THE TIMES NEWiBLOOMFIELD, rA. 'JUNEf CVil877.i Interesting to Parents and Teachers. Not long nines Mr. Cuarloa Hultott, n mill ownor of Illvethoad, L. I, directed bis son Curl, a pupil of the Union Free Bohool of that town, not to declaim' when ordered to do so by his toaoher, For thU rofuial young Itallett was expelled, and the Board of Education confirmed nud njiprov ed tlio action of the priuoiiml In expelling him. Mr. Hallett then mind tho Doard of Education, and the owe, which was recent ly decided by Justice Pratt of the Supreme Court and a jury, has excited considerable attention because of the important educa tional principle involved. Mr. Hallett, who expressly instructed his counsel not to press for damages, but simply to get a decision on the question of law, olaimed that he bad a right to say whether his son should, or should nor, be instructed in cortain studies, provided they are not in cluded in the statutory list. In his charge to the Jury Juslico Piatt took the ground that the parent, knowing the temperament and capacity of tho child, bad the undoubted right to prescribe what he should and what he should not study, mo long as he did not interfere with the statutory list. Ilenco, whon tho principal, with the approval of the Board of. Educa tion, expelled young Hallett, be exceeded bis authority. Still, both tho board and the principal aoted in good faith, supposing that they were authorized to carry out what was thought to be a beneficial rule. The charge continues : " I am con strained to hold the law to be that, where there is an irreconcilable difference of opiuion betweeu the teacher or the Board of Trustees and tho parent, in regard to study which is not included among those that the trustees are empowered to pre scribe, the will of the parent must control. I think that the law has not taken away the natural right of the parent to control . the educatiou of tho child in that regard. When tho teaohor or tho trustees under take to say that a child shall pursue a particular study which is not included in the statutory list of studies, I think they .exceed their authority. And whon that is made the basis of an attompt to deprive the child of its right to attend school and enjoy the benefits which arise from the laying of a common burden upon the com munity, I bold that they are liable technically liable for the act." The jury awarded nominal damages to Mr. llallott. This was considered a test case, and the rulings of Justice Pratt are sustained by decisions in other States. " What every body says must be true." The incontrovertible testimony offered by those who have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription induced the doctor to sell it under a positive guarantee. Many ladies have refrained from using it on account of a geuoral feeling of prejudice against advertised medicines. Let me ask a question. Are you prejudiced against sewing machines because you have seen tbem advertised ? or can yoii doubt the ingenuity and skill required in their in vention? Again, would you refuse to insure your house because the company advertised that it bad paid millions in losses, and vet bad a capital of several millions ? Do such advertisements shake vour confidence, aud create prejudices? Then why refuse to credit tutf testimony of those who have found the Favprite Prescrip tion to be all that is claimed for it in over coming those ailments peculiar to your sex 1 Why submit to the use of harsh, and perhaps caustic treatment, thus aggravating your malady vfhen relief is guaranteed, and a positive, perfoct, . and permanent oure has been effected in thou sands of cases? Wabash Station, 111., Ootober 24th, 1876. It. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir Allow me to extend my most sincere thanks to you for the great benefit my wife has received frotrr the use of your Favorite Prescription. She suffered almost intolerably before using your medicine, and I had tried tho skill of several physi cians but to no purpose. Finally, I thought I would give the Favorite Prescription a trial, and she is now sodnd and well. Very gratefully yours, D. A. IlUKTEit. A Surprised Lawyer. A few days ago, says the Baltimore News, two elegantly attired ladies entered the office of a prominent lawyer on Fayette street, and looking round, as if expecting other surroundings than green baize cover ed, desks and volumes in law calf, enquired timidly " Is this si laundry office?" The attorney, supposing she had said a lawyer's office, replied "Yes, madam," and having asked the ladies to bo seated, drew his chair up ' beside tbem, expecting to hear the points' of a first class case. The ladies worff encouraged by his cour tesy, and oue opened her satchel and drew forth what the lawyer supposed to be a bundle of valuable family documents ; be put out bis hand to assist her to extricate it from the bag. His face fairly beamed with ei.poctanoy as he drew forth ono end of the treasure, the lady holding on to the other eDd, and he was about to propound a leading question, when the bundle unrolled, disclosing a bifurcated garment, richly trimmed with laces, pointing to which tho lady eagerly asked : "Will this do up?" the lawyer gazed with horror from his branch of the garment to that held by the lady, ' aud stammered out confusedly, "Madam, you bave made a mistake ; this is a law office, not a laundry." Both started to their feet, still grasping to the 'contents of the bag, the dlher lady looking ou in dismay, and tho tableau was com . plate. Mutual explanations followed aud tho ladies withdrew. Bargains in Carpets. 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. If ynt: want a pretty CAKTKT fi.r only MS Cents per yard, coma Hint see wlmt you can got at Hint prion nf F. MOHTIMEK. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. LOTS OF OTHER BARGAINS. Thirty Five Cents Isthe lirlce of a pretty CAK l'KT t Mohtimkk's. The. same amount of money will also buy a good CALICO Dress If you don't make It too large. JJUSSER & ALLEN ' CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Now oiler the public . A KATIE AND ELEOANT ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting s( all shades suitable for the season. BLACK ALP AC CAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VAItlOUS FHICE8. AN ENDLESS SELECTION OF FKINTSl We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, Aud everything under the head of GROCERIES ! Machine needles and oil for all makes of Machines. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, IS TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. - No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. HIGHEST AWARDS! J. REYNOLDS & SON. NORTHWEST CORNER THIRTEENTH AND FILBERT STS., PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED . Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SHAKING AND CLIN KER-GRINDINQ ORATES FOR BURNING ANTHRA CITE OR BITUMINOUS COAL. . CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE .. WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOKING RANGES, LOW-DOWN GRATES, Etc. Descriptive Circulars sent free to any address. EX AMIN E BEFORE SELECTING, lflly Ads. ""patents' Fee Reduced. Entire Cost $55. Patent Ofllce Fee rw In advance, balance 120 within 6 months after patent allowed. Advice aud examination free. Patents Sold. J. VANCE LKWIS&CO., lWm Washington. D. C. IO mu 111 I cnrfHi.LT. Arcu rudlllVLLT uunca RHEUMATISM, GOUTi WEUHAIGIA ANO IWMtJAGO. SUIU BI UrWuiiltilS tVtflYWHtHL. StSJ FUHCifr CUIARTO HELPHENSTINE & BENTLEY. UnUGLiiSTS, WASHINGTON, D. 0. , Su For sale by wholesale Druggists la PltU. burg and Philadelphia. . 86 ly "NOTICE Is hereby glvna that the board of Pardons fur the Mate of 1'ennsvlvanla have granted are-hearlng In the case of John F. Baker, of Perry county, which will be had on Tuesday the nth day of June. 1877 at Harrlsbnrg. May i, 1877. WILLIAM BAKER. A ; GENERAL INVITATION Is extended to all, to CALL and secure some of the BEST BARGAINS yet offered. Having an IMMENSE STOCK on hand, we havo determined to make another SWEEPING RE DUCTION. The following comprises ' a list of our goods i " ' Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing. Men's, Youth's and Hoy's Hats and Caps. Carpets of all Kinds and Grades. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. " Ladles' Fancy Goods. Trunks, Valises and Satchels. r . . . - i , n i t i ' ' Look at the1 list of some of Our Prices ! Clothing, ife. Men's Working Suits from ti 00 to 7 00 Men's Dress Suit from SOU to 18 00 Youth's Working Hutu from 4 no to A no Youth's Dress Hnlts from 7 00 to 12 00 Hoy's Dress Hnlts from 8 00 to 7 00 Men's Working Pants from 75 to 1 W) Men's Dress Pants from 2 00 to 6 00 Men's Winking Coats from 2 00 to 4 00 Mon's Dress Coats from 4 00 to 10 00 Men's Vests from 50 to 1 00 Hoy's Common Costs from 1 Ml to 3 (SO Hoys' Good Coats from 1 00 to ft 00 Men-s Linen Coats from 75 to 2 00 Men's Alpaca Coats from IN) to 8 00 Men's DexterVonts from 1 50 to 2 50 Men's Summer Pants from 1 00 to 3 00 Carpets. Common Carpets from 18ots to SOcts. Flower Carpel from 35 to PO All Wool Carpet from 00 toW Stair Carpet from 20 Hall Carpet from 40 to 75 Table Oil Cloth from 40 to SO Htalr Oil Cloth from 14 to 10 Hrussels Carpets from Jl 25 to 1 25 Floor Oil Cloths from 50 to 1 00 Hats and Caps. Men's Wool Hats from 65 to Jl 00 Men's good Hats from f 1 25 to 1 50 Men's One Hats from 1 75 to 2 50 Hoy's Fine Hats from 60 to 1 60 Men's and Hoy's Hatsand Caps Cheap. Trunks and Valises. Common Trunks from 12 00 to 3 00 Good Trunks from 3 00 to 6 00 Extra SaratogaTrunksfromS 00 to 8 00 Common Valises from 50 to I 00 Good Valises from 1 25 to 2 00 Satchels from 75 to 2 00 Hliawl Straps from ' 20 to 60 Umbrellas from 60 to 2 60 Buggy Whips and Spreads very Low. ' A good assortment of Tubaooo and Begars. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ac, Colored Shirts from 60o to II 80 White Shirts from 75 to 2 00 Hummer Under Hhlrts from 50 to 1 00 Hummer Drawers from V to 1 00 Linen Collars from 15 to 25 Mnen Cults from 25 to 40 Paper Collars from 10 to 25 Men's Hows from 10 to 40 Men's Ties from 24 to 75 Men's Hose from 6 to to Men's Handkerchiefs from 5 to 40 Men's Silk Hadk'rclefs from 50 to 1 on Men's Gloves from 15 to 60 Overalls from 40 to 00 Overshlrts from 60 to 75 , Suspenders from 10 to 70 65c to 3 00 60 to 1 60 is to 8 to 6 to 75 to 10 to 25 40 60 1 00 60 Ladles' Furnishing Goods, Ladles' Shawls from Ladles' Skirts from Indies' Colored Hose from Ladles' White Hose from Ladles' llandkerohlefs from Ladles' Kid Gloves from Ladles' LlsleO loves from Ladles' Corsets from 40 to 1 00 Ribbons from 3 to 80 Ties from 25 to 60 Parasols from 20 to 8 00 Fans from 5 to 75 Pins 14 rows from 3 to 3 Pocket Hooks from . 10 to 60 Embroidery from 8 to 60 Hwltchesfrom 16 to 20 Real HairHwItches from 1 60 to 8 00 Hralds from 20 to 30 Towels from 10 to 80 Napkins per dozen from 1 00 to 1 60 Hed Spreads from 75 to 2 60 Collars from 3 to 25 Cuds from 12 to 40 Miscellaneous. A Fine Assortment of Jewelry. Knives, Works and Spoons. Perfumery and Hair Oils. Itaxors, Scissors and Snaps. Hair, Cloth and Shoe Hrushes. Linen and Paper Shirt Fronts. Kevolvcrs and Cartridges. Paper and Envelopes. Looking O lasses, io. A Call to III convince yon that we are deter mined to Jccep the lead and defy Competition, ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPOET, PESTN'A.. TO THE PEOPLE OF PERRY COUNTY. ANNUAL SPRING GREETING OF STEPHENS & BEETEM. 1877. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE, 1877. English and Amer ican BRUSSELS In all the BEST makes. BEAUTIFUL Three Ply CARPETS. In Brussels Designs. EXTRA ENGLISH INGHAIN AND Extra Super - CARPETS CHEAP ! . Beauties In Hall and Stair CARPETS with rich match BORDERS ! ALL NEW FOR SPRING. 3STOW OPEN ! AND READY FOR SALE. TUB MOST ATTIUCTIVE SPKINQ STOCK OF Carpets! Carpets! AND OIL CLOTHS! WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, Looking Glasses, MATS, RUGS, HASSOCKS, AND "Willi Papers, ever before offered to the trade. STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 EAST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE. CARPET CHAINS, AND FILLINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. VALli PAPU8 AND DECOHATIOXS. FOR Halls, Parlors and Vestibules, Chambcrand Din la g Rooms, &c. OIL CLOTHS I For Stairs, Tables, Floors and Halls. Cut to lit la a solid piece. BOOKING GLASSES! FROM PARLOR TO KITCHEN SIZES. 30 Patterns in Home Made CAltPETS, our own manufacture. The best Wool, Cotton and Linen CAIU'UT CHAIN always on hand. AND SOLD AT Jiottom Frices. KINGSFORD'3 Oswego 1 Htraroli Is the BUST aud MOST ECONOMICAL in the World. Is perfectly PURE free from acids and other for eign substances that Injure Linen. Is STRONG E It than any other requiring much lens nuunilty In usinit. Is UN1FOKM stiffens aud finishes work always (he same. llingsford's Oswego Corn Starch Is the most delicious ' all prepaiatlous for l'uddiugs, liipnc-Maiige, Cake. Etc. T -4 1 . , . ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby glv. en, that Letters of Administration on tiiti es tate of Jacob Rice, late of baville township, Perry county, deceased, have been granted to tile aubsurlbers residing In the same township. All persons Indebted to said mtate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement to CHARLOTTE N. RICE, JONATHAN KICK, , A. M. Mahkeu Attorney, Administrators. Feltl'iiar? IJ, 1877 litpd J71STATK NOTICE. Notice Is hereby frlr It en that Letters of Administration on the estate of John H. McElvy, late ef New Buffalo borough. Perry Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in the same borough. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN BA8KIN. February IX 1377. pd (Administrator. QE0RGE H. MARTIN ' GENERAL AGENT. 11 LAIN. 1'EUItV COUNTY, PA. Special attention glveu To the collection of claims, and any other business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. April, Itfth, 1CT. A UT'lON. The subscriber hereby gives no tice that his wife has left his bed unit hnur.l ithout lust nrovocatiou. and cautions the imtllo not to trust her on his account as ha will oav no debts o( liei contraction. ADAM WITHEROW. Penu township, May 1,1977. - ,tn1877 1877 ' 1877 SPRING . 1877. -; SPRING 1877. SPRING 1877. ' r SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. HAVmtVj'usT plmciiAHKn for cash, at LOW PKKJKH, lots of NKW yoOHrJ, we are enabled to i nfTcr our friends and customers UltlCAT IIAIKJAINH. Now Is the time to buy as thore Is no doubt but what DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BR HIGHRK. DRY-GOODS WILL BR HIGIIKR. ARY-GOOD8 WILL BR DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. NOW IS TIIE tlME. NOW IS TIIE TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. To Malce Your Bprlns Purchases. To Make Your 8prlng Purchases. To Make Your Spring Purchases. To Make Your Spring Purchases. To Make Your Spring Purcnases. To Make Your Spring Purchases. WHILE THE STOCK 18 FULL. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. WHILE THE STOCK 19 FULL. COMR AND BEE WHAT WE CAN OKFKR. COM K AND SKK WHAT WI CAN OFFER. COMK AND 8KB WHAT WE CAN OFKKlt. COME AND SK.K WHAT WK CAN OFFKK. COM K AN I) HKK WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COMK AND 8KB WHAT WK CAN OFFER. We Have Loin of Prints .. We Have Lots of Alpaccaa, 1 We Have Lots of Fancy Dry Goods, We Have Lots of Cottonadcs, We Have Lots of White Goods, We Have Lots of Other Articles, TJiat Arc Tliat Are TJiat Arc Tliat Are That Are Tliat Are Very Very Very Very Very Very Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. WK ALSO HAVE New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. The Prettiest You Ever Saw. Come and See Them. Floor and Table Oil Cloths AND OAItPKTS ! Floor and Table Oil Cloths AND Floor and Table Oil Cloths . AND J ' CAHPETS ! In the handsomest patterns and best qualities. It will not cost you anything to look at thein. SHOES FOR MEN. SHOES FOR BOYS. SHOES FOR WOMEN. All Good Styles and at Popu lar Prices ! In fact we have a "COMPLETE STOCK of all kinds ot goods, to which we ask the attention of all who can appreciate FINE GOODS AND GREAT BARGAINS. F. MORTIMER,, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. JyTOTICE. Notice Is hereby Riven that the petition of Solo mon Blxhain, Asslnnee of George Matchett and wife, has been filed in the Court of Common Fleas of Ferry county, praying for an order of ale to sell the Real Estate of said Assignees, sit uate in Miller township. Ferry county, Fa., and that the Court has fixed TUESDAY, the 12th of June, 1887, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the hearing of sain petition, when the same will be granted, un less cause be shown to the contrary. D. MICKEY, Frotbonotary. April 17,1877- 100,000 FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Facts for the Fanner Facts for the Merchant Facts for the Horseman Facts for the Stock raiser Fads for the I'oultry-keeper Facta for the Bee keeper Facts for the Lawyer Facts for the Laborer Facts forthe Fruit-raiser Facts for the Gardener Facts tor the Doctor Facts for the Dairyman Facts for the Household Facts tor every lamuy wno wanes ta save money. FACTS FOR AGENTS. That this Is the most Important advertisement for you yet published, being the best chance to make money ever ottered. The press endorses It, your own paper endorses it.every one eudorses It. THE BOOK OF THE 19th CENTURY. Male and female agents coining money on It. Send to us at once and get circulars free. IN ;itAM, SMITH UL AC. 7J1 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. I'a. 151St. INSTATE NOTICE. Notice is herebyglven. 11 that letters of administration on the estate of Nicholas Keisluger, late of baville twp.. Ferry rouuty. Pa., dee'd.. have been granted to the un dersigned residing In Tusvarora aodSavilletwp.. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate paymeut and those Iiaviug claims to present llrenr duly authenticated for set tleinant. A. H. KERR. Tiwaroratwp. DAVIDBE1SINUEH Kavlile twp. May 1st, 1877. . Administrators.