Tllti Tigris! 'NfcW JBL0bkriEI,D! 'i;A., SEITEMlilill ll; 1877. ! 8 A Prison Trngody A Hartford paper of the Brd Inst., ys : There was groat excitement at the Weill, ernfleld Slate Prison from 11 o'clock Ratur day night till 6 yesterday morning. ' , It appear that two priaouera Henry Hamlin and William Allen, both of whom were sentenced for eight year for burglary in Kew London county, in 1H71 planned an esinpe. Hamlin had ft ekoloton key made in the prison, and tbey ingeniously made it eo that it would open every cell door In the prison except two, the locks being alike. He got out of his cell between the time of locking up and the eliding of the bar, and secreted himself overhead, under the celling of the upper tier. ' When everything was still, and the watchman came on, Hamlin operated the lever of the sliding bar bo that be could lot out Allen by unlocking his door. Both started to surprise the watchman, bind aud gag him : but he had hoard a noise and was on the look-out, aud came upon them before they were aware he was so near and demanded that they should halt. They were uut disposed to stop, and he fired twice at them with his revolver. One of them throw up his hands and said, " Don't shoot. I'm hit and killed." The watchman supposed he bad fired a fatal shot aud was thrown off his guard, and the convicts pitched upon him, knock - ed him down aud gnggod him with a homo made gag of leather, which was fastened around his nock, and thon put kandcufTa upon his wrists. Thoy then left him, and it is supposed were about to release one or more other prisoners, as they had their own way, with the watchman quieted, and could have made a general upriaiug of convicts. , But they had not gono far before Ship man got tho gag loose aud called for holp. They returned to him, aud Alloc, drawing a largo kuifo w hich camo from tho shoe shop, said : " Stop your noise or I'll cut your throat." Tho watchman, who exhibited coolness and courage, still strug gled aud shouted, when Hamlin came up, and having the pistol taken from tho watch man, placed its muzzle close to the latter's left breast and fired, inflicting a mortal wound. By this time the pistol shots had begun to arouse the sleepers iu other parts of the prison, and Overseer Arnold came to the door of the guard room. Seeing the feet of the watchman hanging over from the tier platform, which ho recognized by their having moccasins on, and oeeingalsoaman leaning over him, ho fired a rifle into tho hall, without aimiug it at the figure he 6aw, lest tho watchman might be struck. The shot alarmod Hamlin, for he was lean ing ovor tho prostrate form of bis victim, and he ran around the corridor. Mean while, Overseer Hill bad got into the cor ridor and saw him coming and fired. Ham lin returned the shot, neither taking effect. Both Hamlin and Allon now sought ref uge in tho attio and forced their way through the plastered ceiling by the use of heavy bars of iron which were obtained from the shoe shop, ono being a standard, 20 inches long aud an inch and a quarter in diameter, and the other a claw, 15 inches long. In the attio thoy had full swing, as no ono dared risk going there because it was known that there must be one charge lftffc in fchft rflvnlvfir. Mnrnnvnr. it wan deemed best to surround them lest they might get more desperate and set fire to the building, and thore was great fear of this. Guards, armed with rifles, were placed all about the outer walls of the prison, and all inside avenues of escape were carefully watcned. At 1 o'clock Hamlin showed himself at an opening loading from the attio to the garret of the oflloe building, and was at once fired upon by Overseer Botolle, who was on duty there. He then went back to the centre of the attio. He evidently re mained in and about the cupola of the pri son, which is reached by a ladder. At about 6 o'clock in the morning he showed himself there to the outBide guard, and Uversoer Riley fired at him, whereupon he cried out: "iDon't fire anv more : we will surrender." They were told to come down and report at the guard-room door, which they did, and were then handcuffed and taken to dun geons. Bhipmau died at about 11 o'clock yesterday morning, having suffered terrible agony. Mysterious Arrival. On Friday eight a small sloop was obi served entering Baltimore harbor, manned ' by ono colored man and carrying only one sail, the jib, out of whioh the bonnet bod been taken. She had no mainsail, and ap- peared to have had rough usage, as her paint was discolored and she looked to be in bad repair. Her crew of one ran her up ' near the Canton steamboat wharf, and casting anchor, lowered a boat and pulled hastily ashore, neglecting to stow his single sail. On landing he pushed the small boat adrift and disappeared. Somo people who saw this performance, thinking, it strange, reported the affair to the police, and a look out was kept for the man, but he did not return, and Captain Kenny seized the vessel. She is sloop-rigged, decked over . and has a small cabin, in which was found a stove, some cooking utensils, but no papers or any other article that gives a s clue to her owners. She has recently been supplied with a new topmast, and on her stern was found almost obliterated by paint not yet dry, her name, " The Native, Norfolk." SSIGNEE'S SALE. OP YALTJABI.B ' 1 ' .BMAJj . ESTATE. The unrinnlnnnl.' A4lirnia tinrinr a deed of vnl. nntary alKm'nt for the benefit of oreillton ot Mr. Sim sai nt It. Donley, will sell by ontory, up. on the prvmlMM, In Carroll twp., about l.'-jtullei wentoi i'cimne, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th. 1877, at 2 o'clock 1. M. , the following described valua ble real estate, to witi A TRACT. OF LAND, Itnateln thetownphlp ot Carroll. enmity ofPerry Btale of rennylrania. and bounded by land, of C. Until. Adam beam. X. Mutluok and others containing 115 ACRES, strict measure, and having thereon erected a targe with KITCHKN attached. HAI.K BANK LiTl I1AHN. wood house, smoke house, lion cell 1 13 and other necessary outbuildings, U"Il There Is a cood voitn ORCHARD In nrline bearing condition and other Irult trees upon the premise. The water Is supplied by two good wells and a spring near the house which runs In several Quids. The quality el soil is good red snaie. Note. This orooertvls In everv way desirable. It Is situate within a mile of a school, a mile and a halt of stores, mills, blacksmith shop, etc., and about two ml'es to the nearest church. It Is pleas antly located on a point of scenery, and will make iu every respect a most desirable farm home. Trrms of Ten ner cent, of the purchase nioncv to be wild when the uronertv Is stricken down, one-third of the reinalnderupon the confir mation oi tue sale, and the imiance to oe amueu Into two equal annual payments, payable respect ively the 1st day of April. 1878 ana 1H7W, to be se cured by Judgment bonds, Willi Interest from 1st April, 1878, when deed will be delivered and pos session given. JOHN 8. 1UCJIKY, Sept., 4, 1877. Assignee. pUBLICSALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. The nnderslffned Administratrix nf fhn rstnte Jacob A. klce, late of Havllletwp., l'erry county l'a., dee'd.. will sell by public outcry, on the premises of the late deceased, three miles west of ickesburg. on the public road leading from Ickesburg to Uealtown, Juniata Co., Fa., on TUESDAY, BEFTEMBER 18th, 1977, at 10 o'clock A. M., the (Allowing described valua ble real estate, consisting ot two tracts oi land. No. 1. Is a tract o( land situate In Bavllle twn.. rerry Co., IJa., adjoining lands of John Hhull, John llartman, Uporge W. Hheaffer and others, containing lilUHTEKN ACItliH more or less. The improvements cotisistsoi a iwo nuu a Hull story water power GEIST OVEILIj, containing two run of Btone, Overshot Water wneei mteiy repairen uytne addition oi partiul ly uew gearing. Also, a Water Power Saw Mill, having an Improved Burnham Water Wheel, and all Iu good runulng order, A Irame Dwelling House, Frame Stable This nrooertv Is nartlcularlv worthv the Rtten. tlon of any person desirous of investing in a val uable mill property, situate In a good valley, and lias a large custom trade. The stream of water driving the mill Is Buffalo Creek. mis property is situate in the midst or many conveniences, such as Churches. Schools aud Ktores. Ko. 2, Is a tract of land containing One Hundred and Forty Acres, more or less, being ridge and mountain land, about twenty acres cleared tire balance Is tim ber land. This will be sold In lots to suit purchas ers or In one lot as purchaser may desire (ad joining laudsof Conrad B. Klce, John Dromgold and Absalom Rice and others, lies partially along the publio road leading from Iskesburg to Beaf towu, Juulata county, l'a). TERMS OF SALE : TEN ner cent, of the Durchase moncv to be fiald when the property fs stricken down s one hlrd of the remainder on the 1st day o( April, i5ia, wiien neeu win oe ueuverea ana possession given,- one-half of the balance on the 1st day of April, 1879 and the remainder on the 1st day of April, 1880. Unpaid purchase money to bear In terest from 1st April, 1878, and to be secured by Judgment bonds. For further Information call upon or address A. M. Markel, Attorney for Ad ministratrix, or ' uumLurrKA. kick, Aug. 21, 1877. Administratrix. VALUABLE PROPERTY At Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale InBprlng towuship, ferry county, l'a., A TRACT OF LAND containing TWENTY-TWO ACRES, more or less, having thereon erected a THKEK BTOUY LOO WE ATHKKBOAKDED HOUSE, Frame Barn, and Bhoomaker Hhop and all the necessary out buildings and a Well of water near the door and a lot apple, peach, pear, quince aud cherry trees, grapes, oJ. This property Is located ene mile North East ot Oak Grove, and Is an excellent location lor a Bhoemaker Shop. Terms of sale easy. August 7, 1877. DAVID BEIBEB; VALUABLE STORE STAND At Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at nrlvate sale about ONE ACKK OF GROUND, having thereon erected a LARGE HOUSE, with KITCHEN. WASH HOUSE and STADLE, aud a WELL of good water near the door. There Is a large STORE ROOM in the building lii which a store has been kept (or a number of years. The stand Is a very desirable one. There Is also erected on the premises, another HOUSE AND BTABLE, which will be sold sep arately or with the Store Btand, to suit purchas ers. These properties are located In a good com munlty, with Schools and Churches convenient. Call on or address S. L. HOLLENBAUGH, Aug. 21, 77pd Bandy Hill. Ferry Co., Pa. PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL CONCERNED. All persons are hereby notified that the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of New Bloomtleld, l'a., have made application by petition tor a decree of Court, authorizing them to makea loan of Three Hundred Dollars, Tor the benefit of said corporation, and all persons are requested to take notice that eald decree will le made on TUESDAY, the 11th of September, 1877. If uo good cause Is assigned on that day, or no reason given why said Court of Common Fleas ol Ferry County should not make said decree. D. MICKEY, Frothonotary. Vf. A. flPOssi.FH, Attorney for said Trustees. August 23,1877. ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate ot John Neidigh, late ot Jackson township. Ferry county, Fa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, resldiug lu illllllu township, Cum berland county. Fa. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated (or settlement to , THOMAS R. MOFFITT, Executor. P. O. Address, Newvllle, Cuinb. co., Fa. W. A. & W. H. Bponsuw, Atty's for estate. August 21, 1877--6t OPIUM a4 MeiphlM fUbtt bMltitorr and madDy Urn Mriln ttculan. Vm. UaM-tow, I ADIE8 AND CHILDREN will find ft j splendid assortment of shoes at tho one price store of F. Mortimer. COMl'ETITION DEMED IN P MCE, QUALITY AND STYLE. Having just opened our Bccond LAltGlS STOCK OF SUM MER GOODS, we have determined to make another sacrifice. We are now offering A man's good Rummer Butt from A inan'e good Hummer Coat from A inan'i good Hummer rants from A boy's good Bummer flult from . A boy's good Bummer rants from A boy's good Bummer Vest from A common ltoom Carpet from A good Flower Carpet from A butter Flower Carpet from . - A man's good Hat from . A man's better Hat from - J A boy's good Hat from ... . A Judy's good Bhawl from A lady's good Skirt from .... A common Parasol from A good l'arasol from . - A nice Fan from - A good Ean from .... A good Taper Tins - - ' Four pair Ladles' Hose . - . . One pair Lndles' Glove? . HIx Ladies' White Handkerchiefs Two Ladles' White ltuches One Ladles' good Corset - .... Ladles' Hair Braids Ladles' Hair Bwitches . - -Men's good Buspendera .... , Men's good Overalls .... Three pair men ?s Hose ... . . Trunks, Valises, Oil Cloths, Jewelry, Cutlery, Underwear, Ties, Bows, Collars, Cuift, Table Cloths, Towels, Napkins, Hats, Caps, Umbrcllars, Taper and Envelopes, and many other great bargains too numerous to mention. Don't fail to call and be convinced th,nt we have the assortment, quality aud price to suit all. ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, KEWPOET,; PE1STISPA-. SANFORD'S The only combination ol the t rue Jamaica Ulngor wltli e liolce Aromat les anil French 111 iinily, Is a delluiuus, harm less, and strengthening sub stitute (or all kinds el stim ulants. It promptly relieves Dyspepsia, Oppression alter hut I n k. and every species ol Indillcstlou, corrects all dls turbauces ol the Htoinach flint IIowrIh. Anil nnren JAMAICA GINGER. Cramps, Chills, Fevers, and Malaria. Ask (or baudlord's j Inner. 36dlt. HUP TURK Those wishing Kellel and Cure (or EUPTUItE should consult I)r. J. A. HIIEKM AN, 258 Droad wiy, New York, or send (or his new book, with Photographic likenesses ot bad cases before and alter cure. Ilewaro ol cheats who pretend to lurnlsh Dr. Hherman's treatment. One ot these fellows, a gerinan clerk, now calling himself Dr. W. O. Cremplen, Is Indicted on complaint of Dr. H. aud awaits trial (or for gery anil embezzlement. 35d4t TRIFLING WITH A COLD 18 ALWAV8 DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy (or COUGHS, nnd all diseases ot the THROAT, MJNGH, CHEST aud MUCOUS MEMUKANK. Tut Up Only In Bine Boxes. HOLD MY AIJj DHUOOI8T8. 8Sd4w C. N. Cmttenton, 7 Hixtu Avenue, New York. VEGETINE. "xv-bSifflg 178 Baltic Street, Brooklyn. N. Y.. Nov. 14.1874. II. R. Btbvens, Ksy. Dear 8ir, From personal benellt received by Its use, as well as (rom per sonal knowledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost miraculous, I cau most heartily and slcerely recommend the VKOET1NE (or the complaints which It Is clalmeh to cure. JAMES P.LUDLOW, Lato Pastor Calvary Babtlst Church, Sacramento, Ohio, VEGETIITE IS PHK.PAKED BY S5d4t H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUQOISTS. Now and Thrilling T MILLIONS EAflEK FOR IT. 3000 Agents wanted (or The Cross and the Crescent By the eminent L. P. Brockett. Unfolds the Btrange social, political, and rellKlous peculiari ties and History ot the Russians ana Turks i cause of the war, mighty interests at stake t Bi ographies of Kulers, etc. Klc-hly Illustrated. For terms, address quickly, HUBBARD BKOH., Pubs. 733 Bansoin Kt., l'hll'a. S5d4t. A Rents wanted I Pen & iPencll sketches of the great RlflTQ An Illustrated History o( the great ll IU I 7 the railroad and other Kiots. with a History of Communism and Trade Union. By the popular author Bon. J. T. Headley. All classes want this book, depicting the reign of terror In ten Mutes, The best selling book (or Agents. Now ready. 660 pages, 53 Illustrations ti. Bend 50 cents for out lit and territory. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, N.flf. 85d4t. EWABKINH'S (1878 Uniform Copyrighted 1877) LAW BLANKS, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a warn suppiieo. e mrnisu low ami whatever you need. Law aud Commercial Supplies of all lUnis, Bend tor samples and price lists ot what vou want. -Catalgues ot Blanks (urnlshed at THIS vrrrivii., or uirwt irom me puoiisner. E. WAUINO. Tyrone, ba. TnSTATK NOTICE. Notice Is herein oi,. JJJ en, that Letters of Administration with the will a jnexed on estate of John B. McCltntoc-k.late otCr.i'ioll two., Perry county, l'a., decease- , have been granted to the undetailed, residiui in the same towuship. . ' All persons indebted to. said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to present them duly, authenticated (or JOHEPH B. MoCLIN-TOCK. Administrator. P. O., Address ShermiWisUiile, l'erry co.. Pa. July 24. 1877. C., Attorney. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE Notice In fierehv crtvfln thufc nWlm a m. Laughlln and wile, ot Toboyne township, Perry county. Pa., by deed ol voluntary assignment, uareu ui xoiu in uuiy, in uave conveyed all their real and personal prorty (or the benefit o( creditors to the uuderslguui, residing In Blaln. Jackson township. All persons knowing thftmsolvet Indebted to said assignors will please -nake immediate pay- uioiiv, iiium, naving cmmiJi win present luem to uuuciaiuucu tui subtle irni. liKO. n. MARTIN, August 1,1877. , Assignee. JOB PUIN TING of rery description neatly . And.!!romPtl7 eeontd at Heasonable icates at the UlooiuUeld limes bteam Juu uillua. $1 00 to $5 00 75 to 8 60 76 to 2 50 . 8 00 to 4 00 - 75 to 2 00 50 to 1 00 . 18 to ; 25 . 83 to 40 45 to 75 75 to 1 00 1 25 to 2 00 60 to 1 00 - 75 to 2 00 40 to 1 00 20 to 60 70 to 2 00 05 to 15 20 to 60 03 25 15 25 05 40 20 15 10 40 25 THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. Choice books no longer forthe few only. The best standard novels within the reach of every one. Books usually sold from 1 to ?3 given (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 and 20 cents. 1. East Lynne, Mrs. Henry Wood (DoubldNo.)2nc. 2. John Halifax, Gent., By Miss Mulock. 20c. 3. Jane Eyro.lty Charlotte Uionte.fDoiible No.)2Uo. 4. A Woman Hafer.Charles Heade's new novel. 2()o. 5. The Black-Indies, J Hies Verne's latest. 10c. fi. Last Days ol Pompeii, By Bulwer. 10c. 7. Adam Bede, By George Eliot. (Double No.) 20c. 8. The Arundel Motto, By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c. 0. Old Myddelton's Money By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c. 10. The Woman Iu White, By Wllkle Collins. 20o. 11. The Mill on the Floss, Bv George Kllot. 20o. 12. The American Senator, By Anthony Trol- l"le. 2oo. 13. A Prlncoss o( Thulo, By William Black. 20c. 14. The Dead Secret, By Wllkle Collins. Hhs. 15. Romola, By George Eliot, (Double No.) 200. 16. The English at the North Pole and Field ot Ice, In one book. By Jules Verne. 10c. 17. Hidden Perils, By Mary Cecil Hay. lOo. in. liarmira's History, lly Amelia B.Edwards. 2i)o. 19. A Terrible Temotatlnn. llvchns Hjart. kip 20. Old Curiosity Bhop, By Charles Dickens. ic. 21. Foul Play. By Charles Readn. . loo. 22. Man and Wlfs, By Wllkle Collins. 20c. 23. The Squire's Legacy, By Mary Cecil ITay. 20o. For sale by all Booksellers aud Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by GEORGE MUNKO, PtmusHElt, r. v. uoxooo. isi,zj,anuzo vanuewaterbt.,.K. GOLDlw Great Chance to make money. uu cau i gei uoiii you can Greenbacks. We need a person In EVERY TOWN to take subscriptions lor the lareost, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication In the World. Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant works o( art given (ree to subscriliers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One Agent reports making over 1160 In a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who engage make money last. You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be away (roin home over night. You can do It as well others. Full particulars, directions and terms (ree. Ele gant and expensive Outfit (ree. II you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costB nothing to try the business. No one who engages (alls to make great pay. Address "The no s juuruui, i oruuna, ranine. iuwiy LANDS FOR SALE! 9 G0,000 ACHES IN South West Missouri. First Class Stock (arms, excellent Agricultural Lands, and the best Tobacco region In the West. Short Winters, uo grasshoppers, orderly society, good markets and a healthy country. Low Prices 1 Long Credit! t Free transportation from St. Louis to the lands (urnlshed purchasers. For further infor nation, address A. L. DEANE, Land Commissioner St. Louis & Ran Francisco, Ky. Co., N. W. cor. Flltli and Walnut Streets, St. Louis, Mo. VOX Dr.A.G.CUN'S itoa fit., Chirro,, ll liisuw oi ft lr1vU Mtur. mnlUng from tulj or lMtVtlo of et.f He. HcmImmJ WMkaMproJuclu FlMliM,LMf Mcororr, laipairul Mtf fit. Voii Jdanliood or Impoteaoj. Ntrroiu iKfbllltjr, P"! nenUyearvdi Jmm ol tW Bted4rk Iii4aejr, Liver I.unjr, Ait Jim. Catarrh, 111m, 11 C brook Mmm, and DlrV KAK4F FEMALES, yUid to Ik kMtiunt. IX.Oito has bad UJb-lonx nerincf and euro wbara otbn Awl. IU Uafffa4'MUof tb rtaformad Bt Loot, was no aaareurv, hai th lanrMt (vactloaia Iba U.S. LA If ITU mnlrlaf InauneDt with privaAQ homa and board, nil ur Wrlta, Kvary ooovaoinoa far UnLi. km fifty otoU for aunpl of Knbbar Oooda nrl vf cular at lruportai.1 InfonnaUoa by txpna. JUJU. OLiM'tt Femala HIU, $6 par Box. Consultation frat. MAEEIAGE GUIDE yoan and tuUdla and of both Bnxn, oa alt danai of pri Bator. Valttabia adrtc to tba narrUd tod Uvoea oontnnflfttlii teaman. How lo bo healthy and truly bMy la tba marrbd rata tUm. varybodjp ab(Mid iv4 ItiH Uwk. ittoa W omt toaoynw dnam Mala, . A PHYSIOLOGICAL tba Dlae of Womeo. A book tor private, toutid- 'w raaoioK. aav cre, prvo On til diaordra ot a. lTivat Niiturtt ariaiinf Irom 8lf AbuM, ExooM. or Bcrt IiaMt with th baai aWnt of rure, XH tar? jji-t. prim M) ct: A CLINICAL LBCTuftB on Iheahova ditMtni nd thoae of the Tbrotaisl Iiuum, CCaxrb,.uAitur, Ua Ppmin liablt,.. price Mi cl. Either book srat poatpald u a receipt of priee t or til three, co u taint rut fJUpaKi-i, lieautilUlly tllmtranxl, tor Tiicrarnra Rpminarv I OH VOUSO LADIES. A Ilome School. Beautiful Scenery. Healthful Climate. Full Counut. Music a Kueciuity. Modern Lan- f!uai?es. Experienced leathers. No lull way work. Next session beitius bept. Mil 1877. Bend for Ciicular to C. F. KOI. BR. A. H.. Prlnclnal. . Academia, Juniata Counly, Fa. ARRIVAL." f ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. Moro Great Bargains. More Great Jiar gains. Moro Groat Bargains. Moro Great Bargains. i Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. CASSIMERS AND COT CASSIMERS AND COT" CASSIMERS AND COT' CASSIMERS AND CO CASSIMERS AND CO" CARSIMERS AND CO' ONADES. ONADES. ONADES. "ONADES, ONADES. ONADES, IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. FANCY F1NCY F4NCY FANCY FANCY FANCY GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND HOSIERY. HOSIIiltY. HOSIEltY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPLR AXD BORDERS. AND ItOHOKKS. ASD BORDERS. AND BORDERS. AND BORDERS ASD BORDERS. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. GOOD STOCK" OF GROCERIES. GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, GOOD STOCK GOOD STOCK GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, GOOD SIOCK OF GROCERIES, Of Every Kind. -Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. L otsof other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. ' Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. F. MORTIMER. P. MORTIMER. F. MORTIMER. ANOTHElt ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers