The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, October 02, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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TJ IK name of Journot la historic In
France, belonging to one of tboee
ancient fiimllles who have maintained,
even to tlio present day, the honor of ft
proud nunie, though the representatives
have pnssed through all manner of vicis
situdes attendant upon revolution and
loss of property, and we may add life
itself, since more than one who bore the
name died by the guillotine.
It was nea: lb close of the reign of
Louis XV., ore January afternoon, that
a crowd might have been seen gathered
upon one side of the Hue de la Palx,
Paris. There stood in the midst of the
group a woman, neatly but simply
dressed, with an infant In her arms,
while hard by a couple of officers of law
were forcing a man away from the spot.
A few busy hands were loading a cart
with furniture and other doinestio arti
cles. ,
It was not an unusual scene In Farls
In those days. A creditor had this
power over his debtor when the debt due
amounted to a certain sum. lie could
seize upon his debtor's personal proper
ty, even to the bed he slept upon, turn
wife and children Into the street, and
could also send the father to prison.
Such was the explanation of the scene
to which we have referred as now occur
ring in the Hue de la Paix.
In vain the wlfe'B tears. An advocate,
as he was called, had been employed to
enforce the law, and he stood there as
rigid and cold as marble. Hard by a
good cure was trying to comfort the
wife, and interceding, but fruitlessly,
with the agent of law, who acted for the
creditor. In the struggle with their pris
oner, the coat of the husband had been
torn from his back, and he was now be
ing borne away to the prison through
the cold January atmosphere In his
hlrt sleeves.
The wife.also Bhlveiing from exposure
to cold, could only press her Infant to
her breast and sob aloud.
At that moment there rode down the
Rue de la Palx, a young and handsome
man in an open carriage. As the vehi
cle came opposite the throng It was
stopped by the crowd, so that the driver
could only draw up his horses and wait
for it to disperse. The occupant of the
vehicle leaned forward to ascertain the
cause of the Interruption. His eyes
caught those of the good cure, who in
stantly came forward, saying :
" It Is a poor unfortunate family ,Mon
sleur, who are being driven from their
home by a heartless creditor. They are
worthy and good people, as I well
"And cannot pay the debtr"" asked
the young Marquis Journot, for that
was his name. ,
" The man cannot pay."
" And how much is the debt "
" Fifty louls, Monsieur."
"Is that all V"
" A small sum to you, perhaps, Mon
sieur, but quite too much for this poor
man to attempt to pay.' .
The marquis was a young spendthrift,
R gayi dissipated sprig of nobility,
scarcely yet of age, but he was not with
out generous instincts, and, indeed, he
was known to have a good heart. He
lived in a , dissolute period, . when few
young men of his rank escaped the con
tamination of vice. Gambling was a
daily pastime, and the honor of women
was held of light account.
The young Marquis had taken out his
pocket-book as he remarked, " Is that
all t"
11 IT ,1 I . , t. I J
iicio, Illy guuu H1CHL, 1IW HtUU,
"you seem to be the friend of this un
fortunate family. Take this money, pay
the creditor, and restore them to their
"But this is a hundred louis, Mon
sieur. The debt is only fifty," said the
" Never mind, there will be some ex
tra expenses in getting the family to
rights once more."
May Heaven bless you, Monsieur,"
said the cure, solemnly lifting his cowl
and looking up to the sky. " Such dis
interested charity must be recorded
"Drive on, Antoine," said the mar
quis to the coachman, as the crowd who
readily Interpreted the generous act,
sent up a ringing shout of "Vivele
The priest settled the account and
took a receipt upon the spot. The advo
cate and his officers slipped away, and
the crowd vied with each other in en
ergetic efforts to replace the poor man's
articles once more within doors. He
was a modest trader, who had trusted
out too much in small sums to his cus
tomers, and, being unable to collect it
all in at the day and hour when he re
quired it, had been thus summarily dealt
with by a hard creditor.
" And who was that generous man V"
asked the wife.
, " It was the young MarquU Journot,"
replied the cure.
"He shall be remembered In my
prayers," she said.
"Amen," said the husband, as he
kissed the baby.
" And three fifty louls over?" sug
gested the cure.
"Aye, what shall we do with
them 1"
" it Is the very sum I need to set me
all right in my small business," said
the tradesman.
" That is just what the marquis sug
gested." And bo the priest handed over
the money to the happy man and
lu the meantime the Marquis Jour
not was being driven towards his hotel,
which was situated on the Hue Itivoli.
Bcarcley had his coachman turned out
of the Rue de la' Palx when he was
once more suddenly brought to a stand
still by the body of a man lying across
the horses' path.
" "Vell,Antoine,what is the trouble V"
asked the marquis a little petu
lantly. "A drunken man beneath the very
feet of the horses," said the driver,
striving to keep the animals off the body
of a man Justin front of them.
" Egad, that won't do," said the mar
quis, with more energy than one would
have supposed him to possess, and at
the same time jumping out of his vehi
cle, he seized upon the Insensible man
and by sheer physical strength
dragged him out from under the horses
" Oh, Monsieur, it is my husband,"
said a pretty young woman coming out
of an humble abode.
The coachman having handed his
reins to a citizen, took hold of the in
animate body of the man, and together
they bore him into the house.
" Does he get often in this way V"
asked the marquis. ,
. " No," said the young wife. " But
he has been sadly disappointed to
day." "In what way V"
" Nobody would be godfather to our
On the bed lay a sweet little infant,
clothed In very poor attire to be sure,but
yet very neat and clean.
"Is that your baby V"
" Yes," said the young mother.
She too was very pretty and neat.
These poor people had no one to befriend
" How old Is the little fellow V "
" Only ten days."
" And oh I we want him christened,
because you know, Monsieur, if he were
to die by any accident before he was
christened, why he would go to purga
tory." '
" Do you think so "
" Of course," added the pretty little
mother. " And what an awful thought
it is I" she added, clasping her hands
In an attitude of unconscious gracend
" Bring your baby with me, you dear
little woman," said the marquis.
"Whither, monsieur?"
" To Notre Dame."
"To churchV"
" Aye."
" But we have no one for god
father." "1 will see to that."
" Do you mean so , monsieur V"
" Jump right Into my carriage. Here,
wrap up your baby," said the young
marquis, entering fully Into the spirit of
the affair. " We'll have him christened
before your husband awakes from his
stupid condition." -
Ten minutes later the little party en
tered the open doors of Notre Dame,and
the Marquis Journot gave his name to
the humble child. He was not a person
to do anything by halves. ' Mother and
child were put into his carriage and
driven back to the humble quarters from
whence he had taken them. He emptied
his purse of some thirty or forty louls
into her hands, and bade her good-bye
after wishing her much good fortune
with her baby. The young mother
seized his hand, and pressing her lips to
it, Bald the baby should be brought up to
revere his name.
The Marquis Journot drove to his
hotel, and in half an hour had forgotten
both episodes of that January day.
And now we must ask the reader to
pass over a period of twenty years
twenty years of French history, crowd
ed with incidents, with tragedy written
in letters of blood. Twenty years Of
checkered Parisian life. Louis XV. was
dead. The new king, Louis XVI., had
appointed the Marquis Journot to an
important local civil office. He had
married, nis wild oats were long ago
sown, and he had become a worthy and
useful member of the government.
Political France was at that time in a
ferment. Jacobinism began to rear its
head. "Human equality" (socialism
was asserting itself, the same spirit
which in later years showed itself under
the name of the Commune. Even nature
seemed to lend its hand to the turbu
lence of the period, for Just then occur
red the awful hurricane of July, 1788,by
which all France was devastated, and
banditti ravaged the country, the pre
cursor of the revolution which followed
so soon after.
Then came the great uprising the
destruction of the Bastile, the attack
upon the Tullerles, and the reign of ter
ror. This reversal of the wheel of fortune
found the Marqula Journot stripped of
everything. Fortune, place, all was
gone, and according to the popular ver
dict he wasa traitor. True, he had been
a traitor so fur as to defend his king
against to attack of the Red Republi
cans. He freely risked his own life to
protect that of the royal family, and
consequently he was denounced, seized
upon, thrown into prison, and con
demned to death.
Journot was a bravo man. He did
not fear death. Yet still he could not
forget that he had a wife and two lovely
children dependent upon his protection.
Indeed, he knew not what had become
of them, what had been their fate In
this terrible confusion and uprising. He
was permitted no intercourse with any
one, but was kept under strict guard in
that famous prison,the Conclegerle,upon
the banks of the Seine.
It was midnight. Journot was awak
ened from a deep sleep by a sound which
at first he was disposed to think was
the fabrication of a dream, but at last
the sound became so regular and dis
tinct that he got up from his straw bed
listened intently. It was all darkness in
his lonely cell. The sound evidently
came from beneath the floor, until pres
ently it came nearer and nearer. What
could it possibly signify V Was some
fellow prisoner trying to make his es
cape V He could only wait patiently
and see.
Soon a large stone which formed part
of the pavement of his cell floor was
removed, and a light from a lantern
burst full upon hi3 eyes. In another
moment the body of a man came up
through the floor and stood in the
" Be silent," said the new-comer.
" Who are you 5"' demanded the
" Listen, and I will tell you."
" I am all attention."
"I am a jailor here."
" Then you have the keys ?"
"Of course."
" Why seek entrance to my cell after
that extraordinary fashion if you have a
key to the door V"
" You shall he informed."
" Or why have you come at all V"
" You shall know. Citizen Journot,
do you remember twenty years ago
when you were riding through the
Rue de la Paix, of stopping and freeing
from the officers a man who had been
turned out of his house for debt ?"
The marquis thought for some mo
ments before he could recall the circum
stances. " I do remember something of the
" I am that man ! I have never lost
sight of you or yours, and I have
sworn if ever I had the chance, let it
cost me what it might, I would repay
that generous act, so noble and so disin
terested." " What do you propose V"
" You are condemned to die to-morrow."
" I know it."
" You shall live 1"
" But you will sacrifice yourself in
freeing me."
" I will take the risk, at all events."
" I now see why you enter my cell
after this style."
" Exactly. I would have It appear
that you effected your own escape."
" Excellent."
" Now follow me."
' " Instantly," replied the marquis.
In one minute later the jailor and
Journot disappeared through the aper
ture in the floor, and after passing
through one or two dark passages, they
emerged at a gateway guarded by a
single sentry.
" Journot," said the jailor, "here is
your god-father. You understand all.
I can trust you."
" What does this mean ?" asked the
" Another surprise," said the jailor.
" You called him Journot V"
" I did." , '
" Explain."
"Do you not remember that upon
that same January day when you re
leased me from the minions of law you
also befriended an unfortunate young
mother, gave her baby your name in the
church of Notre Dame, and supplied
her with money to feed it V" "
"I have a dim recollection of some
such event."
" This lad is the one to whom you
gave your name, and now he is ready to
befriend you in turn."
" Strange that we should meet thus,
and after twenty years.
" You cast your bread upon the
waters and it has returned to you,"
answered the jailor.
Then turning to the young man,' the
jailor continued :
" Lead him to a place of safety,
Journot ; give me your gun, and I will
keep this post until you return."
" Come on, Monsieur," said the young
man. s
" Whither do you lead meV"
" You shall soon learn, but be sure it
is a place of safety, since I have sworn
it to my mother."
" Go on, then ; I will follow," said the
The young man led the fugitive down
to the liver's hank, where they embark
ed and were soon on the opposite side of
the Belne. Here, after landing, he con
ducted him by back lanes to the rear of
a house on the Rue St. Honore, where,
after knocking gently, they were ad
mitted by a fair young girl about the
same age as the young man who bore
the marquis' name. She was so pretty,
Indeed, that the fugitive gazed admiring
ly on her charming features.
" Citizen Journot," said a matronly
woman, ns the marquis entered a large
and comfortable room, " do you not
remember me?"
" I do not."
' Well, it is not strange. But when
we last met it was in the Rue de la Palx,
twenty years ago. This young woman
was then an Infant in my arms, and you
saved my husband from going to pris
on." "Ah lyes, he has Just recalled the
fact," said the marquis.
" He Is temporarily in charge of the
Conciergerle. But from that hour,
with means you furnished, he has pros
pered lu trade, and we have been abund
antly blessed. Pauline, my daughter,
Is about to wed this young man, another
of your proteges. And now please to
step into the next apartment."
The Marquis Journot obeyed, and
instantly found himself in the presence
of bis wife and children. His kind but
humble friends had secreted them in
the hour of their great peril, and now
brought them In safety to each other.
Could gratitude have had better expres
sion. That very night the marquis and his
family were conducted in safety outside
the walls of Paris, and Boughtand found
in the provinces a place of safety until
the Reign of Terror had ceased, and
the demon of discord had drunk his fill
of blood.
Truly the kindly deed of the young
marquis twenty years before had proved
to be " Bread Cast upon the Waters,"
and had furnished him two surprises of
an agreeable nature. ,,
A Parrot Story.
Two sailors who had a parrot with
them, went into a magician's show, in
an upper room in some foreign city.
The three constituted the audience.
After each feat of the magicians, one of
the sailors would remark, " that's pretty
good ; wonder what they'll do next."
Finally one of the sailors asked permis
sion to smoke, which the magicians
granted, forgetting that in the room be
neath was an immense quantity of gun
powder. The Jack tars and the parrot
Continued to enjoy the show, one sailor
adding the pleasure of his pipe, and the
other remarking after each trick, " That
is pretty good; wonder what they'll do
A spark from the smoker's pipe
chanced to drop through a crack in the
floor into the powder, and something
suddenly occurred. Sailors and magi
clans parrot and all, " rose above party
prejudice," and were all blown to king
dom come, in a million fragments, all
except the poll-parrot. He landed in a
heap of bruised flesh and burnt feathers
in a potato patch, fyur miles away. 1I&
was utterly demoralized. It took some
moments to collect himself, and when
he had partially done so he hopped
limpingly upon a fence rail and remark
ed: " That's pretty good ; wonder what
they'll do'next." v
KJ An Irishman chanced to be present
at ajumping match, and seeming much
interested in the contest, he was invited
to try his skill. He gladly consented,
and taking off his long black coat, laid
it across a fence near by. Three dandies
who had Just halted to witness the sport,
thought it was a good chance to play
him a trick. Accordingly, when his
back was turned, one of them procured
a piece of chalk and drew an ass' head
on the back of Pat's coat, and waited to
see the fun when he discovered the
trick. He Boon returned for his coat,
with a smile on his comical face. As
his keen eyes glanced at the profile on
the back of his coat, one of the dandies
laughingly asked how he liked jumping.
" Oh ! I like jumpin' well enough," said
Pat ; " but lv yeil tell me which av ye
had the chalk on yer fuce, an' left the
print av yer jaw on my coat, I'll tell
yees if he took a gud likeness."
C2"If we except the blessings of
strength, health, and the testimony of a
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'lib, forth eur.of
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hat had a life-long aiwrrianc, and rare wbrothert fail. lu
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