The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, June 12, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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Iodhl Department.
On snd titer May 14th, Trains ran M follow! I
PaHSiTr'n Tr'u
Ex. Tr'ul Ex. Aco.
1. M.
6. S3
t 4(1
Melico,. .......
I'ort Hoyal....
8.15 10. til
7 SO
K 31
8. MS
It. Ill
J. 10
7.8(1 10.10
6.841 9.641
8. (Ml
6. is:
LcwtMown J..
.( 8.1n
t.401 S.4H,
B . :hi
.ui cyniwn
N. Ilnmlltnn, .1
Tyrone I
Altooua, I
10.84' 8 09' 1.13
10.10 4.47
P. 87 4.16 l.W,
7. -Ill
8.60 S.M' 6.601
8.15 3.60 6.181
A.M. 1. H.i P.M.
"PlttRlinr Exm-ess leaves ITnrrisbnrir At 11.(10 P.M.
Dunrnmi'm 11.S3 (IW): Newport 11.67 (flax) And sr.
rives at rutHbni-KutB.lOA. m.
Philiulelpl'.la Express leaved Altonna at 10.00 p. m..
Tyrone at 10.83 p. ni., Ilmxtnifrinu ll.lrtp. m., I.ewiB
town .1., 12.80 a. m.. MitTlin 13.61k. in., Hurnmirir 3.40a.m.
IfffdoliiK Went, the Wny I'sssenu'cr leaves llarria.
bnrif Dnily the other trntuN l)aily except Hnnddy.
tPGointr Knt, the Atlnntle Express leaves Altoona
Daily, the other trains Daily except Hnmlay.
llrlef Items.
Mr. John M. Fooce, of Spring twp.,
has.a four legged chicken which is now
about a month old.
'' Mr. W. Stanibnugh near Blnin has a
curiosity in the shnpe of a duck, having
three legs, the one being behind the
other two.
On Sunday night a week the tailor
shop belonging to Mr. Harry Fisher at
Montgomery's Ferry, was broken Into
and robbed of a few small articles.
" A young man nnmedTorbett, employ
ed as night operator at the signal tower
nt Bailys fell from a freight train on
Wednesday morning and received se
vere injuries.
K Ice Cream on Tuesday evening, and
every evening during the Ice Cream
season at Mrs. Derrick's Hotel. Try
it. tf
Ezra David Kisser, who was held on
the charge of killing Mr. Miller in Leb
anon county, was brought before Judge
Henderson, a few days ago, and after a
hearing was returned to jail to await his
The board of Fardons has recommend
ed that a pardon be granted to John F.
iaker,sen fenced inl74 from this county
for a rape. The case was argued before
the board on Wednesday last by A. M.
Markel, Esq., hnd he was assured by the
Governor that the pardon would be
Francis W. Woods, a little sou of
of Samuel Woods, of Blain, was
thrown from a colt on last Monday. The
colt tramped on his leg, above the ankle,
breaking the bone in a serious man
ner. The flesh was torn from the leg
very badly. He was carried to his home,
a distance of a mile on a lounge.
A valuable horse belonging to M. &. T.
Miller, the popular potters of Howe twp.,
died on last Thursday evening. He was
sick only three hours. The disease is
new to horsemen, and appears to be con
gestion of the stomach. A horse belong
ing to Robert Hunter,of Hunter's Valley,
died on Friday last with the same dis
ease. The way to insure victory is not by
threatening with political ostracism ev
ery man who does not vote the full ticket
but by nominating good men. The
office-holders may pack conventions and
nominate bad men, but the tens of thou
sands that scratched their tickets at the
late elections will again teach them that
honesty and capability are the essential
qualifications to secure their support. s
XDropped Dead. Mr. Adam Cretinger,
residing near the Montabella Furnace,
fell over and instantly expired on Fri
day night last.1 He had just returned
from the fire at John Weaver's when it
truck by Lightning. On Tuesday even
ing, about 8 o'clock, the barn belonging
to Cassenberry Harris,in Penntwp.,was
struck by lightning and set on Are.
The building and contents, consisting of
a lot of hay, corn-fodder and about 25
chickens, were entirely consumed.
The barn destroyed was the one on his
lower farm.
Weat Stolen. On Wednesday night
some persons entered the granary of
Mr. W. H. Dum, near Elliottsburg, and
when morning came Mr. D. was short
about 20 bushels of oats, 7 large hams, 5
shoulders and 2 pieces of smoked beef.
The value of the property was nearly SCO.
Salary Fixed. The Stewards of the
different Methodist churches, through
out the Juniata District met at Hunting
don, on Tuesday afternoon last for the
purpose of fixing the annual salary of
the Tresiding Elder. After a full ex
pression of opinion the amount was
fixed at $2,000.
At the late meeting of the Zlon's Clas
sis at Gettysburg, charges were made
against Rev. Ashenfelter for preaching
sermons containing doctrines inconsist
ent with the standard of the Reformed
Church. The Committee appointed to
investigate the charges are Rev's. J. O.
Miller, D. D., A. Wanner, A. J. Heller,
W. F. Colliflower and J. KreUlng.
" The Above All," is a, new brand of
chewing tobacco, ana is without a peer
for excellence and sweetness. For sale,
wholesale ana retail, by J. Ji. Hautzkll
in Gantt's Building.
8ee Schwartz's advertisement on fetli
I Ram Burned.-1 The burn of the nroner.
ty of Mr. John Weaver ,near the Montft
bella Furnace wa burned on Friday
night last. Mr. W. was In the larn
caring for a sick horse, and had a 'kero
sene lamp rlth him, when the lamp ex
ploded, setting the building on Are.
That was the light seen from this place
at about 9 o'clock.
ArrenleiL On Tlinrmlfiv Inst. TIarrv
Reynolds and Arthur Btlles, of this
place, were arrested on the charge of
stealing meat from Mr. Mlnlch's butcher
shop. A hearing was had before Esq.,
Clouser, when it was shown that Stiles
stole the meat, and hid it for Reynolds
to take home. The meat was found in
Reynold's house.
Stiles was sentenced to pay coats of
prosecution, and to confinement in the
County jail for thirty days.
Reynolds gave bail for a further hear
ing of his cnse on Wednesday of this
' Notice An Exhibition will be held in
the Court House on Friday Evening,
June 15th, 1877, by the rhilomathean
Literary Society of theliloomfleld Acad
emy. Choice selections have been made,
consisting of Orations, Dramas, Essays,
MubIc, &c. Trice of admission Adults
15 cents ; Children 10 cents. Troceeds
to be used for replenishing the library.
Tickets for Bale at W. Lupfer's, Stick
ler's and Mortimer's Stores.
. Fisherman's Luck. All hands from this
office went fishing on Saturday last.
We had a good time too, thpugh we did
get a thorough wetting and came home
with a wagon running on three wheels
and a rail. The break down was proba
bly owing to the very large load of fish.
For a large part of that load we were
indebted to " The Weather Buck," and
to the Miller brothers, the well known
potters of Howe township. We are so
much pleased with their kindness that
all hands would like to return them
their thanks, but as they hardly know
how to express their feelings have con
cluded to say nothing about it.
A Perry County .Girl In Trouble. The
Patriot of Thursday last says : Joe
Bolen was arrested last evening by Con
stable Charles Davis, on a warrant issued
from Alderman Battis' office, on the in
formation of a young girl who hails from
Marysville, and who charges Bolen with
having enticed her to a certain locality
up town.under promise to procure a
place for her, and there assaulted her
with the intention of committing a rape.
Bolen was taken to the lockup and sub
sequently sent to prison to await a hear
ing. .
Plate Glass at Huntingdon. It is an
nounced that arrangements have 'been
completed for the establishment of a
plate glass factory at Huntingdon. The
prime movers in the work area Belgium
comyiany, which is represented by Mons.
Brasseur as their agent. This gentleman
is a practical man. He has just arrived
from Belgium, and, according to the
terms of the agreement, will superin
tend the construction of the works and
take charge of them when done. He
expects to build the works in eight
months. There are to be four buildings.
The casting house will be 180 feet long
and 120 wide. The others will be 100
feet long, one 00 feet wide, and the other
two 80. These are Intended for the
grinding, smoothing and polishing de
partments. The works will be erected
as single works. The capital stock has
not yet been determined. It will proba
bly be 200,000. It is claimed by those
interested that nearly everything needed
to make glass of that kind, is to be found
in that county, and that the quality is
superior to any in Europe.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers of last week :
On Friday last, Mr. William Shimp,
one of the most respected citizens of
Frankford township, received a severe
kick in the chest by a horse, the injuries
resulting in death on Sunday evening.
On Saturday morning about two
o'clock a large stack of straw in a field
belonging to Capt. J. T. Zug, a short
distance east of town, was fired by some
one, and burned to the ground. The fire
made a great light throughout the sur
rounding country.
George Eppley, of near Boiling Springs
met with a painful accident whilst
assisting at his brother's barn raising in
North Middleton township last Satur
day. Mr. E. was assisting four or five
others in putting a heavy log in position
and in doing so he was accidentally
struck on the head, and fell to the ground
cutting a deep gash in his forehead as he
fell. His injuries, though painful, are
not considered dangerous. Mirror.
The dwelling of Mr. Alex. Highlands,
in Southampton township, was struck
by lightning, during the prevalence of
the ruin storm, Tuesday, about 6 o'clock
P. M. The lightning, in its descent tore
off the spouting and part of the roof,
and upper floor and culling, and demol
ished the garret widows. A quantity of
bed clothes on the garret were set on
fire, but the flames were extinguished
before much damage was done. For
tunately none of the inmates of the
house were in the least injured.
ishippemburg jvew.
We learn from the Enterprine that
during the love feafct meetings of the
Brcthern at Mllltown church, a number
of the visitors from a distance sleep
and eat in the church. On Friday
morning last, at an early hour, a large
coal oil Tamp In the lower room of the
church exploded with a loud report,
and in an instant the lenche and floor
in the vicinity were blazing with the
burning oil. With wonderful presence
of mind the elder men present took their
blankets and sheep skins and smothered
the flames before serious damage waa
Juniata County. We copy the follow
Ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week.
On Monday night a four-year old mare
was stolen lrom the stable of Samuel
Valentine in Milford twp. A reward of
$25 is ollered. Sentinel.
On Wednesday Inst, rhllorannebaker
and Ids son Robert, were engaged in
gigging eels in the Juniata river. In
striking at an eel, Fhilo made a mis
stroke, driving the gig through Robert's
left foot, makiug an ugly wound.
1 On Tuesday of lost week, the resi
dence of Mr. Amos StouHer, In Walker
twp., was discovered to be on Are. The
fire originated in a bed, in one of the
bed rooms upstairs, and the bedding was
partly consumed when the fire was dis
covered. The hired man had a fashion
of smoking in the room, and it Is sup
posed the bedding caught fire from a
spark from his pipe.
On Friday last Mr. L. M. Ewing,
residing at Esh's Mill, in Spruce Hill
township, met with quite a 'painful
accident. He was engaged in building
a trunk to carry water from the forebcy
to the water-wheel, and In jumping from
the embankment into the forebey
alighted on a nail, which penetrated the
sole of his foot, near the toes, piercing
entirely through the foot.
On Friday last, as Messrs. John and
James Patterson, of Spruce Hill town
ship, were returning from church at
McCoysville, accompanied by Mrs. John
Patterson, her two children, and Miss
Margaret Patterson, seated in a wagon
drawn by two horses, one arm of the
tongue became detached from the wagon
while desending a hill near the residence
of Mr. Daniel Kelmer, causing the
horses to take fright and run away. The
wagon was upset, and the occupants
thrown out, seriously injuring the two
ladies about the head and fuee. Port
Jioyal Times.
Last Wednesday evening the Misses
Pattons and Mr. Vandyke, Jr., of (Jen
treville,were coining to Milllintown quite
pleasantly in a carriage. When oppo
site the Mexico Foundry some disar
rangement of the harness frightened the
horse, and by a sudden movement he up
set the carriage. The three occupants
fell out iu such a way that their united
weight bo held the top of the vehicle
that when the horse sprang away the
carriage top broke off and left the two
ladies nnd the gentleman out, all lying
In a heap in the road, entirely clear of
the dangerous wreck. The horse dashed
away to the creek bordering the town of
Mexico, and after traversing it some
distance was caught.
Church Notice. '
Methodist Church Rev. Dr. Mitchell,
Presiding Elder, will preach on Satur
day at 104 o'clock a. m. Preaching at 8
p. in. On Sunday, Love-feast at 0 a. m.,
preaching 101 a. m., when the commun
ion will be administered. Children's
meeting at 3 p. m. Rev. Dr. Mitchell
will preach in the evening.
Preaching at theSulphurSpringchurch
by Elder J. Rodenbaugh on the evening
of the 23rd Inst., also on the 24th inst.,
at 10 o'clock a. in.
i'or The Times
ICi.T.TnTRnTTRn. .Innu mh1S77
)(M8. Editor : A long whllo lias elapsed
since i couiriDiuea to me columns or Tub
Times i but as I am now at leisure, I will fur
nish the numerous readers of your journal a
few items of news from this section. New bells
have recently been placed upon tho Bt. Peters
and Elliotsburg Reformed churches, and In a
few weeks they will be dedicated to the triuno
God. Several paBtors from a distance are ex
pected to be present on those occasions to par
ticipate in the ceremonies. Arrangements are
now being made to procure n large chandelier
for tho Lutheran church of this place, which,
we hope, will enlighten that congregation more
brilliant than tho old one does. There are
now three Sabbath schools organized at El
liotsburg but in point of numbers the Luther
an school surpasses tho rest, having nearly a
hundred pupils in regular attendance.
The Hart man Family gave a concert horo a
few .weeks ago, which proved, In all respects, a
A Scloptician exhibition was also given hero,
which was much appreciated by the audience.
Miss Woeden's lectures ou temperance were
highly commended, and many express a de
sire to bear her again.
Miss Annie Showaltcr has opened a sub
scription school in Little Germany, and we
learn that sho is well qualified for that posi
tion. All the lands In Germany Valley and vicini
ty have been leased for mining purposes ; but
the coal and mining company of this valley
have suspendod operation for the present
Four or five shafts have been opeucd, but nono
to a very great depth. No coul as yet has been
Mr. G. W. Reedcr's corn crib and Mr. Henry
Foose's spring house have been visited by some
petty thieves, and stolo therefrom several
bushels of corn and a crock of milk. Mush
and milk must be in demand somewhere.
Miss Ella M. Dromgold has become Poet
Mistress at Elliotsburg, J. T. Rice having re
signed. The Post Ofllce will now be removed
from the store to the private residence of Mrs.
Willis of that place. Omeoa.
Extensive Art-Gallery.
Next to the Bible, no book Is more useful
than Webstor's Dictionary. The Unabridged
is n extensive art-gallery, containing over three
thniiannil nn(r..i.ln. .... 1 1 1 .
6itiugo, icpiGGCUblUg HUUUBfa
every animal, Insect, reptilemplemuDt.plants,
etc., which we know anything about. It is a
j ov nurury, giving in loi niation on almost
, every mentionable subject. It Indeed has been
.1 isull.Mniu.baJ .1.-4 I. I ... . . . .
ium it u mo mosi rcmarKaoie
compendium of human knowledge In our Ian
guage. Uouietiold Advocate.
Our Readers cannot fail to notice the
advertisement of Isidok Sc'hwamtz in
another column, where they will And it
to their advantage to purchase anything
In his line.
Go For 'Em. The potato bug la already
doing great damage. The ravages of this
nuisance,the cabbage worm, and all other
pests of the kind can be stopped by us
ing the " Pest Poison." It is the cheap
est and surest remedy to be had. For
sale by F. Mortimer, New Eloomfleld,
Perry county, Ta. tf.
The old prices of Mackerel are burnt
up by S. M. Shuler, and he will now of
fer to his friends and the public: ,
Extra Fat Family Mackerel at 1. (Hirer V Wit.
" " " " at M.7r per Ubhl
" " No. 2 ' (!0 lbs. Ush,onIy SL7S.
" " No. i "' 100 " " J5.50.
What do you say, can you buy at those
figures any place else V
I would also call your attention to my
which I will ofier at the lowest prices for
Cash or Produce.
Agent for the sale of Miller & Weaver's
Pure Hye Whiskey.
Joslah A. Whitman's Portable Fount
ain Pump, Sprinkler and Fire Extin
guisher. Price, $10. The cheapest and
beBt in use. Call on or address,
S. M. SllULEH.
Liverpool, Perry co., Pa.
County Trice Current.
BLOOMFIELD, June II, 1877.
F)ax-8eed 1 t
Potatoe S1.20
nutter V pound 10S12
Eggs V dozen 12 "
Dried Apples IB pound Zi cts"
Dried Peaches 812ct9.flls
Cherries 0 0 cts. " '
" Pitted 00 0 00 cts. '
Blackberries 0 0 nets. "
Corrected Weekly by Kovgli Jiroiher. )
rKwpouT, J line 8, 137.
Flour, Extra, , (8 75
" Super 6 00
White Wheat V bu , 175 a 175
Red Wheat 1 70 1 7U
Rye 8.jS5
Corn 4S 50
Oats V 32 pounds, 405J40
Clover Seed 7 1W7 00
Timothy Seed 1 50
Flax Seed 1 00
Potatoes 1 3C1 30
Bacon 8 0 12
Dressed Hogs
Ground Alumn Bait,.. 1 401 40
Llmeburner's Coal, 2 15
Stove Coal,, , 4 00 0 4 50
Pea Coal ' 2 fO
Gordon's Food per Sack, ,...S2 00
Of all kinds always on hand nnd for sale at the
Lowest Market Hates.
S" Five per cent oil tor Cash.
Freeland Meck In Howe twp., on the 30th
ult., by Hev. J. W. llurkley, Mr. C. N. Freelaud
to Miss Sidney A. Meck, both ot Howe twp.
Whiuht Harris On the 28th nit., at Newport,
by Itev. W. J. Orlsslnger, Mr. Knmmiel II. Wright
of Newport to MIssM. Adelaide Harris ot Millers
town. Fi.EisrtER Shearer On the 7th Inst, by Kev.
P. Hheeder, Mr. Ezra Flclslier, of Markelville, to
Miss Hnllle J. Klioarer, of Centre twp.
VAumiAN Kufner, On the 29th ult., at tho
Deformed Parsonage In Main, by Kev. U. W.
Lelsher, John Vauglian of Watorloo, Juniata Co.,
to Meliudu Kepner of Sandy Hill, this county.
Denth notices not eioeedlnir I lines iUBerted without
charge. .But 5 cents er Hue will Invariably be
clint'KPd for Tributes of Heaped, Poetry, or other
ISIeiiaffie In this borough, on the Mill ult.,
Margaret Sutch, wife of Mr. Wm. MehalUe, aged
80 yearn, 2 months and 10 days.
1!,oh. On the 2mh ult., in Juniata township,
Cordelia Gertrude, infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. li. F. Keillor, aged 7 months and 7 days.
Woods. On the 18th ult., in Jackson township.
Annie L. daughter of Samuel and F. A. Woods,
aged 8 years, 1 month and 25 days.
Caveny. On the 30th ult., in McAllsterville
JohnCaveny, aged about fiO years.
(ii'BHAKD. On the 2nd Inst., at Marysville, Pa.,
Joseph, son of John and Elizabeth Uushard, aged
2 years, 9 mouths and 18 days,
Grand Summer Opening
Opposition to Every Body !
Imitation to the Rear !
Great Reduction in Prices !
Economy the order of the day!
S towels for 25cts. worth 50cts.
All shados in Kid Gloves 'i buttons OOcls..
Large bed spreads 50cts worth 1.00.
Ladies' trimmed hats, $1.03 worth $3.60
Childrens' trimmed hats $1.00 worth $1.75.
Beautiful lace tidies 25cts. worth Cocta.
French corsets 4 Gets, worth 75 every where.
Silk parasols $1.00 Immense bargains.
Silk fringe 60cts. per yd. (old everywhere at 65.
Worsted ball fringe 21cts sold every wheroatSO.
3 button lUle thread gloves 20cts. worth 40.
The Largest and Finest Stock.
Silk Ties, Ladies' Scarfs, Hosiery,
Ladles' and childrens under-garments,
Gormactown wool, and zephyrs.
Also many other articles kept In a first class
fancy store.
Temple of Fashion,
ii..-, m ; .... i t.
The tindersl fined AssIhihw under a def d of vol.
miturT assignment for tlie benefit of creditors of
John Leonard and wife, will sell by publlo out,
cry. In Newport, Perry county, P '
On Saturday, July 7th, 1877,
at in o'clock, A. M..the following real estate of
said assignor, to wit i
situate on fith fitreet and corner of alley In the
boron rIi ot Newport, Perry county, Pn., havlnu;
tliereon erected a Two Story Log Frame Weath
ei boarded
22 x 21 feet, with Kitchen attached, and nil neces.
sary outbuildings. There is a well of water near
the door.
Also, A TRACT OF WOODLAND, situate In
Centretowinhlp, Perry county, Pa containing
80 Al'KEH, more or less, bounded by lands of
Henry and Joslah Flckes, It. J. Lliiht and others.
This Is a valuable piece of land, being oovered
with excellent timber.
TEltMS OF BALK On the house and lot In
Newport lo per cent, of the purchase money to
be paid when the propert y is stricken down, one
third the balance on confirmation of sale, and
tho remainder In two equal annual payments,
with Interest from date nt confirmation of sale.
On tract of Woodland, 10 per cent, to be paid
when the property Is stricken down, and the lull
ance of the purchase money to be paid oil oonllr
mationof sale.
E. n. WEISE.
June 12, 1877. j
Webster's Unabridged.
SOOO Engravings 1840 Pages Quarto.
Now contains twenty five per cent, more
matter than any other one volume Enullsh Die.
tlinoary published In this couutry or Great
This sale Is SO times as great as the sale of any
other larpe "Dictionary.
More than UO.uoo copies have been placed lu
the public schools of the United States.
Recommended by 8 State Superintendents of
Warmly recommended by Haneroft, Tres
cott, Motley, tleo. 1. Marshal, Halleck, Whittier,
Willis, Saxe. Eliliu Bui rltt, Daniel Webster, ltu
fns Choate, H. Coleridge, Smart, Horace Mann.
Presidents Woolpcv, Wnyland, Hopkins, more
than fifty Collece Presidents in all, and the best
American and European scholars.
"Indispensable to every student of the English
language." ZL M. Walk, Chvf Justice United
btalen. , , ,,
The Highest Authority In Qrent Hrltaln as well
as in the United States.
" The best practical Ennlish Dictionary n
taut." London Quarterly liwiew, Uct. laid.
Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary.
600 Engravings. 1040 Pages Octavo.
Published by O. & C. MnimiAM, Sprlngtleld.Mass,
Published by Ivison, Hlakeman, Tatlob & Co.,
New York.
Wctister's Prlmnry School bietionnry, sot Engravings.
" Comni'm bchuol " ,1474." "
, n lliwh Helmut ' ' 2S4 ' n
" Acud'-mio - ' . Nl "
" t.vuuitintr Hmipe ' with numernTts'
illnftrntious turU luuii' valuable tables nut tobefenod
elwew here. 23 Kt
.1 r ' ' '
Third Grand Dollar Drawing, 1877.
At New Orleans, Tuesday, July 3d.
Louisiana State Lottery Co.
This Institution was regularly Incorporated by
the Legislature of the State for Educational and
Charitable purposes in 1808, with a Capital of 41,
(io0.ihi, to which It has since added a reserve fund
of JiiO.OOO. Its Grand Single Number Drawings
take place monthly. It never scalesor postpones.
Look at the following scheme:
100.0CO Tickets at One Dollar Each.
1 do. do 10,0(0
1 do. do 5.WK)
' 2 PRIZES OF 81.W0 2.0(0
S do. ode 2,'JiO
Wl do. 100 6,000
100 do, 60 5,000
600 do. 10 6.000
1000 do. 6 6,000
n Approximation Prizes of tmi l.KCO
9 do. do. 100 tD
9 do. do. 50 450
10S7 Prizes amounting to t62,050
Write for Circulars or send orders to
M.A. DAUPHIN. P.O. Box6'.i2,New Orleans La.
7th. Capital Prize 830,000, Tickets ti each. 24diw
A chance for all to make or save
money.and get the BEST GOODS In the market
sold at lower prices than the same qualities can
be bought at any other house in this country.
All goods guaranteed to bo satisfactory aud as
represented, or the money will be refunded on re
turn of the goods, which may be done at our ex
pense. The reputation of our house for selling standard
goods at Low prices, (for 36 years), has given us a
slauding in New York City and vicinity, that Is
not enjoyed by any other house In the trade.
After mature deliberation we have determined to
oiler our goods to housekeepers, at the LOSVEST
formed large enough to make a small ease. The
goods of each member of the club will be put In
separate packages, and marked with name and
cost, so as to avoid contusion In distribution.
Goods will be sent by Express to Collect on De
livery. All wtshlug to save money by purchasing
family supplies at New York Wliolesalle Prices
can talk the matter over among friends and
neighbors, and send tons for Club Circular.Price
llst, &c. We give a present of either goods, or
money to the person who gets up the club, to
compensate for trouble, etc. Samples of TEA
COFFEE sent by mall.
Send for Price-list, and Club Circular. lftuw
Stiner's New York & China Tei Co.,
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77,,64 and 80 VEUEY Street, Aew Pin-.
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