The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, June 05, 1877, Page 4, Image 4

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New Jiloom field, June If, 1S77,
No Onl or Strrcotypo will be Inserted In this rper
unless UirUt face and on meUl hue.
tW-Twenty per cent. Ihipiw of reprnlar rates, will
be ohswod for dvorttsmeut et tu IJoubio Column.
J,ooh t the flaiires on the Intinl of yonr rrer.
oBollitnrrBtrll von the dnto lo yninsub-
cvlptloiitsr-nld. Within weeks alter money 1;
nt, see If the date la ehausrcd. ho other rooolit
la necoeaai-y.
;v.r iha nforninl !on of ndvertlsersand
others who may be interested in know
ing, we will state thnt the present circu
lation of The TniES lsbctween eighteen
hundred and nineteen hundred copies
each week.
Ex-Fresident Grant arrived in
Liverpool on the 28th ult. He was re
ceived by the Mayor who extended to
him the hospitality of the city which
General Grant accepted. ,
The Republican State Central com
mittee, assembled at Harrlsburg, Ta.,
Wednesday, decided to hold the State
Convention at that place on the 29th of
next August.
At Montreal, Canada, a very im
portant decision was made last week by
the Court, which mulcted in $500 dam
ages and costs member's of the Stone
cutters' Association who conspired
against non-union fellow-workmen.
This la a decision that will have the ef
fect to check the interference of trade
union members with those who do not
belong to their organization in the Do
minion at least .
It seems to be better in Rome cases to
be an Englishman rather than a citizen
of the United States. During the in
famous attack on Judge Chisholm and
his family in Mississippi, there was one
man killed who was a British subject.
That government is already asking for
Information on the subject, while neither
the State nor our National government
has as yet taken any steps to punish the
assassins, or prevent a recurrence of the
outrage. , ., . :
Ox last Monday in the Presbyterian
Assembly at Chicago, the Committee on
Church Extension made a report, show
ing gross receipts of $100,000, and a cash
balance of 520,000. One hundred and
seventy-two churches have been erected
during the past year, with an average
paid to each church of $500. Four hun
dred and fifty-two churches have no
house of worship, but depend on the
Board of home missions. The Board
needs $150,000 for next year, and appeals
to churches to raise it.
A Boston paper has the generosity to
pay Philadelphia the following hand
some compliment :
There is one thing that is.beyond all
dispute, and that Is the go-aheadness of
the Philadelphians and Pennsylvanians
of late. They carried the Centennial
along with wonderful tact and persist
ent energy; they have returned the
' million and a-half loan to the United
States government ; have secured a Per
manent Exhibition, unexcelled by any
in the world; and now they have organ
ized an association to promote the ex
porting of American manufactured
goods of every description.
One of the causes . which drove the
Central Railroad of New Jersey into the
hands of a receiver has just come to
light. For the past four years the com
pany has been systematically robbed of
over one hundred dollars daily by a
combination consisting of ferry masters,
conductors, ticket agents, respectable
residents of Jersey City and Newark,
and merchants whose places of business
are on the streets near the ferry. The
number of men banded together, and
their apparent respectability and stand
ing in society, for a time defeated the
efforts of detectives to fasten guilt ou
them, but last Monday night two of the
leading spirits of the affair, one said to
be a trusted official of the road, were'
arrested at Newark. Details of this
systematic robbery will probably be
made public within a short time.
Prisoners' Rights.
Judge Biddle, of Philadelphia, has in
formed the District Attorney that he
would not hear any case where the com
monwealth was not represented by its
proper officer. He a'dded : "In the
criminal courts the only offenses tried
are those against the Commonwealth,
and they are not to be prosecuted to suit
the vindictiveness of private suitors, but
the demands of public justice. The of.
fleers of the Commonwealth are under
the obligation of an oath to see that the
prosecution is conducted with that view
alone, and they ure responsible to the
law for its proper performance. A pris
oner in our Stute is entitled to imparti
ality from the prosecuting officer as well
as from the Judge and Jury. When the
District Attorney desires to associate
private counsel with himself in the pros
eeutlon, for publio reasons, permission
can always be obtained from the court.
The Old Three Cent Coin. .
A Washington dispatch last Thursday
stated that the small three cent pieces
coined in 1853, which disappeared with
the other silver coins when the fractional
paper currency was Issued, are now
coming back Into circulation in such
quantities as to prove a source of great
annoyance to postmasters in different
sections of the country. Bo troublesome
have they become that the Post-ofllce
Department has issued a circular in
forming postmasters that these, with
the other minor silver, nickel and cop
per coins of the United States are re
deemable when presented in sums of
twenty dollars or any multiple thereof
to the Mint In Philadelphia, the Treas
urer of the United States, or to any
Assistant Treasurer.
Thieving Officials.
The auditors appointed by the county
Court a year ago to make an audit of
the Luzerne county finances for the past
seven years, have finished their labors,
and the report reveals a record of official
dishonesty unparalleled In the previous
history of the county, and shows how,
for seven years past, the commissioners,
treasurers, sheriffs, clerks and others,
have stolen, boldly, large sums from the
The thefts took all possible shnpes,
such as bogus contracts, changing rec
ords, altering figures, retaining taxes,
&c. Positive proof was furnished, by
the auditors of $50,000 Stolen from time
to time, but the full amountof the seven1
years steal will doubtless reach $100,000.
Some of the dishonest officials, Includ
ing an ex-treasurer, three county com
missioners, a clerk and a former auditor,
have been already con victed and are now
in prison. The people are determined
to bring the perpetrators of these crimes
to justice.
Attempt to Murder a Family.
Philadelphia, May 28. Theresa
Weiss, aged 45 years, was arrested to
day charged with attempting to poison
the family of Mr. Slegel, No. 215 George
street, by sprinkling corrosive sublimate
over some strawberries, butter and other
articles of food, and also putting some of
It in a pitcher of milk which was to be
used by the family for supper. Rosa
Bishop, aged 18, saw some of the poison
adhering to the pitcher and swallowed a
mouthful of the milk. Mrs. Knew, who
resides in the house, also tasted the
milk. They were both seized with a
burning sensation in the stomach, but
receiving medical aid were soon relieved.
Quite a large quantity of the posion was
found on the person of the prisoner. She
had some difficulty with the family,
which led Mr. Seigel to serve on her a
notice to leave the premises.
A Short Wedded Life.
On Sunday, April 1st, 1877, Rev.
Abram Long,' Pastor of the Bethel
Church In Donegal township, was called
to the house of Mrs. Beatty to unite In
holy wedlock John Eichly, Jr., to
Martha Beatty. The wedding ceremony
was performed and to the dismay of
every one (says the groom) the bride re.
fused to further sanction the marriage
by insisting on living separately from
her husband. Over a month has elapsed
since the happy (V) event, and now the
groom appears in a card which we pub
lish elsewhere, warning the publio not
to trust his wife on his account as he
will pay no debts contracted by her.
The groom is not 20 years old while the
lady is 20. Marietta Time.
A Very Sad Case.
Two children (a girl and a boy) of Ja
cob F. Mentzer, of Lancaster, died sud
denly of something like diptheria, and
were buried last week. During the
double interment a gang of drunken
rowdies fought in an open Held adjoin
ing theburying-ground, interrupting the
funeral services by horrible paths and
imprecations, for which several of them
were arrested. The parents had scarcely
returned home when the third child died
of the same disease as the first two.
A Novel Will Case.
Honesdale, Pa., May 29. The Fos
ter will case, which from its novel feat
ures excited such wide Interest through.
out this section of Pennsylvania.has been
decided against the contestants. This
was the case in which Isaac P. Foster, a
wealthy citizen of this village, died, and
no will was found. W. H. II. Foster, a
son, Insisted that the deceased had made
a will, and the alleged document was re
produced by C. S. Minor from notes
given him by the deceased, from which
the missing will had been drawn. This
was admitted to probate by Register
Barnes. It deviBtd the bulk of the prop
erty owned by the testator to his son
W. H. Foster, leaving a comparatively
small portion to bedivided among a large
number of heirs. These latter appealed
from the decision of the register , and
contested the document, which they de
clared was no will, taking the ground
that Mr. Foster had destroyed the will
he made previous to his death in Decem
ber last. The case came up at the May
session of the county court, and the de
rision of the register in admitting the
document to probate was affirmed, the
will reproduced being held to be a valid
Mill. Judge Dreher, before whqm, most
of the Molly Mogul res were tried, deliv
ered the opinion. Associate Judge Av
ery dissented from the decision. The
case will doubtless be carried higher.
3T A deacon In one of the Newburg
churches was deeply Interested in the
sermon last Sunday night. He sat In
the corner of his pew, two little boys
came next, and beyond them was a
sharp-vlsaged woman. He leaned back,
rested his arms on the back of the seat,
touched somebody's hand, and, suppos
ing it to be a child's fist, covered it with
his own and pressed it. Suddenly the
lady In the pew shrieked; "You had
better look out ; I'll slap your face ;"
and the bewildered deacon received a
stinging blow across the mouth. The
deacon sought refuge in the open air,
and the congregation gossiped after the
Who Owns this Gold I
A man in Dearborn county, Ind.,
bought a house and some land of anoth
er, and in tearing up the floor of the
house found" $1,400 In gold, which the
former owner had hidden there, and for
got to remove when he sold the proper
ty. The finder insists that this is one of
the appurtenances thereunto appertain
ing. The former owner resists this in
A Heavenly Show.
Albany, N. Y., May 28. There was
one of the most extensive displays of
aurora borealis here to-night ever seen in
this section. The atmosphere was so
strongly impregnated with electricity
that communication was kept up for
some time with New York, Boston and
Montreal over the Western Union tele
graph wires without the use of the bat
tery. The sky was brilliantly illumina
Miscellaneous News Items.
Montreal, May 80. Another disastrous
conflagration occurred at one o'clock this
morning, by which about sixty houses were
destroyed and about the Berne number of
lamilies rendered homeless,
IW The daughter of ex-Governor
Henderson, of lexas, has died from the
exposure and anxiety of being lost in the
woods, witn tier almost belpless lather, and
going two days witnout lood.
tS Frederick Vilkinuinc;, a German.
aged thirty-three years, hanged himself
a tew days since in jNew York city, because
ills partner in business cbarged liim with
defalcation in regard to a saloon
Haktford, Ct, May 80. Mrs. Lydia
huorman, ot .Uerby, sentenced to the state
prison for life for poisoning ber husband
and six children, escaped from the prison
at Wethersfleld last night. Sue had served
about four years and a half.
GET A lady entered the famous Temple
place establishment the other day and ask
ed, " la tula tue store wbore so many girls
have been married ?" " Yes, ma'am."
"Well, x wonder if 1 could cot a situation
here for my daughter. " Boston Advertis
tW Norwicli Bulletin says: There was a
balky uorse on Alain street tue other dav
and the owner, a stranger, loft him and
went off to get a cigar. When he came
back he remarked that the animal remind
ed him of an orphan because he'd got no
l inner.
A fine looking Vermont youth tried
on a suit of clothes in Brattleboro', and
asked tue dealer to let mm so to the door
to show thom to hi mother. It is presum
ed the mother liked them, as he did not
come back. If he had left his address the
dcalor would take steps to know definitely.
tS" John Redding, of Eldorado, .Blair
county, hired at couple of tramps to help
, ; ! ii. l r.i . .
win wiwi ms miiu wuik. iney worked
satisfactorily for several days, when Mr.
Redding paid them off. The next morning
tuey were missing as wen as twenty-nve
aouars in money and some wearing apparel
tW Henry Riddler, of Quincy, 111., arriv
ed in New York on the 15th ult. lie dis
appeared on the 17th and has not sinoe been
heard from. As Mr. Riddler was known to
have a large amount of money on his per
Bon, the hotel people fear that he has met
with foul play.
CUT The Johnstown Tribune chronicles
the arrest of William W. Kinlngor of Tay.
lor township, Cambria county, on the
charge of having criminal intercourse with
a ten-year old daughter of a man named
Keefer, and to whom the child la now
A remarkably cool-headed and fear-
loBs woman of Covington, Ky., in order to
prevent her dog, which bad suddenly gone
roao, irora running loose ana biting any
body, got it into the house and held it
down by the throat for more than two
hours until her husband came home. The
dog was then taken to the river and
IW The Winston, N. C. Sentinel says
a child in this vicinity was lost week stung
or bitten by a locust, and died from the
effects two days afterwards. We have
heard of a similar case which occurred
here years ago, when a negro, belonging
to tho late C. L. Banner, was stung by one
of theBO insects and died two hours after
wards. t3T Fittsfiold, Mass., bad a remarkable
elopement ou Thursday. Early in the
morning a little son of James Carver, aged
three years and a half, and a three-yenr-old
daughter of Bnmuel Parker were missing,
and after a vain search in the neighborhood,
they were found late in the afternoon
taking dinner at a house in Ponf oasno,
tnree mues ana a uan irora tueir homes.
tA little daughtor of Noah G. lTnrsev.
a farmer, residing near Maytown, Lancas
ter county, was burned to death recently.
Her mother had been engaged killing
caterpillars, with burning rags. Tie fire
notuelng smliciont, she sent tue girl for oil, ,
which the latter poured on some rags on
fire. The oil burst into a flame, and the
Ore was communicated to the child's dress.
Death followed iu a few minutes.
tW William Long more familiarly
known as " Old Uncle Billy Long" of
Pennfleld, Clearfield county, wbo is one of
the pioneers, and has always made his
living by hunting, while out a mile or two
from tnat place recently, came across a
gray wolf with five young ones. In the
evening he returned and captured all the
young ones while the old wolves were away
hunting food. He has them in his posses
sion now, and is highly delighted with the
tW A man named Steam, of Huntingdon
county, was induced to go through a cere
mony which he was informed would make
him a full Hedged Mason. After he had
been initiated he was in the most exuber
ant mood in the belief that he bad been
made a member of the order. He soon
learned that he had been duped, and now
he is bringing suit against the parties who
put him through the trying ordeal of tho
bogus Initiation for assault and battery.
tW Miss Ida nawley, of Ilornellsville,
Steuben county, aged twenty, committed
suicide by drowning a few days ago. She
left a paper setting forth ber reasons for
refusing to live, in which she writes that
sue was young and healthy tuat she had
never felt the lack of love, of friends, of
food or clothing. She voluntarily abandon
ed life, as she says, from " a deep seated
conviction that it was not worth living ;
a prospect of a life beyond the world which
this is but a preparation for, beiug vague
and chimerical."
tW K Glastonbury, Conn., butcher
named G rover essayed the role of a snake
charmer the other day, but he won't try it
again immediately. Home one had caught
a big rattle-snake and was exhibiting it in
a box, when G rover, remarking that lie
wasu't scared by that kind of cattle, took
the reptile out of the box and performed a
variety of dare-devil tricks with it, wind
ing it around bis neck and putting its head
in his mouth, and finally bit the snake on
the throat. This was too much for the
ophidian's forbearauce,and it instantly bu
ried its fangs in Grover's cheek. This
close d the entertainment, and by keeping
U rover stutied full ot gin lor tue rest ot the
day, his friends managed to save his life.
Baltimore, May 27. This afternoon Mrs.
JJucboslay, wife of J no. JJucboslay, a Bohe
mian, in the enjoyment of a prosperous
business, requested him to accompany her
to Baltimore Cemetery to adorn the grave
of ber husband with turners, lie declined,
and, as on previous occasions, appeared
melancholy at her attention to the memory
of ber former spouse. She went to the
cemetery, however, strewed the grave with
flowers, and spent several hours in the
grounds. On returning she found the
house closed. An entrance was forced, and
the corpse of Duchoslay found hanging to
a wardrobe. The body was warm when
found, but efforts to restore animation fail-
Mr. Duchoslay was fifty-two years old.
Barah C. Cregg was a graduate of
(Jane mil College : un tue lira ot (Septem
ber, 1876, she was married to George
Elliott, contrary to the wishes ot her
father. Two days latter, the father of
Mrs. Elliott killed George Elliott. The
Sheriff and posse tried to arrest Cregg, he
resisted, and they shot and killed him.
After the death of her father, Mrs. Elliott
made her home with the family of her
deceased husband. At the time or her
suicide, no one was about the house except
the mother of ber deceased husband and a
little girl. The little girl went into the
room where Mrs. Elliott was, and said she
wanted to go to sleep. Mrs. Elliott in
duced her to go out by promising to give
ber nice dresses and ribbons, and tuen she
shot herself in the heart.
The Dictionary as an Instructor.
We notice as a matter well worth
mentioning that at the recent great pub
lishers' trade sale In New York, tho
books that were most in demand and
brought the best prices were Webster's
Dictionaries, from the famous Quarto to
the neat and handy pocket edition.
This fact Is a good indication of the
almost universal popularity of these
books, and of the growing publio de
mand for them. It Indicates also a fact
of far greater importance, and that is
the interest tho people are taking in the
study of their own language. This is
encouraging, as there is no branch of
education that is now and has been so
much neglected as the common branches
of spelling and denning. It is often as
tonishing and grievous to see how
grosslv ignorant are children and youth
and even men and women, of the or-
thogiaphy, pronunciation and meaning
of ordinary words and phrases. They
cannot express their thoughts for the
want of words, and often they express
thoughts very different from what they
intend, because they do not understand
the words they employ. And very fre
quently, from the same cause, they take
no idea, or wrong Ideas, from what they
read or near.
The remedy for these evils is the
proper training in the study of
the use of the Dictionary, and this train
ing should begin as soon as thechild can
distinguish between one word and an
other, and continue Indefinitely. The
apparatus for this study should.of course
be the most complete and thorough to be
had, and this is abundantly supplied
in Webster's Dictionaries, which are
justly recognized, wherever our lan
guage is spoken, as the standard author
ity hi English. Parent and teachers can
in no other way so effectually or so
cheaply promote the educational interests
of their children, when of suitable age,
as by putting in their hands any one of
Webster 8 ecnooi Dictionaries, lor utiuy
use in connection with the study of their
lessons, and by placing on the family
center table, or the teacher's desk as the
authorative guide and standard, a copy
of the Unabridged.
The unabridged contains 8,000 Illustra
tions, over 114,000 words In Its vocabu
laries, and 10,000 words and meanings
not in any other Dictionary ; theabrldg
ed editions comprise ' the Primary,'
wnica nas uie largest scale, ana whlcli
1ms some capital rules for spelling. "The
Common School" Is similar, but larger,
with tables of synonyms, Ac. " The
High School," still fuller, with many
useful tables', "The Academic" and
" Counting-house" for advanced schools
and for general home and business use.
i ne latter lias some specially valuable
commercial and financial tables. The
little " Pocket" edition, with its bright
gilt edges and morocco binding. Is trulv
an invaluable pocket companion. It
contains more man in,ooo words, rules
for spelling, many abbreviations, words
and phrases, proverbs, etc., ordinarily
met with in the Greek, Latin and Mod
ern languages. Whether it Is convenient
or not to have copies of any of the other
books of the series, we certainly recom
mend mat an snouiu possess a copy of
the Pocket, which, when not otherwise
obtainable, may be had by mall, by in
closing $1.00 to the publishers, Messrs.
138 and 140 Grand Street, New York.
See Schwartz's Advertisement.
Onlv a Fin. T havn rppplvpH annttier
lot of good colors of the 61 cent prints.
jjois oi otner jmp, w uvoub are also in
Store and for sale at a barcnin. Call
and see them. -
F. Mortimer.
The advertiser, having been nermanentlv cured!
of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple
remeuy, is anxious 10 mane Known to nis ienow
sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire It,
lie will send a copy of the prescription used, (free
of charge), with the dlrecftonsfor preparing and
using the same, which they will And a Sure Cure
for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, e.
Parties wishing the prescription will please
address, Rev. E. A. WILSON,
2aGmos 191 1'eun St, Wllliamsburgli.New York
1 will mall the recipe for preparing a
simple Vegetable Bat.m that will lemove Tab,
FKECKXIC8, PIMPLES and Blotches, leatlng
the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also Instruc
tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair
on a bald head or smooth face. Address, en-clos-ng
10 cents, BEN. VANDELP & CO., Box
6121, No. 5 Wooster St., New York. 10a52 6mos.
A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of youthful Indiscretion will, for the
sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who
need it, the recipe and direction for making the
simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to prottt by the advertiser's exitlence
can do so by addressing In perfect confidence.
JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York.
10aS2 6mo9.
VtJ" What a blessing to the poor wonld be
sncb a wholesome purifier and preventive of
contagion as Glenn's Sulphur Soap, conld it be
distributed among them. Why don't some
philanthropist act on this hint. Depot Crit
tenton'e, No. 7 Bixth Avenue, New York.
Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or
brown, 50 centfi. 23 lm
The undersigned, asslpnreof James Irvln.wll
offer for sale, by outcry, on the premises, about
miles southwest, of Ickesburg, in Saville township.
Perry county, Pa., on
TUESDAY, THE 12th OF JUNE, 1877,
at 10 o'clock. A. SL, the following described real
estate, to wit:
situate In the township of Saville aforesaid, ad
joining lands of John Irvine, William Irvine,
Win. Ktambaiigh, Samuel Evnl and Samuel Rice,
Sr., containing
having tkereon erected a fine BRICK COTTAGE
to whl ch Is attached all the modern home com
forts and conveniences, In the midst ot pleasant'
surroundings and climate, and along the public
road leading from Ickesburg to Blain. Aim, a
good, commodious frame Bank Barn, with conve
nient appliances, and water In the barn-yard,
with all outbuildings necessary to a first-class
This Is the Mansion farm and Is nnderthe high
est state of cultivation, with everything In per.
feet order. Excellent post and rail fence sur
rounds the property, and from the door of tho
Mansion the whole farm may be readily seen.
Four Hundred Apple Trees,
from which over 1,000 bushels of apples of the
best and most marketable kinds were gathered
TY PEAR TREES, a tine, healthy vineyaid, con
taining X acres of ground, of the oholcest varie
ties of grapes, ana small fruits, raspberries,
strawberries, eto., are among the many virtues
connected with thlstract of land to recommend
It to purchasers. F.vcrythlng Is so arranged in
connection with the place that all that will be re
quired for an Industrious man will be to go ahead
and make money, as there are no necessary re
pairs needed for the next ten years.
contiguous to No. 1, adjoining lands of William
ShoalT Christopher Waggoner's heirs Kll Smith,
John Stone's heirs, and John Irvine, containing
ot which about thirty acres are cleared, having
thereon erected a log DWELLING HOUSE and a
Plank Dwelling House. ,
No. 3, A Tract of Woodland,
contiguous to No. 2, adjoining lands of James
Elliott's heirs, WilMam Shoal and other lands ot
James Irvine, containing 60 ACRES, and having
thereon erected a LOU llUUSE. Also another
Tract of Woodland,
adjoining lands of William Fuller, David Sweger,
Mrs. Snyder, and other lands of James Irvine,
containing 20 ACRES, more or less, and having
thereon erected
The attention of purchasers Is directed to this
property as It Is an Investment bound to remuner
ate, and possessing superior advantages in eveiy
respect, Is one of the most desirable farms in
ferry vuuuiy.
TERMS OF BALE: Ten per cent, of the pur
cliaae money to be paid wheu the property is
stricken down, one-half of the balance on 1st of
April. 1H78, when posMeasion will be given and the
deed delivered, and the balance ou the 1st day of
April, 1879 the unpaid balance at the time of the
delivery of the deed lo be secured by Judgment
wmub wi lUirimillDID aair.
Newport, Pa , May 15. ts. Assignee.