8 THE TIMES NEW BLOOMEIELI), TA., Ay GUST 1 J, 1877. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Vabtiington, D. C, August 8tb, 18T7. At tho Kationnl Capital may bo seen the two extromos of society, tbo tip and tho toe of humanity, rs Rhnrply outlined ns anywhere under tho sun. It is like tho liquid the milkmen bring us, piui cream, part milk, and part water. The small part, tho cream, Is just now mostly out of town, rusticating in tho country, luxuria ting at the soa-sido. Tho milk Is scattered Bbout somewhat, visiting country cousins, trying to keep cool by indulging In fre quent excursions down the river, and stay ing assiduously indoors with closed blinds and drawn curtains, regaling itself with ice-crenm and lemonade. But the water, oh, the water. There is no comfort for it. It can have neither fresh air nor pui surroundings, nor coolness nor cleanli ness. There are many very poor people in the District of Columbia. They seem to flock here with the feeling that there is safety and protection and provision in con tact with the seat of Government. Surely Uncle Sam will not let his own children die of want on bis threshold ! And, ns is always the case in large cities, where pov erty provails sickness comes. The mortali ty here has been smaller this season than is usual, but many and many a little one has closed its eyes for want of proper care and food and medicine. We can't be sorry when the children of poor or dissipated parents die. They are bettor off dead and the good Father sees it and in pity takes them away. The colored people are less unhealthy than other foreigners bore, and this fact is attributed to their free use of whitewash. They are perhaps no more cleanly, but thoy ubo whitewash instead of water, covering up and effectually killing the filth about their promises by its fre quent application. Just across the Poto mac from Washington, huddled close among the bills, is a tiny settlement known as "Freedman's Village." There are per haps a score of bouses the sight of which carries one "back to ole Virginy" as noth ing I have seen for many years has done. They are regular cabins, part of them of logs, with thatched roofs, whitewashed walls, a dog or two and garden patch in connection with each, and the traditional bare headed, rollicking darkey boys rolling about the ground or perched upon the top rail of the fences that surround the more pretentious of the "cottages." Here it is in those irregular little patches of cultiva tion that Dinah raises the " yaibs" that -we see and buy in the market places, and from this vicinity comes the mosses and ferns, autumn leaves and wild flowers that tbc old women and little boys tug about the streets and sell for 5 cents a bunch. Another reminder of the old ante-Lincoln days is met at Arlington Heights in that part of the National Cemetery which is set apart as the burial place of the colored peo ple who died and were killed in this vicin ity during the war. The graves are ranged in long straight rows, each, marked by a wooden slab, on which is painted in black letters simply the calling name the master bad dubbed his slave, and the date of death ; as "Dan," or "Sallie," or "Jake," or "Sambo," with no last name and no age. Many hundreds are buried here. M. M. W. Privations of a Massachusetts Family. A horrible state of suftering has been di s oovered at Ashley Falls, in the family of John Funk. The family, which consists of the parents and five children, lived at the poorhouse last winter, for the first time in their lives. This spring they came out with a determination to earn their living, but for some reason were discourged, and Mr. Funk finally broke his leg by accident. A few nights ago the eldest of four child ren, who slept together, in a paroxysm of hunger commenced gnawing the flesh from the arm of a younger one to satisfy its crav ings. Sheffield parties have relieved the family, and there is much criticism of the treatment the family received from the neighbors, who might be expected to min ister to their wants. Springfield (Jow) Union. A Problem. The New York Sun recently published the following knotty mathematical problem which brought out a couple of columns of solutions from its readers. We fail to see why it should be called a knotty problem but perhaps we don't understand it and so give it for the benefit of those mathemati oally inclined, and would be glad to re ceive thoir solutions: "If A sells B a bale of cotton for $50, buys it back for (15, and then sells it to C for $05, bow much does A make on the speculation?" CSP During the riot at Shamokin a spent ball that had been fired up into the air dropped on a lady's head and imbedded itself in her back hair. Her hat was also knocked off. but she did not know what caused it uiitil she took down her hair when retiring, when the ball dropped out. tW A terriflo wind and rain storm passed over Council Bluffs, Iowa, last week. At the Deaf and Dumb Institution, three miles southeast of the town, a new wing in process of completion, three stories high, was leveled to the first story and a portion of the material carried a distance of mile. Loss, (10,000. Miscellaneous News Items. ZW A littlo daugbtor of William Oxou rlder, of north Heidelberg township, Berks coutty, fell down a flight of stairs, dls locatl g her neck, cauBlng luslant death. C3P Tho largo barn on tho property of Mr. John Mclienim, at Farkesburg, was totally destroyed by Are last weok, together with tho entire crops of the season and some agricultural implements. CSF" A gtrl, named Blone, agod 12 years, shot and instantly killed a boy, named Woolsuucroft, aged 10, In Boggs township, Clearfield county, on the 3d lust. lie had refused to give her a drink of water. tU William Peffer, aged eight years, residing in the western portion of the State, came near bleeding to death a few days since by the sudden issuing of blood from his nostrils, spurting a distanoe of two feet. tW A school director of Heading has been committed to prison in default of $5,000 bail to answer the charges of In citing to riot, furnishing liquor to rioters, and providing them with firearms. His name is James Van Stavorcu. tW Employees on the Pittsburgh divis ion of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad are receiving threatening letters, adorned with skulls and cross bones, which In some in stances have had the effect of frightening them from their places. JtS"" Somo amusmeutwas caused not long ago in an English court by a fomalo witness, who, oil the oath being administered, re peatedly kissed the clerk instead of the book. It was some time before sho was made to understand the proper or, at least tho legal thing to do. tSf An aged couple living near Bower's station on the East Pennsylvania railroad, named James and Elizabeth Bower, aged elghty-ono and sovcuty-ono respectively, re cently superintended the digging of their of their own graves in DeLong churchyard. They wcro lined with stouo and cpst f GOO. t5f" On opening the will of the late T. J. Dunbar, of Boston, a fow days ago, it was found that he had remembered all who wore in his employ at the time of his death. To those who had boon with bim seven years be bequeathed (3,000 each, three years (1,000, and one year (500. I3F" A man who could not read was dis tributing handbills of a drinking saloon. He put down his bundle and wont to dinner. In his absence a temperance advocate substituted temperance tracts for the handbillB, and during the rest of the day the saloon's business was not helped, if not hurt. Alonzo Melner, who is ohargod with having opened a switch to wreck a train of soldiers, has been arrested at Pittsburgh. A detachment of troops went to his bouse at night and found him a sloop. They awoke him, when be grasped a revolver in each hand to defend himself. He finally surrendered and is now in jail. W Oscar D. Peterson was arrested in New York on Tuesday for stealing a hand kerchief from a store. The prisoner re sisted, fired at his captor, broke away, and then emptied a revolver down Broadway, wounding Edward Broomfleld in the breast. Peterson was recaptured, and found to have a ball in his leg, the result of a shot from the patrolman's pistol. Columbus, Ohio, August 3. Qustavus Swickhard, Allen Dangrue, Jacob Cook and Delorm Baughman, farmers, whose ages range from twonty-two to forty-one, have been committed for murdor in the first degree in consequence of the fatal termination of injuries received at thoir hands, it is alleged, of Lewis Schifller, also a farmer, in a fight at a picnic at Rocky Fort, in this county on Saturday last The fight grew out of an old foud. C3f A sad occurrence has juBt taken place at the favorite Clyde watering place, Helensburgh, Scotland. A short time since Mrs. Wright, the wife of a Glasgow outfitter, took summer lodging for herself and family. After a week's residence small pox broke out among the children, one daughterdying. This was followed by the death of Mrs. Wright, and it is now alleged that the blankets on the beds in which the family slept had been used for small pox patients. The matter has causod much excitement. tST Thomas Placlde, the well-known ac tor who recently killed himself, at New Orleans, on account of a canoer in the mouth, from which he was suffering, is re ported to have been brought on the disease by over indulgence in smoking. He was sixty-nine years old. In a farewell letter to a friend, he said : " I have been driven to the deed by tbo most agonizing tortures that man ever suffered beyond human en durance. tW A Bowling Green man last week 60 years old walked 18 miles on the railroad to a town to buy his marriage license.' The case is hardly bo bad as one that occurred in Sumner county, Tenn., some time ago. A man walked to Gallatin, 80 miles, to get his license, but after making application he lacked 60 cents of having money enough, ne walked home and tried to borrow 60 cents, and failing, walked back to Gallatin, and spent three days trying to beat down the clerk. PIANOS AND ORGANS! MILTON 13. GIBBON lias tnken the Agehcy for P1SHUY COUNTY for several First Class makes of PIANOS AND 0RGANS, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED .- ' , . ; YORK COTTA-GMU ORaAN, One of tlio Host Organs now Manufactured. It Is a brief period since the YORK COTTAGE OltGAN Is being manufac tured and sold on an extensive scale to the publlo at large. The home demand having taken the entire production nt first. But their excellent qualities have gained for them a WONDEHFUL REPUTATION, and through their merit they have in a short time won their way into popular favor, and ore now acknowledg ed as the BEST REED ORGAN MADE. In Sweetness of Tone, Variety of Expression, and Durability of Construction. THEY STAND UN RIVALED. ' The have all the T ', Latest. Improvements that human skill can devise, in chiding the Grand Organ Expression, which throws, nil the other stops into action when onlv ntip l ilrnwn. TIipv nro fullw Warranto ft. Kl Vnon They are as '. IS IAJVV liX l lllUJ'j ! as a Uood p-F He can suit you in every respect, if you ore wanting an Organ for Church, School or Home. He is also agent for the Best Standard PIANOS. f3T All who wish to purchase a good instrument ot low rates, will find it to their advantage to call on or address, MILTON LOYSVILLE, PERKY, COMPETITION DEFIED IN ntlCE, QUALITY AND STYLE. Having just opened our second LARGE STOCK OF SUM MER GOODS, we have determined to make another 1 sacrifice. "We are now offering A man's good Summer Suit from A man's good Summer Cpat from A mon's good Summer Pants from A boy's good Summer Suit from A boy's good Summer Pants from A boy's good Summer Vest from - -A common Room Carpet from -A good Flower Carpet from . . A better Flower Carpet from - -A man's good Hat from - - A man's better Hat from - J A boy's good Hat from '- '-' ' -A lady's good Shawl from ' -' . -A lady's good Skirt from - ... A common Parasol from -A good Parasol from - - . . A nice Fan from - - ... A good Ean from . ... A good Paper Pins .... ,. Four pair Ladies' Hose ... Onepair Ladies' Gloves - . ., . Six Ladies' White Handkerchiefs Two Ladles' White Ruchea .... One Ladles' good Corset - .... Ladies' Hair Braids ..... Ladles' Hair Switches . - -Men's good Suspenders - . . . Men's good Overalls - .... Three pair men's Hose ... . Trunks, Valises, Oil Cloths, Jewelry, Cutlery, Underwear, Ties, Bows, Collars, Cuffs, Table Cloths, Towels, Napkins, Hats, Caps, Umbrellars, Paper and Envelopes, and many other great bargains too numerous to mention. Don't fall to call and be convinced that we have the assortment, quality and price to suit all. ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPOET, PEJSTIsr'A.. PI ANflQ I MajtiiMoient Bran New G50. rose, r IMI1UO Wood l'lanos on J17S. must be sold flRfiAWQ Fi'ie Kosewood Upright Pianos UnUHllO little used Cost tH(, only 8125. Farlor Organs 2 Htops J4S. 9 Stops i5, 12 Rtops only 876. Nearly new i Set Keed 12 Stop Bub Ilass and Coupler Oran 5B, cost ovor $350. Lowest Preces ever ottered sent on 15 days test trial. You ask, why I oiler so cheap T I answer Hard Times. 8Ki00 employees must have work. Result of war commenced on me by the Monopolists. Battle raging. Particulars tree. Address DAN IK I, F. BEAT XY, Washington, New Jersey. Sldtt ONLY FIVE DOLLARS FOR AN ACHE! Ot the best land In AMERICA near the GREAT UNION PACIFIC KAll.KOAD. AFARMFOB $200 In easy payments with low rates ot Interest. SECURE IT NOW 1 1 1 Full information sent free, address, O. F. DAV1B, Land Agent, U. P. B. R.. Sldlt OMAHA, Nebraska. New and Thrilling t MILLIONS EAGER FOR IT. SOCK) Agents wanted tor The Cross and the Crescent By the eminent L. P. Brockett Unfolds the strange social, political, and relig'ous peculiari ties and History of the Russians and Turks i cause of the war, mighty Interests at stake i Bi ographies of Rulers, etc. Ulchly Illustrated. For terms, address quickly, HUBBARD IlttOS., Pubs. 733 Sausom St., I'hll'a. 51(141. VEGETINE. REV. J. P. LUDLOW WRITES: 178 Baltic Street. Brooklyn. N. Y.. Nov. 14,1874. II. K. BTBVBNd, Esq. Dear Sir, From personal benefit reoelved by Its use, as well as from per sonal knowledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost miraculous, I cau most heartily and sloerely recommend the VEGETINK lor the oouiplaluls which It Is cLaimeli tu cure. JAMES P. LUDLOW, Late Pastor Calvary Babtlst Church, Bacramento, Ohio, . aidit. TRIFLING WITH A COLD 18 ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy tor COUGHS, and all diseases ot the THROAT, LUNGS, CHEST aud MUCOUS MEMBRANE. Put Up Only In Blue Boxes. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Sld4w O. N. Cbittenton, 7 Sixth Avinub, New York. JOB PRINTING at every desorlptlei neatly executed n (krt actio aa4 at rMal) rutesat Ula atce. First Class Organ can be manufactured. B. GIBSON, COUNTY, PENN'A. July 10. $1 00 to $5 00 75 to 3 50 75 to 2 50 - 8 00 to 4 00 - 75 to 2 00 50 to 1 00 18 to 25 - 33 to 40 - 45 to 75 75 to 1 00 1 25 to 2 00 60 to 1 00 75 to 2 00 40 to 1 00 20 to 50 70 to 2 00 05 to 15 20 to 60 03 25 15 25 05 40 20 15 10 40 25 N. F. BURNHAM'8 "1871" WATER - "WHEEL Is declared the "STANDARD TURBINE." by over 050 persons who use It. Prices reduced. New namuhlot. fron. N. w mtRNuiu v,i,im 3ld4t. York. 'Pnnn'i. EWAItWNG'9 (1876 Uniform Copyrighted 1877) LAW BLANKS, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low aud whatever you need. Law and Commercial Supplies of all Kinds. Send for samples and price lists of what you want. W (Jatalgues of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, or direct from the publisher. a. WARING, Tyrone, ha. Ctm.UrlM, u Farms from 60c. to .W ner Rod NELLIS 0. 11. II. FORK, WITH N ELLIS' Patcut method for mowing and stacking Hay or Straw, without extra charge to the Farmer. Agtl. Steels finished and tempered by Nellls' process to suit all kiuds soil. Medal awards on all our goods exhibited at the Centennial. Information tree. 271m A. J. Nkllis & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Tuscarora Seminary Sr'UH IUU9U LADIES. A Home School. Beautiful Scenery. Healthful Climate. Full Course. Musio a Specialty. Modern Lan guages. Experienced Teachers. No half way work. Next session begins Sept 6th 1877. Send for Circular to C. F. KOLBE, A. M Principal. . Academla. Juniata County, Pa. ESTATE NOTICB. Notice Is hereby jrlv. en, that Letters of Administration with the will annexed on estate of John B. McCliutock.late of Carroll two., Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the uudersigued, resldiug In the same township. All persousludebted to said estate are request, ed to make Immediate payment, and those hav ing olaims to preseut tboiu duly authenticated for settlement to JOSEPH B. MoCLINTOCK. Administrator. P. O., Address Bhermansdale, Perry eo., Pa. July 24,11)77. CO. II. SnuJir.AtUruey. ill f r lHl ill ! f l jl ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL." ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. More Orc.it Bargains. More Great Bargains. More Great Bargains. More Great Bargains. Splendid Prints' at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Lois of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. CASSIMERS AND CO' CASSIMERS AND CO" CASSIMERS AND CO CASSIMERS AND CO CASSIMERS AND CO CARSIMERS AND CO T0NADES. T0NADES. T0NADES. "T0NADES. T0NADES. T0NADES. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. For Men For Men For Men For Men For Men For Men Women and Women and Women and Women and Women and Women and Children. Children. Children. Children. Children. Children, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER A'D BORDERS. AND IIOKDEKS. ASD BORDERS. AND BORDERS. AND BORDERS' AND BORDERS. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. F. MORTIMER. F. MORTIMER. F. MORTIMER. ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers