The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, June 05, 1877, Image 1

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    VOL. XI.
An independent Family Newspaper,
Subscription Prloe.
Within the County $1 28
Six months 75
Out ef the County, Including postage, 150
" " " six months 85
Invariably In Advance I
W Advertising rates furnished upon appli
The following poetry Is comprised of one
line from each author, and reads as smoothly
as though all written by one person i
I only know she came and went Lowell.
Like troutlets In a pool ; Uood.
Bhe was a phantom of delight, Wordsworth.
And I was like a fool. Eastman.
" One kiss, dear maid," I said, and sighed,
"Ont of those lips unshorn," Longfellow.
8 he shook her ringlets round her head,
And laughed In merry scorn. Tennyson.
Ring ont, wild bells, to the wild sky !
Ton hear them, oh I my heart 1 Alice Cary.
'lis twelve at night by the castle clock,
Beloved, we must part ! Alice Cary.
" Come back 1 come back 1" he cried, In
grief, Campbell.
" My eyes are dim with tears
Bayard Taylor,
now shall I live through all the days,
Mrs. Osgood.
All through a hundred years ?"
T. 8. Perry.
'Twas in the prime of summer-time, Hood.
She blest me with her band Hoyt.
We strayed together, deeply blest,
Mrs. Edwards.
Into the Dreamlng-land. Cornwall.
The laughing bridal roses blow, Patmore.
To dress her dark-brown hair )
Bayard Taylor.
.No maid may with her compare, Brallsford.
Most Beautiful, most rare I Uead.
. I clasped It on her sweet, cold hand,
The precious golden link Smith.
I calmed her fears, and she waB calm,
" Drink, pretty creature, drink I"
And so I won my Genevieve, Coleridge.
And walked in Paradise j Hcrvey.
The fairest thing that ever grew,
Between me and the skies.
WE WILL STATE, at the begin,
ning of the story, that thia is not
a love story, so those who have norelk-h
for any other need not waste their time
in reading this.
" Dear Fan : Come over thia eve
ning ; I have a nice plan to unfold. Ask
Grace to come with you. In haute.
- Nel.Ii."
This was the note that Nellie Baldwin
sent to her intimate friend, Fannie
Brown. Grace was Fannie's sister.
" I wonder what new plan Nell hus
afoot now," was Fan's comment as she
read the note aloud to her sister.
" There is no use in trying to guess
Nell is so odd," replied Grace from be
hind the last magazine.
.We will not keep our readers in
suspense any longer than is necessary,
and so will pass over the time interven
ing between this and evening.
" Well," said Fan, as the three seated
themselves in Nell's cosy little room,
" we are prepared for any astonishing
communication you have to make."
" Be patient then, for I have some
thing to say before I come to my plan.
'We are Till attention," was the
" There is a matter that has been upon
my mind for some time. Since Cousin
Ned has been with us I have thought of
it more than ever. He has become In
timate with Harry Greehleaf and his
associates. Now these young men are
naturally the best hearted fellows in the
world, and they have noble talents, but
they do not realize to what the path on
which they are walking leads. They
have their wine suppers frequently, and
I think that it is a shame to see such
noble natures ruined, as they surely will
be, unless they turn about, and we girls
have got to save them. I overheard 'a
plan of theirs for next Thursday night.
They are to hire a team, drive to
N , have a wine supper, play
billiards, and get home about morning.
Ned will be intoxicated, and will not get
to the office till past noon ; papa will be
very angry and perhaps discharge him
at once. I knew you girls would be
Interested in iny plan, for your brother
Will is of the number. Now, this is my
plan. Let's get a dozen girls to join us
and have a leap year party on that
" A leap year party !" exclaimed both
the girls at once. And then Grace said,
" Why a leap year party ? Why would
not an ordinary party answer the same
" Why, you see, if we should issue
invitations as to an ordinary party,
they might prefer their own plan of
spending the evening. If each young
lady sends one of these gentlemen au
invitation he will have too much gallan
try to refuse. Then when we have them
once enlisted in our service, we will
Invite them to sign a temperance pledge,
which I shall have in -readiness. I do
not think they will refuse us this, and
the pledge once signed they will have
too much honor to break it."
"Capital! Splendid 1" exclaimed the
girls. " Next Thursday, did you say ?"
" Yes, next Thursday, and here at my
house. I got mamma's consent this
morning, and you to help me make out
a list of girls to aid us in our scheme,"
said Nell, as she produced from her
pocket a pencil and paper. " I have
here the names of the young men. First
Harry Greenleaf, Cousin Ned, your
brother Will "
" Three," said Fan, keeping count
with her fingers.
" George and Arthur Gordon, Ernest
Grant, Fred llobbins, Itobert Stock
bridge, Charlie " Howe, and Herbert
Harding, ten. Now," snkl she putting
away the paper and supplying herself
with a fresh sheet, " help me think of
the girls."
" Here are three, to start with," snid
" The Brigham girls," suggested Fan.
" And May Boss," added Nell. V We
have more than half our number al
ready." "BellDoane and Jennie Weston,"
said Fan, "and we might ask Laura
White arid her cousin Dora."
" I am glad you thought of them,"
said Nell, at the same time writing rap
idly. And so these girls planned till lute in
the evening. When they separated for
the night, it was arranged that the other
young ladies should be consulted the
next day, ond each " choose their man."
The plan was received with great favor
by these young ladies, who did not enter
into it with any less enthusiasm because
of the plan, or on account of the fun
they hoped to get out of It. And so be
fore theevenlng of the party arrived each
young lady had sent one of these young
men an invitation to this leap year
At length the evening arrived, nnd I
am afraid that had it not been for the
good motive underlying their strange
projects, the girls would not have had
the courage to defy the opinion of Mrs.
Grundo ; and hence it might have been
given up. But Nell had Infused a good
share of her enthusiasm into the others,
and they were determined to do every
thing in their powerto stop their way
ward brothers in their downward cereer,
even at the risk of having their motives
misjudged by the " old fogies."
The early part of the evening was
spent in playing games and in soclul
song, till at length supper was announc
ed. They then passed to the dining
room where a well spread table await
ed them. If the young men missed
their choice wines, the deficiency was
more than met by the abundance of good
things before them, and by the delicate
attention of their fuir friends. After do
ing ample Justice to the temptliigviands
set before them, and before they rose
from the table, Nell rose to her feet, and
in a serious tone said :
" Ladies and gentlemen, I am about
to ask you to do me a favor. I have in
my hand a paper which I will read and
to which I shall ask all present to affix
their names.
" We, the undersigned, do ' hereby
pledge ourselves to abstuln from the use
of all intoxicating drinks, , from thia
time forward. We also pledge ourselves
to do all in our power to induce others
to make nnd keep this pledge to which
we now, in the presence of God and of
each other affix our names."
Before she had finished reading there
were tears in her voice, if not in hfr
eyes, and before she offered the pledge to
any one she wrote her own name at the
head of the list. As for the young men,
they at first looked at each other in a
helpless sort of a way, but as the pledge
was circulated among them, they all,
moved by one Impulse, looked to their
leader, Harry Greenleaf, and what was
their surprise to see him take the pledge
and read it carefully as if to take in its
full meaning, and then in a clear, bold
hand write bis name, after which he
turned to the company and said in a
manly tone:
" I have been your leader in lees noble
things will you follow my example
still V" . '
Before they left the table Nell's pledge
had received twenty names.
" Why not call ourselves ft temperance
society ?" asked Earnest Grant, "have
regular meetings, and each member en
deavor to bring In new recruits."
This suggestion was met with favor by
all present, and before they separated for
the night, arrangements had been made
for a meeting to be held at nn early
date. We will not linger longer here, hut
will pass over a period of nine yenrs,and
look again at some of our friends.
Earnest Grant, who It will be remem
bered, suggested the organization of the
temperance society, has since then given
his time and talents to the cause of tem
perance. Harry Greenleaf has for four
years been a minister of the gospel
and Ned Baldwin Is now a partner in
his uncle's business.
" We will not follow each one into the
business of life, but will only say that of
the ten young men who nine years ngo
signed . Nellie Baldwin's temperance
pledge three are ministers of the gospel,
and all are upright Christian men, occu
pying positions of trust in the communi
ty in which they reside.
Were it not for the fact that we prom
ised in the beginning of our story that it
was not to be a love story, we would
whisper a little secret concerning the
Rev. Henry Gceenleaf and Miss Nellie
What is a story after all with no love
in it ?
An Angel, but no Melody In Her.
HE was a country-looking chap with
an odd mixture of sorrow and res
ignation on his leau countenance, and
ho dropped upon the startled advertis
ing clerk of the Buugtown Patriot with
the mysterious whisper of:
" She's gone."
" Who's gone?" asked the clerk.
" Who in thunder's Maria ?''
" My wife ; she's gone."
" Gone where ?"
"Up above died last night want
you to put it in your next issue."
"What ailed her V"
" Lockjaw ; she lay for three weeks
and couldn't speak. Never had such a
quiet time in the house before. Just do
the notice up fine, will you, an' I'll see
that everything's fixed up all right."
Accordingly, tire clerk scribbled away
for a moment, handed out what he hud
written for inspection, and curtly re
marked :
" Dollar thirty-five."
The bereaved husband read it over
carefully, and finally, gave a sigh of
," That's all right," said he, handing
over the required specie, " but I Vpose
you could put a verse on the end couldn't
youV" ,
" Well, yes," ruminated the clerk, " I
guess so what kind of a verso do you
" Somelhln' tender-like nn' sorrow
ful." "How would this dor"" asked the
clerk, scratching his head with the end
of his penholder:
" A perfect female, folks did consider her.
She's gone and left a weepin' widower."
" That's kinder melancholy," reflect
ed the stranger, "but I reckon , it's a
leetle jest a leetle too personal. Jest
you try it again. 1 don't mind puttln'
up hansum' for sumthln' that'll rake
folk's heart-strings." . ''
The clerk gazed at the celling for a
moment and then suggested :
" The husband's lost a wife,
The children a ma,
Died on Friday night,
From the lock-jaw."
' Yes," broke out the mourner," wip
ing his nose with a black-bordered hand
kerchief, " but you see I don't own any
young 'una."
" What do you think of this, then ?"
" She always was contented ;
At life she'd never carp,
Gone to be an angel,
And play on a golden harp.' '
" Don't believe that'll suit. You see
Mariar couldn't even play on a planner,
an' I know a harp would stump her,
sure. Poor woman ; she had a tender
heart, though, and made the most ele
gant biscuit you ever saw."
" Hanged if I won't have to charge
you extra," growled the clerk. " I
ain't a Longfellow or Tennyson."
" I know." meekly replied the 'weep
in' widower," Jest try once more, won't
So the clerk did try, and at last ground
out the following:
" On earth could not stay Marier,
Bo she died and went up higher."
" Sorter irreverent 'arn't it? "anxious
ly asked Maria's relict. " I reckon I
wouldn't grudge a couple of dollars for a
bang-up verse."
Thus stimulated, the machine poet
became suddenly inspired, and exultlng
ly produced :
"Cry for Maria I
Alas! she Is no more
Joined the singing seraphs
Upon the other shore."
The nfllicted one uneasily took a chew
of tobacco, and whispered :
" Beautiful ; but there's one thing
that spiles it, Marier hadn't any more
melody in her than an old plow, an' it's
delibrit lyln' to speak of her as a voca
list. None of them other syrups
(seraphs) you alluded to could keep
time with her.
" Well," thoughtfully remarked the
discomfited clerk, "if this ain't allO. K.
you'll have to hire a special poet; I'm
all played out:
' Affliction sore
Long time she bnre,
Physicians were In vain !
Lock jaw ketched her,
Penth It fetched her,
Gone to rise again."
" Tell you what," enthusiastically ex
claimed the widower, " that's tip-top J
Here's your two dollars ; you've airnt
them. A young man that kin make
up slch affectin' verses as them has got a
glorious future before him !"
And squeezing the exhausted poet's
hand the elated speaker left in search of
a pair of black kid gloves.
A Lesson for Boys.
A BOY went and lived with a man
who was counted a hard master. He
never kept his boys. They ran away,or
gave him notice they meant to quit ; so
he was half his time without or in search
of a boy.
The work was not very hard opening
and sweeping out the shop, chopping
wood, running errands, and helping
around. At last Sam Fisher went to
live with him.
" Sam's a good boy," said his mother.
"I should like to see a boy now-a-days
that has a spark of goodness in him,"
growled the new master.
It is always bad to begin with a man
who has no confidence in you, because,
do your best, you are likely to have little
credit for it. However, Sam thought he
would try ; the wages were good, and his
mother wanted him to go.
Sam had been with Mr. Jones but
three days before, in sawing a cross
grained stick of wood, he broke the saw.
He was a little frightened. He knew he
was careful, and he knew he was a pretty
good sawyer too, for a boy of his age ;
nevertheless the saw broke in his hands.
" And Mr. Jones will thrash you for
it," said another boy who was in the
woodshed with him. . '
. " Why, of course, I didn't mean it,and
accidents will happen to the best of
folks," said Sam,, looking with a very
sorrowful air at the broken saw.
i "Mr. Jones never makes allowances,"
said the other boy ; " I never saw any.
thing like him. That Bill might have
stayed, only he jumped into a hen's nest
and broke her eggs. He dared not tell
of It; but Mr. Jones kept suspecting and
suspecting, and laid everything out of
the way to Bill,,whetherhewas to blame
( NO., 23
or not, till Bill couldn't Btand it, and
"Did he tell Mr. Jones about the
eggs ?" asked Sam., '
"No," said the other boy; "he was
afraid; Mr. Jones has got such a tern
per.' "I think he'd better owned up at
once," said Sam. ' '
"I suspect you'll find it better to
preach than to practice," said the boy.
" I would run away before I'd tell him."
And he turned on his heel and left poor
Sam alone with his broken saw.
The poor boy did not feel very com
fortable or happy. He shut up the wood
house, walked out into the garden, and
then went up into his little chamber un
der the eaves. He wished he could tell
Mrs. Jones ; but she wasn't soc!able,and
he had rather not. " O my God," said
Sam, falling on his knees, " help me to
do the thing that's right."
I do not know what time it was, but
when Mr. Jones came into the house the
boy heard him. He got up, crept down
stairs, and met Mr. Jones In the kitchen.
" Sir," said Sam, " I broke your saw,
and I thought I'd come and tell you 'fore
you saw it in the morning."
" What did you get up to tell me for?"
asked Mr. Jones ; " I should ' think
morning would be time enough to tell of
your carelessness."
" Because," said Sam," I wasafraid if
I put it off I might be tempted to lie
about it. I'm sorry I broke it, but I
tried to be careful." -
Mr. Jones looked at the boy from head
to foot, then stretched out his1 hand.
" There, Sam," he said heartily, "give
me your hand. Shake hands. That's
right. Go to bed, boy. Never fear. I'm
glad the saw broke : it shows the mettle's
in you. Go to bed." ;
Mr. Jones was fairly won.' Never
were better friends after that than Sam
and he. Sam thinks justice has not
been done Mr. Jones. If the boys had
treated him honestly and "above board"
he would have been a good man to live
with. It was their conduct that soured
and made him suspicious. I do not
know how that is. I only know that
Sam Fisher finds in Mr. Jones a kind
master and a faithful friend.
To a Young Girl.
You think you love the man who is
coming this Saturday night to visit you.
And he acts as if he loves you. Suppose
he 1 declares himself,' and asks you to be
his wife ? Are you prepared to say to
him. " I love and trust you through life
with the happiness, and the lives and
weal of our children ?"
He is jolly, gay and harrdsome, and
the darts of Cupid are twinkling and
sparkling in his eyes; but will those
eyes always find expression from the
love of a true soul ?
To-night he says many pleasant things
and draws pretty pictures for the future.
Does he go to-morrow to work which
gives promise to the fulfillment of your
desires of lifo ? r
Do his ambitions and achievements
satisfy you ?
. Does his every-day life shine with the
noble endeavors of a trustworthy man ?
If you think and desire a companion
in your thinking one who can unlock
the deepest depths of yourmind,to what
strata of humanity does he belong in the
scale of excellence and mortality ? Is he
doing all he can to build up for the future
usefulness and happiness In which you
can share and feel blessed ? These are
questions which the experience of after
years make many women ween in bit
terness that they were not thought of
before they answered " Yes."i -
A Short Courtship.
The Kingston, (N. Y.,) Courier gives
the following account of a speedy mar
riage in Chichesterville: "The bride
groom was A. BorthwU k, nnd was fifty
live years old, while tho bride, Miss S.
Vnn Valkeuburgh, is fifty-six years of
ago. Mr. Borth wick came from Schoha
i rie county on the iloth of April, and was
I introduced to Miss Van Vulkeuburg by
the pastor at the church that evening.
Mr. Borthwlek at once made known his
ertand, saying he came from Schoharie
by referenca from his pastor, 'and now
I have seen you,' he said, ' I am, satisfied
you will make me a suitable companion.
Will you marry me to-morrow morn
ing?" 'Isn't that most too soon?' 'Now
or never,' said the wooer. Tho couple
were married the next morning and
started for their new home io Schoharie."