0 lje fjJtoflmficlfc imts. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Wfinylta rnmmntilcnHnnn fnm nil Mrnn wlm it ItitnrpntM lu matter, properly belonvinir to turn do 1 tart men t. Things to Remember. Ilememlipr tlint mirrors should never lie hung where the eun shines directly upon them. They noon look misty, grow rough or granulated, and no longer give hack a correct picture. The amal gam, or union of the tinfoil with mercury which Is spread on glass, to form a looking glass, Is easily ruined by the direct, continued exposure to the solar rays. Remember that lemons can be kept sweet and fresh for months by putting them In a clean, tight cask or Jar, and covering with cold water. The water must be changed ns often as every other day, and the cask kept In a cool place. Remember that a tablespoonful of Muck pepper will prevent gray or buff linen from spotting If stirred Into the first water In which they are washed. It will also prevent the colors running when washing black or colored cambrics or muslins, and the water Is not Injured by It, but Is Just as soft as before the ' pepper was put In. Remember that one can have the hands In soap suds with soft soap wlth .out Injury to the skin, if the hands are dipped In vinegar or lemon juice im mediately after. The. acids destroy the corrosive effects of the alkali and make the hands soft and white. Indian meal and vinegar and lemon Juice used on the hands when roughened by cold or labor, will heal and soften them. Rub the hands In this, then wash off thoroughly and rub In glycerine. Those who suffer with chapped hands in the winter will And this comforting. Sulphur for Poultry. As a preventive and cure for various ailments in fowls, and generally con ductive to health, sulphur will be found highly valuable and very satisfactory In its results. As a cure for vermin it baa no superior. A little mixed with the food occasionally, will be distructive to parasites ; or it Is, perhaps, more effica cious In destroying vermin when applied externally. To disinfect a hennery and ' destroy all parasites, it is advisable, whenever occasion requires, to burn sulphur until the house is entirely fumigated with the smoke ; the chicks, of course being first all removed and the windows and doors closed. If It Is desir ed to have the fowls roost in the house the night or the day it Is fumigated with the sulphur, It will of course be necessary to attend to this In the morning, and then give It a thorough airing before the fowls are returned. Again, for general ailing of fowls and pigeons, nothing Is more efficacious, nor will revive them sooner than the inhala tion of the fumes of sulphur. Put the . sick birds in a closed room and burn a , little sulphur as much as you can stand 5 your self. An almost immediate change for the better will be the result. I have had a bird, so sick as not to be able to htand, Immediately become completely reanimated by Inhaling the sulphur,and Its eyes and whole frame suddenly pos sess new vigor. Continue the treat ment once a day until the fowls are cured. A few minutes at a time Is sufficient. I heartily recommend the thorough trial of the above simple directions. U3TTho currant worm has already made its appearance, and henceforth until the berries are ripe and picked it will be nesessary to keep close watch upon the currant and gooseberry bushes. Lime sprinkled upon thetn, it is said, will destroy them. ' Our own remedy Is this : We buy at the drug store five cents worth pulverized white hellebore and put in a clean coal scuttle or other vessel and fill with water. After stand Ing a day or so we pour some Into a rnall sprinkling can and, either soon after a shower or early in the morning when the leaves are wet from dew, give the bushes a good sprinkling. One good sprinkling will kill most of the worms, but we generally go over twice and three times to niake sure work. A equjn woum De more elleetual than a sprinkling can, as the worms mostly are lodged and work on the under side of the leaves. , This remedy Is certain if properly attended to, and we commend it. The trouble and expense are trifling, Ex. Protecting Strawberries. It is established beyond controversy xnai Birawocrnes protected In winter a coverlnic make an earlier start i rlpeu the fruit sooner the following season. Straw la the most economical covering that can be used. The boughs trimmed from evergreens the forest pine or nemiocK are excellent, and many localities easily obtained. In 6 New plecelieet inmle.retallsfnr i TWnt for HI els tump, Cieap MilsloCo.,MIlclleboro, l!3d4 Bet bargains In America.!? A RMC J. I'. Man- Man anil Catalogue free-' ""vcha Dover. Delaware. 2 3.14 w. Life and Health Without Drugs. Blue and Red LIGHT. Dr. Paneonst's grout work In NOW HICAIlY KOIt AflENTR. Tlio onlv Book practically treating till now uni versally abnrbliig topic. . Knows Imw to apply the treatment, and; tell of ninny Aneoewfnl cures madn by the use of till wonderful medi um. Circulars and beat terms to early appli cant, .f. M. HTODDART & CO., 7ll Chestnut Htreet. Philadelphia. 23 14w 1 lit Al Tit 1 HI ! A chance for all to make or save mnney.and get the BEST HOODS In the market TEAS, COFFEES, &C, Hold at lower prices than the same qualities can be bought at any other house In this country. Alt goons gnaranteeo. to no Hatisiaciorr ana ns represented, or the money will be refunded on re turn of the goods, which may be done at our ex pense. The reputation of our house forsetllng standard goods at Low prices, (for Stl years), has given us a standing In New York City and rlolnlty, that Is not enjoyed nyanv other nouse in tne irnne. A fter mature deliberation we have determined to offer our goods to housekeepers, at the LOWKST WHOI.KHA1.K TKA1IK I'KICKN, Wlien a CI, I HIS formed large enough to make a small case. The cood of each member of the club will be nut In separate packages, and marked with name and cost, so as to avoid confusion In distribution. (foods will be sent by Express to Collect on Un livery. All wisning in save money oy piircimsiiiR fnmllv suunlles at New York Wnolesalle Trices can talk the matter over among friends and neighbors, and send tons lor Club Clrculnr.rrlcn. list, Sc. We give a present of either goods, or monev to the nerson who nets ill) the club, to compensate for trouble, etc. Samples of TEA C'OFFKK sent by mall. Menu ior rnce-nsi, ana i iud uircuiar. ram Stiner's New York it China Te Co,, M. If. MOHKH ft CO.. Proprietors. 2Mt tJf77,79,8l,B4and8o VJCUEY Htreet, Au York. YATES & CO. YATES SCO. YATES CO. YATES & CO. YATES & CO. YATES & CO. YATES & CO. YATES SCO. YATES & CO. YATES & CO. YATES & CO. YATES & CC. YATES & CO. YATES & CO. YATES & CO. YATES & CO. YATES & CO, YATES S CO. YATES & CO. YATES & CO. YATES & CO. YATES SCO. YATEL&CO. YATES SCO. YATES & CO. YATES SCO. YATES & CO. YATES SCO. THE GREAT ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE OF A. C. YATES & CO. IN THE LEDOER BUILDING Is the BERT and the CHEAPEST Place to Buy Spring and Summer Jteady-Made CLOTHING. The Slock comprises the Finest Assortment ever ottered at Retail in this country, and all at about one half the usual price. The goods are unsurpassed In Style! Quality! Workmanship ! Price! Hpe,-ial entrance for ladles to Chlulien's Department on sixth Htreet. A. C. YATES & CO., LEDGER BUILDING, HESTNUT.COR.SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. THE syAJflQAJp. WET THE KTAMAi:i. " ItoiwMtobeintrery Library, aim fit frery Academy and eiwrytfciooL" Hou.Clias.Snmuer. A Isrire. handsome volume of IBM rirt, containing counldi rably more than IlilUKW V nni" in ItH Vo cabulary, with the correct Prouuuciutlou, Definition, and LtymoloKy. FUlly Illustrated. Library Sheep. $10.00 "WORCESTER" Is now reurdcd the standard authority, ind is so recommended by Bryunt, Longfellow, Vt hlttler, Hmn ner, Holmen, Irvintr, wluthnip, AkwhIz, Marxh, Henry, Kverett, Mann, Quincy, Feitou, Hillard, and the maier lty of our moac distiluruished Hcuolurft, anil 1m, bexide, recognized as authority by the lk'imrtmenta nt our National Government TIfK COMPLETE 8EHIE8 OF WORCESTER'S DICTIONARIES Suarto Dictionary. Illustrated. Library Hheep,IO.OO. uiveraal and Critical Dictiouary. 8vo. Library btieep, 4.25. Academic Dictionary. Crown Bvo. Half roan, $3.00. Comnrcnmmive Dictionary, Illustrated. Umo. Half roan. $1.76. Hchool (Elementary) Dictionary. 12ino. Half roan. tl.OO. Primary Dictionary. Illustrated. lGiuo. Halt roan, toe. Pocket Dictionary. Illuntrated 24lno. Okitll, HOcta. ; roau flexible, lift en, j roan, tuckt. irilt edy-en, iUM. Many Hpccial aids to Mudeuta, in addition toavery fuil prouounciiur aud denniuK vocabulary, make tutf above named book, in the opinion of our moxt dW titiKUiahed ediicutors, the moat complete aa well as by far the cheaiieat Dictlonarlea of uur luuiruafre. . For sale by Booksellers Kenerally, or will be sent, carrtaKe free, on receipt of the price by J. B. LIITINCOtT CO.. PuhllHhers, Hookeellera and Htatimier, 23 719 and TIT .Vlnrket 8t PHILADELPHIA. Rfinif See this. Only tl.M capital required to DUUIxtn start canvassing for MAKK TWAIN'S NEW 8(!RAr.BOOK. Apply, with stninn. to John K. Hallowell,139Eastp AJAQQPRQ KlgUtSt., New York. 2u4tWl VMOOLIIO The Black Hills. By II. N. MAonuiB, who has spent 12 ears In this region. Latest accounts of Gold and Silver prospects. Agricultural and Grazing resources. Climate, Hunting, Fiahine, Indians, and Settlers' Adventures with them, Milling and Wild West ern Life, the Waterfalls, HolliuK (leysers, noble Scenery, Immense Gorges, eto. with 27 fine Il lustrations, and one map. Price Only Ten Cents. Sold bv all Newsdealers, or sent post-paid for li!c. by DONNELLY, LOYD & CO, Publishers. Chi cago, IU. 20dW ' NO We will start yeu In a business you liU can make f. a week without capital) MDMCVeasy and respectable for either fex. IViUll 1 1 M. A. Youmu, 261 Bowery. N.Y. 17 8m 111 I eomio oil chromo, 7x11, mounted, worth S6c, I U M pk love rarda, 1 pack comic envelops, 1 pk oomlo canta, 1 pk scroll, 1 34n hook Fun, all sent for only Wo, at'Pj, Novelty Co., Mlddleboro, Maaa, IMw Is not easily earned In these times, but can ue mane in tnree nioiiiiis oy any one of either sex. In any part oi the country who Is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. vt a week In your own town. You need not be far away from home overulgh. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your spate moments. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and (i$ Outfit free. Address at once, U. Hallbtt & Co.. Fort laud, Maine. 1 ly- Philadelphia Advertisements. jANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, . N. 183 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. WAINWHIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE DEALEK IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 216 NOHTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, Pa. D AVID. J, HOAR & CO., Successors to HOAR McCONKEY ft CO., WHOLRSaLI BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE. BlU MAItKKT STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., WaOLlSALI DlALBHI IH TOBACCO, CIGARS &c NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH 8TKEET, PHILADELPHIA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealer sin Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines. &c, And a One assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WARE, No. 420 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. BOLB AUD ONLY MANUFAOTUHER8 OF THE IMPERIAL FRENCH, ADD PURE SWISS GREEN. Also, Puro "White Iead and Color MANUFACTURERS, Nos, 141 aud 14S North Fourth St., Philadelphia. gMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, On High Stbbst, East or Cawjsli St., New Bloomfleld, Penn'a. THE subscriber has built a large and commo dious Shop on High St., East of Carlisle Street new Hioomneld. fa., wuere ue is prepared to niaa uiaotureiooraer Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of erery Style, bullttoorder, and finished In the moetartlstleand durable manner. CSV Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at mucn more reasoaaoie races. -KEPAIRINOof allklndaneaUyandproup lydone AcalllssoNclted. SAMUEL' SMITH nf LANNKI.S A splendid' assortment of Flan nels. fust o pened by F. MORTIMER Philadelphia Adrertlscments. p D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS Booksellers and Stationers, And Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS WALL PAPER, ETC, No. 430 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. JfEIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Successors to SHAFFNBR, ZIEGLEfl ft CO.. . Importers and Dealers In ( IIoMlery, dloves, ItlbboiiM, Nuaipeiitlern, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety ol TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No.86, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. Agent 8 for Lancaster Comb. jower, pons & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. BLANK BOOKS Always on hand, and made to Order. Nos. S30 Market and S2S Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO . Publishers of Sanders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History ol ins uaiveaoiaies,j"eiion euuiune juaps.so. B ARCROFT & CO., ImporUifl and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, &o., Nos. 405 and 40T MARKET STREET. (Above Fourth, North Bide,) PHILADELPHIA. JEW. T. MOUL, REPRESENTING Weimer, Wrfcht & Watkin, Manufacturer & Wkolesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes No. 309 Market Street, K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Importibs aud Jobbkbs or AND. QUEENSWAEE, 9 23 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. w. H. KENNEDY, WITH v TRIMBLE, BRITTON ft Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 60S MARKET STREET, THILXDMLTHIA. T H Philadelphia Advertisements. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WH0LE8ALM HARDWARE HOUSE No, 628 Market Street. Philadelphia, Penn'a. gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE ONION,") JOS. M. FEUER, Proprietor 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.60 Per Day. 'I IIIS HOTEL being centrally located, and hY X Ing been entirely hkpitted. It will be fouilG as pleasant a stopping place as can be deslreU JJNDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR. COMBINED ! Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL I Everybody who sees them are delighted. JJJ The Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F.MORTIMER, W EST STREET HOTEL, Nos. 41, 42, 43 A 44 West St., NEW YOIIK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. ROOMS 50 and 75 cents per day. Charges rery MODKBATE. The best meats and vegetables In the market. BEST HKDB In the City. ; 17 lya B. X. BABBITT, Proprietor. Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIN. Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry eo Pa. r Oflloe Next door to the residence of Judge Juukln. . tut AH. MARKEL. Attorney-at-Law, New BloomUeld, Perry county. Pa. Office directly opposite the Post-Office, and adjoining the Mansion House. J-POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. Claims promptly secured and collected Writings and all legal business carefully attend ed to. 82 yl JAMES H. FERGLBON, Attorney-at-Law, NEWPORT, PA. WOfflce Market Street, near the Square. 35 6 HARLES H. SMILEY, Attorney at Law. New BloomUeld, Perry Co. Pa. WSvOfflce with G. A. Barnett, Esq., on High Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbyte rian Church. August 20, 1672. "T7M- A. BPONSLEH, Attorney-at-Law, TT Office adjoining his residence, on East Main street. New BloomUeld, Perry Co., Pa, 3 2 ly JOHN 0. 8HATTO, Surgeori Dentist, New Bloomfleld, Perry eo.. Pa. -All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done In the best manner, and at reasonable prices. MOfflce at his residence one door East of the Robinson House, and opposite Wm. A. bponsler's LawofUce. 8 2Iy TTTM. N. 8EIBF.RT, Attorney-at-Law, VV New Bloomfleld, Perry eo., Ta. Bloomfleld, 1 33 lv. , WM. M. SUTCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Bloomlleld, Perry eo.. Pa. -Omce Two doors West of F. Mortimer Store 3 1 ly T EWI8 POTTER, uotakt pubuc, New Bloom. XJ Held, Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mertgages and Leases carefully Erepared and acknowledgements taken. Air Inds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take depositions to be retd ln any court In tbe United States. 7101y fyOAA. J. T, McINTTRE, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomfleld, Perry eo.. Pa. All profeesional business promptly andfaitb fully attended to. 8 2 lr. TtTM. A. MORRISON, VV JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR, NiwGekmantows, Perry eo.. Pa. -Remittances will be made promptly feral1 Collections wade. T44 HAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, NewBlooinfleld.Perryeo.,Fa .Ofl1ce en high street. North side, nearly op pusibo me t reaujLvriaa vnurcn 3 llf RICHARD L. MAGEE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, -f)(ttceit his residene In TRNTRR TOWN. SHIP. Perry County, Penn'a., one mile South of rIX'IIAM M- sutch Justice of the leare. AND GENERAL mi l PrTim New Bloomfleld, Perry County, Penn'a 8pee!!aentlonpald ta Collections of all kinds. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages and Agreement neatlyexeeuted. Tlutl