The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, June 12, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFltiLD, PA., JUNE 12, 1877;'
--t -r :
ain 1 oliarged V What have I doner'
eked Caspar.
" Tut, tut, you have heard the procla
mation ; for all your innocent looks, you
know well the Governor's orders. Hark
my master 1 do you hear It V" and the
officer pointed his staff toward the court,
where the goat was at that moment
heard to cry.
" Awny with him V" exclaimed one of
the officers, a gigantic, burly fellow ; and
as he spoke he seized the youth by the
collar, and suddenly dragged him into
the street, when lie was instantly sur
. rounded by the guards.
' Be still, be patient, Caspar Brandt,"
said one of the officers i " for if the peo
pie should learn your crime, they will
tear you piecemeal."
" Crime! crime !" cried the bewildered
" The proclamation of yesterday makes
your offence a fatal one. What! at a
time like this, feed a beast with fine
wheaten bread 1 When Christian babes
are withering with want, cast loaves to
goats 1 " cried the officer. But come,and
take my counsel ; come peacably, the
judge will hear you."
Caspar conscious of the innocence,
nay, of the goodness of his intentions,
resigned himself Into the custody of his
guards, and, assured that he could satis
factorily justify the seeming wasteful
ness condemned by the officer, felt confi
dent of speedy liberty. His only anxiety
Ids only fear, was lest his mother had
overheard the parley between himself
and his captors, lest hia sudden absence
from the house should cause her new
alarm. As he was led to the justice-hall
the following crowd continued to In
crease, and with eagerness inquired the
offence of the prisoner. At length one
of the guards he had been roughly han
dled by Caspar when hauled into the
street dropped a few malicious hints to
two or three earnest inquirers, who were
not slow to piece out an ample enormity
wherewith to charge the culprit. The
story tan from mouth to mouth' losing
nothing as it went. '
" Oh ! the monster I feed cattle with
bread I nourish dogs on loaves, and men
and women perishing with hunger!"
ried one.
"Dogs!" exclaimed a second; feed
dogs ! I doubt not he hath somewhere ft
whole pack of hounds, fat and sleek with
food stolen from Christians."
"Ha! ha!" shouted Simon Holzkopf,
" and this Is the rare fellow who preach
ed more patience to us this morning; who
gave us a sermon on the goodness of star
vation! Look at the villain, townsmen
did ye ever see so stout, so burly a
rogue, filled to the lips with the fat of the
land V But this is not enough , 'tis not
sufficient that he must lard his own
stomach, but he must rob the poor to feed
his beasts." '
" What said the proclamation V" asked
another ', "the Governor's proclamation
of yesterday 1"'
" What said it V" echoed Hans Potts ;
" why It said death to all who who should
keep a dog, or cat, nay , so much as a lin
net, to consume the food that Christian
. lips are white for. And you heard the
knave this morning talk of the dinner of
the Governor. Well, he forsooth must
keep a pet goatay, must run away from
schooling us, to throw I know not how
many loaves to his pretty favorite. Well,
well; if there's justice in the city, we
shall see a hanging day."
"To the gallows with hlml" cried a
dozen voices, and the cry was immedi
ately taken up by the whole crowd.
" No trial to the gallows with him." ;
The crowd Increased, and the shouts
for vengeance on the unfortunate Caspar
became loud and Incessant, lhe square
below the justice hall was filled with the
multitude, whose roaring voices pealed
through the building.
" Let the Governor judge the prisoner;
the Governor's proclamation makes him
guilty. Let the Governor be judge,"
said the burgomaster, unwilling to bear
the obloquy, which, in better times,
would be certain to rise against hlra,
should he condemn Caspar.
'? The people cry Tor his death," said
an officer ; " we had hard work to keep
him from their nails."
" Ay, let the famine cease, and the
same people Will curse the Judge who
sentenced him. Let the Governor, who
makes such laws, execute them. To the
garrison with the prisonerl"
Such 'were the words of the burgomas
ter, who with his officers had that morn
ing vainly endeavored to move the Gov
ernor to capitulate, and who now sought
to aggravate the evils of his obstinacy.
"Hang a man for keeping a milch
goat !" said the magistrate. "No; again
I say, since the sword makes laws, let
the sword execute them. Take your
prisoner to the garrison !"
The prisoner," Brandt, to the gal
lows !" again rose from the crowd and
rung through the hall.
" Take him through the Western pas
sage, and so you will avoid the mob,"
said the magistrate; and Caspar, who1
had now leslgned himself to certain
death was led away to the garrison, the
hall still echoing with the cries and
Curses of the multitude, who, when they
learned the escape of thelf victim o,we
should rather say his brier reprieve
followed, hallooing and shouting, to the
walls; their rnge redoubled by disap
pointment. The Governor, his officers, and their
men-at-arms, were speedily assembled ;
and Caspar Brandt, with pale, yet un
clouded and undaunted brow, stood be
fore his Judge.
" Young man," said the Governor, 'I
am sorry for you ; but these are times
when the duty of the citizen becomes
religion. Did you hear the proclama
tion V" ,
"Ay, my lord," said Caspar, calmly.
" And braved It V I am sorry for you.
The penalty is death."
" I am prepared to die," answered Cas
par, "and yet yet "
" Speak," said the Governor, " and
bold. If there be any doubt of your
guilt nay, If there be the slightest"
" My lord," interrupted oneof the offl
cers, "we have brought testimony suffi
cient. Boom there," and the officer
beckoned to one of his followers, who,
making his way through the crowd,
flung from his back the carcass of the
slaughtered goat.
Caspar sprung like a hound upon the
fellow. " May the hand wither," he ex
claimed, "that did this !" And, when,
again seized by his guards, his eyes fell
upon the slaughtered animal, he burst
into tears, and covering his fuce with his
hands groaned 'Jmother I dear, dear
" This is no time to cast bread to beasts
let the prisoner have a confessor, and
then," and the Governor paused, sur
veying the youth with looks of pity,
"and then dispatch him." , .
"Here's Father Francis,' said the
officer, as an old monk broke through
the crowd, and without a word, hurry
ing to Caspar, embraced him.
" My son ! My dear son ! Oh, my lord
Governor, what would you with this
youth V A nobler creature,a gentler soul,
a youth in whom more virtuous gift are
mingled, lives not in this city. And
here! a captive! What Is his crime V"
asked the monk.
" Look there, father," said the Gov
ernor, and he pointed to the dead goat.
" You have heard the proclamation, you
know the measures which our care for
the common good Imposes upon all."
" Mine iufne, is the fault," cried the
" Thine !" said the Governor.
" This youth he has a mother, yet a
young and comely woman, but this is
little it is her goodness, her tenderness,
her more than motherly affection for the
brave lad, they have made him forfeit
his life for her from whom he drew it."
" But your share in his fault V" asked
the Governor.'
"I Was his 'mother's confessor; and
when her means failed, her- physician
for in my youth I studied medicine
and hence the lowly poor, thanks to my
saint, have often owned the value of my
skill. As the rigors of the siege increas
ed, the poor widow pained and wasted,
course food she could not take death
seemed inevitable. Milk was her only
nourishment this poor lad sold all but
his last garment to buy the goat, now
slaughtered at your feet ; from day to day,
and week to week, unknown to his poor
dying mother, deprived himself of need
ful food, that the animal to him a sacred
thing, since his mother's life depended
on it might not want provender ; nay,
when your proclamation was made
known, dared to despise it, for a parent's
life." ; "' ' i: 1
" I am sorry for him, most sorry,"
said the Governor, with melting eyes,
"but justice must be done, father; pre
pare your penitent for heaven."
" My lord, grant me one prayer. I ask
not for my life," cried Caspar, " you say
'tis forfeited, the cruelty of the time de
mands it let It go; the sentence cannot
stain my memory let It go. ' But my
mother oh I my lord ! if ever yours
were dear to you, protect mine when I
am gone, save her from the sharp mis
ery of " .
A piercing shriek was at this moment
heard a shriek of such wild agony ,that
the sternest soldier felt his heart grow
cold at the Bound. . Another moment,
and the wretched widow nerved by des
peration, burst through the crowd, and
fell upon her son's neck. "Caspar I my
own boy I my, brave, brave- "
. "Oh God, she's dead 1'V exclaimed
Caspar, as he beheld the white face, the
fixed Hps, of his motionless parent. The
soldiers gathered about the mother and
son, and a murmur of compassion rose
from the crowd. The Governor's wife
and daughter heard the tale, and fled to
the spot to sue for mercy. Still uncon
scious of the presence of all, save the
one dear object, Caspar gazed on the pale
features of the widow. " She's dead
dead!" he uttered, In that oold, hopeless
voice, that sounds of a broken heart.
" No, no, my son, her pulse- beats,",
said the monk, "she breathes."
" Hark, hark P' exclaimed a soldier,
and he leaped upon-the wall. , " The
trumpets I our fi teqds 1" And a . loud
hurrah rose from the garrisoa." ; -
"Silence," cried the Governor- "I
Ilea nothing." And there was a pro
found pause, and the gloom of disap
pointment gathered on the faces of all
men, who with hushed breath listened,
their brows growing darker with the
silence. Another second, and the trum
pets came shrilly upon the wind shouts
rose from the garrison, and a thousand
weapons flashed from their scabbards.
" My lord, a sword I let me die there!"
and Caspar the monk having borne
away his mother rushed to the feet of
the Governor, and pointed beyond the
" I grant your prayer," said the Gov
ernor; " and now, men, unbar the gates
and sally upon them ; we have the foe
between us."
Wrlld and Joyous were the shouts with
which the men rushed on the besiegers,
who, hemmed between the two parties,
were, after a fierce and sanguinary fight,
utterly defeated.
Many were the deeds of valor done
that day. Caspar fought as though he
hungered for death. At least twenty of
the foe fell beneath his maiden sword.
He returned to the city with the con
querors, and next day appeared before
the Governor.
" My lord," said Caspar, "lam still
your prisoner. I sought for death."
"And have found knighthood! I
marked you on the field," said the Gov
ernor, " I am myself your debtor for a
life. Kneel, and rise a valiant knight."
The filial piety, the bravery of young
Caspar, became a famous story through
the city. The fair daughter of the Gov
ernor had heard from his mother's lips
the history of her son's virtues, learned
from her father the1 glory of his deeds ;
and, with her father's glad consent, be
came In after years, the young knight's
From the day of battle, the widow
gathered health and strength, and lived
to be a gray-haired matron, happy in her
son's greatness.
In the cathedral of the besieged city,
may be seen a monument, where, lying
at the feet of a warrior in complete mail,
is sculptured a young milch goat. That
monument records the filial piety of
Caspar Brandt.
LAST MONDAY afternoon the eleven
Bobllnk boys surrounded and caught
an enormous, shaggy, strong smelling,
wicked looking goat, of the masculine
gender, turned him loose in Burdock's
garden, nailed up the- gate and then
went home and flattened their eleven lit
tle noses against the back windows to
watch for coining events. :: . i w:
Before his goatship had spent three
minutes in that garden, he had managed
to make himself perfectly at home, pull
ed down the clothes line and devoured
two lace collars, a pair of undersleeves
and a striped stocking belonging to Mrs.
B. and was busily engaged sampling one
of Burdock's shirts when the servant
girl came rushing out with a basket of
clotheB to hang up. .(.'
"The saints preserve us," she exolaim
ed, coming to a full halt and gazing
open mouthed at the goat, who was
calmly munching away at the shirt.
" Shew, shew, Bhew, there," screamed
the girl, setting down her basket, taking
her skirts in both hands-, and shaking
them violently toward the intruder.
Then the goat, who evidently consid
ered her movements In the light of a
challenge, suddenly dropped his wicked
old head and darted at her with the force
of an Erie locomotive and just one min
ute later by the oity hall clock, that girl
had tumbled a back sommersault over
the clothes basket and was crawling
away on her hands and knees in search
of a place to die, accompanied by the
goatf who hutted her on the bustle
ground every third second.
It is probable he would have kept on
butting her for the next two weeks if
Mrs. Burdock, who had been a witness
of the unfortunate affair, had not armed
herself with the family poker and hur
ried to the rescue. , , -.... ,
" Merciful goodness. , Anne, do get
up on your feet,'! "he exclaimed, aiming
a murderous blow at the beast's head
and missing It by a few of jthe shortest
kind of inches, It was not repeated,
owing to the goat suddenly raising up
on his hind feet, waltzing towards her
and striking her in the small of the
bock, hard enough to loosen her finger
nails and destroy her faith in a gloiious
When Mrs. B. returned to conscious
ness, she crawled out from behind the
grindstone where she had been tossed
and made for the house, stopping only
once, when the goat came after and
butted her, head first into the,' grape
Once lui-lde the house, the door was
locked and the unfortunates sought the
solitude of their own rooms and, such,
comforts as they could extract from rub
bing and growling, while the goat wan
dered around the garden like Satan in
the book of Job, seeking what lie could,
devour and the eleyen little ijJohllnk
boys fairly hugged, themselves with
pleasure over the performance. ... . ,
' By the time Burdock returned home
that evening and learned all the partic
ulars from his arnica soaked wife the
goat had eaten nearly all tbe week's
washing, half the grapevine and ohe
side out of the clothes' basket.
"Why in thunder didn't you put him
out and not leave him there to destroy
everything?" he demanded angrily. :
" Because he wouldn't go and I was
not going to stay there and be killed,
that's why," answered his wife, exci
tedly. " Wouldn't fiddlesticks," he exclaim
ed, making for the garden, followed by
the entire family. ,
" Get out of here,you thief," he shout
ed, as he came1 into the garden and
caught sight of the shaggy and highly
perfumed visitor.
The goat bit off another mouthful of
the basket and regarded him with a
mischievous twinkle of his eyes.
"You won't go, hey" exclaimed
Burdock, trying to kick a hole in the
enemy's ribs. " I'll show you wheth "
The sentence was left unfinished, as
the goat Just then dropped his head on
Burdock's shirt bosom and before he
could recover his equilibrium, he had
been butted seven times in seven fresh
spots and was down on his knees crawl
ing around in a very undignified man
ner, to the horror of the family and the
infinite glee of the eleven young Bob
links next door.
"Look Out he' don't hurt you,"
screamed Mrs. Burdock, as the goat
sent him flying into a snow pile. 1
When Burdock had got his bald head
out of the snow, he was mad all over
his clothes and tried to clutch the brute
by the horns, but desisted after he had
lost two front teeth and been rolled in
the mud.
" Don't make a living show of your
self before the neighbors," advised his
" Come in, pa and let him be," begged
his daughter.
" Golly, dad look out, he is comin'
agin," shouted his son, enthusiasti
cally. The 'Burdock waxed profane and
swore three story oaths in such rapid
succession that his family ' held their
breaths and a pious old lady, who lived
in a house in the rear, shut up her win
dows and sent out the cook to hunt for a
policeman or a missionary. 1
. "Run for it, dad," advised his son a
moment later, when the goat's attention
seemed to be turned away.
Burdock sprang to his feet and follow
ed his offspring's suggestion. He was
legging it in superb style and the chances
of his reaching the house seemed excel
lent, when the fragrant brute suddenly
dapped on more steam, gained rapidly
and darting between his legs, capsized
him into the ash box.
His family dragged him inside, anoth
er candidate for rubbing, arnica and a
blessed haven of rest.
The back of the house has been her
metically sealed and Burdock now pro
poses extending an invitation to the
militia regiments of Boston to come
down and practice marksmanship off the
roof, promising to furnish a live goat
for a target and a silver plated napkin
ring as the first prize. .
A Widow Who was not' a Widow.
Five years ago the people of Law
renceburg were shooked by what was
supposed to be a foul murder between
that place and Sunmansville. The vic
tim was John Buckhorst, a farmer who
lived on the Manchester pike. He sold
his farm at considerable sacrifice, ob
taining his wife's signature to the deed
with some ' difficulty, and on the day
prior to the supposed tragedy he Visited
Sunmansville and collected about $1,000.
Id the evening he started ostensibly for
home. The next day his coat, hat, and
shirt were found torn to threads, near a
spot that bore evidence of a terrible
struggle. 1 .......
An old farmer named Falke was ar
rested on suspicion, and a creek near the
spot was dragged for the body, but with
out result. The fact that Falke was
flush With money was regarded as suffi
cient circumstantial evidence to warrant
summary action. A vigilance commit
tee was therefore organized, and a rope
was prepared, and but for the earnest
pleadings of some sober-minded men,
poor Falke might have been hanged as
the murderer of Buckhorst.
Meantime Buckhorst's wifo was de
pendent upon charity, the farm having
been sold and the money collected. She
has thus lived ever since, and mourned
for her husband as one dead. And now
comes the denouement. One day last
week an old neighbor of Buekbors be
ing jn Louisville, saw a man driving a
hack who looked very much like his old
neighbor Buckhorst, and after pressing
him drew from him the acknowledgment
that he is the same who disappeared from
Lawrenceburg five years ago. He is
working In a livery Btable, and takes a
new alias every few weeks, ne has been
known in Louisville as J. J. William
son, He is living with another woman.
Re Weed Tokio, i!o Mawtnuk Film These
medicines have undoubtedly performed more
piiresnl Consumption than any other remedy
known to the American public. They are com.
pounded of vegetable ingredients, and contain
nothing which can be injurioita to the human
constitution. Other remedies advertised as cures
for Consumption, probably contain opium, which
is a somewhat dangerous drug In all cases, and It
taken freely by consumptive patients, It must do
great Injiiryt for Its tendency Is to conllnethe
morbid matter in the system, which, of course,
must make a cine Impossible, Rchneck's Pulmon
ic Syrup Is warranted not to contain a particle of
opium ; It Is composed of powerful but harmless
herbs, which act on the lungs, liver, stomach .and
blood, and thus correct all morbid secrctlons.and
expel all the diseased matter from the body.
These are the only means by which Consumption
can be cured, and as Schneck'a pulmonic Hymn,
Sea weed Tonic, and mandrake Pills are the only
medicines which operate in this way, It Is obvions
they are the only genuine cure for Piilmonlo Con.
sumption. Each bottle of this Invaluable medi
cine Is accompanied by full directions.- Dr.
Schenck Is professionally at his principal bftlce.
corner Blxth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia,
every Monday, where all letters for advice must
be addressed.
VEGfT I N t ;
r, Providence, April 7, 1878. Stevens Dear Kir: Vheri I was
about 8 years of age a humorbroke out upon me.
which my mother tried to cure by giving me herb
teas and all other suoh remedies as she knew of,
but It continued to grow worse, until finally she
consulted a physician and he said I bad the salt
rheum, and doctoreo. me for that complaint. He
relieved me some, but said I could not be perma
nently cured as the disease originated In the
blood. I remained a great sufferer for several
years, until I heard of and consulted a physician,
who said I had the scrofulous humor and If I
would allow him to doctor me he would cure me.
I did so, and lie commenced healing up my sores
and succeeded In ellectiiig an external cure, but
In a short time the disease appeared again In a
worse form than ever, as cancerous humor upon
my lungs, throat and head. I sullered the most
terrible pain, and there seemed to be no remedy,
and my friends thought I must soon die, when my
attention was called, while reading a newspaper,
to a VEGETINK testimonial of Mrs. Waterhouse.
No. 864 Athens 8'., South Boston, and I, formerly
residing In South Boston and being personally ac
quainted with her and knowing her formeT feeble
health, I ooncluded 1 would try the Vegetine.
After I had taken a few bottles It seemed to force
the sores out of my system. I had running sores
In my ears which for a time were very palnful.but
I continued to take the Vegetine until I had
taken about twenty-five bottles, my health Im
proving all the time from the commencement of
the first bottle, and the sores to heal. I com
menced taking the Vegetine In 1872, and contin
ued Its constant use for 6 months. At the pres
ent time my health Is better than it has ueen
since I was a child. The Vegetine Is what helped
me, and I most cordially recommend It to all suf
ferers, especially my friends. 1 had been a suf
ferer for over thirty years, and until I nsed the
Vegetine, I found no remedy ; now I qse it as my
faithful medicine, and wish no other.
Mrs. B. C. COOPER,
No. 1 Joy Street, Providence, H. L
The range of disorders which yield to the Influ
ence of this medicine, and the number of delined
diseases whloh It never falls to cure, are greater
than any other single medicine has hitherto been
even recommended for by any other than the pro
prietors of some quack nostrum. These diseases
are Scrofula and all eruptive dlseasesand Tumors
Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Spinal Com
plaints and all Inflammatory symptoms : Ulcers,
all Syphilitic diseases. Kidney and bladder dis
eases, Dropsy, the whole train of painful disor
ders which so generally afflict American women,
and which carry annually thousands of them ' to
premature graves i Dyspepsia, that universal
curse of American manhood, Heartburn, Piles,
Constipation. Nervousness, Inability to sleep.and
Impure blood. This Is a formidable list of human
ailments for any single medicine to successfully
attack, and it is not probable that any oneartf
clebefore the public has the power to cure the
quarter of them except Vegetine. It lays the axe
at the root of the tree of disease by first elimina
ting every impurity from the blood, promoting
the secretions, opening the pores the great es
cape valves of the system invigorating the liver
to its full and natural action, cleansing the stom
ach and strengthening digestion. This much ac
complished, the speedy and the permanent cure
of not only the diseases we have enumerated, but
likewise the whole train of chronlo and constitu
tional disorders, Is certain to follow. This is pre
cisely what Vegetine does, and it does It so quick
ly, and so easily, that it is nn accomplished fact
almost before the patient It aware of it himself.
IJest Remedy In tlio Lnntl.
Little Falls, N. Y., Sept. 23d, 1876.
Mr. H. ft. Stevens : Dear Sir I desire to state -to
you thatl was allllcted with a breaking out of
blotches and pimples on my face and neck for
several years. I have tried many remedies, but
none cured the humor on my face and neck.
After using two or three bottles ot your Vegetine
the humor was entirely cured. I do certainly be
lieve It Is the best medicine for all Impurities of
the blood that there is in the land, and should
highly recommend it to the afflicted public,
Truly yours, P. FKRKINE, Arohiteot.
Mr. Perrlne is a well-known architect and
builder at Little rails, N. Y., having lived there
aud In the vicinity fur the last 33 years. ; 23 Ira
Prepared by H.R. Stevens, Boston,Mass.
. tegctlne is Sold by All Drngglsts;
T EATHER C, ' . '
THE subscriber has now on band at
" - " ' i . . ::
LOW , JPKICE9, ; .
Good Sole Leather, ' '
. Kip of Superior Quality, .
Country Calf Skins,
French Calf,
F, Mortimer,
They will yield 50 per cent, more profit sure than
ordinary crops, and pay fcr themselves the first
year they bear. ,
To plant poor, dried-out stock, brought from a
long-distance aud sold by an Irresponsible agent,
whose only Interest Is to buy as cheap as he can,
regardless of quality or condition. You can
GUARANTEED STOCK, at bottom price, fresh
aud vigorous, by sending or coming direct to
.CIrcn!ars Free.
GEO. F. McFARLAND, Proprietor. U
REV. G. W. LEISHER, Ai M., Principal,
THEHnr ns
will open TtTEDAT, April,
eeks. Tuition Ml cents per
17th. continuing 10 weeks. Tuition f0
week. Pupils of both sexes received. Special in
struction given to those preparing to teasa. A
Primnrv Vepartmtnt In oonnection with the
Normal lepartment will be organized fdr younger
dndils. Tuition 25 cents per ink. Language les
sons mads a speciality For further Information
t O. W. LEISHER. .
Sj Blain, Perry,,. Pa.