8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA.( MAY 29, 1877. Amusing Mistake of Two Young Preachers. An Rimming scene ooourrcd in tlie Christian Clinrob at Iiarksvlllo, Pa., on Sunday a week. It appears Hint the Metho. dist pulpit at that plaoe wai to be suppllod by a preneher from the Wyoming Seminary, and two young men proceeded thither for the purpose of conducting theservlce. In stead of going into the M. IS. Church, however, they went into the t'uiistinn Church, on the opposite side of the street, where they found a large congregation, p Thinking that they hnd been waited for they prooeeded at once to the vacant pul pit, and, after a brief pause and a glance at the congregation, one of them rose, read a chapter In the Bible, and said he had soleoted It as the foundation of a few remarks. The ltov. Mr. Bevan, paitor of the church, who was a little behind time' walked in at this interesting juuoture, and much to his surprise found his pulpit occu pied, lie did not make a demonstration like Robert of Sicily, when that monarch found an angel in bis place, but prooeeded softly up and took bis seat inside the rail ing to await furthor developments. The young preacher was about to go on with his discourse, unoonsolous of the sen sation be was creating, when a lady from the church on the opposite side of the street entered, and walking straight np to the pulpit beckoned to the young man, who was about to hold forth. Her con duct seemed somewhat strange to hirri, but lie stopped to listen, and she whispered something lu his ear that made him change color quickly. She told him that be was in the wrong pulpit, and that the oongrega tlon over the way was waiting somewhat impatiently for his arrival. The two young tnen were very much discomfited, but after a moment thoy mastered the situation and sought a short interview with Elder Bevan, to whom they made suitable apology. They theu proceeded to the church across the road, but as they left the congregation emlled audibly over their mistake. TITANS AND MEN. "Blessed are the meek," exolalms the voice of inspiration, but can a man be meek with the consciousness that a d i-eadcd monster is consuming his vitals. We Bre uot a race of Titans. A Prometheus might Btand chained to the torturing rook with a vulture porpotuolly gnawing bis liver, and bis face ever wear an expression of berolo and even meok endurance. But Prometheus has left no descendants. With vultures .(disease) consuming his liver, the modern man makes himself and every one around bim miserable. Fretful, gloomy, hypo chondriacal, he sees the world and life all on the wrong Bide and all who in any way assort that there is a sunny side, be regards as an enemy, or at beBt a mocker of his "imaginary woes. Unlike the mythical Titan, the victim of disease is not succor less. There is an arm to rescue a balm to cloauBO and heal. As remedies for this most depressing of all diseases, " Liver Complaint," none are more efficient or popular than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medioal Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets. The .Toilets effectually remove the eflote and poisonous matter, while the Medical Discovery imparts strength and health to the entire system. They are sold by drug gists. A Singular Accident. On Tuesday last at Philadelphia a man seeing locomotive No. 04 of the Philadel phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad standing on the track jumped into the cab. The englueer and fireman were sitting on the curbstone, reading a newspaper at the time. Before they could reach the engine the man opened the trottle and started down the track at high speed. A gondola car was standing opposite the west end of the freight depot. As the engine struck this the man in tho cab tried to stop, but instead of doing so he pulled the throttle wide open and rushed through the freight shed to tho wharf, where they were two box cars which had just been unloaded with staves. As the man reached the shed he either tried to got out of the cab or fell out into the yard and thence into the river and was drowned. The engine jumped the track and tore up the rails on both Bides, but did not go overboard. The cars were pushed against the bumpers at the end of tho dock. One of tliem was thrown forty feet to the left and fell into the water and the other went over on the opposite side. The gondola car did not go over but was demolished. The engino which was not very badly damaged was run to the shops for repairs. Shortly after the affair had happened the body of the man who bad done all the mischief was recovered and re moved to the Morgue. Greatly Eggsited. New Yorkers are eggsited, and all about eggs. Eggsactly why they should be is eggsplaincd by the fact that an act has been hatchod by the assembly and sont to the Senate to nurture and bring up into full-grown chickenhood. Governor Robin son will probably have to decide whether the act is a good one or not. It may prove to be a good and it may turn out to be a bad egg, and it is all because some of the boIous of that august body want to have eggs sold by weight. If the members of tbe New York Assembly were to be weigh ed in the balance against the hen-fruit of the State they might be found wanting to a great eggsrent in tbe albumenio qualities which are supposed to create brain for those who lack it, in tbe upper stories of New York legislators. Bargains in Carpets. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. Thirty Eire Cents Isthe price of a pretty OAR. i'KT t MoRTIMKIt'B. The same amount of money will also buy a Rood CALICO Dress It you don't make It too large. . If vmi want a pretty ('All I'KT tor only Ho Cents per yard, come ami sen what you can Bet at Hint price ot K. MOH'l IMKIt. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. LOTS OF OTHER BARGAINS. JUSSER & ALLEN CENTRAL STORE NEWPORT, PENN'A. Maw offer the public A RAKE AND ELEGANT A8HORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS Consisting si all shades suitable for the season. BLACK AL Arc CAS AND Mourning Goods A SPECIALITY. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, AT VARIOUS riUCES. AN ENDLESS SELECTION OF PRINTS! We sell and do keep a good quality of SUGARS, COFFEES & SYRUPS, And everything under the head of GROCERIES !- Machine Needles and oil for all makes of Maohluos. To be convinced that our goods are CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, 18 TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK. KW No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the CENTRAL STORE, Newport, Perry County, Pa. HIGHEST AWARDS! SffiS! . J. REYNOLDS &.S0N, NORTHWEST CORNER THIRTEENTH AND FILBERT 8TS., PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SHAKING AND CLINKER-GRINDINd GRATES FOR BURNING ANTHRA CITE Oil BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYST ONE WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOKING RANG E8.LOW-DOWN GRATES. Etc. Descriptive Circulars sent free to any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING. My A4S. PATENTS. Fee Reduced. Entire Cost $55. Patent Office Fee 15 In advance, balance 20 within 6 months after pateut allowed. Advice and examination fl ee. Patents Sold. J.VANCE LEWIS CO., 19-Sm Washington, D. C. 18 TAKEN INTERNM1V, AND POSITIVELY CURES RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA AND LUMBAGO. 010 BY DRUGGISTS EVEHV WHERE. SEND FOR CIR- . rVkLPHENSTINE & BENTLEY, ' DRUGGISTS, WASHINGTON, 0. C. ' 4V For sale by wholesale Druggists In Pitts burg and Philadelphia. 86 ly "VTOTICKIs hereby given that the bor-d of J.l Pardons for the State of Penns' anla have granted are-hearlng In the case of ,Jijii K. Baker, of Perry county, which will he on Tuesday the 6th day of Jurn. 1HT7 at Uarnsburi. MayS,l77. WILLIAM UAKKtt. TO THE PEOPLE OF PERRY COUNTY. ANNUAL SPRING GREETING OF STEPHENS & BEETEM. 1877. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE. 1877. English and Amer ican II It 17 H N E L M In all the BEST makes. BEAUTIFUL Three Ply CARPETS. In Brussels Designs. EXTRA ENOLIBH 1NUKA1N AND Extra Honor CAJWETS cheap i Beauties In Hall and Ktnlr C A R P E T S wltb rich match BORDERS ! ALL NEW FOR SPRING. ISTOW OPEN ! AND HEADY FOR SALE. TUB MOST ATTnACTIVB SI'KIKU STOCK OP Carpets! Carpets! AND OILCLOTHS! WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES. Looking Glasses, MATS, KUQS, HABSOCKS, AND ever before offered to the trade. STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 EAST MAIN BTKEET, CARLISLE. CARPET CHAINS, AND FILLINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WALL rAlEU8 AND DfX'OHATIONft, FOR ITallt, Parlors and Vestibules, Chamber and Dining Jtooms, &0. OIL CLOTHS t ITri. BI.Ih f 1 . 1 - Floors anil Hall. Cut 10 ut inasouu piece. liOOKf N GLASSES! FKOM PARLOR TO 30 Patterns In Home Made CARPETS, our own manufacture. The beat Wool, Cotton CAllPUT CHAIN always on baud. AND SOLD AT liottom I'ricet. DON'T DELAY ! But come to our STORE and take a look through our MA.QisriiEc:EisrT NEW SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK! DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T If you want a FULL SUIT of Sunday go-to-meeting CLOTHES, If you want a ROUOII-AND.READY day work lug SUIT, If you want a separate COAT, VEST or PANTS. If you want a UAT or CAP, If you want a TRUNK, VALISE, or SATCHEL, If you want CARPETS or OILCLOTHS, If you want SHIRTS or OVERALLS, If you want COLLARS, CUFFS or NECK-TIES, If you want GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS or JEWELRY, If you want an UMBRELLA or PARASOL, If you want LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, II you want GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, If you want TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, TOW ELS, or If you want them ALL, you can llnd Just what will suit you In PRICK, QUALITY, QUANTI TY and STYLE, AT DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! ISIDOR SCHWARTZ'S CLOTHING HOUSE, "Wright's Building, NEWPORT, PENN'A. THE NEW "DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. m & :$&&m, -rnrn tt.V- l-'riff - f - - T--uS ift.. , . r -cfi-!rr IT RETAINS all the virtues of the Llght-Ruunlng Tension, which was and la I lie bent In uie. " DOMESTIC," lucludliiB the Automatic Please notice our PATENT HARDKNKn TOXICAL BEARINGS on both th Macina and Htand. Our new and old Ideas, worked out with brand new Machinery and Tool at our own new works. In the busy city of Newark, New Jersey have Riven us a standard of MECHANICAL EX CELLENCE. Minimum ot Friction, Maximum ot Durability, and range of work, never heretofore reached In the Hewing Machine world. TO THItf STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF We Invite the attention of all, especially those having high mechanical skill or observation. N. B. All Machines fully warranted. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., New York and Chicago. LADIES, V8E "DOMESTIC" PjIPEII FASHIONS. 1877 SPRING 1877. 1877 SrilING 1877. 1877 SPUING 1877. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. HAVINO JUST PURCHASED for CASH, at LOW PRICKS, lots ot NEW GOODS, We are enabled to oiler our friends and oustnmers U It HAT MAItUAINB. Now Is the time to buy as there Is no doubt but what DRY-GOOD8 WILL BE moitER. DRY-GOOD8 WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. NOW IS THE TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. To Make Your Spring Purchases. To Make Your Spring Purchases. To Make Your Spring Purchases. To Make Your Spring Purchases. To Make Your Spring Purcnases. To Make Your Spring Purchases. WHILE THE STOCK IS FI LL. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. COME AND BEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. OOMK AND HEE WHAT WK CAN OKEKU. COME AND HUE WHAT WE CAN OKFKK. COME AND BKK WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND HEE WHAT WE CAN OFKKK. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. We Have Lota of Prints, We Have Lota of Alpaeoaa, We Have Lota of Fancy Dry Goods, We Have Lota of Cotlonadea, We Have Lola of White Gooda, We Have Lota of Other Articlca, TJiat Are Very Cheap. Tliat Arc Very Clieap. That Are Very Cheap. TJiat Arc Very Clieap. That Arc Very Clieap. TJiat Arc Very Cheap. WE ALSO HAVE New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. The. Prettiest Sftm Ever Saw. Come and See Them. Floor and fable Oil Cloths AND CA11PETS ! Floor and Table Oil Cloths AND CARPETS. Floor and Table Oil Cloths AND In the handsomest patterns and best qualities. It will not cost you anything to look at them. SHOES FOR MEN. SHOES FOR BOYS. SHOES FOR WOMEN. All Good Styles and at Popu lar Prices ! In fact we have a COMPLETE STOCK of all kinds of goods, to which we ask the attention of all who can appreciate FINE QOODS AND GREAT BARGAINS. F. MORTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. N OTICE. Notice is hereby riven that the netltlnn nt Rnln. mon P.lxham, Assignee ot George Matchett and wile, has been Bled In the Court ol Common Pleas of Perry county, praying for an order of sale to sell the Real Estate of said Assignees, sit uate In Miller township. Perry county. Pa., and that the Court has fixed TUESDAY, the 12th of June, 18.17, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the hearing of said petition, when the same will be granted, un less cause be shown to the contrary. D. MICKEY, Prothonotary. April 17, 1877. KINGSFORD'S Oswego Stfii-oli Is thetBEBT and MOST ECONOMICAL in the World. Is perfectly PURE free from acids and other for eign substances that injure Linen. Is STRONGER than any oilier requiring much less nuantitv In nsinv. Is UNIFORM stiffens and finishes work always Kicgsford's Oswego Corn Starch Is the most delicious of all preparations for Paddings, Blanc-Mange, Cake, Etc. T7I8TATE NOTICE Nnrle I. k.r.h. XLi en. that Letters Of Administration nn tho . oi dacuu nice, late ot baville township. Perry county, deceased, have been granted to tke subscribers residing in the same township. All nel sons indebted to haiH oatnta mr rninost. ed to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to present them duty authenticated tor settlement to CHARLOTTE N. RICK, JONATHAN KICK. A. M. Markel, Attorney. Administrators rcuiuaiy u, ioi i buu TjlSTATK NOTICK. Notice Is hereby tit I J Li en that Letters oi Administration on ti,.l estate of John 8. McElvy, late of New Buffalo! kv. ......... I. Don .J I . . K to the uudursiiined reatdiug In the Mine borough I Ail persons iadebteU to said estate mre request td to make immediate payment and those havin J cimiiis win ifie&cufc mem amy aulAAiUcatea Ioil JOHN BASKIN. February 13, 1877. pd . Administrator.