THE TIMES j NEW BLOOMFIELD, VA. JULY 17, 1877. flic iLlIotimficlb Shuts. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. We Invite rnmnmnlratlons from all Ivrwn who urn liiti Tpntrrt In nuittt ra properly bclouirluir to tufa de I'artuu'Ut. JUST A FEW WORDS. Just a few words, but they blinded The brightness all out of a da; f Just a few words, but they lifted The shadows and east them away. Only a frown, but It dnmpenM The cheer of a dear little heart . Only a smile, but Its sweetness Check'd tears that were ready to start. ' Oh that the rules of our living More like to the goldeu would be ; Much, oh 1 so ranch more of sunshine Would go out from you and from me. Remedy for Insect Bites. When a mosquito, Ilea, gnat, or other noxious insect, punctures the human skin, It deposits or injects an atom of an acidulous fluid of a poisonous nature. The results are irritation, a sensation of tickling, itching, or of pain. The tick, ling of flies we are comparatively in difl'erent about; but the itch produced by a flea, or gnat, or other noisome in sect, disturbs our serenity, and, like the pain of a wasp or a bee sting, excites us to a remedy. The best remedies for the sting of Insects are those which will instantly neutralize this acidulous poison deposited in the skin. These are either ammonia or borax. The alkaline re action of borax is scarcely yet sufficient ly appreciated. However, a time will come when its good qualities will be known, and more universally valued than ammonia, or, as it is commonly termed, " hartshorn." The solution of borax for insect bites is made thus : Dissolve one ounce of borax In one pint of water that has been boiled and allow ed to cool. Instead of plain water, distill ed rose water, is more pleasant. The bites are to be dabbed with the solution so long as there is any irritation. For bees' or wasps' stings, the borax solution may bemadeof twice the above strength. In every farm-house this solution should be kept as a house-hold remedy. S. Piesse. A Hint to Butter-Makers. It has been found that the quicker milk is cooled after milking, and while yet quite warm, the faster the cream will rise, and for the reason that, water being a better conductor for heat than oil and expanding .faster and more in proportion to the amount of caloric re ceived, and shrinking in the same dis proportion, it thus follows that the lower we cool to a certain point and the more dense we have the water, the butter-globules remaining nearly to the same density as at first, the sooner they will rise to the surface. For instance, we will take any amount of milk as soon as milked, and cooling it immedia tely down to 35 turn it into glass vessels 18 or 20 Inches deep, and we will see by ' the results that the cream will all rise in from three to four hours; and, further, the quantity of cream thrown Up will be more than can be obtained by any other method which I have tried. And, again, butter made from milk that is thoroughly cooled immediately after milking is of far superior flavor to butter made in the ordinary way. To Destroy Cucumber Bugs. The -.Watertown lieformer has the following timely advice in regard to ridding the garden of the bugs, etc. " To destroy bugs on squash and cu cumber vines dissolve a teaspoonful of saltpetre in a pailful of water ; put one pint of this around each hill, shaping the earth so it will not spread much and the thing is done. Use more saltpetre if you can afford it it is good for vegeta ble but death for animal life. The bugs burrow in the earth in the night and fall to rise in the morning. It is also good to kill the" grub" in peach trees only use twice as much, say a quarf to each tree. There was not a yellow or blistered leaf on twelve or fifteen trees to which it was applied last season. No danger of killing any vegetable with it a concentrated solution applied to beans makes them grow wonderfully." To Drive off Red Ants. Grease a plate with lard and set it where the ants are troublesome ; place a few sticks around the plate for the ants to climb upon ; they will desert the sugar bowl for the lard ; occasional ly turn a plate over a fire where there is no smoke, and the ants will drop off into it ; reset the plate, and in a few repetitions you will catch all the auts, they trouble nothing else when lard is accessible. Silverware may be kept bright and clean by coating the articles warm ed, with a solution of coJJndion diluted with alcohol. Bargains in Carpets. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. Jt ynt: want a pretty CARPET tor only SS Cents per yard, come and see what you cau gel at that price of F. MORTIMER. 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. Thirty-Five Cents isthe wire of a pretty CAlt J'KT at MoitTiMEii's. The same ninuuiit of money will nlso buy a good CALICO Dress If you don't make It too large. LOTS OF OTHER BARGAINS. HIGHEST AWARDS! ffiSClS! J. REYNOLDS & SON. NORTHWEST CORNER THIRTEENTH AND FILBERT 8TS., PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SHAKING AND CLINKERGIUNDIXU GRATES FOR WHINING ANTHRA CITE Oil BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYST OTSTIE WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOKING RANGES, LOW-DOWN GRATES, Etc. Descriptive Circulars sent free to any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING. 19ly AiS. IS TAKEN INTERNAUY, MID POSITIVELY CURES RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURAIGIA. AND iUMBAGO. SOU) BY DRUGGISTS tVEnVWHERE. SEND FOR CIR- WttlI0PHEN3TINE & BENTLEY, . DRUGGISTS, WASHINGTON, D. C. . For sale bv wholesale Druggists in Fltts burg and Philadelphia. 35 ly THE TAp&i. ukv Tin: ktaxoaicii. " It oiiffht to fx ?i euerp Library uUo in every Academy and every Srlmol" Hou.Clias. smnuer. A lnro lianiipomo volume of lWi4 pitppn, containing1 cotmirti-rublj- lttor than 1mi,im) Sortl iu its Vo cabulary, witli the enn-oet Prouuuclutluu, Definition, and LtyiuolK3'. Fully Illustrated. Library Sheep. $10,00 "WORCESTER" I now ryai'lM ftr tiw tnndnrd authority, and is no lvcojiinii'iuifd by JH-yuiit, LouflVllnw, Wtittter, hum. nor, lMm'n, lrin, Vinf drop, Avnwiz, Mnrli, Hhuvv, Kvemt, Alann, Quiiiey, Kt-ltou, Hilliml, and the major Hy of our iii"nt tlit,thir-uifjhf(.l pehnlarv, mid i, bmnk-fl, iwrHnilxt-d u antb uity by the Ix-nnrttuents of onr Natiouul iiowrnment. THE COMPLETE SLIUKS OF WORCESTER'S DICTIONARIES Qusrto Dictionary. Illustrated. Llbinrv Rhefp.1llo.oo. Lniversttl Hud Critii-ul Dieti'mary. ftvo. Library blii'tp. Academic Pletiomrv. Crown vo. Hslf roan, $3.00. ConiirhPivlYd Dictionary. Illustrated, l.'iiui. Half roan. Ifl.Tft. School (Licinentary) Diction iry. i5nio. Hnlf roan, Primary lilptlonnry. Illustrated. H'mo. Halt roan. . Pocket Dictionary. Ilhmti-iitrt 24mo. Clolh, Boete. : roau flexible, HI ct. ; royn, tucks, irtlt cUro, sjl.oo. Many Kixvial alrte to students, in Addition to a verr full prououneiuif ami detiuinir vocabulary, make the aoove named books In the opinion of oitr mowtdt. tnuruitdu'd Pdueu.orN, t.)i most complete us well as by far the ch-uiciit D ctiowuries ol our iailtfUOKt. V For wile by Bookseller irenerallv, or will ba sent, carriage free, on ivcelot of tlie price by .1. B. I.IPPINCOTT S CO.. P'ib"HT. Bookseller and HtaHomr. S3 13 nd?17 market St., I'HILADELI'HIA. Nfl wl" ",nl't VH" ln B biiBlness vou 'n makes M)a week without, capital! MnNFYH:s.v Hl"l respectable for either sex. iiiuiiu 1 M. A. YOL'Nu.ail Bowery, N.Y. 17 Sin " " eislly earned In these times, but 4 4 4 It can he made In three months bv hiiv one of either sex. In anv part o'f the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish, .is a week in your own town. You need not be far away from home overulgh. You can give your whole time to the work, or only y..r ,,are moments. It costs nothing to try the linslness. Terms and .'. Outllt free. Address at once, II. IUllett & Co.. Port, land, Maine. y A Safe, Sura nd Cheap Destroyer of the POTATO w BUGjCiEBAGE CURRANT WORMS O OL'S PESTS 02 warn vinvr ItlMfU U ePQISON. it ltl..ntvM h, .a.. and ti firinkM. t"in Am'h Cott if. cute ttn tt". K4Htl Ne rtni,rT lo vUn)i, nr tn uonir. atll tr 'Oc.nt.fM Ih. krt.) Srn.l HW VUClUaf IVIIII u. a i. w tco., r. n. H..i aus. J CuiUauai SI., h. ,.kCilT 1.1 ,-eF m BiV bv 'KAfK IOIiTIMER, New liloomtleld, l'ti. ' TT.S.T.r N;, '-E--Notlce Is hereby given XI) that letters of administration on the estate of Nicholas Iteislnger. late of Havllle twn Perrv county. Pa., den'tl have been granted to the un derslgned resldlna In Tnscarora and Havllletwps. All nertiis indehiod tosald estate are request ed toniaketnimed'Htepavmentand those havlnc seLre'ment,te,teUt 'hn'" luly uthented for A. H. KKKR. Tnscarora twn. , . OAVIOHEISINGKK Havllletwp. May 1st, 1H,7. Adinlulstiatori. 1")BINTING of every description neatly ex. ecuted at the PloomBcM Time Office, at rcafonable rate. Philadelphia Advertisements. . i . . , JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner ol 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE UEALEH IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 210 NORTH' WHARVES, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. DOUGHERTY J. D. HOAR & CO., WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 01!J MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM &C0., Wholbsali Dealers id TOBACCO, CIGARS &c NO. 4, NOKTH FIFTH SiThEET. PHILADELPHIA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers It Oil Cloths. Carpets, Shades, Brooms. Carpet Chain, Wadding, Butting, Twines, io, Aud a Hue assortment ol WOODaud WILLOW WAltK, No.42n Market street, abnvettb. PHILADELPHIA. J 0HN LUCAS & CO ROLE AM ONLV MANt'l ACTIiKKKS OF THE IMPERIAL FEEXCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN. Also, Pure White Lead and Color iuyrFAcrri?ERS, v Non. 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. gMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, . Ok High Street. East of Carlisle St., Xew Bloomfleld, Penn'a. THE tiubscrlberhai built a large and commo dious Shop on High St., East of Carlisle Street New Bloomneld. fa., where he Is prepared to man ufacture to order Of every description, out ol the best material. Sleighs of every Style, bullttoorder, and finished ln the mostartlstlcand durable manner. A. Having superior workmen, he If prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. y REPAIRING of allklndsneatlyandpromp IVdone A calllssoUclted. SAMUEL SMITH in FT. NNFl.B A nlendld:aMorln.erl of Flan wis. 'ijt oieiol by F vojiTlvn; Philadelphia AdvertlsomeiitR. D. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTUHEH8 Bookseller and Stationers, And Dealers In WINDOW CUKTAIN8 WALL. PAPER, E'lC, No. 4Sn Market Htreet, PHILADELPHIA Pa. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Snct-essors to 8HAFFNEK. ZIEGMER & CO.. Importers and Dealers In lloslerj', CSIovvh. IMMtOHH. Niipciilerft, THREAPS. CO.VRS, and every variety of TRIHWIINGS FANCY GOODS, So. 38, North Four: h Street. miLADEL IJIll A , PENN'A . Agents for Lancaster Combs. gowER, pons & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers in CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. IU.AM4 ItMOK Always on hand, and made to Order. Nos. 53(1 Market and 52S Minor Htreets PHILADELPHIA. PA ' ALSO Publishers of Sanders' New Renders, and Hrooks' Arithmetics. Also. Robert's History ol the United States. Felton's Outline Maps. Ac. B ARCR0FT & CO., Iinpurleifi and Jobbers or maple aud Faucy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cas8imere8. Blankets, Linen. White Goods, Hit-.. Mos. 405 and 407 MARKET HTREET. (Above Fourth. North Side,) PHILADELPHIA. EW. T. M0UL, KEPKESENTING Wolnier, Wright k Walkin, Manufacturer & Wholesale Dealer IN Boots & Shoes No. 302 Market Street, 1'IIILADKLPIIIA. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Importbus and Jobbers or Cliiim, Olnxi- AND QUEENSWAHE. 828 Market Street, iiiiiA.rEaL.i?niA. W. H. KENNEDY, WITH TBIM6LE, BKITTON ft Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 506 MARKET 8TEEKT, PHILADELPHIA. 110 LMiiladelphiu AdTertisfRients. jLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE No. H2S Market Htreet. PhUnilelphla, renn'a. Professional Cnrd. JE. JUNKIN. Attorney-at liaw, New IliooiulleUI. Perry on., Fai. OfIlce Next door to the iwsidenc iJu(lu Jnuktn. . ttlt AM. MAIiKliJ,, Attorney, New ltloumlleld, Perry enunty, Fa. HT Omee dlreetly opposite the ?os-Ofllte aud adjoining the Mansion Houte. JEWIS POT'JPKK, ATTOnXXY AT JAW. NEWBtOOMFIBM), PE11RY COTA, -Clnlins promptly secured collected Writings aud all leisal liuslness earelnlly attend ed to. tl j JAME8 H. FEUGliSON, Attorney-at-EnwT NEWPOJtT, FA. WOHIce Market (Street, near t he Square. 36 CIIAHLE8H. RMILEY, Attorney at Law New Hlonmtleld, Perry Ce I'm. U-Onice with C. A. Barnelt, Esq., e Street, north side. nearly opposite the Presi rlan Church. Aiiaa:!1 2. 1S71. "ITTM. A. SPON8I.EK,, " y Office adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomfleld, Perry co Fa. 32 ly JOHN 0. 8IIATTO, Surgeon Dentfs. New Bloomfleld, Perry CO., Pa All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done In the best manner, and at reasonable i prices. .Ofllce at his residence one door East ct the Robinson House, and oyyoslte Wm. A.SuensIer'i Law ofllee. ally WM. N. SE1BERT, Attornev-at-Law Now Bloomfleld, Perry co.. r. Bloomfleld, 3 S3 lv. WTM. M. 8UTCH, " TV ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, New Bloom lle?rf, FeTry n-, Ti. 5romce-Two doors West ol F. Mortimei, Store 3 7 ly LEWIS POTTER. KOTAItT PCBIIC. Hew BIot field. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mertgapes aad Leases careftiHt prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bonnt papers drawn and certified, will also take depAsif ions to be ifLd in auvcourt in the United States. TlOly CHAS. J. T, McINTlRE, Attmrhy-at-Law. New Bloomfleld, Perry CO., F. f All profesioalbtisififes8 promptly andlattk fully attended t6. 32 It. WM. A. MOIIHISON, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR. NbwGekmantown, Terrveo.. Fa. VI(emlttanceswlllbe made promptly for nil Collections made. 7 44, CIHAS-A. BARNKTT, Attorney-at, J New Bloomtleld:Pei rv ee.. Fa .Office on high street. North side, nearly or poslte the Presbyterian Church. 3 21y RICHARD L., MAGEE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, -Oltloe at his residence, in CENTRE TOWN SHIP. Perry County. Penn'a.. one mile South oft New Bloomfleld. Uf -yyiLLIAM M. 8UTCII, Justice of the rehoe AND GENERAL COLLECTOR New Bloomfleld, Perry County, Fenn'a- "8peclal attention paid to Collections of all kinds. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Agreements , neatly executed. 7itf G E0RGE H. MARTIN GENERAL AGENT. BL-AIN, PBRIIY COUNTY, PA. Special attention given to the collection of claims, nnd any other business entrusted tn him will receive prompt attention. Chargesmoderat. April. 19th, 1877, Daily Express and Freight Line BETWKKN PLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! t pH EsHbscrlberwIshes to notify the oltlzensof A. Bloomfleld andNewport that he is running a Dally Line between these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted to his care. reorders may be lelt for him at the stores of F. Mortimers Co., New Bloomfleld. or Milligan K Musser, Newport, fa. J. M. WHITMORB. UUiomt1eld,Jaauary25,lS70. L INDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED ! Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL! Eyerybody who sees them are delighted. F. MORTIMER, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that James Irvine and wife of Seville township, Perrv county. Pa., by deed of voluntary assignment liave assigned all the estate, real and personal, of the said Jame Irvine to Tlios. 11. Mllligau. of the borough of Newport, county and state aforesaid, iu trust fur the benefit of the creditors of the suld James Irvine. All pertons therefore Indebted to said said James Irvine, will make payment to the will assignee, and those havingclaiiiiH or demunds the make kuowu the same div. , THas u- MILLIOAN. January 30, 1677. Assignee. IADIE8 AND CHILDREN will find J splendid assortment "! ho at Hie one I'rice store of F. Mori liner.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers