The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, August 14, 1877, Image 1
f VOL. XI. 1STEW BLOOMFIEID, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1877. NO. 32. THE TIMES. An Independent Family Newspaper, IS PUBLISHED EVERT TUESDAY BY F. MORTIMER & CO. 0 Subscription Price. Within the County jl 25 " " " Six mom lis 75 Out el the County, Including postage, 1 fiO " " " six mouths " 85 Invariably in Advance I a-Advertising rates furnished upon appli cation. $eledt 'Poeti'y. UPS AND DOWNS. Lite is full of ups and downs Valleys, plains, and mountains: Kot forever are our tents Pitched by pleasant fountains. Sometimes In the burning sun, Sometimes In the shadows! Now we climb the rocky steep, Now we tread the meadows. Life is full of ups and downs Made of gains and losses ; Flowers that grow on prickly stems, Crowns that hang on crosses. Summer breezes fan our cheeks, Wintry blasts alllght us; And when snow's white mantle rends. Spring's fair sights delight us. Murmur not at ups and downs, They are needful changes; He can never err in aught Who the! r lot arranges. Seek not as the highest good Thy content and pleasure ; Wings have they to fly thee still Seek abetter treasure. Wouldst thou make life's ups and downs Easier seem the brighter, Share thy fellows' heavy load Thine shall be the lighter. Smooth the pillows of the sick. Sweet shall be thy slumber ; Will to bless shall bring to thee Blessings without number. Who would dread these ups and downs. Since they bring us nearer To the outer wall of life, Where the light grows clearer? Nearer to the heart of Him Who, with gentle guiding, Leads through all life's weary ways, Into peace abiding? Love can take from ups and downs All the pain and trouble ; For the Joy we give away Comes back more than double ; Love to Christ and love to man, And a heart forgiven, Make the ups and downs of life Just a path to heaven. ALL WELL PLEASED. THAT Barbara Hawkins owed a good deal to her step-mother was a fact that she could Dot have concealed from herself if she had tried. ' Her father's house had been a very home of discomfort during the dull interim between her own mother's death and the arrival of the youthful and winning stranger who had been some how persuaded by 'Squire Hawkins to come and take keer of his little dar ter." The history of the next five years, in which she herself had grown from girl hood to womanhood, included all the genuine sunshine of Barbara's life, and she knew to whom that change, and a good many other excellent things, were due. Then, since the 'squire had been gath ered to his fathers, what a notable man ager had Widow Hawkins proved her self for the very moderate property he had left behind him I It was Just there that the difficulty was now coming in, for that which, with such good management, had kept the two women very nicely so long as they lived together, could continue to do bo only under just that state of affairs. The widow's share, if set apart by itself, would be only another name for pover ty. True, and yet what suitor, or at least which one of the two how nearest to a proper condition for consideration, would care to "marry a mother-in-law," and a step-mother at that, as well as a wifey " And she understands it," said Bar bara to herself that September after noon, " as well as I do. She's as polite to both of them as if they were courting her instead of me. I must say it's been very convenient once or twice, for they toth like her. lu fitct everybody likes her, and that's what makes my position so very peculiar." A very pretty girl was Barbara Haw kins ; even prettier than her step-mother, and that was saying (something in spite of the widow's thirty years. A bit of a belle, too wns the 'squire's " heiress" in that unambitious rural community, and by no means without some characteristics which put the vil lage gossips at times in mind of ' 'Squire Hawkins' fust wife.' At the present juncture, however, the public opinion of the Dorcas Society was more than usually perplexed. The best judges of such matters were Inclined to "guess Bill Emmons is a leetle ahead," although this was sure to be followed by the remark : " But then, you know,Dan Grover's got ten ten dollars to Bill's one and he's a mighty fight stiddier." And Barbara was in a worse quandary about it than the Dorcas Society knew how to b, for at times she almost sus pected her heart of threatening an im pertinent interference before her head could have a fair chance. " She'd be entitled to a third, I Imp pose," soliloquized the fair maiden, 'and she's a wonderful hand with the needle. There's no danger of her starving. There's lots of folks'd be glad enough to have her come and live with them." And Barbara did not know it, but a train of thought very nearly related to her own was at that moment passing through the mind of the widow, as Bhe stepped lightly to and fro among the household duties, of which she kindly relieved her step-daughter. " I don't hear the piano," murmured the soft, low voice of the widow, " and yet I know she wanted to practice that new piece. Young Emmons'll be here this evening. I ought not to say a word in such a matter. She's old enough to decide for herself, but why can't she see that Dan Grover's worth five hundred of him ? not to mention his big farm, and that's something now-a-days. I won't put that in her head, however not for the world. I've been paid dear ly enough for making just that sort of a mistake. Better have gone out to ser vice or taken in sewing. That's what I may have to do when Barbara's mar ried." The neat, tidy figure paused in the kitchen doorway as she said that, and a shade of darkness swept across her face. "Live in the house with Bill Em mons for the master of it V" she ex claimed after a pause. " Not I, indeed I She won't have sense enough to settle on Dan Grover, I'm afraid. Would I stay, then, if she did V Kot so long as I could earn or beg some other shelter." The last exclamation came out with unnecessary energy,, and the widow caught up a broom and made an imme diate assault on the kitchen floor. The sweeping was very unnecessary indeed. Barbara had clearly misunderstood her step-mother, and the widow had also failed to penetrate the mind of the 'squire's pretty and sensible representa tive. That was only too good a reason why the sheet of music forwarded by Mr, Emmons had received so little attention that afternoon. Barbara's morning walk had carried her past the old homestead of the Grovers, now the sole property of the present family representative, and Bhe had noted only too precisely the reno vating and beautifying process on which Dan was expending half the proceeds of that year's liberal wheat crop. Carpenters, glaziers, painters, and all the Dorcas Society was in arms, she knew, about the extravagant waste with which the old-fashioned interior was transforming. . More than one village critic had added to his other charitable thoughts the sur mise : " Looks kinder bad for Bill Em mons ;" and Barbara herself could have assured them of the correctness of their reasoning. She was too kind hearted, however, not to add to herself: " So much the bet ter, too for Mr. Hawkins. Neither Dan nor I would object to her living at the old place till we could find a buyer. I only wish she could raise the money and buy it herself." It was, therefore, as the mistress at the renovated mansion behind the maples at the turn of the road that Bar bara Hawkins wus considering herself when tea time came, and she was quite willing to hurry back Into the parlor while her ready handed step-mother su pervised their solitary " help" in put tlng away the tea things. By the time poor Bill Emmons made his appearance, after his long day's drudgery In the one law office of the vll lage,where he was the junlor,and there fore perhaps the working, partner by that time Barbara was ready, civilly as she received him, to wish he would post pone his call until she could " receive him in so much better style." And yet that night, of all nights, the young law yer had made up his mind to put his fate to the test, "and win or loose It all." Not a bad fellow was Bill, and he had more thau once reflected how charming ly convenient was the location of the Hawkins homestead, and what a tre mendous lift the possession of that and the productive little farm belonging thereto would give to a struggling young lawyer like himself. The fact that lie was over head and ears in love with Barbara made the whole ofl'alr absolute ly beautiful. Sad was the trial to his Impatient feelings, therefore, when all the elo quence of which he was master and he had long considered himself master of the situation as well only resulted in obtaining for him a promise from Bar bara that she " M-ould consult her step mother." " Such a change it would make for her if I should leave her V" sighed Bar bara. Not at all, not at all," eagerly ex claimed Bill. " She could live with us, you know. Everybody likes her. I'm sure I do. She wouldn't be in the way at all." But vain was all he could say or do, except that Barbara's vision of the Grover farm and house may have receded somewhat as she listened to the pleading of her suitor. She almost hop ed Dan might not come that evening.for not only the present situation had its charms, but it might have its perils as well. Dan Grover was not a man to be trifled with, she knew, for all his quiet self contained ways. And so it was with something of a feeling of relief that Barbara listened, at last, to the bur of the big kitchen clock striking nine. It was at the same instant that the shadows of the two who were walking side by side in the moonlight fell on the gate in a singularly unified manner ; and then, as the gate opened, Barbara sprang to her feet with a slight excla mation. She had been sitting close to the low window seat, and Bhe had not seen fit, or had forgotten, to light a lamp. There may or there may not have bees any cause for surprise, but the way of it had been this : No sooner were the tea things out of the way than Mrs. Haw kins remembered an errand she had in the village, and had slipped quietly out to perform it. Nor would so simple a matter have taken two long hours, but that, just as the widow was stepping across the little foot-bridge at the brook, the form of a tall, broad shouldered, vig orous man of, say, thirty-five summers, stood before her, and a deep voice re marked : " Bight about face, please. I want a bit of a talk with you, and there'd be no chance for it at the house." Not a word said the widow, as Dan Grover drew her arm in his, but she thought, " If he wants to speak of Bar bara, he's right, for Bill Emmons must be there by this time. What a fool she is I He don't begin to compare with Dan." It must be confessed, however, that it seemed wondei fully pleasant, even when Dan turned up the shadowy lane toward the grove, and when he seemed disposed to put off his express business and to talk of his farm and his house, and at last of himself. " I have everything around me fixed as nicely as I could ask for," he remark ed at length ; " but I grow lonelier every day. The fact is', I've determined to have a wife, if I can get the one I want ; but there's only one in all the wide world. I'd be lonelier than I am now with any other." " Why don't you speak to her, thenV" said the widow, with a half choked feel ing in her throat. " She's a very sensi ble girl, but I don't think it would be right for me to try to influence her. I believe a woman has no right to marry without loving," Quick ns lightning very different from Dan's ordinary calm, slow style was his responsive query : "Have you always been of that opinion V Have you acted on it ?" The plump, soft hand on his arm was jerked away in an instant,and Barbara's step-mother was almost sobbing, with angry and wounded feeling, as Bhe step ped back from him, exclaiming : " How dare you I What have you to do with that ? Ask Barbara for her eecrete, if you will. Mine are my own." " Exactly," responded the steady minded Dan, but his voice was shaking now in spite of his self control. " You have told me part of your secret, Marian Hawkins, whether you meant to or not. I knew you could never have loved him. Now I will tell you mine. You are the one womaui without whom I must for ever be lonely. You have been only too faithful to Barbara, or you would have seen it before." Rapid, earnest, passionate, grew the strong man's words as he uttered them, and he closed with a sudden forward movement. Before the widow knew it, Dan's arms were around her,-' and even her tears betrayed her. It was too late for anything but to let Dan have his own way. Such a willful fellow he was, too. And when at last the widow insisted on going homeward, their arrival at the gate was signalized by just such another theft as he had per petrated twenty times already, for Bar bara's exclamation had been simply: "Kissed her I" ' Never was a lamp lit so quickly in all the world before ; but, between the find ing and the scratching of the match, Bill Emmons managed to say for he was a fellow of excellent mind" Fer haps, Barbara, that may remove some of our difficulties." And Barbara, mode no reply; but when Dan and the widow came into the parlor, it was not easy to say which of the two women were blushing the most violently. " It's all right, Bill," remarked Dan. "I don't know that any explanations are required. You have our entire con Bent." The visions of the newly painted house had faded from the mind of Bar bara Hawkins, but it was Dan's remark that called her attention to the manner in which she was clinging to the arm of Bill Emmons. The latter was equal to the occasion, however, for he replied : " Well, bo long as I've got Barbara's I don't mind having yours ;" and then he added, quickly : " I say Dan, you and I are two fellows of remarkably good Beuse." So Barbara's difficulty about her step mothers's future as well as her own was removed from her entirely, and, curious ly enough, Dan Grover spent the re mainder of his natural life in the un broken assurance that neither he nor his admirable wife had ever known but one love. One Way to get Rich. Nothing is more easy than to grow rich. It is only to trust nobody, to be friend none, to get everything and save all you can get, to stint yourself and everybody belonging to you, to be the friend of no man and have no man for your friend, to heap Interest upon inter est, cent upon cent ; to be a mean mis erable and despised for twenty or thirty years, and riches will come as sure as disease and disappointments. And when pretty near enough wealth has been collected by all disregard of the human heart, and at the expense of every enjoyment save that of wallowing in filthy meanness, death comes to fin ish the work ; the body is burled in a hole, the heirs dance over it, and the spirit goes where V How Babies are Treated In Different Countries. Different countries have different methods of dealing with their young. The Greenland baby is dressed in furs and carried in a sort of a pocket in the bock of his mother's cloak. When she Is very busy and does not want to be bothered with him Bhe digs a hole in the buow and covers him all up but his face, and lets him there until Bhe la ready to take care of him again. The Hindoo baby hangs in a basket from the roof, and is taught to smoke long before he learns to walk. Among the Western Indians the poor little tots are tied fast to a board and have their heads flatten ed by means of another board fastened down over their foreheads. la Lima the little fellows lies all day in a ham mock swung from a tree-top, like the baby in the nursery song. In Persia he is dressed in the most costly silks and jewels, and his head is never uncovered, day or night, while in Yucatan a pair of sandals and a straw hat are thought to be all the clothing he needs. An Editor's Wants Classically Expressed. One of our contemporaries makes' known his wants to his patrons in the following classical language : " Hear us for our debts and get ready that you may pay, trust us, acknowledge your indebt. edness, and dive into your pockets, that you may promptly fork over. If there be any among you one single patron that don't owe us anything, then to him we say : Step aside, cons'der yourself a gentleman. If the rest want to know why we dun them, this is our answer ; Not that we care about ourselves, but that our creditors do. Would you rather that we went to jail and you go free, than you pay your debts and keep us moving V As we agree, we have worked for you, as we contracted, we furnished the paper to you ; but as you don't pay we dun you. Here are agreements for subscriptions, promises for long credits, and duns for deferred payments. Who Is there so green that he don't take a paper t If any, he need not speak, for we don't mean him. Who is so green he don't advertise? If any, let him slide ; he ain't the chap either. Who is there so mean that he don't pay the printer ' If any, let him speak, for he's the man we're after. A Curiosity of Numbers. The multiplication of 087,654,321 by 45 44,444,444,445, reversing the order of the digits and multiplying 123,456,789 by 45 we get the result equally curious, 5,555,555,505. If we take 123,456,789 as the multiplicand, and Interchanging the figures of 45. take 54 as the multiplier. we obtain another remarkable product, 6,666,666,606. Returning to the multi- pllcand first used, 987,645,321, and tak- ing 54 as the multiplier again, we get 63,333,333,334 all threes except the first and last figures, which read together 54, themulplier. Taking the same multi plicand and using 27, the half of 64, as the multiplier, we get a product of 26,,' 666,666,667 all sizes except the first and last figures, which read together 27, the multiplier. Next interchanging the figures in the number 27, and using 72 as the multiplier with 087,654,321 as the multiplicand we obtain a product of 71, 111,111,112 all ones except the first and last figures, which read together give 72 the multiplier. Equally curious results may be ob tained by multiplying these digits, writ ten either way, by 9 or by the figures composing the multiples of nine various ly interchanged. Window Glass. There are seventy establishments in the United States devoted to the produc tion of window-glass. Twenty-seven of these are in New Jersey ; the others are scattered through New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio and-elsewhere in the West. The capital invested in the industry is about $6,000, 000 in New Jersey alone, while the an nual propuction of that State is between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 boxes of the vari ous qualities and sizes of glass. The window-glass manufacturing interest is now one of the principal industries of this country, and is destined to check the importation of gloss to America; in fact, many of the American manufac turers are now exporting large quantities of glass and glassware. It is believed that fully three-fourths of the factories are now stopped some few in Pitta burgh being in operation. Somewhere near 25,000 men and boys are now strik ing, and it is not improbable that that number will be increased. The plate glass for the San Francisco Stock Ex change is 186 Inches loug and 120 iuches wide, and is said to be the largest glass ever imported.