0 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., JULY 10, 1877. q eg) HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. AVelnvHe cnmrnmrirMlnnfl from All perpon who are lmt-rmtpd lu matters proiwrly beloUKinK to this de imrtlueut. Combination with Coal-tar Colors. Investigations appear to show that the unhealthfulness of wearing apparel that haa any combination with coal-tar colors, is due to the diet that the agents employed in the preparation of aniline colors are, in many instances, deleterious, among these being the compounds of arsenic, zluo, tiu, antimony, lead, together with hydroohlor io and piorio acids. Tho common or in ferior colors prepared from residues are pronounced especially dangerous, but are, nevertheless, ou account "of their cheap ness, largely employed in coloring paper hangings, woodou toys, matches, India rubber articles, confectionery, fc. In the dyeing of woolen and other tissues the common aniline colors are also extensively used, and sewing operatives frequently suf fer from the presenoe of arsenic and piorio acid to these materials. The fingers be come inflamed and dotted with small pim ples upon a red ground appearing after a while on the face the lips become of a deep purple or violet color, the hands and feet tremble, the pulse accelerates, aud res piration is difficult. Overreaching. Many horses have the very unpleasant habit of striking the toes of the hind shoes against those on the fore feet. Most horsemen will agree that it is a fault at taching to some of the best, as well as the worst of horses. It more frequently occurs with young horses, aud they often click on the turf or soft ground, and not on the road. It arises from the too great activity or length of the hind legs; the fore feet are unable to get out of the way in time; there fore, anything detaing in them, such as a soft or heavy soil, must assist the habit. The principal point to be remedied is the intol erable noise, from which the evil derives its name"clicking-" and this is often effected by making the hind shoes square at the toe, and leaving the toe of the crust somewhat projecting over the shoe, by which plan the cruBt receives the blow insteed of the shoe, and does not make any noise. It some times happens that, from the repetition of these blows the crust is worn so thin at the toe as to produce or threaten lameness, in which case the plan of shoeing mentioned must be desisted from, and we must put up with the noise to avoid the greater evil. When a square toed shoe fails in preventing clicking, it will sometimes happen that a shoe pointed at the toe will succeed; which no doubt arises from tho circumstance that the shoe having so small a surface to come in contact, fails to strike the fore shoe and goes within or by the side of it. Live Slock Journal. Brief Hints. . Get all your harvest tools ready without delay, don't wait till you want to use them. Run the cultivator through your corn and potatoes ouce a week it will pay. Eternal vigilance against the bugs is the price to pay for a grood crop of potatoes this Beasou. Cut your clover early, it makes better hay than when cut late. .Tune ir the month for nlantincr Riifrar beets and bagas. Bee that your poultry have plenty of pure water during this hot weather they will take a drink every hour it it is within their reach, and thank you in the bargain. 'v Cut fresh grass and weeds every day and i throw to your pigs unless t hey are run ning at pasture. , Trim your fruit trees this month. Destroy caterpillar webs at their first ap pearance they can be eaeijy kept under by taking them in time. Mulch newly planted trees. Rose slugs are makiug their appearanoe, give them whale oil soap-suds. Fight weeds first, last and all the time no cessation of hostilities with this sleep, less enemy of the farmer. Whole corn is not a good summer feed for poultry. ' Early Garden Vegetables. The prices that early vegetables com mand in oountry villages and particularly in larger towns are often double those ob tained at wholesale in large cities, as such markets often becomo glutted with vegeta bles and small fruits which have to be sold very low. Now, farmers can grow a mod erate supply of early vegetables almost anywhere, and get good prices for them. The ' Scientific Farmer" says : " It is to be wondered at that so few farmers with ample facilities, in the vicinity of largo towns, engage in early garden crops. They say it is no use competing with the large gardeners whose products find their way to the inland towns, and so lay on their oars and let the trade go by them. Now we know from experience this is false. We have repeatedly carried early beets, peas, squash, etc, into a little town not 25 miles from Boston on the line of rail road, and sold them at higher price than the regular gardeners received. Why? Be cause our produoe was fresh and palatable and not the leavings of the city stalls as much of that tent to inland towns is. A. few crops, like those named : and sweet oorn, late cabbage, rhubarb, cauliflowers, (a few) and perhaps some others, we know can be grown with profit. The rest the farmer hrd best leave to tho gardener." Fritters. Two eggs ; one pint buttermilk ; one teaspoon saleratus , three-fourths teaspoon salt ; flour enough to make a stiff batter. Fry in hot lard, putting in a spoonful at a time. . ' Feather Cake.. ' One egg well-beaten ; two tablespoons butter ; one cup sugar ; one-half cup sweet milk ; two teaspoons baking powder in two cups of flour ; flavor with lemon. This is cheap and while fresh very good. Bargains in Carpets. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. U you wnnt a pretty CARPHT for only 85 Cents per yard, come and see what you can get at that m ire of F. MORTIMER. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. Thirty-Five Cents lsthe price of. a pretty CAR. PET at Mortimer's. The snme amount ot money will also buy a Rood CALICO Dress It you don't make It too large. LOTS OF OTHER BARGAINS. HIGHEST AWARDS! fflfi J. REYNOLDS & SON. NORTHWEST CORNER THIRTEENTH AN I) FILDEUT 8TS., PHILADELPHIA, 'MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SHAKING AND CLINKER-GRINDING GRATES FOR BURNING ANTHRA CITE OR BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE "WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOKING RANGES, LOW-DOWN GRATES, Etc. Descriptive Circulars sent free to any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING. 191y A4S. IS TAKEN INTERNALLY, AND POSITIVELY CURES RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA AND LUMBAGO. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS tVEfli WHERE. SEND FOR CIR- W$eLPHEN3TINE Si BENTLEY. . DRUGGIST8, WAoHINUlON, 0. C. t. For sale by wholesale Druggists in Pitts burg and Philadelphia. 35 ly CSET THE STAXAItI. " It ought to he in ewry Library, also in erery Academy and every School." Hou. CUas. Simmer. A larire, handRomo volume of 1RM pnsres, containing considerably more than loo.ooo W urils In its Vo cubular)', with the enrret't Pronunciation. eliuition, and Etymology. Fully Illustrated. Library Sheep. $10,00 ' WORCESTER" is now repurdccl as tho standard authority, and in so recommended by Bryant. Lonjtellow, Whlttler, Hum ner, Holmea, Irving, winthrop, AwHiz, Mnrnh, Henry, Everett, Mann. Ouincy, Feltou, Hillartl, and the major It.y of onr mont ainthiKUiPhed m'holnrB, and in, beside h, recojriiized as authority by the Departments of our National Government. THE COiU'LETE tiEHIES OF WORCESTER'S DICTIONARIES 8uarto Dictionary. TlhiRtrated. Library Ftheep,t0.00. niverual and Critical Dictionary. 8vo. Library tihuep. 4.85. Academic Dictionary. Crovrn Svo. Falf roan, $9.00. Comprehensive Dictionary. Illustrated. Uuio. Half roan. 1.7S. Rehool (Lienientary) Dictionary. l2mo. Half roan. $1.00. Primary Dictionary. Illustrated, ltiino. Half roan, 6te. Pocket Dictionary. Illustrated. 24 mo. Cloth, rtocto. ;roau flexible, H6 ct. ; roan, tucks, jrilt edVeH, $1.00. Many Special aids to students, iu additioh to a very full pronouncing and dertniinr vocabulary, make the above named bitoks, in the opinion of our most (lit titifrulshed educators, the most complete an well aa by far the cheapest Dictionaries of our language. For sale by Booksellers generally, or will be Bent, carriage free, on reooiot of the price bv J. B. LIPFlNCOfT & CO.. Publishers. BksellerB and Stationers, 33 T13 nnd TIT Market St., PHILADELPHIA. N fl e wl1' start yen In a business you can make i' a week without capital; MnNFVeasy and respectable for either sex. in u lit. I M A young, m Bowery, N.Y. 17 3m fiWHW Is not easily earned In these times, but Of f f It can be made In three months by any one of ell her sex. In any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish, tan a week In your own town. You need not be far away from home over nigh. You can give your whole time to the work, er only your spare moments. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and 5 Outfit free. Address at ouce, li. IUllktt & Co.. Port laud, Maine. H ly. A Bate, Sure and Cheap Destroyer of the POTATO .BUQ.CABBAGE CURRANT WORKS J TF,SL oU"' UmU U OUR PESTjtffvTSPOISON. tJnIlk. PARIS QRIEir Jlunln la water, and to prlnklwL 6 dasth. No dtnrr to pl.nL, or la wflnc. CnbHmtiulfa Sftnipll awtlt4 for M Mots (14 lb. tor.) Send Jar Clnulac wtlh handrrd. of totOmosikh. DlKouDl te Utr trftdo. JLEAUMir ClUAIICAL WORKS, F. O. Bar lit. 1 Cwtludt St., N.w tmk City. For8a!e by FRANK MORTIMER, New Bloouineld, Pa. , ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Nicholas Relslnger, late of Kavllle twp., Perry county. Pa., dee'd., have been granted to the un dersigned residing In Tuscaroraand Bavllletwps. All persons Indebted tosaid estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated fur settlement to A. II. KERR.' Tnscarnratwp. DAVID RE1SINUEK. Kavllle two. Hay 1st, 1877. Administrators. PRINTING of every description neatly ex ecutedat the Bloomneld Time Office, at reasonable rates. 11 Philadelphia Adrertlscments. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner ol 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Fenn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 216 NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, Pa. S. DOUGHERTY v J. D. hoAr & CO., WHOLESALB BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 613 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., Wholesale Dealers is TOBACCO, CIGARS &c NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Pa. G RAYBILL & CO., Wholesale DealersI n Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, , Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And a Dne assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WARE, No. 420 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. SOLE AND ONLY MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPERIAL FRENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN. Also, Pure White Lead and Color ' MANUFA CTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. gMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, On High Street, East or Cablisl St., New Bloomleld, Fenn'a. ' THE subscriber has oullt a laree and eomrao dlous Shop on High St., East of Carlisle Street rew tsioomneid, "a., wnere oa u preparea io mea uiaciureiooruer Oi every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of eyery Style, bnllttoorder, and finished In the nfostartlstleand durable niannnr. V Having superior workmen, be Is prepared to furnish work that will com pare favorably with the bestOlty Work, and much more durable, and aimuca lnorereasoaaDie rules. WREPAIRINdot allklndsneatlyandpromp jydone Acalllssollclted. SAMUEL SMITH 1M ELANNELS A splendid! assortment of Fln Deli, just opened by F. MORTIMER Philadelphia Advertisements. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS Booksellers and Stationers, And Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS VTAlili TAPER, ETC, No. 430 Market Street, . PHILADELPHIA Pa. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' SuccesHors to SHAFFNER, ZIEGLER &CO,, Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, filoves, ' Ribbons, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. '. Agents for Lancaster Combs. J0WER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers Id CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. RLVAK HOOKS Always on band, and made to Order. Nos. 530 Market and 623 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO . Publishers of Banders'New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's Historyof cue uaueuBtates.reuoirsuuuine Maps,c. gARCROFT & CO., ImporUifl and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, . Blankets, Linena, White Goods, &o., Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) PHILADELPHIA. jEW. T. M0UL, REPRESENTING Weinier, Wright & Watkin, MannTnclnrer & Wholesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes No. 302 Market Street, K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Imforthrs and Jobbers or Oliiua, Glass AND QTJEENSWARE, 923 Market Street, riniA.iiaL.PiiiA.. W. H. KENNEDY, WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 505 MARKET BTREKT, PHILADELPHIA. T10 Philadelphia Advertisements. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WH0LH9ALH HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street, Philadelphia, renn'a. JT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE UNION,") JOS. M. FEGER, Proprietor 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.60FerDay. f niS noTEI. being centrally located, and hav. X liiR been entirely refitted, It will be found as pleasant a stopping place as can be desired JINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED I Giving Double the Light of, any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL ! Everybody who sees them are. delighted. The Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F. MORTIMER, YfESI STREET HOTEL, Nos. 41, 42, 43 & 44 West St., JfEW YORK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. ROOMS 50 and 75 cents per day. Charges very MODEBATE. The best meats and vegetables In the market. BEST BEDS in the City, i 17 lyu B. T. BABBITT, Proprietor. Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIN, Attorney-at-Law, . New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Fa. Office Next door to the residence of Judge Juukin. 45U AM. MARKEL. Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry county, Pa. lf Office directly opposite the Post-Ofllee, and adjoining the Mansion House. T BW18 POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW BLOOMFIFLD, PERRY CO., PA. ycialnis promptly secured collected Writings and all legal business carefully attend- ed to. 32 yl JAMES II. FERGUSON, Attorney-at-Law, NEWPORT, PA. .WOfflce Market Street, near the Square. 35 6 IIARLES II. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New Bloomlleld, Perry Co. Pa. . Office with C. A. Bamett, Esq., on High Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbyte riaa Church. . August 20, 1872. "ttm. A. SPONSLER, Attorney-at-Law, Ty onie adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. 3 2 ly JOHN G. 8HATTO, Burgeon Dentist. New Bloomlleld, Perry CO., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Hurglcal Dentistry done In the best manner, aud at reasonable prices. .OCBce at his residence one door East of the Robinson House, and opposite Wm. A. feponsler's Law office. 8 21y tTTM, N. 8E1BERT. Attorney-at-Law, V New Bloomneld, Perry co.. Ta. Bloomneld, 3 331v. WM. M. BUTCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Bloomneld, Perry co.. Pa. -Ofnce Two doors West of F. Mortimer Store 37 ly LEWI8 POTTER, KOTART PCBLIC, New Bloom Held, Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mertgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All. kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take depositions to be rer.d In any court lu the United States. 7 10 ly CHAS.J. T.McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, New BloomHeld, Perry CO., Pa. - All professional business promptly andf altb fully attended to. 3 2 1 v. WM. A. MORRISON, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR, NewGekmantown, Perry co.. Pa. -Remittances will be made promptly for all Collections made. 7 44 CHAS, A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld. Perry CO.. Pa .Onice on high street, North side, nearly op posite the Presbyterian Church. 321y JICHARD L. MAGEE,' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. WOftloe at his residence. In CENTRE TOWN SHIP. Perry Cnunty, Pnn'a one Kile South or New Bloomneld. 10 9 ILLIAM M. 8UTC1I, Justice of the Peace, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, NewBloomfleld, Parry Oouaty, Penn'a JVBpeclalattentTtonpald to Collections of all kinds. Itaeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Agreements neatly executed. 7 l'itf