8 THE TIMES; NEW BLOOMFIELI) PA. MAY J15 1877.f A Restaurant Walter Tumi Out to bs a Russian Nobleman. ' For tli o pant two years them has d wait in Eureka, Nevada, a young man . who, al though following the oooupation of a res taurant waiter, attracted much attention on aooount of his superior learning and intelligence. He spoke live different lan guages with fluency, was well posted in all matters of a eclouttllo character, possessed an intimate noqualntanoo with ourront literature, and was at no loss in referenoe to the entanglements and mystorles of the European war question. Whenever he could get hold of asympathotio listener, he would dwell learnedly on tho Russian policy, and explain in detail the probable moves on the political chess board. The jaw breaking wordB that almost fives the lockjaw to English speaking peoplo rolled glibly from his totiguo. As for foreign dispatches he fairly reveled InVhom. When questioned as to his past history, he would answer, " Story, sir 1 1 have none to tell." Concealmont, however, came to an end, and the Eureka Sentinel furnishes its readers with the following accouut of tho learnod waiter : He was born near Mos cow, in Russia, of noble parentage, and his title is Court Alexandor llulm. He was educated at the University of Kharkov, and after completing his studies entered the army, where, by family standing and influence, he rapidly rose to the rank of colonel. His prospects were very bright until one unfortunate day whon he became embroiled in a quarrel with a brother offi cer. A duel was the result, and the conn t killed his antagonist. As the code was prohibited, and infractions of the law in that respoct are rigidly punished, Col. Iluhn fled the country, and for the past three years has been a wanderer in foreign lands. His family, exasperated at his con duct, disowned him and he finally brought up in Eureka and engaged in the humble occupation of a waiter. When the Euro pean complication arose he opened a cor respondence with the Russian government and his family. The latter recalled their displeasure and secured his pardon by f the government. He has not only been pardon ed, but restored to his rank of colonel in the Chasseurs of the Grenadiers. ' A fow days ago he received official notice of tho fact, and also a letter from the Russian consul at San Francisco, who had recoived -orders to provided the count with funds and transportation homo. He will join his corps in the field, and the next that we hear of him may he through 'dispatches received from the seat of war in tho east. CROSS HUSBANDS AND SCOLDING WIVES. "Domestio infelicity," which newspaper reporters nowadays credit with playing such an important part in life's drama, is often the lesult of lingering or chronic disease. What husband or wife can be cheerful, smiling, and pleasant, when con stantly Buttering from the tortures of some dread disease? Perhaps the husband's liver becomos torpid, and he experiences bitter, disagreeable taste or nausea, has chilly sensations, alternating with groat ; heat and dryness of the surface of his body, pain in bis sides, shoulders, or back, eyes and skin are tinged with yellow, feels dull, indisposed, and dizzy. Through his suffer ing he becomes gloomy, despondent, and exceedingly irritable in temper. Instead of resorting to so reliable a remedy as a few small doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative 1 Pellets, and following up their action with tho use of Golden Medical Discovery, to work the biliary poison out of the system and purify the blood, if he play the part i of a "penny wise and pound foolish" man he will attempt to economize by saving tho small cost of these medicines. Continuing to sutler, his nervous system becomes im paired, and he is fretful aud peevish a fit subject to become embroiled in "domestic infelicity." Or the good wife may, from her too laborious duties or family cares, havo become subject to such chronic af fections as are peculiarly incident to her sex, and being reduced in blood and strength, suffering from backache, nervousness, headache, internal fever, and enduring pains too numerous to mention, she may become peevish and fretful any thing but a genial helpmate. In this deplorable condition of ill health, should she act wisely aud employ Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, it will iu due time, by its cordial, tonic and nervine properties, re store her health aud transform her from the peevish, scolding, irritable-tempered invalid to a happy, cheerful wife. Laying aside levity aud speaking seriously, bus bands and wives, you will find the Family Medicines above mentioned reliablo and potent remedies. For full particulars of their properties and uses, see , Pierce's Memorandum Hook, which is given away by all druggists. tS?A few months ago a Russian peasant aud his wife and four children, while traveling in a sleigh along the banks of the Pruth, were pursued by a pack of wolves. The peasant urged on the horses, but soon saw that the wolves were fast gaining upon him. At the momcut whon the sleigh was surrounded by the raveuing beasts, the man seized one of tho children, threw It in the midst of them, and while the wolves were struggling over their prey, he hasten ed on his horses and gained ground. Four times the wolves came up with the fugitives, and four times the horrible sacrifice was completed. At last the peasant aud his wife arrived at the nearest villiage, leaving behind them tho bones of their four children. In the bitterness of her despair the mother informed against her husband, but tho Judges considering that if the peasant had not resigned himself to the horrible saoiflce he would not only have ,lost his children, but also his wife, acquitted the' prisoner. ' 1877 SPRING 1877. 1877 SPUING 1877.! , 1877 SPRING 1877. ' SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. HAVING JUST PURCHASED for CASH, at LOW PKICES, lots of NEW GOODS, we ?,r?.f.J51!!?l,.to ,T6r "r 'rleiuls and customers O UK AT BAHUA1N8. Now Is the time to buy as there Is no doubt but what DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-OOOD8 WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-GOODS WILL BE HIGHER. DRY-OOOD8 WILL BE HIGHER. NOW IS TIIK TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. NOW IS THE TIME. To Make To Make To Make To Make To Make To Make Your Spring Your Spring Your Spring Your Spring Your Spring Your Spring Purchases. Purchase!. Purchases. Purchases. Purcnases. Purchases. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND MICH WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COM K AND SKH WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COM K AND HER WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND NK.K WHAT WE CAN OFFER. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER. We Have Lola of Prints, We Have Lota of Atyaccas, We Have Lota of Fancy Dry Goods, We Have Lola of Cottonadea, We Have Lota of White Goods, ' We Have Lota of Other Articles, That Are That Are TJiat Arc That Are That Are That Are Very Very Very, Very Very Very Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, Cheap. Cheap, WE ALSO HAVE New Styles of Wall Papers. New Styles of "Wall Papers. New Styles of Wall Papers. The Prettiest You Ever Saw. Come' ami See Them. Floor aud Table Oil Cloths AND Floor and Table Oil Cloths AND Floor aud Table Oil Cloths AXD CARPETS ! In the handsomest pattern ami best qualities. It will nuc east you anything to look at them. SHOES FOR MEN. , SHOES FOR BOYS. SHOES FOR WOMEN. All Good Styles and at Popu lar Prices ! . In Tact we have a COMPLETE STOCK of all kinds ot goods, to which we ask the attention of all who ean appreciate , ; : ' l i TTINTC' GOODS G It E A T B A 11 GAINS: F.- MORTIMER, ':- 4 NEW BLOOMFIELD.-PA. TO THE PEOPLE (M PERRY COUNTY. ANNUAL SPRING GREETING OF STEPHENS & BEETEM. 1877. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE. 1877. English and Amor lean nnussELH la all the BEST makes. BEAUTIFUL Three Ply CARPETS. In Brussels Designs. EXTRA ENGLISH 1JSGHA1N AND Kitra Super CA11PJ1TS VllKAV ! Beauties in Hall and Stair CARPETS with rich match BORDERS ! ALL XEW FOR SPRING. N"CXW OPEN ! AND READY FOR SALE. TUB MOST ATTIUCT1VE SlUINa STOCK Of Carpets Carpets AND OIL CLOTHS ! WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTUKE3, Looking Glasses, MATS, KUQS, HASSOCKS, AND "Wall Papers, ever before oltered to the trade. STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 EAST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE. CARPET CHAINS, AND FILLINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WALL AND DECOKATIONS, FOR Hnlli, Parlors and Vestibules, Chamberand Dining ' Rooms, OIL CLOTHS! For Stairs, Tables, Floors and Halls. Cut to lit In a solid piece. i.ookinu GLASSES! FROM PARLOR TO KITCHEN SIZES. 30 Tatternt in Home Made CAltFETS, our own manufacture. The best Wool, Cotton and Linen C'AKPJCT CHAIN alwayon hand. AND SOLD AT liottom l'riceit. T30N'T DELAY! But come to our STORE and take a look through our NEW SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK ! DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T I! you want a FULL SUIT of Buiiday-go.tvmeet-iug CLOTHES, If you want a ROUGH-AND-READY day work ing SUIT, If you want a separate COAT, VEST or FAKT9. If you want ft HAT or CAP, If you want a TRUNK, VALISE, or SATCHEL, If you want CARPETS or OILCLOTH If you want SHIRTS or OVERALLS, If you want COLLARS, CUFFS or NECK TIES, If you want CLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS- or JEWELRY, If you want an UMBRELLA or PARASOL. If you want LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, If you want GENT'S FURNISHING GOODSv -If you want TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, TOW ELS, or If you want them ALL, you can tlnd Just what will suit you In PRICE, QUALITY, QUANTI TY and STYLE, AT DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY r DELAY f DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! DELAY ! ISIDOR SCHWARTZ'S CLOTHING HOUSE, "Wright's Building, NEWPORT, PENN'A. THE NEW " DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. A. wmm Ifiiirft IT RETAINS all the rlrtnes of th Wght Uuaning DO&JESTIC;" Including Automatic Tension, which was and Is the be In n. - r ' - : t. PiBuse notice our PA'fKNT HARDENED CONICAL BEARINGS ou UitU the Maelue Our new and, old Ideas, worked1 out with brand now 'Machinery and Tools at our 'own1 new , works. In the busy city of Newark, New .lery lmv given u a standard of MECHANICAL EX-" ' CELI.KNC'K. Minimum of Friction, Maximum of Durability, and range ot work, lever .heretofore. Mached In the Hewing Machine world. , . :, . ) ('. . TO ,THI8 STATEMENT AND' THE MACHINE. ITfeELJ? ' V OrAVe luvlte the attention of all, especially- those having high luoetaanlo&l kill or observation. N.B. All Machines fully .warranted. . . . . . ,41' domestic bkwinu M AtiiiN K Co., , (, Nrw yorit and Chicago. ' .. .. . i jiduji, i n; " oom;in'ic' FArr.ii rAino:, t, . v., FU M 1 " y JwWi love ' lotW -T pic," comic . ia. .r"i',.,,""k PPI'nB questions cards all .... i. vow., m iamp. t Kuucard Co, Mlddleboro, Pest bargains 1ft America. CflD MO J. F. Man Maps and Catalogue free rAnlVIOcha, Dover, 18d4w. FUN V. JVKLklK oomlo En veUiprx. pk. eomlc ?p.!n .iwl?npnok. "I0" CBr'l, d V- t"l of J? ? i8lifor 15 "e"U n 'tan. NoteltyOo., Mlddleboro, Mass. Itkl4w. WAN TED A.? oW established N. Y.. and V"1, 1 7,M "ana 'I'm want a General Agent In Hloomileld or vicinity, to control the sales of their Cigars A permanent paying posi tlonfor nil acceptable man. Must be enerietlo and reliable. Address, RAMON, LOPEZ W. 147 Reade Street. New York. lHd4w. FUN Ipaok acquaintance cards. 1 pack hdkf. ii flirtation, 1 pack soron), all sorts, for only lOcents 4k stamp. Fun Card Co., Mlddleboro. Mass. , ld4w. TIP The Tip Top pAfkifr in the lrm. inn iwiiwiHiigiMii.. HiHUHNii SKI. 18 HhmtH Note lH(er, 15 Eiiv tit inn, Ppnril, Penhotflftr. Oolfl. pn Fen. fUt of Klosnnt Oold 8Una HtfiT Utittrm, floitti 0wirge DUntonrt Pin, Amp thjrRtHtone Klnfclnlakl with Rolil, Amethyiit Kbme Heart IKltfsfl' Klowerwl anil Silvered lint Mn, Lndiea' Fnnry Hot Fin and Drop, old plate Collar Button, Oortt' Uoln plat- co v sieii i.; nam ano tun ni ThreAfJolrl.tilatMl Rtmla. The tMtirt Lmt ttnt st pidfr 60 ettttl, JiA'j RA OR 111 N MR Y J. BRIDE. Clinton Place, New York. WOP. TRIFLING WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANOEROU8. . USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, fi"l,ffw'2???)E.fof,9OUOHS' a" Isea'.es of MEiMliitANE. Put lip Only in Bine Boxe. HOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Md4w C. N. Ciiittentow, 7 Bixth Avnle, New 2oik. BEAD TIIIMII A chance for all to make or save money ,and get the BUST GOOD In the market TEAS, COFFEES, &C, sold at lower prices than the same qualities can be bought at any other house la- this country. All goods guaranteed to bo satisfactory and ae represented, or the money will t refunded on re turn of the goods, which may be done at our er pense. The reputation of our house fonwlllngstandard geodj at Low prices, (for 36 years, ha.s given us a standing In New York City and vMnlty, that Is not enjoyed by any other liouse in the trade. After mature deliberation we have determined to offer our goods to housekeepers, at the LOWEST WHOLKSALE TRADK fKlCKS, when a CLUB is formed large enough to make a smMea.se. The goods of each member of the club will be put In separate pnekages. and marked witl name and cost, so as to avoid confusion In distribution. Goods will be sent by Express to Collect on De livery. Af wishing to save money by purchasing family snpplles at New York Wholesalle Prices oan talk the matter over among U-lends aud neighbors, and send tons for Club Clroular.Prlce list, ic. We give s present of either goods, or money to the person who gets up thw club, to compensate flor trouble, etc Samples of TEA ti COt FEE sent by malt. Send for PViee-list, and Club Circular. 19d4w Stiner's New York & China Tea Co., M. M. MOSES ft CO.. Proprietors. J8dt 77,79,81,84 and 80 VJCVUY Street, Aeto York. RflflJt Re ttlK Only!1.50capltal required to . ... start canvassing for MARK TWAIN'S NEW 80RAP-BOOK. Apply, with stamp. ti John K. UalUw41.13Xatp AWWAMCDC Eight St., Now York. 2llt lAN VAOdLnO The BlacU IlilU, By H. N. MfictKE. who has spent 12 years In this region. latest accottnts of Gold and Silver prospects. Agrloultural and Grazing resources. Climate, Hunting, Flshlg, Indians, and Settlers' Adventures wltlr them. Mining and Wlli West ern Life, the Waterfall. Boiling (teysersv noble Scenery, Immense Gorges, etc. With 27 ine il lustrations, and one mapi. Price Only Ter Cents. Sold by all Newsdealers, or sent post-paid for 12c. by DONNELLY, fcOYD CO., PublishCTS. Clil cago, 111. 20d4w On. BANNING t permanently loeated at the ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Pittsburgh, Pa. Diseases and Deformities of the Bpine, CNlerine Displacement, Dyspepsia. Hernia and Piles suc cesslully treated by the BANNING SYSTEM of Mechanical Supports. Call or send for descrip tive pamphlet, "Tie House You Live In."" Mail ed 1-ree. 17 lm FVFRY !fll niFR Who was wounded L.VCOI OOLUICn or contracted perma nent disease in service, can get a pension-by writ ing to John Kirkpatrick, Cambridge, Ohio. 17 lm Nfl We will start you in a busmees you can make 4i0 a week without capital: MnWCV'y and respectable for either sex. I11UIIC I ji. A. Youitu, 261 Bowery, N.Y. 17 3m ! New piecessheet muslc,retai!sfor Jl 7S sent for u 10 cts& stamp, Cheap Music Co.,MliMleboro, Mass. 1S44W. OK ELECANT CARDS all styles with name, 10 cents, post paid. J. B. Hnsted, Nassau, Kens Co., N. Y. lSd4w. LI A 1 comic oil chronto, 7x11, mounted, worth 2fic. 1 li r pk love cards, 1 pack comic envelopes, 1 ik comio cards. 1 pk icroll, 1 4p book Fun, au sent for only 5.10, st'ps. Novelty Co., Mlddleboro, Maaa. , lMw NEW KINDS OF SEED POTATOES. I am prepared to ship to planters the following new varieties of excellent seed potatoes, viz: Producers (Large, oblong, white) eyes on top. Snow Flake (beautiful, eyes on top). - Early Vermont (large, round, yellow) very early. -- White Rock (large, round imported1). Skerry Blue (Early large round imported). Jackson White (large wbite). Anv of the above good potatoes will be boxed and delivered at freight or express cilice at the rale of $4 per bushel, money to accompany the order. D. K. KEEDEB. N. W. Corner 13th & Oxford streets, I'hilada. April 10 1877. WWW is not easily earned in these times, but $i I 4 " ean be made In three months by any one of either sex. in any part of the country who Is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish, tbo a week in your own town. You need not be far away from home' over nigh. You can give your whole time to the work, or ouly your spare moments. It cost nothing to try the business. Terms and 54 Outnt " free. Addresaatouce, H. Haujctt Si Co., Port land, Maine. 14 ly. -100,000 FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Facts for the Farmer Factsforthe Merchaat Facts for the Horseman Facts for the Stock raiser Facts for the Poultry-keeper Facts for the bee-keeper Facta for lha Lawyer Kaots for the Laborer Facts for the Frull-raiser Facts tor the Gardener Facts for the Doctor Facts for the Dairyman Facts for the Household Facts for every family who wants ts save money. FACTS FOR AGENTS. That this Is the most Important advertisement for you yet published, beiug the best chance to make money ever ottered. The press endorses It, your own paperendorsesit.every one-endorses It. TH Z BOOK OF TH E 19th CENTURY. Male and female- agents coining money on It. Send to us at otuee and gel circulars free. IN GHAM. SMITH & BLACK, 731 Waluut Street. Philadelphia Pa , ; , , - 15Ut. -yyiuiaAM m. suxcu, , .... Justice of the yleace',f T , i AND GENEBAI COLLECTOR, , , New Bloomfleld, Perry County. Penn' n8ieclalattentloBnaid to Collections of alt Kino iKwus. ti04is,monKKeiiaM4 Ajrejuirnn menu i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers