The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, August 07, 1877, Page 3, Image 3
TJ1E TIMES, NEW ULOOMFIELD, TA., AUGUST 7, 1877. RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA AND READING R. R. , ARRANGEMENT OP FASBENOEH TRAINS. May 21m7, 1877. TRAINS LEAVE HARRISDURO AS FOLLOWBi For Mew York. at 6.80, (.10 a. m. 8.67 and 7.59 p. in. , For I'hiladelphla, at 6.20, 8.10, 9.45 a.m.J.OO and 3.67 p. m. For Reading, at 8.20, 8.10, 9.45 m. 9.00 8.67 ami 7.66 p. in. . . For l'ottsvlfio at 8.20. S.10a. m.. and 8.67 p. m., and via Schuylkill aud Susquehanna Branch at 2.40 p. in. For Auburn at 6.10 a. m. ... ... For Allentown, at 6.20, 8.10 a. in., 8.00, 8.67 and 7. 6fip. m. . . Tlio 6.2(1. 8.10 a. m.2.00 p.m. and 7.55 p. m. trains have through cars for New York. The 6.20, 8.10 a. in., and 2.00 p. ra. tralni bare through oara for Philadelphia. SUNDAYS I For New York, at 6.2H a. in. For Allentown and Way stations at 5.20a.m. For Heading, Philadelphia aud Way citation at 1.46p. in. TRAINS FOH UARHISnUKO, LEAVE A8 FOL LOWS i Leave New York, at 8.45 ft. m., 1.00, 6.80 and 7.4Sp. in. Leave Philadelphia, at 9.15 a. m. 8.40, and 7.20 p. m. Leave Heading, at 4, 40,7.40, 11.20a. m. 1.30,0.15 and 10.3ft p. in. Leave Pottsvllle, at 6.10, 9.15 a. la. aud 4.35 p. m. And via Schuylkill and Susquohanna Branch at 8.16 a. in. Leave Auburn at 12 noon. Leave Alleutown, at 2.30, 5,50,8.55 a.m., 13.15 4.3 and 0.06 p. in. , , The 2.30 a. in. train from Allentown and the 4.40 a. ui. trulu from Keadlug do not run ou Mon days SUNDAYS t Leave New York, ati.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, nt 7.MI p. m. Leave Heading, at 4.40, 7.40 a. m. and 10.85 p. m. Leave Allentown, 2.30 a. in. and 9.06 p. m. Via Morris and Essex hall Road. J. K. WOOTEN, Gen. Manager. C. Q. IUkcock, General Ticket Agent. Pennsylvania K. R. Time Table. NEWPORT BTATION. On and after Monday, June 26th, 1877, Pas senger trains will run as follows: EAST. Mimintown Aco. 7.32 a. m dally except Sunday. Johnstown Ex. 12.22 p. M., dally " Sunday Mail 6.54 P. M., dally excnptSunday Atlantic Express, 9.54p.m., flag, dally. WEST. WayPass. 9.08 A. M., daily. Mail 2.43 p. u. dally exceptSunday. Miltllntown Aco. 6.66 P. M. dally except Sunday. Pittsburgh Express, 11.67P. M., (Flag) dally, ex cept Sunday. Facmo Express, 5.17 a. m., dally (flag) Trains are now run by Philadelphia time, which Is 13 minutes faster than Altoona time, aud 4 min utes slower thau New York time. J.J. BARCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON BTATION. On and after Monday, June itfth, 1877, trains will leave Duncannon, as follows i EASTWARD. Mlflllntown Acc. dally except Sunday at 8.12 a. m. Johnstown Ex. 12.6 a p. u., dally except Sunday. Mail 7.30 P. M " " Atlantio Express 10.20 p. M dally (flag) WESTWARD. Way Passenger, 8.38 a. m., dally Mafl,2.09P. M dailyexeeptSunday. Mltliiutown Acc. dailyexeeptSunday at 6.10p.m. Pittsburg Ex. daily except Sunday (nag) 11.S3P. h. WM. O. KING Agent. D. V. QTJ1GLEY &CO., Would respectfully Inform the publlo that they have opened a new Saddlery Slioi In nioomtleld, on Carlisle Street, two doors North of the Foundry, where they will manufacture HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, and every thing usually kept In a first-classes, tabllshment. Give us a call before going else where. M. FINE HARNESS a speciality. REPAIRING done on short notice and at rea sonable prices. 49- HIDES taken In exchange for work. D. F. QUIGLEY & CO. Bloom field, January 9. 1877. KINGSFORD'S Oswego Starch Is theTBEST and MOST ECONOMICAL In the World. Is perfectly PURE free from acids and other for elan substances that injure Linen. Is STRONGER than any other requiring much less quantity In using. Is UNIFORM atillens aud finishes work always the same. Eingsford's Oswego Corn Starch Is the most delicious of all preparations for Puddings, Blanc-Mange, Cake, Etc. PATENTS. Fee Reduced. Entire Cost $55. Patent Office Fee 835 In advance, balance (20 within 6 months after patent allowed. Advice and examination free. Patents Sold. J. VANCE LEWIS CO., 19-8m Washington, D. C. enn AGENT8 WANTED to canvass for a wUU grand pictukb, 22x28 Inches, entitled "Tub Illustrated Lord's Prater," Agents are meeting with great success. For particulars, address H. M. CKIDER, Publisher, 48 ly York, Pa. REMOVAL. The undersigned has removed his Leather and Harness Store from Front to High Street, near the Penn'a., Freight Depot, where he will have on band, and will sell at REDUCED PRICES, Leather and Harness ol all kinds. Having good workmen, and by buviug at the lowest cash prices, I fear no competition. Market prices paid In cash for Bark. Hides and Skins. Thankful for past favors, 1 solicit a con tinuance of the same. P. a Blankets, Robes, and Shoe findings made speciality, JOS. M. HAWLEY. Duncannon, Jnlyl9, 1876. tf ESTATE HOTICKNotlce Is herebyglven, that letters of administration on the estate of John Kunkle lata of Marysvllle Borough.Perry county Penn'a.. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in the same place. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for set tlement. , JonN KALER. Junel2,1817. Administrator. Curing a Jealous Husband. ELNATIIAN STIGGERS wbb rav ing. Elnathan Stiggers was mad. Elnathan Stiggers was Jealous ag Jeal oug as man could be. Aud thus It was : Elnathan Stiggers wag forty years of Bge, and until within a year of the time of which we write he had lived the life of a grasping bachelor ; but at length he had taken a wife. Whether he loved Maria Brown as a true man ought to have loved wo cannot sny ; but we can say that no sooner had slio become his wife than he sought to guard her from the admiring eyes of the rest of the world. Murla was young and good-look-lug. As a child shcadmlred the Stiggers mansion, and as a woman she had ac cepted the position of Its mistress. Peo ple said that Stlggcrs had concluded it would be cheaper to maintain a wife than to hire a housekeeper ; and at the same time expressed the opinion that Htlggers had made a mistake if he an tlcipated that he was going to bend Ma ria Drown to the yoke of his penurious purpose. We have said that Stiggers was Jealous, lie had discovered that a dashing look ing man had visited his house during his absence that he had been there twlce,at least, and that on both occasions he had been closeted with Mrs. Stiggers. He had received this lnformatlsn fr6ni old Jona than Judklns, his man-of-all-work about his place. " Sartain sure," declared Jonathan, " the man has been here twice within a week. First time he ax'd me, was my master to hum ; and when I told him no, he put right straight for the house, and ax'd for the missus. She came to the door' and he went in. Three days afterwardB ho come ngln. When he went away this last time I waB standing close by the porch ; and I heerd missus tell him to be keerful, and not to breathe a word of what had happened I I did, sir, sartin sure." " O I the scoundrel ! Oh, the perfidious wretch I" Stiggers ground his heel Into the sand, and when he had sworn to his heart's content, or, as much as he thought Jonathan could bear, he started for the house, and In the hall met Polly Piper. Folly was the young muld-servant, and warmly attached to her mistress. Stig gers took her by the arm, and dragged her into the drawing-room, " Polly Piper, If you value your life, tell me the truth I" He stamped his foot and looked furious. Ordinarily Polly would have been frightened by such an exhibition of madness on the part of a man ; but Elnathan Stiggers was hardly made up for frighteningany body, particularly a quick-witted wo man. " Thqre has been a young man here to see Mrs. Stiggers a dashing man he has been here twice V" s " Yes, sir," answered Polly. " Ah you acknowledge it I What did he come for?" " I cannot tell you, sir." " Don't you know ?" Polly looked up almost wickedly. " Yes, sir." " Aha I Oho I you know, eh ? And what did he come here for ?" Polly Piper looked resolute, and yet the wicked expression an expression such as only a bright-eyed, saucy girl can wear was upon her face. " I cannot tell you, sir." " Cannot ?" " No, sir." " Polly Piper, If you value your life, tell me." "I cannot." " Why not ?" " My mistress made me promise." " Made you promise not to teU why that young villian came here 1"' " Made me promise, sir, not to tell why the beautiful young gentleman came here." " Wretch I Hypocrite 1 Worm 1 Leave my housej You are no longer in my employ ! But stay I Did this creep ing, sneaking villainous abomination of a man use terms of endearment to Mrs. Stiggers ?" " I think he had reason, Bir, to bless her." " Ha! he did V And what for?" " I cannot tell you sir." "You promised Mrs. Stiggers you would not, eh ?" " Yes, sir." " Out with you, vixen I Pack up your contemptible wardrobe, and leave I Let me never set eyes upon your detestable, fiendish face again 1" Elnathan Stiggers went to the side board in the dining-room, and swallow ed a tumbler full of brandy, and then sought his wife, whom he found quietly sewing in the sitting-room. " So, Mrs. Stiggers I have caught you at last, have IV" Mrs. Stiggers was not unprepared for this. . Polly had just passed through the room. " You have caught me sewing a but ton on your shirt, you carelesH man," said she without looking up. " O! you double-dyed traitress !" MrB. Stiggers laid down her work, and raised her head. ' Elnathan t" " O, don't think to fool mo, Mrs. Stlg gers. I know you for a false, deceitful treacherous, evil-eyed " "Mr. Stiggers I" " Who Is the gay Lothario that's been buzzing about your bower during my absence?" Elnathan had sat down, well nigh out of breath. " You mean the young man who call ed to see me?" " Yes I mean the graceless villian who persists in visiting you when I'm away." " Really, Mr. Stiggers, your abrupt and ungentlemanly manner does not In vite me to entertain your question." " But you do not deny that he bus been here?" ' " I do not." " The last time he was here he gave you a written letter, and told you that you had made him happy ?" " He gave me a written paper, sir." " And declared that you hud made him a happy man ?" " I think he did use words to that effect." " Mrs. Stiggers, what was that writ ten pnper?" "When you are more respectful, I moy tell you." " Then you will not tell me now ?" "I will not." " And you bade Polly Piper to be se cret about the matter ?" "Yes." " Mrs. Stiggers, that Is enough 1 I am not a fool I I am not to be henpecked I Henceforth you are nothing to me I Had you confessed yo,ur weakness, and hum bly asked my forgiveness, I might have overlooked this disgraceful proceeding ; but since you are wickedly contumacious I shall do the only thing which is left for me to do. I shall call your relatives in, and in their presence I shall expose you ; and they shall then Judge wheth er I have reason to put you from me!" " You can do as you please, Mr. Stig gers." "IsjaftdoasI please!" And with this Elnathan Stiggers strode from the room. And while the savage fit was upon him Stiggers posted off and called upon the relatives of his wife who lived near at hand. They were shocked when they had heard his accusations; but they were Incredulous. They had ' known Maria as a most properand discreet maid en, and they could not believe that she had so forgotten herself. But they were willing to assemble at his house, and witness the cfl'ect of his accusations be fore them. And that evening the BrOwns, and the Joneses, and Pipers all relatives of the suspected wife were gathered to gether in Elnathan Stiggers' largo drawing-room, and Mrs. Stiggers was sum moned before them. First, Jonathan Judklns was called upon for his story. "But Mrs. Stiggers Interrupted. " There is no need," she said, "that our servants should be questioned. I can give all needed particulars." " Aha, madam ! We shall see ! Now answer me." Mr. Stiggers spoke very grandiloquently." I have told our friends of the scandalizing facts so far as they are known to me. Now, Mrs. Stiggers, will you tell us what was the villain's name?" . . " You mean the name of the gentle man who called upon me ?" " As you please." " His name, as he wrote it, was Gus tavus Vanderveer." " A most gallant name, I must 'con fess I Where was he from ? " "New York." " Ah ! a moBt proper place I And you made him a happy man ?" " He so declared.". "He did? So. so, we are getting on. And what did you do to make him so excessively liappy ?" " I did what he Lad evidently began to fear never would be done." " You did ? And you bound your ser vant to secrecy V" " Yes. I did not care that his errand should be known to our friends for your sake, Elnathan, as well as for my own." "O, yes! very careful for my sake! But Mrs. Stiggers, would you be so kind as to tell us what that marvellous deed was which he had feared never might be accomplished, but which you so pleas antly wrought out from him ?" " It is written oh tills paper," gald Mrs. Stiggers, at the same time taking a neat ly folded paper from her pocket. "Oho! That Is the paper. he gave you?" ,. ' " Yes. Shall I let my uncle read it ?" "Aye. We will hear It. ' Read It aloud, Deacon, Read every word." Deacon Solomon Brown took the pa per, and having stood up near to the mantel lamp, and adjusted his spectacles he read, lu'resonant. vigorous tones, as follows: . " New York, June the Jirtl ehhteen hundred and sixty-eiqht.ELNA THAN &naaM's to rApziioAn& iNK. MAN, debtor.' To one ropy of the JivanrrJIcal Gazette, from Jane flmt, IMS, to June flmt, XHaS, Twenty.flve doU lars. licoelved payment, Ountavui Van. dcrveer, for the J'uMhhcrf" " You will understand," remarked Mrs. Stlggcrs, very quietly, "that the terms of the poper were two dollars a year, to which fifty cents wag to bo added if not paid within six months." Mr. Stlggcrs caught the receipt from the Deacon's hand, and when ho had seen Its written face, he sank down like a man palsied. " The collector," pursued Mrs. Stlg gcrs, " was very, very happy, when he found himself in possession of the full amount of the bill. He had sought long, but in vain, to collect it by mall. And perhaps you can all of you under stand that delicate instinct of a true and sensitive wife which would seek to hide from the world a thing so damoglng to the character of her husband as an un pnld newspaper account of so many years' standing." To the present day Elnathan Stlggors has but a faint idea of how he got rid of his summoned witnesses on that event ful evoning; but upon two very Import ant particulars he feels that ho can with perfect assurance take his oath : Firtl i He has not since allowed him self to manifest any symptoms of Jeal ousy toward bis wife ; and, Second I has precluded the possibility of another "visit from the New York collector by paying invariably In advance for his newspaper. A TRAMP'S OPINION. YESTERDAY I was sitting in my office vainly essaying to stab an ob structive fiy with a quill pen, when a stranger entered the open door, carefully selecting a chair and seated himself with a sigh. He was attired In a suit of rusty black, and In person was tall, lank and cadaverous. Apparently he had seen better days a good many of them. He calmly removed a slouch hat from his dome of thought, wiped his Corinthian brow with his coat sleeve, and spoke aa follows : " Are you the proprietor of this ranch ?" " Yes, sir; what do you wish ?" " Well, I thought I'd drop in and see you. I want to draw your attention to a little matter. Now would you suspect that the United Stated is bankrupt ab solutely bankrupt ?" " Never dreamed of such a thing." "That's Just it. The people go on thoughtless and careless, and all the time the country is plunging madly down the steps of corruption to Irretrievable ruin." "You don't say!" "Yes, sir; it's a solemn fact, and Its about time something wasdone about it. The Goddess of Liberty is going around without a cent In her pocket, and 2,000, 000 of her children are begging for bread. Look at our prisons and poor-houses-chuck full every one of them, running over with paupers and crlmlnals,and for every Individual within their walls there are hundreds outside who ought to be there. Look at our railroads I Rates high and stocks low, locomotives draw ing more empty cars than loaded ones, shops running on half time, track hands all discharged and rails rusting from dis use. Look at our steamships! Full of rats and rotten planks. No business to speak of. Going to Europe with little or nothing, compared with tho cargoes they used to carry, and coming back with less. Wharves tumbling down and floating away by piecemeal. Then glance at our farming industry. Farmer riding around In his carriage; hired man doing all tho work, and doing only half of It at that, farmer's wife playing on the piano, and ragged children play ing on the front steps; sheriff looming up in the back-ground. Look at your mechanics. Out of work ; tools in the pawn-shop; children hungry; wives hopeless ; nothing left but suicide or the poorbouse ; look at our merchants. Busi ness at a standstill; counters covered with the dust of day before yesterday ; yardstick laid away for future reference ; proprietor gazing wistfully out of the window in search of a customer that cometh not. Look at our army. No pay, no ammunition ; takes them all summer to whip a band of crippled squaws, country too poor to pay them and soldiers can't fight without cash. When a soldier pawns his sword he pawns his courage with it. Then look at our Navy. Bless you ! There's noth ing to look at except a few old wooden hulks. We haven't a vessel that could cross Long Island Sound in a summer's breeze, without going to pieces. Navy, Indeed! Why, a blind man afloat in a wash tub, armed with a Colt's revolver, could sink our whole navy in fifteen minutes. No wonder Europe laughs at us. Now what Is the remedy for all this ? Work, untiring, unceasing work. By industry we thrive. Let us one and all put our shoulder to the wheel and lift the mired chariot of commerce up out of the bog-hole of bankruptcy Into the smooth highway of prosperity and start it rolling once more. By the way, I nm out of work at present, and If you could lend mo a quarter till I find a Job " In my haste to get up I unfortunately upset the desk, and 'when I reached the door with the quarter the tramp had vanished, and was not. ' Life In tho East. When the first troop of Cossacks rode through Bucharest the Roumanian la dles were very anxious to see them, and the long avenuo was lined with car riages. A column of dust arose, thick ening and drawing nearer. A cry of delight and Impatience passed all along; ladles eagerly stood up, favored gentle men climbed upon tho coach box and the wheels. Tho column of dust ap proached, and presently tho Cossack lan ceg pierced It, glittering In tho sun. Dark and colorless masses loomed through It, and strango but stirring muslo wag in the air. Not a sound was heard while they passed except that martial war song of the bards who had each sonutl and shrill accompaniment of whistles modulated to weird harmony. No rattle of accoutrements lietrayed the Cossack; his very horse seems trained to move with silent activity. With that pii-an in one's ears, and the whistles soreaming through It, ono beholds with out astonishment the warriors glide past, stealthy and swift. One recog nizes the surviving race of an earlier time. To tho same war song, perhaps marched tho ancestors of these people when they overran Russia. The Bu charest ladles were not a llttlo impressed and not a little frightened. They look ed at each other blankly, with little shrugs of the shoulder to express dis taste. One of them confessed to tho London standard correspondent, who describes the scene, that her Muscovite sympathies vanished at the sight of the first Cossack, so ugly and dirty was he. The Hue and Cry of Envy. The successful man Is always a target for the arrows of envy. There Is always something at hand to tell how poor,how obscure, how " no account" he used to be, and to express wonder and astonish ment that he should ever have "amoun ted to anything." The fact that he has amounted to something, that he has proved himself a success, seems to make some of his acquaintances feel that they have been robbed in a manner, and that by so much as he has risen above them in position or influence, by so much they are dwarfed. They will not admit the fact that he has justly earned in po sition, but attribute it all to a streak of "luck." Now the truth is that there are very few men of note before the public who have not fought their way up through poverty, obscurity, disaster and countless oppositions of adverse cir cumstances. In fact, almost everybody " that is anybody" has had to fight for his crown, and when he gets it, should not everybody rejoice with him ? Doubt less there's many a rough diamond that is never polished and set, but lies buried In mountain gulches covered with mud : many a " mute, . inglorious Milton" sleeps in quiet country churchyards ; but the world is flashing with light from diamonds that are set, ringing with mel ody irom .Button's tnatare not mute. Six Thousand Dollars Found and Lost. Catharine Bourlier, a French woman residing in this place, while passing through a strip of woods recently, near Hadley, three miles east, discovered a black portfolio in a hollow stump. Breaking the lock open she found it con tained $6,000 in fives,' tens, fifties and hundred dollar bills. Fearing It to bo counterfeit money, she disliked to take it home. She hid the portfolio and con tents under a stump back of her resi dence, and to-day notified Sheriff Mun son, of Fort Wayne, who came and found the place as described, but portfo lio and money gone. A genuine five dollar bill was found close by. Fresh footprints were also discovered. Tho supposition is the money was either counterfeit or the fruits of a heavy rob bery. Officers are trying to solve the mystery. Areola Ind.,) Telegram. A Knowing Rat. Kennedy, a Cambridge, Mass., fire-bug, was pardoned from the State prison, one day recently, after serving some ten years of a life sentence, and, after putting on citizens' clothes, asked to be allowed to take with him a rat, which has been his companion during many years of his confinement. The rat, however, did not recognize him in his new dress, and ran from him. An officer suggested to him to put on his prison jacket and see what the effect would be. Kennedy did so, and the rat quickly ran Into his arms. tjy There was an attempt to murder Mrs. Fanny Williams, a colored servant, at Bloomfleld, Conn, Sunday night, by somebody who climbed to her open win dow by a ladder, struck matches to see the bed, and fired a pistol. Though all In the house heard the report, nobody, not' even tho vlctln, was enough aroused to get up. A ladder was found against the window In the morning, matches were scattered on the sill, and the ball was lodged In the bed In line with tho wom an's heart.