The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, August 07, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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THE door of IlufusMarkham's count
ing room was securely closed, and
the proprietor of the large, flourishing
cotton factory talked earnestly with, a
gentlemanly; looking man of middle
age whose fuce was as Impressive as a
wax mask.
" Five thousand dollars 1" said the in
dividual. " It was a large sum to leave
"Exposed I" sold Mr. Markham. "It
was In my private desk, to which noone
baa access but myself and my nephew,
Fred Tryon."
" Would It be possible the young gen
tleman" " Sir," Bald Mr. Markham, Indignant
ly) " my nephew Is not a thief. If be
needed ten times that sum he knows I
would give It freely to him. He will be
my heir and is as dear to me as a son. It
is Blmply absurd to connect him in any
way with this robbery."
" Just state the matter again, briefly
as you can, and allow me to take notes,
will you, Mr. Markham y
" Certainly. I drew five thousand dol
lars out of the bank yesterday, to meet a
note that was not presented for payment.
Retaining it until after the bank was
closed, I concluded to lock it in my desk
until this morning, and did so. At nine
o'clock this morning the expected note
was presented, and I opened the desk.
The money was gone and with it a small
memorandum book that was in the same
" The lock was not forced T',
" No, sir; the desk was apparently ex
actly as I left it."
" And Mr. Tryon has the only dupli
cate key V"
. The old gentleman frowned. He was
evidently displeased at the turn the
detective's suspicions seemed to be
" My nephew certainly has the only
duplicate key."
" H'm ! yes. You have the numbers of
the notes V" ,
" Yes. The roll consisted of ten five
hundred dollar notes."
The list of numbers being taken, the
detective made a searching examination
of the apartment, and prepared to take
his departure. As he stood near the
door, Mr. Markham suddenly said
nervously :
" I think.Mr. Vogdes,lf you make tils
coverles, you had better report to me
privately before making any arrests."
" Certainly, sir, if you desire it. Will
you grant me one favor? Do not men
tion the robbery to Mr. Tryon, if you
have not done so already."
"No one has heard of it but your
self." " Very good I I will call again when
I have any report to make."
"Fred I Fred I "the old gentleman
said, in a low tone, when he was alone;
" Vogdes evidently thinks it is Fred I It
cannot be I It is impossible that my
nephew would rob me I I cannot be
lieve It. And yet he knew the money
was there. He was here when I handed
Arnold the check, and here when he
returned with the money. He knew
j that Johnson's note was not presented,
, and Fred alone has a duplicate key. Oh,
it It should be I Anna's boy, that I
promised to love as my own son. Have
I not kept my promise ? Where have I
failed P And why should he steal from
me, when all I have is his t I cannot,I
will not, believe it I"
" May I come in 1"' asked a bright,
pleasant face at the door, and permission
being given, Fred Tryon entered the
room. Looking into his handsome
young face, bright and frank, with well
opened brown eyes and curls of nut
brown hair, it was hard to connect It
with any idea of roguery, ingratitude
and theft. His manner toward the
uncle, who had filled a father's place,
was the perfection of respectful affec
tion, and before he had been an hour in
the counting room, Mr. Markham'a un
easy fears were entirely gone.
They were talking of a certain dark
eyed little maiden, who was soon to be
Mrs. Tryon, and when Fred left his
uncle, it was with a promise that he
would call In the evening upon Miss
Clarkson, to finally arrange for the wed-
ding day.
The young man, a favorite of fortune,
apparently, spent the afternoon with
his betrothed, reoeived his uncle in the
evening, beside her, and accompanied
the old gentleman to his boarding house,
receiving an affectionate farewell, when
he took up his way to his own room in
another house. For a week he heard
nothing of the robbery.
It was just whtn summer twilight was
fading, that returning from a drive with
Maud Clarkson, Fred met his uncle's
confidential clerk waiting for him at
Maud's house. .
" I have a note for you, Mr. Fred," he
eaid ; " and, as you were not at home, I
thought I would wait here for you." ,
Something in the man's face and man
ner struck a sudden chill to Maud's
' You have bad news !" she cried.
"Perhaps Mr. Fred had better r9ad
the note," was the evasive reply.
But Maud's terror was only increased
when Fred, after reading the note, broke
into a furious exclamation of rnge.
" Who dares to say I am a midnight
burglar," he shouted.
" Oh, Fred, what is it?" asked Maud
turning very white."
My uncle has been robbed of five
thousand dollars, and he pays me the
compliment of supposing me the thief
because I have a duplicate key to his
private desk. I great Heavens I" he
cried, with a Budden change in his voice,
" he cannot mean it 1 I rob my uncle I
" Mr. Fred," said the clerk respectful,
ly, " I only waited to see how you took
the note, to speak a few words of ad
vice. Mr. Fred, I was with your father
when he was killed on a railway train ;
I was with your uncle when he brought
you from your mother's funeral to his
home. I took you to boarding school,
and brought you home for the holidays,
and I've loved you, boy and man, since
you were ten years old,and that's twelve
long years. I know you never took the
money, but things look very ugly for
" But said Fred, grasping hard the
hand the old clerk held out to him, " I "Listen," and
he read aloud the note from his uncle:
"Mb. Fred TnYON.I could not
believe without proof undeniable, posi
tive proof that you could rob ineof five
thousand dollars, taken, as you know,
from my private desk, on Wednesday
last. ou are my sister's Bon, and I
will never be the one to i ni prison or pun
ish you, but you are no longer a nephew
of mine. Willingly, I will never look
into your face again. Your ill-gotten
gains I freely give you to start in some
business, trusting you will live honestly
in future. Do not try to see me ; I will
not listen to any explanation I know to
be false. Do not write me, for I will not
open your letters.
ItUFUS Mabkham.'"
Maud Clarkson grew white as death as
she heard the stern edict. " Oh, Fred I"
she cried, " what can you do V"
" Starve, I suppose," was the bitter
answer, " as I do not happen to possesss
the ill-gotten gains so generously pre
sented to me. But I will not ask you to
starve with me, Maud. You were be
trothed to the millionaire's nephew, and
heir ; the disinherited beggar frees you
from your promise." ,
" Fred," she cried.burstlng into tears,
" how can you be so cruel Y" Then,un
heeding the clerk, who was discreetly
looking from the window, she came
close to Fred's side. "Darling," she
said, fixing her eyes upon his face, "if
all the world thinks you guilty, I do
not. If all the world casts you off I
will keep my promise.
The young lover had been bewildered,
indignant, desperate, but he folded the
gentle comforter fast in his arms, and
great tears dropped on her upturned
face. -
" God bless you, Maud," he cried : "I
can defy the world, if you are true to
me. Now, Potter, sit down, and tell me
what you know about this wretched
" Well, Mr. Fred, I never heard of the
robbery myself until this morning.when
Vogdes, the detective your uncle employ
ed to work it up, came to make his re
port. They did not notice me at first,
and when your uncle remembered I was
in the room, I had heard about all
Vogdes knew. You remember there
was a note coming due last Wednesday.
"To Johnson?" Yes; well, I
thought at the time it was curious your
uncle gave him a check, when I knew
the money was drawn out of the bank
the day before to meet that very note.
But I never knew till this morning that
the money was stolen from Mr. Mark
ham's private desk by false keys. Mr.
Fred," said the old man earnestly, "it
was all in five hundred dollar notes, and
your uncle had the numbers."
" This morning Vogdes brought back
one of the notes, which you gave to
T yesterday in payment for a pearl
locket." ,
" Stop, Potter t let me think. Where
did I get that note ? I have it I Arnold
gave it to me to take out a hundred dol
lars I lent him some time ago. And Ar
noldPotter, Arnold borrowed my keys
last Wednesday night to open his trunk I
Potter, huzza I We know the thief f"
" Not so fast, Mr. Fred not so fast.
It will not be an easy matter to prove
this. Were there any witnesses present
when Arnold borrowed the keys V"
" No ; I was alone in my room, half
undressed, when he knocked at my door
and said he had lost the key of his
trunk. I lent him my bunch of keyB,
which he returned before I was out of
bed the next day."
" Aud you were alone when he paid
you the money ?" ; . , .
" Yes i I thought he was very flush,
for you know as well as I do, Potter,
that a note for five hundred dollars is
not a daily visitor to Arnold's pocket."
" He is a cunnlngscoundrel. He wants
to ascertain if the uotes can be indenti
fled before he tries to get rid of them
himself. Mr. Fred, will, you leave it to
me for a few days only a few days V
and If I do not catch the thief, you may
" But my uncle VJ1
" Walt till you can prove your inno
cence before you see him. Only a week.
Give me only a week to watch Arnold.
And, by-the-way, you Mill give mean
additional chance if you will leave the
city. Throw him off his guard by let
ting LI in suppose you are banished for
his Crime."
"Runaway," flashed Fred, "like a
coward ?"
" Only for a week. You see, the
probability is that Arnold has the mon
ey in his possession yet. lie will wait
to see the fate of what he has given you
before putting any more into circula
tion ; but he has probably hidden it very
securely. You ho will watch, but if you
are willing, I will take your room while
you are gone, and do a little private de
tective business on my part."
It was not easy to persuade Fred to
consent to Potter's plan, but Maud's per
suasion being added to the old man's he
finally consented to leave the city for a
week, and return in that time to vindi
cate his own innocence in case of Pot
ter's fullure.
Before night Fred was on his way to
vlBlt another city, and his landlady had
agreed to allow Mr. Potter to occupy his
place during his absence.
Fred had been gone two days when
the old clerk called upon Miss Clarkson
to report progress.
" I am completely baffled," he said, in
answer to her inquiries. " You see, Ar
nold knows me, and evidently suspects
me. He is so affectionately desirous of
keeping me in sight, that I cannot get
a peep into his room, and whenever he
is out, he locks the door and gives the
key to the landlady. I cannot force his
door yet, and by the tlmo Fred returns,
I am afraid the money will be smuggled
away. I am sure the money is in his
possession now, he is so careful about
his room. Nobody gets in there but the
landlady. I did think of bribing the
chambermaid to let me in when she was
at work there, but unfortunately, she
left to-day."
A flash of light seemed to pass across
Maud's face, but she only said demure
ly: " Your landlady is a German, is she
"Yes; her English is very imperfect.
Have you ever seen her ?"
" No ; I have heard Fred speak of her.
My mother, you know was a German."
" But what has that to do with Fred's
case V"
" I will tell you. Vogdes has tried
to find the thief, and failed. You have
tried and failed. I mean to try and suc
ceed!" " You I" what can you do ?"
"Come to-morrow, and I will tell
Punctual to the appointed tlme.Potter
made his appearance.
With dancing eyes and flushed cheeks
Maud met him.
" Well V" he asked, certain from her
looks that she hod good tidings.
" I told you I would succeed I"
" And you did ? Huzza 1 I feel as
young as Fred myself I"
" To whom I have telegraphed to re
turn. Ho will be hero this evening, and
you must bring Mr. Markham, Mr.
Vogdes and the proper police authorities
to meet in his room. Then, Mr. Potter,
go to Mr. Arnold's room and remove the
pipe of the stove at the elbow. In the
the joint you will find Mr. Markhani's
memorandum book and the missing
" Are you sure V"
" Listen. This morning, In a calico
dress, sun-bonnet, and a pair of coarse
shoes, for disguise, I applied for the place
of chambermaid at the boarding-house
where Mr. Arnold has a room.
" I braided my hair In two long plaits,
and convinced your landlady that I was
a recent Importation from Germany,
unable to speak a word of English. She
agreed to take me for one week on trial
and before I had been two hours in the
house, I was sent to tidy Mr. Arnold'a
room. Never was a room tidied so quick
ly ; and, seeing my mistress on her way
to market, I shot the bolt, and took a
survey of the premises. The trunk was
locked, the bureau drawers wide open,
the closet door ajar. I felt a reluctance
to overhaul any private depositories;
though I should have done it," she added
resolutely, " if I hod been driven to it I
I rummaged a little, when in the closet
floor I espied a shirt, apparently scarcely
soiled, except one sleeve, and that was
black with Eoot. What is he doing at
the fireplace in summer I" I thought
and went to examine. A few minutes
Buffloed to convince me that the stove
had been moved out, and the elbow of
the pipe removed. I repeated the pro
cess to find a roll of five-hundred-dollar
notes, and a small note book, with the
name of Rufus Markham on the first
page. I replaced everything carefully
and came home. Now, Mr. Potter he
must be taken, bysurprise,or he may say
Fred put the notes there."
"You are a brave girl I" cried the old
man, looking with admiration at the
beautiful animated face, "and Fred will
owe you more than his life."
" He can repay me by coming to tell
me the good news when he is clear."
Eight was striking by the city clocks
when Doctor Graham Arnold, dressed
in the latest fashion, and with a fragrant
Habana between his Hps, strolled leisure
ly into his room.
He had been in the parlor of his boarding-house
for an hour, watching Mr.
Potter with some anxiety, but wholly
unaware of the little party of four, who
in Mr. Totter's temporary apartment,
awaited his return to his own room.
Once inside the door, the nonchalant
look left the handsome face of the young
man, and he muttered fiercely :
"I must get out of this I Potter sus
pects me, aud may yet communicate his
suspicions to Mr. Markham. I will bo
off to-night as soon as the house is
He opened a small traveling
he spoke, and was rapidly filling it with
necessaries for a journey, when he was
interrupted by a knock at the door.
Tossing the satchel into the closet, he
cried :
But his face turned livid as his call
was obeyed, and a party of five entered
his room.
Two policemen stationed themselves
on his right and left, while Mr. Mark
ham, Mr. Potter, and Fred Tyron fol
lowed. " Now, Mr. Potter," said one of the
policemen, with the face and voice of the
detective Vogdes, " will you tell us where
to find those missing notes ?"
" What notes ?" cried Arnold. " What
does this outrage mean I"
" It means," said Potter, "that your
plan to throw the robbery of Mr. Mark
ham's private desk upon his nephew has
failed. It means that the five thousand
dollars stolen from that gentleman are
now in your possession, excepting only
one note given to Mr. Tryon in payment
of a debt I"
" It Is a lie I" cried the prisoner; but
his white face, faltering voice, and shak
ing limbs, were no proof of Innocence.
" Search my trunks, every thing that I
"No, gentlemen," said Mr. Potter.
" Draw out the stove, if you please, and
look in the elbow of the pipe.
With a cry, Graham Arnold fell sense
less to the floor, as Vogdes put his hand
upon the stove.
Mr. Markham turned to Fred. There
was no word spoken. Hand clasped
hand, and each read forgiveness and love
in the other's eyes. -
Mr. Graham Arnold spent some weeks
in jail ere his trial and conviction ; but
before his sentence was pronounced Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick Tryon were crossing
the ocean on a wedding tour to Europe,
and only Mr. Potter and Fred ever knew
of Maud's first and only appearance as
"a Girl Detective."
On Swearing.
Cowper wrote some lines about swear
ing which it would be Worth while for
every one to learn :
" It chills my blood to hear the bleat Supreme
Rudely appealed to on each trilling-theme ;
Maintain your rank, vulgarity despiae
To swear la neither brave, polite nor wlae ;
Yon would not rwmr upon a bod of deatb I
Itefleot i Your Maker may now atop your breath."
Some who would not swear by the
name of God, think nothing of swear
ing " By George," or " By jingo," or by
something else; others often cry out
" Good gracious I" or " Mercy on me !"
and the like. They are the beginnings
of swearing. They pre to profane
swearing what acorns are to the oak.
Our Saviour said, when on earth:
" Let your yea, be yea, and your nay ;
nay ; for whatsoever is more than these,
cometh of evil." This means we shall
use plain, simple language. David had
a short prayer to this point : " Set a
watch, O Lord, before my mouth, and
keep the doors of my lips."
A County in a Queer Fix.
Howard county, Iowa, is in a fix.
Frank Kyte, the Treasurer, suddenly
departed, leaving the funds of the coun
tyunless he took them away with him
in a $1 ,300 safe which he had bought
conditionally for the county. He also
kept the combination of the safe to him
self. It is supposed that from $18,000 to
$20,000 is in the safe, providing that
Kyte did not steal the money. The
owner of the safe has attached it, and
refuses to allow it to be opened until he
gets his $1,300. No evidence can be ob
tained to warrant the arrest of Kyte un
til the safe is opened, and while the liti
gation goes on between the safe owner
and the county the Treasurer Is making
his escape unmolested.
Will not get his Pension.
An old gentleman of sixty years, liv
ing in a suburban town near Boston, was
recently interviewed by an inquisitive
but respectful young stranger,to impress
whom he showed his house and garden
all paid for and his bank book, besides
boasting of his health and strength.
The stranger was emissary of the Com
missioner of Pensions, and it is not like
ly that that old gentleman will secure a
pension of $13 a month, with 12 years'
arrearages, for being the Indigent and
Invalid father of a dead soldier.
from the effect! of the warm weather and are
debilitated, are advised by physicians to take
moderate amounts of whisky two or three
time during the day. In a little while those
who adopt this advice frequently increase the
number of "drinks" and In time become con
firmed Inebriates. A beverage which will not
create thirst for intoxicating liquors, and which
Is Intended especially for the benefit of debili
tated persons, whether at home or abroad, la
Dr. Bchenck'i Bea Weed Tonic. Containing
the juices of many medicinal herbs, this prep
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toxicating cup. The nourishing and the llfo
npportlng properties of many valuable natu
ral productions contained In it and well-known
to medical men have a most strengthening In
fluence. A single bottle of the Tonlo will
demonstrate Its valuable qualities. From de
bility arising from sickness, over-exertion or
from any cause whatever, Wine-glass full of
Bea Weed Tonlo taken after meals will
strengthen the stomach and create an appetite
for wholesome food. To all who are about
leaving their homes, we desire to say that the
excellent effects of Dr. Bcheck's seasonable
remedies, Bea Weed Tonic, and Mandrake
Pills, are particularly evident when taken by
those who are Injuriously affected by a change
of water and diet. No person should leave
home without taking a supply of these safe
guards along. For sale by all Drugglsts.81 lm
Now oiler the publlo
Consisting sf all shades suitable for the season.
Mourning Goods
: ' "'-
We sell and do keep a good quality of
And everything undef the head of
Machine Needles and oil for all makes of
To be convinced that our goods are
S" No trouble to show goods. '
Don't forget the
Newport, Perry Connty, Pa.
MADE by Agents In cities and coun
try towns. Only necessary to show
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any one out of employment and dispos
ed to work. Used-daily by all business
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THE subscriber has now on hand at
Good Sole Leather,
Kip of Superior Quality,
Country Calf Skins,
French Calf,
F. Mortimer,
JLJ splendid assortment of shoes at the one
price store of F. Mortimer.
JOB PIUBTING of every description neatly
ud promptly executed at Reasonable Kausi
at the Iilooiiitteld Times Steam job oilice.