8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, FA., SEPTEMBER 4, 1877. Set Right by Time. At the Tall term of 1867 of the Superior Court of Guilford oduuty,,N. (J., James R. 8. Clilpmau was ouhvloted of the murder of Martha Plnnli and sentenced to be hung. A few days before the time Appointed for bis execution he broke Jail and made good his escnpe. . In 1803, a man by tbe natiis of Paris Btewart, from the same county, was con scripted In the army' of the Confederate 8tates. Ha reported for duty at Greens boro', and was assigned by the enrolling oftloer of that place to ihe command of a guard of twelve men statioued at Deep River bridge, near Jamestown, on the North Carolina railroad. On bis return from Greensboro' to his borne in company with bis brother on tlio day of his enlistment, he made the following startling disclosure, aaid he : " I have now entered the army, and iu a short time I will be dead. There is a secret I wish to communloate to you. I am the murderer of Martha ' Plnuix. I was be trothed to her, and knowing that the mar riage would be an unhappy one, I killed her, and by a strangely fortuitous oiroum Btauce, the crime was fixed upon Jim Chip man. When I'm dead you tell Chlpman'a sister, for whom I have a special regard, that It was me, and not her brother, wbo murdered Martha Pinnix." ' Tbe next day after this conversation Stewart took command of the guard at the bridge. That night, and half an hour be fore the passage of the cars over the bridgo, be told them to go to their quarters that he would watch till morning. ' lie took bis seat on the bridge and povmltted the train to run over him a plaiu case of suicide and so reported at the time. The sequel of this strange affair is thus told iu the Raleigh Observer : Tho sister of Mr. Chipman, who resides in Texas, visited the Governor, and exhibited the affidavit of 8 to wart's brothor and each of the guard on duty at the bridge at the time of Stewart's death, in corroboration of tho above facts. She also had a petition signed by the most influential men of Guilford county praying the pardon of Chipman. Tbe Governor did not hesitate, but issued the pardon at once. Chipman is now in California, but as soou as he 1b notified of his pardon will return to bis old borne. Detectives Among the Tramps. Probably no doubt exists In tho mind of the general public that tho average tramp is a thief as well as a nuisance, but tho authorities of Massachusetts have taken the trouble to ascertain the facts as they really exist. A number of detectives have been sent out to travel with that numerous class of human beings who perambulate and peculate to such an extent as to be come a matter of State concern in almost every part of tbe country. The Asteotives wbo are among the tramps do as the tramps do, making no effort to obstruct them in tbe commission of their petty crimes, nor to arrest them for anything done. The object is to obtain a knowledge of tramp character as it is when unrestrained, and if possible to report some way in which the State can successfully deal with the tramp problem, a problem which seems now very far from solution. It has been dis coveredif it may be called a discovory that the great body of tramps are pro- V fesnioual thieves, generally operating iu gangs under the directions of a chief, ' having their duties regularly assigned I them, who are to beg, who are to steal, what is to be stolen and from whom. What this will lead to remains to be seen, but if it is followed up and crime receives its just punishment, the prisons of Massa chusetts will have to be enlarged. The Misers of Brush Creek. For more than forty years Matthew and John Russell lived on the hills of Brush Creek, near Wellsvillo, Ohio, lives of in dustry and frugality seldom seen in these times. They were widely known, because of their wealth, and because of tbe strict economy with which they conducted their business. They went to Jefferson county when It was a mere wilderness. They lived in a log house and had a good large barn. Their fields yielded rich crops, and their stock was well fod and housed, but they were clways poorly clad themselves. Tbey shunned alike matrimony, politics, and religion. At an advanced age tbey sold their farm for $15,000,' and invested their money in good securities. Then tbey moved into a small hovel which had former ly been used as a pig pen. For years they occupied this hovel, eating and sleeping together, and boarding their money. Four years ago John Russell died, when tbe , relatives of the surviving brother made him withdraw from his miserable habita tion and take a home more in keeping with what he could afford. On tbe night of the 20th of July last be also died, and letters of administration were taken out in Ohio and Pennsylvania. The money will go to cousins, who are tbe next of kin. The estate is supposed to be worth at least 510U,UUU. 1 " The Yoke to go to the Lawyers." The suit of Stepcnson vs. Ray, for yoke of oxen, has, after five trials, with as mauv hune Juries, been at last decided Tbe jury evidently had gotten tired of tbe case, as tbe following verdict shows : "We of the Jury find for the plaintiff ono of the steers in controversy, or its value, $50 ; and tbe defendant tbe other steer, or its value, $50. Tbe cost to be equally divided be tween the parties, and the yoke to co to the lawyers." Stanford, Ky., Journal. pUBLICSALE OF VAIjUAULIU HEAL ESTATE. ! The iimlcrslirnod Administratrix nf tW estate Jacob A. lllce, Intent Nnvllle twp., perry oniinty i n., ipo a., win pii oy punno oiiicry, on ine nremlw nl the late deceased, tliien mllPS west ill lukmhurK. on I lie nulillo vuncl leatlliiu from lcke.sbtiiK to llealtuwn, Jtinlan Co., l'a.,on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 187T. at 10 o'clock A. M., tticfnllowlnR described vnlua- Die rem estate, consisting oi two tracts oi land. No. 1. Is a tract nf land situate In Rsvllln twn.. Ferry Co.. 1'a. . sdloinlne lands of John Rhull. John llartmnn, (Jpnrae W. Whenlter anil others, containing KIHHTEKN ACItKS mora or less. The iiiipi-()vpiiir ins consists oi a io anu a nan story water power , GRIST lsa.TT-.1-, containing two run of fitone, Overshot Water Wheel IhIHv reua red nvtlm addition of iinrUal- ly new gearing. Also, a Water 1'ower Saw Mill, liavlni an Improved Burnliam Water Wheel, and all In good miming order. A I rame Dwelling Home, Prams Stable. This tironertv Is oarMciilfirlv worthy the ntten. tlon of any person desirous o( Investinx In a val uable mill property, situate in skikx) valley, and hns a larpe cimtom trade. The stream of water driving the mill Is llnlValo Creek. This property la situate In the midst nf many conveniences, such as Churches, Schools and Btiues. No. 2, Isa tract of land containing One Hundred and Forty Acres, more or less, being rldue nnd mountain .land, about twenty acres cleared the balance Is tim ber land. This will be sold In lots to suit purchas ers or In one lot as purchaser may desire (ad Jnlnlng Innds of Conrad H. ltlce, John Uroinpold and Alisnloin ltlce and others, Hps partially along the. public mad leading from Isketburg to BeaE town, Juniata county, I'a), TERMS OF SALE: TEN ner cent, of (he luirebase inoncv tn lm paid when Ihe property is stricken down one- mini ni me remainder nn ine 1st oay or April, 1878, wlien deed will be delivered and possession plvpn; onp.half of the balance on the 1st day of Aplll, 187(1 and Ihe remainder on the 1st day of April, 1881). Unpaid purchase money to bear In. terest from 1st April, 1878, and to lo Fecured bv Judgment bonds. For further Information call upon or address A. M. Markel, Attorney fur Ad ministratrix, or CHARLOTTE A. KICK, Aug. 21, 1877. Administratrix. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. BV virtue of an order of t.lin nrtilian.' r'nnrt nf Perry county, I'a., the undersigned Administra tor, ic of John Hmlley. of Carroll township. l'erry county. Pa., deceased, will sell bv niilil o outcry, on i lie premises, on Fit DAY. SKPTKMBER 7th. 1877. nt in o'clock of said day, the following desirable vuiunoie real esuue to wit : A TRACT OF LAND, situate In Carroll twp., aforesaid, hounded on the North by lands of a. M, Fleck, Knniunl Hebert, and John Junes i Fast by laud of Wilson Hmlley nnd William StounVr s South by land of William Btoulfer, Ssmuel Kebert, and tnnuiel McCords and West by land of Samuel Grier, containing about 80 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. The land Is all cleared and In a orood state of cultivation. The buildings cuusist of a good two Btory LOG DWELLING HOUSE, an excellent BANK BARN, but recently built, a spring house arranged -as a comfortable dwelling for a small family and other outbuildings. Tho Improvements are located on left bank of Sher man's creek, and on the main road leading from Landisburg to Carllse. and are less than one-fourth of a mile from Shermansdale. A good orchard of choice fruit, and a spring of never falling water near the house are among Its doslro I) to features. It Is In the Immediate vicinity of churches, school houses, ,mlll, stores, shops, and a post olllce where there Is a dally mail from both Fast and West. Parties desiring to pur- will tlud this a very desirable property. TERMS OF HALE s Ten Percent of the our- chase money to be paid when the property is stricken down : one naif of the balance on 1st day of April, A. 1)., 1878 when possession will be given and the deed delivered and the remainder on 1st day of April, A. D , 1879, the balance of Purchase money at the time of delivery of the eed to be secured by Judgment bond bearing uueiest irom isi oi audi, imn. GEOKUE SMILEY, Administrator. Aug. 19, 1877. VALUABLE TltOPEllTY A.t Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale in Spring township, l'erry county, Pa., A TllACT OF LAND containing TWENTY-TWO ACRES, more or less, havlngthereon erected a THREE STORY LOO WEATHKRBOARDED HOUSE, Frame Barn, and Shoemaker Shop and all the necessary out buildings and a Well of water near the door and a lot apple, peacb. pear, quince and cherry trees, lillB3, CkU. This property is located one mile North East ot Oak lirove, and Is an excellent location lor a Shoemaker Shop. .ierms oi sale easy. August 7, 1877. DAVID REIBER . VALUABLE STOKE STAND At Private Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale about ONE ACRE OF GROUND, having thereon erected a LARGE HOUSE, with KITCHEN. WASH HOUSE and STABLE, and a WELL of good water near the door. There Is a large STORE ROOM in the building In which a store has been kept for .a number of years. The stand Is a very desirable one. There Is also erected on the premises, another HOUSE AND STABLE, which will be Bold sep arately or with the Store Stand, to suit purchas ers. These proper I les are located in a good com muni I y, with Schools and Churches convenient, M Call on or address , , ,, S. L. HOLLENBAUGIT, Aug. 21, '77pd) Sandy Hill, Perry Co., Pa. PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL CONCERNED. All persons are hereby no titled that the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of New Bloom held, Pa., have made application by ?etlllou for a decree of Court, authorizing them o makes loan of Three Hundred Dollars, lor the benefit of said corporation, and all persons are reel nested to take notice that said decree will be made on TUESDAY, the 1Kb of September, 1877. if no good cause is assigned on that day, or no reason given why said Court of Common Pleas of Perry County should not make said decree. D. MICKEY, Proihonotary. W. A. Sponsi.er, Attorney for said Trustees. August 23,1877. I719TATK NOTICK.-Notlce is hereby given Ji that Letters Testamentary on the estateof John Neldigh, late of Jackson township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the uiiderslgned, residing In Mltllln township, Cum berland county, Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having olalms will present them duly autb jutlcated for settlement to THOMA8 R. MOFF1TT, Executor. P. O. Address, Newville, Cunib. CO., Pa. W. A. & W. K. ctroNSum, Atty's for estate. August 21, 1877.-6t OPIUM Mid Morphliu Habit fttaolnUly and Maritly 101 W MJUOfVUQ D!j tyUUWtfl COMPETITION DEFIED IN PRICE. QUALITY AND STYLE. Having just opened our Bceond LARGE STOCK OF SUM MER GOODS, we have determined to make another sacrifice. "We are now A man's good Bummer Bult from A man's good Hummer Coat from A man's good Hummer Pants from A boy's good Hummer Hult from A boy's good Hummer Pants from A boy's good Hummer Vest frbra A common ltoom Carpet from A good Flower Carpet from A better Flower Carpet from A man's pood lint from , -A man's better Hat from -. -A boy's good Hat from . . A lutly's good Hhawl from ' A lady's good Hklrt from A common Parasol from 'A good Parasol from A nine Fan from -A good Kan from A good Paper Pins Four pnlr Ladles' Hose One pair Ladles' Glove Six Ladles' White Handkerchiefs Two Ladies' White Huches One Ladies' good Corset Ladles' Hair P.ralds Ladies' Hair Hwltches - -Men's good Htmpendors ; ' Men's good Overalls . Three pair men's Hose . Trunks, Valises, Oil Cloths, Jewelry, Cutlery, Underwear, Tics, Bows, Collars, Cufls, Table Cloths, Towels, Napkins, Hats, Caps, Umbrellars, Toper and Envelopes, and many other great bnrgalns'too numerous to mention. Don't full to call and be convinced that we have the assortment, quality nnd price to suit all. ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPOET, PirST'V. SANFORD'S Tbe only combination of tbe true Jamaica Uluaer with choice Aromatlcsand French llrandy, Is a delicious, harm less, and strengthening sub stitute for all kinds f stim ulants. It promptly relieves Iyspepsla, Oppression after KatliiB. and every species of 1 ml i nest l(iii, correcis all dis turbances of tbe Htomacli and Dowels, and cures JAMAICA GINGER. Cramps, Cbllls, Ke vers, and Malaria. Ask for tsanuioru s uiuer. 30d4C. RUPTURE. Those wishing llellef and Cure for KTJPTUItE sbould consult l)r. J. A. NIIKUMAN, 258 Broad way, New Yol k, or send for bis new bunk, with Photographic likenesses of bad cases before and after cure. Howard of cheats who pretend to furnish Dr. Hherman's treatment. One of these fellows, a german clerk, now callint? himself Dr. W. O. Crempien, Is Indicted on complaint of or. H. and awaits trial fur for gery and embezzlement. 3od4t Tit IF LI KG WITII A COLD 13 ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COUGIIW. and all diseases of the THHOAT, LUNGS, CHEST and MUCOU8 MEMBKANK. Put Up Only In Blue Poxes. HOLD HY A LL DKUGGI8TH. 35d4W C. N. Chittenton, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. VEGETINE. KEY. .1. P. LUDLOW WHITES: 178 Baltic Street. Brooklyn. N. Y.. Nov. 14.1R74. II. K. Stevens, Esy. Dear Sir, From personal benetlt received by its use, as well as from per sonal knowledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost miraculous, I can most heartily and slcerely recommend the VEGET1NK for the complaints which It is clalmeh to cure. JAMES P.LUDLOW, Late Pastor Calvary Babtlst Church, Sacramento, Ohio, VEGETINE IS I'REPAltKD BY 35d4t. H, R. STEVENS, Boston, IV.ass. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Hew and Thrilling t MILLIONS EAGElt FOK IT. 30U0 Agents wanted for The Cross and the Crescent By the eminent L. P. Brockett. Unfolds the strange social, political, and reunions peculiari ties and History ot the Russians and Turks; cause of the war, mighty interests at stake i Bi ographies of Killers, etc. Klchly illustrated. For terms, address quickly, HUBBARD BROS., Pubs. 733 Sansom St., riill'a. 3od4t. A gents wanted I Pen &,Pencll sketches of thegreat RlflTQ An Illustrated History of the great l IU I J. the railroad and other Riots, with a History of Communism and Trade Union. By the popular author Bon. J. T. Headley. All c asses want this book, deulctina me relirn of terror in ten States, The best selling book for Agents. Now ready. BoO pages, 63 Illustrations t2. KendSOcents for outfit and territory. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y. 36d4t. EWAltHINO'8 (1878 Uulform Copyrighted 1877) LAW BLANKS, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low and whatever you need. Law and Commercial Supplies of all Kinds. Send for samples and price lists of what you want. -Catalgues of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, or direct from tbe publisher. K. WARING, Tyrone, oa. TESTATE NOT1CJS. Notice Is hereby irlv - fij en. that Letters of Administration with the will annexed on estate of John B. McCUntock.late of Carroll twp., Perry county, I'a., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in tbe ftuniA lowiislitn. All personslndebted to said estate are request- ea to niHKD immeami payment,, uu mono ntiv lng claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOSEPH B. McCLINTOCK. Administrator. r. O., Addreis Slieruiansuaie. J'erry co., f a. July 24. 1877-1 - H. S.wn.nr, Attorney, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Enhralm A. Mc. Laughlln ami wife of Toboyne township, Perry uouiiiy. rn.. uy umi ui uiunutiy MaiKiiinmii., dated the 18th of July, 1877, have conveyed all their real and personal property for the benellt of creditors to the undersigned, residing ia liialu, Jackson township. All porsons knowing themselves Indebted to said assignors will please make Immediate pay ment, thoso having claims will present them to the undersigned for settlement. GEO. H. MARTIN, August 1, 1877. Assignee. JOB PUINTINO of evry description neatly and promptly executed at Reasonable Kates at me uiooiuneia xiuies meant juo uiuoe. offering $1 00 to $5 00 75 to 8 50 75 to 2 GO . 8 00 to 4 00 - 73 to 2 00 60 to 1 00 1H to 25 - 83 to 40 - 45 to 75 75 to 1 00 1 25 to 2 00 50 to 1 00 75 to 2 00 40 to 1 00 20 to 60 70 to 2 00 05 to 15 20 to 60 03 25 15 25 05 40 20 15 10 40 25 THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. Choice books no longer fortbe few only. The best standard novels within Ibe reach of every one. Books usually sold from 81 to ?3 given (unchanged aud unabridged) for 10 and 20 cents. 1. EastLynne, Mrs. Henrv Wood (DoubldNo.)20c. 2. John Halifax, Gent., llv Miss Muiuck. 2nc. 3. Jane Eyre.By Charlotte Bronte, ( Double No. )2c. 4. A Woman Hater.Charles Reade's new novel. 2Uc. 6. The Black-Indies, Jules Verne's latest. 0c. 6. Last Days of Pompeii, By Bulwer. Inc. 7. Adam Bede. By George Eliot. (Double No.) 2llc. 8. The Arundel Motto, BviMarvCecll Hay. 10c. 9. Old Myddeltoit's Money ByMnrv Cecil Hay.inc. 10. The Woman In While, By WllltleCollliis. 20c. 11. The Mill on t he Floss, Bv George Eliot. 20o. 12. The American Senator, By Anthony Trol lop. 20c. 13. A Princess of Thnle. Bv William Black. 2lie. 14. The Dead Secret, By Wllkle Collins. (. 15. Roinola, By George Eliot, (Double No.) 200. 16. The English at tbe North Pole and Field of fee. In one book, By Jules Verne. 10c. 17. Hidden i-eriis, ny wary Cecil Hav. Mc. 18. Barbara's History, By Amelia B. Edwards. 20c. 11). A Terrible Temmatlon. Hv Chas. Iteailo. inn. 20. Old Curiosity Shop, By Charles Dickens. 2nc. 21. F'oul Play, By Charles Reade. - lno. 22. Man and Wlfa, By Wilkle Collins. 20c. 23. The Squire's Legacy, By Mary Cecil Hay. 2uo. For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by ruiKjr. m u r n . i uhlibiikii, P. O. Box 5057. 21, 23, aud 25 Vandewater St., N.Y. GOLD ! S$ Chance to make money, can't get Gold vou can reenbacks. We need a person iu EVERY TOWN to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication In the World. Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price Is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One Agent reports making over JIM) In a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers In ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night You can do It as well others. kuii particulars, airecttons and terms free. Ele gant and expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages laws to make ffreat nav. Ke great pay. AUUie3s " I lie People's Journal," Portland, Maine. 31wly LANDS FOR SALE! 9 60,000 ACHES IN South West 3IiH!sioiii'i. First Class Stock farms, excellent Agricultural Lauds, and the best Tobacco region In the West. Short Winters, no grasshoppers, orderly society, good markets and a healthy country. Low Prices! Long Credit I - Free transportation from St. Louis to the lands furnished purchasers. For further Infor mation, address A. L. DEANE. Land Commissioner St. Louis & Ban Francisco, , Ry, Co., N. W. cor. Fifth aud Walnut Streets, St. Louis, Mo. 32 it Dr.A.G.OLIN'S fcMl lrVuhliiif 81., ChtcMrJ. for tht cur of All PiMMueaof Private ntur, raralUng from mtly abuiw InFtwtloB of aiitiar Set. ttemlniil m in nl eMkncMprtHiuriiiK FmUnlotit, Lom orMemori juunnooa or impotencyi ncrvoui IM-Dlllty, perma nently cuwd i dlNimof tti Bluddert Kidneys, Liver Laity. A'ttim. CkUrrb. ftlw, il Cbronh- IiImiul suid 1H KW:HOK fr (CMAlt:H,;UM to bk Imtminl, Dr.Olla hw tuul ft Ufe-loiiK eiirl"c, tud curat when other hit. It UftffnuluftUof tb Rafurowd Sr hot), tun no mvunr. bm th t nouirini tratmntwuh BrlvHt home nd board. or writ. . Every conviciwic fur patlHQU Band fifty enU for wtnpl of Rubbr floods and cir cular of Important Infunn&Uon by izprm. Dli. OLLNH rVinal Pllli, $5 par Bolt Con.nlntion freo. MAEEIAGE GUIDE TJttZ young ajid middle aged of both Snxea, on all dUtw of prtvala nstura. Valuable advlc to th marlad nnd thua contemplating mamao. How to t haalthy and truly bwy In tho roarriMl rela tion. Everybody ahould. fX lUa book, tticm frU oaula, toay at- A PHYSIOLOGICAL Vic7 of Marriage ! wn .Mwnmnw a ZlKiriAtA Warink anil AOutdeto Wed-c Lit mni onflJiiiual Irt-atue urt lh limit of tnnrriatte anil Ihe cauL'ttl.at until tor it : the ae t rfi uf Reproduction and the Diaeaaes f Women. A hook lor private, ronnd e ate reftUiny. M) pftca, prior) A PHi'vA l t IvtEDtCAL ADVISrR! m Iln all Hiar.liTtnt Private Nature ar.m. lixmBeiT Abuae, xcsAStnreeoret DiaaMS, ita Uia bU iaiiof iire, W4 -ni)' iiire. pt u-M t-t. A CLINICAL LECTOIvE on theahove d:aeiMand fhm ol ih Throat uirfl Lung a, Ctarij,Bupture( the Opium Habit,.. prie 10 eta. tither bok fM poatpaidon receipt ot price I or all thrct, containiiiK -Vt' iai:,,it,'BUtllul:51 l'Uatratl, iyr 75 vlt. - -.fft lOit YOUKCt LADII S. A Home School. Ileautlful Scenery. Healthful Climate. Full Course. Muito a Ktieeiully. Modern Lan- fliiaEes. txneriencea leaeuers. no mil way work. Next session begins Sept. fith 1877. Beud for Clicular to G. F. KOI.HK. A. M.. Pr nclnal. . Academla, Juniata County, Pa. 4 ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. I - '' ' ; r ; ; Moro Great Bargains. More Great Bargains. Moro Great Bargains. Moro Great Bargains. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid. Prints at 5 Cents. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. CASSIMERS AND fO" CASSIMERS AND CO' CASSIMERS AND CO' CASSIMERS AND CO CASSIMERS AND CO CARSIMERS AND CO ONADES, 0NADES. ONADES. ONADES. "ONADES. : ONADES. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. For Men For Men For Men For Men For Men For Men Women and Women and Women and Women and Women and Women and Children. Children. Children. Children. Children. Children. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER WALL PAPER WALL PAPER WALL PAPER WALL FAPi.lt AND BORDERS. AND HORDEKS. AND UOKDEliS. AND HORDE KN. AND ISORDEKS AND BORDERS. Pretty Styles and Low Trices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OP HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF ALL KI YDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, AT LOW PRICES.. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. A GOOD STOCK" OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD SIOCK OF GROCERIES, Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Lots of other Lots of other Lots of other Lots of other Lots of other Bargains. Bargains. Bargains. Bargains. Bargains. Bargains. Lot so f other Come and see Come and see Come and see Come and see i our Stock, our Stock, our Stock, our Stock. F. MORTIMER. F. MORTIMER. F. MORTIMER. ANOTIIElt ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER