The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, September 11, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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taking the letter from my hand, ." you
are corresponding With those betting
men ngnln ; you are trying togetuncle'B
money back that way, and you will only
make It worse. '
Then I remembered that Saul vWbit
was a betting tnan whd , bad been ad
vertising a good deal lately. I explalued
to Kate how the thing hnd happened,
and Bhe quietly disposed of my scruples,
and satisfied her own curiosity, byselz
lng the letter, tearing ltopeu, and taking
It to the window to read : As she read,
her pretty face was puckered up Into all
kinds of puzzled wrinkles.
. I can make nothing of It, she said,
at liisV handing me the dead letter.
It was dated the sixteenth of June)
the day after the robbery, but bore( no
address am) no signature. , . . i ;
" Wspeoted frend Have Alltel job .lot
of calicer prints, ten towsend yards or
so, sew table for furreu market.. I'll
come over and see the on the furst, and
mind ye have the Bhlners reddy. Owld
place, at 'leveu 1' t' morning." ; t ;
" Jem 1" brled ' Kate, wheil I had
finished reading, no light coming to me
in the process," were there any envelopes
iu the portfolio that was stolen with the
notes V" i
" Yes, there certal nly were a few, and
stamped with iny name and address on
the seal."
" Then the letter is from the thief,
and the ten thousand yards of calico are
the notes, and he Is going to meet some
body on the first; that is to-morrow, to
get rid of them." ,,
There was no doubt that Kate was
light, and I rose and hugged her on the
spot at the joy of her discovery. But,
after all, when the first burst of delight
was over, how were we , the better , for
this letter ? . fhe postmark was Mlddle
tou; there was nothing In : the letter
Itself to give any clue to the writer. But
if we could find out the person to whom
it was addressed and keep a watch on
hlmV The post office people had not
been able to find him; but, Although
Sam White might have no definite ad
dress, there was no doubt that he . was
still in existence. His advertisements
appeared in the papers constantly,, al
though the crusade of the, police against
betting men compelled them, to fcecp out
of the way. My former experiences
stood me in good Btead. .. I found out a
man, an occasional tout, who knew all
about him. , . , , ,
" Bam White I" said the man, " why
he's going to be . wedded this blessed
morning." He Went on to inform me
that White was about marrying a young
woman with a lot of money, that he
was going to - retire from vulgar turf
business altogether, and for the . future
bet only with the aristocracy and at
Tattersall's.' , He was going to Taris for
his wedding trip,-and a few of his friends
were going to the station presently to
see him oil', and give him a parting
cheer. . ' , i ( . i
Making myself out to be in the cate
gory of Bam White's friends, I got per-
. mission to join the party, and soon after
noon the bride and bridegroom made
their appearance at the station and. were
chased into a first-class carriage by. - the
waiting crowd of admirers, who howled
and cheered in the most rowdy fashion.
The captain did not seemj. over pleased
with the attentions of his friends, and
the bride, was decidedly frightened. , She
.was a. very, pleasant looking, pretty
young woman, by the way, and in form
and features reminded me a good deal
of Kate. The opportunity was not to
be lost, and jumping upon the. carriage
step, I thrust the dead letter before him,
. and telling him it was a matter of , life
. death, begged him to say what he knew
about the writer., He snatched the letter
from my hands, crumpled . it. .up, and
flung it out of tbe window, bidding me
begone for an impudent , rascal. , The
train moved, off amid a salvo of cheers
from White's admirers, and I picked up
the letter somewhat crestfallen and dis
concerted. . My friend, the tout, , sidled
up to me again. "Cut up rather rough
with you, did Sam, sir? Set a beggar
on horseback, you know. Was it money
you wanted of Mm V',1, ,.,.,.'.',,. ..,,
. ; As a forlorn hope, I showed the: man
. the letter, and asking him if Jie Could
make any guess as to the writer, adding
that it might be 5 or 10 in his pocket
if he could find out. ...;
The man's face brightened,' and Ms
whole aspect changed. " I don't know
the handwriting myself, but give me
three hours and I'll find out all about
We made an appointment to meet at
' my office, and punctual to his time the
man appeared. He bad found out that
, Sam W bite was in the habit of meeting
. some old fellow, not connected with the
turf, on secret business at the Three
Pigeons, a public house in one : of the
lowest quarters of the town, frequented
by thieves. and other disagreeable char
acters. -The landlord of the inn,' one
. Grlnrod, a retired prize ' lighter, was a
fierce and dangerous fellow, and my
friendly tout confessed that a misunder
standing about a disputed bet had made
Lim afraid to venture near the place,
-11- xsl-lz ..: r jt.x i -
and he could gather no further Informa
tion. ',( , t . (: .
' The whole day passed away, and noth-
J lng mdre could be done. Kate looked
ilea palrtngiy at me when 1 told hex wiiat
had passed. 'Captain White had gone'
out of our keil, and out of English
jurisdiction altogether', his correspond
ent was still a mysterious nothing. The
clue that had beeit so marvelously re
vealed to us, all came to naught. It was
enough to make us despair.
There was a dinner party at my uncle's
that night a very grand one. I never
saw Uncle Henry more gay or, to all
appearah Je, lni better BplrltbJ land , yet
three days at the outside would see him
a ruined man. Among Tie guests was
Major 8mlth, the chief .constable of the
town, a bachelor and boii vlvant, who
was still rnther a ladles' mail, and not
Averse to making himself agreeable to
-Kate. ,He took her down to dinner, and
I kept a watchful eye upon,; them. A
great epergnedof flowers was between
us, but in the lulls and pauses! In the
general clatter I could, hear what they
were saying. He was Very fond of talk
ing about the great people he kbew, and
had been indulging in a long flourish
abdut his old friend and comrade, Lord
7, when Kate brought him down
to the common level by the question,
"Tray Major Smith, do you know a
Captain Sam White V"
"White I" tried the major, rather
nettled at being cut short. " White ! of
what regiment V"
" Oh, I don't know that, but he lately
lived at Nowland's row.'"
The major's eyes at once assumed the
keen twinkle of the chief of the po
lice. ' , i I
"Hove you been plunging into the
betting ring, Mini Brown t Bam White
Is a dangerous fellow. He has the char
acter, too, of being a secret fence.' "
That was all that I could hear, for the
tide of conversation rose once more, and
drowned all individual voices.
I did not enjoy my dinner that eve
ning. I felt that we" were on the edge of
a precipice. It seemed, Indeed, likely
enough that Major Smith might soon
have the task of hauling us oil" to pris
on, oh a charge of fraudulent conceal
ment of property. What would become
of my aunt-- hiost good-natured and
helpless of women and of Kate ? The
thought was unendurable.
After the guests were gone, Kate and I
had a long and serious consultation to
gether. ' If the next day passed over our
heads without bringing, something to
light, farewell to hope altogether. It
was hardly likely, Indeed, that the un
known criminal ' would keep the ap
pointment he had made, as he had re
ceived no reply to his letter. Still, there
was the chance that he would.
Would it be possible to get somebody
to represent Sam White, and keep the
appointment on his behalf? That was
out of the question. White was too
well-known. Then,although we assum
ed that the Three Pigeons was the " old
place" mentioned In the dead letter, yet
we were just as likely to be wrong alto
gether.' . Then Kate's face lighted up, and I saw
that she had an idea. ," You say that
the bride of Captain White was a gobd
deal like me. Well, why should I not
make believe to be Mrs. Sam White, and
go to keep the appointment on his be
half?" I had a great many objections to
urge to such a plan, but one by one Kate
overruled them. But I persuaded her to
make this addition to her scheme, that I
should accompany her In the guise of her
husband's Clerk, of secretary. Finally
we made an appointment to meet at 10
o'clock the followiug morning, and go
to the Three Pigeons.
As we pushed open the swing doors of
the Three Pigeons, a strong waft , of
mingled odors beer and spirits, flavor
ed with tobacco, and a slight suspicion
of wet sawdust drove against, us ; a
babel of voices, too, surged out, ' jocose,
maudlin, quarrelsome. Kate shrink
back and got behind me; for a nionibnt
she was not prepared for such an odeai
as this. : A crowd of people, chiefly
women, whose characters it would be a
compliment to call doubtful, were clus
tered about a sloppy', ' pewter-covered
counter, wrancling, laughing, snarling,
swearing. The most alarming thing
was that,at the sight of us.the noise sud
denly ceased, and all eyes were directed
toward us The landlord, a huge, brutal
looking man, was bailing out supplies of
liquor, rigorously exacting the price be
fore delivery, helped by two slatternly
looking women. He glared at us with
hot, bloodshot eyes, and seeing that we
hesitated at approaching the drinking
counter, fiercely demanded our business.
Kate marched up to him with well sim
ulated boldness. I am Mrs. Captain
White," she whispered. '
At once the man's countenance chang
ed and assumed a more friendly, aspect,
and , he led the way to an up-stairs
room. ' ' i ,
"But what do you want?" he said to
me, laying his hand on my breast in a
threatening way as I was about to follow
KateS You've naught to do with the
Captain?" '
Kate at once explained that I was the
captain's hew secretary or agent. Her
hUsband was obliged to keep out of the
way, owing to police persecution; but
he had an important appointment here,
and had sent her and his new secretary
to transact the business. In confirms
tlon of this,, she handed him the dead
letter. ;
Grlnrod spelt It over with a cautious,
but comprehending face.
" Aye, It's right, no doubt," he said.
" I charge a sovereign for the room, you
know.".. Kate bade me pay thIs,al;once,
iiu no ruuu us mr; xuuuejr mill J)una?u,
Grlnrod .remembered that a telegram
had Just came from the captain, which,
perhaps, bore Upon the matter in hand.
He Went to the bar and brought back the
telegram. Kate opened it and read it,
and handed it over to me with a gesture
of despair. It was from a friend, llW
bent, to Captain White, Three Tlgeons,
lanconlcally, " As the do not answer, I
shall na come." ' '' '
Now It seemed that all our trouble and
palps had been lost. The unknown
would not come forth and be revealed.
Our chance was gone. The landlord
looked at us Inquiringly. No doubt he
had read the telegram, and knew that it
was put off. '
' Oh, he's not coming, then. Well,
why don't you wire him to come over ?
you can have this room till he comes,
only, as It is wanted a deal. I ,shall
charge you another pound for the use of
The suggestion was a good one, if we
had known to whom to send the mes
sage ; but, in the latter case, we need
not have been going through this dis
agreeable, dangerous experiment at the
Three Pigeons.
" I don't think," I said at last, " that
my employer would approve of my
sending for this man : it looks like be
ing over anxious about the bargain."
I looked over at Kate who at once
took the cue.
" Yes ; I am sure my husband would
not like it. But if you, my dear Mr.
Grlnrod, would kindly let him know,
without our knowing anything about it
you know what a temper the captain
has that Captain White is here waiting
for him, I would pay for the rooms and
soon, and should be so much obliged to
The irascible, suspicious Grlnrod was
mollified and subdued by the power of
beauty. , , 1 . , . i
"I'll do anything to oblige a lady,"
he said, and went out to dispatch the
message, evidently knowing quite well
where to send it.
Never did the hours pass so slowly as
those that elapsed while we were wait
ing at the Three Flgeons for the un
known thief. The landlord came iu
and out, doing his best to be civil and
attentive, talking about horses and
handicaps, and asked for advice upon
this race and that, until I was afraid he
would discover my shallow, superficial
knowledge, and detect me as an impos
ter. The people In the bar yelled, and
quarreled and fought; ; sometimes Grin
rod was called out to thrust half a dozen
of the most intoxlcated,those who could
drink no more, into the street.
Twelve o'clock Btruck from the churctl
clock oppoBite, time crept slowly on,
still nobody came. Another hour struck,
and we began to feel that it was useless
to wait longer. ' ;
Just then we heard a bell ring and
Grlnrod bustled in. " He's here, at
private door; shall I show'em up?'i
Kate nodded. The nxt few minutes
seemed an age. ' ; ' '
There was a whispered conference at
the door ; then heard something on
the stairs, thump, thump, thump, as if
a piece of furniture were , being drag
ged Up. Then the door opened and re
vealed the cunning, wizened face of Bob
Hargreaves. '
He had evidently come In hot haste,
the perspiration streamed from his face,
which he was wiping nervously with
his blue cotton handerchlef. He wore
the very same costume as when I first
saw him, except that the cowskln
waistcoat was replaced by ode of dirty
white cotton. " I'm late, missus," he
cried making a kind of awkward salute.
" And so the captain wouldn't come ;
well he'd ought to let me know."
At this moment he caught sight of
me. I could withhold myself no long
er and rushed eagerly forward. His
face became lived, and then green. He
turned to escape, but his stick slipped
from under him, he came down heavily,
his head striking the corner of the table,
and lay there insensible.
It was not the time for thinking of
legal niceties, and I had no scruples in
turning out bis pockets at once, mak
ing sure that I should find the missing
notes. I soon came to a big, greasy
pocketbook and opened it, but the notes
were not there. A thorough search only
revealed in his possession a half-crown,
a few coppers, a return third class ticket
for Howbent, and a pawnbroker's dupli
cate for the cowskln walstooat, pledged
for half-a-crown that morning.
I was staggered at this apparent proof
of the man's lmpecunloslty, ' and cer
tainly the position was an awkward one.
Hargreaves, for the moment stunned by
the fall, was fast recovering his senses.
On the face of It I had been guilty of an
aggravated assault and robbery. And I
had not a title of evidence against the
" I thTnk we had better get out of this
as fast as we can," I said to Kate.
" Hargreaves has been too many for us,"
and I began oraintug his things back Into
his pocket. " Btop," cried Kate, " Jem,
I hflve.bfen.tlitnklng ;thfefej Is juntj oha;
chance. Let us steal the pawn-ticket."
The thought that was in her mind
also flashed upon me. I slipped the
ticket Into my pocket. Kate put her
arm in mine and we marched, boldly
down stairs and out of doors; we were
in the Btreet before anybody had noticed
us. Then we went straight to the pawn
broker's shop and redeemed the cowskln
waistcoat, carrying It off to my office,
where we carefully examined it.
At first sight there was nothing re
markable in the waistcoat ; but Kate's
attention was speedily drawn to . the
elaborate way in which the lining was
quilted In, and the pains-taking stitching
about it. It was an exciting moment
when, after unpicking some of the
lining, she brought the corner of a
piece of paper to light. It was a bank
note, and bit by bit, as the waistcoat was
unpacked, note after note came to light
till the whole 10,000 was made up.
You can Imagine our joy as we put
the missing money Into Uncle Henry's
hands. He was on the point of calling
in an accountant to take charge of his
books, and inform his creditors that he
could no longer meet his engagements,
but the recovered 10,000 put a new
aspect on aflulrs. My uncle's credit was
We sent the cowskln waistcoat to Mr.
Hargreaves at Howbent, with a polite
note, begging bim accept the two-and-seven-pence-half-penny
we had paid for
its redemption, as compensation for tbe
slight damage we had done to its lining
a damage which his skill in the craft
would enable him speedily to repair.
We saw nothing more of him till the
end of three months, when a favorable
turn of affairs enabled my uncle to re
pay his loan with Interest. Then, Bob
was seized with remorse,"or some feeling
that answers the Bame purpose, and he
confessed to me had Btolen the notes
that we had so fortunately recovered.
The devil had tempted him, he said ; for
he had noticed that, when I locked up
the safe, I made use of a small key I
took from a nail over the fire-place. The
temptation to clear i0,000 at a blow
was irresistible. He watched me out of
the office, and no had difficulty in shoot
ing back the lock of my door with his
clasp-knife. There was no risk ; for,
had he been found in my room, he
would have a plausible excuse ready.-
Then he found the key of the Safe hang
ing where I had left it, and was soon in
possession of the money he had so re
cently parted with. He took my portfo
lio.too, for ho had seen me put the list of
notes there. ! He would have gone to
London next day and cashed them, had
he not heard from me that I had a copy
of the list of numbers may I be for
given for the falsehood I told on the oc
casion I but, assuming that the notes
would be stopped, he wrote to Captain
White, who, from frequent Visits to the
Continent, and his habit of dealing with
large sums of money, was a convenient
ngent for the purpose. I fancy that Bob
had had similar dealings with him be
fore of a like nature, although he sol
emnly affirmed that he had not. , As
Robert said, he was no scholar, and had
not noticed, in using one of my en
velopesfor the sake of economy that
there was any but an ordinary device on
the seal. If he had, he would have
thought nothing of it ; and he was Btill
In wonder as to the way in which we
found out his appointment with White.
He had sewed the notes up in hla cow
skin walstooat the day, after he had
stolen them ; in fact, (hat was his occu
pation on the morning of my visit. And
he secured A place of safe deposit for
his money by pawning the waistcoat on
his way to meet Capt. Whi te.
After all, Uncle Henry made a lot of
money through being obliged to hold on
to his cotton ; for it rose suddenly a
half-penny a pound, on receipt of disas
trous news of the new crop. He be
haved very handsomely to Kate on the
occasion of our wedding the other day.
I often shiver when I think of how near
ly I had shipwrecked all prospects of life
by a moment's carelessness ; and, under
Providence, and next to my wife, Kate,
I have nobody to thank so much for
getting me out . of the scrape, as her
Majesty's Postmaster General, who sent
me that unopened dead letter.
O" When thou hast done a good act,
and another has received it, why dost
thou Btill look for a third thing beside
these, as fools ' do, to the reputation Of
having done a good act, or to obtain a re
ward. '
For tht Curt o Ctmiumptlon, Cougfu and Cold.
Th great Tlrtna of this medietas I that it
flpena th matter and throwg it ont of tbe y
tera, purtfloa the blood, and thus eflecU a cure.
Bchtnck't Sta Witt Tonit, fbr'jht Curt ofDyt-
.' pepma, Iniligetlion, etc.
Tbe Tonlo produceii a healthy action of the
Btomach, creating an appetite, forming chyle,
and curing tbe moet obstinate bales of Indices
Hon. 8
Bchtnck't mndrakt Tillt for tht Curt of Liver
Complaint, etc. ,
i. T.h.t8e P.1.,,S tt,re. ualtf.rat,M '"'d Produce a
healthy action of the liver without the least
danger, aa they are free from calomel, and yet
more efficacious in restoring a healthy action
of the llyer.
These remedies are a certain cure for Con
luniptlon as the Pulmonic Byrup ripens the
matter and purines tbe blood. (The Mandrake
Fills act upon the Liver, creatb a healtliy bile,
and remove all diseases of the Liver, often a
cause of Consumption. ' Tbe Sea Weed Tonla
gives tone and strength to the stomach, makes
a good digestion, and enables the organs to
form good blood and thus creates a healthv
circulation i of healthy blood. The, combined
act on or these medicines, as thus explained,
wlllcureevery case of Consumption, If taken
In time, and the use of the medicines persever
ed in, i :;.,,,.
Dr. Scnenek Is profcssldnftliy at his principal
office, corner Slith and Arch Sts., Philadelphia,
every Monday, where all letters for advice
must be addressed. Bchenck's medlnlclnes for
sale by all druggists. , . 85 ltm
Now offer the publlo '
Consisting Sf all shades suitable for the season.
Mourning Goods
We sell and do keep a good quality of
And everything under the head of
Machine Needles and nit for all makes
. , ... Machines.
To be convl need that our goods are
" No trouble to show goods'. ' ' ' ;
' Don't forget the
! ' - '
Newport, Perry 1 Cotmty; Pa.
TO :
MADE by Agents in cities and coun
try towns. Only necesAry to show
xamplwi to make sales and money, for
any one out of employment and dispos
ed to work. Used daily brail business
men. Send Stamp for circular. With
prices to agents. Address
Kendall Bullding.Chlcago
, . TUB subscriber has now on hand at
Good Sole Leather, '
Kip of Superior Quality,
- Country Calf Skins,
' French Calf,
F. 3Iortimert
TRESPASS NOTICE.-Notlce is hereby by glv.
en to all persons not to trespass on the
grounds or the uniltirslgned, situate iu Madison
and Jacksou townships, by picking terries, flsh
lne. huuting, or otherwise trespassing, aa they
will be dealt with according to law.
Sol. V. Gbjst ; .
J. 11. CoMr ;
8ow)Mon Bowur;
- Isaac Hollrnbacoh
Whs. Maki B. Smith
Jkhkmiah Huncu t
, James Woods,
1). blAMUAUUH;
W. B. OK4T !
B.U. Hmitu :
June la, 1877. pd