4 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, TA., MAY 22, 1877. She iUooniiiclb fljimrs. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. avelntlte (nmmnnli'iMiiii fr.vn 1l i"rsoii wlin urn iiiterentwl lu mutters properly brlnmrliiir In lul de. .1artmnt. "' Don't PRy" Crops. " KhIhIiir corn don't pny," nayn tbo flvrmerof Mnlne. " ItnlMng this -and 1bnt crop don't pay. Tills thing and that don't pay. Well, what shall I do? What shall I and my sons one 10 years id the other 1H years old, do this sum mer ? Our furni Is KM) ncren." The doiVt pay, Ave tdke It, means that the labor we put Into this or that crop will hob ftfve'iis fhe eurrent rote of wages. Well, suppose It does not ; suppose you and ynur sons do nut earn each 50 cents a dy4n oultlvatlng your crops, when the1 laboring ninn gets a dollar a day for ,a,pili;n.of the year. Thethlng to do, it seems to us, is (Itbcntoqult the farm and try some other bufdness, or to stick to to the farm and make the 50 cents a day and as -much more as we can, by hard -work. This ldHng of our time complaiidng the while ; this doing only the half what wo-oan dothis farming sort of life restingr uslt were, on our oars, and only putting' them into tlie water occasionally for .a strdke, will not make farming pay better. Xeep the oars moving all tin? tinie, onfl we may but advance slowly, yet there will be an advance. Tbat faiunlng don't pay, as well as we ukl vi8h, may make it prudent for h not to borrow money for improvements; not to liH-e men and pay them wages tUat they rannot earn at farm-work. l!nt, having. a farm, with good buildings on our lauds, which we have no expecta tion, of -.quitting, don't let us stop apply ing totthe working of it, the muscle of ourselves and fumily,and our best ellbvts. We know one who is loud in declaring that farming -don't pay he is at the post-oillce each afternoon, talking poll tics, and bis eldest ton shows, us the fruit of his own labor for a year a 11 ve-yeur-ohliGoItvell broken, that shows a .good tttopin the buggy. 'We might ask this man, does this rtiianner of life, of himself and son. pay ? It is the farm, lifter all, that gives them he.opportuity so to waste time. It is tthefarm, after all, that permits the iinan to pass hulf his-year at the village -tore, and 'hl.s mm to train the colt. iSuppos-c this wasted time was given to 'ihe "don't pay" erops, and the earnings were put Into the savings bank. Would not the don't ,pay crops pay better than the don't pay idle hours V Our com plaint Is that the 'don't pay cry is made sin an excuse fur doing not half as well .iw-we can. Zklco. Veal Fritters. Trike some thin slices of cold roast veal, uiul trim thcni in a circular form. ,' itleut them with a roiling-pin, to make them -.very tender, and season them with a little ult and pepper, and some pow dered nutmeg. Also some grated fresh . yellow l'lnd of lemon peel. Make ft very "! light, batter, of eggs, milk, and flour; in -i 11ms prtyiei'tlon of four weJl-beaten eggs to a pint of milk, and ft large half pint f sifted flour; the eggs beaten first, and hen stirred gradually into the milk in turn w-ibh thejlour. Have ready a frying j mil nearly full of boiling lard. Drop into lit t wo large spoonfuls of the batter. Then iput In .-a slice of the veal, and rover It with two more large spoonfuls -f the batter. As the fritters are fried, take ihenuijp .with a perforated skimmer, tud -d.i:ain the.ni.. Brilliant Whitewftsh. Take half a-lwishel of nice imtslak--i litu-e, slack it with boiling water, and cover It during the process to keep in the Ktoaui. Strain the liquid through a tine e e, and add to it a peck of fine salt, pi-eti iously dissol ved in warm water; throe ixxriiids of ground rice boiled to a, past utid stirred in hot; half a pound ' of (un$h whiting, and u pound of clean glue tlwrmighly dissolved. -Add tive gallon is f but water to the whole mixture, stir it well, and let It stand a lew tiny oovered from' the dirt It should I put u hot, and for this pur- jKise it can be touted in ft sum 11 kettle on h portable furoe. This whitewash will keep bright fur year. Ctictate Cakt. One and ludjoups of sugar, otw ditto sweet inllk.twotublespflon melted butter, two tcuspoono cream tartar, one ditto soda, one pint of (lour, whites of three cgg, bake as Jelly cake. Frosting tor Inside Whites of one and a half eggg, beat to a frotli and add one-half cup of sugar, one-hulf cup of grated chocolate, tlavor witli vunllU. Frosting for out side one-half cup of chocolate, one ditto brown sucar. One-hulf wine glass water, IjoII until It will harden in wuter. ttr Asparagus bed will, with regular mid proper culling, continue from tweu y to thirty years. FUN t nniiv cations lnv letter, 1 pk. cesnlo lUll niKli. pack popping iiiiestloiis curd t nil for W!ets., & Ktn in p. Inn Curd t!o, Mlililleboro, llAM. , IftU'V. Best bargain In Amerlea.r DM(J ,1, K. Man. Map ami Catalogue tree- ""cU. Dover, Delaware. lRillw. PIIMl package conilo Envelopes, pk, conilo run Cards, puck scroll cards, 24 p. hook nf Fun; nil for lu cents m nnd slump, Niivrltv Co., Middleboro, Mann. lHillw, W A U T FlVAn "Id established N. V.. ami iinnibu Havana, tlrm want a fleneiiil Agent In llloomttold or vicinity, to control the snli-n of their Cigars A permanent paving ponl. tlonifor an acceptable man. Must be 'enercetlo anil reliable. Address, KAMON, I.OI'K. U(., 147H'iuIh Hlreet, New York. IHiUw. pi M 1 lik acquaintance cardn, 1 pack lutkf. run tilrtntlini, l park norno). all norm, for only lllcents & stamp, i-iin Lard Co., Mliltlleboro, Mm, 18d4v. TIP TlipTItTnp rlrktT In tbfl Inrr 'II. '1 IK-ltWIMtM IBDV. 1S1H loilt. REND AMU IB HliMiui suti- l'Kr, 13 jfiiviMupwi, Ponrll, rti-hwllr, o-lil. it Tnii. Ri't nf F.ll.ffMt (liil-l Hums Slpi, Billt.'in. OPtlU' !. umf unniimunn, nii--hrtNIme HIiiKlnlalil wllh (fold, Amlirt KtimoHrrf rill, ""I'l l'llw WeilcllliR Kl"e. St Bambini Kr UmpF, ' JjuUmT Ftowred nU Sllyril llntrin, ljull' "nfy Met fin rnul llnmn. Holil pliiti.CullNr n-itton, oiitu- Unlil rlftt ml Wnl.-li Oh.ln an.l But of AgBK Krfyk i-hmiiiiiid.pintMi 8tii.il. ri"ip tn kuV tftrtrt ft itn! tt fitdAr GO H ii BEP' rcnti. I: .YTK.40K IilK1 K t O lHnm IT JADUCFlrl-NT.sroSGFHJS' . - J. BRIDE. Clinton Plooe, New York. TRIFLIKU WITH A COM) IS ALWAYS DANIIKHOl'H. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a nui-e rpmeily for noi'OHN. and nil dtnennpn of ttte TIIKOAl', LUNOH, CHKSX and MtJUOUB MGAHIIt AN K. I'nt Up Only In Itlne Doxcs. HOLD BY Al,l DHUOOIHTH. lRd4w C. N. Chittenton, 7 Hixth AvfcNL'E, New York. A chance for all to make or save liinncy.and Ret the IIHSTtillODS lu till' market TEAS, COFFEES, AC, Hold at. lower prleen Mian tile name imlltlps can be boimlit at any otlmr lionscln this country. All ndn guaranteed to bo natlsfactorv and as rcpie!itPd. or the money will lie refunilpil on re turn the goods, wlucli may be dune at our ex pense. , The reputation of our home forsell!n(tslandard Hoods at Jaw prices, (fur m vearn). has nlvcn us a standing In New York City and vicinity. Hint Is not .enjoyed by any oilier linue In the trade-. After mature deliberation we have delerinliipd to oiler our Roods to houspkcppers, at the I.OWKST WHOI.KSAI.K TJIAHK 1"HICK8. when a CIA H Is formed larite enough to make a nnmll i-nse. The !oodsof Much member of the club will be put In sepnrnte piwkaups, and marked with name nnd cost, sons to avoid confusion In distribution. Hoods will be split by Express to Collect on io llveiy. All wishing to save money by purclinslnn family supplies at New Yolk Wholcsiille l'rlces can talk I lie matter over anionic friends mid neighbors, and send tons for Club Ciiculiii-.l'i-ice-list, &u. We give a present of either goods, or money to the person who gets up Hie club, to compensate for troiiblu, etc. Kaiiiples of iliAi; COKKKH sent bv mall. Hend for J'rlce'.llst. and Club Circular. lOdtw Stiner's New York & China Tet Co., f. If. MOKES Si CO., rroprletnrs. 18dt 77,70,81,84 nnd i V8t:r Hlreet, Aew York. Rflfll R,B H'1'- 'y l-riOcapltal renulred to uuuixto start canvassing for M AUK TWAIN'S JKW MCKAC-HOOK. Applv. with stamp. John K. Hnllowei,i:wFnstp A KM ACCCOO Jilght Kt., New Yol k. 2U4t vnn inuubiig The Black Ilills. Ity II. N. MAiii'inr.. who has spent 12 ears In llils region. I.alest accounts of (fold anil Silver prospects. Auricultuial and (trazltiR lesonrces. Climate, Hunting, Fishing, Indians, and Settlers' Adventures with them, Alining and Wild West ern Life, the Waterfalls. Boiling Ocysers. noble Sceneiy, Immense Gorges, etc. With VI line II lustrations, and one map. l'rlc.e (tnlv Ten Cents. Hold by nil Newsdealers, or sent post paid for l'-V. hy DONNELLY, J.OYD & CO, Publishers, t'lii cago, III. atkllw I H' HANXINt Is permntipiitlv located at I ' the ST. CHAItl.KS llOTKI., rittslmi th. I'n. lilveaws and Deformities of the Spine, I'lterlue Dlnplneeineiit, Dyspepsia, Hernia and Files site cessliilly treated hv the IIANM.VH SYSTEM of Mechanical Supports. Call or send for descrip tive iMimphlet, " The House You Live lu." Mali-, ed l ice. 17 i, EVERY SOLDIER ii nent disense lu service, can get a pension bv writ Inn to John Kirkpatrick, Cambridge, Ohio." 17 lai Mfl AVe will stm t you In a business you 1 ' u can make 300 a week without capital : MnNFV,,,lsy i"'1 respectable fur either sex. Kiunu I ji. a. Youxo.aH Bowery.N.Y.Kyu ft New plecessheet ninslcretallnfor tl 7 . ent Tor u 10 ctu& stamp. Cheap Music Co., Middlcboro, Mass. 8d4w. ORELECANT CARDS nil styles with name, lu cents, post paid. J. It. limited, Nassau, liens Co., N. Y. Id4w. LI A 1 conilo nil chnvuie, 7x11, mounted, worth 2te. t MM pk lnvocttr.ln, 1 itrk i-i.nnc i nvi leci s, 1 i.k ceuiii: currlM, lpk scroll, 1 '.'1p tionk run, uUbinl ler only Me, st'ps, Novelty Co., .MxtdMi.iro, MufH. IMw NEW KINDS OF SEED POTATOES. I am prepared to ship to planters the following new varieties of excellent seed potatoes, viz: Producer-(Largo, oblong, white) eyes on top. Snow Flake (beautiful, eves mi top). Karly Vermont (large, round, yellow) very early. White Ruck (large, round Imported). Skerry lilue (Early large rouud Imported). Jackson White (large white). Any of the above good potatoes will be boxed and delivered nt freight or express olliee at the rale of Ji per bushel, money to accompany the older I). K. KKKIH-.U. N. W. Comer 13th & Oxford streets, Philuda. April 10 1877. C ftfW! Is not easily earned in these times, but Ol I It can be made in three months by t.'ie ennntrv who is wllllim to work stemfllv .it tlin kt "in- mi riiiii-i sex. ill any iiai l. 4l employ nent thai we furnish. Ithaweck In vour own town. You need not be far away from home overnigli. You can give your whole tlnm to I he woiK, or only your spare moments. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and .'it Outltt free. Address ut ouee, II. Hallett & Co.. Hoit. land, Maine. , 14 ly, ' 100,000 FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Facts for the Farmer Factsforthe Merchant Facts for tho Horseiiiau Facts for tli Sloi-k-raiser Facts for the Poultry-keeper Facts for the llec-keeuer Facts for the Lawyer Pacts for the Laborer Facts for the Fruit-raiser Facts for the Ciardeuer Facta for the Doctor Facts for the Dairynutn Fact9 for the Household Facts for every family who wants te save money. FACTS FOR AGENTS. That this Is the most Important advertisement for you yet published, being the best chance to make money ever ottered. The press endorses It. your own paperendorseslt.everyone endorses lu THE BOOK OF THE 19th CENTURY. Male and female agents coining money unit. Bend to us at once and get circulars free. IN CHAM, SMITH ti BLACK, 731 Walnut Street. Philadelphia, Pa. .-.iat. yyiLLiIAM M. HUTCH, Justice of the I'enoe, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR. N w Bloomfleld, Perry County, Penn'a Special attention paid t Collections of all kinds. Deeds, Uomls,Mortca;ri' and Agreements neatly cxecutea. 1 lotl Phllndclphltt Advertisements. JANNEY & ANDREWS . WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 133 MARKET BT., Philadelphia. WAINWIHOHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S, JONES, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 210 NORTH WHAItVES, Philadelphia, Pa. D AVID. J, HOAR & CO., Successors to BOAR MrCONKEY k CO., WBOLB8ALB BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, ia MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., Wbolbsalb Dealeks in TOBACCO, CIGARS &c NO. 4. NOKTH FIFTH STKKET, PHILADELPHIA Pa. G RAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealersiu Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpot Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And n line assortment of WOOBaod WILLOW WARE, No. 120 MRiket street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. J OHN LUCAS & CO. SOLE AND ON LY MANX FACTUHKRS OF TJ1K IMPERIAL FRENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN. Also, Pure White LeaTl and Color M ANITA CTURERS, Noi, 141 and 143 North Fourth 8t., .. . .Philadelphia.. JMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, On High Strut, Eat or Cabxiblb 8t.v Sew Bloomfleld, Penn'a. THE rnibucrtber has built a large and commo dious Shop onHiith St., East of Carlisle Street New BlooniHeld. Fa., where he Is prepared to maa ufacturetonrder Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built toorder. and finished In the mostartlstieand durable manner. Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. b- REPAIRING of allklndsneatlyandpromp lydone A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH nt , PRINTING of every description neatly ex-, edited at the Bloom field Timet Office, at reatoB&Lle. rate. Philadelphia Advertisements. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS Booksellers and Stationers, And Dealer! In WINDOW CURTAINS VTALti l'AI'Klt, ETC, No. 430 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. 2EIGLER&SWEARINGEN' 8uooeaBora to SHAFFNER, ZIEQLER & CO., Importers and Dealers In HoNler y, CaioveN, " Illbbonw, Niiftpeiidem, TBREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 88,' North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA , PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Combs. gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. BLANK IIOOKN Always on hand, and madeto Order. Nos. S30 Market and 523 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO VS. Publishers of Banders'New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's Historyot the UultedUtates.Felton'sOutllne Maps,&c. jgARCROJT & CO., Imporlen and Jobber Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, &o., Nos. 40S and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) PHILADELPHIA. JEW. T. MOUL, REPRESENTING , Weimer, Wright & Watkln, Manufacturer & Wholesale Dealers IN Boots & Shoes No. 302 Market Street, PIIILAllKLnilA. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Impobtibs and Jobbirs of AND QUEENSWARE, ' 823 Market Street, W. H. KENNEDY, TRIMBLE, BRITTON Co WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 60S MARKET STREET, PBILADSUBIA. 7 10 Philadelphia AdyertlsCTnents. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WH0LKBALM HARDWARE HOUSE No. 629 Market Street, Philadelphia, Ffun'a. gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "TII UNION,") JOS. M. FEGEIt, Proprietor 817 & 819 ARCH BTHEET, rillLADELPHIA. Terme, $3.60 Per Day. 'I HOTEL belnn centrally located, and liav A I n k been entirely hrfittkd, It will be found' as pleaeant a stopping place as can be desired JINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. , A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED t Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL! Everybody who sees them are delighted. US The Trade supplied at a Liberal Discount. F. MORTIMER, W EST STREET HOTEL, Nos. 41, 43, 43 44 West 8t., NEW YORK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO, i PEAN PLAN. ROOMS 5ft and 75 cents per day. Charges very MODKB ATE. The best meats and vegetables In the market. BEST BEDS In the City, iniyii B. T. BABBITT, Proprietor. Professional Cards. JE. JUNKIN, Attorney at-Law, New itloomlleld. Perry co., Pa. Office Next door to the residence of Judge Juukln. 45tf AM. MARKEL. Attorneyat-Law, New BioomtlelU, Perry county. Pa. l-e? Office directly opposite the Post-Office, and adjoining the Mansion House. ' -JVEW18 POTTER, ATTOHSKY AT U1Y, NEW BLOOMFIKl.D, FERRY CO., PA. Claims promptly secured and collected Writings and all legal business carefully attend ed to. 32 yl JAMES II. FEROLSON, Attorney at-Law, NEWPORT, PA. 49-Office Market Street, near the Square. 35 6 CIIABLES U. 8MILE7, Attorney at Law. New BloomOeld, Ferry Co. Pa. . Office with C. A. Barnett, Esq., on High, Street, north side. nearly opposite the Presb)te riaa Church. August 20, 172. JBAILY, Attorney at Law, New Bloomfleld, Perry Co., Pa Mr Office opposite the Mansion House and next door to the Post-Ofllce. Refers to B. Mclntlre, Esq. Jnne27,1871. TT"M. A. 8PON8LER, Attorney at-Law, T y Otlice adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New BlooniHeld, Ferry eo.. Pa. 3 2 ly JOHN O. SHATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Bluomneld, Perry eo.. Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Hurgical Dentistry done in the best manner, and at reasonable prices. kOfT!ee at his residence one door East of the Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. Sponslrr's Law office. 3 2Iy "IITM. N. BEIBERT, Attorney at-Law. Yv New BloomOeld, Perry CO.. Ta. BloomDeId,3331v. - "ITTM. M. SOTCH. YY ATTORNEYAT-LAW, New Bloomfleld, Perry eo.. Pa. -Offlce Two door West of If. Mortimer Store 37 ly ... LEWIS POTTER, kotat pcBuc, New Bloom Oeld. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leasee carefully. kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn ao certified, will also take depositions te be rerd in any court in the United States. TlOly YHAS. J. T.McINTIRK, Attorney -a-Law, J New BloomOeld, Peiry co.. Pa. Kf All professional buaineeapraaivtlyandf ait h fully attended to. 3 1 lv. "TTTM. A. MORRISON, Y JUSTICE OF THE PEACE aad GENERAL COLLECTOR, NbwGehmjiNtowii. Perry ce., Pa. -ReinittanceswtUb made promptly tor all Collections made. 7 14 "XHAS. A. BABNETTAttorney-at-Law, j New BleomMeld. Perry eo.. Pa. .Oftlce on hlarb street. North aide, nearly op posite the Presbyterian Church. 3 ly JICHARD L MAGEE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, i WOUffl at bis residence, in CENTK E TOWK- I xs- i BHir. ferry ounty, reun a., en aiiie tMatnoi bot new oioomneia. iv? l,fa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers