The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, August 28, 1877, Page 4, Image 4

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Xew UUtom field, Avftst X8, 1877.
No Cut or fttrrmtyp will hp Inwrtrd In tail piper
onliw lltflit fftoenl ou metal bww.
WTwi"Uty percent, in of remilur nit-, will
be oh&rired lor Mtlvcrtiwnienlfl sot tn Double Culumu.
KrrcE to kuiim-'ribers.
I.nak t tin- flifuri-n on h Intwl of your paper.
i Tbnu-ilniinnfll v,, a 4hi in wklrli loorinli.
-llplleul.lil. Within i week mur uioncy If
iut, arc If the date la ohaiiKi'd. No other receipt
ia neceaaary.
OovEaxoit Hartrantt lins called
for two regiments of volunteers for
three months. They are to be taken
only from the National Guards to he
composed of such officers and men as
can abstain themselves from their
business without serious loss. This has
been deemed necessary owing to the
threatened aspect of allhlrs among the
strikers In the mining regions. 1
Twelve States will hold elections
during the present year, to wit : Ken
tucky, August 0; Vermont, September
4; California, September 5; Maine, Sep
tember 10 ; Iowa and Ohio, October 0,
and Massachusetts, Mississippi, New
York, Pennsylvania, Virglnla,and AVls
consin, November C. In four of these
States, Legislatures are to be elected,
which will furnish succe?ors to a like
number of United States Seuators,whose
terms expire on March 4, 1879.
Demooratio State Convention.
The Democratic State Convention met
in the hall of the House of Itepresenta
tives, at Harrisburg, on Wednesday, the
22nd inst, and nominated the following
ticket :
For Supreme Judge Hon. John
Trunkey, of Venango county.
For Auditor General Hon. Wm. 1
Schell, of liedford county.
For State Treasurer Hon. Amos C.
Noyes, of Clinton county.
Postmaster Gexekal Key has got
himself into extremely hot water be
cause at Bennington he referred to " our
erring southern brethren." His old
friends in the late rebellious States dis
like the phrase. They call It " eating
'umble pie" to an unwarranted extent.
Then again heisxtyledaveritable'Uriah
Heep,' and "a trick mule," etc., etc.
This is all foolishness but still It lets the
animus of some southern editors crop out
to delight the unreconstructed readers
of their journals and enlighten people
in the north as to the fact that the ad
mirers of the " Lost Cause" are not all
A Good Idea.
The Indianapolis Ketvs snys :
There is hardly a State In the South or
West that Is not daily offering induce
ments for settlers. Even Kentucky,
within a stone's throw of Indiana's idle
people, wants settlers for her cheap un
occupied lands. Trade unions, which
In.. .. L 11. !
i bers when out of work, could not use
their funds in a wiser way than ad
vancing sufficient to their idle members
to enable them to cut loose from a pre
carious condition of existence and make
a start In one which, whatever It may
lack in their eyes, gives health and food
and clothes.
The Governors' Week at Philadelphia.
An invitation has been extended by
the Exhibitors at the Permanent Inter
national Exhibition to Governors of all
the States and Territories of the Union,
to visit the Exhibition during the last
week in August, for purposes of general
conference. Nowhere has such an op
portunity ever before been offered to
compare Industrial results, as accom
plished under the varying conditions,
existing within our broad, national do
main. v
It promises to be a notable event, and
arrangements are being perfected to the visit highly enjoyable to the
participants. The programme Includes
a preliminary meeting at Independence
Hall, on Tuesday, August 28th ; a formal
reception at the Exhibition by the Ex
hibitars and Management, on Wedries
day;; a&rand industrial parade from the
manufactories of the city, reviewed by
theiGovernors, on Thursday; visiting
leading 'manufactories, on Friday ; a
visit to Cape May over Sunday. The
trip will be further extended to New
York, with a stop at the Trenton pot
teries .where three or four days will be
devoted to an examination of New
York lindustrica, and then on to Boston
and the manufacturing cities cf Lowell,
Laweence, and Wallham, closing with
a trip to the JVJiite Mountains.
.Wore Strikes.
PittsbuiHh, Pa., August 22. The
miners employed in O-us Westmoreland
and Pennsylvania companies' mine at
Irwin station, Westmoreland county,
quit work yesterday afternoon and re
solved that they would not resume until
their demands for an advance wns coin-
led with. These mines give employ
mentto about 1,000 men. Last night a
force of from 300 to 400 miners organized
and marched to Spring Hill, a point
where engines on the Pennsylvania road
are coaled, and Induced the miners at tluit
place to quit work. , All the mines at the
Irwin district are now closed. Th
miners demand three cents per busliel of
seventy-el k pounds, their pay every two
weeks, a half Inch screen and a check
Ccmiieband, Md., August 22. To
day the miners at Ocean mines consoli
dation company demanded the dischnge
of an objectionable person. The de
mand was refused and the men struck.
The company ordered the tools to be
taken out and closed the mines.
To-day drivers, who are mostly boys,
demanded of the Maryland coal com
pany an increase of wages from 1.75 to
?2, and gave the superintendent time to
hear from New York. The drivers say
If the demand Is not granted they will
strike. It Is not known whether the
drivers at the other companies' mines
will make similar demands.
Boranton, Pa., August 23. The
Delaware and Lackawanna railroad
officials at this place to-day sent an
engine to Drlggs' shaft, two miles dis
tant, to get the loaded coal cars standing
there since the strike. The miners re
fused to let them go and cut the telegraph
wires. The engine went back for assis
tance and returned to Brlggs' shaft.
Two Men Killed.
About half-past eight o'clock yester
day morning Henry Stout, the crossing
watchman for the Philadelphia and
Beading Railroad at Wallace street, no
ticed a man standing on the track ap
parently intoxicated. A Germantown
and Norristown passenger train was
backing out of the depot at the time and
the stranger did not see It, his back be
ing to the cars. Stout shouted and mo
tioned for him to get out of the way, but
the man paid no heed. Then a scene
occurred that horrified the spectators.
Stout sprang to the man's assistance, in
his bravery giving no heed to his own
danger, seized him and attempted to
drag him from the track, but the stran
ger grappled with him, and being the
larger and stronger of the two, held him
and both fell to the ground as the cars
reached them. There was a sickening
sound of crushing bones and the mutila
ted bodies were seen covered with blood.
The flagman had both legs cut off, and
the stranger, who It was afterward ascer
tained Is It. Link, of No. 0 Hunter St.,
had one arm severed from his body and
his right leg crushed almost its entire
length; his head was also badly injured.
They were picked up, placed In a wagon
and taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital.
They were so frightfully injured they
could not speak. They received every
attention, but Stout, the courageous flag
man, died at twenty-five minutes past
ten o'clock, and at eleven o'clock Link
expired. Stout, who was only twenty
seven years old, lived at 1830 Manor
street, and has been in the employ of
the railroad company for some time. He
was considered a very reliable and wor
thy man, and the manner of his death
shows his courage. Link'B name was
ascertained from a pawn ticket on his
person. He Is 48 years old. Phil. Korth
Western Justice.
On Sunday evening the 19th inBt , Bill
Scroggs, a worthless fellow living near
Oak Hills, Kas., shot and instantly
killed Mr. J. Olyphant, an old and
prominent citizen. Three years ago
Scroggs eloped with and married a
daughter of Olyphant, and subsequently
abused her. She left him, returning to
her father's house, where she has since
lived. Sunday evening Scroggs asked
to see his wife, but was refused, when
he drew a pistol and shot Olyphant. The
assailant started to Oak Hills, but was
overtaken by a party of four men who
attempted to arrest him. Ho fired on
the party, a ball striking John Grogg,
killing him instantly. The murderer
then went to the residence of a justice
of the peace and surrendered himself.
The next day a mob of men went to
Waddell's where Scroggs was confined,
took him out among the hills and
hanged him.
An Awkward Position.
The wife of a ealoonlst on Glrard ave
nue, in the vicinity of the College, on
Sunday evening, tried to convert a flour
barrel into a seat. It however gave way
beneath her avoirdupois and she was
precipitated into the barrel, leaving her
head and heels alone exposed to view.
Her awkward position and cries for as
sistance attracted a sympathizing crowd.
It was with considerable difficulty that
she was rescued from her unpleasant
position. PhiVa. Korth American.
One Less Distillery.
New YonK, August 22. The chemi
cal works on Flushing, near Central
avenue, Brooklyn, were blown up at a
late hour last night. Jacob Ecnz, a gov
ernment official, narrowly escaped
death., The marshal had nelA'd the
building ou suspicion that an Illicit dis
tiller was at work there, and lleuz had
been placed In rharge of it. Last night
the latter struck a light to see that all
was right, when a terrific explosion oc
curred. Itenz ran away a few paces,
when another fearful explosion followed
and the building was blown skyward
and Itenz was burled In the ruins. He
was extricated, having sustained but lit
tle Injury. The loss on the building is
about $500.
ff$r Latest name for a bachelor A
sir-single. Inter-Ocean. Yes, sir;
that's so. But when once he gets the
bridal halter there Isn't a trace of It
left. Kcw York Commercial Advertiser .
There should be a check to this sort of
thing. Rochester Express. What a
choice hit of sarcasm I We hold-back
from further comment lest we stir up
the wrong man. Canandaigna Jour
nal. Toor chance to saddle -this with
another joke. The Grajmic. Still, we
shall harness to it and try. Detroit
Free Press. You all deserve an attack
of the croup. PhiVa. Press. If these
fellows don't soon reign up, the Mayors
of the cities should take them by the
collars m pommel them.
The Skeleton of a Famous Mare.
President Garrett, of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company, has given
the Peabody Museum, at New Haven,
the skeleton of the famous Arabian
mare Esnea, imported along with Sadia.
When he bought her he had to outbid
Louis Napoleon, and the Arab keeper
to whom she was accustomed in Syria
accompanied her to this country. She
died a few months ago of a lung fever,
when 27 years old, her otfopring num
bering 40.
Singular If True.
The Milford News says a colored
woman near Wyoming is gradually
turning white. The change commenced
two or three years ago, white spots coin
ing all over her which gradually grew
larger until she is now more white than
black, and it is believed that In a year
or two she will be completely whlte,with
a skin as delicate as a child's.
Miscellaneous News Items.
C3TA Mis. Howard, of Logauville,
York county, having been unwell for some
time was taken with convulsions ou Wed
nesday morning last, and became totally
tS Isaac J. Wilkinson, of Coatesville,
tiled to shuffle off the mortal coil with a
dose of Paris green, but being green in the
business he took an overdose aud will re
cover. OS?" New Castle will hold a baby
show in conuection with the fair to be held
in that city the latter part of September.
We do not envy the judges who award the
13P The Smith sisters of Glastonbury,
Conn., live in a house, 130 years old ; sit
under a tree 101 years old, and are the
possesses of the Gov. Saltoustall china,
which is 200 years old.
tW John Russel, o miser who died near
Wellsville, Ohio, recently, had fCO.OOO iu
the vault of the Safe deposit company at
Pittsburgh. He leaves au estate of about
tW Dr. Theodore Boistman, of Bridge
water, committed suicide iu Pittsburgh
last week. His passbook contained a state
ment in German, written in pencil, sotting
forth the reason for the deed, that he was
too dumb to remain in this world and he
feared too dumb for the world to ootne.
tW A rural hor,se was hitched at Par
soushurg, Somerset county, a few days
ago, when au exomsiou train from Wil
mington to Ooeau City passed by. The
unwonted sight was too much for the
horse. He reared up, fell down, and in
continently died, being actually seared to
tS Barney J. Donahue, the HornelU
villa striker, was discharged from Ludlow
street jail, New York, last week, by order
of the sheriff, his terra of sentence for con
tempt having expired. He was at once re
arrested by Sheriff SJ'erwood, of Steubeu
couuty, who was present with a warrant
charging him with conspiracy.
C2F"Id the last four weeks John Link,
who lives about Herring run, near Belalr
road, Baltimore county, several miles from
the city, has lost six of his nlue children
by diptheria aud scarlet fever. . Their ages
are from 19 to 2 years. The first died July
10 ; two on July 23 ; the oldest son, aged
10 years, on the 20th ; another ou the 30th,
and the 0th, aged 4 years, ou August 1st.
C3r"Oue of tho officers of the defunct First
National Bank of Alleutown, was awaken
ed the other oigkt at his residence by a wo
man who had lost some mouey by the clos
ing of the bank, and who said she wanted
the amount deposited. Sticking his head
out of the window ho replied that It was af
ter banking hours and be couldn't pay.
tW Last week twelve conductors ou the
Seoond Avenue Passenger Railway line,
New York, were arreftod for conspiracy to
defraud the company In " beating" the bell
punch used In registering fares, and Bteal
ing cash. These men discovered the
mechanism of the punch arid used It to
tholr advantage. Warrants were also Issued
for about fifty other oonduotors of the
same line who are in the conspiracy.
t2T The abduotloo of women at mid
night ssems to be a growing pastime iu the
country towns of Connecticut. At Dur
ham the other night, a woman, whose
husband is at ses, found herself suddenly
snatched out of bed by the side of an un
married sister, and la process of being
carried off by a Btrange mao. But she
soon made such vigorous resistance that
the fellow was glad to drop her and run.
tW Burr Cox was ono of the wickedest
men in Elliston, Ohio. lie was a drunkard,
a gambler, and a lighter, but he had a re
spectable family, whom he abusod. A few
days ago he went home - half drunk and
maddened by gambling losses, and declar
ed that ho would kill his wife. He ground
a hatchet for the purpose, be said, of
chopping her head off, but whou he made
the attempt his sou, aged fifteen, bravely
grappled with him. The woman fainted
from fright, but the boy fought despera
tely, and finally killed his father by Blabbing
him with a knife.
tST The State Treasurer of Georgia,uu
derthe decision of the Attorney General, re
fused to advance to the Constitutional Con
vention more money than was appropriated
by the Legislature. The Couvention pass
ed nu ordfuauce authorizing the President
to borrow money to defray expenses, to be
repaid by the next General Assembly.
General Toombs has loaned the Convention
The undersigned would ask the citi
zens of Perry and adjoining counties,
that are In need of any goods in his line,
that now is the time to buy a full stock
at LOW PRICES to all. The following
Is the prices of some of my goods :
Extra Fat Family Mackerel
81 90 per qr.
1 l!i per saclc.
30 cti. per Ik
4"cts. per yd
Liverpool it. A. Halt.
Best Hemlock Sole Leather,
i yru me Moor Ull (Jlotn
1'4 vd wide Gum Table Clot i. kS
l.orlllard's Kest Till lag Tobacco. 75 " ' ft
Nails lud and up. 2 75 per keg
Standard " A" white Sugar, Rlfc for SI 00
Host Kio Coiree, 41b for $1 00
Miller & Weaver's Pure Vye Whis
key, 65cts. per qt.
Miller & Weaver's Fure ltyo Whis
key, 2 25 per gal.
Silver fluted 7-Shot Revolvers and
Box Cartridges, J2 JO
Silver I'lnted 5 Shot Revolvers, Large
Calibre, fii 50
Double Barrelled Shot Guns, 00 to 818 00
1 quart Mnson's Forcclalu Top Glass
Fruit Jars. 81 4" per doz.
2 quart do do do 1 75 per doz.
'ote Paper and Envelopes very Cheap.
Window Glass, Faints and Oils at Low Prices.
ALL GOODS as represented or
Don't Forget the Place,
Liverpool, Perry Co., Pa.,
Shuleii's Old Stand,
S. M. SHULER, Proprietor.
Splendid Seed Wheat. Mr. Geo. Swartz,
of Centre twp., has for three years been
sowing the Lossen Wheat, a new
variety but recently known,and finds it
far superior to any other. It stands the
weather better, is not apt to be hurt by
the fly, and in weight and general ap
pearance excels any wheat raised in this
State. He has a few bushels of this
wheat for sale, for seeding. Price 4 per
bushel. Address,
George Swartz,
i New Bloomfleld,
31 tf Perry County, Pa.
Notice. The undersigned gives notice
to the citizens of Loysville and vicinity
that he is prepared to make and repair
vehicles of every style in the best man
ner. Having had seven yeflrs experi
ence, and having on hand good lumber
and well seasoned I can guarantee to
turn out wagons, or sleighs of good stylo
and quality. As I intend to make this
location my home, I mean that my
work shall give satisfaction. 8t
Loysville, Aug 4, 77. James Minicii.
W. J. Rice. Surgeon and Mechanical
Dentist, will visit Bloomfield the first
two weeks of each month, profession
ally. Office at 'Squire Clouser's resi
dence. The remainder of his time at
his office iu Jckesburg, Perry co., Pa.
C3T Call and hear his prices. 23
New Tailor Shop. The undersigned
gives notice to the public that he has
opened a shop opposite Rinesmith's
hotel New Bloomfleld, Pa., in the room
formerly used as a confectionary, where
he Is prepared to do work in his line
promptly, and at reasonable prices.
All work warranted to give satisfaction.
Give me a call. Samuel Bentzel.
Bloomfleld, May 1, '77 tf.
Removal. J. T. Messlmerhas remov
ed his Shoe Shop to the room adjoining
F. B. Clouser's ofilce, 4 doors west of tho
Post-Office, where he will make to order
Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Repair
ing promptly and neatly executed. He
will also keep on hand a good assort
ment of Boots and Shoes, which he will
sell at low prices. Give him a call. 17
" The Above All," is a new brand o
chewing tobacco, and is without a peer
for excellence and sweetness. For sale,
wholesale and retail, by J. B. Hahtzell
in Gantt's Building.
Speer's Pure Port is always on hand
It is the finest and purest wine in the
market. For sale by F. Mortimer, tf
Ask your merchants for "Above All"
Chewing Tobacco.
Plcnle. The O. U. A M.,of Terry co.,
will hold a Basket Picnic in Ex-Sherllf
Rinesmith's woods in Spring twp., on
Saturday, September 1st, 1877. Able
speakers will be in attendance. All are
invited. Music by the Band.
To the Publlo.-J. S. Butz, Newport,
Pa., is the authorized agent for the sale
of our Boots, all of which we guarantee.
All goods not satisfactory, taken back,
and the money refunded.
, , Watsontown Boot A IShoe Co.,
L. A. Ranch, Agent.
Watsontown, Aug. 17, 1877. 2t
For a good Bargain In Summer Cloth
ing go to I. Schwartz, Newport, Pa.
Parasols, Fans, and Hosiery, very low.
I. Schwartz.
Newport, Pa.
A Good Summer Suit for $4.00 at
I. Schwartz, Newport, Pu.
A Good Summer Shawl for 75 cents at
I. Schwartz, Newport, Pa.
Do You Want One? I have yet several
sewing machines which will be Bold at
half price for cush. If you want a bar
gain, now Is your time to get it.
F. Mortimer.
Five Cents, or Six for a quarter is the
price of "'lhe Peacock" Cigar. For
sale by F. Mortimer.
Only a Flp. I have received another
lot of good colors of the 6i cent prints.
Lots of other NEW GOODS are also in
Store and for sale at a bargain. Call
and see them.
F. Mortimer.
Special Notice. Having added a room
for the express purpose of showing car
pets oil cloth and wall paper, we ask
jiersons wanting any of these articles to
look at our assortment,
tf. F. Mortimer.
Tailoring promptly and well done.
We will furnish you the goods, or you
can bring your own material, and be as
sured of having a good fit.
"Above All Navy Tobacco." Cau
tion. Every 5c. and JCc. plug of this
Celebrated Tobacco is labelled "VVardle's
Above All." None is genuine without.
The celebrated "Capital Lead, which
is unequalled for whiteness and durabil
ity always on hand and for sale by
tf. F. Mortimer.
tW "How I wish that my 8kin was as
white and soft as jonrs," said a lady the other
day to a female friend. " You can easily make
It so," said the lady addressed. " How I" in
quiied the first speaker. " Use Glenn's Sul
phur Soap." Sold by all Druggists. Hill's,
Hair nnd Whisker Dye, black or brown,
50 cents. 81 4w
The undersigned Administratrix ot the estate
Jacob A. Rice, lateof Saville twp.,' Perry county
Pa., dee'd.. will sell by public outcry, on the
premises ol the late deceased, three miles west
of Ickesburg. on the public road leadin from
Ickesburg to Bealtown, Juniata Co., Pa., on
at 10 o'clock A. M., the followlnu described valua
ble real estate, consisting of two tracts of laud.
No. 1, is a tract of land situate in Savllle two..
Perry Co., Pa., adjoining lauds of John Shull,
John Hartman, George W. Wieaffer and others,,
containing EIGHTEEN ACRES more or less. The
Improvements consists of a Two and Half Story
water power
containing two run of Stone, Oversho Water
Wheel lately repaired by the additionof partial
ly new gearing. Also, a
Water Power Saw Mill,
havlnpan improved Burnham Water Wheel, and
all in good runuing order.
A Irame Dwelling House, Frame Stable
This property Is particularly worthy the atten
tion of any person desirous of Investing in a val
uable mill property, situate in a good valley, and
has a larne custom trade. The stream of water
driving the mill is Bullalo Creek.
This property Is situate in the midst of manv
conveniences, such as Churches, Schools and
No. 2, Is a tract of land containing
One Hundred and Forty Acres,
more or less, being ridge and mountain land,,
about twenty acres cleared the balance is tim
ber land. This will be sold in lots to suit purchas
ers or in one lot as purchaser may desire (ad
Joining lauds of Conrad 8. Rice, John Dramgold
and Absalom Rlee and others, lies partially along
the publio road leading from Iskesburg to Beal
tuwu, Juniata county, Pa).
TEN per cent, of the purchase money to be
paid when the property Is stricken down one.
third ot the remainder on the 1st day of April,
1878, when deed will be delivered and possession
given; one-half of the balance on the 1st day of
April, 1879 and the remainder on the 1st day of
April, 1880. Unpaid purchase money to bear In
terest from 1st April, 1878, and to tie secured by
Jiioument bonds. For further Information call
upon or address A. M. Markel, Attorney for Ad
ministratrix, or
Aug. 21. 1877. Administratrix..
til DUmh of PrWate nature, iwcnltlnc from early abuse
of InfoMon of either Ser. rVminul Venknt'M producing
KialftMlonR, Lom of Memory, Impaired Mrrnt, Loft
Mttnhooil ot 1 in potency, Nervous Debility, perma
nently curacl : diMMMof ilti U ladder, Klttneya, Liver
I'Unrfit, Atnm, Cntvrh. Pile, nil Chronic 1 rtw.-ua. uxt IIIK-KAh.HOr-rKMAI.KK,yiM
to bU treatment. I. OUn
liat hmt llfe-lonR eitrieuca, end eere erhureotriM rail. He
k a graduate at lhe kefuruuid Pchrn-.K otea no nuavurv. haa the
reit prat-tice id the U. S. I.AIrl F.N requiring treatment with
private borne and board, rail or write. Every eonveniance for
pttusuU. Send fifty cent for win pie ot Rubier Good and rlr
nilar of nporUtil lnformtion by eipreai. ifU. OLIVai
Tf.nale fill., $5 per B,-i. Con nits' ion Tfroe.
young and middle trd of both Soiea, ou all dluuei of a pilvato
nature. Valuable advW to the married a ltd thute rtmtenUilng
momaae. How to be healthy and truly iisppy in the married rola
Uno. Everybody toould get UUa book, frium AO osufa to any adr
area, aicd.
Vie-w of Marriaee !
AGutdato Wedlock n(t
-uunuuuii irmiua on tho
lut.a of nun-ia;: ana th
cuoetht until tur it; tl m.
m of Reproduction mid
'lie Dlceawea of Women.
a uuuk inr private, roueid-
utiiiid enrtlrreot a Privato Nature ar.n,y ium Self
Abusa, Exceatfta, or Hearet Diaeaaei, wuu Lut basi
iutun of . ure, m;rf( nuiM . prlveMt-u
Opmm, price lu eta.
hnhfi bok ami poetjmid on iveeipt ot price ; or all three,
ef'tirainmii jfltp" , b- auiiriil y il. unrated, lur cu.
aurtea I U bUTTci, y. la JJ. fc srt. SC. Iuia, X