The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, June 05, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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X(0(5h,l l)epxitncit.
On and after May Hth, Trains run at fallow! I
way Mull Aco.i
J'tmMalliAtl'.i Mffl.
Kane ir'n irn
F.x. Tr'u El. Aco.
a. M. p.w. p. H.
P.M. 'P.M.
I 48
5. (A
A. Ill
7. Sit
l'cirt Hoyal....
l.ewtntown J.,
N. Hamilton, .
1 .SO,
13. 63
7. Ill
7 Ml1
7. HO 10.201
li. w!
i m .m
6 HO
a in
4 . Ml S .10
11.04 , 6.40. 8.4H
10H4 I.UI, I.M
111 10 4.47
.87: 4.ia'
8 Ml 8.2H a.oul
t.llt 9.60 0.16
Tyrone, .......
nr-pittnhurir RxprKsa leavr Hnrrlilmiv at 11.00 p.m.
Diinraimoti 11. as flnif: Newport 11.67 (Huh) ami ar
rive at I'uMmrnutlUo A. M.
A man named Dwinn engagoiHn blunt
ing at Alms house In Cumberland coun
ty was killed by a premature blast on
Thursday last.
Mr. John Klnes, a resident of Juniata
two., was kli'ked in the face by a horse
and received painful injuries, a few days
The Dr. Galbralth form in Tjandls
burg, sold by the assignee of W. B.
Diven, was disposed of on Saturday to
Alex. Adams or this place,for 13,000.
The editors of the York Daily have
been bound over in $300 to appear at the
July term of the court to answer to the
charge of libeling E. Norman Gunnison,
of the York Disjmtch.
The State S. B. Convention meets in
Harrisburg on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of next week. The 1 It. It.,
will sell excursion tickets at two cents
per mile.
lr. Grler has purchased the little cor
ner which has been lying vacant near
the academy for many years, and Is
erecting a pretty fence and greatly im
proving the premises.
We call attention to the advertisement
of the Tuscarora Keminary, which will
be found in this issue. The location of
the school, the terms &c, will commend
this Seminary to the public.
The Church of God held a Sabbath
School Convention at Shiremanstown
last week. Landisburg was selected as
the place where the next annual conven
tion shall be held. ' .
Haug, the young man who was taken
to the Poor House after falling from the
train at Baily'g Station on Monday a
week, received a money order from his
friends In New York and left for home.
Decoration day was not observed in
this place in any public manner. There
was one soldier's orphan that we know
of presented with a new dress, and she
appeared to think that sort of " decora
tion" was of some use.
' A man named Singleton, employed by
the P. K. H., was struck by the Atlan
tic express east, on Wednesday night
last, and badly injured. Mr. S. is a son-in-law
to Mr. Jacob Tibbens of New
port. The accident happened near Cove
-A huckster named Trego, claims to
have been robbed by highwaymen near
Montgomery's Ferry, a few days ago.
The Newport News, however thinks the
man's imagination is greater than his
regard for truth. There is deviltry
enough practiced in that part of the
county without making matters appear
worse by lying.
"yA friend says : He stepped into a mil
linery shop the other day on business,
and accidentally sat down on a bonnet
that some one had laid on the chair. He
remained there until no one was look
ing in his direction, and then quietly got
up and stepped to one side. There waB
a lady in at the time looking for a bon
net Bhaped to suit her. She finally
found the one he had put in shape, and
it just took her fancy : it was just what
sue waniea, so sue said.
See advertisement of Worcester's Dic
tionary on 6th page. J. B. Lippincott
& Co., publisher.
Attempted Suicide. On Sunday a week
Mrs. Kauffmau of Greenwood twp., at
tempted to commit suicide by taking
arsenic. She however took an over dose
which had the effect to produce vomit
ing thus saving her life.
Another Bobbery. On Thursday night
a week the house of David Deckard in
Howe twp., was broken into and robbed
of about $25 in money and a lot of cloth
ing. The latter was found in an orchard
near by.
.yTeadly Cut. John Fleisher, son of
Georgo Fleisher, of Markelvllle cut his
foot almost entirely off with a broad-axe
on Friday last whilst hewing a log. Dr,
Brubakerof that place was called in. to
attend to the wound.
Vtwo Boys Drowned. Two colored boys
residing near Millerstown were drowned
on Friday last above the dam at that place
while in swimming. One was named
Woodburn, and the other was a lad liv
ing with Jerry Green, his name we did
not learn. , '
s .
LInt nf unrOflimflH lot.t.pra rpmalnlnv In
the Post Office at New Bloomfleld,' June
1st, 1877: ...
M. Wm, Bowers i Mra. Barbara A. Danner
Mrs. Wm. Chapman ) Dr. Hoover; Miss Jule
.-wcnais air. Jeremiah Hansen Mrs. Reuey
L. J. Bhardon, Esq. -
Persons calling for the above letters, please
8. Roath, Post Master.
8.110 1.8S
s.ia .
Sill l.M
II (111 J . 41
!! i.m
MS 8.31)
10.10 in
lu.U 4.00
11.14 4.17
11.40 4.M
131 ft. HO
I. is e.4i
I.W 7.20
P.M. P.M.I
Annlrfpntnllv Shot. Some dnvs nco a
ten year old son of Mr. Andrew Hart
man residing in Liberty Valley accident
ally shot himself with a pistol injuring
himself so badly as to cause death in a
few days. The lad had the pistol in his
pocket when it fell to the ground, caus
ing it to discharge. Manv of our readers
will remember the boy as, one of the
members or the Hartman troupe that
gave concerts in various parts of this
county last fall and winter.
Unfortunate Accident. On Wednesday
evening a little son of Mr. Thos. II. Mil-
ligan of Newport fell out the second
story window striking on the pavement
with such force as to make him insensi
ble, besides breaking his leg above the
knee. The fracture was a very bad one,
the bone pushing through the flesh.
After the fracture had been adjusted the
child moved so that during the night
the bone again slipped from its place and
had to be reset; At latest accounts the
lad was getting along as well as could be
expected. ,
The Weather for May. B. Mclutlre,
Esq., furnishes the following report of
the weather for May :
Average of Thermometer at 8 o'clock
A. M., 53, 87". Average maximum
62, 60". Average minimum 4tF, 8H".
Average of Barometer, 30 Inches minus
0-tenths. There fell 2 inches and 0-tenths
of rain. The wind came from the N.
W 10 days, from the N. K., 4 days,
from the N. and W., 0 days, from the K
and S. E 8 days, from the B. and S. W.
8 days. Some days variable. The cold
est day 10th, Ther. 42", the warmest day
20th, Ther. 85. The month was the
coolest and dryest May for many years.
A Horse that Wouldn't Die. A few days
ago Mr. George Eckert, of Centre twp.,
was unfortunate enough to have his best
horse attacked with a sickness that
promised to end in a manner disastrous
to the equine quadruped. Every exer
tion was made to save the life and valu
able services of the animal ; the best
medical talent was 8ecured,lmt all was
of no avail. The opinion was given
that the horse must die, and so George
said if that is so, V I will lead, the ani
mal to the woods and save the 'trouble of
hauling him out (for a dead horse is
heavy to haul." He therefore led him
to a secluded spot and tied him to a tree.
Next morning he thought he would
go out and give the animal a decent bur
ial, and perhaps heave a sigh and drop a
tear over the grave. But we can all im
agine the sad disappointment of our
friend when he reached the spot where
the horse had been tied, and found that
the animal had eaten every green leaf
and twig within reach, and was appar
ently anxious for more feed.' Mr. E. led
his horse home again and the obstinate
animal is getting all fight . '
iT See Schwartz's Advertisement.
Doings In the Register's Office. Letters
of Administration during the past month
have been granted as follows. To Mrs.
Catharine Wertz on the estate of Solo
mon Wertz,of Centre twp. ; to J. Wesley
Gantt, on the estate of Patrick McKen
ney of Centre twp. ; to Jacob M. Stam
baugh on estate of John Stambaugh, of
Tyrone tp.; to Lena Lukenburg on the
estate of Adam Lukenburg of Bye twp.;
to Micbtel Derrick on the estate of Liv
ingston Stewart of Penn twp. ; to Ed
ward Harper on the estate of Charles
Sweezey of Newport ; to Margaret II.
Kerr, on estate of Thompson W. Kerr,
of TuBcarora twp.
Letters testamentary have been grant
ed as follows : To Emanuel Freeman
and Jacob H. Wolf, on the estate of Ja
cob H. Wolf, of Savilie twp.; to Dr. D.
B. Milliken on the estate of Mollle
Laughlin of Landisburg ; to Christian
and Henry Gelbach on the estate of
John Gelbach of Wheatfleld ; to Har
rison Reed on the estate of Margaret
Reed of Newport ; to Dr. J. II. Case on
the estate of Rachel Keefer, of Liver
pool. Assignments have been placed on rec
ord as follows : Peter Swartz and wife of
Saville to John Rouse ; Margaret Don
ley and James P. Donley of Carrol to
John S. Ritchie.
g" See Schwartz's Advertisement.
Sheriff '8 Sales. On Friday last the
following properties were sold by the
Sheriff. The Marshall furnace proper
ty at Newport, was sold in six tracts, J.
M. Pile being the purchaser of all. Tract
No. 1, for $3,750;' tract No. 2, $25 ;
tract No 3; $1,300; tract No. 4, $75.00 ;
tract No. 5, $900 ; tract No. $45."
A tract of land situate in Liverpool
twp., seized as the property of Simon
S. Charles, sold to S. & W. C. Thompson
for $935.00. Also, a tract of woodland in
same twp., for $20.00. Also, a lot of
ground in Liverpool for $108.00. Also,
another lot of ground in Liverpool for
A tract of land situate In Centre twp.,
seized as the property of Gotleib Light,
sold to Felix Glngerlch for $3400.
A tract of land situate in Tuscarora
twp., seized as the property of Davidson
Miller, sold to Adam Clouser for $34.
A lot of ground situate In Liverpool
borough, seized as the property of Jere
miah O'Nell, sold to Adam Darner for
$540. ' ' '
A tract of land situate in Watts twp.,
Seized as the property of James Wright,
sold to W. A. Sponsler for $500.
A tract of land situate In Oliver twp.,
seized as the property of Abel Longacre,
sold to Henry Smith for $450.
A lot of ground situate in Duncannon,
telzed as the property of Lewis Berg
stresser, sold to Susquehanna Building
Association, for $085.
A lot of ground situate in Greenwood
twp., seined as the property of George A
Maria Maus, sold to W. A. Sponsler for
A lot of ground situate in Millerstown
borough, seized as the property of Eliza
beth R. & J. H. KIpp, sold to Mary
Harris for $2,550.
Accident. A few days ago Mr. C. Bit
ner was driving from Strasburg to Fan
nettsburg in company with his mother
and his daughter. When making the
big turn on Strasburg Mountain, the
horse took fright and commenced rear
ing and plunging, finally running ofT.
Mr. Bltner was thrown out over the
dash-board, the vehicle passing over his
hand crushing it badly. His mother
and daughter were also thrown out, the
child having her leg broken. The horse
ran alout two miles before he was cap
tured. Mr. James Carbaugh took charge
of the party, taking them to Fannetts
burg where their injuries were attended
to. Repository.
Rather Old Fogylsh. The York True
Democrat says : There is a man In New
bury township, this county, named
Jacob Garretson. He Is a large farmer,
wealthy,and in no hurry to get his work
done. He has now 10 acres of unshock
ed corn standing in the field in shocks
from last year's yield. He intends to
shock the corn next week. His wheat
and oats of lust year are as yet unthresh
cd ; has still 13 acres of corn land to
plow for this year, and hopes to plant in
June ; he has 00 barrels of prime cider
on hand, owns good buildings, CO hogs,
80 sheep with other stock, is contented
and happy, and don't care whether the
school keeps or the master courU the
girls. It is evident that he don't expect
the world to end this year, and when the
angel Gabriel blows his trumpet, it will
find him JuBt getting ready to harrow.
ST See Schwartz's Advertisement.
For The Bloomfleld Tlniea.
XMr. Editor: On last Tuesday even
ing, the Blain Band went out into the
country to serenade some of the citi
zens. That day being the 21st anniversa
ry of the married life of Solomon F.
Bower, one of the Commissioners of the
county, the Band gave him a serenade,
after which the Baud was treated to an
excellent supper, served up by the Com
mission's wife, who is one of the best
cooks in the county. Mr. Bower is one
of the most successful farmers of the
Upper End. He has two farms lying
side by side, and under the highest state
of cultivation. The Band came away
well pleased with their entertainment.
The following correspondence explains
itself so fully that comment from us is
Habrisdcho, May 23, 1877.
Hon. J. r. Wiclcertham, SuptrinUndent of
Soldiert' Orphan Hchooit MY DEAR BlRf
Certain scandalous rumors having been pat in
circulation by evil disposed and untruthful
busy bodies, which are calculated to injure me
and brine; odium upon my good name, I appeal
to you as the proper source from which such
information must come to prove the assertions
cither trne or fulBe. The report and rumor al
luded to above is to tho effect that I was com
pelled to dispose of the property known as the
White Hall school, and retire from the position
of Superintendent on account of want of abil
ity and misdemeanor had I not done so the
Department, over which you have the honor to
preside, would have removed me or transferred
the children elsewhere. Be kind enough to in
form me at your earliest convenience whether
or not there Is any truth in the above named
report, and oblige yours most respectfully,
John Dim.
Commonwealth of Pmnsylvania, Department
of rublie Inttruetion, JIarriburff,Jfay23,W77.
John Ddm Dbar Bir : In answer to your
letter of yesterday I have to say that your sale
of the property known as the White Hall
school was in no way brought about by any
action of this department, and the question of
transferring the children from your care was
never considered by ns.
Yours, respectfully,
'or The Timra
Nbw Blp alo, May 33rd, 1877.
Mr. Editor : On the night of the tilth Inst.,
two masked men entered through a window on
the first floor .the residence of Wm.J. McMorrls
In Watts township, and after devouring eata
bles, fouling the milk by throwing earth into
it, and opening several Jars of fruit, they
sea rched every portion of the honse for valua
bles, and finally mado their way to the bed
room or tna family, f inding me aoor locked
ther forced it open and pointing revolvers at
occupants, demanded tbelr money, and threat
ened to kill them if they made any alarm.
Thev then compelled Mrs. M. to get np and
give them the money she had. which fortunate
ly only amounted to HU.-O. i aoy men ordered
her to get Into bed, and an old lady by the
name of Wolf to go down stairs and lock the
door after them, threatening to return and
kill the whole family if any alarm was made.
Mr. M. was not at home at the time of the
robbery, and no doubt this was known by the
It is believed the same persons stole a ham
of meat and table cloth from Samuel Steel, re.
sldlDg on the same firm, but at some distance
from Mr. M's. the same mgni.
The above communication shonld have
reached ns In time for last week, bnt under the
" fast mall" facilities did not reach us till after
onr paper was mailed. Ed
Cumberland County. We copy tho fol
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers of last week :
One of the most startling crimes that
has been committed in our town for
many years was consummated on Satur
day night. Mr. Samuel Kronenberg,
better known as Cheap John, was wend
ing his way homeward, after a very busy
day, about 10.15 o'clock on the eveVilng
nnmed. and, nearly opposite the Jail, on
Main street, was attacked by two men,
(white,) one of whom caught him by the
throat and held him while the other
robbed him of his valuables. Mr. K.
struggled as best he could, but a tight
grip upon his throat made resistance
useless. The thieves, whoever they were,
succeeded In getting $300 In money, an
elegant watch and the store-keys. This
loss falls heavily upon Mr. K., as he is
not a man of great means. The sever
ity of the grasp upon his throat may be
inferred from the fact that he was very
sore yet on Monday morning.
On Saturday morning, about nine
o'clock, the larire barn on the farm of
Jacob Slieely, situated about two miles
Routli ot oyster's 1'olnt, was discovered
to be on fire, and in a very short time
after the lire was discovered, the build
ing was a heap of ruins. Among the
losses enumera led was the destruction of
400 bushels of corn, a spring wagon,
reaping machine, and a number of other
farming implements. Live stock all
saved. -vLoss not known. Mirror.
fW Bee Schwartz's Advertisement.
Juniata County. We copy the follow
ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week.
A daughter of Samuel Stlmellng, re
siding in Water street, Mifllintown,
whilst playing along the bank of the
canal, fell in, and was almost drowned
before she was rescued.
On Friday evening last, Edward, son
of Mr. Samuel Strayer, of the borough
of Patterson accidentally shot himself
through the heart of the left hand witli
a pistol. The ball passed entirely through
the hand. Dr. Banks dressed the wound.
A few days ago Robert, a young son
of Mr. Thomas Patton, of Spruce Hill
township, was kicked by a colt and seri
ously injured, while leading the animal
to water.
Our Readers cannot fail to notice the
advertisement of Isidoh Sciiwautz in
another column, where they will find it
to their advantage to purchase anything
in his line.
Church Notice.
Preaching in the Lutheran church
next Sabbath at 2i o'clock P. M.
Preaching in the Reformed church
next Sunday at 10 o'clock A. M.
Preaching in the M. EM Church next
Sunday morning at 104 o'clock.
Presbyterian Service next Sunday
morning at 104 o'clock. Sabbath School
at 94 a. m. Prayer meeting next Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock.
See Schwartz's odvertisement on 8th
Go For 'Em. The potato bug is already
doing great damage. The ravages of thl
nuisance, the cabbage worm,and all other
pests of the kind can be stopped by us
ing the " Pest Poison." It is the cheap
est and surest remedy to be had. For
sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomfleld,
Perry county, Pa. tf.
. i i -
For Sale 1 A good Sulky and a second
hand open Bukk.v. Terms, 4 to 6 months
credit. Call on or address J. W. Got-
w alt, New Bloomfleld, Pa. 22
Special Notice. Having added a room
for the express purpose of showing car
pets oil cloth and wall paper, we ask
persons wanting any of these articles to
look at our assortment,
tf. ' F. Mortimer.
Wall Papers. Over 300 designs for
Halls, Parlors, Dining-rooms, Ac., low
as 8 cents up to beautiful tints and Deco
rations, at the Carpet Store,
21, East Main St., Carlisle.
" The Above All," is a new brand of
chewing tobacco, and is without a peer
for excellence and sweetness. For sale,
wholesale and retail, by J.B. Hartzell
in Gantt 's Building.
Do You Want One? I have yet several
sewing machines which will be sold at
half price for cash. If you want a bar
gain, now is your time to get it.
F. Mortimer.
"Above All Navy Tobacco." Cau
tion. Every 5c. and 10c. plug of this
Celebrated Tobacco is labelled "Wardle's
Above All." None is genuine without.
Ask your merchants for "Above All"
Chewing Tobacco.
Purchasers of Carpets, Wall Papers,
Shades, Oil Cloths and general house
furnishing goods of this kind should see
the large spring stock at the Carlisle
Carpet House, 21, East Main Street.
Carpets, Carpets. Beautiful Brussels. 3
plys and Ingrain, with 30 patterns in
Homemade Carpets, Hemps, Halls and
Stairs at the Carlisle Carpet House,
21, East Main St., Carlisle.
Blank Receipt Books for Administrators
and Executors. Also blank notes and
all other blanks for sale at this office, tf
The celebrated "Capital Lead, which
is unequalled for whiteness and durabil
ity always on hand and for sale by
tf. F. Mortimer.
Removal. J. T. Messimerhas remov
ed his Shoe Shop to the room adjoining
F. B. Clouser's office, 4 doors west of the
Post-Office, where he will make to order
Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Repair
ing promptly and neatly executed. He
will also keep on hand a good assort
ment of Boots aud Shoes, which he will
sell at low prices. Give him a call. 17
New Tailor Shop. The undersigned
gives notice to the public that I he has
opened a shop opposite Rinesmlth's
hotel New Bloomfleld, Pa., in the room
formerly used as a confectionary, where
he Is prepared to do work in his line
promptly, and at reasonable prices.
All work warranted to give satisfaction.
Give nie aeall. Samuel Bentzel.
Bloomfleld, May 1, '77 tf.
Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Window
KliHilea. MhIIh. Mm irk. Itnnsoeba. An. . nr.
the Carpet Store in Carlisle.,
Philadelphia Produce and Stock Report
l'nii.AiiFT.niiA. June 2. Trade has been light
the pRit week with more steadiness In prices.
The fiilllnniitT In price of grain has tended to re.
ducellie quantity ollemt which has somewhat
stltlPtiBd prlees. Rales were made yeKlerdav at
following rates: Wheat 1752.O0; (lorn. fctlMMli
Rye, 78; Oats.41I7: Cloverseed, "JU and dull
Stocks: r-enn'a., R. R. , VPi s Reading. 11U: I.e.
hlKh Vnllcy, 8": Nor. Central, l'lilraat Erie,
6'A. Oold.lOfi.
County Price Current. .
Hi.oomfiklu, June 4, 1877.
Klax-Heed 1 25
Potatoes 11.20
Butter V pound lOftlS
Eggs V dozen 11 "
Dried Apples V pound Sects'
Dried Peaches 8 12 ots. V ft
Cherries 0 O0 cts. "
" ntted ooeooets.'
Blackberries 0 6 Acts. "
Corrected Weekly by Kough Brother.)
Nbwpokt, June 1, 177.
Flour, Extra - IS 75
" Suiter 5 00
White Wheat V bu 1 75 a 1 75
Red Wheat 1 70 Ol TO
Rye 85685
Corn,.. , 48 O50 -
Oat V 83 pounds, 4040
Clover Seed. 7 0097 00
Tlmothjr Seed i 1 50
Flat Heed 100
Potatoes i 180 ISO
Bacon 8 O 12
Dressed Hogs
Ground Alumn Salt 1 40 01 40
Llmeburner'sCoal, 115
Stove Coal,.. 4 00 O 4 60
Pea Coal 2 50 .
Gordon's Food per Sack 12 00
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
lynent Market Kates.
" Five per cent on lor Cash.
Henrt Mathews. On Saturday the 19th ult...
by the Rev. Dr. Kheindmond. Mr. It. 8. Henry, of
Duncannon, to Miss Letlle Mathews of Lebanon.
Campbell Smith. On Thursday evening the
31st ult., at the Reformed Parsonage In Newport,
by Kev. J. Kretzinjt, Mr. Robert B. Campbell, of
Juniata twp., to Miss Kmma Smith of Oliver twp.
Desth notlrpn hot exiwdlnir S lines Iniwrtert without
cbarKe. bnt 6 cents per line will invariably be
churned for Tributes of Ueapect, Poetry, or other
Peters In Watts township, on the 14th nit.,
Mrs. Fanny Peters, wife of Mr. Michael Peters,
aged 47 years, 10 months and 27 days.
Habeokek. On the 29th ult.. in Kast Newport,
Mrs. Mary, wife of J. J, Uabecker, aged 23 years,
2 months and 4 days.
Dooohton. On the 23rd nit.. In Greenwood
twp., Juniata county, F. M. Doughton,aged about
50 years.
Hweezt. On the28th ult.. In Newport, Mr.
Charles Bweezy, aged about 65 years.
Miiabb. On the 24th ulL, In Saville twp., Lebp
Miller, aged 77 years, 5 months and 21 days.
Gbi.bach. On the 16th ult., In Wheat held twp.,
John Gelbach, aged 76 years, 1 mouths, and 6
days. ,
Engle's Temple of Fashion, j
Corsets 40 cents.
2 Button Kid Glove .'...60 "
6 Turkish Towel 25
Large Counterpanes 50 "
Clark's Cotton 6 w
Ladles' Silk Ties 15 - "
3 pair Splendid Hose 25 ' "
liy Jiillineiy Department h Complete. '
All the Latest 8tyles ot HATS and BONNETS.
3, Bleaching and Pressing done Promptly at
the KIUHT I'lllCE.
Miss Bell's Old Stand,
Tuscarora Seminary
A Home School. Beautiful Scenery.
Healthful Climate. Full Course, v
Musie a Specialty. Modern Lan-f
fuaees. experiencea leacliers. No
alf wavork. NAYt HMntnit hrina 1
beat. 6th 1877. Send for Cuculax to I
C. F. KOLBE, A. M.. Principal.
Academia. Juniata County, Pa
A8afe, Sura and Cheap Destroyar of th
"4 U. lian to
PARIS GRICN . It JImoIvm hi wm.
mad li iprlnkM. bar Mta. Aftofwr fc pluu, m to Inr.
CNIillMUMim, Baml Milra lor 3tinBt(l lb. boa.)
ivf CltflttlW wllb bundrit r W'tmiAMtaU DlKeant hi ta Iraja.
JLAiUlkir CHXAtlCAl. WOKks, r O. So. luiT
M CartUarfl Su, N.w Mnk
-foc Sale by FRANK MOBTIMEB, New
Bloom Held, Pa.
PRINTING of every description neatly ex
ecnted at the Bloomfleld Times Office, at
reasonable rates.