THE TIMES, NEW BL00MFIEL1), PA., AUGUST 28, 1877. LOOK UP. THEUE Is an old proverb, thnt " mis fortunes never come singly," ami It was certainly fully verified In the family of William Blakcly. Up to a certain lerlod of his life, the world had gone prosperously with him; but after thin, there was a change. Speculations which had promised the most favorable results, failed entirely, Rnd his affairs became In volved to an alarming extent. Still there was a chance that firmness and energy would enable him to recover his former position ; but a dreadful fire broke out In the part of the city where his business was located, and his own store was among the first which fell a prey to the devouring element. Unfortunately the insurance had expired the day before, and had not yet been renewed. The flames spread so rapidly that the efforts of the firemen to save the valuable prop erty were in vain ; almost everything was consumed, and in a few short hours, from comfortable andsomewhM affluent circumstances, Mr. Blakely and his large family were reduced to absolute poverty. But the tide did not turn here. The anx iety of mind which he had for some weeks undergone, and the exposure to which he was subjected on the night of the fire, brought on a fever, and for many weeks his wife and daughters hung over him, losing sight of all other afflictions in the one absorlng fear for the life of the husband and father. But they were spared this trial ; the fever nt length abated, and though the strong man was left weak and helpless as an Infant, reo.son had returned, and the physician had declared that nothing was now necessary for restoration to health but good nursing and freedom from men tal anxiety. Careful and affectionate nursing was not wanting ; but it was impossible to prevent mental uneasiness. The very presence of the dear ones around him increased the depression of his spirits, for it was no longer in his power to maintain them in their present position in society. They must share with him the poverty, and perhaps the disgrace, which had come upon him ; for William Blakely knew that the investigation in to his affairs which his creditors would require, would show that they had been deeply Involved even previous to the fire, and that many would heap upon him unmerited reproach unmerlted,for he had in reality taken the course which would have enabled him to be Just to all had not the last dispensation of Provi dence frustrated his Intentions. There remained but one way by which his fair name could be entirely retained, and on this course he at once resolved. The house in which they lived was valuable, and from its situation would command a ready and favorable sale. It was hard to part with the home which ho had endeavored to render in every aspect a desirable one for himself tuiu ms iuumy, uih uierts was noiuuiiLui- tive ; it was the only way in which he could satisfy the claims against him ; and as soon as his returning strength t would permit, the necessary steps were taken, the house was offered for sale and a purchaser soon found. ' ' We will pass over the sad farewell to a place endeared by many fond remem brances, for our story is more of after years when these trials were among the things gone by. ' It is sufficient to say that every just claim was satisfied, and the family re moved to a distant part of the country, for Mr. Blakely felt anxious to quit the scene . of his misfortunes. Here in a small but neat dwelling they found themselves in possession of many com forts; and in their affection for each other, which seemed strengthened by their afllictions.the mother and children soon found contentment and happiness. . But the father's heart was still sad. The once cheerful buoyancy of his spirits had given place to a morbid sen sitivenessa want of confidence in him self, and a distrust of bis fellow-beings. His whole appearance had changed. There was no longer the bright anima ted smile and the quick step which marks the energetic and prosperous man. His countenance was downcast and sad ; his step lingering and irreso lute; in short, no one would have recog nized the once busy merchant In the ill dressed and unhappy looking man who now busied himself in the cultivation of the few acres which surrounded his little dwelling. His wife sought by every means in her power to arouse Lis dormant energies. She represented that the few hundreds which they had saved from the wreck of their property would soon be exhausted. He was yet in in the prime of life ; his health was fully restored. Why not again go forward, and endeavor to re gain, at least, a part of what they had lost y Kurely . it was a duty which he owed to himself and his children. But her husband shrunk from again ming ling with what he deemed "a cold and unfeeling world." " It will be all in vain, Mary," he re. plied. " I shall lose the little which we have left.. Your knowledge of men is limited. You can hardly imagine the unfeeling manner in which the unfortu nate are treated. ' The very fact that a man looks as if he were going down hill Is sufficient to luduee every one to give him a push. You will find many who will help those who seem likely to rise themselves, but very few who will ex tend a hand to save those who are ap parently sinking." . 1 " That Is partly true,"" returned his more hopeful wife; " but, I trust, not to the extent which you seem to believe, l'lace more confidence in your fellow men, and above all, have more reliance on your heavenly Father, and you will succeed. If you are unwilling to invest the little capital which you have re maining, begin at the bottom of the ladder, and seek for a situation as clerk. Our present home Is near enough to the city to accommodate you in such an em ployment, and under my direction the children can continue the cultivation of the land, the produce of which will mod erate our expenses. You are certainly well qualified either for salesman or ac countant, and will no doubt obtain a good salary." Mr. Blakely sighed deeply. "My health will not permit me to lead the sedentary life of an accountant," he re plied ; "and as salesman, I fear I should stand little chance of success." " Not with that sad countenance, in deed ; but strive to recover your former cheerful temperament, and all will go well. You were once an excellent sales man." "Times have changed, Mary. I am not what I once was. For your sake and that of my children, I will make the attempt, but I feel sure that I shall fail." Advertisements were accordingly put in the papers,stating his capabilities and want of a situation ; and these failing to call forth any applications, the once prosperous merchant resolved to go him self and seek for employment. But, although he was willing to do this as an act of duty which he owed to his family, it was without the least con fidence of success ; and he left home for the city with the same sad countenance, downcast look, and slow, measured step. His wife watched him anxiously until he was out of sight, and then turning sorrowfully from the window, said to her eldest daughter, who, with ready sympathy, had drawn to her side and thrown her arm around her. " It is all in vain, Grace. Your poor father will never succeed until he can learn to look up, not only naturally but spiritually. That downcast look is a true index of the present state of his spirit. His thoughts are fixed on the dark shadows of earth, and he raises them not to the source of light aud strength." The mind of Grace was mature beyond her years, which did not yet exceed four teen. She understood and felt the truth of her mother's words, and her reply was well calculated to console and en courage her. " Wre will pray to our heavenly Father for him, dear mother, and the dark shadows will yet pass away, and the light of heaven will reach his darkened soul. Our misfortunes and his long ill ness prey heavily upon him, but his wonted cheerfulness will yet return.'' " I trust so, Grace; but in the mean time what shall we do for our support V The small sum we have remaining ought to be reserved for an hour of need. While we have our health and strength, it should remain untouched. My time is almost wholly occupied with domestic cares, and if it were not, I hardly know what employment I should seek." " But I can do something, mother," returned Grace, with animation. " I am very young, but you and father have kindly given me every advantage of ed ucation, and I feel sure that even now I could undertake the charge of a small school, if the parents could only feel confidence in me."' " We might commence a school to gether," replied Mrs. Blakely, thought fully. " Your extreme youth would be an obstacle to yoursuccess,but my name would obviate thlsobjection, and the pa rents of our pupils would gradually learn to place confidence In your ability as a teacher. For the modern accom plishments I should be obliged to depend wholly upon you ; but in some of the more solid branches, I could assist, and the government of the school could at first devolve upon me. But we will await your father's return. He may be more successful than we anticipate." As William Blakely approached the crowded city, the busy metropolis of one of our Western States, he felt more and more oppressed by the doubts and fears which bo had urged in the conversation with his wife; and it must be confessed that there were rational grounds for his fears. He who appears to be ascending the hill of fortune, finds many to aid him in reaching the summit; but the unfor tunate who, having toiled to a certain height, and are now evidently descend- J ing, find few to arrest their progress. Too many seem ready to accelerate their downward course. The first place at which he called was the office of a commission merchant, , who had advertised for a " middle aged man, well acquainted with business, Ac, A.O.," qualifications which Mr. Blake ly felt an undoubted assurance that he possessed. ' On stating his business, a clerk requested him to be seated, his em ployer would be in directly, at the same time surveying the applicant with a su percilious and somewhat contemptuous air, which plainly expressed the opinion which he had formed of his claims to their consideration. Half an hour passed, and the employ, er entered. Mr. Blakely 's name and ap plication was laid before him by the clerk. He stood for a moment quietly observing him, and without waiting to hear the qualifications he was about to urge, said quietly: " You will not answer my purpose, sir." The applicant turned away without remonstrance, and left the fetore. " Just as I expected," he said, to him self. " I have every qualification which his advertisement stated as requislte,but he will not give me even time to state them. My appearance does not Bult him, and that is enough." The next trial was at a large whole sale dry goods establishment which had advertised for a competent person in their line; but no better successs attend ed him. The refusal was equally decis ive with the other ; and as he turned to leave the store, he heard the employer remark to the head clerk : " I make it a rule never to employ a person who looks as if he were unfortu nate. Everything about that man shows that he is going down hill." " And therefore, you will give him a push," mentally added Mr. Blakely ,and half resolved not to try again, he walk ed quickly through the busy street with out any definite object. But the thought of those dependent upon him again urged another trial ; and with desperate determination, he resolved to make application at every store in the street through which he was passing. But still he was unsuccessful ; and with every failure, he became more and more depressed, until his anxious coun tenance could not fall to excite the ob servation of those around him. As he turned from the last shop, he was accosted by a benevolent-looking old gentleman in the garb of a Quaker, who exclaimed in a friendly tone of iu quiry : " Looking for a situation, my frlendr1" " Yes, sir," was the reply. " Can you aid me in my search ?" " Not directly. But I can give thee a little advice, which, if acted rightly up on, will finally help thee to obtain what thee desires." " Well, sir, I shall be grateful for your advice." " It is this. Look up" At these words, Blakely raised his eyes from the ground, supposing it to be a command to look at his adviser; but to his surprise, the old gentleman had already turned, and was walking rapid ly away in an opposite direction. " Some Insane person," he muttered. " I am in no humor for his folly;" and sorrowfully he turned toward his own home, quite convinced of the useless ness of farther search. His wife, not much surprised at his failure, still endeavored to cheer him, and proposed the plan suggested by Grace. With some difficulty they ob tained his sanction, to what he consid ered as almost an absurd undertaking. . Circulars were immediately printed and distributed, and Grace and her mother called upon many families in the neighborhood, and made known their intentions. Their lady-like and pleasing appearance excited much inter est, and they found little difficulty in se curing a sufficient number of pupils to encourage them In a beginning. The school rapidly Increased, and before the end of the first term, they had more ap plieants than they could admit. Many families in the city, attracted by the airy pleasant situation, and the interest man ifested by both teachers and pupils in the school, were anxious that Mrs. Blakely should receive their daughters as boarders, the distance being too great to permit their daily attendance. This occasioned an extension of their plan. A larger and more convenient house was taken, and arrangements made for the accommodation of boarders, and also for the reception of a larger number of day scholars. Mr. Blakely viewed with wonder the suecess of his wife and daughter. Why was it that he alone should be rejected because he was unfortunate? Surely his family were involved In his misfor tunes, and yet their exertions had pros pered, and kind friends were around them, euger and willing to assist them. In what did the difference consist V The words of the Quaker often came to his mind, and though he had at first re garded them as mere expressions of in sanity, he now began to , suspect that they In reality contained the advice which the eccentric old gentleman had said, If rightly followed, would ensure him success. ' r Look up Surely man formed In the Image of his Maker, should not, like the beast that perisheth,oast his eyes upon the earth. Even when bowed down by misfortune, he should strive to look upward to the light which may yet illu mine his path. , These thoughts had crowded forcibly upon this mlnd,and they were confirmed by a conversation with Grace, who, re leased from the confinement of the school bounded Joyously into the garden, where her father was busied With some vines and throwing her arms around his neck, told him that he must smile on her cheerfully as he used to do, for she had good news for him. " You deserve to be smiled upon, in deed, my sweet child," he replied, gaz ing fondly upon her animated counte nance; " but what good news have you for me V" " One of the young ladles who attend our school asked me to-day if my father was in want of a situation as clerk, and when I replied in the affirmative, she said that her uncle requested him to call at his office to-morrow morning. Here is the number, 183 Water street," she continued, handing her father a slip of paper containing the street aud number. " There may be something yet in store for me, Grace." " Indeed there may dear father. Only think how well our school is succeeding. The income from that alone could afford us a comfortable support. Our heavenly Father is always near to help us in the hour of need." " He is, my daughter, and blessed are those who look up to Him for help." The heart of the strong man was bow ed, and his voice trembled with emotion. Tears of ready sympathy stood in the eyes of Grace as she whispered : " Your heart will no longer be sad, dear father. You will smile upon us once more." "Pray for me, my child. The dark shadow has long been upon me; but, with the help of God, I will no longer be cast down. Even if this new open ing proves delusive, I will not be dis couraged, I will look up." With a cheerful countenance, and a step which fell musically upon the ear of his wife, bringing to her remembrance the days gone by, he descended to break fast the following morning, and at an early hour, was on his way to the city. As he entered the office, answering to the number upon the paper given him by Grace, he was met by the same be nevolent old Quaker who had proffered his advice on a former occasion. " Well, my friend," he exclaimed, ex tending his hand. "Iam glad to see that thou hast followed my advice and learned to look vp. I have a situation now at my command where thee can ob tain a good salary, and without working harder than is fitting for a man at thy time of life. The best remedy for a man who is going down hill is, to look up. When earthly hopes fail, there is still hope in heaven." Raw Taste of Tobacco. " J. W. F.," of New Cumberland writes to the Scientific American : " I have been a slave of tobacco for so long that I"have given up the Idea of ever stopping the use of It There is so much of the plug tobacco that causes the mouth to become raw, besides con taining hair, feathers, and other little dainties too numerous to mention, that I have determined to use none but leaf tobacco hereafter. Will you be kind enough to tell me, through your valua ble paper, how to remove the raw taste from the natural leaf, and oblige a sub scriber who fully appreciates the value of the Scientific AmericanV Answer. We believe that the com mon method of removing the raw taste that our correspondent complains of, is to soak the tobacco in urine. Tobacco thus treated and then sweetened with molasses dirt, is considered " lovely," the " solace" of mankind, " honey dew," etc. Declensions and Conjugations. Miss S. , an American heiress and quite beautiful, has been exciting much admiration in London during the present season, and is about to marry, it is said, the son of a nobleman con nected with the royal household. Amer ican heiresses are by no means shunned abroad ; quite the contrary, for they are generally as well educated and in every way as presentable as their foreign sis ters, and do not accept the first impecu nious scion of nobility that has a coro net about him. Some years ago the daughter of an American minister in Londonlwas much sought after by patri clan youngsters. She was one day dis covered writing letters, and observed, " I am writing my declensions. This London is a good enough place for flir tations, but I mean to conjugate at home." Mm WHO ARE SUFFERING from the elTeota of the warm weather and are debilitated, are advised by physicians to take moderate amonnta of whisky two or three times daring the day. To a little while those who adopt this advice frequently Increase the number of "drinks" and In time become con firmed inebriate. A beverage which will not create thirst for lntoxlcatlnsr liquors, and which It Intended especially for the benefit of debili tated persona, whether at home or abroad, la Dr. Scheock's Sea Weed Tonic. Containing the Jnlcee of many medicinal herbs, this prep aration does not create an appetite for the in toxicating cup. The nourishing and the life supporting properties of maay valuable natu ral productions contained tn It and well-known to medical men have a most strengthening In fluence. A single bottle of the Tonlo will demonstrate Its valuable qualities. From do blllty arising from sickneBS, over-exertion or from any causo whatever, a wine-glass full of Boa Weed Tonlo taken after meal will strengthen the stomach and create an appetite for wholesome food. To all who are about leaving their homes, we desire to ay that the excellent effect of Dr. Bcheck's Reasonable remedle, Bea Weed Tonic, and Mandrake Pill, are particularly evident when taken by those who are Injuriously affected by a change of wator and diet. No person should leave home without taking a supply of these safe guards along. For sale by all Drugrlsts.31 Ira M USSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, TENN'A. Now oiler the public A HARK AMD ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting sf all shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALP AC CAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN ESDLEia SELECTION OF PRINTS! We sell and do keep a good quality ol SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, i Aud everything under the head of GROCERIES ! Machine Needles and oil for all makes of Machines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. No trouble to show Roods. Don't forget the , ' CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. $10 TO $25 UAT 1 MADE by Agents In cities nd coun try towns. Only necessary to show samples to make sales and money, for any one out of employment and dispos ed to work. Used dally by all business men. Send Stamp for circular, with prices to agents. Address " SPECIAL AGENCY." Kendall Building, Chicago JEATHER &C. THE subscribor has now on hand at LOW PKICE9, Good Sole Leather, Kip of Superior Quality, Country Calf Skins, French Calf, LININGS, ROANS, &c. F.Mortimer, NEW BLOOMFIELD. PA. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby by glv eu to all persons not to trespass on the grounds of the undersigned, situate in Madison, aud Jackson townships, by picking berries, Msh. lug, hunting, or theiwlse Im'i'aksiug, as they will be dealt with according to law. Hoi- V. Grey i Isaac hollknbadoh t J. II. ( OMH 1 Una. Makv B. Kmith i Solomon Howkks 1. Johnson i W. . Okay i Andkkw Tkostlb; B. O. KM ITU ; June W, 1S77. pd Mug. Sahau Stamhahuu: Jambs a, Anukhsom i J Krtfc.; All llKNCU t Jamkh Woods, 1). Stamuauuu; TADIE8 AND CHILDREN will find a j splendid assortment o( shoes at the one price store of F. Mortimer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers