8 THE TIMES, NEW BL00MF1EL1), 1A., SE1TEMHEU. 18, i 1877.1 A Look Haven Hero. Tlie WilllnrnHport, FiC, Sun of this wock snys : A young mnn nnmcd K. L. Pttokor, a Inw stmlent at Lock llnvon, was reported at having mysteriously dUftpponr od on hist Friday tornlng, aud much ex citement was occasioned thereby. , Ills room, upon bolng visited, exhibited Avl deuces of a struggle of sonio kind having occurred therein, and the suRploliin was aroused that foul play of some kind had taken place, Others suggested suicide, and the river was dragged In search of the re mains. Nothing was discovered, however, Finally, during the day, Friday, the missing man came into this city on foot, and told the following strange story : While sitting In his office loom at Lock Haven the previous night, about 13 o'clock, engsged in writing, a tramp came In and struck him a suddou blow with a club, knocking him sonsoless for a few moments, during which time the assAllaut robbed him of his puiso aud a valuable gold watch and then Immediately fled. Hecovorlng his souses about the same time Mr. 1 seined a revolver and ran out in pursuit. (Jetting sightof his man, he followed after, Intend ing to obtaiu help upon the first opportu nity. But the thief took the railroad aud start ed eastward out of the city, the pursuer following like a sleuth-hound. The litce was kopt up all uiht, and did not end until ' tho next morning at 10 o'clock, when tho thief gave up this sldo of BuRiitiulinuuti station. He gave up the watch, but douiod having the purso, containing $1)0, and a thorough (search of his person failed to revea! Its presence Glnd to recover his watch, and being considerably fatigued . with his long chase, Mr. i allowed the rascal to escape Tho pocket-book was found tho uamo morning on a street in Lock llaven empty. A Dangerous Wife to Joka Wllh. The Fort Worth (Texas) Democrat says: " Marshall Courtrlght, of this town, thought of joking his wife. Arriving at home at a late hour, he entered tho front gate, carefully closing It. Cautiously grop ing his way thither what was his surpriso to see the right hand of his wifo lying on the sill of the window. On her linger she had two gold rings, one of which ho pro ceeded to tako off. It being rather loose, he experienced but littlo trouble, and suc ceeded iu tho operation without waking her up. The remaining ring was a much tighter fit, and In his effort to extricate It, his wifo awoke, (hiding her hand grasped from without by some one ffhom t!ie at once concluded was a robber. (Juickly pulling her hand away, Bhe wan about to ecrcam, but thinking of a convenient six shooter under her pillow, sho ngain placed her 'jeweled' hand on tho sill, which was grasped Jy tho supposed burglar, and with the other she quiotly reached for tho pistol and rising suddenly, brought It to bear on her husband ; but for his presence of mind in quickly calling her, sho would havo shot him dead. Mrs. CourtrightdiHplayeilJgrcnt presonce of mind, fortitude, and courage, and Marshall nhould bo proud of pos- sesBing a wife, so feailess and bravo. His narrow escapo has completely cured him of any further desire to play the role of a midnight robber. ' C2T A Texan herder's outfit consists of two donkeys for carrying supplies, a tent, cooking utensils, blankets, a canteen made of tin and holding five gallons of water, 'a small Mexican pony, two or threo dogs, and tobacco. Shepherds roccivo from $10 to $15 per month and board, and overseers from $25 to $30. Two men and three dogs can readily take care of 6,000. Thousands of sheep roam at will ovor the vast plains, feeding as they go, never sleeping two nights in the same place, except at the home stations. At night these immense herds gather closely around the camp of ( the shepherd and sleep peacefully, guarded by woll-traiued Scotch dogs, who exhib it wonderful sagacity and pjowosb in their midnight vigils, holding at bay the fiercest wolf until by their furious barking they awake their masters. An area of from ten to twenty miles will be grazed by an ordinary herd in a single day. ' A singular lawsuit is promised in Australia. A Tasmania capitalist purchas ed from the government the right to re move guano from two islands, paying a large sum in advance. When he dispatch ed his ships to the spot, and where the source of supply had stood, there was only water. Now be wants the government , to give him back his money, and : the courts of the colony are to decide whether it shall or not. Perhaps this is the first time vol-. canio agency was ever made the subject of a lawsuit. The Rev. Tilmaa Perkins, of the ' Methodist Church, colored, in administer ing the ordinance of baptism to a burly, two-hundred pound convert,last Bunday a week, in Little river, Ky., let his subject co to the bottom of the water. The reel pient of the initiatory rite, nothing, daunt ed, rose to the surface shouting, and seiz ing the administrator by the waist, paid Lim in kind for his services. Perkins was rescued from his unhappy dilemma by the intervention of a number of the brethren, when they all came up out of the water to gether. We have sunln reecly;. 0 a (nil nniijily nf I 'nil Goods, to which we ask your attention, PRETTY PRINTS, Our stock of Print and ollior Low Price dress goods Is the prct- tll'll I'UT lllU'l'Fll In this county. Will you come n ml lo k st them t MEN'S GOODS. Wo have a Splendid Assortment i( Good suited for Men's Weill'. Our stock Is very coin, pll'tit lu nil kind of goods from Is cents per j iinl upwards. D00TS & SHOES. )n you want Hunt ov Klines for Muu Women or Children ? If sncniun mill see the HI nek we , have. It, Is complete, niul I'l liies will mitt you. HATS AND CAPS. We me particularly proud of our Hnli'iiillil Assortment, of J I lit H fit Cup for Men or llovs. The styles are good anil tlie prices will tie sure to please you. FVFRYTH INfi " '" " Roods ' c v crv 1 1 iiirtUi n,iy h, ml win !, ft. mutt Hini' to it ml thorn In the Splendid Block Just opened by F. MORTIMEU, New Bloomficld. MAKE HOME HAPPY. A Plonllrul Supply of Good Beading and Beautiful Plotnro) WILL DO IT. ' THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY STAR, A flu ttflht.pR tinpcr, wit h 48 Dill Co umufl, oifa only OO iter jrmr (w pay pout one), kui fa ilia UirocMtt hriphtett, fcnil bent paper publllml for the mouer. it ( Independent in politlci. gives tU the nw, nd, berHefl much oinr good rename, every numnnv nu thra or four xcrilont ortutml or m lecUit etoriee. Every mbiariber tlto receive?? copy nf the beautiful omtrav inp Tlio Pom the Poor Man's 0 g M M 5J r i'icnil," lize x-ti.vt in'Mien, mm a unpy of TUB 8TAH ILLUHTBATKD ALMA NAO, 05 cu). extra must he Hunt to pay czpenie of packing nd niftlllnff pre miums. fttTOur lntluiffmftit to Acrmttft, twj the moat liberal In the fluid, are now greater than ever. We want every olub aqetit In the country to communicate with ua before commencing work To any pardon deelrina to Rt up a olub, we will aend ft ample copy of the picture and ettiTUMri outfit for lift rte. Specimen cow of paver free. enfl for one before) aabeerlb In II for any other. lTsrnone to whom w have t1ra1r Aent the picture, "The Poor the) Xoor Man's Friend," by eayine; eo can have In Ita stead another exoclleut en graving, nf name ilie, which we have eoured for tliia purpose. W paper without picture, One Dollar. 930 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. 4 M H 2$ H Q MAKE HOME PLEA8ANT. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OP VALUATLE REAL ESTATE. The undorslKiied rshIkhco of Mlclmel Hitting and fcnuimiel K. Blttlnc. inembersol the late llrm o( M. bitting ti Hon, will expose to public sale uu SATURDAY, OCT013EK 61 It 1877, midor ail Alias Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Perry County, tho following descrllwd Keal tstato towit: A TRAUT )! LAND at iiiouiKoiiiery-B rerry, KutTalo twp.. Perry county, Pa., containing six acres, more or less. Iv!ii , erted ,a I' A RGB BRICK HOUHK (used as a lloti! Kimn Nt,i large iraiue Btabl, Blaughttr KUop, H and other put-hulldlngs. The location fora Hotel and Store is better than any other In this county. TERMS OF BA1,B:-10 ppr cent, of purchase money to be paid on day of Kale, one third of bal ance on the first day of November 1H77riuI the balance iu two equal annual Installments with In terest, to be seemed by Judgment Bonds. Sale to commence at ten o'clock A. M., of said day. Sale to extinguish all liens under the order of Court. WILLIAM LODGE, Assignee. J. C. McAllister, Att'y. September 3, Is 17. jgLOOMFIELD ACADEMY. FALL SESSION BEGINS, SEPT. 3rd. 8TTOENT8 prepared for the best Colleges In the land, and the drill In the olaasea will be thor ough and up with the times. A NORMAL CLASS tor those deslrlngto teach. Address J.B. FLICKINRER, A. B., Principal, or WM. UttiEB, Proprietor, Kow Bloomllold. BlooniQeld, Aur. 21, 1877. NEW GOODS. S3 SOLD rMTF.DWATCntS. CtiMpwt lath. kjuiwD world. Satnpts Watch . i ifMI, AdilnM. A. Coeuraa Co., CMco, ASSIGNEE'S SALE. ' OE VA lA'AIU.K 1113 AL ESTATE. The nnderslitiiPit, Alane timlnr ft oVed nf yot tmliirv aislt'iuuont for the Iwneht, of creditors of Mr. Mamaiet It. Donley, will will by oiilery, up on the premise, In Carroll twp., about 1! miles west of Dullvlllii, on TUICHDA V, RKPTKMnFfl 2.11 h. 1H7T. at 2 o'clnrk P. M.,th following desarlbed vnlim ble real eMiitu, to wltt A Tit ACT OF LAND, situate In the township of Carroll, county of Perry Htale of Pennsylvania, ami bounded by lands of C. Kolli, Adam Beam, T. Mill luck and others containing 115 A.OR12S, strict nioanre.ntid linvlng thereon erected a large soon i ivh nhmh imvm.i.iinu llttlinic, wllh Mil MKN iitlai'hi'd, IIAI,r BANK BAHN, wood house, smoke house, hog pen ami other uucessaiy oiitlnillillnii. There I a nond yoiinit OIK'ltAKI) In prime hearing condition and oilier fruit Hit upon the promlsii. 'the water I supplied hv two uooil well and ft spring near the house which runs in several lluhls, Thu iilulliy of soil Is good led Blink). Notb. Tin property la In every way desirable, It I situate within n nil lent a school, a mile and a half of Mores, mill, blacksmith shop, etc., nod about two ml'e to the nearest church. It Is pleas antly located on a point of scenery, mid will make lu every respect a most desirable farm home. TrcnMsnFdALK. Ten percent, of the purchase money to be paid when the property I sli lrki n down, one third Of the remainder upon the conllr liiatlou of the sale, and the balance to be divided Into two eiiml annual pnynieul, tiavnlilerespeet Ivoly the 1st. day of April. 178 and H7I, to be e. cured by Judgment bond, wllh Interest from 1st April, 1H78, when deed will be delivered and pos session given. JOHN S. K1CIIKV, Sept., 4, 1S77. Assignee. PUBLIC SALE ()V VALUAT5LE HEAL ESTATE. The undersigned Administratrix of the estate Jauob A. Klce, httenf Havllle twp., Perry county Pa., di'ii'd., will si'll by publlo outcry, on the premises of the lain deceased, three miles west of li'kesburg. on tlio public road lending from Ickcsburgto lloaltown, JuiiluU Co., Pa., on TUHSDAV, HKPTKMIHCIt lfltll, 1877, at in o'clock A. HI., thefnllowlng dcscrlticd valua ble real estate, consisting of two tract of laiiil. No. 1, Is a tract of land situate In Havllle twp., Perry Co., Pa. , adjoining lands of John Hliull, Icilin lliu Iniiiii. Oi'orco W. HhealTer and others, coulaliiliig I'.liillTKliN ACIIICH more or less. Tlie Improvements consists of a Two and a llulf Mtory wulor power C3-I1IST MILL, containing two run of Htoue; Overshot Water Wheel lately repaired by the addition of partial ly new gearing. Also, a ll'titrr Power Sttw Mill, bavin? nn Improved nitnihatn Witter Wheel, and all In good running order. A trumc Dwelling Jlowe, J'Vame Stable,. Till property Is particularly worthy the atten tion of any poison desirous of Investing In a val uable mill property, situate In a good valley, aud has a lim:i' custom trade. The stream of water driving the mill Is llnllalo Creek. This property Is situate In the midst of many conveniences, such us Churches, Schools aud Stores. Ho. 2. Is a tract of laud containing One lltttHfred mid Party Acres, morn or less, lielng ridge and mountain land, about twenty acres cleared the baliuico is tim ber lanil. mis win lie oii in lots tosult purchas er or In one lot a purchaser may desire (ad Joining lands of Conrad H. Uleo, Joliu Dromuold and Alisaloin Rico mid others, lies partially along the public road leading from lskcsburg to Ileal town, Juniata county, Pa). TERMS OF SALE: TEN per cent, of the purchase money to be rild when the property Is stricken down i one hlrd of tho remainder on the 1st day of April, 1878, when deed will be delivered nnd possession given; one-half of the balance on the 1st day of April, 1K7H aud tlie remainder on the 1st day nf April, 1H.8D, Unpaid purchase money to bear In terest from 1st April, 1S78, and to be secured by Juugnieut bonds. Pr further Information cull upon or address A. M. Markul, Attorney fur Ad ministrate Ix, or CHARLOTTE A. RICE, Aug. 21. 1877. Administratrix. VALUABLE HtorEllTY AtPiivaloHttlo. rrillE subscriber odors at prlvato salo In Spring A. township, Perry county, Pa., A TRACT OF LAND containing TWENTY TWO ACRKH, more or lo, having thereon erected a TIIKKE STORY LOU WKA TH KRHOARDUI) HOUSE, Frame Barn, aud Shoemaker Shop and all the necessary out building and a Well of water near the door nnd a lot apple, peach, pour, quince aud cherry trees, uraoc.H. &o. This property 1 located one mile North Kat of nan urove, aim is an excellent location lor Shoemaker Shop. 0 K. Terms of sate easy. . August 7, 1877. DAVID UEIBElt. VALUAHTAZ STORE STAND At Private Sale, HE subscriber olTcr at private sale about X ONE ACRE OF H ROUND, having thereon erected a LARGE HOUSE, with KITCHEN, WASH HOUSE and STABLE, and a WELL of good water near the door. .,..... !. There Is a largo STORE ROOM In the building In which a stora has been kept for a number ol years. The stand Is a very desirable one. There Is aIo erected on the premises, another HOUSE AND STABLE, which will be sold ep aratclv or with the Store Stand, to suit purchas ers. These properties are located In a good com munity, with Schools and Churches convenient. 4-Cal.on or VoLT.KNBAUGH. Aug. 21, '77pd , Sandy Hill, Perry Co., ra. mnnn AGENTS WANTED to sell our )UUU newly Patented Novelties, Chromos, Jewelry, Wathes, Revolvers, Engravings, Books, &o. Htatlonery Packages t per huud. Special terms given to Agent everywhere. Tlie best prices ever oltered. Mammoth Catalogue with Samples free. FLETCHER. 35 6111 - . 11 DCy Street, N. Y. tistate vfvritJIC. Notice Is hereby irlven Ej that Letters Testamentary on the estateof John Neldlgh, late of Jacksou township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the ...wl.,,.na.l vl.ll,,a In Mllllln tnwnthln f'ntit. lierlHtul eittintv. Pa. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate pajiumiC and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for seiiiomeui io THOMAS It. MOKFITT, Executor. P. O. Address, Newvllle. Oumb. co.. Pa, W. A. & W. II. siunbi.eh, Atty's for estate. August 21, 1877. ot OPIUM Mi llMr-hli" HabUsbaoluMfa nnd. tt d. faiDUsl ftopuWklly. itadu.p aartlcalkn. ls. Cmrus, tl W wlila(taai IM, UaUasa, til. la Iadies and Children win -find a J splendid assortment of shoes at the one price store or jr. Mortimer. TilLANNELS A splendid assortment of Flan t .... f HIE, A n A .1 A A . V IKlllTIM U it COMPETITION DEFIED ; . IN PRICE. QUALITY AND STYLE., i aving just 'opened our .'second. LAUQE STOCK OF SUM- MEH GOO.I)St wc have determined' to' iriake nnbUler ncrifide." . 1 r ( . . . Wo arc now A ninn'd (rood Hiimnior f ult from . . . A innn' tfiuul Hiiinmer Cuat from . . . A limn' Komi Hummer l'stita from ... A Imy'g Rood Hummer Halt from . , A lioy's good Hiinjmcr I'iint from . . A lioy'i KtmilHiiiiimt'r VcHt from . . A oninninn Koom (torpot from . . A kooiI JKIowcr (.'arpct from . . - . A lit'ltor Flower C'lirpet from . . A man's pood lint from . . ... A innn's iinttpr lint from . .J A liov's good Jlttt from .... A lady' nood Hlmwl from ..... A lmly'ii flood Hklrt from . ... A common J'nmmil from . . . A flood l'nrnsol from . . . . A nice Fan from - . . . A flood Fan from .... A flood l'ltiier I'lii .... ''nir pnlr Iitidlca' ITobo ... Ono imlr Lnillos' (llovec . . . , Hlx Failles' While JlandkerclilefH ... Two Fwllwt' While Jlut'hen .... One Lndleft' flood CorHet Iimllea' J I ill i llrrild ..... FaiHef)' Hair HwltoheH . . ... 'Mnii'M flood HtiMpclKltTg .... Men1 flood OvurntlH . .... Three pair men's Hom ... . , Trunks, VallHes, Cloths, Jewelry, Cufft, Talile ClolliH, Towels, Napkins, Hats, Caps, Umbrella, l'apor and Fuv.'htpes, and muny other great bargains too numerous to mention. Iiou't full to call nnd be convinced that wo havo tho assortment, quality and price to suit nil. LSI DOR SCHWARTZ, SANFORO'S The only combination nf the t ni". Iiiimilcii i ilni'iT wllh cliiilce Aromatic nnd French llruiidv, I a ilellcloii, harm less, and l rciiKtlieultut sub stllute fur all kinds wrstliu. iilnnts. It promptly relieves liysiiepsla, Oiipresslon after KatliiK, and every siwcle nf Indiltestloii, corrects all (lis turliaiices of the Htomach and lluwels. and cures JAMAICA GINGER. C'rainjis, Chills, Fevers, and Malaria. Ask for Hanilford's (IIiikt. 3"iH. ItUPTUJ! E. Those wishing Relief and Cure for IIUl'TURH should consult Or. J. A. HliKRMAN, Ilroiid. way, New Vnrk. or send for his new lunik, with riioloKraihlc IlKenessi'S of bad cases before and after cure, I lew a re of clients who pretend to lurnlsh Dr. Hliorman's treatment. line of these fellow, a ceruian clerk, now calling himself Dr. W. (I. (,'reiuilen, Is Indicted on nomiilalnt of Dr. H. and awaits trial for for gery and embezzlement. 3'KlIt TlilFLING WITH A UOLI) IH ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for (KH'OHH, and all diseases of the Tl! ItOA T, LUNUH, CUKHX and MtUOUB MKMBItANK. 1'ut l'p Only In Illiie Hoxch. HOLD BV ALL DKUO'llHTH. W.d4w 0. N. Chittkstoh, 7 Hixtii AVBNLB, Now York. VEGETINE. REV. .1. P. U DLOW WRI1EH: 17s Haltle Htreot. Brooklyn. N. Y.. Nov. H.1S74. II. n. Htkvbns, Eni. Dear Hir, From personal benellt received by Its use, as well a from per sonal knowledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost miraculous, I can most heartily aud slcerely recommend the VEOETINE for the complaints which it Is clalmeh to cure. JAMKS P. LUDLOW, f Late Vastor Calvary Dabtlst Church, Sacramento, Ohio, VEOETINE IH 1'ltKPARKD BY I SMlt. H. R, STEVENS, Boston, Mass. FOIl SALE M ALL DKUtitiLSTS. New and Thrilling T MILLIONS EAGER FOR IT. 3WU Agent wanted for The Cross and the Crescent Ity the eminent L. V. Ilrockett. Unfolds the st run tie social, political, and reunions peculiari ties and History of the Russians and Turksi cause of the war, mighty Interests at stake t HI ographle of Rulers, etc. Richly Illustrated. For terms, address onlckly, UUDUARD BROS., Pubs. &d4t. 1M Bausoin nit, run a. A sent wanted ! Pen &,Pencll sketches of the great RlflTQ An Illustrated History of tho treat niU I u. the railroad and other Riot, with a History of Communism and Trade Union. By the popular author Don. J. T.lleadley. All classes want this book, depleting the reign of terror In ten States, The best selling book for Agents. Now ready. 830 pagos, 6.1 Illustrations 2. Send 10 cents fiir out lit and territory. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y. SMlt. EWAIIIIINU's (1876 Uniform Copyrighted 1877) LAW BLANKS, The Latest and Rest. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low aud whatever you need. Law aud Commercial Supplies of all Kinds. Kf Send for samples and price lists ot what you want. - Catalgttes nf Blanks furnished at TIII3 OFFICE, or direct from the publisher. E. WARINU, Tyrone, a. a. ESTATE NOT1CK. Notice Is hereby glv. en, that letters of Administration with the will annexed on estate of John B. McCllntock.late of Carroll two.. Perry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the uuderslgutd, residing In the same towushlp. All personslndebted to ald estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to presout them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHKPII B. McCLINTOCK. Administrator. P. O., Address Shermansdale. Ferry co.. Pa. July 24. 1H77.J CO. U. Smh jr. Attorney. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Ephralm A. Mc Laughlin and wife of Touoyue township, Perry county. Pa., by deed of voluntary assignment, dated the 14th of July, 1877, have conveyed all their real and personal property tor tlie benellt of creditors to the uuderslgncd, residing in Biain, Jackson township. All persons kuowlng themselves Indebted to said assignors will please make Immediate pay ment, those having claims will present thent to the underslgued fur settlement. GEO. n. MARTIJT. August 1, 1S77. Assignee. TOB PHINTIXO of every description neatly tl aud promptly executed at Reasonable Rates at the Bloomiteld Times Steam Job Otllce. offering $i oo to $5 on 75 to R fi() ir, to u 6o . 8 no to 4 do . 70 to 2 00 AO to 1 Oil is to nn . M to ' 40 . 4r, to ir, 7(5 to 1 0(1 1 2r, to 2 0(1 fio to 1 00 7fi to 2 00 4(1 to 1 (III 2(1 lo fill 70 to 2 lid (ir, to 19 2(1 to M (HI . 21 19 2i Ofi 4') 20 ir, lo 40 Cutlery, Underwear, Tien, Hows, Collars, THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. Choice honks no longar fortlie few only. The best standard novels within the reach of every one. Hooks usually sold from ?1 to $3 given (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 and 30 cents. 1. Fast Lymin, Mr. Henrv Wood (Doubld No.)2"c. 2. John Halifax, (lent., By Miss Mulock. Zie. 8. Jane Kyre, Ity Charlotte Bronte, ( Double No.)ic. 4. A Womiiti llater,(,'liarles Rearte new novel. 20c. 6. The Blank-Indies, JhIc Verne' latest, 10c. 6. Last Day of Pompeii, lly Ilulwer. Kw. 7. Adam Bede. By George Kllot, (Double No.)20c. 8. The AriinileUfotto, By MaryCecll Hay. inc. 9. Old Myddelton's Money By Mary Cecil Hay. llui. 10. The Woman In While, By WllkleCollliis. 20c. 11. TIirMIIIoii the Floss. By (ieol r Kllot. 2o, 12. The American Senator, By Anthony Trnl- lope. ..... 2'lo. ' 13. A Princess of Thulo, By William Black. 2oc. I I. The Dead Secret, lly Wilkle Collins. Hie. 15. Romola, By George Kllot, (Double No.) 2(ic. 10. The English at the North Pole nnd Field of l l ...... a 1.....I it-, r.itu i;h.nn ir... i' in mm if",., iii uinn . tii iin i'ij. 17. Hidden Perils, By Mary Cecil Hay. inc. 1 18. Barbara's History, By Amelia II. Edwards. 2nc. 111. A Terrible Tnmptatlon, By Cha. Itendo. I'ic. 20. Old Curiosity Simp, lly Charles Dickens. 2l. 21. Foul Piny, lly Charles Rewle. . Inc. 21. Man and Wife, By Wilkle Collin. 20c. 2:1. TheS'iulio's Legacy, By Mary Cecil Hay. 20c. For sale by all Bookseller and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price b OKOIIOK M UN P.O. Ptim.lHMKK, P.O. Bo.Wli7. 2t.2;i,and2-'VandHwaUjrSt.,N.Y. f I Great Chance to make money. I tl I I III H you can't get Uol'l you can JiJ LjlJ , get Greenbacks. We need a person lu EVERY TOWN to take subscription for the largest, cheapest and b8St Illustrated family publication In the World. Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscrllwr. The price Is so low tliat almost ever) body subscribes. One Agent reports making over IIM) In a week. A lady ngent reports taking over 4'i0 subscriber In ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote all your time to tho business, or ouly your sparo time. You need not lie away from home over night Yon can do it as well otner. Full particulars, directions aud terms free. Ele gant and expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It cost nothing to try the business. No one who engage fall lo make great pay. Address "The . People's Journal," Portland, Maine. Slwly f LANDS FOR SALE ! qgo.ooo a (Ikes ix HoutH Went 3IIouri. First Class Stock farms, eicellent Agricultural Lauds, and the best Tobacco region lu tlie West. Short Winters, no grasshoppers, orderly society, good markets and a healthy country. Low Prices I Long Credit I - Free transportation from Bt. Louis to the lands furnished purchasers. For further Infor mation, address A. L. DKANK. Land Commissioner fit. Louis San Francisco, Ry. Co.. N. W. cor. Fifth and Walnut Street. Ht. Louis, Mo. . ' 32 4t Dr,A,G,OLIN'S: a..lir Ml Uts m h I'Hvttte tirr, iwalUo frctn mij mhmmem or Inffetlira ot dtKar Hni. IVwInkl . pc&dodinx I'mlMlnn, Vnmm f Mvnmrr, impair iht, fni lAunktKMl or Imoiis nmmm 111U'I pirn ti(rliyevrcIi AktttmtJ th Bl4Mldsp Xt1ry, Llvrr, LancH AstfcnM, CaUrrh. Him. 11 ChtonU lAmmm, aim) DIlsV .KHMr KEMAIJA yUu to bla kasual. Dr.Olto b htvl life-kin stiLsnWiir, &ru1 me) wt4f otbm bl, ( k grvlaki of I' lUrmed thl mm Bfi Bsrwr, km th Wirnl fvartsM is Um U. ft. I. A 1I wqokrWf iMttxtt pri wmim hWM nd bmrd, rttii or nu. Vwrj erTMnswc for UDto. tmoA thjtmnu 1nt mmptt of RUr f '-oom rlr ciUr of lra(-W,t lnformu-m hj tiprmu OIL. VLUim fml Pf!U, $1 mw Bo, Cottv(!uti'ttt km. . MAEEIAGE GUIDE ZSZSZ? Juvrtx wil niM'l! afl of hntb Arisn. DlMf. VaJua,l ivtrs IA ns) OuVTHtl Ut4 UMM CMUtTiplsUtOtf Bwmati. How to m hmithy a.-.d vul hyny Urn mrU4 ! to omit, to svujr m A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of !&Iarris.2:e ! ffffUfVcFi k a".ia w.t m rl T or:ntirtii irei:i rKfr4cAu-ttht until fr 1 m on lha sr.il tb If - ih trtuwf Koodulen and iin limuii or Y. ncio. A Iski tot p-'rtt. rvnf e i! wsniim Mi Dtu. pria. a HLUni, v.fnirAi inuififRi On til diK.r'1'rmoi rriTti i A'.ur sr.i f trini Bat AbuM. Ezceis, or 8rt la, wtiA but tfeau of rtir. i.r'r rajf.. p-t.'-M. :!. A CLINICAL LKCTUHE on Oi ! tfm irhl IflOM Tth ThrOMtand Lucffs, Ct40-.-iUbp:urS, Optna Habit,?., pric ki r,. i-nhr bouk rnt bopidon rtfpt of prr : or thna, conftinu.i 'ill ri'-. n-WLfV v it nitnil. Itir jt,, Addntati&.BtrTTa. o. W. "l M. IU. IxmiA, M INSTATE NOTICK Notice ts hereby given U that Letter of Administration on the estate of Joseph Eusniinyer late of Carroll townhlp. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing Inihesunie townsh.p. Ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated fur settlement to ELTZABETn ENSMIXGEK, CORNELIUS KXS.VtlNiifcR, A. M. Market. Att'yfor Adu'rs.j lAdiutultratrs August 28, l'TT. i (
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers