., wns
sold by the Assignee last week, to J. E.
Junkiu, Esq., for 2,000.
Seven hundred thousand dollars la
whnt the State of Pennsylvania will
have to pay the troops for services
during the riots.
"xMr. David Carns and Mr. David Ens
rninger, fanners of "Weatiield twp., have
gone West for the purpose of visiting
their friends ill Illinois.
A few days since Amos Bowers, near
Bluin, shot a (Jray Eagle, measuring
seven feet, three inches from' tip to tip
of wings.
"iC There will be a Grand Basket Tic Nlo,
held one mile south west of Blain, on
Saturday, October 13, 1SS77. All are in
vited. j
.Some bee tree hunters of Sandy Hill
were badly sold last week. After cut
ting for the honey they found they had
got a yellow jacket's nest instead of a bee
Mr. Abrani Vandling. a former resi
dent of this county, died at Murphy's,
Calaveras county, Cal., on the 13th ult.
His death was caused by a fall received
the day previous.
We call attention to the advertisement
of Stephens & Beetem, the well-known
Carpet House, of Carlisle. Their fall
stoclt is now complete in every depart
ment. Call and see what they offer.
n Thursday a week,a son of Lehman
Jones, residing near Millerstown, in
jumping down from the hay mow,struck
on a sliarp stick which ran nearly
through his leg near the thigh, making
a dangerous and very painful wound.
Von Saturday night a week - the house
of Mr. John Williamson, at Liverpool,
was entered by boring out the fastening
of the door. Various articles were found
in the morning thrown around, but
nothing of value was found missing.
.V Teachers for the schools in this bor
ough have been engaged as follows : For
the high school, James W. M'Kee; for
the second school, John M'Crosky ; for
the primary, Benjamin Belford. Schools
to commence the 15th inst.
E. K. Biting who was not be fo-ind
when , wan ted at last term of court, was
arrested on Wednesday, in Dauphin
county. He is now enjoying the hospi-
rfllitipH nf Khpriff' WHIiiinmnu until annl-i
time as he can have an interview with
Judge Junkin.
One day last week, a three-year old son
of John H. Hitter, of Tyrone twp., fell
off a horse and broke an arm. Dr.
Hook was called and set the fracture.
The little fellow did not seem to mind
his injury, and was moving about as
lively as usual next day. x
Jesse Johnson is unfortunate enough to
live in Watts township, near to Mont
gomery's Ferry,which probably accounts
for the fact that his house was robbed a
few nights since, many articles be
ing taken, and others being thrown
around promiscuously.
( A few days since the house owned by
riijuci lu xiivui euui, tuuu lliv
from a defective flue. The roof was
slightly damaged, before the flames were
extinguished. He now thinks he will
have a good chimney, a9 the flue has
served him the same trick before.
V A few days since a swarm of bees came
and took possession of a hive on the
premises of Mr Joseph Black, in Carroll
twp. The hive was already occupied
and such a general fight ensued between
the two swarms, that Mr. B. was com
pelled to kill both swarms. This wo
coubidcr a remarkable occurrence.
A number of our exchanges in refer
ing to the eight years' sentence passed
upon the horse thief, Houser, by J udge
Junkin, speak of it as the longest sen
tence the Judge ever Imposed. That isa
mistake, as Judge Junkin passed a sen
tence of ton years upon John Baker at
the May term of 1S74. .
An employee of the Pennsylvania
railroad company, named Jacob Ernest,
an ash pit cleaner was instantly killed
at Milllin, early Wednesday morning,
by the engine of the fust line eastward
bound. Ho was shoveling ahhes out of
the pit, and did not hear the coming of
the fast line" which struck him while
running at a great speed.
List of unclaimed letters remaining ill
the Post Office, New Bloom field, Perry
county, Pa., Oct. 1st :
Mr. John O'Danner, Mr. Mlcba'l Kingsley,
Mr. Edward B. Wherley, Mr. Geo. Young, 3.
Persons inquiring for the above letteri,
please say they are advertised.-
8. Koatb, Poet Matter. .
enfre Township1 Schools. A portion
only of the schools in Centre twp., were
given out on Saturday last. Laurel
Grove was given to Bailie F. BartrurT;
Jerlcho,to S. C. Shaver ;Okefonoke, to S.
K. Sanderson ; Ko.lers, to Sallle Magee;
Perry Furnace, to John M. Sanderson ;
Markels, to Jas. G. Nellson. The other
four schools were held over till Saturday
next, at 11 A. M.
Shuman Miller, of Loysvllle, this coun
ty, aged about 10 years, fell from a
hickory tree, on Thursday, the 20th of
September, a distance of about 18 feet.
Up to thi9 date he has been unable to
speak. His right arm Is entirely power
less, but he appears to be conscious of
all that is transpiring around him. The
doctor says he is getting along very
well, and appears to have hopes of his
entire recovery.
Rev. Matthew B. Patterson, for many
years a resident of this borough, died at
Freeport, Illinois, on the lOlh of Sep
tember, 1877. He was pastor of the
Presbyterian church in this borough
many years ago, also Principal of the
Bloomlleld Academy. None of his rela
tives were present at the funeral, except
his son. His oiHy daughter Is living
with her family In Salt Loke City,
Up to the time of his last illness, he had
been vigorous and active. Two weeks
before his death, he preached and deliv
ered two Sunday School addresses.
Run Off. On Monday evening of last
week, while the Stage was standing at
Elliottsburg, the horses started, while
the driver was absent and soon began to
run. There was one lady in at the time,
but she managed to get out before the
horses arrived at full speed. After reach
ing the top of the hill beyond the
church, the frightened animals began to
make good time, and kept up full speed
till near Green Park, when one horse
fell and the others became entangled in
the harness and were brought to a stop.
One horse was badly hurt and the Stage
was caught on the fence and had a
couple of the panels broken. It was
very Tortunate that the disaster was no
The Weather. B. M'Intlre.Esq., hands
us the following report of the weather
for the month of September, 1877.
Average of Thermometer at 8 o'clock
A. M., 58 and 42', and of Barometer 30
inches, minus 5-tenths. Average of
greatest degree of heat 70 and 30', and
of lowest of cold 64 and 52'. Saturday
the 1st was the warmest, the mercury
registering 70 above zero, and Saturday
the 22nd (he coldest, the Thermometer
Blnklng to 42. On the morning of this
day (Monday) there was a slight frost,
but it did not injure vegetation. There
fell 6 inches and 5-tenths of rain.
Doings In the Register's Office. The fol
lowing is a record from the Register's
office for September :
Letters testamentary. Mary Ann Cri
ley, Liverpool twp., to Geo. W. Criley ;
David McAllister, Carroll twp., to John
McAllister, Si.
Letters of Administration. John L.
Singer, dee'd., Newport Boro., to Mary
Jane Singer, of Bloomlleld ; Eliza M.
Jackson, New Buffalo Boro., to W. H.
Jackson, same place; Wm. H. Smith,
Newport Boro., to Peter Smith same
place; CatharineNeidigh, Jackson twp.,
to Michael Neldich same place ; James
A. Woods, Madison, to Annie E. Woods.
ntertalning a Rascal. A few nights
since a tramp came along and asked
permission to stay all night at the house
of Mr. John Dum, and was allowed to
stay in a room occupied by the boys.
Shortly after retiring for the night the
chap got up and took a bottle out of his
pocket after which there was a very
strange smell in the room. The boys
laid still watching the chap and saw
him go -and try the doors of other
rooms. They then got up and informed
Mr. Dum who had htm put out of the
house. The fellow then went a short
distance, when he gave a whistle and
two other men appeared and the three
went off together. There was un
doubtedly a plot to rob the house which
was happily frustrated. It is a great
pity the chap was not arrested.
Turnips a Sure Cure for Hog Cholera.
Major John1 Millon,- a- well ; known
citizen of Laplata, Macon county,
Missouri, has great faith iu turnips as a
sure cure for the disease known as hog
cholera.1 So great la his faith that ho
has filed a claim with the State govern
ment' for the $10,000 reward oftered by
the legislature for a remedy for that dis
ease. Major Millon was a commissioner
in the Confederate army. While acting
in that capacity, he had charge at one
time of many thousand head of hogs,
which were collected together in Mis
sissippi when the cholera broke out
among them. Immediately on discover
ing the prevalence of the disease he says
he began to exert himself to save, as
many as possible, keeping the infected
ones apart. He had on hand, also, largo
quantities of turnips, which ho began to
feed to the hogs. Very soon he observed
a marked improvement, and then he
made numerous experiments. He select
ed some of the diseased hogs and penned
them apart. They were fed on turnips
and nothing else and all of them recov
ered. He says his experiments demon
strated the fact that turnips are not only
a cure, but a preventative of cholera.
He has Imparted the secret to many
farmers In the State, all of whom found
the remedy pure1. Major Millon states
that unlcsB the hog Is too far gone to eat,
the turnips will cure him. The remedy
is a cheap one, and easily procured, and
It can certainly do no harm for farmers
to give It a trial. Hannibal (Mo.) Clipper.
Badly Soared. On Monday night of
last week, the residents of Liverpool,
living near the building occupied by
Miss Kate Wenner and her mother were
aroused by screams coming from that
hoilso. Upon asking the cause, they
were told that some person had broken
into the premises. The building was
soon surrounded by the sheriff and a
party so that the rascal could not escape
when a thorough search of the house
was made. The noise heard, which had
been mistaken for a burglar making a
forcible entrance, was found to have
been caused by the fulling of a mirror,
which had broken Its cord, and in its
fall had brought down a pitcher stand
lug uuder it, breaking both articles in
many pieces.
A Harness Thief. The Carlisle Mirror
says : Valentine J. Luckabaugh, of
Perry county, Is implicated in the steal
ing of harness and other articles from
Mr. Samuel Witmer, of Hanover, York
county. After recovering some of the
harness, Officer Hayes and Mr. Witmer
made a trip to Perry co., to the residence
of Luckabaugh 's father, in quest of the
single harness, but failed to find it,
though there was some other property
there not in keeping with the surround
ings. The elder Luckabaugh said that
'the boys had a secret hiding place
along Whiskey Run,' near Boiling
Springs, in which were concealed 17
sets of stolen harness and other proper
ty." Reunion. Fellow Comrailcs: Fears
were entertained by many that the re
union this fall would be a failure on ac
count of hard times. The propriety of
postponing the meeting to another year
Was discussed, but the conclusion arrived
at was, that it would be suicidal to defer
it. The reunion on the' 18th of October
next promises to be the largest ever
held. The - good people of Bloom field
will not be behind their neighbors in
hospitality and decoration, to give you
hearty welcome. The programme will
be announced in due time. I would
simply state that Rev. A. 11. Spangler,
of Liverpool, will be the Orator of the
day. His reputation as an orator will
attract many to hear him. Six Brass
Bunds will be on hand to enliven the
occasion. Major Geo. K. Sclioll, Chief
Marshall. Four companies of the late
208th P. V., will turn out. Co. F. com
manded by Capt. G. C; Palmer; Co. G.,
commanded by Capt, B. F. Miller ; Co.
I., commanded by Lieut. J. D. Dunkle;
Co. E., commanded by Lieut. S. T.
Buck. There are other organizations
which we hope will turn out. Any ar
rangements that can bo made by other
organizations should be reported at once.
It is expected that a number of distin
guished soldiers will be present. Generals
Sherman, Hartranft MeCandless and
others have been invited. A cordial in
vitation to soldiers of adjoining counties
is hereby extended to meet with us and
"Rally round the Flag" again. So,
come, boys, from hill aud dale, and
"Rally once again." Greet your com
rades, thereby smoothing down the
rough edges of your mortal life. Permit
me to correct a false impression that is
entertained by many, i. e., that the rei
union is only for the gathering of sol
diers and not for citizens. No true sol
dier can entertain such an opinion of
exclusiveness. He might with propri
ety have said, when in the front of bat
tle, ho had no need of rations or eup
plies. The soldier was dependent upon
the loyal citizen, who fed and equipped
him while he was engaged in a more
deadly conillct, therefore, ho welcomes
you to share his joy. Come fathers and
mothers, brothers and sisters, and be
hold the steady . tramp of those who
helped to save that dear, dear old flag.
F. M. MlICkeiian, Pres.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers of last week ;
On Wednesday morning a three-year-old
daughter of A. F. Mullin, Esq., of
Mt. Holly, fell into a tub of scalding
water and was so severely burned - that
her life is despaired of. Those whohave
seen the child since tho accident report
a shocking picture, the little sufferer be
ing so badly scalded that in many places
the skin is broken.
The dread disease diplteria is stalking
through our usually healthy community,
lea-ving its mark in many families. A
large number of children in Carlisehave
died from its effect within the last few
weeks, and many others are altlicted
with it. The attendance at the public
schools Is becoming less on account "of
its prevalence, and unless something oc
curs to check its ravages, manv house
holds will, ere long, be rendered" desolate,
and many little ones and some grown
persons will have passed to their long
home. Carlisle Mirror.
On Monday evening last at the resi
dence of his father in this borough, Mr.
.Wm. M. Thompson, after an illness of
several months. Young Mr. Thompson
was well known iu this community,
having originated several useful Inven
tions, among others the putent coal cart,
which is now largely used In many parts
of the country. Some two years ago the
dooeased moyl to Chicago, where he
met with an accident, a heavy piece of
iron falling on his leg. The Injured
continued to grow worse, until amputa
tion was resorted to, which promised
the best results for- a while. He was,
however, much reduced and weak from
the suffering, and a few weeks since he
returned to his home where he has been
gradually pinking. His funeral took
place on Wednesday afternoon at 4
o'clock. Ha was aged 24 years.
Church Notices,
The Union service In the Lutheran
church next Sunday evening will be a
Bible reading, conducted by Rev. J. W.
Cleaver, assisted by the other pastors.
Please bring Bibles.
Preaching in the Lutheran church
Saturday evening, Oct. Gth, at 7 o'clock.
Presbyterian preaching next Sunday
at 11 A. M. Prayer meeting every) Wed
nesday evening at 7 o'clock.
,T'C HIT 1 H Don't you want some chenp
it If an pwxls for runts and suit 7
Hhillli If you do, don't fall to ex-
nnilne tlm splendid assortment for sale by F.
jWtUtTlAI Elt. Ifoti can suit yourself iu style and
tW A good domestic Sulphur bath can be
Instantly prepared by taking a cake of Glenn's
Sulphur Soap into the bath tub. Such an
expedient will, to use a slang phrase, " knock
the spots off " any victim of cutaneous blem
ishes. Sold by all druggists 25 cents.
tjf" Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or
50 cents, 894w.
Jfl Wo have the Best Stock of Goods for
men's wear iliat can be found In the
illlij, county, and we don't care who knows
Song and Chorus, by
Author of "Listen to the Mocking Bird,"
" I'll sail the seas over," " What Is Home
-without a Mother," etc, etc.
" Out of work, without a penny,
Pleading help before thy door,
Without friends among the many
Look with pity on the poor."
One of the most tonchlng and beautiful bal
lads ever written, will give the author a more
extended popularity than any thing she has
ever written. Price 35 cents, or, illustrated
title page 40 cts.
For sale at all music stores, or will be sent
postpaid on receipt of price by the pub
lishers, J. M. 8TODDART & CO.,
733 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Selling off at Cost,
Engle's Temple of Fashion,
Newport, Pa.
Our Stock of NEW GOODS
Olllii Ui Prices from 12H centsup.
F. MORTIMER. New Bleomfield, Pa.
County Price Current.
Gloom field, October 2, 1877.
Flax-Seed 1 25
Potatoes, 35
Butter V pound, 20020
Eggs $1 dozen, 15 "
Dried Apples $ pound 5 cts"
Dried Peaches 10 IS cts.VBk
Cherries 0 00 cts. "
" Pitted OOeoOots. '
Blackberries, 00et.s. "
Corrcoted Weekly by Kough A Brother.
Newport, .September 29. 1877.
Flour, Extra tS 50
" Super
White Wheat p bush, (old) 135 a 135
Red Wheat, 130 130
Rye 5555
Corn 050
Oats V 82 pounds, 25025-
Clover Seed 6 C06 00
Timothy Seed 1 20
KlaxSeed,. 100
Potatoes 300 30
Bacon 8 Q 11
Dressed Hogs,
Ground Alumn Salt 135 01 35
Llmeburner's Coal, 2 15
Stove Coal, 3 75 4 25
Pea Coal 2 50
Gordon's Food per Sack 82 00
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
lowest Market Kates.
- Carlisle, September 21. 1877.
Family Flour, .5u
Superfine Rye Flour, 8.50
White Wheat, new i l 20
Red , l SO
Rye 55
Corn, (new) .... , 50
Oats, 25
Cloverseed 5.25 a 5.25
Tlmothyseed 1 25
Dontli notice not Mreedtnir S lines 1nsrt -d without
c iartfB. tint 6 ceuta per ll?ie will Jnvriablj- be
ctinnrc-ri.fbr Trlbutoa of Ktiect, Poetry, or other
Vanduno. In Calaveras county, Cat, on the
13th ult.. Mr. Abram Vandling, formerly of Liv
erpool, this oounty.
Ritten mouse on the 23rd u!t., at the resf.
deuce of Mr. Frederick Harnett, iu this borough.
Augustus Rittenhouse. ngtd 81 years.
MYKiift On the 24th ult., near the Rope Ferry.
Clara Emma Myers, aged i s ear, 4 mouths and
13 days.
Iti.ATTEjjnEKOER On the 25th ult., n Mount
Patrick, Mis. Annie Rlattenberper. consort of
Hon. Geo. lilatteuberger, aged tin years, 4 mouths
and 9 days.
limns On the 25th ult.. In Juniata twp.. Joseph
F. Uiubs.agcd 4U years, 2 uiouUis au J 21 days.
Iitv.-N OU the 25th ult,. lu Bavllletwp., Miss
Annie Irviu, (laughter ol Jumes lrviu.agcJ about
lo years.
liiiRiiART WiiiTENKiiiT. On the 11th ult., at
tle residence of the bride's parents, by Kev. N. 1).
MoComat, Prof. W. N. Ehrhart. foiinerlyof Perry
county, to Miss Julia C. WuileuigUt, all of Xanm
qua. KitKMEH-Alorioh On the 25th ult., In the
Presbyterian clnireh, MllierstOn n. Ta., by Rev.
W. H. Logan, Mr. W. F. Kramer to Miss Jeuuie
Aldrich, all of Mlllerstonu.
ron nali?.
A Valuable Mill Property on reAsosable terms
at Private Sale. If not sold before
THURSDAY, November 1st, 1877,
It will he offered at pliblie sale oil that day.
For further Information, address
l'JEl Elt LONG,
, New Gerinantown,
Perry county, Pa,
October 2, 1877.
FOR SHERIFF. Geo. W. Wetzel, of Duncan
non, would respectfully announce that he Is
a candidate for the otiice of Sherllf. Subject to
the decision of the Working Men's Party.
August 28th, 1377.
guiirmsiNG i
We Invite the Citizens of BLOOMFIELD and
vicinity, to call and examine our Stock of
NOTIONS, &o., &c, &c,
All of which we are selling at astonishingly
Give ns a call and SAVE MONKT, as we
B- Butter and Eggs taken In trade. -VALENTINE
88 ly West Main Street.
By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exnonas.
writs of Levari Faeias and writs of Fieri Facias,
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Perry
county, Pa., and to me directed, I will expose to
rmblio nale, at the Court Houe, in tho borough of
BloomOcld, on
Friday, the 19M day oj October, 1877,
at one o'elook P. M. of said day, the following de
scribed real estate, to wit :
All that certain Piooe, Paroel or LOT of G roond
situate in the borough of Marysville, Perry coun
ty, Pa., and bounded and described as follows, to
wit : Beginning at a stake on land of Jacob Roiff,
thence north (8 degrees eaat 39 feet to a post,
thence south by lot of James Angney 3 degrees
wet 1SS feet to a stake ia the valley road, thence
8GJ degrees west 32 feet to a post on land of same,
north 5 degrees west 175 feot to the point of be
ginning, containing 23 perches, it being designa
ted on the plot of said borough of Marysville as
lot No. 23, and having thereon erected a two-story
double frame weatherboarded house, frame kitchen,
a frame weatherboarded stable, a frame weather
boarded slaughter house and other outbuildings ;
as the property of Sarah R. and John H. Longs
Uorf. Also, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Juniata,
township, Perry oounty, Pa., contaiaing f,5 acres,
more or less, about 48 aores cleared, bounded by
lends of J. W. Gantt, Hellman, William ,
Kough, Robert Clark aid others, and having there
on oreoted a two-story log house, log barn and
ether outbuildings ; as the property of Jerome M.
Wise and Andrew J. Wise.
Also, A LOT OF GROUND, situate In the bor
ough of Liverpool, Perry county, Pa., bounded on
the north by lot of Lewis Myors, on the west by
Market street, on the south by Walnut street and
oa the east by an alley, and having thereon erect
ed a two-story frame house, frame earpentcr shop,
frame stable and outbuildings; as the property of
John Nesgloy.
Also, Defendant's interest in A LOT of Ground,
situate in Liverpool borough, Perry oounty, Pa.,
bounded on the north by lot of C. C. Monroe, on
the east by an alley, 00 the south by let of H. H.
Shuler and fronting on Market street, having there
on erected a two-story double frame house and out
buildings j as the property of John Haas.
Also, A LOT OF GROUND, situate in Saville
township, Perry oounty, Pa., bounded on the north
by land formerly of Michael Gailcr, now owned
by Rev. Wiekey, on the esst by the publie
road leading from Iokesburg to Newport, on the
west by an alley leading to the tannery formerly
of Michael Gailer, now owned by Rev. Wiokey, on
the south by publie road, and having thereon erect
ed a two-story frame weatherboarded house, a two
tory frame weatherboarded Wagonmaker shop,
frame weatherboarded stable and outbuildings :
Also, A LOT OF GROUND, situate in the same
township, county and State aforesaid, boundod ea
the north by lands of George Delancy, on the east
by lands of Benjamin Huber, on the west by
lands of Martin W. Smith, and on the seuth by
the publio road leading from Ickesburg to New- ,
port, the said lot being 135 feet In depth and 200
feet in length, and is planted in apple and peach ;
trees ; as the property of J. R. Smith. ' j
Also, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Wheat
field township, Perry county, Pa., containing 19
acres, more or less, about 8 aores oleared, bounded
by lands of Christian Ueieley, Ebersole's keirs, J.
B. Owen and others, and having thereto oreoted a
one and one-half story frame house, frame stable
and other outbuildings, as the property of H. B.
Also, A TRACT OF WOODLAXD, situate in Mil
ler township, Perry oounty, Pa., oontaining 142
acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Peter
Metscar, Joseph Smith, George Matohettand John
W right j as the property of Wm. C. MoFadden,
Also, Defendant's interest in A TRACT OF
LAND, situate in Tnscarora township, Perry Co.,
Pa., containing 9(7 acres, more or less, about 125
acres cleared, bounded by lands of Ross Hencb,
Ard Brandt, Joseph Lesh, Abraham Pry, J. Dress
ier, Joseph Burd, E. llitncr, D. Crist and others,
and having thereon erected a two-story log house
and frame stable, a one-and-a-half story log home
and bank barn, a grist mill with saw mill attached,
and outbuiidingsj as the property of George D.
Also, All that certain. TRACT OF LAND, situ
ate in- Rye townBhip, Perry county, Pa., bounded
by lands of Edward Goult on tbe south, on the
east and north by the property of John D. Sidoll,
on the west by the property of Israel Dick, con
taining 61 aores, more or leas, together with the
appurtenances ; as the property of George Leighty.
Also, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Carroll
township, Perry oounty, Pa., containing 00 acres,
more or less, about 80 aores eleared, bounded by
lands of Charles Stutsman, Alfred Forrer, John
McClintock and others, and having thereon erected
a two-story log houso, log stable and outbuildings;
as tho property of Stephen Fennicle.
, Also, A TRACT Ok LAND, situate In Carroll
township, Perry county. Pa, containing 31 acres,
mors or less, about S acres cleared, bounded by
lands of Adam Fennicle, I'etor Kolter, Jobu
t'miley, James Stewart and others, having there
on erected a two-story log house, log stable and
outbuildings ; as the property of Christian Home.
Also, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Liver
pool township, Perry oounty, Pa., containing 65
acres, more or less, all oleared, bounded by lands
of David Deckard, Laniol lirookhart, David Huff
man and others, and having thereon erected a
two-story log houao weatherboarded, frame barn
and outbuildings ;
Also, A TRACT OF WOODLAND, situate in
township, county and State aforesaid, containing
25 aores, more or less, bounded by lands of John
Deckard and sou, William Wallia, William Lind
say and others ; as the properlios of Jacob Hoff
man, deceased, in the bunds of Louisa Hoffman,
Seised and taken In execution, nnd to bo sold by
J. W. WILLIAMSON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Bloomtield
Sept. 2d, IS, 7. J
Note. Ten pur cent, of the purchase mouoy to
be paid when th-) property is stricken down, and
the balance on the MouJuy of the October Court,,
A. D. 1S77