8 Earthquake In South America. Panama, June 11. By the arrival of the steamer "Oroya," from Callao, ou the SKth tilt., we Lave fullor details of the dis nBtprs suffered on' the coast from earth quakes and tldal waves. The towns of Aricit, Iqulque, Pontado Lahas, I'nhollon do Ificn, Chnnavayn, Iliinnillns, Tooopllla, CoriJ.v, Mejiltones do Bolivar, Antafngasta and Chanarl are nearly nil destroyed. About COO liven only wore lust. The de struction of property is estimated at f 20, 000,000, confined mostly to the coast, although the town of Tutnpacn, twenty three leagues Inland, and the villages of Ricn, Matilla and Cinchoues, far in the interior, were more or less ruined. The shipping of guano from the Bouthern de posits will be Indefinitely suspended as all facilities in the way of launches, chutes, wharves, water condensers and buildings of all kinds have been swept away. Antufagasta, Moxillones, Tocopilla and Cobij.i, towns in the coast of Dolivar, met with the Bame misfortune of earthquake and tidal wave nt once nnd are in an identical condition with Iquiqtio and Aricia. At Antafagasta several lives were lost. Mexilloues was visited by a tidal wave sixty-five feet in height. Two-thirds of the town was completely obliterated. At Mexlllonos six persons w'ere drowued. At Tocopilla little or nothing romains of the tovvn. A mine called La Pena Blanco, four miles to the southward, sank it, smothering 200 workmen, of whom forty were Cornish miners. Cobija, tho principal town of the Boli vian const, has lost thiee-fourths, of it? houses. The wave, thirty-five feet high, swept the main business street and left it as level as the desert. Wharves and launches were all carried out to sea. All of these towns are in the greatest distress. Chili ImB escaped without injury. The northern ports of Peru were damaged but ' little, although tho sea was runuiug re markably high. Efloits for the relief of the distressed are being made. Chaniva Ya, tho little town at the guano deposit known at Paballor De Pica, with four hundred houses, to-day has only two standing. Here, as at Iquique, the earth quake was followed by fire. The sea came in and extinguished the confiagratiou, but as it retired carried off all that remained of tho place. In one of the gunno cuttings thirty laborers were buried by the falling earth and suffocated. Amongst the ship ping at least 200 people were killled. Bodies were floating around in the bay and pestilence is feared. At lloanillos, another guano loading station, tho damage iullicted was fearful ; all the houses were destroyed. The wavo which succeeded the earthquake and completed the work of destruction, was nearly sixty feet high. "The Conflict Of Ages." Men differ on nearly every issue. There have always been opposite parties in politics and religion, thougli the measures fought over one day may bo universally adopted at another, and those sacrificed regarded as heroes and martyrs. Medicine has also been subject to revolutionary disturbaucos. i When Drs. Harvey and Jcnuer announced i thoir discoveries, they were held in cou- tempt and ridicule by an incredulous and ignorant public, yet to-day tuey are received and honored by all as benefactors. When Dr. Pierce announced his Discover, many soemcd to doubt, and were' skeptical concerning all medicines and doctors, but Jiroof of merit has dispolled all doubt, and to-day the Golden Medical Discovery is the standard remedy in curing the most obstinate, diseases of the liver and blood, haviug almost entirely supserseded the old time sarsaparillas by reason of its superior morits, , Norwich, Chenaugo Co., N. Y., November 8d, 1870. R. V. riEKCE, M. D. : I was atllictcd with a scrofulous affection on ono of my legs. It was very trouble some for over two years, so much so that I could not wear a boot, and I had to keep my log bandaged. It resulted in a raw soro. It got so bad that it became a general talk that I would have to undorgo amputa of the limb. One physician told me he never saw such a sore cured. I commenced taking your Golden Medical Discovery together with your Pollots as directed on tho bottlos, and when I had consumed six bottlos of Discovery, my leg was eutirely well, and has remained so ever since, a period of over two years, and I would not swap it for fifty wooden legs. Yours truly, JOHN SHATTUCK. Bargains in Carpets. Frightful Fall. About half past five o'clock Wednesday evening a week, Charles, aged between five and six years, son of Mr. James F. Newlin, of the Adams express company, made a narrow escape from instant death. Mr. Newlin residos on Fifth 6trect near Strawberry avenue, and his little son while playing ball accidentally cast the plaything upon the cornice above the door in front of the house, located about twelve or fifteen feet above the marble steps. Iu order to get it he crawled out through the window from the second story, and was just in the act of securing it, when his foot slipped and precipitated him headformost over the cornice, toward the solid niarblo stoop below. Fortunately a colored girl, a servant in the family, came out of the door with a bucket in her hand, just in time to catch Charley's fall, the lad strik ' ing nor on tho back. The shock threw her off her feet, but saved the child from having his brains dashed out. Both child , and servant are doing well. HarrUburg Patriot of 9th imt. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. Thirty Five Cents Isthe price of a pretty CAR. PET st Moiitimbh's. The same amimnt ( money will aim liny a Bund CALICO Dress If yon don't make It too lare. It you want a nretly ('AH l'KT for only :tS rents per yard, come and see what "you can get at that price of F. MOIUIMER. 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. LOTS OF OTHER BARGAINS. JOSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, FENN'A. . Now offer the public A HAKE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting sf all shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALP AC CAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS TRICES. AN ENDLESS SELECTION OF PRINTS! We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head of GROCERIES ! Machine Needles and oil for all makes of . Machines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. J- No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. HIGHEST AWARDS! J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST CORNER THIRTEENTH AND FILBERT STS.. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURER'S OF PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SHAKING AND CLINKER GRINDINd GRATES FOR r.UKNINO ANTHRA CITE OU BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOKING RANGES.LOW-DOWN GRATES, Etc. Descriptive Circulars sent free to any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING. lOlyAiS. t ..-;t IS TAKEN IHTERNAUVr AND POSITIVELY CURES HHtUirml loifli UJJti ntUKAlUIA AND IUMBAG0. SOU) SI DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. SEND FOR CmV LPHEHSTINE A BENTLEY, DRUGGISTS, WASHINGTON, 0. C tV. For sale by wholesale Druggists in Pitts burg and Philadelphia. 35 iy Tuscarora Seminary IVH IUUIIU LAUIK8. A Home School. Beautiful Scenery. Healthful Climate. Full Course. Music a Specially. Modern JLan- fiuas;es. Experienced Teachers. No mil wxvwnrk. iit. BMi,.ti Itairliia Sept. 6th 1877. Send for Ciicular to C. F. KOI, BE, A. M Principal. Aoaueinia, jumaia county, pa. -0 A GENERAL INVITATION t Is extended to all, to CALL nnd secure some of the It EST BARGAINS yet offered. Having nn IMMENSE STOCK on hand, we have determined to make another SWEEPING RE DUCTION. The following comprises a list of our goods : Men's, Youth's nnd Hoy's Clothine. Men's, Youth's and lio.rs lints and Clips. Carpets of all Kinds and Grades. 'Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Ladles' Fancy Goods. Trunks, Valises and Satchels. Look at the list of some of Our Prices ! Clothing, tVc. Mian's Working Suits from l 00 to f! 0D Men's Dress Units from 8 (hi to 15 00 Youth's Working Bulls from 4 00 to 00 Youth's Dress Suits from 7 00 to 12 00 Hoy's Dress Suits from 3 00 to 7 00 Wen's Working Pants from 75 to 150 Men's Dress Punts from 2 00 to 5W Men's Working (lonts from 2 00 to 4 00 Men's Dress Coats from 4 00 to 10 00 Men's Vests from 60 to 100 Hoy's Common Coats from 1 Bo to 2 M) Hoys' flood Coats from 8 00 to 5 00 Men s Linen Coals from 75 to 2 00 Men's Alpaca Coats from 1 fiOto 3 00 Men's Dexter Coats from 1 50 to 2 50 Men's Summer Pants from 1 00 to S 00 Carpets, Common Carpets from IScts to 30cts. Flower Carpet from 35 to f 0 All Wool Carpet from 00 to 90 Stair Carpet from 20 to 3i Hall Carpet from 40 to 75 Table oilcloth from 40 to 60 Stair Oil Cloth from 14 to 10 Brussels Carpets from 81 25 to 1 2S Floor Oil Cloths from 60 to 1 00 Hats and Caps, Men's Wool Hats from 05 to Jl 01 Men's good Hats from 81 25 to 1 50 Men's line Hats from 1 75 to 2 50 Hoy's Fine Hats from 50 to 1 50 Men's and Hoy's lints and Caps Cheap. Trunks and Valises. Common Trunks from 82 00 to 3 00 (iood Trunks from 3 00 to 5 00 Extra S:irntoeaTrnnksfroni6 00 to 8 CO Common Valises from 50 to 1 00 (iood Valises from 1 25 to 2 09 Satchels from 75 to 2 00 Shawl Straps from .20 to 60 Umbrellas from 50 to 2 60 Buggy Whips and Spreads very Low. A good assortment of Tobacco nnd Segars. v A Call to ill convince mined to keep the lead Gcnls' Furnishing Goods, ,tc. Colored Shirts from 60c White Shirts from 75 Summer Under Shirts from 50 Summer Drawers from 25 Linen Collars from 15 Linen Culls from 25 Paper Collars from 10 Men's Hows from 10 Men's Ties from 25 Men's Hose from 5 Men's Handkerchiefs from 5 Men's Silk Hadk'rclefs from 60 Men's (i loves from 15 Overalls from 40 Overshirts from 60 Suspenders from 10 to 81 60 to 2 00 to 1 00 to 1 00 to 25 to 40 to t!5 to 40 to 75 to 60 to 40 to 1 00 to m to Ot) to 75 to 70 Ladles' Furnishing Goods. Ladles' Shawls from 65c to 83 00 Ladles' Skirts from 60 to 160 Ladles' Colored Hose from Lvto 25 Ladles' White Hose from 8 to 40 Ladles' Handkerchiefs from 5 to 60 Ladles' Kid Cloves from 75 to Km Ladles' LlsleUloves from 10 to '60 Ladles' Corsets from 40 to 1 00 millions from 3 to so Ties from 25 to 50 Parasols from 20 to S 00 Fans from 6 to 75 Plus 14 rows from 3 to 3 Pocket Hooks from 0to 50 Embroidery from 3 to 60 Switches from 15 to 20 neai unirnwiicnes irom I60to 5 M) Hraldsfrom 20 to SO joweisirom into Napkins per dozen from loo to Hed Spreads from 75 to Collars from 3 to Culls from 12 to 30 1 60 2 60 25 40 Miscellaneous. A Fine Assortment of Jewelry. Knives, Forks and Spoons. Perfumery and Hair Oils. Itazors, Scissors and Soaps. Hair, Cloth and Shoe Hrushes. Linen and Paper Shirt Fronts. Hevolvers and Cartridges. Paper and Envelopes. Looking Glasses, S;c. yon that we arc deter and defy Competition. ISIDOR SCHWAPvTZ, NEWPOET, PEjNTjSPV. TO THE PEOPLE OF PERRY COUISTY. ANNUAL SPRING GREETING OF STEPHENS & BEETEM, 1871. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE. 1877. English and Amer ican BRUSSELS in nil the BEST makes. BEAUTIFUL Three Plv CARPETS. In Hrussels Designs. FXTUA ENGLISH ISOIIA1N AND Extra Super CARPETS CHEAP I r.eautlcs in Hall and Stair CARTE T S with rich match BORDERS ! ALL NEW FOR SPRING. NOAY OPEN ! AND READY FOR SALE. . TUE MOST ATT1UCT1VE SPUING STOCK OF Carpets! Carpets! AND OIL CLOTHS ! WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, Looking Glasses, MATS, HUGS, HASSOCKS, AND AVstll Papers, ever before olfered to the trade. STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 EAST MAIN STliEET, CARLISLE. CARPET CHAINS, AND FILLINCS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WALL, PA P.E US AND ir.c on vno3, FOH Halls, Parlors and Vestibules, Chamberand Dining Booms, OIL CLOTHS! For Stairs, Tables, Floors and Halls. Cut to tit in a solid piece. LOOKING GLASSES! FItO.M PAKLOK TO KITCHEN SIZES. 30 Patterns in Home Made CAltPETS, our own manufacture. The best Wool, Cotton and Linen CAKFiCT CHAIX always on baud. AXD SOLD AT ltottom 1'rlces. KINGSFORD'S Is the -BEST and MOST ECONOMICAL 111 the World. Is perfectly PURE free from acids nnd other for eign substances that injure Linen. Is BTKONUKH than any other requiring much less quantity in using. Is UNIFOKM stiffens and linlshes work always the same. Kingsford's Oswego Com Starch Ts the most delicious of all preparations for l'Dildiugs, liliinoJIuuge, Cuke, Etc. E STATE NOTICE. Notice is hereby irl. 1J en. that Letters of AdmlniHrrnrlnn on thA . uue oi jacoo Klce, late ot Savllle township, Perry county, deceased, have been granted to the ubscribers residing in the same township. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those hay ing claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement to Cn Alt LOTTE N.RICE, JONATHAN HICK, A. M. Market., Attorney. (Administrators. February 13, 1877-ttpd JTSSTATK NOTICE. Notice Is hereby giv li en that LeHers of Administration on the estate ot John 8. McKlvy, late of New Buffalo borough, Perry Va., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing In the same borough. All pel scins indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediule payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN BASKIN. February 13. 1877.pd Administrator. QE0RGE H. MARTIN GENERAL AGENT. 13 LAIN, i'EltllY COUNTY, PA. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and any other business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. April. 19th, lb77. IAUTION. The subscriber hereby gives no- Ice that his wife has left his bed and board thout just provocation, and cautious the Dublie not to trust her on his account as he wilt Dav no debts of her contraction. ti ADAM WITUEKOW. Fenn township, May 1, 1877. gAl tie liou 1877 SPRING 1877. 1877 SI'ltING 1877. 1877 SPUING 1877. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. HA VINO .TTTST PtIHOH ASKD tor CASH, nt LOW PlliCHS, lots of NKW HOODS, we are enabled to olter our friends nnd customers ultKAT IJAltOAINS. Now is the time to buy as there Is no doubt but what DRT-OOOD8 WILL BK HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE IIK41IF.lt. DRY-OOOD8 WILL BE IIK4HF.R. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGIIF.R. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. , NOW IS THE TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. To Make Tour Spring Turchasoa. To Make Your Spring Purchases. To Make Your Spring Purchases. To Make Your Spring Purchases. To Make Your Spring rurcnases. To Make Your Spring Purchases. WHILE THE STOCK IS FI LL. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. ' WHILE THE STOCK IS FILL. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND SUE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COM K AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. l!re Have Lots of Prints, We Have Lota of Alpaccas, We Have Lots of Fancy Dry Goods, We Have Lots of Cottonades, We Have Lots of While Goods, We Have Lots of Other Articles, TJiat Are Very Cheap. Tliat Are Very Cheap. TItat Are Very Cheap. TJiat Are Very Cheap. That Are Very Cheap. That Are Very Cheap. WE ALSO HAVE New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. The Prettiest . You Ever Saw. Come and See Them. Floor nnd Table Oil Cloths AND Floor and Table Oil Cloths AND CARPETS. Floor nnd Table Oil Cloths AKD CARPETS ! In the handsomest patterns and best qualities. It will not cost you anything to look at them. SHOES FOll MEN. SHOES FOR BOYS. SHOES FOll WOMEN. All Good Styles and at Fopu lar Prices ! In fact we have a COMPLETE STOCK of all kinds of goods, to which we ask the attention of all who can appreciate , FIISTE COODS AND GREAT BARGAINS. F. MORTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. Webster's Unabridged. 80OO Engravings ; 1840 Pages Quarto. FOUK PAGES COLORED FLATES. A WHOLE LIBltAltY IN ITSELF. INVALUABLE IN A FAMILY. . Now contains tweaty-flve per cent, more matter than any other one volume English Die tlinoary published in tlris country or Great Britain. A NATIONAL STANDARD. This sale Is SO times as great as the sale of any other large Dictionary. More than UO.OtM) copies have been placed In the public schools of the United States. ltecommeuded by SS State Superintendents of Schools. a. Warmly recommended bv Bancroft, Pres cott, Motley, tleo. P. Marshal, llalleck, Whittier, Willis, haxe. Elih'i Burritt, Daniel Webster, Ku fus Choale, H. Coleridge, Smart, Horace Mann, Presidents Woolsey, Wayland, Hopkins, more than tlfty College Presidents in all,) and the best American and European scholars. "ludispeusahle to every student of the English l.-inpunge." it Ji. Wulte, CVife Justice Inited btatei. Tilt Highest Authority In Great Britain at well as in the Untied States. " The best practical Encllsh Dictionary ex tant." London (juarterly A'tutu, Oct lo."3. ALSO, , Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary. 600 Engravings. 1040 Pages Octavo. Published by G. & C. Mebriam, Soilngtield.Mass. WEBSTER'S ABKIDUMENT8. Published by Ivison. Blakemas, Tatlor & Co, New York. Webster". Primary Ri-hciol Hictionarr, Six Eneraviiiip. " Coiuiuou Kcliool " " Acidt-mio ai " Cuiutiuir Hou " ' with numrron. Ulustratioua .ud uuu valuable Ublmuut tobaimu4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers