The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, July 17, 1877, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE TIMES NEW BLOOMFIELD, , PA. JULY 17, 1877. How to Keep Well. Tbe remedy for summer diseases, by whatever nnme Is : Eat less. Wo do not mean that you shall starve yourself or deny yourself what you like best ( for, M a gen eral rule, what you like beat Is best for you; you need not abandon the use of tea or coffee or meat, or anything else you like, but simply eat less of them. Do not starve yoursolf, do not roduce the quantity of food to an amount that would scarcely keep a chicken alive, but make a bejiinijiug by not going to the table at all, unless you feel hungry ; for if you once get there, you will begin to taste this and that aud the other, by virtue of vinegar or mustard, or syrup, or cake, or something uloe. Thus a ficti tious appetite is waked up, and before you know it you have eaten a hearty meal. The second step toward the effectual prevention of all summer complaints and the like is : Diminish the amount of food consumed at each meal by one-fourth of each article. If you have taken two cups of coffee or tea at a meal, take a cup aud a half; if you have taken two biscuits or two slices of bread, take one aud a half; if you have taken two spoonsful of rice or hominy or cracked wheat or grits or f.iriua take oue aud a half; if you have taken a certain or uncertain quantity of meat, di minish it by a quarter, and keep on dimin ishing it in proportion as the weather be comes warmer, until you have no unpleas ant feeling of any kind after your meals, and until you have uot eaten so much at one meal, but that, w hou the next one comes, you shall feel decidedly hungry. Journal of Health. A Premonition of his Death. In Damascus, Wayne county, Pa., dur ing the prevalence of a storm, an old far mer, named Elijah Kellum, took refuge from its fury in a pig-pen ucar his house, lie had a pitch-fork in his baud, which he allowed to rest upon his shoulder, tines up. Lightning struch the fork and passed to the farmer, killing him instantly and a dog that was lying at his feet. Ilia daughter, eight years old, had just left the pen, and was running toward the house when tho bolt fell. Blie was rendered unconscious for several minutes. A singular fact is related in connection with the death of Mr. Kellum. lie had been despondent for several days, and just before the storm arose he kissed his chil dren as he went out of the house, saying it was for the last time. Calling his eldest son, he told him that he (the father) would die before night, and gavo the sou direc tions about the disposal of certain property. Why Some Farmers Don't Thrive. A letter from Vermont says : Hops, a considerable crop in this section, is subject to violent fluctuations, selling sometimes at CO cents a pound and at others bringing from 0 to 10 cents. It is the rule, except with a few, to rush into hops when they are high, get the ground into production just about at the bottom of the market, and then plow it up. By such financiering, and by borrowing on mortgage at 8 to 13 per cent, by tilliug twice as many acres as they can manure or hoe, by buying every patent rattle-trap that , comes along, and never buying an agricul- tural book, by throwing their manure out ; under the eaves of their barns and leaving it there six months to soak and leach before drawing it on to the land, by using poor seed because it is so cheap, by wintering thoir stock in cold stables and half-feeding them, by making second and third-rate butter and cheese, many of our New Eng land farmers keep themselves under the barrow all their lives. flpt bargains In Amerlps.r A RMC J. F. Man Mans mm Catalogue liee1' "'""wohii, Kover, Delaware. 27Uw. Mfe and Health Without Drugs. A Strange Coincidence. A singular coincidence occurred at Can ton, Mass., recently. Mrs. Ann Draper, was perusing a chapter in Job, and came to the verse which reads : " Seeing bis days are determined, the number of his months are with thee ; thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass." As she finished the verse, she paused, saying that her bead felt strangely, and immediately fell back und died. A Gallant Fight of Miners. Recent advices from the Black Hills shew that a party of ninety-eight miners, with two women, killed more hostile Indians in a day than Gen. Sherman's ill-managed and scattered army have killed this season. Cooped up behind breastworks, the band of pioneers repulsed charge after charge, and dealt death with unerring aim among the savage foe, who at length withdrew from the contest, leaving one hundred and six teen bodies on tbe field. 'On Sunday morning a young son of S. H. Kauffman, of the Washington Eve ning Star, while playing with a Smith & Wcbsod revolver, kept loaded in the house as a guard against burglars, discharged it accidentally, receiving the contents iu hit breast and dying almost immediately. tar Pleasant Stanley, aged 70, living in Greensburg, Ind., was murdered in his bed by unknown men on Thursday night Ilob bery was evidently the motive as a large amount of money usually kept about his person was stolen. Blue and Red UICHT. rent tlV Dr. Pmirnnst's ftrenl WcilK is NOW HEAI HUH AOKNTH. The (inly Himk itrantlcally treating thin now iinl- hiiows nw to aim v the treatment, and. tells nt many sticceislul versally absorbing tiinlp. the treatment, and: tell cures marie liv the use of this wonderful medi um. Circulars and beet terms to early appli cants. J. M. BTODDAKT & CO., 72.1 Chestnut Hueot, riilliulelpliia, ; 27 ill w WITH A COLD 13 ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy tor COVGIIH. and nil diseases of the THHOAT, LUNU8, CHKST and MUCOUS MKMBHANK. Put lTp Only fn Who Boxes. HOLD HV ALL lUtUGdlSTS. 27iHw C. N. Crittenton, 7 Hixtu Aveni b, New York. JtlOAlJ THIN I ! A chance for all to make or save money.nnd net the li EST GOODS In the market TEAS, COFFEES, &C, Jiold at lower prices than the came qualities can e boiiRht at any other house In this country. All goods guaranteed to bo satisfactory and as represented, or the money will be refunded on re turn of the goods, winch may be dune at our ex pense. The reputation of our bouse forselllnn stnndarit goods at Low prices, (for .HI years), has given U9 a standing In New York City and vicinity, that Is not enjoyed by any other house In the trade. After mature deliberation we have determined to oiler our goods to housekeepers, at the LOWKST WHOLKSALKTKADK I'MCKS, when a CLUHis formed large enough to make a small case. The goods of each member of the club will be put In separate packages .and marked with nnme and cost, so as to avoid confusion In distribution. Goods will be sent by Kxpress to Collect on Do. livery. All wishing to save money by purchasing family supplies at New York Wholesale 1'rlces can talk tho matter over among friends and neighbors, and send tons for Club Circular, I'rlce Hst.&c. We give a present of either goods, or money to the person who pets up the club, to compensate for trouble, etc. Hum pies of IK Aid COKKEK sent bv mail. Bend for l'rlee-llst, and Club Circular. 27d4w Stiner's New York & China Te t Co., M. II. MOSES &UO.. Proprietors. 77,79,81,81 find 8(1 l'AVVA'l' Street, Sew York. Dfini fee this. Onlv 81.50 capital required ot DUUIVto start canvassing for MAltK TWAIN'S NEW BCRAP-HOOK. Applv. with stamp, to John K. llalloweu.KW Eight St., Kew ioi'K, IK. Applv. with stamp, to ft CANVASSERS A GREAT OFFER 1 1 vino 1 tVes"? Hard Times dispose of 1(H) 1MA1SOS AND OlUiAISS, new and second hand of llrst class makers including WATEKH' at lower prices for Cash or Installments or let until paid for than ever before ottered. W A T E Its- (i H A N D SOU A H K and UPRIGHT PIANOS AND ORGANS (IN CLUD1NG THEIR NEW SOUVENIR AND 1SOU DOIR) are the PERT MADE. 7 Octavo Pianos tl.W. 7 1-3 do tlfiO not used a year. "2" Slop Organs t"A I Stons ?"S. 7 Stops 8 Stops STn. 10 Stops H8. 12 Stops (IPOCash, not used a year. In perfect order and warranted. LOCAL and TRAVELING AGENTS WANTED. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. A liberal discount to Teach ers, Ministers, Churches, etc. Sheet music at half price. HORACE WATERS K SONS. Man ufacturers and Dealers, 40 East Hth Strcet.Unlon Square, N. Y. ii7d4w 7 lABiiBmsMim- J,. it"'011 H "e vrn iv' j fci.t. n.fii.ti'n isa Pnifari Etn. Beit Jsitjidaym iM?"eti. Ttreo Sets for jyjUSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWrOItT, PENN'A. Now offer the public A RARE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting sf all shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALPACCAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS PRICES. AN EXDLE33 SELECTION' OF PRINTS! We sell aud da keep a good quality ol SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head ot " t .X GROCERIES ! Machine Needles and oil for all makes ot Machines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE BTOCK. n- No trouble to show Roods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. PIANOS AX I) ORGANS! MILTON -I. GIBSON Has taken tbe Agency for rEMlY COUNTY for several First Class innkes of PIANOS AND ORGANS, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED YORK COTTAGE OTIQJJX, One of the Best Organs now Manufactured. It is a brief period since the YORK COTTAGE ORGAN Is being manufac tured and sold on an extensive scale to the public at large. The home demand having taken the entire production nt first. But their excellent qualities have gained for them a WONDICUKUL REPUTATION, and through their merit they have in a short time won their way into popular favor, and are now acknowledg ed as the BEST: REED ORGAN MADE. In Sweetness of Tone, Variety of Expression, and Durability of Construction, THEY STAND UNRIVALED. The have all the Very Latent Improvement that human skill can devise, In cluding the annul Orynn Ej-j reunion, which throws all the other stops into action when only one is drawn. They are fully Warranted for Six Years. They are ns LOW IN PRICE as a Good First Class Organ can be manufactured. HT He can suit you In every respect, if you are wanting an Organ for Church, School or Home. He is alsoagcnt for the Best Standard PIANOS. & All who wlnli to purchase a good instrument at low rates, will find it to their advantage to call on or address, , MILTON B. GIBSON, LOYSVILLE, PERRY, COUNTY, PENN'A. Ju,'1')- COMPETITION DEFIED IN PRICE, QUALITY AND STYLE. Having just opened our second LARGE STOCK OF SUM MER GOODS, we have determined to make another sacrifice. We are now offering A man's good Summer Suit from A man's good Summer Coat from A man's good Summer Pants from A boy's good Summer Suit from A boy's good Summer Pants from A boy's good Summer Vest from A common Room Carpet from A good Flower Carpet from A better Flower Carpet from A man's good Hat from A man's better Hat from A lioy's good Hat from A lady's good Shawl from A lady's good Skirt from A common Parasol from A good Parasol from - - A nice Fan from - A good Ean from - - - A good Paper Pins Four pair Ladies' Hose One pair Ladies' Gloves Six Ladies' White Handkerchiefs Two Ladies' While Ruches One Ladies' good Corset Ladies' Hair Braids Ladies' Hair Switches Men's good Suspenders Men's good Overalls Three pair men's Hose Si 00 to 75 to 75 to - 3 00 to - To to 50 to IS to - 33 to - 45 to 75 to 1 25 to 50 to 75 to 40 to 0to 70 to 05 to 20 to $5 00 3 50 2 50 4 00 2 00 1 00 25 40 75 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 2 00 15 50 03 25 15 25 05 40 20 15 10 40 25 Trunks, Valises, Oil Cloths, Jewelry, Cutlery, Underwear, Ties, Bows, Collars, Cuffs, Table Cloths, Towels, Napkins, Hats, Caps, Umbrellars, Paper and Envelopes, and many other great bargains too numerous to mention. Don't fail to call and be convinced that we have the assortment, quality and price to suit all. ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPOET, PEIsnsPA.. TO THE PEOPLE OE PERRY COUNTY. ANNUAL SPRING GREETING OF STEPHENS & BEETEM. 1877. . CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE. 1877. English and Amer ican BRUSSELS la nil the BEST makes. BEAUTIFUL Three v CARPETS. In Brussels Designs. EXTH V ENGLISH INGRAIN AND Kxcra Hnper CAJiPJJTS CHEAT I Beauties In Hall ami Stair C A 11 P E T S with rich match BORDERS ! ALL KEW FOR SPRING. NOW OPEN ! AND READY FOR SALE. THB HOST ATTRACTIVE Sl'IlINO STOCK OP Carpets Carpets AND OIL CLOTHS! WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, Looking Glasses, MATS, RUOS, HASSOCKS, AND Wall Paicrs, ever before ottered to the trada. STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 EAST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE. carpet en AINS, AND FILLING 8, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WALL PAPERS AND DECORATIONS, FOB Halls, Parlors and Vestibules, Chamber and . Dlntne Rooms, OIL CLOTHS! For Stairs. Tibles. Floors and Halls. Cut to nt in a solid piece. LOOKING GLASSES! FROM PARLOR TO KITCHEN SIZES. 30 Patterns In Home Made CAltPETS, our own manufacture. The best Wool, Cotton anu unen CAltP-ET CITAIN always on baud. AND 80LB AT liottom Trices. ANOTHER , ARRIVAL. ANOTHER AkltlVAL.' J ANOTHER ARRIVAL. ANOTHER ARRIVAL. ANOTHER ARRIVAL. ANOTHER ARRIVAL. More Great Bargains. More Great Bargains. More Great Bargains. More Great Bargains. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents'. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Lots of other Chenp floods. Lots of other Clienp Uoorts. Lots of other Chenp Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. CASSIMERS AND f'O CASSIMERS AND CO' CASSIMERS AND CO CASSIMERS' AND CO CASSIMERS AND CO CARSIMERS AND CO TONADES. T0NADES, TONADES. TONADES. TONADES. TONADES. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS AND AM) AND AND AND AND HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER W ALL PAPER WALL PAPER WALL PAPER WALL PAPER AND BORDERS. AND BORDERS. AND BORDERS. AND BORDERS. AND BORDERS' AND BORDERS. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF ALL KIVDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GQOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, A GOOD SIOCK OF GROCERIES,, Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Barga ins. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Barga ins. Lots of other Bargains. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. P. MORTIMER. F: MORTIMER. F. MORTIMER.