The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, June 26, 1877, Page 2, Image 2
2 SAVED FROM THE WRECK. ABWKET-FACED woman find n Bweet-fuceil child are waudorhiK among the shipping docks of the grcnt city. The woman Is plninly drewtctl,but evidently In her best nttlre, and there Is n touch of gentility In her finery, In the reul luce collar, rcllo of better dnyd per Imps, the pearl ear-rings nnd tho neat gloves. The child Is neatly dressed too, and as she clasps the woman's hand looks love at her guardian. But the wo man's face Is not at Its best now there is an anguished expression upon It., a careworn look, and a. faint wrinkle upon the pale forehead that ages her and les sens the charm of her features. Hho Is Inquiring of the dock men, of the stevedores,nnd of loungers about the wharves, whether the brig "Good Luck" has come In. She always receives the same reply to her eager question, and that reply Is that the brig " Good Luck" has not come In ; but that this same brig " Good Luck" has been loBt n month ago, dashed on a Ico shore and ground to pieces by the sea, and will never come In never nevermore. If they told her, she wouldn't believe them, for this woman nnd herchlldhnve supreme faith feel as sure as God rules that the brig "Good Luck" will come In, nnd come In soon, with cargo and crew, though they hnve been asking the same question, and praying the same prayer for many and many a day. Then she goes across the street and winds her way among the bales and boxes and passing carts, and through all the hubbub and bustle of the wharf, and climbs a flight of stairs to where the brig's owners have their ofllees. They are used to seeing her. They smiio sadly when sho enters with the child, and look significantly nt one another ns much as to say, "poor thing 1 she's mad. No wonder, no wonder I" Mad 1 Yes, she Is as mad with " hope deferred," with anxiety to meet her hus band, Caleb Belter, master of the brig "Good Luck" to meet the master of the brig, her husband and the father of this child. God of Heaven, why does he stay away from her so long ' " Is the 'Good Luck' in yet V" she asks of . a clerk. " Not yet, nm'ani." "She's expected, of course, to-day V" "Of course." " There's a vessel coming in now. I see the tall masts. Look ! look 1" point ing out of the olllce window to the river front. "Maybe that's it 1 Ellle, deur, look 1 there's futher's vessel, with father on board I" The child clasps her little hands at the sight. " Sorry to say that ain't It, ma'am," says the clerk relaxing into his calcula tions, and paying no more attention to the woman. She stares out of the window at the approaching vessel drawn by a tug, and then with a blank look upon her face and a moan that Is so heart-rending I says: " No,Ellle, no ! That Is not the ' Good Luck.' I see the figurehead ; the flgure- head of the ' Good Luck' is an nngel a white and gold angel. No! no! that Isn't it," But pnpa will come home soon,won't he, mamma V" whispers the child. Yes, yes, yes ! To-day, my darling, to-day." Old Mr. Tawinun, who is the head of the establishment here, now comes from behind his desk and approaching the woman, says in a kindly tone : " Mrs. Belter, sit down ; make your self comfortable as you cnu in a dingy office like this. Here, little one, come here; give me a kiss. A bright, pretly little dear, Mrs. Selter," " She looks pale," said the mother. " She is tired she has been walking too much." " Mamma, I don't mind walking to find father. I am not tired." The old gentleman sits down and lifts the little girl on his knee and kisses her. She winds her arms about his neck and exclaims : "You'lllell my papa to come soon won't youV" " Yes, dear." It was the habit of this firm to pay a sort of pension monthly to the widows of captains who were lost in their ser vice. It was not much of a stipend, be ing only half pay, but it was certainly a blessing in very many cases. Mrs. Selter had always received her husband's mon ey here, while he was at sea, or It was sent to her when she was sick or the . weather bad. " Ah, Mr. Tawman.I'm sure the 'Good Luck' will be in to-day ?" , " Certainly It will ! What's to hinder it?" he answers. He puts the child down and goes over to hib desk, and unlocking a drawer he takes out an account book and begins writing a receipt. Then he goes over into the cashier's room. While he is there the telegraph clerk calls him over. Click ollcklty click! goes the maglo instrument, repealing its dot and dash message. " Hear that V" snys the operator. ." That's news Tor you!" The proprietor could rend every word by its sound. " It's a messogo from God," says Mr. Tawmnn, reverently. "I must not tell her." He comes back to whero tho woman is sitting, his face flushed with emotion some strange excitement. He throws into her lap a bundle of bank notes. " There Mrs. Sc!tci-,now go home. Take a car at the door." "Oh! I'm not tired. And I should like to be hero when the brig comes in. But I thank you so much, so much." " Hero little one," says the good hearted Tawman, " here's something for you to buy candles," He puts into her tiny outstretched palm a bright quarter of.n dollar, and laughs at the wonder and delight of the little recipient. " I'll keep this for my pnpa." Poor llttlo thing she .is weary unto sleep. She cuddle; herself in the big chair nnd sinks into slumber In an in stant. "Now, Mrs. Selter, you've hud no dinner," says Tawman. V Oh, yes sir." " Yesterday, perhaps, but I mean to day. Go down witli Mr. Tclton here, our young man, and get something to eat. You see, we have nrrungements here for the comfort of our clerks. We give them a hot dinner, and a good din ner too. There's nobody there now. Everybody's dined. Go down there and ask the waiter, George," addressing Mr. I'd ton, whom he had summoned, " to give this good lady a cup of tea and a piece of toast, some chicken, and nil that." Then pnuslug a moment, as if propriety and his philanthropy are struggling for mastery in his mind : " No, no, George. Tell Henderson to send the dinner up into my room there that's better !" Tho young man leavcB the room. Then Mr. Tawman enters the office again nnd consults the tele graph operator. " Bend this message at once, Mr. Lind lay, if you please." He writes some thing and tho operator clicks it oiT nt once. It's a long message, a very long message indeed, butthe President's mes sage is not so Important, so Interesting, to those whom it concerns. Then by the time the message is sent, the dinner Is ready in Mr. Tawman's private office, when Mrs. Selter partakes hof it, and docs not think proper to wak en the weary child, that she may eat also. Then Mr. Tawman Bays : " Now,you had better go. I'll see to tho child ; I'll bring the little girl up with me to night." " No, no ! " "exclaims tho mother. " I must have my Ellle with me alwnys,sir! You are bo very good, though, sir so very good ! And there is no news of the 'Good Luck V " " Not a word, I'm sorry to say." " It can't be possible. The brig must come in to-dny." " I'm sure I hopeso,wlth nil my heart aid soul, Mrs. Belter." " I know you do," she responds, with a sigh. " Now go. I'm sorry you have to waken the child, but I suppose you can not help it." "Come, Ellle," says the mother, touching her lightly on the shoulder. The child, with a start, awakes and cries, " Is It my papa ? Dear, dear papa!" Then, seeing her disappointment, she burst into tears. " Don't cry, dear don't cry. The brig will come In the brig will come in ! Don't cry !" the good old man speaks soothingly to the sobbing child ; and the mother, catching her hand, walks slow ly and sadly away, followed by Mr. Taw man, who lifts the little girl down the' stalrs,and helps both her and her mother into a car. The next morning the woman is again loitering about the wharves with tho same agonized Inquiry. She again puts the question to the wharfmen.and again receives only the same answer. Then, as before, she seeks the office of the brig owners, still accompanied by her little girl, and asks : " Has the 'Good Luck' come in yet " " Not yet, ma'am." She sighs and looks out of the window at the shipping;- She says she will wait for Tawman, and sits down. When Mr. Tawman comes in, as usual he greets her very kln-liy and kisses the little girl, and says: " I'm sorry the brig isn't in yet." " Will it be In to-day V" " I hope so. And he goes behind his desk and looks over his letters. He has not been long engaged in his correspond ence, when a scream from the woman startles him. She has risen and is pointing excitedly out of the window. " Here is a ship coming in look ! look!" " That's not it," says a clerk. "That's a schooner." " Oh,no !" adds Mr. Tawman. "That's not the 'Good Luck.'" "It 1st It is I" She darts from the office dragging the child after her, runs across the crowded street, across the bustling wharf out to the very edge of the water. , Mr. Tawman rushes to the window, opens It and calls to her. To no purpose however. All the clerks cluster about the window to watch her. " The woman is mad," says one. " She's going to drown herself." Tawmnn says quietly to the telegraph operator : "It's the 'Mary!'" The schooner is being lowed up the river by a tug. Sho Is making prepara tions to anchor in the stream opposite the wharf. All this time Mrs. Selter is standing in the mltht of the crowd of excited people, waving her handkerchief and the little girl Is waving hers. " Look ! look there ! There's a man overboord!" cries one of the clerks. A cry of alarm goes up from the wharf. " Thunder !" exclaims Mr. Tawman, thoroughly aroused. " Whut docs that mean V" " He's swimming like a fish,"' says a clerk. " He has lauded. Hark at the cheers." "God of Mercy, look, look I" shouted the operator. " Sho is hugging him so Is the llttlo girl. It's Captain Selter!" "Thank God!" exclaimed Tawman, " and pray Heaven that she mny not sink under the shock! Poor woman. How she clings to the drenched man. Dear, dear!" Then he puts on his hat and runs down stairs like a boy and darts over to' where husband, wife and child are, united and happy. 1 " The 'Good Luck's' come In !"' yells Tawman lustily. "Ah!" he exclaimed, shaking the Captain by the hand and not caring for the gaping and wondering crowd all around him, "this is 'good luck' my boy, isn't it, eh V Did you get my tele gram ?" When the man can speak he nnswers: "Yes." " I planned It all," chatters old Taw man. " You see, I got a dispatch, yes terday, from the Breakwater, saying that Captain Selter had been picked up on a raft by the schooner ' Mary,' bound in, and that you were coming up by rail from Lewes. I telegraphed back word for you to come up in the schooner for a certain purpose. The shock would have been worse to her, If 1 hadn't. I told her when I put her in the car yesterday, that the brig would come In, and come in It did. Over to the office, every one of you, and after dinner and dry clothes Cop., we'll have a talk about business. Come on." And then the wife learned that the day previous the firm had heard of the shipwreck of their vessel, and that the captain and crew were some of them saved and were even then at the lower bay. Mr. Tawney feoring the effect on the poor wife, had her husband arrived in any manner except by vessel, had tele graphed him to come up in the manner he did. A happier woman or a moro gratified little girl could not be found than were Mrs. Selter and her little Mary, as they sat at the dinner table with the loved husband and father be sldo them. A Perplexed Judge. A COLORED roustabout fell from a steamer near New-Orleans recently and was drowned. He left an estate of $405 caslj, due him by the steamboat com pany, and among tho many claimants who appeared before Commissioner South worth as the rightful heirs to this munificent sum were two portly females one of whom was followed by six small sized children, and tho other by eight. They took positions on the opposite sides of the room and their broods gathered about them. Then each of these females took out a red bandanna handkerchief, hid her face, and uttered a heart-rending moany This exhibition of sadness and depres sion was not without Its effect upon the little ones, each of whom broke out into a very unmelodious bellow. The com missioner by this timebecameextremely anxious to know something of his vis itors and their business. After diligent inquiry and between many groans and moans, he was able to discover that they both claimed to be the relict of the dead roustabout, and that they both luid claim to his estate. Here was a dilemma, in deed, for the commissioner. Which of the two women was the real widow 'i He questioned them closely, and each declared that she had been the wife of the dead roustabout. At last the com missioner gave up In despair. He could not decide which was the one entitled to the money. Then a happy thought struck him. He remembered the Story of Solomon and the two women claim ing the same child. It came to him like an inspiration, and he acted upon It im mediately. He said to them; "I will give this money to that one of you who will go and search for the body of the roustabout. His body has not yet been discovered, and it may bo lying along the shore near where he was lost. I will furnish you with transportation to the locality." The female with six children dried her tears immediately, and said that she wouldn't go on such an expedition on any account ; that she had no time, and had enough to attend to at home. Tho female with the eight children said that she would go gladly, and tlAit she would stay until she found the body of her dear husband; that she would have gone be fore only that sho had no money and no way of going. The commissioner was satisfied that he had found the true relict of the roustabout, and without further hesitation he handed the estate over to the female who represented the most responsibilities. Selling Wife for Drinks. Thomas Gilllgnn, a jovial young canal boatman, familiarly known in Jersey City as " Tommy Dodd," some years ago became attached to a comely young woman near Philllpsburg. She liked to drink, and one day Gilllgan plied her with liquor, and on the next morning showed her a marriage certificate signed by a Bockaway Justice of the Peace, wherein their marriage was duly set forth. " I don't remember anything about it," she said; "I was drunk, I confess, but if you say so, Tommy, it is all right." They lived together four years, during which time two children were born, but Gilllgan 's acts of cruelty compelled her to seek advice and sympathy elsewhere. In the heart of Jacob Meyers, a fellow canal boatman, Mrs. Gilllgan found a responsive chord, and she conceived a strong attachment for him. Gilllgan noticed it, and said : " A treat for all hands around, Jake, and she is yours." He jumped at the proposition, and after spending $1.00 for drinks Jacob claimed Mrs. Gilllgan as his own. Ever since Gilllgan seems to have repented of his bargain, and has made overtures to re gain his wife, but failed. On Monday last Gilllgan went to the boat on which Jacob is at work, and de manded his wife. Jacob knocked him down, and laid open his scalp with a piece of coal. Gilllgan had Meyers ar rested and when arraigned before Police Justice Davis in Jersey City last week, the story was developed. Justice Davis lined Meyers $10, and sent him to jail for thirty doys. Mrs. Gilllgan says that she is happy with Meyers, aud will not desert him. The Blacksmith was Capable of True Love. Away back half a century ago there lived In Lanesboro a rich old farmer. Then as now rich old farmers were the possessors of daughters and sons, and the daughters somehow would have beaux. In the same town lived an in dustrious young blacksmith, who sought the hand of the only daughter of the rich old farmer, who, by tho way, held higher hopes and aspirations for her, and plainly told the young man that he "did not think an anvil and a piano would sound well together." The blacksmith swallowed the rebuff, and, forestalling Horace Greeley's advice by several years, "went West." Meanwhile the daugh ter had an unobjectionable suitor whom she was allowed to marry. Ten years or more she lived happily, when her hus band died. Then came years of widow hood and all the sorrows and trials the word implies. A consoling and con solu ble widower, however, happening along, she was again married. Anotherdecade of happy wedded life, and she was again left a widow. It was then she returned to the pudental roof ; and after a few years her futher followed tho two hus bands. Now was the first lover's oppor tunity. Within the present year, the young blacksmith, having nearly reach ed the age of three-score and ten, while on a visit to Eastern friends, learned the situation, renewed his suit and was ac cepted. And now there is only perfect harmony in the " Anvil Chorus," in which they both join. Jeff White was one of the wealthiest and di uukenest young man in Los Angeles, Cal. Katy Harvey was beautiful, but she belonged to a poor and wicked family, who conceived that tliey might mend their for tunes by inducing Jeff to marry ber. Eaty did her best to fascinate Jeff, and succeeded ; but Jeff was not inclined to marry, aud bis bister influenced him as much as she could tbe other way. The Halve j 8 got him into their bouse, and gave him wbukey and morphine for two weeks. By that time be was at tbe point of death, and consented to the marriage. A willing Justice was found to perform tho ceremony, but with bis arrival came MUs White, determined to prevent it. Then there was a scene of strife at the dying man's bedside. Eaty took his band, and tbe Justice began the ceremony. Then Miss White pulled ber brother's band away. In tbe midst of tbe confusion be dieey uumarmd. DR. 8CHEXCKVS I'OlLMSICSmur, Br. Wr.Kn Tomo, Ann Mandrars Films. These medicines have undoubtedly performed morn cure of Consumption than any oilier remedy known to the American public. They are coin- pounded of vegetable Ingredient, and contain nothing which oan be liiliirlous to tho human constitution. Other remedies advertised as cures for Consumption, probably contain opium, which Is a somewhat dangerous drug In all oases, and It taken freely byoonsiimptlire patients, It must do (treat Injury t Tor Its tendency Is to confine the morbid mailer In the system, which, of course, must make a cure Impossible. Bdmeck's Pulmon ic Hyrup Is warranted not to contain a particle of opium It Is composed of powerful but harmless herbs, which act on the lungs, liver, stomacli.and blood, and thus correct all morbid seoretlons.and expel all the diseased matter from the body. These are the only means by which Consumption can beoured, and as Bchneck'i 1'ulmonle Hyrup, Bea weed Tonic, and mandrake Fills ate the only medicines which operate In this way, It Is obvious they are the only genuine cure for i'ulinnnlo Con sumption. Each bottle of this Invaluable medi cine Is accompanied by full directions. Dr. Bchcnck Is professionally at his principal nftlco, corner Blxth and Arch Btreets,, Fhlladelphla, every Monday, whers all letters for advice must be addressed. VEGETI N E IS MY FAMILY I WISH NO OTHER. Tr FHOViPENcf!, April 7, 1876. Mr. It. B. Btkvenb Dear Blr ! When I was about 8 years of age a humorbroke out upon me, which my mother tried to cure by giving me herb teas and all other such remedies as she knew of, but It continued to grow worse, until finally she consulted a physician and he said I had the salt rheum, and doctoreo me for that complaint. Jle relieved me some, but said I could not le perma nently cured as the disease originated In the blood. 1 remained a great sufferer or several years.untll I heard of and consulted a physician, who said I had the scrofulous humor and If I would allow him to doctor me lie would cure me. I did so, and he commenced healing up my sores and succeeded In effecting an external cure, but In a short time the disease appeared again In a worse form than ever, as cancerous humor upon my lungs, throat and head. I suffeied the most terrible pain, and there seemed to be no remedy, and my friends thought I must soon die, when my attention was called, while reading a newspaper, toa VKOKTINK testimonial of Mrs. Waterliouse, No. 8K4 Athens St.. South Boston, and I, formerly residing In Bouth Boston and being personally ac. qualnted with her and knowing her former feeble health, I concluded I would try the Vegetine. After I had taken a few bottles It seemed to force the sores out of my system. Iliad running sores In my ears which for a time were verypainiul.but I continued to take the Vegetlne until I had taken about twenty five bottles, my health Im- ? roving all the time from the commencement of he first bottle, and the sores to heal. I com menced taking the Vegetlne In 1H72, and contin ued Its constant use for 6 months. At the pres ent time my health Is better than It has been since I was a child. The Vegetlne Is what helped me, and I most cordially recommend It to all suf ferers .especially my friends. I had been a suf ferer for over thirty years, and until I used the Vegetlne, I found no remedy ; now I use It as my faithful medicine, and wish no other. Mi s. II. C. COOPER, No. 1 Joy Street, Providence, It. I. VEQETINE. n. The range of disorders which yield to the Influ ence of this medicine, and the number of defined diseases which It never falls to cure, are greater than any other single medicine has hitherto been even recommended for by any other than the pro prietors of some iiaek nostrum. These diseases are Bcrofulaand all eruptive diseasesand Tumors Ilheumatlsm, Oour, Neuralgia, and Spinal Com plaints and all Inflammatory symptoms : Ulcers, all Byphilltlc diseases. Kidney and bladder dis eases, Dropsy, the whole train of painful disor ders which so generally afflict American women, and which carry annually thousands of them to premature graves j Dyspepsia, that universal curse of American manhood, Heartburn, Piles, Constipation, Nervousness, Inability to sleep.and Impure blood. This Is a formidable list of human ailments for any single medicine to successfully attack, and It Is not probable that any oneartf clebef ore the public has the power to cure the quarter of them except Vegetine. It lays the axe at the root of the tree of disease by first elimina ting every Impurity from the blood, promoting the secretions, opening the pores the great es cape valves of the system invigorating the liver to its full and natural action, cleansing the stom ach and strengthening digestion. This much ac complished, the speedy and the permanent cure of not only the diseases we have enumerated, but likewise the whole train of chronic and constitu tional disorders, is certain to follow. This is pre cisely what Vegetine does, and it does It so quick ly, aud so easily, that it Is an accomplished fact almost before the patient it aware of it himself. Best llemetly In tlio Land. I.itti.e Falls, N. Y., Sept. 23d, 1875. MR..H, ft. Stbvkns : Dear Sir I desire to state to you that I was afflicted with a breaking out of blotches and pimples on my face and neck for several years. I nave tried many remedies, but nov.e cured the humor on my face and neck. After using two or three bottles of your Vegetlne the humor was entirely cured. I do certainly be lieve It is the best medicine for all impurities of the blood that there is In the land, and should highly recommend it to the aftllcledrpublta. Truly jours, P. PEKKINE, Architect. Mr. Perrine is a well-known architect and builder at Little Falls, N. V'., having lived there aud in the vicinity for the last Si years. 23 lm Prepared by H.R. Stevens, Boston,Mass. . Tegetine Is Sold by All Druggists. JEATHER &C. : THE subscriber has now on band at LOW PBICE3, Good Sole Leather, Kip of Superior Quality, Country Calf Skins, French Calf; LININGS, ROANS, &c. F, Mortimer, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. N 0W IS THE TIME TO PLANT. IT PAYS To plant FRCTT TREES and GRAPE VINES. They willyleld 50 per cent, more profit ture than ordinary crops, aud pay fcr themselves the first year they bear. IT DOX'T PAY To plant poor, dried out stock, brought from a long distance aud sold by au irresponsible agent, whose only Interest is to buy as cheap as be van, regardless of quality or condition. You cau GET THE BEST GUARANTEED STOCK, at bottom prices, fresh aud rigorous, by tending or coining direct to RIVERSIDE XVJtSEICIES, . - UAEKL3Bl.BG, PA. . Circulars Free. GEO. F. McFABLAND, Proprietor. U PATENTS. Fee Reduced. Entire Cost $55. Patent Office Fee rrt In advance, balance fiO within 6 months after iatut allowed. Advice and examination free. Patents Sold. . J.VANCE LEVtlSftCO.. 19-3iu W aauiiigtou, D. C.