The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, June 12, 1877, Page 6, Image 6
I Till 'rtMi'NEWB.LbOMJiElit); tkA:; Jl)N11 12, 1877. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. sjO'invltti rnmmmilnitlntiii from nil person who lire tuii'rr Ktrd hi mutter, proiwrly brloinilnK to tutu ar ymrtiuent. To Destroy Caterpillars on Trees. Having observed several methods of destroying the cnterplllnrs that InfeRt apple-trees In the spring, audi ib rub bing them off, burning them with shav ings, cotton and turpentine, Ac, I am induced to give you the simple and per fectly effectual method practiced here : Take common soft-soap, and thin It with water so thnt It will not slip off the brush, and a person may stand upon the ground and npply It to the nests with a common painter's brush, inserted in a hole bored through one end of a long strip sawed from a pine or other light board, and all that it touches It will in stantly kill. If applied while the nests are small, very few will escape the first application. After the worms are larger, it is equally eflleactous, but much more difficult to apply thoroughly. Any thin oil, or oil mixed with spirits of turpentine, Is equally destructive to the worm ; but the soap is less injurious to the trees. Don't Rob the Birds' Nests. . In the course of a recent lecture in Farls regarding the uses of birds, an estimate was formed of the damage to crops by the robbery of a nest contain ing five eggs. During the first month each young bird eats on an average of about fifty-eight flies or other insects in a day. The aggregate, multiplied by thirty, for the month makes 0,500 insects to every nest. Every insect eats dolly from blossoms and leaves an amount equaling Its weight until it reaches ma turity. It was calculated that in thirty days each insect would damage thirty blossoms, and thereby destroy thirty fruits, and that 7,500 insects would kill 225,000 fruits. It will be well, therefore, for farmers' eons to reflect upon the damage done to their parents by the wanton robbery of a single nest. Testing Flour. In selecting flour first look to the col or. If It is white v 1th ayellowlsh straw colored tint, buy It. If it is white with a bluish cast, or with white specks, in it, refuse it. Second, examine its adhesive ness wet and knead a little of It between your fingers; if It works soft and sticky, it Is poor. Third, throw a little lump of 1 riotl flour against a smooth surfuce ; if it fulls like powder it is bad. Fourth, equeexe the flour tightly In your hand ; if It letalns the shape given by the pres sure, that, too, Is a good sign. It is safe to buy Hour that will stand all these tsts. These modes are given by all our flour dealers, and they pertain to a mat ter tiuit .concerns everybody the staff oflifr. The Care of Colts. If aeolt is never allowed to get an advantage, it will never know that it posKcsHCs power beyond its master's control; if mad familiar with strange objects, noises, rings, it will not be nervous or skittish. If a horse is accus tomed from his early youth to having objects hit him on the heels, back and hips, he will not attempt to run away when a harness gives out or a wagon runs against liiui. If all the colts in this country could be managed for the first few years of their lives by good, careful, competent managers, we would have a race of well-broken horses. Sour Feed. The souring of foods seems to add to its value for certain purposes-: thus ex- jriments have convinced many in the belief that pigs thrive better on soured food than any other, but is yet a mooted question regarding the use of such food for other kinds of stock. The souring of food is owing to a change called the lactic-acid fermentation, by which this held (the acid of milk) is produced from 6ome of the carbonaceous principles of the food. The same acid occurs in the gastric juice of the stomach. . Preserving Dried Fruits from Wcr.n.. In the spring, before the worms have made their appearance (or even after you can detect a few), wash your fruits in a liberal quantity of warm water, as if you were preparing them for cooking. Shake the water from them, and dry, either in the house or out, as may be convenient. They will dry in a few hours. And this time you will be too early for the insects, and therefore se cure the eating of your own delicious fruits. t-JT A dark house is always an un healthy, an ill-aired house, and a dirty bouse. Want of light stops growth and promotes scrofula, 'rickets, etc, among the children. People loso their health in a dark house; and If they tycome ill they can not get well in it. 1 1 1 Or VALUARLH REAL EST AT b. The undersigned, assignee of Jump Iryin.wll' offer for naln, by outcry, on tlie premises, about.) mill's southwest. nt Ickesburg, In Havllle township, Terry county, Pa., ou TUESDAY, TUB 12th OP JUNE, 1877, nt 10 o'clock. A. M the following described real estate, to wit : NO. 1, A TRACT OF LAND, situate In the township of Pavllle aforesaid, ad joining Iniuls of John Irvine, William Irvine, Wm. Htnmbaugh, Samuel Kvnl and Samuel Klce, Sr., containing ISO ACRES, having thereon erected a tine BRICK COTTAGE DWELLING HOUSE, to which Is attached all the modern homo com forts and conveniences, In I lie midst ot pleasant surroundings Mid climate, and along the public road leading from IokeslHirg to Ilium. Also, ft good, commodious frame Hank Hum, with conve nient appliances, and water In the barn-yard, with all outbuildings necessary to a first-class farm. This Is the Mansion farm and Is undertint high est Mate of cultivation, with everything III per fect older. Excellent post and rail fence sur rounds the properly, and from the door oi the Mansion the whole farm may be readily seen. Four Hundred Apple Trees, from which 6ver 1.000 bushels of apple of the best and most marketable kinds were gathered last. jeiir: Tltlthli HUNDRED TEACH mid FIF TY PEAK TKKKH, a Hue, healthy vlneyaid, con. tulnlng 1 acres of ground, of the oholcest varie ties of grapes, and small fruits, raspberries, strawberries, etc., ant among the many virtues connected with thlstract of land to recommend It to purchasers. Everything Is so arranged in connection with the place that all that will be re quired for an Industrious man will be to goahead and make money, as there are no necessary re pairs needed for the next ten years, NO, 2, A TRACT OP LAND, contiguous to No. 1, adjoining lauds of William Khonf. Christopher Waggoner's heirs KM Smith, John Htone's heirs, and John Irvine, containing ISO ACRES, of which about thirty acres are cleared, having thereon erected a log DWELMNU HOUSE and a Think Dwelling House. No. 3, A Tract of Woodland, contiguous to No. 2, adjoining lands of .lames Elliot t's heirs, Wll'lain .shoaf and oilier lauds of James Irvine, containing fil ACJtKri, mid having thereon elected a LOO HOUSE. Also another Tract of Woodland, f adjoining lands of William Fuller, David Sweger, Mrs. Snyder, and other lands of James Irvine, containing 2(1 ACHES, more or less, and having thereon erected A GOOD SAW MILL. The attention of purchasers Is directed to this property as It. Is an Investment bound to remuner ate, and possessing superior iidvautiiges In every lexpect. Is one of Hie most desirable farms In Terry county. TERMS OF MALE: Ten tier cent, of the pur chase money to be mid when the property is stricken down, one. M ilt of the balance on 1st of April. 1S78, when p -".essloii will heirlven and the deed delivered, anil 'he balance on the 1st diiy of April. 187(1 the uupuld balance at the lime of the delivery of the deed to bo secured by Judgment bonds bearing lnleiet Horn date. THOMAS II. Mil, 1,1(1 AN. Newport, Ta., May IS. ts. Assignee. iil.'V Tilt: STAMHAItlf. " It oupht tote in every Library, tho in Academy and every &t7ioo." Hon. Cltu. mi inner. A luw. lifttulmime volmnr nf vwm, rmitiiiiiluif conn I tit rably iuor tliun tmUMJ nrtU m itH Vu unuulary, with thu correct I'ruiuurJutiun, DeliuiUuu, ami litym.iluK) . Fully Illustrated. Library Sheep. $10,00 "WORCESTER" id now r-pnrtlf (l aw the htaudnrd authority, ami i so lvconnn ended by Hryi.nlv Iniiiielltm, Shinier. Hum. ner, Holme, IrviiiK, Viiiflmp, vut i, Miirnh, Henry, Kvervtt, Miinn, Qiimt-y, PWtmi, KliiHid, nml tlio major ity of mil uioHt (liHtlnimfHlieil (. n.irf, im-l 1m, benhleR, ivcuKiii.f-ri ttuthnrily by tin l-vpui-fin -iitd of nnr National Ouvvruiueut. THE COMTLiiTIi Hi; 1(1 EH OV WORCESTER'S DICTIONARIES Quarto Pictionsrx. IlliiMtrnteil. Library Rlieep,iio.O(i. tlnivei-HHl and Critical IJk-tiuuary. Hvo. Library Huuep, tM.llii. At!iul'-mic Dietl'vnrv. Ofrtfti Svi. I'ntf reuli, $?.(W. Co!iiprt'lientiiV'.i Dictionary. rimatrutcil. IJiiin. Half roan. $l.7ft. Hrhool (blenieiitary) Plctlomry. 'Jiiio. Half roan. !.. TriniHry l)Ii'tioiiiir . IlhiHtrat iti'ii". luit r.'an, da,'. Pocket Dit'.tinuary. IlliiKlriil, d '.'4iih.. Clotn, fticta, ; roau , Hi-xillle, KiftH. ; ioiiii, tuckfi, ui.t "Uf, tfl.lM. Many Hielal uMv to thi'irul. 1n aililttt.iii to n very filil prouniiuclnir and it lluiu-s vocabillarr, make thu above uamM liooka, lu tli- opliilou of our iirintitiR tiUKiiiahi'il eilm tttori . in.-ni'ii.1 ii iiiii)li.t.i ua well as by tar the cheapest D.cttoutni. f nt our Liumme, For sale by BooksellT ir'ti -rallv, or will Iw Beut. carrlaift free, ou rerciiit of th n: l' e by J. H. LI TT! NCOTT (t CO.. , PtihHutn-m, lo.kseliera ami Htallon. rs. M 13 and 71 r Markut HI., fUIUDliLTUIA. Wfl We will start you In a business von w can iii.ike $"0 a wwk wnliout cauital ; HflNF rpetabo for either sex. iiuitk. l m A Younk. WI H'luory. N.Y.lTllin CIW !" easily earned In these times, but i 4 ItJMii bo liiado in tlnce mouths bv ttllv mill llf oil hr u,v in ui,w ixn-r ..r the country who la willing to v.vlt stc:ullly at. the employ nent that we furnish i a eck ill vour own town. m need not he far nwv from lioine over nigh. oueHiiulve vour whole' tlnie tutlia work, or only your spare moments, if. costs nothing to try the business. Terms and f,i Otitllt free Address at once, H. IIali.ett & Co.. Tort. land, Maine. 14 y. A Bafe, Sure and Cheap Deetroyer of the POTATO ,vV. -BUG, CABBAGE CURRANT WORMS JXlrlr Z Mk.r lna ! OUR PESTs- SPOISON. D.llk.rARISORlKK ' W ji-j ta h. mnA U iirlnkld. fiur dMth. No Atntrr io IhmU, or la winr. T"u Vt?1 "Hi"iwijmiiiwn.ta.) sa fe Clnulaf llh kn..ilrr,U u.lln.nlaU HIkvuiiI u Ibl lra. KIAUAAV CHfclllCAl. ORKS. P. O. N 1U. U Cwllaaai St., Nw Vutk Cily "'-f?1", e by FKANK MORTIMER. New Illouuillclil, To. E STATU NOT1CK. Notice la lierebyglven. that letters of administration on the estate of Nlcnolas l.'elslnger, luteof tsaville iwp., Teny minify. Ta., riee'd.. have been granted to Hie uu. deialgned residing hi'l u-cai oni iindNivllletvips., All pe rmins Indebted to said estate are leiiueated to make Immediate panient and those having claims hi present liiein duly untlieiiticuted for act tlciiieiit. A. H. KKRIt. Tusciiriirii twp. l.VVIDKEIMX(ilvll S.ivin.. in Mnjr 1st, 1X77. Ad'nluhti iiiors. 1)KINTINO of every description neatly ex ecuted at tho Bloomfleld Times (J dice, at reasonable ratei. A SSIGN EE'S '.SALE ' Philadelphia AdTertlscmcnts. janney & andrews Wholesale .... GROCERS, So. 128 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. wainwrioht & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, Horth East Corner ot 2nd and Arch Strett, Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fisli, Cheese and Provisions, S16 NORTH WHAIIYES, Philadelphia, Pa. D AVID. J, HOAR & CO., Successors to HOAR McCONEEY k CO., WHOLRSALB BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, OlIJ MARKET 8TBEET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. t QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., Wholibal Dbalebs in TOBACCO, CIGARS &o NO. 4, NOltTH FIFTH 8TKEET, PHILADELPHIA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers! n Oil Cloths, Carpets, . Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Rutting. Twines,. &c, - uA a tine assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WA11E, No. 120 Market street, aboye 4th, PHILADELPHIA. J 0HN LUCAS & CO. ROLE AND ONLY MANUFACTUHEHS OK THE IMPERIAL FRENCH, ADD PURE SWISS GREEN. Mao, Puro . White Lead and Color MANVFA CTURERS, No. 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. gWIITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, on High Street. East or Cajiliblb St.. Xcw Rloomfleld, Penn'a. TUK xiibscrllier has hullt a larpe and commo. riloun Shop on inch 8t East of Carl Idle Street New nioomtleld. I'a., where he U prepared to mas nfaotnreto order Of ever; description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, bnllttoorder, and finished In the moatartlstleand durable manner. ilavlnn superior workmen, he li prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the dent City Work, and much more durable, and at muoh more reasonable rates. -REPAIRING of allkindsneatlyandpromp ivdnne Acalllsiollclted. SAMUEL SMITH I. WNKl.R A snlendld assortment nt Flan 11-N. Mist opene'l by F. MOKTIMEH rhlladelplila AdTertlsements. D. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS Booksellers anil Stationers, , And Dealers la ' 1 -WINDOW CURTAINS STALli PAPBU, ETC, No. 430 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. 2EIGLER&SWEARINGEN' Successors to 8HAFFNER, ZIEGLER CO., Importers and Dealers la Hosiery, Glovev, lllbboiifl, NuspeiiderM, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety ot TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Combe, J0WER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. It LAX It BOOK Always oa hand, and made to Order. Nos. 530 Market and 623 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO . Publishers of Sanders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the United States, Felton'sOutline Maps.&e. gARCROFT & CO.. Importa and Jabbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, &c, Nos. 406 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth.North Side,) PHILADELPHIA. JEW. T. M0UL, REPRESENTING Welmcr, WriKht & Watkin, Manufacturer & Wholesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes No. 302 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS IUPOXTBBS AHD JOBBKBS OF AND QUEENSWARE, 02S Market Street, rillLAWIiLPIIIA. W. H. KENNEDY, WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON ft Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No, 60S MARKET STREET, PBILADXLPBIA. 7 10 Philadelphia Adrerilsenents. JLOYD, SUPPLEeTwALTOiT WB0LB9ALM HARDWARE HOUSE No. 626 Market 8tret. Philadelphia, Fenn'a. gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE UNION," JOS. M. FEUER, Proprietor 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, 82.60 Per Day, 1 1 'iflfl HOTEL belnn centra lly located, and bay A Inn been entirely kkfittkd, it will be found as pleasant a stopping place as can be desired JINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, " SHADE AND REFLEQTOR COMBINED ! Giving Douhle the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL! Everybody who sees them are delighted. g The Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F. MORTIMER, "EST STREET HOTEL, Nos. 41, 42, 43 & 44 West St., NEW YORK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. ROOMS 50 and 75 cents per day. Charges yery MODEBATE. The licit meats and vegetables In the market. BEST BEDS in the City. ; 17 lya B. T. BABBITT, Proprietor. Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIN, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloom Held, Perry eo., Fa. f Office Next door to the residence of Judge Juukin. 45 tf AM. MARKEL, Attorney-at-Law, New Bioomtleld. Perry county, Pa. tasT" Office directly opposite the Post-Office, and adjoining the Mansion House. TBWIS POTTER, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW , NEW BLOOMFIBLD, PERRY CO., PA, -Clalms promptly secured collected Writings and all legal business carefully attend ed to. i yl , JAMES II. FERGLSON, Attorney at-Law. NEWPORT, PA. WOfflce Market Street, near the Square. 35 6 CHARLES H. SMILE V, Attorney at Law. New Bloomtleld, Perry Co. Pa. Office with C. A. Barnett, Esq., on High Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbjte. riaa Church. August 20. 187S. IITM. A. 8PONSLER, Attorney at Law. 7 Ty Office adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomtleld, Perry eo Pa. 3 i ly JOHN Q. BHATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Bloomtleld, Perryco., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Ientistry done in the best manner, and at reasonable prices. VOfflee at his residence one door Eastoftht Robinson House, and opposite Wm. A. Sponsler's Lawoilice. 3 2ly TIT1' N. 8EIBERT, Attorney-at-Law, TV New Bloomtleld, Perryco.. Ta. Bloomtleld, S 33 lv. M. M. 8UTCH, " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New BloomlleM, Perryco., Pa. T-Omce Two doors West ot F. Mortimer Store 3 7 ly LEWIS POTTER, XOTART PUBLIC. New Blooni field. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take depositions to be rei d in any sourt In the United bcates. 7 10 ly CHAS. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtleld. Perry eo.. Pa. f All profession a I business promptly andfaitb fullyattended to. 3 2 ly. VITM. A. MORRISON, VV JCSTICE OF THE PEACE and OENEHAI iyn, nsw oEKmnTews, rerryco.. fa. HDiiiiLMiivcawiiiue inaue yrompiiy rorai IHAS. A. BARN PTT 1 ttni-n.. M.. .Office en high street, North side, nearly op. ija icsujricriiia vnurcn. aiy RICHARD L. MAGEE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, anfa ml hi. ...IJ.. i ncvTn t- n.'v.i - - " - ' . . ji... uvn. iaj veil inn I i p SHIP. Perry County. Penn'a., one mile Pontho New Bloomtleld., . . li'f yiL,LIAM M. 8UTtn, . Justice of the Ieur. AND GENERAL mi ! tTPTOIt. NewBloomfleld, Perry County, Penn'a JtflSneelAlttnMA Pnllaxt Inn nt m) kinds. Deieds, Bouds.Mortgaaesand Agreemenu neatly executed. 7 l