8V THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELI), PA., JUNE 12,' 1877. A Train Run Down an Embankment for Purpose; of Robbery. St, Louis, June 4. A an express train on tlie Ht. Louis ami San Frauolsoo rail way, late the Atlantlo and Faolflo railway, reached n point pne and a half mllos west of Wood End station, ono liniidrcd and fifty-llvo miles from St. Louis, nt 0.20 o'clock last night, tho (Miglncor saw roido obstruction on tho track, nml liiHlanlly nri JiUod the air brnkos, but loo Into, for on reaching the spot where the obstruction wai the enltio and baggage car left the track aud plunged down au cmbatikincut of forty, foot. Mamuel Hichardson, tho fireman, aud Dr. K. L, AtkiiiHoti, who was on the engine, was iustaiitly killed, and Frank Cotton, the onglneer, was so badly injured that he died lu two hour?. Conductor Wilson stiirlod for another engine, and on tho way henrd a pifttol shot, and a ball punned through his hat. Buvernl othor shotB were flrod, ami passengoiB nity that tlicy saw live men standing uoar, who vrora revealed by tho Hushes from thoir pistols, but no ono wus hit. Two bulls passed through tho haggago car. On examining tho track it wns found that two fish bars connecting tho ra(is on both sides of the track had been disjointed, and the ends of tho rails moved so that tho train would luu down the embankmont. The shots lived and the mini seen loavo no doubt that this was a diabolical scheme to run the whole traiu down tho bank, rob the express oar aud plunder tho passougors. That It was not carried out may be ex plained by the fuot that tho night was in tensely dark, that it ratuod heavily, aud that the train was only running at a spcod of about ton miles au hour. Ho cluo to the perpetrators of tho floudish act has boon found. " CANKER IN THE BUD." You watch its dovolopmont with expect ant solicitude the cuoico, exquisitely moulded bud which promises to unfold with the perfect flower. You perhaps think how it will adorn tho drawing-room vase, and anticipato tho showing it to your ilower-loving friends. But some morning you llud its head drooping, its fragrance tied, and an ugly purple spot on one of the delicately-tinted petals. It is tho poet's "canker in tho bud." How often the loathsome canker blights the cherished "infant blossoms" in our household gardens those human buds which give earnest of a brilliant future. The noisome canker, so long concealed scrofula at longth reveals its droadod presence and to our bright hopes succeeds the most agonizing foar, for wo know the fatal sequel it portends pulmo nary consumption. It is estimated by em inent modicaf authorities that at least ono Jlfth of mankind are atllicted with this insidious malady. But its ravages are bo secret, that even its victims are unaware of its presence until it suddenly discloses itself in some of its myriad aud oft-times fatal forms. A slight cutaneous eruption is often tho only indicator of its presonco. The only means of exterminating this disease from the system is by a thorough course of constitutional treatment. This treatment must fulfill three indications, namely, promote nutrition, alter or purify the blood, and arrest disorganization of the tissues and the formation of tubercles. No more efficient alterative can be employed for these purposes than Dr. l'ierco's Medical Discovery. While imparting strength aud tone to tho digestive organs it clcanBos the blood and heals thedisoasod tissue. Test its virtues ore the deadly canker has blighted the life you prize. , A Wife's Suicide. Hawlkt, Pa., May 81. -Mrs. Daniel Eunzerman out her throat with a butcher knife between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock this morning. On the evening previous, while lady callers were at her house, Mrs. Eunzerman complained of her head feeling strangely. At their usual time the family retired, and were soon lost in sloop. At about 8 o'clock Mr. Eunzerman was awakened by their little child, who was lying by his . side, and reaching to the opposite side of the bed to awaken his wife, he discovered that she was not in hor usual plaoe. The bed was cold, showing that she had been up some time. Mr. Eunzerman immediately arose and went to search for her. He soon ascertained that the outside doors were all locked, but that' the door leading to the pantry was open. At the foot of the cellar stops he found bis wife in a sitting position,with a gash across her throat nearly six inches in length, en tirely severing the windpipe, and a large butcher's knife by ber side. About two years ago this family lost by death three interesting children, and thereafter the mother was not herself. ' The first of the drink-registering apparatuses, which a new law says must be used in all Virginia bar-rooms, has been put In operation In Richmond. It is a wooden box, about a cubic foot In size. On one side is a crank, and on another dials like those of a gas meter. The bar-keeper turns the crank once round at every sale of a drink, a bell strikes, and the dial registers one. The object of the device is to determine the amount of tax to be collected, at the rate of oiie cent on every drink. Although a heavy fine may be imposed for neglect to use these machines properly, or for tampering with them In any way and there are officers whose duty it is to detect such offences the belief is that they will not answer the purpose, because drinkers will generally connive at violations of the law. If vnu want t pretty CAttl'KT tor only .A (VMs per yard, come nml sen what ynu can Ut't At that. I'l leu (if F. MUltTlMEIt. Bargains , in Carpets. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. Thirty Five Cents Istho o rivwTU price of a pretty OAR. "J IjJjIi AO. l'KT at Mohtim Eli's. or. l"il?T'rtl Tim siinm amount of VJjj. 1 0. money will also buy a nr. PWrsl uood CALICO Dress It JiiNlft. you don't make It too gg CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. LOTS OF OTHER BARGAINS. JOSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. . Now oiler tlio public) A ItAUE AND ELKOANT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting sf all shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALVACCAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS ritlCEH. AN KNDLKH BBLECTION OF miNTBt We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head of GROCERIES ! Machine Needles and oil for all makes of Machines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. tw No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. HIGHEST AWARDS! Ecffl0S! J. REYNOLDS & SON, NOBTBWSBT CORKER THIRTEENTH AND FILBERT 8T8 PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SHAKING AND CLINKER. GRINDING GRATES FOR BURNING ANTHRA CITE OR BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOKING RANGES.LOW-DOWN GRATES, Etc. Descriptive Circulars sent free to any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING. WlyaAS. PATENTS. Fee Reduced. Entire Cost $55. Patent Oftlce Fee .'15 In advance, balance 120 within 6 months alter tiateut allowed. Advice aud examination free. Patents Sold. J. VANCE LEWIS (S CO., 19-3m Washington, D. 0. 18 TAKEN INTERNM1.V, AND POSITIVELY CURES RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA AND IUMUAG0. SJXO BY 0RU6SI8T8 tVEHYWHEHE. SEND FOR CM- . DRUGGISTS, WASHINGTON) B.C. ". For sale by wholesale Druggists la Pitts burg and Philadelphia. 86 ljr OTICEIs hereby given that the board of Pardons for the State of Pennsylvania. have granted are-hearlng In the caw of John it. Baker, of Perry county, which will be bad on Tuesday the 6th day of June. 1877 at Harrlnbnrg. May S, 1677. WILLIAM BAKEB. A GENERAL INVITATION 1 . Is extended to all, to CALL find secure some of tho 11 EST 11 All G AINS yet offered. H aving un IMMENSE STOCK on hand, wc have determined to make another SWEEPING RE DUCTION. The following comprises a list of our goods : Moii'n, Youth'M and Hoy's (lollilni?. Mt'ii'N. Youth's and llo.v s Hats and Cups. Carpets of all Kinds and Grades. (Jeiitlotiipii's Fin-nlslilng Hoods. Ladles' Fancy Hoods, Trunks, Valises and Hatclicls. ' . ' ;' . i ' ' Look at tho -list "of some of Our Prices I Clothing, ilV. Men's Working Hults from J( Men's Dress Hulls Mini N Youth's Working Hulls from 4 Youth's Dress Hulls from 7 Hoy's Dress Hulls from 8 Men's Working Pauls from Men's Dress Pauls from Men's Working Coals from Men's Dress Coats from Men's Vests from Hoy's Common fonts from Hoys' Good Coats from Men s Mnen Coats from Men's Alpnea Coats from Men's Dexler Cents from Men's Hummer Pants from noiof.7 no (hi in in no 111 til 11 (HI on to 11! mi nil to 7 () 7 to 1 M nolo fi ijii no to 4 on Mild in on no to l oo mi to 2 M mi in r on 7ftil 2 oo f.ll to 8 til) Ml to 2 M) 00 to 3 00 Carpet. Common Carpels from lsets to ruvts. Flower Carpet from .T to fa All Wool Carpet from on tot) Htnlr Carpet from . 20 to.'H J I all Carpet from 40 to7fi ' Table (111 1,'loth from 40 to nil Blnlr (HI Cloth from 14 to lit Hi uhri'Is Carpets from II art lo 1 2f Floor Oil Cloths from Do to 1 oil Hat nml Cap. Men's Wool llats from fift tn fl 00 Men's good llnls from 1 jr, to 1 fin Men's line Hals from 1 7sto2 M Hoy's Klne lints from Ml to I ni) Men's and Hoy's llatsand Caps Cheap. Trunk and Valine. Common Trunks from 12 00 to 3 00 tlood Trunks from 8 (Hi to 5 00 KxtraHaratoim Trunks from 0 00 lo SKI Common Valises from Ml to 1 (Hi Oood Valises from 1 2ri to 2 on Hntchels from 75 to 2 (JO Hhawl Htraps from to M Umbrellas from AO to 3 60 Muggy Whips and Hnreads very Low. A good assortment of Tobacco and Sugars. Cent' Furnlhlnf Hood, tVc, Colored Hlilrts Mini f0c to 1 M While Willis from 71 to 2 00 Hummer Under Hlilrts from fiO to 1 00 Hummer Drawers from 25 to 1 00 Linen Collars from 15 to 2! Linen CulTs from 2" to 40 Paper Collars from in to 2r Men's Hows from 10 til 40 Men's Ties from 21 to 7,'i Men's Hose from fi to Ml Men's llitnilkerehlefs from fi to 40 Meu'sHllk HiKlk'rclefs from M to 1 00 Men's Cloves from lr to ) Overalls from 40 to Wl Ovorslnrts from ft) to 7" Huspeiidiiis from p) to 70 Oooit. 0.V to 3 on fti lo i no 15 to 25 gto' old 75 to 10 to 40 to Slo 25 to 20 to (Ho 8 to 10 to to 15 to 1 Wl to 20 to Hi to 1 IN) to 75 to 8 to 12 to Ladle' FurnMilng Ladles' Hhawls from Ladles' Hklrts from Ladles' Colored Hose from Ladles' White Hose from Luilles' Handkerchiefs from Ladles' Kid Cloves from Ladles' Llsleltloves from 1, miles' ('insets from millions from Tins from Parasols from Pans from Plus 14 rows from Pocket Books from I'.tnliroldery from Hwltehes from Ileal HalrHwItohes from Hralils from Towels from Napkins per dozen from lied Hprenils from Collars from Culls from 40 50 1 ("I M) 1 (10 K0 M 3 00 75 a M 50 20 fi 00 80 80 1 50 2 Ml 25 40 MlBcvllaneou. A Pine Assortment of Jewelry. , Knives, Porks and Hpoons. Perfumery and Hair Oils. Itazors, Helssors and Soaps. Hair, Cloth and Hhoe Brushes. Linen and PaiierHhlrt Fronts, llevolvers and Cartrldxes. Paper and Knvelimes. Looking Ulasses.&o. A. Call will convince you that we arc deter mined to keep the lead and defy Competition. ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, TO THE PEOPLE OF PEHHY COUNTY. ANNUAL SPRING GREETING OF STEPHENS & BEETEM. 1877. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE. 1877. EngllHh and Amer ican IJItUNNELN In all the DEBT makes. BEAUTIFUL Three Plv CARPETS. In Brussels Designs. EXTRA ENOL1SH IKGRA1N AND Extra Huper CARPETS C1IEAV I Peautles In Hall and Stair CARPETS with rich match BORDERS ! ALL NEW FOR SPRING. irsrow orouisr i AND READY FOR SALE. TUB MOST ATTOACTIVE SWING STOCK OF Carpets! Carpets! AND OIL CLOTHS! , WINDOW eriADES AND FIXTUEES, Looking Glasses, MATS, KUGS, HASSOCKS, AND AViill Papers, ever before ottered to tho trada. STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 EAST MAIN BTKEET, CARLISLE. CARPET CHAINS, AND FILLINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WALL JPAPEltg AMI DECOHATIONA, FOR Halls, Parlors and Vestibules, Chamberand Dining Ilooms, OIL CLOTHS t For Stairs, Tables, Floors and Halls. Cut to tit In a solid piece. J-OOKINfJ GLASSES! FHOM PARLOR TO KITCHEN BIZEH. 30 Patterns in Home Made CAKPETS, our own manufacture. The best Wool, Cotton and Linen CAKPJJT CHAIN always on band. AXD SOLD AT Bottom 1'rices. KINGSFORD'S Oswego H turoli Is the:BE8T and MOST ECONOMICAL In the World. Is perfectly PUKE free from acids and other for. eltsn substances that injure Linen. Is BTKONtiP.lt than any other requiring much less quantity In using. Is UNIFOKM Htilleusaud finishes work always the same. Kingsford's Oswego Corn Starch Is the most delicious of all preparations for Puddings, Ulaue-Matige, Cuke,, Etc. ESTATE NOTICKNotlce Is hereby giv en, that Letters of Administration on uie es tate of Jacob Kloe, late of Bavllle township, Perry county, deceased, have been granted to tke subscribers residing In the same township. All persons Indebted to said estate are request edto make Immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to preseut them duly authenticated for settlement to . .. , CHARLOTTB N. RICE, . JONATHAN KICK. A. M. Markeu Attorney.) Administrators, iebruary 13, 1877 titpd ESTATE XOTICE. Notice Is hereby giv en that Letters of Administration on the estate of John ft McElvy, late ttf New Buffalo borough. Perry Pa., deceased, have been granted to the uuderslKned residing In the same borough. All persons Indebted to Bald estate are request ed to make immediate payment aud those having claims will preseut tliem duly authenticated lor settlement to JOHN BASKIN. February 13. 1877.pd Administrator. QEORGE H. MARTIN GENERAL AGENT. BLAIJi, PEltliY COUNTY, PA. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and any other business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. April, 19tn. 1877. . CAUTION. The subscriber hereby gives no tice that his wife has left his bed and board without Just provocation, and cautions thepubllo not to trust her on his account as be will pay no debts ot her contraction. ADAM WITHEBOW. Penn township, May 1, 1877. - ' 1877 Sl'IUNG: 1877. 1877 SPRING 1877. I , 1877 SPUING 1877. i i . SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. nAV,.!i'l.:irH.'r 'I'lWI'ANHD fur CASII. nt LOW PlrlUHH, lots of NICW (ll)OliH, we are enabled to niter our fi lends and customers UltKAT 1IAIIUAINH. Now Is the time to buy as there Is no doubt but what DMT-OOOnS WILL. BR HIOIIKll. l)KY-OOOI)a WILL UK IIIOHKH. DKV-OOODS WILL 11R IIIOHK.H. PUY-OOODS WILL UK IlltillKK. Diiv-oooim will un mom it. Mtir-GOODS WILL liE 1IIGHKII. NOW IS THE TIME. ' NOW IS THE TIME. NOAV IS THE TIME. To Malto Your To Make Your To Make Your To Muko Your To Make Your To Make Your WlllIiKTIlE u ii iij: TUP, WIIILKTIIE Spring ruicliiiHCH. 8)t'lii(? Purchases. Spring Purchase. Spring PurcliiiHcs. Spring Purcnasos. Spring Purchases. stock is Fi'i.r. STOCK IS FITI.Ij. STOCK IS niLi- COMK ANDRKI? WHAT WK CAN OPI'KH. CHMK ANDHKIC WHAT WK CAN OKKKII. COMK AND HKH WHAT WIC OA N OKI' I'll. COMIC ANDHKK WHAT VVIC CAN OI'I'Klt. COM K AND HI'.H WHAT WK CAN OI'KKIt. COME ANDHKK WHAT WI5 CAN OFFElt. Wo Have Lot of Print, We Have Lot of Apacw, . Wo Have Lot of Fancy Dry Good, Wo Have Lot of Cottonade, We Jfavo Lot of White Good. We Jfave Lot of Other Article, Tliat Are That Are Tliat Arc That Arc That Are That Are Very Very Very Very Very Very Cheap, Cheap. Cheap. Cheajt. Cheap. Cheap. wa also have New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. The Prettiest You Ever Saw. Come and See Them. Floor and fable 011 Cloths AND CARPETS ! Floor nnd Table Oil Cloths . AND , OARPETN. Floor and Tahlo Oil Cloths AND In the handsomest patterns and best qualities. It will not cost you anything to look at them. SHOES FOR MEN. . SHOES FOR BOYS. SHOES FOR WOMEN. All Good Styles and at Popu t lar Prices ! In fact we have a COMPLETE STOCK of all kinds of goods, to which we ask the attention of all who can appreciate FINE GOODS AND , GREAT BARGAINS. F. MORTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. JOTICE. ' ; Notice Is hereby elven that the petition of Solo mon IllKham, Assignee of George Matchett and wife, has been tried In the Court of Common Fleas of Perrv county. nravinK for an order nt sale to sell the Heal Krtate of said Assignees, slt- uuie in jyjiuer uiwumnp, rerry county, j a., ana that the Court has fixed TUESDAY, the 12th of June, 1W7, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the hearing ot said petition, when the same will be granted, un less cause be shown to the contrary. ...... D. MICKEY, ProthonoUry. April 17,1877. 100,000 FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Facts for the Farmer Kaetsfor the Merchant Facts for the Horseman Facte for the H Lock raiser Facta for the Poultry-keeper Facts for the Bee-keeper Facts for the Lawyer Facts for the Laborer Facts for the Fruit-raiser "sets for the Gardener Facts for the Doctor Facts for the Dairyman Facts for the Household-FacW for every family who wants U save money. FACTS FOR AGENTS. TK.t .lila tm hA Mn. I - . . , . ? luu.. iininniDi aarerrisemeni for you yet published, being the best chance to make money ever ottered. The press endorsee it. your own paper endorses lt,every one endorses It. THE BOOK OF THE 19th CENTURY. Male and female agents coining money on It. Bend to us at once aud pet circulars free. IN. g"AM , SMITH BLACK. 731 Walnut Street. Philadelphia, Fa. 15x3.. A Tuscarora Seminary k'AH VAirVA . . . AHomeMhooL Beautiful Scenery. Healthful Clim.lj. n,.n n i t Musie Specialty. Modern I-.nl guaKes. Experienced Teachers. No half way work. Next session begins bepL 6th 1877. beud for Circular to 1. nui.tJK, a. M-, rrincipal. . 4 Academla, Juniata County, Pa t