t M 1 1 ii ii 1 111 wKMiMli imimiwm imii iiiIimhm uilnMaii wimWiW flini wwu pt.ii . win ,. . w. .i.ii.mi . i. ii triiiw ...inn M-nIiwiiiiiirimwni rrnr irr i r. ritflnrnnr )-nr ifi r - 8 THE TIMES, NEW . BL00MFIEL1), P,A., JULY 21, 1877. A Daring Robbery. The Philadelphia North American of the lUk lust., says: Yestordny niornlug when an nttendnnt In M. E. Dickson's Jewelry store, No, 85 Bonth Eighth street, opened the establishment lie was horrified to And that tbo place had been entered and robbed. The safe door was open nnd ' the contents of the receptacle gone Lying on the floor wore combination mid single jimmies, brace, bits, screws, wedges, a heavy leadenheaded hnmmer and strong bars. An examination made by the officers dis closed the fact that the thieves had entered the place by prying off a padlock of the cellar door at No. 81, under the hair and wig store of II. Hollander, after which a hole about two feet square was cut in the foundation wall, by which means an en trance was gained Into the cellar of M. Levy's fancy notion store, No. 83. In this place thore were two cellars, to both of which there were trap doors leading into the store, and to avoid cutting another hole they broke open the door of the first cellar, entered it and then opened tlio second cellar, which brought them into the one adjoining Mr. Dickson's store. In this way another two feet hole wos cut, which allowed them access to the cellar, then the door was broken opon and the store gained. In the rear stood the safe, a small sheet-iron one, the door of which was neatly pried open with the jimmies and wedges, no powder being used, and all the jewelry it contained of any value carried off. It is evident they left by the same means they entered, as no doors were opened, and that Mr. Dickson's store was the objective point Is shown ill the fact that nothing was disturbed in the store of Mr. Levy, though they passed through it both in going in and in coming out. Mr. Dickaon was bo much distressed over his misfortune yesterday that he could not give a full account of his loss, but it comprised some of his finest jewelry. There were six large foolscap sheets of watches, three packages of heavy chains and a very large assortment of bracelets and diamonds valued in all at , about $ 18, 000. The thieves did not touch a smaller safe containing cheap jewelry, but every thing of value was carefully selected. Mr. Dickson has been peculiarly unfortunate, in 1865 his store was robbed of $10,000 worth of jewelry, and about six months ago a thief climbed over the transom and and secured f 000 worth of goods. Interesting Will Case. John D. Lewis, the hoad of the dry goods firm of Lewis, llaviland & Co., Church and Chamber streets, while out riding in Central Park, New York, about one year ago, was thrown from his carriage and killed. - lie left a will bequeathing $15,000 to different parties, and directed that the income of his estate, about f 250, 000 in unencumbered real estate, be paid to Miss Lizzie Barton Taylor until she was lawfully married. If she had any children the estate was to go to them, and if not married, or without children she died, i he was to be buried in the same grave witn tne testator, ana mat tne estate ' be expended in beautifying the grave. It was suspected that Mr. Lewis had negro blood in his veins, and the wall was contested by Henry Lewis and Mary Smith, brother and sister, both with full negro blood in their veins, and claiming to be half-brother and half-sister of the deceased. On the trial it was proved that Lewis was the son of a Virginia slave woman and a Canadian, his mother having fled to Canada during the existence of slavery in the United States ' Judge Barrett in the special term of the supreme Court gave his dicision in the case. He sweeps away all the provisions of the will except that giving Miss Taylor the income of the estate until she is lawfully married, and whether she has children or not the estate then goes to Lewis and his sister. An Inhuman Mother. A. Greensboro correspondent writes : On Tuesday morning, just after dawn, a negro women, at that time living with a well known family, . and acting in the capacity of a seamstress, gave birth to a male child in the garden. Being alone he dug a hole in the ground and buried it, immediately after which she left the scene without giving the slightest intima tion of what bad occurred. About nine o'clock, however, the lady of the house while in the garden gathering vegetables, was startled at the sight of a carious rise in the earth near her feet. A servant was called to solve the mystery, when, to the horror of both, the body of a well developed live infant was found scarce ly a foot below the surface. Notwithstanding the fact that it had been buried for fully four hours, it lived till 0 o'clock that evening. tW During a thunder storm which re cently passed over MeadviUe, George L. , Miller, sixteen years of age, of Mead twp., was instantly killed by lightning. He had takon refuge nnder a tree. On examination of his body it was found that the electrio fluid bad imprinted an exact representation of the leaves and branches of the top of the tree upon his back, while exaotly over bis heart was a small round bole burned in bis ilesh, and through his clothing. neat hamulus In AniflHen. ITIDMO .T. F. Man- m ... ... v(ijib, imver, Map nml Catalogue life Delaware. !27iUw. Llfo nnd Health Without Drugs. Blue and Red LIGHT. Pr. ranenast' Rront work Is NOW KliADY KOU AOKNTP. The only Hook practically tun now tun- -treatliiK vorsnlly nlworulng topic. Hhuws liw to npply the treatment, nnd. tells of many successful cures made by the use of this wonderful medi um. Circulars nnd best terms to early appli cants. J. INI. B'lODDAKX & CO., 723 Chestnut Htreet, 1'hlladelplda. . 27dw TRIPLING" WITH A COLD 18 ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COl'UHS. nnd all diseases of the THHOAT, LUNGS, CHEbT anil MUCOUS MEMBRANE. Put I'p Only In nine Itoxes. BOLD HV ALLDItUOttlSTa. 27d4w C. N. Crittenton, 7 Sixth Avenub, New York. A chance for all to make or save money.atul get the BH8TOOOD8 In the market TEAS, COFFEES, &C, sold nt lower prices than the same qualities can be bouRht at any other house In this country. All goods guaranteed to bo satisfactory nnd ns represented, or the money will be refunded on re turn of the goods, which may be done at our ex pense. The reputation of onr house forselllnirstandard goods at Low prices, (for 3(1 years), has given us a standing In New York City nnd vicinity, that Is not eujosed by any other liouse In the trade. After mature deliberation we have determined to offer our goods to housekeepers, at the LOWEST WHOLESALE TRADE 1'JtlCES, when a CLUBls formed large enough to make a small case. The goods of each member bf the club will be put In separate packages, and marked with name and cost, so as to avoid confusion In distribution. Goods will be sent by Express to Collect on Da II very. All wishing to save money by purchasing family supplies at New York Wnolesalle Trices can talk the matter over among friends and nolghbors, and send tons for Club Oircular.Prlce list, ic. We give a present of either goods, or money to the person who gets up the club, to compensate for trouble, etc. Samples ot XKA 4i COEEEEsentby mall. Send for l'rice-list, and Club Circular. 27d4w Stiner's New York & China Tei Co., M. II. MOSES &CO., Proprietors. 77,79,81,84 and 80 YESEY Street, Aeio l'ork. OnfW See this. Only (1. 50 capital required nt DUUrto start canvasslim for MARK TWAIN'S NEW 8CRAP-BOOK. John K. llallowell Eight St., New BOOK. Anpiy. with stamp, to S CANVASSERS A GREAT OFFER 1 1 WWb Hard Times dispose of 100 PIANOS AND OHJAT8, new and second-hand of llrst class makers including WATERS' at lower prices for Cash or Installments or let until paid for than ever before ottered. WATERS' GRAND BOUAKK and UPRIGHT PIANOS AND ORGANS (IN CLUDING THEIR NEW SOUVENIR AND BOU DOIR) are the BEST MADE. 7 Octavo Pianos K150. 7 1-3 do J160 not used a year. " 2" Stop Organs ISO. 4 Stops 158. 7 Stops H8. 8 Stops JVa. 10 Stops H8. 12 Stops 1100 Cash, not used a year, In perfect order and warranted. LOCAL and TRAVELING AGENTS WANTED. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. A liberal discount to Teach ers, Ministers, Churches, etc. Sheet music at half price. HORACE WATERS SONS, Man ufacturers and Dealers, 40 East Htli Street.Unlon Square, N. Y. 27d4w LADIES IHginl la Itittoa Hone Coral Set, Bmi'.pta ul P'idtnt Brcfi, But ronftaia to uy rwaer of this Fiptr for 23 'cttti. Thm 8eti for SO Mill. 1 Cur rency or Stamps. I. A, THDMI0. Clinton nice.Mtw Tori. jypSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Now offer the public A RARE AND ELEQAKT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting st all shades suitable for the season. BJL.ACK ALP AC CAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN ENDLESS SELECTION OF PRINTS! We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head of GROCERIES ! Machine needles and oil for all makes ot Machines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. - No trouble to show goods. ' Don't forget the' ' CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. . PIANOS AND ORGANS! MILTON" 13. QIBSOIST Hob taken the Agency for TEIUIY COUNTY for several First Class makes of pIANOS AND OrganS, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED YORK COTTAG-E OROAJST, One of the Best Organs now Manufactured. It Is a brief period since the YORK COTTAGE ORGAN Is being rrmnufac tured and sold on an extensive scale to the public at large. The home demand having tnken the entire production at first. But their excellent qualities have gained for them ft "WONDERFUL REPUTATION, nnd through their merit they have In a short time von their way into popular favor, and are now acknowledg ed as the BEST REED ORGAN MADE. In Sweetness of Tone, Variety of Expression, and Durability of Construction, THEY STAND UNRIVALED. The have all the Very Latent Imj-rorr.mentn that human skill can devise, in cluding the Gr'nnd Orfmi EjrpreMton, which throws all the other stops into action when only one is drawn. They are fully Warranted for Six Years. They nre as LOW IN PRICE as a Oood First Class Organ can be manufactured. rf3T Ho can suit you in every respect, If you are wanting an Organ for Church, School or Home, lie is alsongent for the Best Standard PIANOS. All who wish to purchase a good instrument at low rates, will find It to their advantage to call on or address, MILTON B. GIBSON, LOYSVILLE, PERRY, COUNTY, PENN'A. July 10. COMPETITION DEFIED IN PRICE. QUALITY AND STYLE. Having just opened our second LARGE STOCK OF SUM MER GOODS, we have determined to make another sacrifice. "We are now offering A man's good Summer Suit from - - A man's good Summer Coat from - . A man's good Summer Pants from ... A boy's good Summer Suit from . A boy's good Summer Pants from A boy's good Summer Vest from - - A common Room Carpet from - A good Flower Carpet from ... A better Flower Carpet from - - A man's good Hat from - - A man's better Hat from . ' ' - J A boy's good Hat from ... A lady's good Shawl from A lady's good Skirt from . ... A common Parasol from .... A good Parasol from - - . A nice Fan from - - . . A good Ean from - . -A good Paper Pins Four pair Ladies' Hose ... One pair Ladies' Glovep - - - . Six Ladies' White Handkerchiefs - -Two Ladies' White Ruches .... One Ladies' good Corset - .... Ladies' Hair Braids ..... Ladies' Hair Switches - . -Men's good Suspenders .... Men's good Overalls - .... Three pair men's Hose - . . Trunks, Valises, Oil Cloths, Jewelry, (Cutlery, Underwear, Tlos, Bows, Collars, CutTs, Table Cloths, Towels, Napkins, Hats, Caps, Umbrellars, Paper and Envelopes, and many other great bargains too numerous to mention. Don't fall to call and be convinced that we have the assortment, quality and price to suit all. ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPORT, . PENN'A. TO THE PEOPLE OF PERRY COUNTY. ANNUAL SPRING GREETING OF STEPHENS & BEETEM. $4 00 to $5 00 75 to 3 50 75 to 2 50 . 3 00 to 4 00 - To to 2 00 60 to 1 00 18 to 25 - 33 to 40 - 45 to 75 75 to 1 00 1 25 to 2 00 50 to 1 00 75 to 2 00 40 to 1 00 20 to 50 70 to 2 00 05 to 15 20 to 50 . 03 25 15 25 05 40 20 15 10 40 25 1877. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE. 1877. English and Amer ican BRUSSELS Id all the BEST makes. BEAUTIFUL Three Ply CARPETS. Id Brussels Designs. EXTRA ENGLISH INGRAIN AND Kxtra Super CARPETS CHEAP t Beauties In Hall and Stair CARPETS with rich match BORDERS ! ALL NEW FOR SPRING. NOW OPEN ! AND READY FOR SALE. THE HOST ATTBACTIV8 SPHISO STOCK OF Carpets! Carpets! AND OIL CLOTHS! WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, Looking Glasses, MATS, RUGS, HASSOCKS, . AND VV nil Papers, erer before offered to the trade. , STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 EAST MAIN BTKEKT, CAELISLE. CARPET CIIAINS, AND FILLINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WAIit) PAPJSUS AND DECOHATIONS. tor Halls, Parlors and Vestibules, Chamber and , Dining Rooms, 6iC. OIL CLOTHS! For Stairs, Tables, Floors and Halls. Cut to at lu a solid piece. LOOKING GLASSES! FROM PARLOR TO KITCHEN SIZES. 30 Patterns In Home Made CAltPETS, our own manufacture. The best ool, Cotton and Linen CAttPJCT CHAIN always on baud. A5DSOLBAT liottom Price, ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. ARRIVAL. Moro Great Bargains. More Great Bargains. Moro Great Bargains. Moro Great Bargains.' Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 6 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Lots of other Chcnp Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. CASSIMERS AND CO' CASSIMERS AND CO" CASSIMERS AND CO CASSIMERS AND CO CASSIMERS AND CO CARSIMERS AND CO 0NADES, 0NADES. 0NADES. ONADES. 0NADES. ONADES. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. ' For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children, jor Men Women and Children, jor Men Women and Children, jor Men Women and Children, jor Men Women and Children. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPER PAP til AXD BORDERS. AND BORDERS. AJID BORDERS. AND BORDERS. AND BORDERS' AND BORDERS. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES,' A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES', A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES' A GOOD SIOCK OF GROCERIES, Of Every Kind, Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. ' F. MORTIMER. F. MORTIMER. F. MORTIMER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers