The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, August 28, 1877, Page 5, Image 5
THE TIMES,1 NEW BLOOMFIELD, VA., AUGUST 26, 1877. 5 THE TIMES. , t i .... PENNSYLVANIA R. R.-1IIDD1B DIVISION. Oo and after June JSth, Train run as follow I WESTWARD. EASTWARD. Way M.ill A"f. t'aaa Tr'u;Tr'u pKlnir-A. HiATlONB. J'liaiMatliArl'.iMm. Kl. Tr'lll Kl. Ace. A. M.'P.M. P.M.I P.M. I.Ik P.M. P.M. I. M. (i.oo 8 .: .u 7.47 7.B9 lit fuel 8.40 33 6.91 8.IW, i.m. HnrrUlmw, ltorkvllle. MHrynvllle, iHiuraunou, Daily's Newport Mlllerotown, 'I'hnmpsout'n. Mexico, ,. Port li ai.... Mlfflll l.ewiftnwn J., AiitltTPOirn,... AloVeytown,.. N. Hiimiltott, .j HuntluKdon,..1 Tvroiip Aitooua 7.50! 7.60! 1.41 o.S 1.6a! t.(5 I no, . 31 in .!: .M 8. 64' 7.10 B.lWi 7. Hi) 8.Si 7.4H I.HU 7.M s.s.v 8,00 4.1)0, 1.31 B.M H.M 19.19 7.80 10 .SO S.6H P.lHl P'311 .: f.4H CM 10.10 lu.u 11.14 11.40 la. ao 1.15 l.M 7. l 6.M 9.(4 .43 H.itU 6. Ill A 10 ii. m 6.0 dm! 11.04 .40 41, 1 ' l 10. 34 6. on ! 10.10 4.47 . 37 4. IS 7.W .Ml I W 0 Ml 4.T 4.SJ' fi.KO1 I.n 7.20 P.M.! 8.1ft l.MI 5. IU .mi U.I 1 A.M. P.M. P. rwl'ittubunr Express lea von Hnrrlbnrif at 11.00 p.m. Dimriimon (flmri; Niwiwit 11.H7 (rtiix) ai d ar rlveaat lMilliuriratfi.l0A. m. f-WrVilim Wert, Min Way Piwem-er leave Hiirrls bunr Dnily the other triilim lhiily exeept Kuudiiy. IPr-Oolmf Knt, the Mlnntli-. Expr.sxp leiive Aitooua Daily, the other trams Dally except Numlny. CTTnrlflr Kprffs Wet will step at lhiiicamioli at 4.63 ami at Newport at 5.17 a. in., vheu HaKKed. Bee advertisements of Ileal Estate at Fublic and Private Bale, on the tsth page of this paper. Money la now being collected to pur chase a oell to be placed upon the Lu theran church of Klllottsburg. David Kane has opened a subscrip tion school at Elliottsburg, and a sing ing school has been kept up all summer t Green Park. Indians never kiss their wives; kiss ing is one of the Christian graces. This furnishes another reason why we should be glad we are not Indians. fMr. John C. Smith has closed the mer cantile business in Little Germany, and has removed to Elliottsburg where he is engaged in the same business. A well-to-do farmer residing near the Oakville camp had the brazen effrontery to charge 15 cents per bucket for water on Sunday to give to horses. The Airy View Sabbath School will picnic on next Saturday, September 1st, in Moore's woods, along the public road leading from Bloomfield to Isewport. A general invitation is extended. H. T. Swarner will sell at his residence in Madisou twp., on Tuesday, Sept. 25th, 1877, a valuable farm, containing 215 acres. Also 20 head of thorough bred cattle. Catharine Rice, Administratrix of Jacob A. Itice, will well on Tuesday, Sept. 18th, 1877, a valuable Mill Proper ty, and a tract of land situate in Sayille twp., containing 114 acres. Indiana Is being ecoured for emigrant to go to Mississippi. At one meeting in Indianapolis, recently, one hundred heads of families eald that they were willing to go. A Juniata county Exchange says: Judge Junkin is the inventor or a four horse plow, that is highly appreciated by those who have used it. The Judge made it for use on his own ground. The " query" from our correspondent at Marysvllle in regard to a certain Jus tice of the Peace is rather personal for publication, alfhovgh the hints, we are Informed,nre facts nevertheless. On Monday of last week while Mr. B. Lesh, of Juniata twp., was plowing, his horses became frightened and ran away. One horse had two legs broken and had to be killed. Mr. Iesh was also some what injured. Rev. A. W, Decker lost a valuable 'horse a short time since. He put him in a field with some other horses, and supposed he was kicked by them, as his 'leg was so badly broken that he had to ibe shot. A few nights ago, thieves visited the premises of Emamtel Moyer in Fer ' 'inanagh twp., Juniata county, with a spring-wagon, broke open Mr. Moyer's cron-crib and took as much corn there from as they wanted and drove away "With it. A few nights since a man was seen stealing chickens froiu the coon of Mr. avid Liddic, in Watts twp. Shotgun proceedings were at once instituted against him, and the young man left with considerable shot in his arms. That is the right kind of proceeding to take against such chaps. A team of horses attached to a thresh ing .machine on the fanui of Mr. George Ritter, of Loysville, a short time since became unmanageable, and started around the track at full speed. Mr. John Swarner, at the time, was inside the track, leading a blind horse, and narrow ly escaped with his life. The horse power was considerably demoralized .and the horses somewhat bruised aud scratched. Chm-ch Notices. Preaching in the Lutheran Church next Fridny evening, Saturday at 2 o'clock P. M., and evening; Communion on Sunday rooming at 10i o'clock ; and Uniou Services on Sunday evening. Preaching in the M. E. Church next Sunday at lOi A. M. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Presbyterian Church No preaching next Sabbath. Services instead at Middle Itidge, and Union Services In the eve ning at Lutheran Church. Prayer meet ing on Wednesday at 71 o'clock P. M. Presbyterian Sabbath School In con -sequence of services at Middle Itidge, there will be no (ression of the School next Sabbath. Lesson for Sept. 2nd will be used on Sept. uth. Preaching in the Reformed Church next Sunday 10 o'clock In the morning. Blank Receipt Book for Administrators and Executors. Also blank note and all other blanks for sale at this onlee. tf arrow Esoape.-Ou Saturday morning last, Mr. John Brlner, who la engaged In sinking a well at tuo Methodist Par sonage In this place, narrowly escaped suffocation. He made a blast on Friday evening, the well was closed until Sat urday morning, and on descending he wbb overcome with the foul air. On being drawn up, he was helpless and in sensible for a short time. He, however has recovered, and Is at work again. Middle Ridge Services. An open air meeting will be held next Sabbath along side of the walls of the old Middle Ridge Church, iib was promised last summer when the fixing up and fencing of the graveyard was begun. This latter Is now accomplished and those Interested In the old yard or church are requested to be present at the meeting. Services at lot A. M., and 1 P. M., by Rev. W. II. Lo. gan and Rev. J. Edgar. In our Issue of last week we noticed the arrest of one named George Gibson, charged with setting fire to Mr. Dunkle berger's barn In Spring twp. There are however, two persons bearing the same name, residents of our county, one of Loysville the otherof Shermansdale,and fearing that some persons (who are not as familiar with the character of these gentlemen as we are,) might think it was either of them, we will state that the Gibson arrested, claims to hail from York county, and Is a sort of a " turn pike sailor," although lie did work for Foster Spotts, of Spring twp., a short time since. Fatally Shot. A young man named Riley Arnold was fatally shot by John Moyer, In Snyder county, about seven miles above Liverpool,on Monduy night, the 13th Inst., whilst entering a melon patch. It appears that Mr. Moyer's water melon patch had been frequently visited by some of the boys of the neigh borhood, aud that he had threatened to cripple them, If they continued their depredations. Arnold, unawaro of the threat, was Induced by other parties to enter the patch, when Moyer saw h'im and fired. The charge entered the side of Arnold, a part of which took effect In his kidneys, causing death on the fol lowing Saturday. Bitten by a Spider. A few days since, while Rev. J. B. Soule, pastor of the Church of God at Lancaster, was riding in the cars, on the C. V. Railroad, a spider bit one of his hands. Immediate ly after the bite, Mr. 8. experienced a stinging sensation, but paid little atten tion to it until his arrival home, when his hand became, very much swollen and inflamed, and finally broke into a couple of running sores. He Is now suffering great pain, and his only relief is found iu applying oak leaves to the wound. Caught in the Act. The Newport Keim says that on Wednesday last Sam Al bright was caught stealing from the bar of Adam Fortney, at Montgomery's Fer ry. Albright reached far the landlord's till, from which he extracted some mon ey, but just as ho was fooling richer than a moment before, a daughter who had witnessed the performance through a crack under the door broke In upon the captive child and cried out, " there.Sam niy, boy, I caught you thl time." Sam my dropped like an aspen leaf, but didn't shake, and replied by saying that he had only taken " a quarter," which he im mediately returned. Mr. Fortney thinks differently in regard to the amount, and speaks meaningly as if the light-fingered g. A. will have another case on hand by the time our next regular court comes around. This man was convicted of stealing at the last court, his counsel moving for a new trial. This may add in deciding that application!. A Meeting of Zlon's Classis was re cently held at Llttlestown, Adams county, for the purpose of hearing the report of the committee of investigation in thease of Rev. O. L. Aohenfelter, of Carlisle. Twelve ministerial and eleven lay delegates were present at the session of Classiis. A lengthy report from the committee 'was adopted, charging the Rev. Ashenfeller with teaching doc trines coEtrary to the Reformed stand ard, in that he denies the Inspiration of the Bible, And the eternal puoishment of the wicked, teaching that men will finally be restored to happiness. Political. The Democratic Convention met to-day and nominated the following ticket : Associate Judge, Samuel Noes, of Duncannou ; Steriff, James A. Gray, of Spring township ; Director of the Poor, B. F. Bealor, of Juniata twp. The proceedings of the Convention will be found in another column. The Republican Convention will meet next Monday to make nominations. The following persons have declared them selves willing to accept the office of Sheriff S. A. Peale and Thomas Sutch, New Bloomfield; John Hood, Duncan nou ; W. T. Dcwalt, Carroll twp. ; A. B. Grosh, Madison twp.; W. II. Rice, Landisburg; J. T. Robinson, Sandy Hill ; H. D. Kopenhefier, Centre twp.; W. W. Beers, Marysvllle. - Democratlo Conventlon.-The delegates elected last Saturday, met In the Court House on Monday for the purpose of nominating a County ticket. The follow ing Is a list of delegates present : Bloomfield C. J. T. Mclntlro, Wra. N. Belhert. Buffalo twp., Jacob CUarlea, Jr., Jeremiah Bnlr. Carroll A. H. fllenti, J. F. Btoufler, J. C. McCllntock. Centre Amos HofTmRn, Ialah C. Foone. Duncannon Dr. Joa. Bwartr., Tlioa. Miller. Greenwood Geo. Ulh, Wm. FtUgerald. Howe David Kline, Jmnea Boyd. Jackson James Morrow, Geo. Wentz, John Bhuman. Juniata Tlios. Bullonberjror, John F. Bmlth. Landisburg Henry Klnesmlth, Daniel Zaring. Liverpool Borough J. Williamson, Horace Btalley. Liverpool twp., Wm. Llndsey, A. Ganger. Madison James Foose, George B. Borrall. Marysvllle John B. Weaver, H. II. Fisher. Miller Jas. Evans Robert Angney. Mlllerslown I. N. Rlnehart, K. P.Tltzel. New Buffalo Jacob Snyder, John Baskins. Newport J. R. Dunbar, Clias. Rippman. Oliver Jacob Linaweaver, Robt. B. Miller. Penn Win. Brooks, James P. Long. Rye James Hell, W. Frymyer. Bandy Hill Henry Bhumaker,"Wm. Baylor. 8pring Dr. Bealor, J. Frownfelter, Henry Bonder. Toboyne Arnt. Ehlmnn, Wm.Grny. Tuacurora Win. Bc.tzlcr, Tho. Veltman. Tyrone John B. Ritter, Wm. Murray. Watts Jos. Haymaker, John 8hclly. Wheatfield Henry Leppard, John Weldon. Bavllle And. Freeman, Cal. Orris, J. W. Rice. The Convention was called to order at 11 o'clock by A. M. Markel, Esq , Chair man of County Committee. William Brooks, Esq.. of Penn twp., was elected Permanent Chairman, and Thomas S. Veltman, of Tuscarora, and Joseph Rice, of Savllle were elected Secretaries. AIMOritXM) I'NTIl. 1 p. 51., when the Convention met again and proceeded to nominate candidates. A. M. Markel, Esq., was unanimously re-elected Chairman of the County Com mittee for the ensuing year. On the fifth ballot Samuel R. Noss, of Duncannon, was nominated for Asso ciate Judge. ' On the fourth ballot James A. Gray, of Spring tvp.,was nominated forSheiiif. On the, third ballot B. F. Bealor of Juniata twp., was nominated for Di rector of the Poor. Shot His Sister. We learn that last week one day over In Juniata county, near the Snyder county line a child was allowed to have a gun to go huntlng,and staying until after meal time, when he came homo and requested his sister to get him something to eat, which she re fused to do, stating that It was his busi ness to be homo at meal time. He again urged her, as before, at the same time threatening to shoot her If she refused his request, she told him the same as be fore, when he took his shot gun and de liberately shot her In the face and neck. It Is thought she cannot recover. The boy is only nine years old, his unfortu nate sister Is grown. Middlcburg Post. Hog Cholera. The cholera among hogs Is becoming an epidemic. From all quarters we hear of hogs dying. Wm. Wertz on R. U. Jacob's farm near Lo gan recently lost 30. Joseph Miller, Mr. Showalter, and I. Harry Brought, on the turnpike juBt above town, each have lost from six to a dozen or more. We learn of others every day who are losing hogs by this fell disease. Who knows how to stop it i Lewistown Democrat. The Lebanon Valley Branch bridge over the Schuylkill river at Reading was ready for the movement of trains on the 15th inst, since which time through trains and through cars have been running regularly,same as previous to the burning thereof. Trains of the Reading and Columbia Railroad are running over said bridge, and the Belied le time is the same as was in force July 22nd, 1877. The transfer coaches have been discontinued. Retailers of Tobacco. Many grocery- men and other dealer iu tobacco, are in the habit of cutting plugs up Into small pieces and retailing them from cases, jars, etc., which is a technical violation of the Internal Revenue laws. The law allows retail dealers to sell only from packages properly stamped. Tobacco can only be retailed from stamped pack ages, and to sell It otherwise than from the original stamped packages renders the goods liable to seizure. Peremptory orders are issued to Revenue Agents and Deputy Collectors of Internal Revenue to seize all tobacco not found In stamped packages. Penalties are inflicted for not destroying stamps on cigar boxes and tobacco packages as soon as emptied. If all engaged in the sale of tobacco and cigars read this and comply with the re quirements they will save money and trouble. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland county papers of last week: Henry Smith, colored, of Carlisle, had four hogs poisoned recently. It Is not known ty whom the poison was given. Samuel Davidson, living on the farm of Wm. Knettle, in Mifllln twp., has probably the largest calf for its age ever born in the township. Two hours after Its birth it weighed 125 pounds. On the farm of W. Sterret Woods, a short distance west of Carlisle, stands the largest haystack in the county. It is over 500 feet long, 10 feet high, and contains 148 tons of the best hay. Eli Bushman Is the tenant on this farm. Elisha O. Webb, a native of Adams county, while at work at one of the ore banks at Boiling Springs, had his leg so namy crushed between the knee and the hip, by a large stone rolling on hlm.that he died on Thursday lust, the second day after the accident. Early on last Wednesday mornlng.the larce brick bank barn on the farm of Mr. Bltner, on the Slato road, 8 miles west of Carlisle, together with nil tills year's crons, v neaa or sneep ana l horse, was entirely destroyed by fire. The loss Is heavy with no insurance. The fire was the work of an incendiary. At a congregational meeting of the members of the Reformed church of Car lisle, on Bundny last, Rev. A. H. Krea mer,of Lancaster, was chosen pastor by nn almost unnnimous vote to succeed Rev. O. Ij. Ashenfelter,whose resignation takes effect on the first of September. We learn Mr. Kreamer will accept. On Monday last, os Mr. Wm. Draw baugh, of Frankford twp., was cleaning out Ills well, which is about 10 feet deep, he found a live eel In the bottom. Tho eel is fully two feet and a half long. How It got there and how it manages to live and thrive so well are questions for tho,ffshologists to answer. According to the Star the barn of Ellas Barrick, in Mifllln township, was struck by lightning some time since. Mr. B. at first thought the lightning spent It self upon the earth near the barn, but noticing signs of fire at the barn he made a hasty examination and found some cobs and straw burning in the granary, within a few feet of the hny. He promptly extinguished it. The nineteenth annual exhibition of tho Cumberland County Agricultural Society will be held on Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday ,and Friday, October 2, 3, 4, and 5, 1877. Competition is Invit ed from nil parts of the State, and In ag ricultural implements from nil the States. The Cumberland Valley Railroad has kindly consented to transport articles in tended for exhibition to and from Car lisle free of expense. Excursion tickets from all points along the road will be issued. Y. M. C. A. District Convention. A dis trict convention, composed of the coun ties of Dauphin, Perry and Lebanon, will be held in this borough, September 12th, 13th and 14th, commencing on Wednesday evening in the Presbyterian church. Able speakers will be present from Harrisburg and elsewhere. Work ing Christians iu the district are cordi ally invited to be present at the conven tion. Wm. A. Sf.iiieut, President. W. W. Baker, See. Working Men's Party. Tho Working men oi i-erry county are requestett to meet in their respective Election Dis tricts to form Clubs, and elect Delegates to a County Convention, to be held nt New Bloomfield, Perry co., I'a., at an early day. Said Convention to elect Delegates to the State Convention to be held at Wllliamsport, Pa., on Wednes day, Sept. 10th, 1877. Many Working Men. Aug. 23, 1977; If you wish a splendid Cigar go to Mor imer's and ask for "The Peacock" brand. Baking Powder, just the thing evera body should have in the house. Thy best for sale by F. Mortimer. LlttellTuvIng Age. The numbers of The Llrlnn Am tor the weeks enillntt Au. 11th and lsth, respectively, have the following valuable contents i Morality In Poll tics, by the Duke ol ArgUI. Contemimrary lie rtew ; Life and Times of Thomas llccket. by Jus. Anthony Fronde, Part II., nineteenth Century; Dresden, China and Its Manufactory at Meissen, Saxony, Jllackicoort ; Virgil as a Link between the Ancient and Modern World, Contemporary : The Peak In Darlen s the Riddle of Death, by 1' ranees Power Cobbe, Aeto Quartern ; Ablnirer and the Bar. Quarterly ; The Duke's Piper, a story of the West Jlighlumls, Ciamliem' Journal ; A Princess' Moonliulit Flitting, l,tnple liar Ancient Modes of Embalming the dead, Sundau at Home. ; Distances of I lie Stars, Pon;n AVtence iiericiv ; Famous English Printers. G'tohe s Unsuspected Ways of Earning a Livelihood, Chambers' Journal ; etc. with an Instalment of "Pauline," from advance sheets, and the conclu sion of " The Little Old Man of the Uatlgnolles, a Chapter from a Detective's Memoirs," translated Uit Tht lArlnti Ave from the French of Emlle Gaborlaii, and the usual choice poetry. For 62 numbers of t large pages each or more than .JiKlOpagesa year, the subscription price 18 Is low; while for JlO.oOthe publishers offer to send any one of the American U monthlies or week t'?.'. h JAc Ltvinri Age tor a jear postpaid. Llttell ii Gay, are the publishers. WIDE AWAKE FOR SEPTEMBER. The literary world has a rare treat la Wipe Awake for September, It is remarkable for the twelve pages of delightful gossip It gives con cernlngthe Poet, R. H. Bloddard. Mrs. Thayer has a charming story of " My Bummer Board er," and there are many other attractions, poetical, pictorial, musical and enigmatical, chief among them being the ninth " Adventure of Miltladcs Peterkln Paul," by John Brown John. Only 2.00 per annum. Ella Farman, Edi tor. D. Loturop & Co., Publishers, Boston. THE SURVIVORS OF THE "CHANCELLOR." This delightful new volume by Jules Verne has Just been Issued as No. V$ of " The Lake side Library" series. It details the adventures of the passengers and crew of the good ship Chancellor, lost In mid ocean on the Atlantic. When the ship was destroyed Us people found refuge on a raft, and encountered great priva tions, and were subject to Imminent dangers. But few survived the hardships of the long contest with the fierce elements. The interest of the story is enhanced by 80 fine engravings. Bold by all newsdealers at 10 cents, or sent, free of postage, by Donnellet, Loyd & Co., Publishers, Chicago, 111. Landlords and Liquor Dealers, and any one wishing to engage In the business would like to manufacture theirown liquor but, it Jakes too much capital to start a distillery and if you are not a distiller, how can yoir manufac ture liquors t On receipt of price I will send you a recipe to manufacture whiskey, rum, gin, bran dy and all kinds of wines. All you need is a good well of water and some barrels. You put what my recipe calls for, In your barrels, pump them full of water, put them in your cellar and in a few weeks you will have the best and purest liquor you ever drank and It only costs 26cts. per gallon. If you have it analyzed you will Hud It contains no poison or acids, hut is strictly pure like liquor of olden times. With my recipe you can make 4 kinds of whisky, 8 kinds of ruin, 2 kinds of gin, t kinds of brandies 9 kinds of w ines and a recipe to make apple cider at the small cost of 20 cents tier gallon, without use of apples. Tills Is no hum bug, but solid truth, any one using my recipe once would not trade it for the best distillery iu the I nlU-d States any man can see his fortune iu this, bend ten dollars in a lteuisterd letter, to C. W. SMITH, Georgetown. .Northumberland Co., Pa. . Conntj Trice Current. ni.ooMrici.n. August 21. 1S77. flax-seed i 2h Potatoes , ao Butter V pound 12H5 Eggsftdoxen '.. 13 " Dried Apples V pound..,., 314 ets" Dried Peache t Q 12 cts. 1 Cherries 0 O0 cts, " " Pitted 00 00 cts. ' Blackberries,..., OCOcts. " -N E WHO 11 T M A It KE'l'H. I Corrected Weekly by Kongh Brother.) f DRALERS IN C31t ,VIIN' Ac miOtotJOJO. Newport, August 2".1SJ7. Flour, Kxtra 18 00 " Ruper White Wheat V bush, (old) t 40 ft 1 65 Red Wheat '. 1 31 CO Kye 60860 : Corn f0 650 Oats Y 82 pounds 2'830 Clover Seed 0 H080 CO Timothy Seed 1 50 Flax Seed '. 1 00 Totatoes 3,r 35 Paeon,.... 8 b 10 Dressed Hogs Ground Alumn Salt,.. 1 M SS Llmeburner's Coal ,. 2 16 8:ove Coal 4 00 O 4 50 Pea Coal 2 EC N Gordon's Food per Sack, 2 00 FISH, SALT, LIME AND COAL Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the Lowest. Market Rates. Five per cent oil for Cash. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. COKHECTED WEEKLY. WOODWARD & 110B13. , Carlisle, August 24. 1877. Family Flour Superfine Rye Flour 3.50 White Wheat, new 1 15 Red Wheat, new 1 15 Kye M Corn, (new) Oats 25 Clovei seed 8.00 a 8.00 Tlmiitliyseed 1 25 DBATH8 l'HF.E.-On the Hifh Inst, In Jlnrrlsburg. Mrs. Fiee. widow of Peter Free, aged 71 years, 0 mo's. and 1!) days. Interred at Red Hill grave vard lS,iHoiWAtwp-' "'Is county, 011 Saturday, August loth, 1ST7. WiiiTE.-()n the 21st lilt.. In Newport, Laura Elizabeth, Infantdaugliter of Thomas ,1. and An nie L. White, aged 4 months and 10 days. Ensminoeu. Near Shermansdale on Raturrtav. August 10th. 18,7, Mr. Joseph Ensniinger, aged 6ti years, 2 months and 6 davs. Reedeh.-Oh the 2uth lost.. George W., son of Jacob It. and Jemima C. Reeder, aged 7 years, 1 month and 13 days. How sweetly rests our Ge'orgle In peace. Where pains and tears and troubles ceases ltests on his Saviour's lender breast. Forever saved forever blest. Faith sees him still, our happy boy, In heavenly songs his tongue employ: Wn I,..,, a ...ill 1..." , .. u ,.rt. ,,i iuu-ii nop,, vain lo meet our sainted boy again. Sallie A. Heedeh. FOR SHERIFF. Geo. W. Wetzel, of Duncan non, would respectfully announce that he is h. candidate for the nilice of Klierilf. Subject to the decision of tlie Working Men's Party. Aug ust28tli, 1877. FOIl f-llEUIFF.-P.elng solicited by a num. ber of citizens from different parts of tile county to seek the nomination for Sheriff, by the Republican Convention, I lierehy announce my self as a candidate for that olllce, and If nomi nated, I pledge myself to use all honorable means to secure my election, and If successful, to per form the duties of the olllce faithfully and promptly. THOMAS SUiCH. Bloointleld, Pa., July 17, 1877. ESTATE NOTICKNotlce Is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Ensniinger late of Carroll township. en j uiiuij, i a., f cfiiieu, nave ueen granieu to the undersigned residing In thesame township. 11 1'dL.yni:? imiruieu to nuiu esuueiu'e roqiiestea ,y iiiimn iiiiiiiruinia iiiiyiuenF, huh tuose having claims will present them duly authenticated for r.lilAltKTIl KiS.HMINGKR, . , .. , CORNELIUS ENSMINGER, f A. M. Markel, Atfyfor Adin'rs.J Administratr's' August 28, 1877. Jj j PUHLIC NOTICE TO ALL CONCERNED. All persons are hereby notlrtcd that the Irustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Iew Hloomflcld, Pa., have made application by petition for a decree 0f Court, authorizing them to makea loan of Three Hundred Dollars, Tor the benefit of said corporation, and all persons are requested to take notice that said decree will be made on TUESDAY, the lllli of September, 1877. if no good cause Is assigned on that day. op no reason given w hy said Court of Common Fleas of Perry County should not make said decree. . . D. MICKEY, Prolhonotaty. W. A., Attorney for said Trustees.; August 23,1877. i JgLOOMFIELD ACADEMY, j FALL SESSION BEGINS, SEPT. 3rd. STUDENTS prepared for the best Colleges in the land, and the drill In the classes will be thor ough and up with the times. A NORMAL CLASS for those desiring lo teach. Address J. B. FLICKINGER, A. B , WM. GRIER, Proprietor, New BloomSe'd.'1 Bloomfield, Aug. 21, 1877. ESTATE NOTICE.-Nottce Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the eslateof John Neidigh. late of Jackson township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Mifflin township. Cum berland county, Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate .aiuent and those having claims will present them duly authenticated lor settlement to THOMAS It, MOFFITT, Executor. ... . .V - Address. Newvllle, Cumb. co Pa. W. A. & W. H. Spossleh, Atty's tor estate. August 21. 1877. 6t VALUABLE STOllE STAND At Private Sale. TU,TZXer ,at .private sale about ONE ACRE OK GROUND, having thereon It?1 "0LSE- '' KITCHEN, WASH HOUSE and STABLE, and a WELL of good water near the door. k,'V.Tllle '!,a lart'8 STORE ROOM in the building In which a store lias been kept for a number of years. The stand Is a veiy desirable one. T,7.f,eJS '? ?)' erc'd on the premises, another HOUSE AND STABLE, which will be sold sep arately 01 with the Store Stand, to suit purchas ers. These proper lies are located In a good com munity, with Schools and Churches convenient. " Call on or address a L. HOLI.ENBAUGH. Aug. 21, '77pd (Sandy Hill, Perry Co., Pa. S3 nTK WATCH US. Ch.pert in the known world. Sample Watch Fr to Ugtiu. AddreH, A. Couwaa Co- Chicago. OPIUM md. Mail Mipibudljr. SWuLuiiiU Ml W wUaftoa si, Cbttatfi IU, ' G2500.'." BAR. Aerate wanted. Butl- lerlthuulu. PartlculHra fr- adrtMj WOSTUCa,8tLauu.a, $45 EJ I V WATf II AUD f' IU- !? 1 V. w "h every oul. r. Out lit lite, J. U. Gajlord to., Uili-aw, 111