THE TIMES, NEW UL00MEIEL1), l'A., lit AY 2'.). 1877. ,7 Tlio Uloomliold Times Hrr.IAiNL JOB OFFICE , IS THE l'LAdi TO GET Plain and Fancy SALE BILLS, PAMPHLETS, LETTEU-1 IEA1 )S, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, INVITATIONS, TICKETS, BILLHEADS, &c, &c, Sec, : Sec. At the Shortest Notice AND MOST REASONABLE RATES. B ALL SCALES. LB. MARYANERTII, 1). W. DERR and JAMKBll. J HI Kit known as ' The Ball Scale Company," have now on hand a large supply of Ituoy's Patent COUNT Kit BCAI.K, the Simplest, Cheap est and best Counter Bcaleln the market. -Kor Scales, or AReneles In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware nml Maryland, nd dress "The Hall Scale Company," l'ottsvllle, Bchnylklllcoiinty, Pa. . KorHealesor Aurencles In thin County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they ean be seen and examined any time. J LEIBY & BRO., Newport, Terry CO., Pa. FRANK MORTIMER, 9tt New Bloomueld,Ferryco.,ra. A CARD. To all (io are Buffering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss ot manhood, &o., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Bend a self-addressed envelope to the Kev. Joseph T. Inmah, Station D, Bible House, ..Veto 1'or my. 10b ly STEWART'S ADJUSTABLE TREADLE FOR OPERATING SEWING MACHINES WITHOUT tlllPTfllTP AD IVTI'DV The most complete method of propelling the sewing machlhe. It saves four-fifths the labor and entirely avoids the cause of physical injury i en dorsed by the medical fraternity. It can no at tached to any ordinary sewing machine without removing the machine from the house. No sew ing machine should be used without this Im portant attachment. Send for our circulars, which explains the principles. Address, . NEW YORK THEADLE MFW. CO., lyr. 04 Oortlandl Street, iV. Y. La e Immense Discoveries by STANLEY and oth ers are just added to the only complete Life and Labors of Livingstone. This Veteran Explorer ranks among the most heroic figures of the Century, and this book Is one of the most attractive, fascinating, richly illus trated and Instructive volumes ever Issued. lieing the only entire and authentic life, the mil lions are eager for it. and wide-awake agents are wanted quickly. For proof anil term address HUR11AK1) BROS., Publishers, 733 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. 60 GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, A Stkhliso Remedy For Diseases akd Injuries op thr Skis j A Healthful Beautifier of tiks Complexion; A I?E liaiilb Means of Pkevkntino and Re lieving. Rheumatism and Gout, and an Unequalf.d Disinfectant, Deodorizer AND CoUNTER-IllltlTANT. Glenn' Sulphur Soap, besides eradi cating local diseases of the. skin, linnlshes dci'ecig of the complexion nml imparls to it gratifying cloarnis and smoolline.-.8. Sulphur linth nro celebrated for cu ring eruptions ami other diseases of the skin, ns well us Rhcumati-m and Uout. Glenn's Sulphur JSocijj produces ilio Eamu-effcets At u most trifling expense. This udmirab'e, specific also eixsmlily heals tore, bruitet, teald, hum, )miin iind ftrf. It removes dandruff and prevents the hair from fulling out and turning gray. Clothim and linen uscl in the sick room is disinfected, and diseases communi-'able Vy coutact with the person, p. evented by It. The Medical Fraternity sanction its use. Trices, 23 akb 50 Crnts i-ei Cake, Peu Box, (3 Cakes,) 00c and $1.20. JL II. Buy the Urge calm and tlierrhy Monomlje. Sold bj all lruilU. "Hill's Hair and Whisker Hyo," Black or BroH n, 60c. CJ. CUTTEMOft, Proy'r. 7 iiiih At. tl.T. Newport Advertisements. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones It Bon,) Grain &. Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front Rt., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WK would respectfully Invite the patrnnnge of the farmers, and the public generally, as the II I; 1 1 t;sT l'KM'I H the market will aflord, will be paid for alt kinds of . , IIItAtN, l'LOUH. rnoDUcic, BEicna and RAILROAD TIF.S We have constantly on hand, FIHII, BAI.T, I'LASTKR, CKMF.NT COAL, I HON, HTKl'.L, HOItS R BHOKB, ftc, &0. FOR BALB AT THK LOW KMT HAT KB. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf , JEWPORT DRUGSTORE. ITaving on hand a cnmpletfl Mflfirttwitt of thfi fol lowing ai'tlclt'fi, the iubwcrllMT nki a nlmi-n of yonr trntrounge, Drttfftt and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Alio a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Perfumery iiaiu on,, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOH MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL purposes PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefdlly awl Promptly Filled B. M . EBY, Newport, Penn'a. J B, HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco -Dealer, BTKWrOKT, 1A. ' Bole Ajrent for Lorilard's Huperlor Tobaccos. W Country Merchants supplied witli Ouods at Philadelphia prices. Your orders are solicited. 9 41 w. II. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In (his county. We will also take pood Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill in exchange fur Lumber, &c, We use Clearlleld I'lne and Hem lock only. W. R. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Terry Co., Pa. October 10, 1870. American and Foreign Patents. CILMOItE & CO., Successors to CniPMAN. X HOSMKR & CO., Solicitors. Patents pro cured in all countries. NO KICKS IN ADVANCK. No charge unless thepatent in granted. "No fees for making preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees for obtaining and conducting a re hearing, lly a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejected applications may be revived. Special at tention given to Interference Cases be fore the Patent olllce, Extensions before Con gress, Infringement Suits In different States, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Pat ents. Send Stamp to Ullmore (Si Co., lor pamph let of sixty pages. LAND CASKS, LAND WARRANTS & SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prwuecule i before the U. B. (leneral Land Olllce and Department of the Interior. Private Land Claims, Ml NINO, and PRE KMPTION Claims, and UOMliSTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip In 40, 80, any 100 acre pieces for sale. This Scrip Is assignable, and can he located in the name of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to private entry, at Sl.iiS per acre. Ills of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Send Stamp to Ullmore & Co., for pamphlet of Instruction. A It It 1! A ItS OK PAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war, or their heirs, are In many cases entitled to money from the Hovernmont of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount ot pay and bounty received. Enclose stamp to UILMORK & CO.. and a ply, after examination, will be given you free, l'KNSIOSS. All OKFICEIIS. SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or injm i in the late war, however slight, can obtain a penson by addressing GILMORB&CO. , . Cases proecuted by GILMORE& CO, before the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court of Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is conducted In aseparate bureau, under charge of the same nvMi'li,nAH listl'tiMu Alnhlovpri liv Ilie old tirill. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to G1LMOKE& CO., Is thus secured, we uesire to win success by deserving It. Address: UILMOHK SCO.. 629 F. Street, Washington, D. C. TM POUT ANT NOTICK. The subscriber X late of the firm of Rhoades Smith, would respectfully inform the oltlzeus of RLAIN and vlclultv, that he. has opened WAUON MAKER SHOP, and is prepared to make new wagous and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TEN to TWENTY per cent, cheaper than me oin nrm. - Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB SMITH. Blaln, August 8, 1867. ' THE 'WEED ,y.:t; ,;Miw--sj.- . jr t&tUt li-i.vy-'" "Ths Family Favorite" LMl'JtOVKD Lisht-Ituiinhif?, 'oisclcfis, No Ocars,No Cams,No Springs. New and Elegant Sly lex of Wood work. From this date, by tho expiration of Patents under which we have been paying roy altics,we are enabled to sell our inn chines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, and as low as those of uny first class machine. rS Scill for Price Lists. Circulars and Weed Sewing Machine Co., 20 Union Square, N1JW YOltK, 11 T 16t. IILATCHLKV'S . Improved Cucumber Wood PUMP. Tasteless, Durable.lilllclent and Cheap. The best I'uinp for the least money. At tention Is especially Invi ted to lllatcliley's Talent Improved llmrket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without remnviiiK the I'uinp or disturbing the Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. Kor sale by Dealers everywhere. J-Send for Catalogue anil Trice List. C11AS. (. HLAICIII.I.Y, Manufacturer. 637 ly 506 Commerce St., Vnllapelphia, Ta. BOOTS Do you want HOOTS of any kind? If so, call and see the i ljvitt.rj niutav NOW OFFEREU I1Y INI O 11 T I M li It , V New Pension Law. TTNDER an act of Concress unproved March 3 KJ 1HV3, widows of olllcers who were killed, or died of disease contracted In the sei rice, are now entitled to JiOu per month for each of their chil- areu. ThoRuardianof a minor child of a oildler who heretofore only received fS.IHl per niuntli pension isnow entitled to 110. per moth. Soldiers who receive invalid pensions ran now have their pensions Increased to any Hum or rate between 18. and 118. per mouth. Soldiers who have lost their discharges can now ouiain uupticates. Kathers and mothers who lost sous int.lieserv Ice upon whom ,iey. wore dependent for support, can also obtain pensions. The undersigned having had over lo years ex perience in ineuiaim aiieHey uiisiiihss .will attend promptly to claims under tne aoovc act. Call on or address LEWIS TOTTER, Attorney for Claimants, New llloonilleld, 20tf. Terry Co., Ta COPY YOUR LETTERO excelsior uopyms uooiz. MADE Of CHEMICAL PATER. Quickly conies .... ..,..ltl,. U'lTllniTTU'nU, 11? I. .......... .1. used at home, library or ullicc. Kor l.idies wish ing to retain copies of letters, every business man, clerifviiieu. corresuondents. travels it Is Iiivulnii. ble sells at sight. Send i'l i'U and we will send a 300 pai;e Umik, letter size, HY MAIL piihltoauy address. We refer to anv Commercial Aueney. Send stamp for Auents' Circular.- I.XCKI.SIoR MNP'ti. CO.. 11(1 Dearbaru St.,Chicato, Ills. Mmo AUENTS WANTKD. . - H Sin DIVORCES Inallvaiid auletlv obtained In evei v State and Territory, for iNcoMPATinil.iTr and oilier causes, no matter where the parly resides. 13 years' ex- f erlence. Fee altijr decree. All letters contlden ial. Address A. J. HISXTKIl. Ati'v. Rooms Saude,132Dearborn.St.,(MIIOAlii. ILL. Un questionable references given. Coritvpoudence wan me legal proiessiou iiiviieu. it am JUU PRINTING ot every description neatly executed on short notice and at reasonable rates at this omce. i t in ff PRICES REDUCED New Model Machine il 1 ill 3 mi AUCTlOXmWS. AMES CLEELAND I Auctlonoer, Offers his services to the clllreiis of Terry and CiiintiHrlaiid count les. Tost olllce address, niieriiiiiiisnilie, j'eriyco.. 1'a. w. D. HENRY, . a vvrioNF.nn, main, Terry enmity Pa, Tenns Moderate and everv etei l lim mnila In render Hatlsfactlmi. Anctlonror. Tlio timlersleneil trlvea nil Ice that he will cry sales at any point In Terry or liiiiiphln counties. (Inters urn sollelli d Hlnl proinptattentlon wilibp plvcu. 15. D. WMiliM, New Itiilfaln Terrv on., Ta. D AVIDM'COY, Aiiclloiipcr Oharee verv low. Tost, (lntee mldress IckesliuiK Tenira- 8t B.HARNISH, j. AucrrioiMioioi. Di'lvllle. Terrv Co.. I'a. Cliariri's iiiihIi.iiiIk. kiu! satlsfacilon Kuarauteed. b 1 7Jf 'U 1'Hf'li t.ll : I: tit. I.KTII. tMl (ti't. (-otT'-hi. Hrititi ultU k All Hrroltilou Vn, 'Jir-A ' """'"I FHI, I m Ml, OH rrrriyi - Kr Hale by F. Moiitimbh, New Tilonmtlcld, Terry eoiiuly, Ta. g.VKRY LADY SHOULD If AVK ONE OK OUR IMPllOVEl) PLAITJSRS, - adapted to all kinds of Roods, and to all the dif ferent and fashionable styles of Tlaltlni?. Simple and easily managed, It Is Just the article every lady needs. Sent by mall, postage paid, on receipt of price, Sinn. Heud ior Circular. Address . N. Y. TltRADliK M'F'O CO.. lit OirUunilt Nlrmt Xku York. JHE IERRY HOUSE, New liloomfleld, Terry Co., Pa., THOS. BUTCH, Proprietor. PENTENNIAL HOTEL, J (Formerly the Bwcgcr House,) MAIN KTItEET, NEW IILOOMTIKLD, I'HRRY CO., PA. JOS. 8. SMITH, . T . . Proprietor. Having Rood Ions for regular or transient, boarders, a share of publlu patronage Is solicited. 10 19 HE MANSION HOUSE, . New llloonilleld, Penn'a., I). M. RINESMITII, - Proprietor. This well-known hotel has lately beenenlarued. re painted and re-II lied. est accomniodatiuns allorded. mw Careful hostlers always In attend mice. 933 tf H 0ME MANUFACTURE. ' LOOK OUT! I would respectively Inform inyfrlendsthat I In tenij calling upon them with a suppl) ol kooJ of in y OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of CASS1MERS, CA38INETS, FLANNELS, (Plaluand bar'd ) CAUPETH, Hi'., toexchatiKefor woo orsellfor cash. I. M. I11XLEK. CltNTHKWoOl.EIi Factoki. 6,17,4m EAB0DY HOUSE, CORN F.R OF LOCUST AND NIN'Ill 8TS. , PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient to all places of amusement and ear lines In the city. No changes to and from the i;c!iTciiiiini urounus. Col. Watson, proprietor of the IIenjht JToneB, Cincinnati for the past twenty years, and present proprietor, has leased the house for a term of years, and 1ms newly furnished and titled It t In oiicliont. lie will keep a strictly first-class house, and lias accommodation forWi guests. Terms $3 per dav. No liar has ever been kept In the HENRY !I;KK, nor will any be kept at the TEA- JUODY. 10 22 $10 TO $25 PAr ! MADE by Acents In cities and coun try towns. Only necessary to show samples to make sales and money, for any one out of employment and dispos ed to work. Used dully bv all business men. senn ntamp ior circular, with prices to iiK'-ins. auiitcss ' SPECIAL AOENCY." Kendall Ilulhlint;. Chicago A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is herebv clven that .lames Irvine and wife of Savllle township. Perry county. Ta , bv deed of voluntary assignment nave usdmied all t lie estate, real and personal, of the said James Irvine to Thus. 11. M it II pan. of the .orniiiih of Newnort. county and state aforesaid. In trust for the benefit of the creditors of the said .lames Irvine. All pertons therefore lnilebu-d to said said James Irvine, will make pavment to the will nssiuntu, and those haviiigclalmsordeinands the mako kuowu W same without delay. THOS. II. MILLIOAN. January 30, 1877. Assignee. Daily Express and .Freight Lim- BETWEKN. P LOOM FIELD & NEWPORT! rpHEsnbscrlberwIsbes tonotlfy theeltlreiitof JL llloonilleld andNewport that he Is running a Dally Line between these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packacesor mosspge entrusted to hiscare. A.Ovders may be lett for him at the store of F, Mortimer & Co.. New BlooiaUeld.or Mllllgan ftMusser.N.wport.ra. y n. WH1TMORE. . Bloomtleld.Jaiiuary2S.1870. TOADIES AND CHILDREN will find j fplendld assortment of hoe at the one price store of F. Uortimer. Conundrums. JIow uliould ft IhikIiiuiiI firak lo ii Ft'ohllng wlfuV My denr, 1 love you Mill. Wliy nm cuHliincru hIiiiw Ih like ilciif lioojili' V llt't'iiiiMeyou cannot innku tlimi lll'IT. ' "Wliy Is n t oiuM'itctl fool like a rllloV llecauMc lie litis a vitciuil fpncu under liU cup. AVliy nre clildkoiin' necks like door lit'llft V llecnuHetliey are often wrung for company. Why nre bullooiid In the tdr like vmii liondnV IJccause they liave no visible inciniH of Hupport. "What Is the difference between a limn lu Newport and a mnn In liloomfleld 1 Five miles. What Is that which la neither flesh or bone, yet has four lingers and a thumb? A glove. Why are all galnes of chess of equal durations f IJecnuse It always takes four knights to play a game. When Is neuralgia In the face like (he ancient money changers? When It Is seated In the temple. A little boy was asked, What is the chief end of man ?" replied, " The end what's got the Lend on." Why Is a husband like a Mississippi steamboat V Uecause he never knows when he may get Mowed up. Why are mosquitoes bad financiers V Itecause the receivers of the bills Invari ably protest and decline a renewal. Why Is a horse the most curious feeder in the world ? Because lie eat best when he has not a bit in his mouth. What is the difference between water and time? Water finds its own level, and times levels everything. What Is the difference between an auc tioneer and a postmaster ? One does as he is bid, and the the other does as he is directed. , What is the difference between a butcher and the young lady of to-day f The former kills to dress, while the latter dresses to kill. 67 " Hold the Fort" is a grand song, but is not appropriate for all occasion. At least so some people thought when a worthy deacon, on some anniversary occasion, formed his Sunday School in line, and marched them along the aisles, himself in front, and all vigorously hinging " Hold the Fort." The conster nation which seized nil parties at the seoond stanza " See the mighty host advancing, Satan leading on" can be better Imagined than described. p?P A pair of very devoted lovers out in the country had a separation last Sunday night. She hod previously pre sented him with her photograph, which he would always wear next to his heart. T.tiut Miitwlnv nlrl,t. I, a r,n1lwl itit lilu ,iun, ,.7ui,,,u ...fiiv ,iv iui.v, v u v ...... t handkerchief from his back pants pock-,' et, when lo ! the photograph fell at his '. lady's feet. She says he is either a liar or else his heart is not in the right' place. A certuiu Italian having written a book on the art of makinggold, dedicat ed it to Pope Leo X., in hopes of a good reward. His Holiness finding the man constantly followed him, at length gave him a large empty purse, saying : " Sir, since you know how to make gold, you can have no need of anything but a purse to put It in." CyC'olonel IJrady,a notorious gambler, the other day met a friend who accosted him with, "How are you, Colonel'! How have you been of late?" "Oh! I have had a great misfortune," replied the Colonel, " I have lost Mrs. Brady." " Howdid you lose her?" was the next question, " at euchre or poker?" jy" Ah," eaid a father to his son Wil liam, " hearty breakfasts kill one half of the world, and tremendous suppers the other half." "I suppose, then," retorted William, " that the true livers are only they who die of hunger." 2T There is a man down East rather a facetiou chap whose name is New. He named liU first child Something, as it was something new. His next child was called Nothing, as it was nothing new. 63 A Georgia negro t wisted a mule' tall to urge it over a fence. The small attendance at the funeral next day show ed that the people didn't care if he did twist the mule's tail. (3f See here wife, you Indulge that boy too much. He is a perfect mule." " Oh, husband, please don't accuse our boy of having an ass for a father." The old man was bilent.