The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, May 29, 1877, Page 4, Image 4
4. THE TIMES; New Bloom field, May 29, 1877. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Ho Cnt or Rtprtntvpe will ' lnnrtfd In this psi'iT antM llKht face and on metal base. IW Twenty per pent, in of ri-xular rstos, will be churned for advertisement et In Double Column. NOTICE TO BTJIIHCIMBERS. tionk nt the figures on the lnbcl of your pnpor. Thiiup ilu-urN It'll rnu llir date to Tt hlcli you mil arrlptlou In pnld. Within 3 weeks utter money Is nent, MM) If the date la olianned. No other receipt la necedsary. OUR CIRCULATION. For (he information of advertisers and others who inny he interested In know ing, we will state that the present circu lation of The Times Is between eighteen hundred and nineteen hundred copies each week. Wide awake for June has been re ceived, and is filled as it always is with literature, especially adapted to please the children. Its list of illustrations Is particularly good. Wide awake is a magazine that will be appreciated by every family where the liapplnes9 and interests of the children are studied. Published by 1), Lothrop & Co., Boston, at $2.00 per annum. Government Advertising. The Fo9t Ofllee Department has sent out a circular saying that it is willing to pay for advertising on business prin ciples ; and it requires every newspaper competing for the Post Office advertise ments to certify precisely what its circu lation is. That is the only correct business meth od for gettingall public advertising done, and until all public officers adopt this plan they will do business for the people on different principles from which they would conduct their private enterprises. Tkaffic on the Danube has been stopped by order of the Roumanian and Russian authorities. This will cause new complications. Austria and Hun gary are directly interested, especially the latter, which is an integral part of the Austrian empire. Count Andrassy, the Bismarck of the Ilapsburg House, is a statesman and diplomat who will not allow the stipulations of the Treaty of Paris, in 1850, to be violated without a protest. The cable states that he has already taken stepsto thwart the meas ures adopted by Russia and Roumania regarding the cessation of traffic on the Danube, and he is not disposed to wait for the co-operation of Germany, Italy or England. The neutrality of the Danube was established by the Treaty of Paris at the close of the Crimean war, and Austria, now that Russia under takes to declare its navigation closed, naturally demurs. As the result, there will be an estrangement, if, indeed, it may not turn out in the end that Aus tra will take up arms against the Czar in defence of what she conceives to be her rights under the Treaty of Paris. Thus matters daily are becoming more com . plicated in Europe, and the forecast portends universal war. A Calamity at Chester. The Saratoga, a large iron steamship, was launched at Chester, on Tuesday morning last, when a terrible accident occurred. "When the ship started down the ways about forty men were under the vessel, and did not hear the order to come out and the result was that six were crushed to death and several more were severely wounded. It is thought that some of the work men were killed and dragged into the water by the ship. The bodies of the dead are horribly mangled, one being literally cut in halves, and others with their legs and arms torn off. All of the killed and wounded were workmen employed at the yard, and were engaged in knocking the blocks from under the keel. The scene' during the time the ship was going off was heartrending, the men being seen strug gling to escape, while the huge blocks, rolled by the ship crushed them to a elly. No assistance could possibly be rendered by those who were standing by. Instead of cheers, as usually greet a launch, a wail of anguish went up and shrieks of pain rent the air. As soon as possible the dead and wounded were car ried to the yard office and physicians summoned. About 1,500 men are em ployed at the yard, and the friends of nearly all of them rushed to inquire for them, making a scene never to be for gotten. Immediately after the accident was known the bell rang for the men to stop work throughout the yard. The gates were closed, but they were beselged by a multitude of men and women who were clamoring for news of their relatives and friends. Everything that could be done was done by the Messrs. Roach & (Sons to alleviate the distress of the sufferers. Geo. Woof, a young Englishman, was the last of those taken from the fatal way. Ho was employed for a long time as a draftsman in the ofllce.he possessing a thorough education, having been a graduate of a celebrated English scientif ic) institution. His father Is a wealthy tradesman of London, having but two children. Borne months ago there was a reduction In the force of Mr. Roach's establishment and Woof wits among the number who were discharged. He was afterward given work In the yard at whatever he could do. His father sent him word a couple of weeks ago that he and his other son were about to sail for America, in order to start him and his brother In the machine business. It Is believed thnt the two are now on the ocean en route. Woof had both legs crushed and one foot was torn ofl. He survived for two hours, remaining per fectly rational until he expired. Ills wife and two children were present when death came, and the scene brought tears into the eyes of those who witnessed it. Panic In a La Crosse Theatre. The Dubuque (Iowa) Times of the 15th inst., contains the following: " Last Saturday night, as Miss Kate Claxton was performing in the opera house at La Crosse a fire broke out some four or five blocks away, when the boys in the gallery, hearing the shouts of ' fire' on the streets, took up the dread cry. Men, women, and children all over the house sprang to their feet panic stricken in an instant, and a rush was made for the door. Benches were overturned, people stumbled and those behind fell over them. A hundred voices were shriek ing all sorts of unintellible sounds.whlle every one was making a wild, mad rush for life. Men and boys jumped, down to the auditorium below, alighting on the heads of the surging, frenzied crowd beneath, and it seemed for a brief space of time as though scores must be tram pled to death, if nothing else. Some twenty or more gained the street be fore the policemen on duty, who knew there was no fire in the building, could Bhut the doors; but when they succeed ed In closing the exit they beat back the terror stricken audience, and in a few minutes comparative calm was estab lished. Though none were fatally in jured, several were severely hurt, and many badly bruised. The curtain was down when the alarm was given, and the fearful cry of ' fire I' had hardly run through the hall before Miss Claxton, pale and trembling, rushed to the front of the stage, exclaiming as she threw up her hands with a wild gesture of de spair, 1 Oh, my, is there a fire V" and was just in the act of jumping from the stage, when some one restrained her. Quiet was soon restored, and the per formance went on, though fully one half of the audience left, thankful to get out while they might." A Narrow Escape. A few nights since a gentleman nam ed Wakeman, and his wife, passengers on the night express, were on their way to Lawrence, Kansas. They were ac companied by their only son of 10. On arriving at Mansfield nothing could be found of the boy, who had been seen by his father to pass toward the end of the car a few minutes previous. He was subsequently found several miles dis tant, lying within a few feet of the track. He was asleep, his clothes cover ed with dirt nnd slightly torn, ond his faoe scratched In several places, but up on being awakened he arose unhurt and walked back to Mansfield, a distance of six miles. The boy states that he has no recollec tion of leaving the car, but was aroused by hearing the crow of a rooster from a neighboring farm house. He found himself lying alongside of a fence, and with much difficulty clambered up the railroad filling to the track, where, it still being dark, and feeling tired and stiff in the limbs, he laid down and slept. His escape is the more remarka ble, as there is a filling at this point with a descent of fully fifty feet. A board fence is at the bottom, and he broke through in striking this, and was prob ably stunned by the contact. Was She Buried While Alive? The residents of Pavonla avenue, near Henderson street, Jersey City, are excit ed over the burial of a woman of Jhat neighborhood a few days ago, who, it is said, was not dead. The woman and her husband, a French couplo named Claire, lived onthe top roof of the tenement at 116 Pavonla avenue.' They drank con siderable, and the neighbors say were very quarrelsome. " On the night of Sun day, the 13th, the Frenchman told Mrs. Mary Calhoun that his wlfo was dead. The woman and her daughter visited Claire's apartments, and were horrified to see the supposed corpse move the left foot and also open and close its eyes. Mrs. Calhoun cried In alarm, "Why, your wife is not dead." " Yes she is," said the Frenchman, " very dead." Oth er neighbors were called in, and the body was examined by them. They all declared that the woman was alive, from the; fact that her breathlng.though slight was regular, and her body perspired They sent -: for Dr. Watson, who had attended her, but he refused to answer the summons. The County Thyslclan and Coroner were summoned, but failed to appear. The husband called in on undertaker, and the next day the body was placed on Ice. Two days afterward the funeral took plnce,after which Claire disappeared, and he hag not since been seen. A Brother's Sacrifice. Several years ngo Wllllnm Shaw wounded Polndexter Edmondson, In a fight at Bloomfleld, Mo. Edmondson hod a younger brother, who was affected almost to insanity by the occurrence. Later, Shaw was murdered, and Poln dexter Edmondson was convicted on circumstantial evidence as the murderer. The execution was appointed for May 10, and several days previous the youn ger brother confessed that he was the criminal. He had nursed resentment against the assailant of Polndexter, whom he loved devotedly, arid had finally gratified his deslra for revenge. The elder brother had known Ihe truth, but had resolved to be hanged rather than expose the younger. He came very near being hanged as it was, for a mes senger had hardly time to go to theQov ernor and return with a reprieve. Ten Executions In One Day. Although the Governor generally gives murderers about sixty days' grace after the court records on capital cases are certified to the State Department, it is believed that he will issue a warrant for the execution of Duffy and his four ac complices on the same day on which Thomas Munley, another " Mollie," is to be hanged at Pottsvllle. Should he decide on such a course there would be ten executions in the State of the 21st day of June. The Supreme Court has now disposed of all the Mollie Magulre cases to be considered by it at the present time. Terrible Storm. , On Sunday aweek a terrible storm vis ited portions of Indiana, doing great damage. At Marion houses were un roofed, trees uprooted, and fences de stroyed. A brick church, nine miles north of Marion, was demolished, and at the time it was filled with people at tending divine service. The roof was uplifted and the walls fell in, burying the inmates. The scene that followed was terrible. One young man was killed, and ten or fifteen persons serious ly injured. Lion Hunting in North Carolina. About sixty of the Nimrods of New Hanover county, N. C, started one day last week in pursuit of . n animal sup posed to be a lioness. The hunters were divided Into cavalry and infantry, and armed with every variety of weapon, from rifles to pitchforks. After a two days' chase the beast was overtaken and shot. But the game, when killed, Avas not a dead lion at all ; it was only the carcass of a big yellow dog. To talk about lion hunting there Is now consid ered impolite. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C., May, 28rd 1877. Hon. Daniel Chamberlain, of South Coiolina, once affluent spent his entire fortune in his vain light for the Governor ship of his State, ana now to retrieve the same he has left bis home and entered into compact with a flourishing law firm in New York. Ever since Hampton's recognition ns Governor and Chamberlain's withdrawal from tho contest, President Hayes has been intent upon a sort of compromise with the ' latter gentleman, having oll'ored him several quite prominent oilices, all of which have been declined. Last week he was proffered the solicitorshlp of the Treasury accom panied by an earnest request from the President that be would accept the oflice. Chamberlain promptly declined, however, with the explanation that his mind was fully made up not to re-enter political life in any way until his fortune was re-made, and that he had already engaged in what was far more advautageouB professionally and pecuniarily than the solicitorship would be. I think the President meets with but few such caRos in those days. The refusal to accept a luoratlve government oflice is a rare thiug in a United State's high official's experience. Latest reports say that Miss Van Lew, the energetio Richmond Postmistress is destined to lose her ollioe after all her efforts. Miss Van Lew visited Washington and the President not long since, and left the Capital fully persuaded that her services would be retained. Her's has been a hard fight, and she really deserves success for her enterprise and vigorous independence, if for nothing else. In reply to questions Secretary Sherman says that he does not think it necessary to make any formal statement as to what he intends doing under the Resumption Act. Whatever is done will be openly done and will be communicated, first of all to the publio, nothing will be done except in strict eonformity with law, and no step will be taken except after the most careful consideration and with the sanction of the President. . He also says that he will state to the newspaper press every act done under the resumption law. Ten days ago we were wearing cloaks and overcoats and to-day the thermometer stands at ninety-five in the shade. Our nights are as hot as the days, and our annual roasting has fairly begun. Such hot weather in May Is unusual but we hope it will be over the sooner for commencing thus early. M.'M. W. Miscellaneous News Items. tW Four men and three women, while on their way to church, on Sunday a week, were drowned at Malaquawatek, Cape Breton, by the upsetting of a boat. tW The pool-sellers In New York, in consequence of the law prohibiting pool selling in that State, have removed all their establishments to Jersey City andlloboken, where there Is uo law against the business. tlT" James Alcorn, aPhlladelphian.while getting into a wagon at Atlantlo City, on Wednesday, slipped and his foot caught hi a wheel, which twisted the leg off. Amputation above the knee was performed. tW The one hundred and second anni versary of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence was celehrntod at Charlotte, N. C, Tuesday, by salutes, ringing of bells, parades, addresses and other cere monies. (LIT In the Methodist Conference in Bal timore, on Tuesday a resolution was adopt ed that it is the duty of pastors to organ ize Sunday-schools In their respective churches ; a neglect of this duty may be considered as sufficient cause to remove the delinquent pastors. ti$T Five or six citizens of Reading have formed themselves into a company for the purpose of manufacturing pure Schweitzer lease. The company has already purchased 800 goats in Schuylkill county for this pur-, pose. tW George A. Austin, of Bow, N. II. assaulted his wife on Tuesday night, and was fatally shot by his stepson, William J. Flanders, a lad seventeen years old. Some of the bullets wounded Mrs. Austin, necessitating the amputation of her right arm. tW Five men were arrested in Syracuse, N. Y., on Wednesday on the charge of having committed a violent assult and battery upon a young lady in the Eighth ward of that city. It is alleged that this gang has been in the habit of committing similar offences. IS?" By the giving way of a scaffold Tuesday afternoon in the Church of the Holy Cross, West street, Baltimore, Henry Krauss, aged fifty-eight years, was killed and three others were seriously injured. The men were engaged in frescoing tho ceiling of the church. W Elizabeth J. Blond, of Allegheny county, has recovered a verdict of $5,000 damages for the death of her husband, who was killed on the railroad while intox icated. The defendant, George W. Boyd, bad sold him liquor after he had been notified not to do so. tW A prominent newspaper man of Worcester, on his way home the other evening, wandered into a religions meeting and fell asleep. When they came around with the contribution box the deacon touched him on the shoulder, and he roused up and gently murmured, " I pass." They locked up the church and left him. tW A semi-official statement has been made that the Directors of the Pennsyl vania railroad Company have recommend ed a reduction In the wages of all employes of the road ten per oent., and the discharge of all spare persons employed in the various departments of the administration. G3T" There was a furious whirlwind and hurricane on Friday a week, at Iiivierre Rouge, St. .Tackques and L'Assumtion. Fifteen buildings were blown down, and the people saved their lives by taking refuge in tho cellars. Trees were uprooted and fences and barns carried away. No lives were lost. The shops in St. Petersburg have projecting sign-boards, on which are repre sented the principal articles sold. This is a proof of the general ignorance, for if the masses could read, such notices would not be necessary. The same custom was practis ed in other European countries in former times for the same reason. At the Jefferson Market (New York) Police Court a fow days since a man testi fied that a woman hit him over the head with a quart measure, and, retorted tho woman, "be hit me first with a pint cup 1" " Measure for measure," replied the Judge. " Don't lot me find you here again. If I do I'll have you sent to the Island. Now go 1" St. Louis, May 22. John C. Simpson of Oregon county, Mo., was convicted in the United States Court of Illicit distill ing, the jury finding him guilty on all five counts of the indictment. Sentence was deferred by the court. Simpson is 50 years old, was County Judge for two years, and has been a Baptist minister for twenty years. tW A farmer of Monroe county, Ga., lost a calf last week, and the negro who was Bent to hunt it reported finding it in a ravine where six foxes had chased it and were furiously attacking it. The calf 'was nearly worried down, and so intent were the foxes after their prey that one of them was killed before they could be driven off. On Sunday night a week a party of disguised men went to the jail at Bland ville, Ky., and with drawn pistols demand ed the keys. They entered the jail and seized a negro named Levi Pile, who attempted to assault and murder Mrs. Pile, the wife of his employer, last week. They put a rope around his neck, tied him to a mule, and drsgged him away to the woods. Nothing further is known except that his dead body, with several bullet holes in it, and the clothing bnrned out, was found hanging to a tree. A notice was posted in the Lehigh Valley Railroad round-bonse at Eastod last Wednesday, notifying their engineers of a proposed reduction of wages to take effect on the 1st of June next. The follow ing reductions are to be made : Those now receiving $3,50 per day are to be reduced to 3 ; those receiving f 3,25 to f3,00, and those now reoeiving f 3 to 2,80. A meeting of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers will be held to take action on the proposed reduction. IS" This marriage may be said to have been hatched out of an egg. A young grocer in Newark, while looking over a barrel of eggs, found written on one the following verse : " If this yon see, young man, Write lint as soon as you can. And let me hear from my favorite egg I Tills great boon I humbly beg." The signature of Julia Brierson, West- field, O., was attached. The grocer wrote to her, she replied, they exchanged photo graphs, they became mutually interested, and recently they were married. tW While bartenders are closing up their drinking saloons in the East, they are encouraging the tipplers to further activity in the West. A Santa Barbara, Cab, saloon keeper offers to every one who takes a drink a numbered ticket. Every time a drink is taken a new number is given. At the end of the month the num bers are put into a lottery wheel, and the lucky number draws 35. Of course the toper who has the largest number of tickets is supposed to have the best chance for the 25. Llppincott's Magazine. The contents of Mppineotfa Magazint for June are light and varied. The number opens with two finely Illustrated articles the second of Lady Blanche Murphy's agreeable. Rhine Sketches, and the concluding paper on the Valleys of Peru. fA young Italian author, Edmondode Amlcls, whose name will be new to most Amerlan readers, but whose writings are very popular in his own land, forms the subject of an Interesting article, which Includes a translation of a deeply pathetic story. Under the title of "Curious Couples," Rev. William M. Baker recounts some of his ex perience as a pastor in the South. Albert Rhodes discusses the question of Chinese im migration, apropos of the colony at Beaver Falls, and Ethel (J. Cale gives an account of the quaint superstitions still cherished by the Tyrolean peasantry. The stories are numerous embracing the continuation of " The Marquis of Lossle," "The Lost Voice," by Ita Aniol Prokop, " A Love Chase," by Clarence Gor don, and " The Priest's Sou," by TourguenerT. In the way of poetry there Is a dainty bit of versa by Paul II. Hayne, a string of wedding sonnets by Emma Lazarus, and a " Sleeping Song," paraphrased from Theocritus. The editorial departments are unusually full and Interesting. E. F. Hankie's Bitter Wine of Iron. Has never been known to fall In the cure of weakness, attended with symptoms, Indisposi tion to exertion loss of memory, difficulty of breathing, general weakness, borror of dis ease, weak, nervous trembling, dreadful horror of death, night sweats, cold feet, weakness dimness of vision, languor universal lassitude of the muscular system, enormous appetite, with dyspeptic system, hot hands, flushing of the body, dryness of the skin, pallid coun tenance and eruptions on the face, purifying the blood, pain In the back, heaviness of the eyelids, frequent black spots flying before the eyes with temporary suffusion and loss of sight; want of attention, etc. These symptoms all arise from a weakness, and to remedy that use E. F. Knnkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. It never fails. Thousands are now enjoying health who have used it. Get the genuine. Sold only In f 1 bottles. Take only E. F. Kuukel's. Ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. This truly valuablo tonic has been so thorough ly tested by all classes of the community that it Is now deemed indispensable as a Tonic medicine. It costs but little, purifies tho blood and gives tone to the stomach, renovates the system and prolongs life. I now only ask a trial of this valuable tonic. Price fl per bottle. E. F. KUNKEL, Sole Proprietor, No. 259 North Ninth St., below Vine, Philadelphia, Pa. Ask for Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, and take no other. A photograph of the proprietor on oach wrapper, all others are counterfeit. Beware of counterfeits. Do not lot your druggists sell you any but Knnkel's, which IS put up only as above represented. You can get six bottles for ?5. All I ask is one simple trial. Tape Worm Bemoved Alive. Head and all complete in two hours. No fee tilt head passes. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worms removed by Dr. Kunkel's, 259 North Ninth St. Advice free. No Fee until head and all passes In one, and alive. Dr. Kunkel is the only successfnl physician In this country for the removal cf Worms, and his Worm Syrup Is pleasant and safe for children or grown persons. Send for circular or ask for a bottle of Kunkel's Worm Syrup. Price 81 a bottle. Get it of your druggists. It never falls. 18 4 w. I3f Let us be clean, In order that we may be healthy. To be thoroughly so, and to counteract eruptive tendencies and render the skin white and smoooth, let us nse Glenn' Sulphur Soap. No eruption can withstand it. Depot, Crlttenton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown, E0 cts. 18 4 w TO C0NSUMTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Parties wishing the prescription will please address, Rev. is. A. WILSON, 2aflmos 194 Penn St., WIUiamsburgh.New York PIMPLES. 1 will mall the recipe- for preparing a simple Vegetable Bai.m that will lemove Tan, FKECKXEH, riMFLES and Bixwchbs, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also Instruc tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address, en-clos-ng 10 cents. BEN. VANDELF & CO., Box 6121, No. 6 Wooster St., New York. 10a2 6mos. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need It, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing In perfect eontlilence. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Bt New York. 10a52 6mos. Removal. J. T. Messlmer has remov ed his Shoe Shop to the room adjoining F. B. Clouser'a office, 4 doors west of the Post-Oftlce, where he will make to order Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Repair ing promptly and neatly executed. He will also keep on hand a good assort ment of Boots and Shoes, which he will sell at low prices. Give him a call. IT New Tailor Shop. The undersigned gives notice to the publio that he has opened a shop opposite Itinesmith's hotel New Bloomfleld, Pa., in the room formerly need as a confectionary, where he is prepared to do work in his line promptly, and at reasonable prices. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Give me a call. Samuel Bextzel. Bloomfleld, May 1, '77 tf. Looklno Glasses, Mirrors, Window Shades, Matts, Bugs, Hassocks, Ac, at the Carpet Store in Carlisle.