The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, June 19, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE TIMES, NEW BL00MFIEL1), l'A., JUNE 19,1877.
May aisTT, 1877. .
For New 'York, at 5.20, 1.10 a. m. 8.57 and
7.55 p. in.
For Philadelphia, at 5.20, 8.10, 9.45 a.m. 1.(0
and 3.57 p. in.
Fur Reading, at 6.20, 8.10, 9.45 a.m. 2.00
3.57 and 7.55 p. m.
For l'ottsvlfie at 5.20. R.lOa. tn.. and 8.57 p.
m., and via Schuylkill and 8lisuuehauiia Branch
at 2.4U p. in.
For Anlinrn at 5.10 a. in.
For Allentowu, at 5.20, 8.10 a. in., 2.00,
3.57 and 7. 65p. in. .,...
The 5.2n,8.10a. m.2.00 p.m. and 7.65 p. m.
trains have through cars for New Vork.
The 5.20, 8.10 a. m.. and 2.0(1 p. m. trains have
through cars lor I'liliadelohla.
For New York, at 6.20 a. in.
Kor Allentowii and Wuy Stations at 8.20 a. in.
For Heading, Philadelphia and Way Stations at
1.45p. in.
Leave New York, at S.45 a. m., 1.U0, 5.30 and
T.4Sp. in.
Leave Philadelphia, at 9.15 a. in. 3.40, and
T.2U p. m.
Leave Heading, at 4.40,7.40, 11.20 a. m. 1.30,6.15
and lu.3 p. in.
Leave I'ottsvlUe, at 6.10, 9.15 a. in. and 4.35
p. m. " .
And via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at
8.15 a. in.
Leave A tilmrn at 12 noon.
Leave Allentowu, at, 5,50,8.55 a.m., 12.15
(.3h and (Uio p. m.
The :i. in. train from Allentowu and the
4.40 a. in, train from Reading do not run ou Mon
days SUNDAYS :
Leave New York, at 5.30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, at 7.2o p. m.
Leave Heading, at 4.40, 7.40a. m. and 10.35 p. m.
Leave Allentowu, 2.30 a. in. and 9.05 p. in.
Via Morris and Essex Hall Road.
J. E. WOOTEN, Gen. Manager.
C. O.Hancock, General Ticket Agent.
Pennsylvania It. It. Time Table.
On and after Monday, May. 14th, 1877, Pas
senger trains will run as follows:
Mlffllntown Acc. 7.32 a. m., dallv except Sunday.
Johnstown Express 12.22 P. M., dally " Sunday
Mall 6.54 P. M., dally exceptsunday
Atlantic Express, 9.54 p.m., flag, dally.
WayPass. 9.08 A. M., dally,
Mall 2.43 P. m. dally exceptSunday.
Miltllntown Ace. 6.65 P. M. dally except Sunday.
Pittsburgh Express, 11.57P. M., (Flag) dally, ex
cept Sunday.
Pacific Express, 5.17 a. m.. dally (flag)
Trains are now run by Philadelphia time, which
Is 13 minutes faster than Altoona time, and 4 min
utes slower than New York time.
J.J. BARCLAY, Agent.
On and after Monday, Muyltth, 1377, trains
will leave Duucannon. as follows:
MIMllntown Acc. dally except Sundayat 8.12 a. m.
Johnstown Express 12.53P.M.,dalyexceptSunday.
Mail 7.30 p. M " "
Atlantic Express 10.20 p. m., daily (flag)
Way Passenger, 8.38 A. M., daily
Mill. 2.09 p. m dailyexceptSunday.
Miltlintown Ace. dailyexceptSunday at 6.16 p.m.
Pittsburg Ex. dally except Sunday (flag) ll.aip. M.
WM. C. kINO Agent.
Would respectfully Inform the public that they
have opened a new
Saddlery Shop
In Bloom Held, on Carlisle Street, two doors North
of the Foundry, where they will manufacture
Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
and every thing usually kept In a first-class es
tablMinient. Give us v call before going else
where. t3 FINE HARNESS a speciality.
REPAIRING done on short notice and at rea
sonable prices.
HIDES taken tn exchange for work.
B'.oomfleld, January 9, 1677.
flower and Vegetable Garden
Is the most beautiful work In the world.
It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of line 1
lustrations, and six Cluoino Plates of Flower
beautifully drawn and colored from nature.
Price 60 cents in paper covers ; tl.oo In elcgan
cloth. Printed In German and English. -Vick'
Floral Guide, (Quarterly, 25 cents a yea
Vick's Catalogue sou illustrations, only 2 cent
Address, JAMES VICK. Rochester, N. Y.
Flower and Vegetable Seeds
hee Vlck's CAtalotme 3K) llloHtrHtlons.onlv !2
cents. Vlck's Floral Guide. Quarterly, 25 cents a
year. Vlck's Flower and .Vegetable Garden, 50
cents : with elegant cloth cover $1.00.
All my publications are printed in English ,nnd
Address, JAMES VICK. Rochester, N. Y.
KflfJ AGENTS WANTED to canvass for 'a
wUU GRAND VTrTI RK. 22x2S Inehns entitled
'Tub Illustrated Lord's Fratkr." Agents
, are meeting with great success.
rut particulars, auoress
II. M fRinEIt. PnhlUlier.
! 8 . York, Ta.
The undersigned has removed his
Leather and Harness Store
IfJomFJ'?Stt! nlgh s,ref,t. n" the Penn'a..
F'f 'ght Depot, where he will have on hand, and
I Leather and Harness of all kinds. Having good
price. I fear no competition.
iri. ; it-i! , V V '" ",r nines ana
Mtins. Thankful tor past favors, I solicit a con
tinuance of the same.
J 8 Blankets. KoVes, and Shoe findings made
Puncannon. Julyl9. 187fLtf HAWLEY.
1a beautiful Quarterly Journal. Knelv Illustrated
;md containing an elegant colored Flower Plat
Iwiiiiinrnm numoer. Pries only 25 cents for
vear. The first No. for 1877 Just Issued In Ger
man and Eugllsh. '
l iok s flower and Vegetable Garden, In paper
fO cents: with elegant elol h covers 11.00.
vick L'aiaioeue illustrations, only Scents
Address. JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. y.
ATKOPICAL night on the Pacific!
The sky la studded with stars,
which are mirrored In the vast deep be
neath. There Is just enough air to keep
the Dolphin moving at a quiet rate, and
the passengers are gathered on deck to
enjoy the matchless evening.
A short distance away stand two lov
ers Edmund l'rescott and Florence
Harris, looking out upon the ocean, and
meditating and conversing upon the
"How different this sky from our
northern Armament!" remarked the
latter, after a pause. "I can hardly
recognize my favorite constellation. The
Southern Cross Is beautiful, but then I
miss the others. Ursa Major has en
tirely disappeared, and as for the Minor
Dear, scarce a star of lihn Is visible.
At this observation, which was not
Intended for no particular ears, Adol
phus Fitzglbbon aroused himself.
" Aw what's that, Miss Harris '( Aw
have you seen bears at sea V"
" Yes, and mqiikeys too," was the
quick, but good-natured reply.
All of us laughed, while Fitzglbbon
looked very silly, then grinned hugely,
then seemed to meditate some scathing
witticism, then concluded he would not
and stretched out upon his side with his
back towards the lovers, and pretending
to, or really did fall asleep within the
next fifteen minutes.
I was reclining on the deck, about a
dozen feet from where the lovers stood
not with any Intention of listening to
their woods, but simply because I had
taken my position first, and was too
languid to change it. I had been an
Invalid for years, and was now recover
ing from a very Eevere spell of sickness.
I was lazily drawing at my Havana,
puffing the.thlu fragrant smoke from my
mouth without removing the cigar, and
gazing upward at the brilliant stars as
they slowly sailed over-head. I was in
that delicious dreamy stale, half asleep
and half awake, hearing only the mur
mur of the voices around me as one
hears the faint sound of a distant water
fall. I presume I lmd lain thus for nearly
an hour, and ray cigar had burned al
most to my mouth, while the long col
umn of ashes was still unbroken, when
something struck my ear like the sound
of a bell. It was not until I had heard
it several times, that it seemed really to
affect my senses.
All at once I gave a start, the ashes
dropped upon my bosom, and I arose to
a sitting position, and gazed around
"Hark!" said I; "didn't you hear
that bell'i1"
" Just what I have beeu trying to
make Edmund believe !" laughed Flor
ence Harris ; " he persisted in not be
lieving it."
" Listen !" said I, raising my hand.
And immediately there fell a death
like silence.
And while thus intently listening,
there came across the sea, faint but dis
tinct, the soft, distant sound of a bell.
We scarcely breathed for a minute, and
the strange, solemn sound was repeated
at regular Intervals, as if swung by the
hand of some exhausted sufferer, or
tolled by the swell of the ocean.
The Captain, by this time, had ap
proached and stood in the attitude of at
tention. " We must be near the land 1"' I ven
tured to say, rather in the form of in
quiry than in that of an assertion.
" No, sir," responded the Captain ;
" the nearest island is a good eight hun
dred miles away, and this doesn't come
from there, I should think."
" What can it be V" asked several in
the same breath.
" The sound comes from that direc
tion," said Florence Harris pointing
towards the .equator.
" Perhaps it is on board a ship V" I
again ventured.
" Don't think it is," replied the Cap
tain with a shake of the head.
" What can it be V" asked Florence.
To this no one ventured to reply for
several moments. In the meantime, the
tolling of the bell had become quite dis
tinct, and Adolphus Fitzglbbon gave, a
yawn, a groan, a kick, and awoke.
" Aw ye aw I was about to suggest
aw that the tea-bell should ring aw
aw aw!" he stammered confusedly
rising to bis feet, and pitching back and
forth. Then, seeing us all in the atti
tude of attention, he asked, " What
wa the dooce is the matter V
"It's the bell of doom!" exclaimed
Backstay Bob, a tall, scarred sallor,from
his position at the wheel.
"Pshaw! you're too childish," re
plied the captain. " Whatever it is, we
are rapidly approaching It, for notice
how much louder it sounds.
Such was the case. The bell was now
heard distinctly to the south, and was
approaching nearer every moment.
Shortly after.the captain took his night
glass, and gazed long and intently in
that direction. When he lowered it, he
said, " I can Just discover a dark object
rising and falling on the waves, but
nothing more. Backstay Jack, you
have got the best eyesight of any ono on
board, see what you can make of it."
Bob resigned his place at the wheel to
one of the men, nnd came forward and
took the glass. He held it to his eye for
several minutes without speaking, and
to all appearance without even breath
ing, while we awaited his word with the
deepest interest. Finally he gave a great
sigh, and lowered it.
" Blow me if it ain't Davy Jones
" How does It look V" several of us in
quired in the same breath.
" I'll be hanged if I can tell 1 There
is no bowsprit, and"
He levelled his glass again, and
shortly after continued his observations.
" There's no sail no nothin'."
" There must be something."
" Aw certainly aw something,
certainly aw if your vision aw is
able to discern It," ventured the gentle
Adolphus Fitzibbon."
" Don't you see anything likea sail V"
inquired the Captain.
" Not a speck, nor any place to put
oue, either. Hold a minute," exclaimed
Backstay Bob, " I've got her in range
now. She ain't got the least mite of n
boom, yard,or anything like. She looks
like Boihe great hulk of a light-boat.
Hold on again ; I see the bell. They've
rigged it up at the masthead, so that It
swings back'ards and for'ardsevery time
the thing gives a lurch to leewards."
" Can you see anything aboard V"
" Not a creetur, living or dead."
Keep Tier away a couple of points,"
cried the Captain to the man at the
"Ay, ay, sir!"
And the ship's codrse was altered, so
as to bring her rapidly near the mys
terious craft, towards which all eyes
were directed.
Several of the company now openly
remarked that there was something
supernatural in the appearance of this
boat, with its tolling bell. To all these
Florence Harris and her lover replied
lightly, neither of them having theleast
faith in their credulity.
The Captain listened impatiently, and
then said, "You are all a set of cowards.
No doubt you imagine Old Nick is
aboard, with a crew of little lmps,bound
for the Oallapagos Isles with a load of
brimstone. If you'll content yourselves
for half an hour longer, I'll tell you
something about it, for I intend to board
that old lumbering hulk, even If it turns
out to be the Flying Dutchman or Davy
Jones' llag-ship, and shall explore it
from stem to stern."
To show that he meant what he said,
orders were given to heave to, and to get
one of the boats in readiness. By this
time the nondescript was plainly visible
to all. It appeared to be an old hulk,
with a single mast in the centre. The
bell was suspended from the mast-head,
and ever and aiion sent forth its solemn
tolling, as the hulk rose and sank with
the heavlngs of the sea.' ,
Before the ship was brought to, we
had passed the hulk some distance, so
that when we halted, there were several
hundred yards intervening, and it was
only dimly discernible.
A boat was lowered, and the Captain
having selected a crew, pulled away
towards the hulk. I asked permission
to accompany it, but, on account of a
recent illness, was refused. Fortunate,
indeed, for me was that refusal.
There was something so extraordinary
regarding the appearance and action of
the hulk, that the curiosity of us all
was so Intense as to be painful. We
strained our gaze, as the Captain and
the crew drew rapidly near it.
We saw the distance swiftly decrease
between the two bouts, until the shadowy
forms merged into one. And then fol
lowed an Impressive silence suddenly
broken by a howl, a pistol-shot, and a
scream ; and as our hearts almost stopped
beating, we saw a moment later the boat
put off from the hulk, and the men row
ing with all their might back to ship.
As they came nearer, we discerned that
the Captain was missing.
Backstay Bob dashed towards the
boat, and, shaking his fist at the men,
demanded furiously, " You cowardly
dogs I Where is Captain Luster ?"
"The devil has got him!"
Absurd as the reply might have seem
ed at any other time, it was uttered in
solemn earnest, as the ghastly faces of
the eiew attested. In reply to our eager
questions, they said the moment they
came alongside the craft they heard a
low, hollow, unearthly sound, which
caused them' to hesitate. The Captain
climbed up the side of the vessel, de
scended the hatchway, and disappeared
from view. He was hardly out of sight
when the noise they had heard at first
was repeated, far louder and fiercer. The
next moment the report of the Captain's
pistol was heard, followed by a terrific
shriek, and then all was still.
Horror-struck, they called loudly and
repeatedly to their commander, but re
ceiving no answer, pulled away from
the ship. ,
"You're a purty set of cowardly
sneaks, ain't yui to go and desert your
Captain that way, when, like enough,
he needed you to save hlsllke," exclaim
cd Backstay Bob, forgetting in his fury
that the first mate was among those
whom he denounced. " I'm going back
to that old hulk; and If I can't get at the
devil any other way, I'll put a keg
of powder in it and blow it to blazes!"
" Bob is right, if his excitement does
make him forget his manners," said the
mate. " It was not my intention to de
sert Captain Luster in trouble. The
men were so frightened that I thought
it best to come back and get a new
There was some trouble in procuring
the requisite number; and accordingly
l'rescott and myself were accepted. As
the former went over the ship's side,
Florence Harris said, " Don't you come
back, Edmund, until you have heard
what has become of poor Captain Lus
ter." He gave her his promise, and a few
minutes later the boat Bhoved off, and
we rapidly neared the hulk, which had
acquired such a strange interest to us
l'rescott, in addition to his revolver,
had a small Italian dagger, which I ob
served him handle, as if to assure him
self that it was reliable. Then, as he
replaced it, he remarked to me, "There
is no telling what's Inside that mass of
lumber ; and this may be the weapon I
need, after all.
Arriving at the craft, after a short
consultation, it was agreed that the four
oarsmen, the mate, and myself, should
remnln behind, while Backstay Bob and
William l'rescott should explore the
hulk. As It was morally certain that
some dreadful danger menaced all M ho
entered the cabin, and as I was good for
nothing, I needed no more urging to
remain in my position.
l'rescott went first, holding his pistol
in one hand and a lantern hi the other,
while Bob closely followed with his cut
lass. We saw them deseeud' the hatch
way ; all was still, and then I heard the
single exclamation from l'rescott, " Oh,
my God!"
This was followed by a terrible roar, a
quick succession of pistol shots, a fierce
struggle, and then all was still ngain.
The next moment, both l'rescott and
Backstay Bob emerged to view, covered
from head to foot with blood.
" Come aboard," said they, " the dan
ger is over."
The next Instant we were on deck. I
rushed to the hole, and gazed down.
Merciful Heavens ! what did I behold '
.By the dim light of the lantern we
saw the mangled body of Captain Lus
ter. The head and one of his limbs were
gone,and there was scarcely a semblance
of humanity in the remains before us.
Near him was the gaunt, terrible form
of an expiring Bengal tiger, killed by
the bullets, cutlass and dagger of l'res
cott and Backstay Bob.
The two latter, on entering the cabin
first, saw the multilated body of Captain
Luster. A low growl warned them of
danger, and as l'rescott turned his gaze,
he saw the tiger crouching and in the
very act of springing. Dropping his
lantern, he fired his revolver, and as the
terrible animal bore him to the floor, he
drew his dagger and stabbed him again
and again. The needle-pointed instru
ment reached his heart, which, united
with the slashing blows of Backstay
Bob, settled his hash before he could do
any material injury.
We now made a critical examination
of the place. A number of human
bones strewed the floor, and several ar
ticles of wearing apparel, which seemed
to indicate that the place had been ten
anted by two human beings of op
posite sexes.
The brute had a chain to his neck, and
had been confined to one corner of the
room by a delicate iron ring, which had
been put there to be broken. Over the
centre of the room was written some
thing in an Indian dialect, which was
pronounced by the mate (who had spent
several years in India) to read: " I have
sought I have found that which I
sought vengeance."
Carefully removing the body of the
Captain to the little boat, we scuttled
the mysterious craft and saw it sink to
the bottom of the ocean. Shortly after,
the Captain was wrapped in his winding-sheet,
and followed.
The strange, awful tale regarding the
old craft we never learned. It ever re
mained to us all an unveiled mystery of
the sea.
A Call thzt Miscarried.
A story is told of a preacher in Iowa,
which has the novelty of truth about it.
He had beeu preaching several years
with great earnestness and zeal. He
pulled off his coat and went in for the
harvest of souls. He prayed, exhorted
and visited with sinners and scoffers, in
season and out of season. His bread
cast upon the waters did not come back
to him. His way was poor and his
purse always low. It was probably also
poor preaching. All at once he quit
preaching without a word of explana
tion to anybody. One day a kind
hearted brother went to him and inquir
ed why he had deserted his post.
" Well," said the preacher, "I'll tell
you the truth about It. I thought I had
a Divine call to preach, and went to
work with nil my heart. I got very
poor pay, and that in good wishes, gar
den truck, and an occasional fractional
currency. I prayed over the matter
earnestly, that God might show nie the
right way. All at once I discovered
there was a mistake about the matter.
The call to preach was Intended for an
other man of the same name down in
Warren county, and in some way got
miscarried, and so I quit."
Peleg Parker's Initials. '
" Tll) I cver tell you how I caught a
U thief once ?" asked Mr. Tarker
of his friend Mr. Johnson, as lie sat
smoking a pipe in Mr. Johnson's com
fortable " place."
" No, tell us about it," snid Mr. John
son, filling the glasses with fresh ale. .
" Well," t-aid Mr. Parker, " I don't
mind if I do. , You see, I bought nie a
nice overcoat two or thiee years ago ; it
was one of a lot of nice overcoats, and I
was rather proud of it. I hung It up in
the hall one day, and that evening, Just
as I was coming into the hall from din
ner, I saw a chap getting out of the door
with my overcoat on. I rushed after
him, but it was no go he got away.
Next day I met that fellow on Broad
way and had him arrested, but when we
came into court and I tried to Identify
that coat, he had fifty other fellows
there, and every blamed one of them
had a coat just like mine and I couldn't
swear to it and the Judge had to let him
Perhaps I wasn't mad! 'Great guns I'
said 1, 1 am I to be robbed with impuni
ty?" ' Parker, old boy,' said I to my
self, ' this will never do!' Ko I went
light back to the store where I got the
first coat and got one exactly like it.
Now, said I, I'll set a trap for that
young man and I'll see if I can't identi
fy this coat. I baited my trap with the
new coat, and sure enough the sneak
thief came along and marched off with
it. I chased him, but the rascal got
away, and I began to wish I hadn't been
so 6harp. Well, I looked for the fellow
more'tljan a week ; at last I caught him.
'Young man,' said I, 'I want that
" There is some mistake here," said
" Yes, sir, there is," said I; "you've
got an honest man's coat on."
" Well," said he, bold as brass; "I'll
go to court with you. There's a thou
sand other coats like this In New York.
There's no mark on it; you can't swear
to it."
" We'll see," said I.
" We went to court. There were the
fifty fellows with coats just like mine,
as before. The Judge took the coat and
examined it."
" I find no mark," said he; " can you
identify this as your property, Mr.
" Certainly," said I ; " my initials are
in it." The prisoner began to grin, for
he had searched the coat, no doubt, and
found no mark.
" Give me the coat," said I. The Judge '
handed me the coat, and taking my
pen-knife, I ripped- the seam on the (
shoulder and took out two small peas.
"There my initials," said I "P. P.
Peleg Parker."
" Well, I'm d d !" said the prison
er. He wasn't (not just then at least),
concluded Mr. Parker, with a benevo
lent smile, " but he got two years in the
Penitentiary nevertheless."
What the things Costs.
A recent Western letter s:iys :
Deadwood is a pretty lively town. I
judge that there are about 5,000 or 7, VAX)
people here. Boots, shave, cigar, drink,
fcc, are twenty-five cents each. Flour
Friday was 817 per 100 pounds ; Satur- .
day it advanced to $21 ; Sunday 25, and
to-dny it sold for $30 per 100 pounds, or
at the rate of $60 per barrel. There is
very little in town, which is the cause
of the rise. Coal oil, when they have
any, sells for $2.50 to $3.50 i er gallon.
Board is cheaper in proportion, being
only fifty cents per meal by the week,
and beds $1.30 each. The streets are al
ways crowded. Lots of Chinese here,
owing to washing being twenty-five
cents a piece. There is a saloon in al
most every house. Gambling goes on
publicly. The gulch mines are all taken.
I think a person could invest a few
thousand very profitably in quart
mining, as there are some very rich
lodes here. There are about fifteen
quartz mills in the country now.
A man who was rather rough in
his manners, jocosely observed to a
young lady that he was about to be mar
ried, but as his affections were divided
between Miss Mary Briekdust and Miss
Betsy Prlmestuff, he was at a loss to
know which to choose. '
" I advise you by all means," said the
lady, " take Miss Briekdust you want