The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, July 24, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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Todlil Dcihi(tn)eit.
feiVnsylvauia a. s.-uiddle division.
On kuil tftiT JmicSSth, Trains run M follows I
A. M.
7 (HI
(l. in. 10.60
7. BO I
13. M
7. mi lo.So
D M 9.M
a. mi
s.iu od a mi
11.04' S.W S.S s 33;
10.10 4.47!
11.87 4. IS 7.1W
8. SO .M 8. till1
BIS g .8(1; 8. In
t"PIliUM Egress leaves Ilarrlsbtirir at II.wp.m.
Duncanmm 11. "A (flair) i Newport 11.67 (link) luil ar
rlvosat llll',.irirat.IOA. l.
rwonliw Wmt.tlin Way Pnaaonifor lesvos Ilsrrli
butvllall'. (he other ti-nlun tmily exrent Hnmlay.
IIT lointf Kant, the Atlnntlo Kxpvei lesvet Altoons
Daily, the oilier trains Dally except Hunday.
twPidfi" Impress Wt will atop at Pnncnuuon at
4.&1 and at Newport at a. 17 a. ni., wlieu flumrcd.
Our Acluma county exchanges hrng
about the wheat crop of that county.
The onts crop of this county is a re
markable good one, and many have al
ready harvested it. .
Speer's Pure Port is always on hand.
It is the finest and purest wine in the
market. For sale by 1 Moktimeu. tf
Greasou, Cumberland county, had a
sensation a few nights since. The post
oftlce was entered and robbed of $30 in
A fight took place at Landlsburg, on
Saturday night. Four young men whose
names we did not learn, were arrested
and one of them was brought to Jail.
The others gave ball for their appear
ance. Snakes must be plenty on the farm
owned by John Darlington, near this
place. A few days ago a copper-head
crawled into a horse trough, and bit a
colt on the Jaw causing it to swell badly.
Another one bit a boy in the boot leg as
he was going up the hay mow.
At a recent meeting of the directors
of the Juniata Valley Camp meeting
Association it was decided to keep the
camp grounds open on Sundays. The
boarding house was let to Grey, Smith
and Stewart, of Tyrone, for $550.00, and
the haulingof baggage to Elisha Graham
of Brattou township, for $48.50.
Hung Itself. On Saturday last we are
informed, Mrs. Asma Hummel of Mon
roe township, Snyder county, put her
infant child, aged about six months to
bed while sleeping. The bed was stand
ing close to the wall. The mother re
turned in a few moments to see whether
the babe was still sleeping, when to her
horror she found it suspended by the
neck between the bed and wall, dead.
Suicide.' We learn with great .regret
that Samuel B. Miller, well known
throughout the county, as an active and
energetic tree agent, committed suicide
by hanging on Saturday about noon, in
the wagon shed , on his brother's farm
in Washington township, by tying a
rope around the hay ladders, suspended
in the shed,his feet touching the ground.
There are various surmises as to what
caused him to commit the rash and fatal
act. Middlcburg Post.
Strange Bank Robbery. On Thursday
morning last, the citizens of Newport
. were thrown into a great excitement by
the report that the Peoples' bank of
that place had been robbed the pre
vious night. The appearances of the
bank did not indicate that any one
had been in, but on opening the cash
drawer it was found that the bills
and some bonds had been removed. The
night previous the combination lock hod
not been locked till eleven o'clock,as the
books of the Building association which
are being examined were put in at about
that hour. Some think the robbery was
committed before that time by some one
familiar with the premises and who was
cognizant of the fact that the combina
tion was not locked. Others think that
the deed was committed by an expert
from Philadelphia, acquainted with the
lock and its combination. It seems to
us that the former opinion is more prob
ably the correct one, and that the rob
bery was committed in the early part of
the evening.when the party was in such
a hurry to get out that he did not take
time to make a clean sweep of all the cash.
Had the deed been done by a person
opening the combination, they would
not have left some of the cash, and still
have taken time to lock the combina
tion and leave the bank In such appar
ent good order. At any rate the robbery
Is a strange one. The bank loses about
$5,000 in money and $1,500 In bonds.
Following is the number of bonds
missing : One hundred dollar bond No
124,413 ; 68,044 ; 8,715; 124,419 ; 30,639;
67,215; 01,308 ; 19,942; 119,709; 119,788,
Five hundred dollar bond Nos. 74,-
078. Also, a mortgage bond of $1,000,
belonging to Miss Maggie Whiteside, of
Camp Meeting. The Cumberland Val
ley M. E. Campmeetlng, near Oakvllle,
commencing August 9th, and closing on
the 22nd, promises to be very largely at-
Way'MnlliAi-e.. Principal
tui.Tr'u Tr'n Htatiunk.
a.mJp.m. P.M.'
8. ik')' i.M t.M ITsrrlsbnnJ,
P. 11! 1.4.1 6.4S liiu'kvillis
S.U1 I.M 6. Ml Marysvtlle, i.iiK sis Duursnuon,
P. Mi I. HI 6.4H Unity's
fttM 9.4:4 S.MI Newport
P.'Jll 9.M 7.10 Mtllimtown,
fl.'tl l.lli J .as Tliompiout'u.
8.'M 7.4i) Mexico
P.M S.3H 7.M Port lioyal....
10.10 ..V. 8.00 Mitllill,
10.42 4.1X1 I f.ewltnwli J.,
I Anderson's,. ..
11.14 4.57 McVi-ytiiwn,.,
11.40 i.M N. Hmnllton, ,'
13.2o s.iiit llnnilnxdon,..
1.15 D.4 Tyrone
I.M 7. 'Jo Altooua, I
P.M. P.M. 1
tended by tent-holders and others. The
applications for tents are numerous, but
if they exceed the supply, the board of
managers will see that ample provision
Is made to accommodate all who apply
within a reasonable time. The new
board fence leading to the depot, and the
boarding tents, are receiving a thorough
whitewashing, and the grounds and im
provements generally are in splendid
Change In the Pension Agonoy. An
order has been received from the chief
of the Pension Bureau, which is in efttcl
that all pensioners of the army or navy
residing in the counties of Adams
Allegheny,Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford,
Clearfield, Clinton, Crawford, Cumber
land, Elk, Erie, Fayette, Forest, Frank
lin, Fulton, Greene, Huntingdon, In
diana, Jefferson, Juniata, Lawrence,
Lycoming, McKcan, Mercer, Mlfiln,
Perry, Totter, Snyder, Somerset, Tioga,
Union, Venango, Warren, Washington
and Westmoreland, shall be henceforth
paid their pensions at the Pittsburgh
agency. The order is dated June 80.
Heretofore about one-third of these
counties received pensions from the
Philadelphia agency.
y& Curiosity. The Newvlllo Star tells
the following story regarding a Spring
in Buffalo twp. We wish some our sub
scribers would send us some of the ber
ries spoken of. " In Watts twp., former
ly a part of Buffalo, there exists a hol
low or cut in the mountain which has
long been and is still on object of curi
osity. In or about the year 1810, there
lived in the neighborhood a family nam
ed Rodgere. A male member of this
family was of unsound mind and many
were the strange phantasies that from
time to time ran through his head. He
was an oddity in the neighborhood. At
that time the feeling against the British
ran high, and ltodgers partook of it
with a spirit that knew no bounds. He
got a cannon cast at a neighboring foun
dry which he tastefully mounted on
wheels and had it placed in position as if
hourly expecting an attack from the
British. It was about this time that he
conceived the idea of connecting Buffa
lo township with the opposite valley by
means of a cut through the mountain.
At last the idea became an uncontrolla
ble mania, and wltii pick, spade and dig
ging iron he entered upon his work
with zeal, notwithstanding the hercule
an character of the work which loomed
up before him. And from day to day
he dug,slowly advancing into the moun
tain, not like a true engineer, endeavor
ing to pierce the vast hill in the form of
a tunnel,but by digging it down from its
summit to its base. It is presumed by
those familiar with the place and the
traditions connected with the occur
rence that many months had elapsed
and the digging was still going on, noth
ing daunting the tilth of the insane man
but that some day the light of the oppo
site valley would burst through his
gorge. But an unexpected occurrence
suddenly dampened his ardor. As he
was digging, as he doubtless dreamed,
into the very bowels of the mountain,
there suddenly gushed forth a beautiful
stream of water, and then the work
ceased. The crazy man was of the firm
belief that he had struck the bottom of a
Chinese sea or river. " for," said he, " I
could hear the Chinese in their boats,the
splashing of their oars," &c, and (he
often asserted) as he did not want to be
in company with those heathen he
thought best to give up the work and
spare this country the calamity of a
Chinese influx. The cut is thought to
have been nearly one hundred yards
long, but is now partly filled up, but the
pure mountain water continues to gurgle
forth, a perpetual memorial of Rodgers'
insane idea. To this day the spring is
called Rodgers' Folly Spring." Rodgers
died and the bushes began to grow in
his gorge, and among those bushes there
sprang up, in large numbers, a giant
specimen of the whortleberry bush,
which grew to such a size that a good
sized boy could climb up several feet
among the limbs. These bushes, besides
being giants in their size, bore and still
bear (for they flourish there to this day)
a large blue berry, possessing at the same
time a very fine flavor. This curious
hollow is situated about two miles east
of the Juniata and about a mile and a
half west of the Susquehanna, about 3
miles from where the rivers fork. Our
friend Chambers got the foregoing from
an old resident who is now dead and
Juniata County. We copy the follow.
ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week.
On Monday last. Constable S. S. Wll
son's mare ran oil" withhim.nearConn's
store, lu Spruce Hill towshlp, throwing
him out, cutting his head and injuring
him seriously internally. He is confined
to the house. The buggy was completely
Frank MUliken, of Tuscarora Valley,
was killed at Huntingdon on Friday
last by being run over by the cars.
Frank had been working at Huntingdon
for several months past, and on Friday
was about to board A freight truln to
pny a visit to his homa in this county,
when he was Mnick by the Atlantio
enst, cutting off both legs, and other
wise Injuring him so that he died in a
few hours. Jfls remain were taken to
his home in Tuscarora Valley for interment.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers of Inst week :
On Mondav last. Superintendent Kast
held the annual examination for teach
ers for Mt. Holly Springs borough and
Cooke township. The class was very
small, consisting of two gentlemen.
John Swords, a fnrnicr residing near
the Stone tavern in Dickinson township,
dropped dead, on Wednesday morning
last, of apoplexy. Mr. H. had partaken
of a very hearty breakfast, and was in
the act of pulling a wagon out of the
barn when he was attacked with tho
George Snyder, a citizen of Carlisle,
mnde a miraculous escape from dentil on
Frldtiy. He was engnged in building a
load of hay for Samuel Stone on James
W. Hosier's tiirni, on ine xoric roau,
when tho load overturned, with Snyder
underneath. The other men at work in
the field at once hastened to remove the
heavy mass of hay which covered Buy.
der. Thls-was accomplished In a remark
ably short time, but not a moment too
soon, for Snyder would have suffocated
hnd his comrades not exerted themselves
to save him.
Joseph IIosler,llvIng on what Is known
ns the " Mlddleton farm" west of Eck
hort's bridge, In MilUln township, was
badly hurt on Wednesday lust, whilst
pushing a large wngon out of the barn
lloor. As the wagon was moving rather
rapidly down the incline one of the
wheels struck an obstruction causing the
tongue to swiftly fly around striking
him on the back, breaking two ribs, one
on each side, at tho same time dislocat
ing his shoulder and cracking his
shoulder blade. We are not acquainted
with his condition at this writing.
On Friday evening last a party of la
borers of the H. & P. R. R. were return
ing home on a " hand" car which one
of them, named Toner, of Mt. Hol
ly, was propelling by means of a rail or
pole. In some way Mr. Toner was
thrown from his seat upon the truck,
and one of the wheels of the truck pass
ed ovei the lower part of his face, tear
ing out his lower jaw, and inflicting in
juries which resulted in diath.
A son of Jacob Weaver, living on
the Big Spring, receivad a severe cut
in the back part of his leg just below
the calf, from a scyrr67 on Saturday.
Several of the leaders are cut and the
probability he will be maimed for life.
Church Notices.
Preaching in the M. K. Church next
Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Hunday
School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every
Thursday evening.
Presbyterian Church Preaching next
Sabbath at 10 A. M. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday at 8 P. M.
W. J. Rice, Surgeon and Mechanical
Jjcniiat, will visit Jiioomneia tne first
two wekks of each month, profession
ally. Office at 'Squire Clouser's resi
dence. The remainder of his time at
his oillce in Ickesburg, Perry co., Pa.
trar Call and hear his prices. 28
Llpplncott's Magazine for August.
Lippincott't Magazine for August is full of
light and entertaining reading, suitable lor the
country and the seaside. Lady Blanche Mur
phy concludes iier pleasant papers on the Rhine
and Mrs. Sarah B.Wietar gives a lively account
which Is also Illustrated, of that most beautiful
of Italian towns, Verona. "Irish Society in
the Last Century" sparkles with anecdote and
racy description; "lua Russian Trakteer,"
by David Ker, gives us a glimpse of life and
manners in Moscow i and "Chateau Courance"
by John V. Sears, tells the romantic history of
a princely estate near r ountalnbloau, long
closed to tho outer world, which a couple of
American artists were recently permitted to ex
plore, and which proved to be full of treasures
in the way of art and bric-a-brac. A sprightly
natlfir on " The Paris Cafes." bv Oilman C
Fisher, gives many details In regard to the
most celebrated resorts In the gay capital and
the tastes of their habitutes. Mrs. R. II.
Davis's new serial, " A Law unto Herself,"
promises to be oae of her most powerful works
There are several other stories, lncludine a
clever sketch of negro charateri, by Mrs. Liz
zie W. Cbampncy. The poems are by Dr. 8.
Weir Mitchell, Emma Lazarus, and Einllie
The undersigned would ask the citi
zens of Perry and adjoining counties,
inai are in neeu or any goous in nis line,
that now is the time to buy a full stock
at LOW PRICES to all. The following
is tne prices oi some oi my goous :
Extra Fat Family Mackerel, 91 90 per qr.
Liverpool O. A. Halt, 1 25 uer sack.
Best Hemlock Bole Leather, 80 cts. per lb
1 yard Wide Floor Oil Cloth, 4ucts.peryd
III WHIP ItUIII I ItillO lyll'tll. OO
Lorlllard's Best Tin Tag Tobacco, 75 " " lb
xmi8 uki aim up, & vo per Keg
Standard " A" White Sugar, 8lfc tor 81 to
Host ltlo Collee, 41b lor SI 00
Miller & Weaver's Pure Eye Whis
key, ' Gocts. per qt.
Miller (4 Weaver's Pure Bye Whis
key, J2 25 per caC
Sliver Elated 7-Sliot Revolvers and
Box Cartiidises, $2 50 v..
Silver Plated 6-bliot Revolvers, Large
Calibre, Sij 50
Double Barrelled Shot Guns, ' ti 00 to J18 00
1 quart Mason's Poicelalu Top tilasa
Fruit Jars. Si 40 per doz.
2 quart do do do 1 75 per doz.
Note Paper and Envelopes very Cheap.
Window Ulass, Faints and Oils at Low Prices.
dT ALL GOODS as represented or
Don't Forget the Place,: -
Liverpool, Perry Co., Pa.,
Shuler's Old Stand,
8. M. SIIULER, Proprietor.
The Select School will be opened iu
Blaln on Monday, July 80th, by W. F.
t Dn. U. V. PiEitcR. the ureatest llvlna
medical advertiser, Is flatteringly mentioned
ns a camlidnts for tho oillce of Mayor of
Butlalo, the Queen City of the Lakes. Let
other ndvorttsott and other medical men
Imitate his example, and we shall hope In
time to record the fact of similar distinctions
conferred upon them all. They can not all be
Mayor or lluMnlo, but each nmv become orreat
In his own locality, or, what Is better, great
In the consciousness of a great deal of monev
Judiciously spont. We tondor our respectful
luiiiiuemenis in iih. riERon. Let mm De
Mayor I tftw York Sun, Jum 0th 187?.
Caution. AH nnrwna urn fnrhlil tn t.m.f mv
daughter Hai ah J. as I will pay no debts that she
limy contract. BAAiUKu ADAR1M,
jiuy li, OiikUrove.
County Trice Current.
BLnnnnt.n. .Inlv 9.1 l77.
Kl ax-Heed 1 ih
Potatoes 50
Butter If) pound 10312
Eggs ft dozen ., 12 "
Dried Apples ft pouud 314 cts"
Dried Peaches 12 cts. VI
Cherries o 0 ets. "
Pitted....'. OOOOOots. '
UlitiihUei'ile.'., OOOots. "
Corrected Weekly by Kough Jt Jlrothtr.)
NHWPOHT. Julv 21. IH7T.
Flour, Extra 18 75
" Super. ft 00
White Wheat V bu 1751 79
Red Wheat 1700170
Kye 86085
Corn 48 350
Oats Jt 32 pounds 4040
Clover Seed 7 mm 00
Timothy Seed 1 50
Flaxseed i 100
Potatoes 1 3lm 30
Bacon, 8 O 12
Dressed Hogs
Ground Allium Bait 1 40 OI 40
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
lowest ivi tuner nates.
Five per cent oil lor Cash.
Carlisle, July 10, 1877.
Family Flour t.50
Supertlne Rye Flour 3.50
White Wheat, new 1 50
Red Wheat, new 1 60
Rye . 55
Corn, (new) 60
Oats 80
Cloverseed, 8.00 a 8.00
DonilAM NK(it;s. On theHi-d lnf.. at the real.
denee of the bride at Waterman. III., by Rev. W.
W. Beans. Lewis W. Durham, to Miss Eliza Ann
xsegus, ootn oi waterman. Dekalb county 111.
Mickey Uinklk At the residence oi the
bride's parents, near Thompsontown, on July
11th, by Rev. h. F. Smith, Mr. Robert J. Mickey,
in i iiiiursnii, iu mis r.isie u. muKie, oi xiionip
soutown, Juniata county, Pa.
'v.-... v... iitu ,1, uuij, mil, in vm , 'l
tnwiiKhlp, Margaret R., wife of Mr. James Don-
TIixit vr tn tl, 1 1, . T.,1., tm I,,
ley, aged &2 years, l month and iU days.
TTIOlt snKRIFF. Bolnir solicited bv a nnm
JD ber of oltlzens from ditferent parts of the
county to Reek the nominatliin for HherlfT. hv the
Republican Convention, I hereby announce my
self as a candidate for that oillce, and If nonil
nated, I pledge myself to use all honorable means
i secure my nieotiou, ana 11 successful, to per
form the duties of the oillce faithfully and
promptly. 1 tlOMAa 8UIC11.
Hloomlleld, Fa., July 17, 1877.
Health, Comfort and Economy.
Cork Shavings are unsurpassed as an article for
neas, maiiresses, eto. lney are ten times as dur
able as Husks or Straw. Only 6 cents per pound.
Forty pounds will 111! the largest bed. For sale by
AininLiuiiK, muiuertt vo., uuuwfirsc Avenue,
jriLLSuutKU, l tt. ) Ml,
-.- tot Bosideaoes. PnHi. ..v
Farms from 50c. to 50 per Rod
Patent method for mowing and slacking ilayor
Straw, without extra charge to the Farmer. Anil.
bteels Mulshed and tempered by Nellis' process to
suit an Kinds sou. Medal awards on all our goods
cAiuuikeu ai me vyeiiteuuiat. information nee.
271m A. J. Km-LiaS Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
The Cross and the Crescent
A volume ot Thrilling Interest by the eminent
historian L. P. BROCKET! ; describing the Rus
sians and Turks; SOCIAL. POLITICAL, and RE
Home-Life, Varied Customs, and Peculiarities,
the Causes of the War, the Issues at stake Chris
tian against Mohammedan the mighty interests
of other nations Involved; Biographies of the
Rulers, Statesmen and Generals; AlIRichly Illus
trated. The book Millions need now. Wanted
lusiauny, jutu Agents ou very liberal terms.
Address ;
HUBBARD BROS.. Publishers.
St 27 , 733 Sansom St.. IjUladelplila.
Tuscarora Seminary
A Home School. Beautiful Scenery.
iiMiiiiiiui sinuate, run course.
Musio a Suecialtv. Modern Lan.
mages. Exiierienced Teachers. No
IH.IX wavwnrlc. "mv1 .Mulnn Ivuln.
I Sept. 6tu 1877. Send for Ciioular to
C. F. KOLBE, A. M., Principal. .
Academia. Juniata County, Pa.
(1876 Uniform Copyrighted 1877)
The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a
want supplied. We furnish low aud whatever
you need.
Law aud Commercial Supplies of all Kinds.
M f Bend tor Bamples and price lists ot what
you want.
- Catalgues of Blanks furnished at THIS
OFFICE, or direct from the publisher.
V . E. WAR1NU, Tyrone, fca.
MADE by Agents In cities and coun
try towns, only ntcesaary to show
samples to make sales aud money, for
any one out of employment and dispos
ed to work. Used dully by all business
men. Send Stamp for circular, with
prices to ugents. Address
Kendall Building, Chicago.
j a -Tort 1W Bosideices, PaMl. nJ11"" b t
71STATF. NOTICK.-lfntlce is hereby Rlv.
J 'J en, that Letters of Administration wllhthe
win annexed on estate of John 11. MiiCllnlnuk.lals
of Carroll two., 1'ei ry county. Pa., deceased, have
neen granted to lie uiuiurgiguea, residing in tue
same township.
All nfcrsons Indebted to snld estate are rentlest-
ed to make Immediate payment, and those Inn-
ing ciaim to present mem limy auuiuiitiuateu lur
settlement to
iohki'ii n. moi.intock. Administrator.
P. O., Address Shoriniinsdnle, Perry co.. Pa,
July 24. 1877. tUi ii. BMii.Er, Attorney.
TH E subscriber. Executor of Fred E. Dum. da.
ceased, will sell at his late residence lu Tyroue
ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1877.
The following described real estate, viz i
more or of lnnd situate In Tyrone township.
i(M.TiiiK vucitniii viruieu
AND A BANK BAHNnnrt various other J
chard of Apple and reach trees juH coiiiing into
i.n urn inn lti)'iu ui UflU ru.
nj, tti um ntinm Ulim, illtue will D0 BOKl One
Imlf Ititnrovf. In a. tract- tf iimhti l., r, i.i ,i
ftft(Ull Hit II at 14 111 Utl Villa turn a1.i.IuI..I.. i .
6 acres more or loan.
TRRM HV ft A T.WTrtn nn na.,l- A it..
- .j.,.,. i,.m f.i vnc in inn mil
chase money to be paid when the property Is
Hi. rink nn Hftusti nun Iitiif tt i.a i.nin!.., i
1st day of April 1878 at which time deed will be
ppi ii ioiu. uui(iiu puTuiume money w Dear
AsipII A It 1 wrn t r ...... i .1 i , j. .
luivnu iiwiu untx) i rmio iiuu lu uu nruurea uy
IlHltfmetlt hfltWl. PnntHni dlvntl llinnaliutolw
after Halo. .
M- Hill A tn finminatiM at 1ft nn1nnlr ...
said day. For further information call on or'ad
dress , W. H. PUM.Exccutor,
July 24, 1877.1 Elliottsburgerry co.t Pa
The undersigned, AsslKnee of Coerce Matchett
and wile for benelit of ci editors, lty virtue of aa
order Issued out of the Court of Common Fleas
of Ferry county, will expose to publlo sale on the.
premises ou
The following described Real Estate to wit t
All that certain messuage or traet of land sltu
rte in Miller township, Ferry county Fa., adjoin
ing lands of William Hands, Alexander Baker
aud others. Containing
One Hundred and Twenty-Jive Acres,
nearly all cleared, and In a good state of cultiva
tion, having thereon erected
Frame Barn,
There are a number of FRUIT TREES on this
farm, and running water near the buildings. This
tract Is located ou or near the public road leading
from Losh's Run to Montabella Furnace, about 8
miles from Diincannon and one and one half
miles from Losh's Run Station on the Fenn'a R.
It., In a good 'neighborhood convenient to stores
mills, schools and churches.
This sale Is made subject to a mineral lease In
said property. Hale to commence at one o'clock
F. M., of said day when terms of sale will be made
known by
July 21. 1877. l
THE undersigned, Assignee under a deed of
voluntary assignment for the benelit of the
creditors of Mrs. Margaret R. Donley, will sell at
public outcry upon the premises. In Carrol1 town
ship, about VA miles West of Dellvllle,
at 2 nVlock P. M. nf BftlH Ann thA fnllnwlnw Aa
scribed valuable real estate : . f
Consisting of a messuage or TRACT OF LAND,
situate In the township ol Carroll, County of Per
ryand State of Pennsylvania, and bounded by
lands of C. Roth, Adam Ream, X. Matlack and
others, containing
115 ACRES i
strict, and having thereon erected a large good
with KITCHEN attached. Half BANK BARN
Wood House. Smoke House, Hog Pen and other
necessary outbuildings.
There Is a good YOUNG ORCHARD In prime
bear i ug condition and oilier fruit upon the prem
ises. The water Is supplied by two good wells and
a spring near the house, which runs In several
fields. The quality of soil is good red shale.
Note Tills property Is In every way desirable.
It Is situate within a mile of a school, a mile and
a half of stores, mills, blacksmith shop, etc., and
about two miles to the nearest church. It Is
pleasantly located on a point of scenery, and will
make in every respect a most deairabl farm
JOnN 8. RICHEY, Assignee.
TERM8 OF SALE. Ten per cent, of the pur
chase money to be paid when the property Is
stricken down ; one-third of the remainder upon
the confirmation of the sale, and the balance to
be divided into two equal annual payments paya
ble respectively, the 1st day of April, 1H78 and
1879. to be secured by judgment bonds, with Inter
est from 1st April, 1878, when deed will be deliver
ed and possession given.
July 10, 1377.
NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, that applica
tion will be made to the Court of Quarter 8es
slons In and for Ferry County, Pa., August term,
1877, to have the bridge across the Juniata river,
at NEWPORT, In said county, declared a free
bridge under an Act of Assembly approved the
8th day of May, A. D., 1876, eutitled "An Act to
authorize the acquisition of the several Counties
of this Commonwealth lor the use of the County,
of bridges erected over rivers, creeks and rivu
lets , and lor the abolition of tolls thereon.
27 It MUtrney Jor Fetiiioners.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby by giv
er, to all persons not to trespass on the
grounds I the undersigned, situate iu Madison
aud Jackson townships, by picking berries, fish
ing, hunting, or etheiwlse trespawiing, as they
will be dealt with according to law.
Sol. V. Gret t
J. B. Comp i
h. G. Smith ;
June 19, 1877. pd
Isaac Hou.enbacgh ;
Mas. MAHr B. K.uith
M as. Sabau Stau ha uoh ;
James A. Andbusom i
Jekkuiah Hkncu i
James Woods.
ber hereby cautions all persons analog
hunting or trespassing In any manner on his land
In Tuscarora towuship. as lie is determined to
punish all olleudersio the full extent of the law,
.... JOHN UEsiiLKK.
June 26, 1877 St