8 A Wolf Mistake. The Han Francisco Post aaya : By the Senator, which arrived last week, Mr. Wolcot, of this city, brought two young black eagles from Woodward's Gardens, lie states that this species of engle Is rare almost to extinction. Thoy were secured by him on a very elevated portion of the Berpe range of mountialns, about 70 milos northwardly from Santa Barbara. Having previously observed the .parent eagles sailing down Into the valley, he climbed a tree 80 foet above the ground before a branch was readied, and then 10 feet more to the nest, some of the sticks composing which were as thick as a man's wrist. With some difficulty he secured the young birds, then about three weeks old and about the size of chickens. He succeeded in decamping with them before the return of one of the old birds, which came back Bhortly afterward with a young lamb in its claws. Though the old bird saw Mr. Wolcot, it did not see the young eagles be bad, or there would have been a square fight. Re turning to the house at which be was stay ing, the bird's were secured iu a pen and kept three weeks. They are now about six weeks old, about two feet in height, and can dispose of a jackrabbit or so at a meal without indigestion. A few days ago a coyote visited the house and destroyed all the chickens. The eagles were thon placod in the chicken pen, and on the next morning the coyote returned to get some more chickens, and, under the impression that these eagles would fill the bill, got hold of one of them, which also got hold of him by inserting its talons in the nose of the latter, but was unable to drag him into the pen, the coyote being equally powerless to drag the eagle out. The coyote then concluded that he did not want any more eagle just at that time, and expressed himself to that effect loudly, ut too late, inasmuch as Mr. Wolcot's at tention was drawn to the spot, when he hot the coyote to relieve the misunder standing. He says that the full grown eagles of this very rare species an eight feet in spread of wing, four foet in height, and scarcely any man or animal could avoid being stunned if attacked by them in their usual manner, by pushing with the brehRt. Getting the Best of Him. The New Bedford Mercury relates that "not long since a gentleman travelling by "rail from a neighboring city to Boston, pur chased a glass of soda at a refreshment stand in a way station and gave the attend ant a quarter. The latter apparently pur posely delayed making change, and his customer was ouiigou iu uuuj vu uwuu v train witn a muiiug ui uuviug uoou tiuowu 'and consequently "out" fifteen cents. At Hhe next stopping place he rushed to the Vindowofthe telegraph office and dictated 'a message to be sent to the soda water man, and paid for by the recipient. It was as follows: "Do you sell foam at 23 cents a glass?'' At every station where there was a chance he repeated this message. Upon nl. ! n r UnefAn a ,t ! n r. tli ii a fnxrarrrtA himself five times he glided out of the do pot and off about his business, with a quiet : smile of satisfaction irradiating his placid features that was refreshing to look up on. As for the soda water man that night after shutting up he drew up a little bal ance sheet on the fly-leaf of his diary as follows: "Expenses of telegraphy, 1 25; extra profit on soda, loo ; out $1 10." Patrons of his establishment won't have to wait so long for their change after this as they did. Making Religion Pay. The Chicago newspapers comment se verely on the course of the Republio Life Insurance Company, which recently failed in that city. In order to inspire pnblio confidence, an eminently religious man was offered the presidency. He was wealthy, a lay preacher, an organizer of Sunday schools, highly respected. lie accepted the position, and his price, as was shown by a receiver's report, was $30,000 In cash, and 1750,000 in stock, with twenty per cent. credited as paid. He was not an expert in the insurance business, and his sole qualifi cation was the reputation for solidity that his name would give to the concern. Of course he sold his stock before the crash and cleared a fortune, while the policy holders lose everything. tW An interesting point of law has arisen in McLean oounty, 111. The Judge of the district, while presiding at a murder trial, temporarily vacated bis seat, and with the consent of the prisoner's counsel, placed a well known member of the bar iu his stead. The prisoner was convicted, but appealed bis case to the Supreme Court of the State, which held that the absence of the district Judge for a time, however short, was illegal, and that neither the prisoner nor his counsel could make the substitute of another man legal by their consent. The higher Court has, therefore, decided that the accused had so legal trial, and that ceremony will have to be gone over onoe more before his guilt or innocence can be established. A STILl FURTHER REDUCTION AT ENGLE'S TEMPLE OF FASHION, Xcwjwrt, Pa. New and Great Bargains I BILK PRESS BUTTONS All Rhades, 15 Cents per dozen, worth M. LINEN TRIM MINGS, White, many tllue & Blown 15 Cents per yard, worth 23. TINS 14 Rows for S Cent, worth 10. Ladles" very line LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 18 Cents, worth 3D. 3 Fairs of Splendid HOSE, 23 Cents, worth 45. BILK. HANDKERCHIEF at 23 Cents, worth double tlie money, rails Lisle Thread HOSE, 35 Cents, worth 62. Balbrlggan HOSE, Silk Stripe, 29 Cents, worth 60. EMBROIDERY from 4 Cents per yard up to 50, (a speciality.) RTJSCHE8 for the neck, 3 Cents, worth 10. DOUBLE KUSCHES, 10 Cents. Sold every where at 20 cents. TURK SILK PARASOLS only 91.00. Examine them. HANDSOME TIDIES only 25 Cents, worth 65. SASH RIBBONS All 811k, 6 Inches Wide, only 25 Cents per yard, worth 75. 3 LINEN COLLARS for Gents, 50 Cents, worth 75. Ladles' all Linen COLLARS, 5 Cents, worth 20. All Sizes Children- Fancy HOSE, 10 Cents, worth 18. Large COUNTERPANES, 60 Cents, worth 8125. Extra Large (12-4) COUNTERPANES, 75 cents, worth KiOU. SUMMER SHAWLS, 65 Cents, worf.i Jl 00. MOTTO FRAMES with Class, 25 Cents worth 65. MOTTOES only 8 Cents, worth 15. BRISTOL BOARD, 12 Cents, worth 20. HANDSOME SKIRTS at 75 Cents, worth SI 00. CORSETS 40 Cents, sold everywhere at 75. GROS GRAIN RIBBON Extra Quality, No. 9, at !0 Cents, No. 12 at 25 Cents. Children's LACE COLLARS. 20 Cents, worth 40. On the FIRST OF SEPTEMBER I will display a handsome line of MILLINERY GOODS, Of all the very LATEST STYLES. trtk. A full line of LADIES' UNDER-CLOTH ING, CHEAPER than can be made tip. DO KOT FOItQET TUB PLACE ! Englo's Temple of Fashion, (Miss Bell's Old Bland,) NEWPORT, PENWA ASSIGNEE'S SALE Ur.VAliUAULG REAL ESTATE. THE undersigned, Assignee under a deed of voluntary assignment for the benellt of the creditors of Mrs. Margaret R. Donley, will sell at public outcry upon the premises. In Carrol' town ship, about VA miles West of Deilvllle, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1877, at 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, the following de scribed valuable real estate: Consisting of a messuage or TRACT OF LAND, situate In the township ol Carroll, County of Per ry and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded by lands of C. Roth, Adam Beam, T. Matlack and others, containing 115 ACRES strict, and having thereon erected a large good TWO STORY DWELLING HOUSE, with KITCHEN attached. Half BANK BARN, Wood House, Smoke House, Hog Pen and other necessary outbuildings. I There is a good YOUNG ORCHARD In prime bearing condition and other fruit upon the prem ises. The water Is supplied by two good wells and a spring near the house, which runs in several fields. The quality of soil is good red shale. Note This property Is In every way desirable. It Is situate within a mile of a school, a mile and a half of stores, mills, blacksmith shop, etc, and about two miles to the nearest church. It is pleasantly located on a point of scenery, and will make In every respect a most desirable farm home. JOHN S. RICHEY, Assignee. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of the pur chase money to be paid when the property Is stricken down; one-third of the remainder upon the continuation of the sale, and the balance to be divided into two equal annual payments paya ble respectively, the 1st dav of Anril. 1878 and 1879, to be secured by Judgment bonds, with Inter est from 1st April, 1878, When deed will be deliver- ou aim iniB.-w.Hluu given. July 10, 1877. mRESPASS NOTIOR. Nntli la tiAi-obv hv erlv. X. en to all persons not to trespass on the CrOUndS Of the Ulldnratffnfl flltnntu in Mn.llmn and Jackson townships, by nicking berries, fish Ing, hunting, or otherwise "trespassing, as tbey will be dealt with according to law. Sol. V. Gret J. B. Comp ( Solomon Bo web; 1). jounson i . W.B. GkaT ( Andrew Tbobtle : 8. G. Smith : June 19, 1877. pd Isaac HoiXKKiuuon ; Miis. Maky B. Smith ; Mhs. Sakau Stauuaugu James A. Anderson ; J EKE MIA 11 IlENUi ; James Woods, 1. Stambauuh; "VTOTICK TO TRERPASSRKS. Th onWri. 1 ber hereby cautions all persons against hunting or trespassing In any manner on his lund In Tuscarora township, as he is determined to uumttu an oueuuers u tne tun extent ot the law, ... J0UN BESSLEU. June 20. 1877 3t FOR Health, Comfort and Economy. Cork Shavings are unsurpassed as an article for Hens, Mauresses, eio. iney are ten times as dur able as Husks or Straw. Only 6 cents tier pound. Forty pounds will nil the largest bed. For sale by Armstrong, Dro(ber&Co.,44 and 46 First Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 29 lm. JOB PIIIKTING of every dew Iptlon neatly and promptly exeouted at Reasonable Rates, at vue uiooniuem Klines oieaiu juu uiuce. PIANOS AND ORGANS! Milton Has taken the Agency for TEltUY COUNTY for several First Class makes of PIANOS AND 0RGANS, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED ' 1 YORK COTTAGE OriGhAJST, One of the Best Organs now Manufactured. -It Is a brief period since the YORK COTTAGE ORGAN Is belnir manufac tured and sold on an extensive scale to the public at large. The home demand having taken the entire production at first. But their excellent qualities have galneil for them n WONDERFUL REPUTATION, and through their merit they have In a short time won their way into popular favor, and are now acknowledg ed as the BEST REED ORGAN MADE. In Sweetness of Tone. Variety of Expression, nnd Durability of Construction, fl'UTPV U'P TV! 1 TTTVT1TT A T T7T ' X XX i J X YD X XJ UX1 XX V jtl. XJXIjU, Tim liovo nit it TVii T.rtinai TtVrinmnsnia tlmf Itnnion nlrtll nnn Anrton In . ll V im l V HiiV f -AJVl ' "i. uii,(ininn vuuv liuuidii Drill. L(VU UCTlDCi Jlla eluding the Grand Organ Expression, which throws all the other stops Into action when only one Is drawn. They are fully Warranted for Six Years. iney are as luw ijn 1M.u1.1s as a uooa R-3T He can suit vou In every respect. If School or Home. lie is also agent for the KS All who wish to purchase a good advantage to call on or address, MILTON LOYSVILLE, PERRY, COMPETITION DEFIED IN PllICE, QUALITY AND STYLE. Having just opened our second LARGE STOCK OF SUM MER GOODS, we have determined to make another sacrifice. "We are now A man's good Summer Suit from - - A man's good Summer Coat from - - A man's good Summer Pants from - A boy's good Summer Suit from A boy's good Summer Pants from - - - A boy's good Summer Vest from - - A common Room Carpet from A good Flower Carpet from - - A better Flower Carpet from . - - A man's good Hat from - - A man's better Hat from - J A boy's good Hat from ... A lady's good Shawl from ..... A lady's good Skirt from - ... A common Parasol from . . . . A good Parasol from - - . . A nice Fan from - - - A good Ean from . ... . . A good Paper Pins Four pair Ladles' Hose ... One pair Ladles' Gloves - - - Six Ladies' White Handkerchiefs . -Two Ladles' White Ruches .... One Ladies' good Corset - - ( - Ladies' Hair Braids ..... Ladies' Hair Switches - - - Men's good Suspenders .... Men's good Overalls - .... Three pair men's HfJse ... . . Trunks, Valises, Oil Cloths, Jewelry, Cutlery, Underwear, Ties, Bows, Collars, Cuffs, Table Cloths, Towels, Napkins, Hats, Caps, Umbrellars, Taper and Envelopes, and many other great bargains too numerous to mention. Don't fail to call and be convinced that we have the assortment, quality and price to suit all. ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPORT, PESr5A.. PIANHQ I Magiilflclent Bran New 8550. rose i InllUJ I wood rhinos on J17S. must be soul DDR KMC I Fine Rosewood Upright Pianos UnUMIIO little used Cost $900, only 125. Parlor Organs 2 Btops t45, 9 Stops $55, 12 Stops only $75. Nearly new 4 Set Reed 12 Stop Sub Bass and Coupler Organ $M, cost over $350. Lowest Preces ever ottered sent on 15 days test trial. You ask, why I otter so cheap? I answer Hard Times. $1060 employees must have work. Result of war commenced on me by the Monopolists. Battle raging. Particulars free. Address DANIKL F. 1SEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. Sld4t ONLY FIVE DOLLARS FOR AN ACRE ! Of the best land In AMERICA near the GREAT UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. AFABMFOB $200 In easy payments with low rates of Interest SECURE IT NOW til Full Information sent free, address, O. F. DAVIS, Land Agent, V. P. R. It.. 31dlt. OMAHA, Nebraska. New and Thrilling t MILLIONS EAGER FOB IT. 3000 Agents wanted for The Cross and the Crescent By the eminent L. P. Brockett. Unfolds the strange social, political, and religious peculiari ties and History of the Russians and Turks; cause of the war, mlglfty interests at stake i Bi ographies of Rulers, etc Richly Illustrated. For terms, address quickly, HUBBARD BROS., Pubs. 733 Sansoin St., PhU'a. Sld4t. VEGETINE. v-v&h 178 Baltic Street. Brooklyn, N. Y.. Nov. 14.1874. H. a. Stbvkns, Ewj. Dear Sir, From personal benent received by Its use, as well as from per sonal knowledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost miraculous, I can most heartily and slcerely recommend the VEUET1NK for the oomplaiuts which It is claimeh to cure. JAMES P.LUDLOW, Late Pastor Calvary Babtlat Church, Sacramento, Ohio, 31d4t. TRIFLING WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all diseases of the THROAT. LUNGS, CHEST aud MUCOUS MEMBRANE. Tut Up Only In Blue Boxes. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 31d4w O. N. Chittknton, T Sixth Avknub, New York, JOB MUNTINGof every description neatly executed on short uoticct aud at reasonable rates at this oltlce. b. gmbson Jurat Class urgancan be mairufactured. you are wantlnur an Orcan for Church. Best Standard PIANOS. instrument at low rates, will find it to their B. GIBSON, COUNTY, PENN'A. July 10. offering $4 00 to $5 00 75 to 3 50 75 to 2 50 - 3 00 to 4 00 - 75 to 2 00 50 to 1 00 - 18 to 25 - 83 to 40 45 to 75 75 to 1 00 1 25 to 2 00 50 to 1 00 75 to 2 00 40 to 1 00 20 to 60 70 to 2 00 05 to 15 20 to ' 60 03 25 15 25 05 40 20 15 10 40 25 N. F. BDUNHAM'B "1871" WATER - WHEEL Is declared the "STANDARD TURBINE." by overBSO persons who use It. Prices reduced. New pamphlet, tree. N. F. BURN HAM, 31d4t. York, Penn'a. EWAKKINtt'8 (1876 Uniform Copyrighted 1877) LAW BLANKS, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low and whatever you need. Law and Commercial Supplies of all Kinds. 49- Send for samples and price lists of what you want. WCatalgues of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, or direct from the publisher, E. WARING, Tyrone, ha. fctf!! ....... i, ... -..iij.i " .-.. lur ueiunce. rub!. v. meieriet, or Farms from f 0c. to $50 per Rod NELLIS' O. H. H. FORK, WITH N ELLIS' Patent method for mowing and stacking Hay or Straw, without extra charge to the Farmer. Agtl. Steels nnished and tempered by Nellis' process to suit all kinds soil. Medal awards on all our goods exhibited at the Centenuial. Information free. 27 lm A. J. Nkllu & Co.. i'ltiaburgu, Pa. Tuscarora Seminary WH IUUIIU I.AUILS. A Home 8ch(xl. Beautiful Scenery. Healthful Climate. Full CnursH. Muslo a Speciulty. Modern Lan guages. Experienced Teachers. No half way work. Next session begins Sept 6th 1877. Send for Clioular to C. F. KOLHE, A. M., Principal. . Academla, Juuluta County, Pa. T71STATK NOTICE. Notice lsherehv olv. Jli en, that Letters of Administration with the will aune-iedou estate of John B. MoCllutoek.late of Carroll twp., Perry oounty. Pa., deceased, have been granted to Che uuderttlgued, residing iu the game township. All persons Indebted to said estate are reqnest- ru to iuuko iiiMiiuujaLB payment, anu inose Hav ing claims to preseut them duly autbeutloated for semeiiieiii iu JOSEPH B. MoCLINTOCK. Administrator, P. O., Address Sheriuausdiile. Perry co.. P. July 21, 1877. 1 10. H. Shh jx, Attorney. X . II ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. Moro Great Bargains. More Great Bargains. Moro Great Bargains. Moro Great Bargains. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. CASSIMERS AND TO' CASSIMERS AND CO' CASSIMERS AND CO' CASSIMERS AND CO CASSIMEHS AND CO CARSIMERS AND CO 0NADES. 0NADES. 0NADES. "0NADES, 0NADES. 0NADES. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. u IN GREAT VARIETY. FANCY FANCY FA.NCY FANCY FANCY FANCY GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND HOSIERY. HOSIEHY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. WALL WALL WALL WALE WALL WALL PAPER PAPEK PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPiR AXD BORDERS. AND HORDEIiS. AND BORDERS. AND IiORDERS. AND BORDERS' AND BORDERS. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, GOOD SIOCK OF GROCERIES, Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Lots of other Bargains Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock, F. MORTIMER. F. MORTIMER. F. MORTIMER. ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers