THE TIMES,' NEW HLOOMFIELI), PA.,' JULY 17, 1877. THE TIMES. PENNSYLVANIA R. B.-MDDLE DIVISION. On and after Julie SStb, Train! run as follows WK8TWAK1). EASTWARD. PuIMttTPAL Stations. J'nsiMalllAtl'.l Mffl. Ex. Tr'u El. Aoo. A. M. (.00 46 8 3) 8 19 7.47 7.:tl 7 18 7 oo 8.40 e.M 8.1U TTiirr1bnrKi llockville, Marysville, DlltlfRtltlllll. P. M P.M. 8.16 1.80 .66 7.60 7.80 7.11 19.68 10.81)1 Daily's Newport, Mlllertown, Tuimii'Rout'n. Mellon......... Port Royal.... MltNi Lewlstowll J., Alnlerson's,... MeVevtnwn ,.. N. Hamilton,, lliintlmrdon,.. Tyrone, Altooua 19.93 6.64 . 43 S B0 8.18! a In 9.64 11.89! 6.U6I ft.M 11.04, I.4U, 8.49 l 10.84 8.(19 8.81 111. 10 4.47 .S7 4.15 7.W 8.60 8. El) tC.MIi 8.16 9.6(1 8.1b A.M. P.MP.U.I IKf PUNlxirif Rtproaa leaves Ilarrlslmrir at 11.00 p.m. Diinraiinnii 11.88 (fluirii Newport U.17 (llau) and ar rives at lMttHl)iirirat8.10A. H. rwonlinc WVpt, the Wny Passenver loaves Harris burn Dull itli other train Tlnlly pxcept Huuilnv. I W Online Kt, thp Atlantic Kxprcaa leaves . Aitonna Dally, the other truliis Daily except Huiulay. tVParltW Kxprews West will atnp at Iliineaniioli at 4.6ti and at Newport at 6.17 a. m., when Unwed. llvlvt' IlOlllH. Under the hint chniiKO of schedule the rncillc Express ewt will stop at ISrev. port, on Sunday morning when signaled. A little son of Win. Rice at Carlise Springs had hla right arm broken by be ing thrown from a horse on Monday of last week. On Friday night a week, some person fond of whiskey nnd money stole sever al gallons of the former ana three or four doll ars of the latter from the holel at Oerty's Notch. n Tuesday morning last, Willie Cromlelgh, son of John It. Cromlelgh, of Duncunuon, fell from a cherry tree in his father's yard and dislocated his arm. A prominent farmer of Liberty Val- 1 i ... C C i 1 r-. 1 1 ivy uutr leiuriiiug num cuiiuuy ocnooi Jast Sabbath a week, dislocated his shoulder by throwing stones at some cattle. ""On Tuesday, while adjusting the ma chinery attached to the circular saw at M. 11. Eshleman's mill at Newport, John Alexander had the two middle fingers of his left hand so badly mangled that am putation was necessitated. Mr. Bierly Mateer of Shiremanstown. fell on an ax on Wednesday last and cut the spinal column causing his death in a few moments. The acoident was caused by his losing his balance while handling a heavy post. The barn belonging to John Weaver of Wheatfield twp., which was recently bumed,was insured in the Lurgan Com pany of Franklin county for $400, and the company through their agent, Rev. 8. Bigham, have already paid the loss. A little daughter of Mr. W. T. Walker Of Bhippensburg, while carrying home a loaf of bread from the baker's wrap ped up in a towel, was met by a tramp who deliberately took bread and towel from her and walked away. Frank Wilson, colored, was hung at Harrisburg on Wednesday. The trap was sprung at 10:30 a. m. The crime for which Wilson suffered occurred on the night of June 10th, 1870, when a ped dler by the name of John Rudy was murdered. Wilson was afterwards ar rested in Carlisle and placed in the Dau phin county jail. Ab William Work was driving along about Ave miles from this place on Bua day last, a white horse came rushing out of the bushes so suddenly as to scare the animal he was driving, causing him to turn around and upset the buggy. The lad was thrown out, but held on to the lines and succeeded in stopping the horse, without getting much liurt him self or any damage done to the vehicle. On the evening of the 4th iust., Tay lor Baltozer took occasion to leave Loys ville in a sudden manner. This resolve of Taylor's was caused by John Miller popping at him with a pistol, and John was induced to do this reckless shooting because T. B. had talked slanderously about his (John's) wife. Fortunately no one was hurt, and Loysvllle people do not seriously mourn over Baltozer's absence. About the flattest communication we ever read, is one in last weeks' Advocate signed 'Gottleib Schmidt,' purporting". to be a reply to Mahonoy's article in Tub Times on Perry County Crookedness. It is really not worth notice, and for that reason we will decline to insert the com municlon we this week received in an swer to it. We think "Gottleib Schmidt" altogether too small game for ' Mahonoy' to waste his ammunition on. Church Notices. Service in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning at 10J A. M. Sunday School at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening. Preaching in the Lutheran church next Sabbath at 104 o'clock A.M. Presbyterian Church. Sabbath ser vices 10 A. M.,and 8 P. M. Wednesday prayer . meeting at 8 P. M. Preaching in the Reformed Church on Sunday next at 24 o'clock P. M. ''Jacob Bally, Esq., who recently took Greeley's advice, and left this place, has, we notice, purchased the Globe-Journal at Falls City, Nebraska. Jacob is a pleas ant writer and will no doubt make his paper a welcome visitor to his subscri bers. We trust his investment will be the means of putting money in his purse. y Arrested. Emanuel K. Bitting ; Isaao Miller; Samuel Albright and John Shaeirer, of Buffalo twp., were brought to this place on Thursday, charged with committing the robbery of Mr. Buck's f Moll. Act)., Pass Tr'u Tr'u A. M.'P.M. P. M. S.lXJi l.Wt O.HI) 8.12 1.41 Jl I.f.'J S.M 8..H I. mi s.m 8.5S 8. HI 6.4(1 MM ll.4:i S.ho P.31I Mi 7.111 i.m 7. an 9.4 8. as 7.4 9.64 8.211 7.fiS Id.lO . 8.UO 10.13 4.00 11.14 4.JT ! 11.40 (.1) IS.ili 5 :i 1.16 .:4 ' 1.66 7.30 I P.M. P.M. 11 granary several weeks ago, ' at which time a large lot of meal was stolen. Bitting found a friend to go his ball, but the others In default of bail were coih mltted to jail. ' Robbed. On Monday night of last week, the Shoe Shop of Jerry Wilson in Carroll tp., on the Shermivnsdale road was robbed of his tools, a quantity of leather and a pair of shoes. The thief proved to be a tramp who stopped in the shop the day previous and was allowed the use of the tools to mend his own shoes. Pursuit was made next morning, and the chap was traced to a bye road on the mountain, leading to Crane's Gap where he was found asleep in the woods. The stolen property was nil in his possession, lie was taken to Shermansdale, and subsequently committed to jail in this place. He gives the name of Win. Tar-ker. "Attempt at Robbery. About ten o'clock lost Tuesday night Mrs. William Smith was lying down in a back room of her dwelling house on Sixth street, her hus band being absent at the time, when a man made his appearance in the room ostensible for the purpose of plundering, thinking that the lady was sleeping, but the mysterious presence of an unknown man before her Immediately aroused her and she screamed out " bloody murder," when the intruder fanned the light out with his hat and jumped from the win dow, neighbors' hearing him alight on the porch underneath. Newport JSTcivs. A Costly Run Off. On Tuesday of last week, while Mr. George Heikes, of Lati more twp.,Adams county ,left his horses, which were attached to a reaper, stand alone in the field, they took fright and started at a fearful speed around the field. ' They were finally brought to a standstill, by the reaper catching on the fence whilst they were in the act of leaping over. The reaper was complete ly demolished. He had only purchased it a few days previous. Comet. Cumberland County. We copy the fo1 lowlng from the Cumberland county papers of last week : Samuel Wert, living near the North Mountain, pulled down an old musket the other day to shoot a hawk which had pounced down on a young turkey. And if he did he suffered severely for not keeping his fire arms in better order. His musket instead of going off and doing duty, exploded, shattering his jawbone knocking out a number of his teeth, both above and below, besides Btunning him severely. On Sabbath a week since, Isaao Fry of Frankford township walked to a cherry tree near at hand with several of his children. As one of the girls was stand ing on a lower limb eating cherries, she was horrified to discover a blocksnake creeping out the limb towards her. As a matter of course she scieamed pretty loudly which brought her father who killed it, the snake, in the meantime, having stopped before it reached her. II. A. Lamb, in Shepherdstown, lost a valuable cow last Saturday, by acci dent. In running across the pavement the animal slipped, striking her head against a post breaking her neck. Jas. Gouse, a harvest liand working for Geo. W, Bowman, of Silver Spring twp. fell from the top of a cherry tree on Wednesday last, breaking both bones of his left arm. One day last week, while Mrs. Susan Thompson, of Bhippensburg, was gath ering raspberries on Timber Hill, she fell from a fence and broke her arm. Mr. O. T. Harris, of Carlisle, informs us that while workmen were engaged in digging a cistern on his premises a few days since, they discovered, at a depth of three feet from the surface, a green apple tightly imbedded in the clay, and in a perfect natural state. Singular. Volunteer, Mr. Harry Rice has again taken charge of the mail xoute on the Walnut Bottom road between Carlisle and Bhip pensburg. Mr. It. is a very obliging gentleman, and his numerous friends in the valley will be pleased to hear of his return. Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week. On Thursday, June 21st, Mr. John Kelly, of Black Log, was helping Char ley Apple to haul bark off .the North side of Shade mountain,. near Black Log tannery. When they had the load on (two cords) and were about to go down the mountain, having tied the wheels and put on the rough lock, a shower came up and they both went under the wagon. The lightning struck a tree near them, frightening the horses. The horses started to run ; Kelly fell under the wheel, and it being locked, pushed him down over the rocks about one hun dred yards, smashing and mangling his body in a shocking manner, leaving his flesh sticking on the rocks. He was car ried home, where he died the next dny. One evening last week, an unruly woman under the influence of bug juice, was furnished with a private room in the county jail, where she could sober up at her leisure. There Is a talk of a railroad from Port Royal to Mexico,from Mexico to Thomp sontown, and from Thompson town to Treverton. Harry Moore had a valuable cow to die on his farm at Van-Wert, a few days ago, from the effects of pasturing a few hours on the second growth of clover grass. . ' Communicated. Slanderers and their Gossips Bloomfleld not Sinless. . . Mr. EniTon i It Is about time our papers cry out against this thins. The Ancients used to tench s maxim of this kind "Speak do Slandor no nor listen to It I" The rule of conduct Indicated has gone, with other lost arts, Into oblivion. If any doubt thla asser tion lit blin take four women, in our town, and two men whom I could name, and listen to their conversation Just fourteen minutes, and If lie does not know more things that never were true than he did before, then I am a falaeflor and a bad reporter of events. I want the four ladles (f) to have their knitting along and the two gentlemen (?) a clay pipe each. The neighbors of this party must (of course) be absent. You mint see the expression of each speaker's countenance, ai well as the gostures of the bands, to appreciate the subject undor discussion. " There seems to be lust In some no power can tame, To publish some poor neighbor's shnme. On eagle's wings Immortal scandals (ly. While virtuous actions are but born to die." A slandering tongue spares none, not even a friend. I know a poor harmless devil who trusted one of these creatures to over sixty dollars worth of goods during the war, and never received ono cent back, but who has been terribly excoriated ever since by the same party whom he benefited. They will steal a man's good name, not because of any good It will do them, for they dare not own it, hut merely for malice cr pleasure, as a monkey would steal a night-cap. If you notice them and tako their past lives Into consideration, you will discover that by reason of some wicked deeds of their own they are down In the world. This makes It to their interest to pull every body else down with themselves, They hate a prosperous neighbor mightily. It grates on their ears to hear him spoken well of. They are like deep fiends who will sow their weeds in an Industrious man's corn-field when the owner is asleep. The only reward of this hell ish malice Is private tnthfaetion. The slanderer must necessarily be a liar. Truth he avoids. Exaggeration would perhaps be 1 moro refined coguoman. "Calumniate! Calumniate I" they say, " for some of It will stick I" Accuse them of being tho originators of slanders about yourself or friends and yon will bo as tonished how yon surprise them. " Why,I never thought of such a thing I No, never!" Ah, they will He first to Injure, and lie again to deceive. They know the value of an insinua tion. They know the power there Is In a wink or a nod. The porson slandered has no pro tection. How does he know thatthese tongues are berating his name. Tho author of the lies flrBt Insinuates ; then tho next gosslper adds a word j then the third exaggerates and so on until, If he (In da it out at all, it will be an en tirely different story than when first started. The bad originator therefore has a hole left by which to escape when the injured one comes for redress. The first one tells it in a whisper, but the last one tells It aloud. Now how is it with the people who listen t Well, for my part, I always feel belittled and ashamed when I have listened to slander. You can tell a scandal monger wherever he or she may be met. God has made thera with big ear marks. Sharp as they may be there is dullness some where. The detective will confuse the liar in five minutes. So with a slanderer " Vincit Yeratat I" Grand old Truth comes to the res cue like sunshine In a dark dungeon. Lies will not face truth If truth can be brought to bear upon them. But this is hard to do in many cases. Let us people of Bloomfleld set our faces against this thing. Our town did not become so preeminent in gossip until within a few years back. The scandal maker is gener ally without property, therefore the law can not bo resorted to for damages. They are gen erally religious externally. The man who told most lies about a friend of mine happened one day to sit down at the same table to dine with us. As we were about to partake, forgetting to offer thanks, he refused to eat, saying that, " with him it was a custom to offer thanks be fore eating." Great Heaven, thought I, there truly Is the devil In the livery of Heaven. His prayers, I found, were less powerful than his scandals. If Heaven admits a single slander er, I don't care about going there. JCLIUB SyUEDUCT. Philadelphia Produce and Stock Report Philadelphia. July 14. The dull trade the past week and heavy arrivals of new wheat have caused a decline In the market. We quote new wheat 1741S5 Rye 7078; Corn 00d2; Oats 356)J5. htocks we quote as follows: Fenn'a., It. R.. Sljfi; Heading 12; I'hll'a ft Erie. 7; Lehigh Val. 34; Nor. Central 13. Gold 105. If you wish a splendid Cigar go to Mor timer's and ask for "The Peacock" brand. New Tailor Shop. The undersigned gives notice to the public that he has opened a shop opposite Rinesmith's hotel New Bloomfleld, Pa., in the room formerly used as a confectionary, where he is prepared to do work in his line promptly, and at reasonable prices. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Give me acall. Samuel Bentzel. Bloomfleld, May 1, '77 tf. The Musical College at Freeburg, Pa., commences its Bummer Session of six weeks, July 31st. Bend for circular. F. C. Moyek, Director. 3t " The Above All," is a new brand o chewing tobacco, nnd la without a peer for excellence and sweetness. For sale, wholesale and retail, by J.B. Haktzkll in Gantt's Building. Five Cents, or Six for a quarter is the price of "Hie Peacock" Cigar. For sale by F. Mortimer. Do You Want One? I have yet several sewing machines which will be sold at half price for cash. If you want a bar gain, now is your time to get it. F. MORTIMER. Special Notice. Having added a room for the express purpose of showing car pets oil cloth and wall paper, we ask persons wanting any of these articles to look at our assortment, tf. F. Mortimer. Good Summer Suit for $4.00 at I. Schwartz, Newport, Pa. ' A Good Summer Shawl for 75 cents at I. Schwartz, Newport, Pa. I The Select School will be opened in Blain on Monday, July 30th, by W. F. Bentz. ! See the advertisement of M. B. Gibson in another column. If you wish to pur chase a good Piano or Organ he can promise you one at low rates. rjIRIAL LIST FOR AUGUST TERM, 1877. 1 I. N. Rluehart vs. J. Rlnehart A Perry Co. 9 Mrs. Susan J. Rice vs. Thomas McCoy. 8 G. W. Zlnn, Adm'r.vs. John A. HUblsh. 4 A. N. Donaldson, et al. vs. Carolina Dun can. 5 Danlol Etter vs. John Ilartfell. 6 B. B. Crawford, Adm'r of J. 8. talrd vs. Dr. James Galbraith's Adin'rs. 7 Wm. II. Mlnlch vs. John Wagner's Adm'r. 8 M. B. Bnahr vs. Barbara B. linker. 0 MollleKeagy'suse vs. O. Vanderau's Ex'r. 10 Francis English vs. G. Market's Adm'rs. 11 Shank Williamson vs. A. D. Vandllng A Bon. 19 Andrew J. Burd vs. Penn'a. Canal Co. 13 Raymond A Campbell vs. Geo. Losh. 14 II. If. Fisher vs. Theo. Fenn, etnx 15 Dr. Michael Price vs. D. Breckvllle, et nx. 10 Same vs. Jacob Zang, et ux. 17 J. II. Case's use vs. 8. 8. Fchrer. 18 G. Cary Tharp vs. Same. 19 Lewis Beech vs. Jacob BtoufTcr. 20 Adam Karstetter vs. C. Wright, et al. 81 Anna M. Elliott vs. Dr. W. R. Clsna. 22 Samuel Brlner vs. H. Wlngert's Ex'rs. 23 Greenwood twp. School District vs. A. W. Long, Ac. 24 Fred. K. Swarts vs. Margaret D. Feun. 25 Henry Saxton A Co., vs. F. W. Gibson. 20 T. II. Mllllgan, et al vs. John Ilohenshllt. 27 Henry C. Kling, et ux, vs. Abraham Fry. 28 Jacob Britudt vs. Daniel Power. Hll HenJ. C. Rheem vs. Lewis McNeal. 80 Saml. Spotts vs. J. B. Klstler's Adm'x. 81 Martin Mot Mr vs. David Klstler. 83 J. D. Willis vs. Sarah J. Steel's Ex's. 83 William Mettz vs. Wm. J. Graham's Com. 8 Joseph Hayes vs. W. W. Farnsworth 85 C. Thudlum vs. Com. of Perry county. 80 Robert Taylor vs. Same. 87 John Beohtel A Son vs. Same. 88 George Shope vs. BenJ. Rice, sr et al. TRAVER8B JURORS. Tuscarora James P. Latchford. Carroll Michael Glbney, John Smee, Henry Smith, Cyrus Brown. Pcnn Levi ISirtcii, Joseph Smith, John Fritz, John Snyder. Tyrone Andrew Kell, Jacob Bomhoisel, B. F. Rltter. Madison D. V. Peck, Andrew G. Clouser, Samuel R. Morrow. Liverpool borough John J.Hamilton, D. O. Rltter, Jacob E. Murray. Spring W. W. Snyder, W. R. Dum, Daniel Foose, G. Spohn. Howe Jacob Brelz. Saville Robert Blackburn, Win. Frantz. Duncannon I. R. Wensel, Jacob Bixler. Centre James L. Moore, Wm. C. Clark. Mlllerstown James G. Brandt, George B. Barrett. Greenwood Oliver M. Long, Amos Mitchell. Marysvllle John Weldon, Geo. Hayes, Jos. Sadler. Toboyne Solomon Gntshall. Rye William Bheaffer. Newport B. F. Demaree, Joseph Frish. Landlsburg George W. Himes. Buffalo John Derr. Bloomfleld Henry Bentzell. Wheatfield Emanuel Dugan. Jackson John A. Liverpool twp. David Hoffman. Watts Jacob Bixler. LIST OF JURORS DRAWN FOR AUGUST TERM, 1877. GRAND JURORS. Buffalo John W. Charles, foreman. Madison George Adair, Bamuel Loy. Duncannon John Hood, John Bowers. Newport Samuel Noll. Greenwood Silas 8allor. Carroll Wilson Smee, Robert Wallace, Jere. Wilson. Wheatfield Theo. Rodamaker. Juniata George Raffensperger. Penn Charles B. Roberts. Spring Peter Shatto. Liverpool twp. George Reen, Enoch Barner. Marysvllle 8. H. Morley. Saville Wash. Hench, Henry Bixler. Tuscarora John Whltekettle. Howe David E. 8tephens. Miller Albert Vancamp, Henry Cumbler. Mlllerstown William Goodman. Caution. All persons are forbid to trust my daughter Sarah J. as I will pay no debts that she may contract. SAMUEL ADAMS, July 1H, 1877. Oak Grove. County Price Current. m Bloojifibld, July 16, 1877. Flax-Seed i 26 Potatoes 60 Butter V pound 10812 Eggs V dozen 12 ' Dried Apples V pound 3)4 cts" Dried Peaches 8 12 cts.ft EWPOKT MARKETS. Corrected Weekly by KaugK t .BroiAer.J DEALERS IN GRAIN Ac PKODUCE. Newport, July 14, 1877. Flour, Extra, i.... 18 75 " 8uper. 8 00 White Wheat bu 175al 75 Red Wheat, 170O170 Rye 85685 Corn, 48 650 Oats fl 32 pound 40040 Clover Seed 7 0037 00 Timothy Seed 1 50 Flax Seed 1 00 Potatoes 1 30l 30 Bacon, 8 O 12 Pressed Hogs J Ground Alumn Salt 140(1140 Llmeburner's Coal 2 15 Stove Coal, 4 00 4 so Pea Coal 2 50 Gordon's Food per Sack, J2 00 FISH, SALT, LIMB AND COAL. Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the Lowest Market Kates. mr Five per cent off lor Cash. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY. WOODWARD & BOBB. , Carlisle, July 12, 1877. Family Flour $9.50 Superfine Ilye Flour 8.50 White Wheat, new 1 50 Red Wheat, new 150 Hye '. 55 Corn, (new) ..... . to Oats so Cloverseed 8.00 a 8.00 Timothyseed Williamson. On the 9th Inst, in Liverpool, Miss Catharine U T K, daughter of J. W. and Miirla Williamson, aged 4a years 9 months and 17 days. Dale. At South Troy, Minnesota, on the 7th inst., Mrs. Christiana, wife of John Dale, former ly of Centre twp.. Perry county. Btamhauou. On the t h Inst., at the residence ot her sou. iu. law, A. Vanfosseu.Mvs. Btmubauuh, aped about seventy years. Smith. On tl th lust. In Aliens Cove Jaeob Smith iKeil 63 years 2 months and 1 day. Jacoiw. tin the 8th Inst., In Tuticarora town, ship, Mr. Nicholas Jucubs, aged ui) years, 7 ma, nd lit days. MArtniAOES. Wilson Wriblt. On the 21th of June, Albert M. Wllsiin, ut East Waterford, and Miss Weluly of Spruce II III. IJUMl fnRlMI'K Being solicited by num. " ber of citizens from dillerent parts ot the county to seek the nomination fur Sheriff, by the itmiulilictin convention, I hemhy anno nine my self as a candidate for thst office, and If nomi nated, I pledge nivielf to nu all honorable means to secure mv election, nnd 1 successful, to per form Hie duties of the onn fulllifiilly nnd promptly. THOMAS 8UXCII. llloomtleld, Pa., July 17, 1877. ' KTKKL OH 1HO.M I Cemsterlra. or "ef. Farms from 50c. to roper Rod N ELLIS' O. II. IT. FOKK, WITH NFXLIS' Patent method for mowing and stacking llavor Rtraw, without extra charge to Hie Fanner. Agtl. Steels finished and tempered liv Nellls' process to suit all kinds soil. Medal awards on all our goods exhibited at the Centennial. Information free. 271m A. J. Kelms & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. N OT1CE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY fiTVEN. that, annllea. tlnn will lie made to the Court of Quarter Ses sions In and for Perry County, Pa., August term, 177. to have the bridge acrots the Juniata river, Rt NKWI'OKT, In rniid countv, declared a free bridge under an Act of Assembly approved the 8th day of May, A. 1)., 1876. entitled "An Act to authorize the acquisition of the several Counties of this Commonwealth lor the use of the County, of bridges erected over rivers, creeks and rivu lets, and for the abolition of tolls thereon. C. A. HARNETT, . J. II. FKRUUSON, 27 4t Attorneys Jot Petitioner). ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE RtiAL ESTATE THE undersigned. Assignee under a deed (X voluntary assignment for the benefit of the creditors of Mrs. Miugaret R. Donley, will sell at public outcry upon the premises, in Carrol' town ship, about VA miles West of Dellvllle, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1877. at 2 o'clock P. L. of said day, the following de scribed valuable real estate: Consisting of a messuage or TRACT OF LANDi situate In the township of Carroll, County of Per ry and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded by lands of C. Roth, Adam Beam, T. Matlack and others, containing 115 ACRES strict, and having thereon erected a large good TWO STORY DWELLING- HOUSE, with KITCHEN attached, Half BANK BARK, Wood House, Smoke House, Hog Pen and other necessary outbuildings. There is a good YOUNG ORCHARD In prime bearing condition and other fruit upon the prem ises. The water Is supplied bytwogood wells and a spring near the house, which runs In several fields. The quality of soil Is good red shale. Note This property Is In every way desirable. It Is situate within a mile of a school, a mile and a halt of stores, mills, blacksmith shop, eta, and about two miles to the nearest church. It Is pleasantly located on a point of scenery, and will make iu every respect a most desirable farm home. JOHN 8. RICHEY, Assignee. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of the pur chase money to be paid when the property is stricken down; one-third of the remainder upon the confirmation of the sale, and the balance to be divided into two equal annual payments paya ble respectively, the 1st day of April, 1K78 and 1879, to 1)0 secured by judgment, bonds, with Inter est from 1st April, 1878, when deed will be deliver ed and possession given. July 10. 1877. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. The subscrK ber hereby cautions all persons against hunting or trespassing in any manner on his land in Tuscarora township, as he Is determined to punish all oirenders to the full extent of the law. JOHN BESSLEH. June 26, 1877 St S HERIFF'3 SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exnonaf. and writs of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Perry county, Pa., and to me directed, I will expose to publics sale, at the Court House, in the borough of Bloomfield, on j Friday, the Zlih day of July, 1877, J at one o'clock P. M. of said day, the following de scribed real estate, to wit : Alio, A TRACT OF LAND, iltoats in Toboyne township, eounty and State aforesaid, containing 53 aores, more or less, about 30 acres cleared, bonnded by lands of David Kern, Michael Mum per and Solomon Gntshall, and having thereon erected a One and a-half-story Log house, log barn and outbuildings; as thj property of J. J. Baker. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, situate in 'New Buffalo borough, county and State aforesaid, bounded on the north by Locust street, on the east by lot of Levi Siders, on the west by Blackberry alley and fronting on Mill street, and having there on erected a two-itory frame house and outbuild ings. Also, The defondnnt'i interest in A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Watts township, county acd State aforesaid, containing 120 acres, more or less, about 80 aerss cleared, bounded by lands of John Oarman, Levi Siders, Wm. Fenaicle, Jacob Sidors and others, and having thereon erected a two-story log house, frame bank barn and outbuildings j as the properties of Jeremiah Siders. Also, A TRACT OF LAND, sitnate in Carroll township, eounty and State foresaid, containing 80 acres, more r let.", about 30 acre oleared, bounded by lands of Charles Stutzman, Alfred Ferror, John MoCIintock and others, and having thareon erected a two-story log house, log stable and other outbuildings j as the property of (jtephen Ftnnicle. Also, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Green wood township, county and State aforesaid, con taining 150 aores, more or leaf, about 45 acres cleared, bounded by lands of John MitoheU'a hsirs, . John Hetrick, A. Hsbble, Joseph Mitchell and oth ers, and having thereon erected a two-story log house, log barn and other outbuildings: a tLa property of Isaac Mitchell. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, situate in Millers town, borough, oounty and Slate af oresaid, bound ed on the north by lot of D. Bollinger, on the east by Hemlock alley, on the south by Sunbury street and fronting on Market street, being 50 feet on laid Market street, and 140 feet on laid Sunbury street, and having tbereon erected a frame stable, ice homo and oatbuildings ; as the property of S. T. Lineaweaver. Also, A LOT OF GROUND situate in the bor ough of Duncannon, eounty and State aforesaid, fronting on High street 25 feet, on the east, ad joining Methodist church lot on the south, lot of Robert Jones on the west, and Jonathan Micbener on the north, and having thereon ereoted a two story frame dwelling house ; ai the property of Levi Foreman. Seised and taken in execution, and to be sold by L J. W. WILLIAMSON, Sheriff. ShenfTi Office, Bloomfleld ( June 30, 1877. J Note Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid when the property is stricken down, tad the balance on the fin-t Monday of August A. D. 1877 I