The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, July 31, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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Ihl DcpJu'tnieit.
On and after Jmieltth.Trslus runM follow! I
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Ex. tr'u n.l Aoo.
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10. Ill 4.41i
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A.M. P.M. P.H.I
ltrPlttliiirir Ktirom leave tlnrrlslwrtr m It.mi p.m.
Plincaiiimn II. HH (flnir)i Newport 11.87 (H"K) Slid ar
rive at I'llisbitrff at S.1U A. M.
tsr-Onlnif West, the Wtiv Pturaffl1!' Icsve Hnrrli-bunrDslly-
Mio cither (rules Dully except Hmid;
tfr(lnloir Kst, tho Atlnntlc Kxpress eaea AltfHms
Dallv, the otlirr trniiia Hally except Sunday.
IBTselnc KrprcPB West win ln, Rt Vuuoiiiinnutt
i.ti tud in Ncwiort at O.i; . m., Uieu HViml.
Junius Your eoinnunilonllon reei'tv
ed too Into for publlcntlon. Will nppeur
next week.
X()n the 23nl of July, four men, Ga
briel Long, Win. Fryinier, Teter Klinp;
nnd JaniL's lM'Olure cut 241 acres of ontu
on the farm of Wm. M'Clure, in Ty
rone twp. Who can beat It t
X A party of young men from this place,
while flimlnK at Dugan's dam on Friday
last, Hhot a white crane, which measured
4 feet 7 inches across the wings and stood
over four feet in height.
Mr. Oeorge Harnett, of this place was
somewhat injured on Friday afternoon.
His saddle horse stumbled and fell,
throwing Mr. 15., who fell under the
animal. The other horses dragged him
some yards before they could bestopped,
causing some severe bruises but breaking
no bones.
A young man residing In Carlisle
handed his watch to a woman who was
telling fortunes.she saying she needed to
put it In her pocket while she told his
fortune. Afterwards she declined to re
turn it and the young man took her by
the throat to force It from her when she
threw It some distance eutirely destroy
ing it.
The " Centre Literary Society" will
hold its 2nd annual rlcsnio at Laurel
Grove School House, Saturday August 4.
All are Invited. H. II. Mc1kehan,
i Struck by Lightning. Mr. Henry Rice,
of this place was struck by lightning,
during the thunder shower of Friday
evening. He was at the time fixing the
spout, and the fluid came down the
pipe, paralyzing his orm and shoulder,
and causing him to fall over Insensible.
He soon recovered, but felt for some
time afterwards a pricking and numb
ness in the side that received the stroke.
No doubt the heaviest portion of the
fluid had passed down the lightning rod,
or his injuries would have been more
Drowned. Mr. M. S. Wlney, merchant,
in Port Royal, Juniata co., Pa., and a
young man in his employ, went into
the Tuscarora creek at that place, to
bathe, on Friday evening laBt at about
10 o'clock. Mr. W. got Into water be
yond his depth and before his compan
ion oould rescue him or call help, he was
drowned. The body was found on Sat
urday morning at three o'clock. Neither
of the gentlemen could swim. The sad
affair has cast a gloom over the whole
"X. Horse Stolen. On Sunday night a
week a horse belonging to Mr. Solomon
Kerchner residing near Liverpool was
stolen from the pasture. The chap left
behind him a note (evidently to gain
time before a pursuit) which read as fol
lows :
" Mr. Solomon Kerchner : Rest
easy about your mare ; she is iot stole.
I only borrowed her ; she will be back
by Tuesday evening, then I will settle
the damage with you satisfactory on
both sides. Yours truly,
Yovr Near NEiGiiion."
Mr. K. did not believe his " near
neighbors" would take such liberties,
and therefore at once took means to re
cover the animal. He offers a reward
of forty dollars for the arrest of the thief
and recovery of the property.
Sheriff '8 Sale. The following proper
ties were sold by the Sheriff on Friday
last :
A tract of land situate in Toboyne
twp., seized as the property of J. J.
Baker, sold to Samuel Woods for $533.
A lot of ground situate in New Buffa
lo borough, seized as the property -of
Jeremiah Siders, stricken off to V. A.
Sponsler for $100. (This was not sold
as it did not bring two-thirds of apprais
ed value).
Defendants Interest in a tract of land
in Watte Iwd.. seized as the property of
J. Siders, stricken off to"W. A. Sponsler
for $50. (Did not not 'bring two-thirds
of appraised value).
A lot of ground situate in 'Millers
town, seized as the property of 8. T.
Lineweaver, sold to Daniel Zeigler for
A lot of ground situate in 'Duncan
non, seized as the property of Levi
Foreman, sold Samuel Shelter for $187.
The tract of land seized as the prop
erty of Stephen -Fenniele-was 'not " sold.
0.11 1.41
0.11 .(W
S.SS S 31
V.1I1 9.4:1
C.'Jll I.M
IU 8.3.1
P.M 2D
III. Ill 8!
1(1.42 4.CKI
11.14 4.17
11.40 4.IU
I3 6.:n t.m
M .i
P.M. P.M.
Presbytorlan Rounlon. A commWtpe
composed of representatives from 'the
various Presbyterian churches In the
Cumberland Valley, met nt Mont Alto
Park on Thursday to determine the
time and place for the fourth annual
reunion. After a full and a free Inter
change of opinion, It was resolved unan
imously thot the gathering should be
held at the Mont Alto Park on Wednes
day, August 22nd. The numbers of the
committee, a number of whom had
never seen the Tark before, were greatly
Impressed with the beauty and advan
tages of tho place, aud regard It as far
superior to Oakvillo, where they havo
met heretofore. Full particulars in re.
gard to fares, running of trains, Ac,
will bo made as soon as arrangements
are perfected. Volunteer.
The Crop In Franklin County. Wo
learn from tho Jiejmsltory, that the
wheat crop Just secured Is probably the
largest ever harvested In Franklin coun
ty. Tho grain is of good quality, and
weighs well. As the dealers here have
been paying one dollar and a half per
bushel, there is more being threshed out
than usual immediately after harvest.
This is, we think, n wise policy to pur
sue, if farmers can spare tho time.
Highway Robbery Attempted. On Thurs
day night Geo. Shnuler, a driver for J.
H. M'Gaugliy of Little Cove, wns com
ing down the mountain, when a man
leaped front tho bushes, ami grabbing
his horses by their bridles demanded
his money.
" Hard or soft V" asked Shrader feeling
for his pocket book.
" Don't caro which," returned tho
would be robber.
" Take that," Bnld Shrader blazing
away with his revolver.
" For Heaven's sake don't shout me,"
shouted his assailant, ond releasing his
hold of the horses darted off Into tho
road among the bushes.
Some one threw stones at Shrader
from the sl 'e of the road, but a bullet
sung throi h the bushes, aud their oc
cupant skedaddled one direction and
Shrader got out of the mountain at a
2:40 gait. Franklin Repository.
Juniata County. We copy the follow
ing from the Juniata county papers of
Jast week.
During last week three boys Ira Wil
son, Stanton Wilson and Morris Gar
man received severe 1 nj u rles w h 1 1 e ba th
ing in the canal below town. Ira Wil
ton, while diving, ran against a sharp
stone, cutting and scratching his side
very severely. Stanton Wilson, In dlv
lng off the bank head foremost struck
his head on a stone, making an , ugly
wound. Morris Garman, while swim
ming under the sluice, went over the
gates a distance of about ten feet re
ceiving Injuries that necessitated surgi
cal attendance.
A little son of Jerome Hack, residing
at the 'lock-house, in Mexico, aged 18
months, was drowned in the creek near
his father's house, on Wednesday morn
ing of last week. The child wandered
from home unperceived by tho mother,
and falling over ahighembankmentlnto
the creek was drowned. When discov
ered, the boy was floating down the
creek. All efforts to recussitate tho child
proved unavailing. Democrat & Hey-titer.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers of last week: . . , .
A resident of Sidestown has been
lodged in jail on the charge of stealing a
harrow-tooth, valued at 10 cents. '
One day lost week, Joseph, son of J.
K. Klink, of Newville, fell from a tree
at the cemetery east of town, aud dislo
cated his shoulder.
We are informed that Gardner & Co's
extensive machine shops at this place
will be closed this evening or to-morrow,
for an indefinite period. Carlisle
Mr. Asbury Taylor, of Leesburg, re
cently cut his knee with a drawing
knife. The other day he went into the
oats field and poisoned the wound,which
has become so painful that it is feared
lock-jaw might ensile.
For Tin Bloomfleld Tlroen. '
"SMn. Editor! On last Saturday the 21st
lust., the writer, in company with a number of
other parties, ludlus and gentlemen of Bandy
Hill, visited the Perry Warm Springs In charge
of the very obliging and hospitable proprietor,
Mr. J. D. Cree, and assure your readers that
our experience was that the "Springs" hotel
bathing arrangements, ten pin alley, boating,
etc., is just the kind of recreation and comfort
that our overworked farmers and their wives
need after harvest. You get more for the mon
ey here than at any other watering place I
know of. Mow I want all of the chaps referred
to, to go and enjoy themselves for a day or
two. You owe it to yourselves and have a first
rate right to roll balls and knock down ten
pins at a throw, eat a grand dinner and wash
off the harvest dust, for there is no class
amongst os who are more entitled to jnst such
pleasures as the farmers, and mechanics.
There are other visitors to watering places .that
would delight to be called the 'Aristocracy,"
but many of whom are merely the creatures of
favorable circumstances, and who don't spend
a dollar that they earned by their brains and
Industry. Then ye farmer who are the real
aristocracy of the county, assert your rights'
and enjoy your privileges and go to the Springs
a day or two.
Widb Awake for August, tho Bnmmer Holi
day number, is well calculated to enchant the
childron and will be good company at the sea
side and in the country. Its conteuts is calcu
lated to please and instruct while the volume
is well printed and handsomely lllustratedr
Only 83.00 per annum. Ella Farman, Edi
tor. V, Lotubop & Co.; Publishers, Boston.
Church Notice.
Preaching in the M. Ji. Church next
Sunday at 10i o'clock A. M. Union
service at 8 o'clock P. M. Sunday
School at 0 o'clock A. M.
Preaching in the Lutheran Church
next Sunday at 21 o'clock P. M. Pruyer
meeting on Wednesday evening.
Presbyterian Church Preaching next
Sabbath at lot A. M. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday at 8 P. M.
Preaching in the Reformed Church
next Sunday 10 o'clock in the morning.
For a good Bargain in Summer Cloth
ing go to I. ScnwAim, Newport, Pa.
Parasols, Fans, and Hosiery, very low.
I. Sciiwaktz.
Newport, Pa.
" The Peacock" Is the bestClgnr In the
County for the money. For sale by F.
Tho celebrated "Cnpltnl Lead, which
Is unequalled for whiteness and durabil
ity always on hnnd and for sale by
tf. F. MoitTlMEIl.
If you wish a splendid Cigar go to Mor
timer's and ask for " Tno Peacock"
A Good Summer Suit for $1.00 nt
I. Schwartz, Newport, Pu.
A Good Summer Shawl for 75 cents at
I. ScitWAUTZ, Newport, Pa.
See the advertisement of M. B. Gibson
In another column. If you wish to pur
chase a good Piano or Organ he can
promise you one at low rates.
The Musical College at Frecburg, Pa.;
commences Its Summer Session of six
weeks, July 'list. Send for circular.
F. C. Moyeii, Director. 3t
Removal. J. T. Messlmer has remov
ed his Shoe Shop to tlie room adjoining
F. B. Clouscr's oillce, 4 doors west of the
Post-Olllce, where he will make to order
Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Repair
ing promptly and neatly executed. Ho
will also keep on hand a good assort
ment of Boots and Shoes, which ho will
sell at low prices. Give him a call. 17
0 ' '
Ask your merchants for "Above All"
Chewing Tobacco.
"Above All Navy Tobacco." Cau
tion. Every Co. and 10c. plug of this
Celebrated Tobacco is labelled "Wardle's
Above All." None Is genuine without.
Baking Powder, just the thing every
lady should have in the house. The
best out, for sale by P. Mortimer.
Only a Flp. I have received another
lot of good colors of the ii cent prints.
Lots of other NEW GOODS are also In
Store and for sule at a bargain. Call
and see them.
F. Mortimer.
The undersigned 'would ask the citi
zens of Perry nnd adjoining counties,
that are In need of any goods in his line,
that now is the time to buy a full stock
at LOW PRICES to all. The following
is the prices of some of my goods :
Extra Fat Family Mackerel, 81 90 per nr.
Liverpool O. A. Halt, 1 2f wr sunk.
Rest Hemlock Hole leather, 30 cts. per
1 yard Wide Floor Oil Cloth, 4n crs. per yd
1!4 yd wide Oiim Table Cloth, 88 '
Lorlllard's Rent Tin Tag Tobacco, 75 " " .
Nulls UKl and up. 2 7o per keg
Hrundnrd " A" White Hugar, 8. for 1 00
Rest lilo Collee, 411. lor II 00
Miller & Weaver's Pure Kye Whis
key, (Kcts. per qt.
Miller & Weaver's Pure Rye Whis
key, tl 25 per gal.
Sliver Plated 7-Rliot Revolvers and
Rox Cai trlilKen, (2 60
Sliver Plated 5-Shot Revolvers, Large
Calibre, i 50
Double Barrelled Shot Guns, (X 00 to $18 00
1 quart Mason's Porcolulu Top OlasH
Fruit Jars. f 1 40 per doz.
2 quart do do do 175 per doz.
Note Paper and Envelopes very Cheap.
Window Ulass, Paluts and Oils at Low Prices.
ALL GOODS as represented or
Don't Forget the Place,'
Liverpool, Ferry Co., Pa.,
Shuler's Old Stand,
8. M. SHULER, Proprietor.
The Select School will be opened in
Blaln on Monday, July 30th, by W. F.
W. J. Rice. Surgeon and Aleclumical
DentM, will visit Bloomfleld the first
two weeks of each month, profession
ally. Ontce at 'Squire Clouser's resl
deuce. The remainder of his time at
his office in Ickesburg, Perry co., Pa.
Call and hear his price b. 28
Steubenville, Ohio, Female Seminary.
Board, Room and Light, per year, 1175 i
off for minister's daughters. Tuition in the
English Course, Language, Music, Painting,
&c, very moderate. Send for a Catalogue.
Rkv. C. C. Beattt, D. D., LL.D., Supt.
Kiv. A. M. Reid, Ph. D., Principal. i)04t
ti?A box of Glenn's Sdlphcb BoAP.whicn
contains three cakes and costs only sixty cents,
Is sufficient to supply material for at least
twenty Sulphur Baths which wonld eradicate
a whole catalogue of rhuematlc and cutaneous
maladies. Sold by all Druggists.
Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown,
SOcts. 27 4w
! ... Connty Price Cuirent.
' BLOOMVIELD, July 30, 1877.
Flax-Bced 1 26
Potatoes, 40
Butter V pound 10612
Eggs V dozen, 12 "
Xrled Apples V pound Si ets"
Dried Peaches tai2ets.V
Cherries 0 0 ets. "
" Pitted 00 O 00 ets. '
Blackberries, 0 0 0 ets. "
Oorrtcttd Wttkly by KougS Jirothtr.)
OliVIlS V llOITJ01i2. 1
Newport, July'JH, 1H77. .
Flour, Kxtra s (K) '
" Hupcr 1
White Wheat;) bush, (old) 140 a 1(19
Red Wheat , 18'SOIOO
Kys MSfiO
Oorn , rotMQ ,
Oats f Ki pounds, ' 2"fj:i0
Clover Heed 0 WHO CO
Timothy Heed, 1 ro
Flax Heed 1 o;i
Potatoes , ttAM
llaoon 8 O 10
Dressed IIors, ,
Ground Allium Salt 135 0135
Llmeburner's Coal, J 15
Stove Coal,,.. , 4 00 a 4 50
Pea Coal i Mi
Gordon's Food per Hack 12 00
Or all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
Lowest Market Rates.
9" Five per ceut ott for Cash.
Carlisle, July 2ft. 1N77.
Family Flour tu.50
Bupnrllne Rye Flour 8.50
White Wheat, new...... 1 t
Red Wueat,now 1 50
Rye 55
Corn, (new) 50
(.'(is 30
Cloverseed, , 8.00 a 8.00
11T HwiTzmi At the M. K. Parsonaue In
Newport, by Rev. J. W. Huckley.on the lUllilnst.,
Kir. John P. Fry and Miss Mary A. Hwltzer, both
o( Juniata county.
Death notices not exceeding s Hum Inserted wllhni.t
eliBiKP. Jl nt s cents ier linn will Invariably lie
clisrueit for Tributes of Respect, Poetry, or other
s, 33HA.TII8.
r RontNSON-On the until Inst., In this borough,
Mrs, Anna M. Robinson, wife of Mr. Amos Rob
inson, ateil 33 years, 7 months aud IK days.
ITIOTt HIlKlt l FF. Relng solicited by a num.
J ber of citizens from dilTnient parts of the
county to seek the nomination for Hherln", by the
Republican Convention, 1 hereby announce my.
sell as a candidate for that oillce, and If nomi
nated, I pledge myself to use all honorable means
to secure my election, nnd If successful, to per
form the duties of the oillce fulihfully and
promptly. - THOMAH HUTCH,
lllooinlleld, Pa., July 17, 1877.
Health, Comfort and Economy.
Cork Hhavlngs are unsurpassed as an article for
Beds, Maitresses, eto. They are ten times as dur
able as Husks or Htraw. Only 0 cents per pound.
Forty pounds will III! the largest bed. For sale by
Armstrong, Hrother&Co.,4i and 40 First Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pa. 2t lm.
Ncivport, Pa,
New and Great Bargains !
15 Cents per dozen, worth 30.
LINEN TBIMMINGH,Whlte,mnny Blue & Brown
15 Cents per yard, worth 2S.
PINS 14 Rows for 8 Cents, worth 10.
Ladles'svery fine LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS,
lit Cents, worth SO.
8 Pairs of Hplendld HOSE, 25 Cents, worth 45.
SILK HANDKERCHIEF at 25 Conts, worth
double the money.
Paris Lisle Thread HOSE, 35 Cents, worth 62.
Balbfl ggau HOSE, Hllk Stripe, 23 Cents,
worth 60.
EMBROIDERY from 4 Cents per yard up to 50,
(a speciality.)
RUSCHE3 for the neck, 3 Cents, worth 10.
DOUBLE RUSCHES, 10 Cents. Sold every
where at 20 cents.
PURE SILK PARASOLS only 81.00. Examine
HANDSOME TIDIES only 23 Cents, worth Co.
SASH RIBBONS-A11 Silk, 8 inches Wide, only
25 Cents per yard, worth 75.
3 LINEN COLLARS for tients, 50 Cents,
worth 75.
Ladles' all Linen COLLARS, 6 Cents, worth 20.
All Blzes Children's Fancy HOSE, 10 Cents,
worth 18.
Large COUNTERPANES, 60 Cents, worth 81 25.
Extra Large (12-4) COUNTERPANES, 75 cents,
worth i 00.
8UMMER SHAWLS, 65 Cents, wortti ft 00.
MOTTO FRAMES with Class, 25 Cents worth 65.
MOTTOES only 6 Cent, worth 15.
BRISTOL BOARD, 12 Cents, worth 20.
HANDSOME SKIRTS at 76 Cents, worth 81 00.
CORSETS 40 Cents, sold everywhere at 75.
GROS GRAIN RIBBON Extra Quality, Ho. 9, at
20 Cents, No. 12 at 25 Cents.
Children's LACE COLLARS, 20 Cents, worth 40.
On the FIRST OF SEPTEMBER I will display
handsome line of
Of all the very LATEST STYLES.
tVA full line of LADIES' UNDER-CLOIH-INti,
CIWAVKH Uian can be made up.
' m 1 f
o I omnia a
.iU W VUHI'IU u ..
Li I II I I I I I I III lll.llllllil.
(Miss Bell's Old 6taud,)
Til K su Writer, Kxeoutnr of Fred E. Dum. fle.
ceawl, will sell at his late reldence,lii Tyrone
ON FRIDAY. AUOUfcT lUli,l877.
Tho following described leal estate, vie
more or 1ms, of land situate In Tyrone townililp,
having thereon erected &Ki
TWO JllllCK JIOU8E8, fiii8
AND A BANK PAKNniul various other JJiiJL
Tlipronro on the premises, a (rood yimnuor
rtisnl of Apple slid Peach trees Jutt coming Into
bearing and another old npple oroliard.
A Iso at I lie same limn, there will In sold one.
half Interest In a tract of IIiiiImt land of said ile
ceiised, situate In Kiiville twp., containing about
8 acres more or less.
TKItMfl OF HA LE Ten per. cent, of the pur
chase money to be paid when the property Is
stricken ilowni one half of the balance on the
1st liny of April ISiHat which time deed will lio
delivered, anil the remainder mi the 1st day of
April A. 1). 1S7U. Unpaid purchase money to bear
Interest from date ol sale and to be secured by
Judgment bond. Possession glvei Immediately
after sale.
f Rule to commence at in o'clock a. in., of
Altld rtnv. Ifin- liirlltHi. Ii,r,..n,.,ll.... u
, , . . w. If. DOM, Executor,
July 24, 1877.1 Elllottsliuig,Perryco., Pa.
The undersigned, Assignee of Qoei ge Matchett
and wile lor benellt of ciedltors. Ry virtue of an
order Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Perry county, will expose to publlu sale on the
premises on
The following described Real Estate to wit i
All that certain inessunge or tract of hind situ,
rte In Miller township, Perry county Pa., adjoin,
lng Innils of William Hands, Alexander linker
and osiers. Containing f
One Hundred and 1'wcnty-flve Acre,
nearly all cleared, and In a good stale of cultiva
tion, having thereon erected
Frame Bam,
There are a number of FRUIT TRKKH on this
farm, nnd running water near the buildings. This
tract Is located on or near the public road leading
from Lush's Run to Montubella Furnnco, about 0
miles from Duncannon and one and one hall
miles from Losh's Hun Htatlonnn the Penn'a it.
It., In a good neighborhood convenient to stores
mills, schools and churches.
'this sale is made subject to a mineral lease In
said projierty. Hale to commence at one o'clock
P. M., of said day when terms of sale will be made
known by
July 21. 1877.
THE undersigned, Assignee under a deed ol
voluntary assignment for the benefit of the
creditors of Mrs. Margaret K. Donley, will sell at
public outcry upon the 'iremlses, In Carrol' towu
ship, about l'A miles West of Dellville,
at 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, the following de
scribed valuable real estate:
Consisting of a messuage or TRACT OF LAND,
situate In the township ol Carroll, County of Per
ry and Htate of Pennsylvania, and imunded by
lands of C. Roth. Adam Ream, T. Mat lack and
others, containing
strict, and having thereon erected a large good
with KITCHEN attached. Half BANK BARN,
Wood House, Hmnke House, Hog Pen and other
necessary outbuildings.
There Is a good YOUNG ORCHARD In prime
bearing condition and other fruit upon the prem-,1
ises. lhe water is supplied by two good wells and
a spring near the house, which runs in several
flelds. The quality of soil Is good red shale.
Note This property Is In every way desirable!
It Is situate within a mile of a school, a mile and
a half of stores, mills, blacksmith shop, eto., and
about two miles to the nearest church. It Is
pleasantly located on a point of scenery, and will
make In every respect a most desirable farm
home. -JOHN
8. RICHEY, Assignee.
TERMS OF 8ALK. Ten per cent, of the pur
chase money to be paid when the property is
stricken down; one-third of the remainder upon
the confirmation of the sale, and the balance to
be divided Into two equal annual payments paya
ble respectively, the lht day of April, 178 and
WX to De secured by Judgment bomK with Inter
est from 1st April, 1878, when deed will be deliver
ed and possession given.
July 10, 1877. 'S
tion will be made to the Court of Quarter Hes
sions In and for Perry County, Pa.. August term,
1877, to have the bridge across the .Innlata river,
at NEWPORT, in said county, declared a free
bridge under an Act of Assembly approved the
8th day of May, A. D. , 1870. entitled "An Act to
authorize the acquisition of the several Counties
of this Commonwealth for the use of the County,
of bridges erected over rivers, creeks and rivu
lets, aud for (he abolition of tolls thereon. -C.
27 H Attorney or relit loners.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby by giv
en to all persons not to trespass on the
grounds of the undersigned, situate in Madison
and Jackson townships, by picking berries, fish
ing, hunting, or otheiwise trespatslng, as they
wul be dealt with according to law.
Soi- V. Grei ;
J. B. Comp ;
holomon Bower;
D. Johnson t
W.B. Ghat s
Andrew Trobtle ;
8. G. Smith :
June 19, 1877. pd
Isaac Hollenbaoou :
Mrs. Mary R. Hmitu :
Mrs. Sarah Htaubaigh:
James A.' Anderson i
Jkhkmiah Hkm'H ;
Jamks Woods.
D. StahualoH;
! ber hereby cautions all persons against
hunting or trespassing In any maimer on his land
in Tuscarora township, a. lie is determined to
punish all orleudeis to the full extent of the law.
June 26. 1877 t
ESTATE NOTICK Notice Is hereby glv
en. that Letters of Administration with the
will annexed on estate of John B. McClintock.late
of Carroll twp..Perryvconnty, Pa., deceased, have
been granted to the uuderlgntd, residing in the
same township.
All persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make Immediate i incut, and those hav
ing claims to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
JOSEPH a McCLINTOCK. Administrator.
P. O., Address Sherntansdale. Perry eo.. Pa.
July 24, 1877. ic. U. Smi-tv. Attorney.