0 THE TIMES NEW BLOOMFIELD, TA. JULY 31, 1877. HOUSE, FARM, AND GARDEN, f We Invite romroiinlivillnns from nil pinon who sre lntiTPHica lu utsttrs properly bplowclUK to this ue partramit. Raising Chickens. A writer In the Boston Journal makes tome sensible suggestions in regard to poultry mining, among which are the following: For early chickens the numberof eggs placed under the lien should not he as many as she would cover later In the season. A Brahma which would cover a dozen and a half eggs In June could not keep more than thirteen warm In March or April. For winter -laying' I would sooner trust a Leghorn hatching in May or June then an earlier one. While sitting, a hen's food should be corn or other whole grain. If any eggs are daubed with contents of broken eggs wash them with a little warm water, carefully blood warm a little more, and replace them. The pores of the shell must be kept open, as a chicken must have air before it hatches as well as afterward. The warm water also helps to soften the shell, so that the chickens within will have less difficulty about making his way into the outer world. For this reason, it is well a few days before the eggs hatch to wash with warm water or dip them into it. When you set a hen sprinkle a hand ful of pulverized sulpher over the nest. The best food for chicks when first hatched is a hard-boiled egg chopped fine. After the chicks area week old, crack ed corn is a better feed than dough. Do not be in too much hurry to get those which you Intend to keep upon the roosts. Crooked breasts and legs are often the result of allowing growing birds to roost Let the food be plenty in quantity and various in kind, and if you wish to in duce them to lay early let it consist largely of meat scraps. Those which you intend to dress for market will do better upon corn or dough, as the meat Is not fattening as corn. Those which are kept over winter should have also pounded bones or bone meal nearly every day to help them make a good frame. Imposing Upon Farmers. It ought to be unnecessary to warn farmers to beware of traveling patent right agents who are coustantly " prow ling around" for victims. But it seems that many farmers are as easily tempted as a boy with his first postal currency in his pocket when he seesaconfectionary, and they fall a victim to their own greed too often. The farmer who has any sense will never buy an article from a strolling agent when he can get all he requires from reliable hardware stores, where he knowB the merchant and 1b himself known. At this season the rural districts are full of these patent right agent vending farming improve ments. In no case should a farmer buy i of these men, because no farmer ever deals with such hucksters without be ing cheated. These scamps, in nine cases out of ten, make pilgrimages pur posely to plunder unsuspecting farmers, and where they can avoid it never visit the same locality twice in the season. The safest plan is not to buy of a stranger what you can get at a store where you are known and know the merchant. The local merchant, for all varieties of supply is the safest party to traffic with farmers, and they must confide in him also. 'i I J Fruit Cake. Three cupfuls sugar, one cupful molas ses, one and one-half cupfuls sour cream, one and one-half cupfuls butter, six eggs one and one-half teaspoonfuls soda, three pounds raisins, one pound citron, two pounds currants,one teaspoonful cinna mon, one teaspoonful cloves, one tea spoonful spice, one whole nutmeg, one bottle lemon extract, flour enough to make a spoon stand straight up. Bake In a deep baking pan four hours. When cool, put in a stone jar and keep two or three weeks before cutting. Cocoa Nut Cake. One cupful butter, two and one half cupfuls sugar, one cupful sweet milk, four cupfuls flour, one teaspoonful soda, two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, five eggs, one grated cocoanut ; bake in flat itins and put on icing ; sprinkle half of cocoanut on the icing and put the other half in the cake. CJ" Two teaspoonfuls of finely powder ed charcoal, drank in half a tumbler of water, will often give relief to the sick headache when caused, as in most cases It is, by a superabundance of acid in the stomach. - Bargains in Carpets. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. If you want a pretty CARPET for only 8ft Cents per yard, come and nee what you can gel at Hint prion of F. MORTIMER. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. Thirty-Five Cent Istlie price of a pretty CAR PET St MoHTlMEH'g. The same amount of money will also buy a good CALICO lire If yoi i don't make It too large. LOTS OF OTHER BARGAINS. HIGHEST AWARDS I SffiS! J. REYNOLDS & SON, HORTBWE9T CORNER THIRTEENTH AND FILBERT 8T8., PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SHAKING AND CLINKER-GRINDING GRATES FOR HURNING ANTHRA CITE OR BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOR DITUMIN0U8 COAL. KEYSTONE WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOKING RANGE8.LOW-DOWN GRATES, EtO. Descriptive Circulars sent tree to any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING. I91y A1S. IS TAKEN INTERNALLY, AND POSITIVELY CURES RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA AND LUMBAGO. .0 BY PHUUWI5IS tVtHIWHtllt. btflU rUN lillf PHENSTINE A BENTLEY. . UnUuuio I WAonmb I UN, u. w, H- For sale by wholesale Druggists In Pitts burg and Philadelphia. 36 ly KT THi: BTAXUAltl). It ought to in every Library, alto (n every Academy and every (school," IIou.CIiuh. timiiner. A lmve, hand some volume of 1NW pnen. containing coiiBldtTiibly more tlitm loo.ouo Words in itH Vo cabulary, with the cnri'fjct Pronunciation, Definition, fend Etymology. Fully Illustrated, Library Sheep, WJ)0 "WORCESTER" in now regarded an the Btaudnrd Authority, mid In ro reooniiiit'iuted by Hryant. Loiigfellow, WhiMler. Hmu ner, Holme. Irvine, wtnfhrnp, AksnmIe, MnrHti, Heury, Everett, Mnun. Uuiucy, l'Vltou, Hillunl, and the inatnr Hy of our moat ulatlnirillHtied anhnlara, and la, bcalucH. recniniized an authority bv the IlPimrtinpiita of our Matioual Government. Tffli COMPLETE BEUIES OF WORCESTER'S DICTIONARIES Quarto Dictionary. Illustrated. Library Hhoep, 1(10.00. Universal and Critical Dictionary. Hvo. Library bheen, $4M. , Academic Dictionary. Crown Svo. Half roan, 13.00. Comprehensive Dictionary. Illuatrated. lima. Half man. 1.75. Hchool (Elementary) Dictionary. l2mo. Half roan. (1.00. Primary Dictionary. Illuatrated. lHtno. Half roau, Hsu. Pocket Dictionary. Illuatrated fl4mo. Cloth, Socta. ; roan flexible, ST. eta. ; roan, tltcka, yilt edjrea. Id Urn, Many Hiwclsl alda to atudenta, lu addition to a very full pronouncing and dctinluK vocabulary, make the above named hooka, In 'the opinion of our moat dia tiuiruialicd educators, the moat complete na well aa by far the cheapest Dictionaries of uur laua-uaKe. V For aale by Bookaellera generally, or will be sent, carriage free, on receipt of the price bv J. 11. LIPPINCOTT CO., PuhlMiera, Uonkaellera and Htutiouera, 93 713 and TIT Market 81., PHILADELPHIA. Mft We will start you In a business you 'u can makes) ft week without. capital s MflMCVeny and respectable for either sex. Ill U II 1 1 m. A. Youno, 2l Bowery, N.Y. 17 3ra (J WWW Is not easily earned In these times, but If f It can be made In three months by any one of either sex. In anv part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish, to", a week In your own town. You need not be far away from hor,e over ulidi. You can give your whole time to ,lie work, er only your spare moments. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and M Outfit free. Address at once, 11. Hallett & Co.. Port- land, Maine. 14 ly.' A Bate, Sura and Cheap Daatroyer of tha POTATO - SV jBUG, CABBAGE CUBRANT WORMS g tftlxT " "' u OUR PESTffsTlPOISON. Vollka PARIS ORKH ' mr I, dlMoIrn hi water, and li prlnkicd. Sun dMth. Ha aangr to plant, r la winr. Cu M rlnU an acrt. Sampl. aiallfrd for 19a.U(M lb. ko.) S.ad lor Clnulat will huai,ri, of u.tlmoalal.. OlKoant la tbt Inula, kAHNKt CHEallCAL WORKS, r. O. lloi Vll M UaiUudl SI., Maw Yaik Clljr. ,For Bale by FRANK MORTIMER, New Iiloomtleld, l'a. . STATU NOTICENotlce Is hereby given JJ that letters of administration on the estate o( Nicholas Iteislnger, late of Kavllle twp., Perry county. Pa., dee'd., have been granted to the un. derslgned residing In Tuscaroia and Havllletwps. All persons Indebted tosald estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having cUlms to present them duly authenticated for settlement to A. H. KHRR, Tuoaror twp. . ' DAVID RKI8INUKH Havllle twp. May 1st, 1877. Administrators, PINTING of every description neatly ex ecuted at the Bloom Held Times Office, at reasonable rates. Philadelphia Advertisements. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 138 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, . North Bast Corner ol 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia renn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 216 NORTII WIIAUVES, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. DOUGHERTY J. D. HOAR & CO., WHOLBSALB BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 111 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., Wholisali Dialers id TOBACCO, CIGARS &c NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Pa. G RAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers! n Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And a Due assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WARE, No. 120 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. HOLE AND ONLY MANUFACTUHKHS OF TUB , IMPERIAL FRENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Fare White Lead and Coler MANUFACTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia.' gMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, On High Strbbt, East o Caklisli Bt., , New Bloomllcia, Penn'a. THE subscriber has built a larce and commo dious Bhop on High Bt., East of Carlisle street New BloomOeld, Fa where oe Is prepared to nan ufaotureto order Of every description, oat of the best material. Slelghg of every Style, bulltto order, and finished In the most artlstlcand durable manner. -Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at muoh more reasonable rates. W REPAIRING of allklndsneatlyandpromp ydone A ralllssollclted. SAMUEL SMITH ltf F, T.ANNELB A snlendld uiiniuiit f m nels. Just opened by F. MORTIMER Philadelphia Advcrtlscmenti?. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS Booksellers and Stationers, t And Dealers la , WINDOW CURTAINS WALL PAPER, ETC, Mo, 430 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Ta. EIOLER & SWEARINGEN' Successors to 8HAFFNER, ZIEGLER CO., Importers and Dealers la Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbon, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of - TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 88, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Combs. gowER, pons & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. nLANK liOOKS Always on band, and made to Order. Nos. 630 Market and 623 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO n. Publishers of Sanders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the Halted States. Felton'sOutline Maps.&o. gARCROFT & CO., Imporlen and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DllY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, BlanketB, Linen.?, White Goods, dko., Nos. 40S and 407 MARKET STREET, . (Above Fourth, North Side,) PHILADELPHIA. EW. T. M0UL, REPRESENTING Weimer, Wrfaht & Watkin, Mannfactnrer & Wholesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes . No. 302 Market Street, jPIIlJL.-A.DIiILIIIIA.. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Ikportibs and Jobbkbs or Oliiiiti, Olfiss AND QUEENSWARE, 023 Market Street, JPIIIIA.IIILIIIIA. W. H. KENNEDY, WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co WHOLESALE GROCERS, -No. 505 MARKET STBEET, PBILADKLPB1A. 710 Philadelphia Adrcrtlscraenlg. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WATToiP WHOLES A LM HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street, Philadelphia, renn'a. Professional Cards. JE. JUiyciN, Attomev at-Law, New Bloomlleld. Ferry eo Fa. " Office Next door to the residence of Judge Juukln. 4bif AM. MARKEL. Attnrney-at-Law, New itloomneld. Perry connty, Pa. l-T Ofllce directly opposite the Poit-Oflice, and adjoining the Mansion House. JBWIS POTTER, ATTOHNEr AT UW, NEW BLOOMFIE'LD, PERRI CO..PA. rT01"'"1 promptly secured collected Writings and all lexal business carefully attend f to. 42 y JAMES II. FERGUSON, Attorney at-I,Bw. . . NEWPORT, PA. "Omce Market Street, near the Square. 86 6 IIAKLE8 II. RMII.E Y, Attorney at Law. New Bloomneld, Perry Co. Pa. VOffleewlth O. A. Barnett, Es)., on Bieb Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbjte rlaa Church. Angnsl 20, 1872. TI7"M. A. SPON8LER, Attorney at-Law, TV OMIce adjoining his residenoe. on East Main street, New Bloonitleld, Perry eo.. Pa. 8 2 ly JOHN O. BHATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa. All kinds of Meehanlcal and Surgical Dentistry done In the best manner, and at reasoaable prices. .On1ceathlsrecldenee ene door East ef the Robinson House, and opposite Wni. A. Sponsler's Lawolllce. 8 31y M. N. BE1BERT, AttflTney.at-Lw, NewBloomUeld, Perry eo.. Pa. Bloomlleld, 1 33 lv. M. M. RUTCH, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, . New Bloomneld, Perry eo., Pa. -Office-Two doors West of F. Mortimer, Store 3 7 ly LEWIS POTTER, notary public. New Bloom field. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mertgages and Leases carefnlly prepared ana acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take depositions to be rerfl la anv court In the United States. 7ieiy CHAS. J. T, McINTITtK, Attornev-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. . AU professional business promptly andfaitb fully attended to, 3 2 lv. WM, A. MORRISON, JU8TICE OF THE PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOHNbwObkmantown, Perry CO., Pa. -Remlttscoswillbe made promptly for all Collections made. 7 44 CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, . New Bloomlleld. Perry eo., Pa .Office on high street. North side, nearly op positethe Presbyterian Church. 8ly RICHARD L. MAGEE, tr Offloe at his residence. In CENTRE TOWN SHIP, Perry County, Penn'a., one mils South of New Bloomlleld. in 8 -yyiLLIAM M. HUTCH, Justice of the Peace, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, KewBloomfleld, Perry County, Penn'a AftneclAlfttt-ftnHAti nald is. .ttaA,l.. .,1 kinds. Deeds. Bonds. NlortfirafirAH And Aarrpmta.ti neatly executed. 716tf G E0RGE H. MARTIN GENERAL AGENT. BLAIX, PBUKY COUNTY, PA. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and any other business entrusted to him Will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. April, I9th, 1877. Dally Express and Freight line BETWEEN ELOOMFIELD& NEWPORT! rnHRsubscriberwlshes tonotlfy theeltlzensof X Bloomlleld andNewport that he Is running a Dally Line between these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packaire. or messages entrusted to his care. fa- Orders may be lett for him at the stores of F. Mortimer Co., New BloomOeld, or Milligan A Musser, Newport. Ta. , - ' 8- WHITMORB. Bloomneld,January25,1870. . JINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. - A CHIMNEY, SHADE x AND REFLECTOR COMBINED J Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, . AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL! Everybody who see3 them are delighted. F. MORTIMER, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that James Irvine and wife of Savllle township, I'errv county. Pa., by deed of voluntary assignment have assigned all the estate, real and personal, of the said Jamee Irvine to Thos. 11. Milligan. of the borough or Newport, county and state aforesaid, in trust for the benettt of the creditors of the said James Irvine. All perwons therefore Indebted to said said James Irvine, will make payment to the will asslgm-e, and those havlngclalms or demands the make known the same without delav. T,loa MILLIGAN. January 30, 1S77. Assignee. IADIES AND CHILDREN will find j splendid assortment of shoes at the one price store of F. Mortimer.