The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, October 02, 1877, Page 3, Image 3
THE TIMES, NEAV BLOOMFIELD, TA.. OCTOBER 2, 1877. 3 RAILROADS, PHILADELPHIA AND READING R. R. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. AngiHt ISlIi, 1877. TRAINS LEAVE HArIuSBURG AS FOLLOWS For New York, at 5.20, 8.10 ft. m. 8.7p. m., and 7.M p. m. For Philadelphia, at 6.20, 8.10, 9.45 a.m. and and 8.57 p. ni. For Reading, at 6,20, 8.10, 9.45 a. m. and 2.00 3.67 and 7.55. For Pottsvllle at 5.20. B.10 a. m.. and 3.57 p. in., and via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at 2.40 p. m. For Auburn via H. S S. Br. at 5.10 a. m. For Allentown, at6.20, 8.10 a. in., and at 2.00, 3.57 and 7.56 p. ni. .... The 6.20, 8.10 a. m., 8.57 and 7.65 p. m., trains have through cars (or New York. The 5.20, 8.10 a.m., ami 2.00 p. in., trains have through cars fur Philadelphia. SUNDAYS t For New York, at 6.20 a. in. For Allentown and Wav Stations at 5.20 a.m. For Reading, Philadelphia and Way Btatlonsat 1.45 p. in. TRAINS FOR HARRISnURG, LEAVE AS FOL LOWS : Leave New York, at 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 6.30 and 7 .45 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, at 9.15 a. ui. 3.40, and 7.20 p. in. Leave Heading, at 1 140, 7.40, 11.20 a. m. 1.30, 6.15 and lo. 3-i p. in. Leave Pottsvllle, at 6.10, 9.15 a.m. and 4.35 p. in. And via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at 8.15 a. ni. Leave Auburn vlaS. & H. nr. at 12 noon. Leave Allentown, at U.30 5,50, 8.65 a.m., 12.15, 4.30 and 9.0j p. in. SUNDAYS: Leave New York, at 3.80 n. m. Leave Philadelphia, at 7.20 p. m. Leave Reading, at 4.40, 7.40, a. m. aud 10.33 p. m. Leave Allentown, nt2.30 a. m., and 9.05 p. m. J. E. WOOTEN, Gen. Manager. C. G. Hancock, General Ticket Agent. tDoes not run on Mondays. Via Morris aud Essex R. R. Pennsylvania 11. R. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION. On and after Monday, June 25th, 1877, Pas senger trains will run as follows: EAST. Mlflllntown Aco. 7.32 a. m., dally except Sunday. Johnstown Ex. 12.22 P. M., dally " Sunday Mall 6.54 p. M., daily exeeptSunday Atlantic Express, 9.51p.m., Hag, dally. WEST. WayPass. 9.08 A. M., dally, Mall, 2.43 P. m. dally exeeptSunday. Mifflintown Aco. 6.65 P. M. dallyexcept Sunday. Pittsburgh Express, 11.67P. M., (Flag) dally, ex cept Sunday. Paclflo Express, 6.17 a. m.. dally (flag) Trains are now run by Philadelphia time, which Is 13 minutes (aster than Altooua time, and 4 min utes slower than New York time. J. J. BARCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. On and after Monday, June 25th, 1877, trains willleave Dunoannon, as follows: EASTWARD. Mlflllntown Acc. dallyexcept Sunday at 8.12 A. M. Johnstown Ex. 12.u3p. M., dally exeeptSunday. Mail 7.30 P. M " " " Atlantic Express 10.20 p. m., dally (flag) WESTWARD. Way Passenger, 8.38 A. M., dally Mall, 2.09 p. m, dallyexceptSunday. MilHintown Acc. dallyexceptSunday at 6.16p.m, Pittsburg Ex. daily except Sunday (flag) 11.33p. M. VM. O. KINU Agent. D, F. QU1GLEY & CO., Would respectfully Inform the publlo that they have opened a new Saddlery Shop In Bloomtlold, on Carlisle Street, two doors North of the Foundry, where they will manufacture HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, and every thing usually kept In a llrst-class es tablishment. Give us a call before going else where. t- FINE HARNESS a speciality. REPAIRING done on short notice and at rea sonable prices. W HIDES taken in exchange for work. D. F. QUIGLEY & CO. Bloom Held, January 9, 1877. KINGSFORD'S Oswego Straroli Is the BEST and MOST ECONOMICAL In the World. Is perfectly PURE free from acids and other for eign substances that Injure Linen. Is STRONGER than any other requiring much less quantity In using. Is UNIFORM stiffens aud finishes work always the same. Eingsford's Oswego Corn Starch Is the most delicious of all preparations tor Puddings, Blanc-Mange, take. Etc. PATENTS. Fee Reduced. Entire Cost $55, Patent Office Fee $35 In advance, balance (20 within 6 months after patent allowed. Advice and examination nee. Patents Sold. J. VANCE LEW1S&CO., 19-8m Washington, D. C. enn AGENTS WANTED to canvass for a wUU grand picture, 22x28 Itches, entitled "Thb Illustrated Lord's Puavcr." Agents are meeting with great success. For particulars, address H. M. CR1DER, Publisher, 48 ly York, Pa. REMOVAL. The undersigned has removed his Leather and Harness Store from Front to High Street, near the Penn'a., Freight De pot, where he will have on band, and will sell at REDUCED PRICES, Leather and Harness ef all kinds. Having good workmen, aud by buying at the lowest cath prices, I fear no competition. Market prices paid In cash for Bark. Hides and Skins. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con tinuance of the same. P. S. Hiaukets, Robes, and Shoe findings made a speciality, JOS. M. HAWLEY. Duncannon, Julyl9, 1876. tf , ESTATE NOTICE Notice Is hereby given, that letters of administration on the estat of John Kunkle late of Marysvllle Borough.perry county lYuu'a., deceased, have been giauted to the undersigned residing In the same place. All persons Indebted to Bald estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for Bet (lenient. JOHN KALE R. June 12, 1S77. Administrator. GRANNY BRIGGS' CLERK. HE WAS a tall, thin, starved-looklng boy, with a little jncket, the sleeves of which crept half-way up his arms, and a hat that was nothing but a brim ; and when she first saw him he was eat ing a crust out of a gutter. She was only a poor old woman who kept a little shop for candy and trimmings, and poor enough herself, heaven knew ; but, as she said, he looked a little like what her Tom might be If he had grown up and been neglected, and she couldn't stand It. She called to him : " Come here, sonny," said she, and the boy came. Before she could speak again, he said : " I didn't do it. I'll take my oath or anything I didn't do it. I niu't so mean." "Didn't do what?" said the old wo man. " Break your winder," said the boy nodding his head toward a shattered pane. " Why I broke that myself with my Bhutter last night," said the old woman. " I'm not strong enough to lift 'em that Is a fact. I'm getting old." " If I'm round here when you shut up, I'll come and do it for you," said the boy. " I'd just as soon. What was that you wanted me for ?" " I wanted to kuow why you eat that dry crust out of the gutter for," said she. "Hungry," said he; "I've tried to get a job all day. I'm going to sleep in an area over there after It gets too dark for the policemen to see, and you can't have a good night's sleep without some supper, if it is dirty." "I'll give you some that's cleaner," said the old woman. " That will be begging," said he. " No," said Bhe, " you can sweep the shop and the pavement, and put up the shutters for it." "Very well," said he. "Thankee then. If I sweep up first I'll feel bet ter." Accordingly Bhe brought him a broom and he did his work well. Afterward he ate his supper with a relish. That night he slept not in the area, but under the old woman's counter. He had told her his Btory, His name was Dick ; he was twelve years old, and his father, whom he had never seen so ber, was in prison for life. The antecedents were not elevating, but the boy seemed good. The next morning the old woman engaged a clerk for her small establishment. The terms were simple his " living aud a bed un der the counter." When the neighbors heard of It they were shocked. A street-boy a boy whom no one knew I Did Mrs. Brlggs really Wish to be murdered In her bed ? But Mrs. Briggs felt quite safe. She, had so much time now that she was going to take In sewing. Dick attended to the shop altogether. He kept It in fine order and Increased the business by introduc ing candies, dates on stick, and chewing gum. Pennies came in as they never did before since he had painted signs in red and blue ink to the effect that the real old molasses candy was' to be got there, and that this was the place for peanuts. And in the evenlng.after the shop was shut up, she began to take him into her confidence. Her great dream was to buy herself Into a certain home for the aged. It would cost her a hundred dollars. She was saving for It. She had saved three years, and had fifteen of it. But it cost so much to live with tea at twenty-five cents a quarter, and loaves so small, and she had been sick, and there was the doctor, and Mrs. Jones' Martha Jane to be paid for minding her and the shop. After this Dick took the greatest inter estln hersavings,andthe winter months Increased them as though he had brought a blessing. One night In the Spring they took the bag from under the pillow and counted what it held. It was thirty dollars." " And I'll begin to make kites to-morrow, Mrs. Briggs," and you'll see the custom that will bring. If a little sha ver sees the kites, he'll spend all he has for 'em, and then he'll coax his, mother for more to buy the stick-dates and chewing-gum. I know boya."( "You're a clever boy yourself," said the old woman, and patted his hand. It was a plumper hand than It had been when it picked up the .crust from the gutter, and he wore clean, whole garments, though ' they were very coarse. "How wrong the neighbors were," she said. " That boy Is the comfort of my life." So she went to bed with the treasure under her pillow and slept. Far on In the night she awakened. The room was utterly dark there was not a ray of light but she heard a step on the floor. " Who is that ?" she cried. There was no answer, but she felt that someone was leaning over her bed. Then a hand clasped her throat and held her down, and dragged out the bag of n o jey, and she was released. Half suffocated, she for a moment found her self motionless and bewildered, con scious only of a draught of air from an open door and some confused noises. Then she sprang to the door and hur ried Into the room. "Dick! Dick !" she cried. " Dick I Dick t helpt wake up t I'm robbed 1" But there wns no answer; the door Into the street was wide open, and by the moonlight that poured through it she saw, as she peered under the counter that Dick's bed was empty. The boy was gone I Gone! Gone! Oh, that was worse to poor Granny Briggs than even the loss of her money ; for she had trusted him, and he had deceived her. She had loved him, and he had abused her love. The neighbors were right ; she was a fool to trust a strange street boy, and had been served rightly when he had robbed her. When the dawn broke the wise neigh bors came into poor Granny's shop to find her crying, and rocking to and fro ; and they told her they had told her so, and she only shook her head. The shop took care of itself that day. Life had lost its Interest for her. " Her oc cupation was gone," but not with her savings. Money was but money after all: He had come to be the only thing Bhe loved, and Dick had robbed her. It was ten o'clock. Granny sat moan ing by the empty hearth. Good-natured Mrs. Jones, from up-stalrs, was " seeing to things," and trying to cheer her, when suddenly there came a rap on the door, and a policeman looked in. "Mrs. Briggs?" said he. " Here she is," said Mrs. Jones. " Yes I'm that wretched critter," said Mrs. Briggs. " Some one wants to see you at head quarters," said the policeman. "There's a boy there and some money." "Dick!" cried Mrs. Briggs. "Oh, I can't bear to look at him !" But Mrs. Jones had already tied on her bonnet, and wrapped her In a shawl and taken her on her arm. "The wretch!" she said. "I'm so glad he's caught. You'll get your money back." And she led Mrs. Briggs along poor Mrs. Briggs, who cried all the way, and cared nothing for the money. And soon they were at theirdestlnatlon ; then,and not before, the policeman turned to the two women : " He's pretty bad," he said. " They'll take him to the hospital in an hour. I suppose you're prepared for that. " He's nearly beaten to death, you know." " Did you beat him, you cruel wretch ?" said Mrs. Briggs. " I would not have had that done for twice the money. Let him go with it, if it's any comfort to him." " I beat him I" said the man. " Well, women have the stupidest heads. Why, if I hadn't got up when I did he'd have been dead. He held the bag of money tight, and the thief was pummeliug him with a loaded stick ; and the pluck he had for a little shaver I tell you I never saw the like;" "'You shan't take Granny's money from her,' says he, and fought like a lit tle tiger. If it'B your money, old lady, he's given his life for it, for all I know." Then poor old Mrs. Briggs clapped her hands and cried : "Oh, Dick ! Dick I I knew you were good. I must have been crazy to doubt you," and then she wrung her hands and cried : " Oh, Dick, for just a paltry bit of money I" aud so she knelt beside the pale, still face upon the pillow, and kissed it, and called it tender names. And Dick, never guessing her sus picion of him, whispered : " I was bo afraid he'd get off with it if he killed me.Granny, and you in bucu hopes last night." He did not know what she meant by begging him to forgive her. It would have killed him if he had, for he was very near death. Dick did not die. He got well at last and came back to the little shop ; and though Granny Briggs had her savings, Bhe never went to the Old Ladies' Home; for long before she died Dick was 6ne of the most prosperous merchants in the city, and his handsome home was hers, and she was very happy in It. RATHErT MIXED. JASPER THROCKMORTON, who lives out on Summer Street Is the father of ten children. Yesterday morn ing Mr. Throckmorton was Just on the point of putting on his hat to start for the office, when Mrs. Throckmorton called after him from the kitchen. " Stop at Stodder'a aud tell him to come up and fix the water-pipe, and get a big tin dipper and bring It with you this noon. Don't tell them to send it, they'll forget it." Mr. Throckmorton said ho would, and then he put on his hat and started. As he reached the front door his eldest daughter shouted from upstairs : "Pal pal pa! Go to Greenbaum & Schroder's and ask Mr. Scott to give you two yards and a half of brown satin, cut on the bias, to the dress I got last week; he'll know the kind. I don't want to wait for it." And Mr. Trockmorton, pousing with his hand on the door, said he would get It, and then sighed and opened the door. Just then his oldest son shouted from the sitting room : " Father I the man was up here twice' yesterday for the money for my new boat, and I JUBt gave him a note to you, and he'll call at the office to-day for his money, and will give you a pair of pat ent oai-locks, and a dip-net. Bring them up with you when you come to dinner." Mr. Throckmorton kind of stifled a groan like, and saying he would attend to It, went out. As he passed down the porch steps his second daughter leaned out of the front window and cried : " Oh pa ; do stop at Tarson's as you come to dinner, and tell them to send a man to lay the new hall carpet When they send It up, and you get ten pounds of cotton batting and you bring it up with you, for we want it right away and can't wait." The parent paused with his hand on the gate latch, and with a visible effort promised (o remember and bring up the cotton batting, and ho opened the gate. But the voice of his younger sou from the side yard, caught his ear and held him a moment: " Pap, oh pap ! Want ten cents to pay for a winder 1 broke in the school house, and I can't go to Sunday-school till I get a new hat and some shoes, and please can't I have a quurter to go to the picnic ?" Mr. Throckmorton silently (registered a flogging for the broken glass, a nega tive for the picnic, and said he would get the boots and hat. Then he turned to go, but as he passed down the street his six younger children came running after him : " Oh, pa, don't forget to stop and see if the old umbrella's fixed, ma says." " Stop at the dentist's and see when he can fill my teeth." " Bring my shoe home from the shoe maker's. " Ma Bays be sure to tell the doctor to come up to-day and vaccinate the baby!" " Pap ! Kin I go swimming in Hawk eyeKrick to-night V" - " Pa, oh pa ! gimme five cents to ride on the street cars." And Mr. Throckmorton went down town and amazed Fred Scott by telling him to cut off thirteen feet of water pipe, on the bias, and he asked Mr. Parsons to let him have eleven skeins of cotton batting and send him up a man with a tin dipper; he told Dr. Cochran, the dentist, to come right up and fill the baby's teeth, and begged the doctor to hurry right away and put a half sole on the school-house window, and then ran to the shoemaker's and asked him if he had vacclnnated his little girl's shoe,and amazed a street-car driver by asking him for a bath ticket, and when the man came around with the oar-locks and dipper he told him to take them up and lay them in the front hall the girls would show him where. And by 3 In the afternoon It had got all around that old Mr. Throckmorton was drinking as hard as ever again, and hadn't drawn a sober breath all day. Well Done. A young man called In company with several other gentlemen, upon a youn g lady. Her father was also present to assist her In entertaining the callers. He did not Bhare his daughter's scruples .against the use of spirltous drinks, for he had wine to offer. The wine was poured out, and would have been drunk, but the young lady asked : " Did you call upon me or upon papa?" Gallantry, if nothing else, compelled them to answer, " we called upon you." " Then you will please not drink wine; I have lemonade for my callers." The father urged the guests to drink, and they were undecided. The young lady added, " remember, if you call up on me, then you drink lemonade ; but if you call upon papa, I have nothing to say." ' The wine glasses were set down with their contents un tasted. After leaving the house' one of the party exolalmed, "that is the most ef fective temperance lecture I ever heard." Indeed, it was sown in good ground. It took root, sprang up, and is now bearing fruit. The young man from whom these facts were obtained broke off at once from the use of all strong drink, and is now a clergyman preach ing temperance and religion. As he re lated the circumstance to me, tears came into his eyes. He sees now his former dangerous position, and holds in grateful remembrance the lady who gracefully, and btlU resolutely, gave him to understand that her callers should not drink wine. An Outspoken Cleryyman. I in a company or jueinouisi clergy men, not long since, I heard a story which I thought good enough to pre serve. Rev. Dr. Derwell was a staunch and pious old Methodist minister, set- tied for a part of his time, and part of his time itinerating, In Tennessee. Dur ing the last war with England he was patriotic enough to enlist as a common soldier, but hlB people would not allow it. Once upon a time he went to Ken tucky to visit his relative and dear friend the Hon. Wllllum Bolton. Mr. Bolton was not a church member, but he was religiously Inclined, and, having respect for the clergyman's feelings, he cheerfully Invited him to lead off In family worship every evening, which Brother Derwell gladly did. One day Judge Cone and his wife, from Nashville, came to spend the night and perhapB to stop longer. When eve ning came Mr. Bolton felt somewhat embarrassed, as he knew that the Judge was one of the free and easy sort, who pay little or no regard to religious mat- ' ters. So he whispered to the minister, that he' had better make the services pretty short. " The Judge is a good man," he said, " but Is not used to family worship, and it might be unpleasant to him, In which case, of course, it would be unpleasant for both you and me." " Very well," replied Derwell, " I will take heed." He opened the Bible and read the last two verses of the last chapter of Reve lations. That was all he read ; and then he knelt to pray. And he prayed some thing after this manner : " Our Father which art in heaven, we know that we are poor, needy creatures, dependent upon Thee for life and for every needed good ; and we would es teem it a blessed privilege to offer up to Thee our whole hearts in humble prayer and praise ;" but my cousin William says that Judge Cone and his wife are here from Nashville, and that they are not used to family worship, and as we would not distress those people, wilt Thou, O Lord, accept the offering of those who love Thee and excuse us from further service. Amen!" The Judge and his wife were thunder Btruck, and cousin William looked for a hole in which to hide himself. Finally, however, matters were explained and adjusted, and the old clergyman was per suaded to go on and conduct the service after his own heart. , Married After an Hour's Courtship. In the Second Ward of this city, says the Adrian, (Mich.) Timet, there resid ed, last week, a middle-aged widow, well preserved and highly respectable. In the country, a short distance from Ad rian, at the Bame time, lived a widower, well preserved, a little more than middle-aged, a wealthy farmer, with all the comforts of life except a wife. One day, last week, he drove to town an elegant span of horses, attached to a handsome carriage, and drove to the widow's resi dence in the Second Ward. Widow and widower had never Been each other. , They were introduced, went out for a drive together, returned a little after noon, took dinner, went out for anotb drive, and returned later in the after noon man and wife. But little over an hour's courtship sufficed. They had never, before that day, seen or written to each other, but each knew the other's name, reputation and desires, through mutual friends. The widower was wealthy and lonely; the widow poor and hard-working. One Brief Year. " Will you love me this way when I am old ?" she asked, as he emptied five cents' worth of peanuts in her lap. " I will darling, I swear it I" he pas sionately asseverated, as he carefully laid aside his cigar and commenced on what was left of the nickel's worth. That was when the flowers were bud ding and the birds were mating, one brief year ago. Last night they sat again in the gloaming, and who knows but that their memories reverted to the happy past ; and yet, when she asked for a fifty cent parasol, he feelingly re marked that a woman whose face was as yellow as a duck's foot, and looked as if it had been cultivated crosswise with a patent harrow, needn't be so particu lar about her complexion. A Little Heroine 's Sad Death. "Mother, I saved the house, but I Bhall die," said a six-year old girl to Mrs. Theodore Markman, as she enter ed her home, at High Market, Lewis county, N. Y., one day last week. The child while attempting to light a lamp to warm som6 milk for a baby set fire to her clothing. Her first thought was to run out of doors, fearing that the house would be burned and the baby be hurt, but noticing that shreds of her clothing had fallen upon the floor, she carefully extinguished the flames. Then she ran to the horse trough in the yard and plunged into the water. Returning to the house she waited patiently for her mother to return. She died an hour after the accident. . J