The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, May 15, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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Ioii l)cj?utncit.
On and after November I7tb, Trains run at follows
WsvtMiiil Aov
.1'ln Mnili Atl'.l M(TI.
l'am Tr'u Tr'n
Ei. Tr'n Es. Aoo.
A. U
p.m. r. k.
.:; .4
47 .U
A. M.
6 M
Port H:. bI....
I.flWletown J.,
B.lfi 11. U
I. fell
a. is
19. Kl!
13. Ill
13. OH
781 10. td
6.M 10. w
11. IM
111. Ill
8.2S 1 11
11. ra 6.06 I II
11.04 l.40 6.61
10 S4i I.0H 6.37
N. Hamilton,.
1U HI 4.47
R.M- 4.16 7.8s1
6. Ml S.SS 6.601
6.16 9.60 6.161
A.M. P.M. P.M.
fWI'lttplmrir r.rnrpBA lfUVpn tTnrriidmrir At lino P.M.
Iiinentiiinti 11. IS (flair j Newport 11.67 (Auk) nd ar
rives at I'lttfllmi-tfatlj.l&A. m.
JJr let Items.
"" Mr. rnrklnson Uoncli, nn oltl resident
of J.uiuliHliurm died very suddenly nt
ills home in that place on Monday liiglit
of last M eek.
We think some of our exchanges are
pettinp; "Fits" In one lulvertixenieiit
ihey are publishing. We preferred not
to invest in any of that stock.
John Ij. WinRert, of Fayettvllle, was
found dead in his lied on Monday morn
ins; a week. A little son was sleeping
soundly by his side.
A cow belonging to Mr. Martin Clay
in Carroll twp., was found in the pasture
with aJjroken leg on Saturday, but how
it was broken is a mystery.
Mr. John Stambaugh, an old resi
1 dent of Tyrone twp.. died at his resi
dence near Green l'ark on Saturday
morning last from cancer in the stom
ach. ' A Jackson twp., mania very absent
minded. He recently went out to har
row, with the horses, and when he got
to the field found he had only part of
the gears on one horse.
."- AVe noticed on "Wednesday last I).
Kistler, Esq., passing through this
place on his way to the west, on a visit
to his son. We hope he will have a
pleasant trip.
-v And now the citizens of the borough
' are requested by the burgess to clean up,
remove obstructions from the street and
to make things tidy generally. It is a
request that should be promptly com
plied witn.
""- . ODe of the old land marks has been
removed from Centre Bqure In the bor
ough. The pebble-dash front of Potter's
building, accupied by F. Mortimer as a
store, has been weather-boarded and has
had a neat and substantial awning erect
ed. The improvement is so great that
one can hardly recognize the piemises.
- Voar Newnort on Frldav a week a val-
'iiohla nnw ticilj-tmvt it n s T 1 1 1 i o rv ATnv
shall, wandered on the railroad track
and was struck by the fast line west,
knocking her into the air a distance of
about twenty feet. She was caught by
the engine in her descent and carried in
that position from one telegraph pole to
nnother, a distance of forty-five feet.
No harm was done the train, which did
not slacken its speed.
y- Kicked by a Mule. On Friday evening
last, Mr. John Btone, residing in Carroll
township was kicked by a mule, the
blow cutting open his cheek in a terri
ble manner, and knocking his teeth out.
He was at the time of the accident un
hooking the double tree. Fortunately
the mule was not shod, which probably
saved Mr. Stone's life, though he may
yet not recover from the injury received.
) Charged with Stealing. On Friday last
information was made before Esquire
Sutch, charging George Sweger, resid-
ing in Madison twp., with stealing a lap
robe valued at $3. The robe was stolen
from the stable of David Ilincsmith in
this borough. A warrant was Issued for
, Sweger's arrest.
Improved. We are pleased to notice
the improvement made in the last issue
of the Valley Sentinel. We always con
sidered it a good paper, and very cheap,
and we really do not see how brother
Peffer could afford to enlarge without in
creasing the price. The only change
now needed to make the Sentinel a per
fect paper is to replace the small type
used for the local briefs with a type more
easily read.
The April Weather. B. Mclntire, Esq.,
hands us the following report of the
weather for the month of April. Aver
age of thermometer at 8 o'clock A. M.,
45 and 4'; average of barometer 30 Inches
minus 6-tenths ; average of greatest de
gree of heat 65 and 22', and of the low
est of cold 38 and 52'.
Wednesday the 25th was the warmest
day, the thermometer running up to 74?
above zero, and the coldest was Wednes
day the 4th, the mercury sinking 5 be
low the freezing point. There fell three
inches and 9-tentha of rain.
t -' Another New Swindle. The following
item is going the rounds of our exchan
ges: Another new swindle has been
developed, the modus operandi of which
is aa follows: A pack roeddler calls at
a house with a fine lot of articles which
he offers at a ruinous sacrifice. He
' mak es a sale and goes on his way, The
next day two men drive up to the bouse
with a printed bill, giving an account of
the robbery of a certain store. They
claim the goods, and generally frighten
the purchaser into giving them up. .It
would be well for newspapers through
out the State to give these swindlers the
benefit of a gratuitous advertisement, so
as to guard their readers against such
imposters. People who do not read the
papers would then be the only sufTerers
and this class, It may be added, are
generally the ones who are taken in by
the plausible rascals.
p Liverpool Items. George Freld, and
"eldest son of II. M. Freid, merchant of
this place, was found drowned in, the
canal near his father's store on the eve
ning of the 7th Inst. He was a bright
little fellow, and a general favorite of
the young and old. He was about eight
years old.
There is considerable petty larceny
committed around here, Borne few nights
ago, some person or persons, entered the
flour mill of Daniel McKenzie, and car
ried ofT nine sacks of flour. The price
of flour rose immediately aflerwards,but
I cannot sny that that was the cause.
Shipping on the canal is brisk this
season ; boats of all kinds are in demand
but the boatmen complain that the
freights are too low. L.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers of last week :
The Board of Directors of the Carlisle
Deposit Bank on the first instant ilcclar
ed a dividend of three per cent, upon the
capital stock.
Mr. Samuel Bowman, an aged and re
spected citizen of Mifllin township, this
county, committed suicide on Friday
night last, by hanging himself. Ill
health and consequent mental 'depres
sion were the causes which led to the
fatal deed.
A special election was held at Kers
ville, West Pennsboro' township, on
Saturday last, to decide for or against
the division of that township. Very
little more than half the vote of the
township was out. Following is the le
sult for division, R9; against division,
1-32. Majority against, 03.
A little four-year old son of Mr. John
Bobb, residing on Bedford street, Second
ward, poisoned himself on Thursday
morning last by drinking a small quan
tity of liquid during the temporary ab
sence of his mother. Dr. J. S. Bender
was hastily summoned, who administer
ed the necessary restoratives, and soon
the little fellow was on bis feet again.
The Carlisle Mirror says: On Sun
day night, Samuel Holsner, aged about
9 years, residing on North Bedford
street, had one of his fingers badly
mangled by rats eating the flesh while
he lay asleep. A number of the rats
commenced eating at the lad's mother's
arm, but she, being a light sleeper, was
awakened and drove them away from
herself and son. Our informant says
the boy's hand presented a shocking ap
pearance next day.
Church Notices.
Service In the Methodist Church on
Sunday evening next. Prayer meeting
on Thursday evening.
Presbyterian Service next Sunday
morning at lOi o'clock. Sabbath School
at 0 J a. in. Prayer meeting next Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock.
Notice. The subscriber would like to
get a job at Blacksmithing. He would
rent a shop, or work as a journeyman.
Call on or address,
Thos. KlTXEIt,
May 7, 1ST". New Bloomfleld, Pa.
State Sabbath-School Convention.
Tbo 13th Annual Convention of the Pennsyl
vania Sabbath Bchool Association will be held
in Ilarrisburg, Pa., Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, June 13, 18 and 14, 1877.
The Rev. Llewellyn D. llcvan, LL. D., late
of London, and one of the forcmoBt Sunday
School men of England, will deliver the open
ing address on Tuesday evening. B. F. Ja
cobs, Esq., of Chicago, Is expected to speak
on Thursday ; Rev. W. F. Crafts will give his
address on "The Coming Man Is the Present
Child Mrs. W. F. Crafts will present " The
Ideal Primary Class." Among the distinguish
ed workers from our State who may be expect
ed to add to the interest and enthusiasm of the
meeting, are Rev. Richard Newlon, D. D., (to
speak at a children's meeting j Rev. George A.
Peltz s Rev. II. W. Warren j Rev. P. S. lien
son, D. D., and many others.
Uarrisburg extends a hearty welcome TO Aix
friends of Sabbath-schools throughout the
State. Those expecting to attend will please
notify 8. J. M. McCarrell, Esq., who Is Chair
man of the Committee on Entertainment, be
fore June 4th, and they will bo provided with
cards introducing them to free homes during
Convention. Further information in regard to
the programme of the Convention can be ob
tained of the fitate Secretary, Rev. E. W. Rice,
Philadelphia, or Jas. W. Wier, liarrlsburg,
Chairman of the Local Committee of Arrange
ments. Something About Newspapers.
That the Americans are a reading people Is
manifest by the statistics of the Newspaper
Press of the country, as given in the Niwspa.
i-Eit Directory for 1877, just issued by 8. M.
PettingiiX & Co., the well-known Advertising
A gents of New York, Boston and Philadelphia.
There are reported in it the names, character,
(political, agricultural, religions, medical.etc.)
and names of publishers of no less than 7U5
dallies, 123 semi-monthlies, 171 monthlies, Id
bi-monthlies, and 00 quarterlies, published in
the United States and the British American
Provinces. The Directory shows the number
of each of these editions which are published
In each State, Territory or Province.
The book contains 876 pages, and embraces
an Immense; amount of valuable information,
showing great labor and care In its collection
ane preparation. It gives all necessary facta
for an advertiser to know about 8,574 separate
publications, while it is also interesting and
valuable for the general reader, the student of
American periodical literature, and the observ
er of American institutions. The book Is sold
at the low prion of fl.00 per copy.
We have Jnst received from the Publisher, a,
new sons; and chorus entitled, " No more the
bugle's stirring blast." Words by Samuel N.
Mitchell, Music by Cbas. E. Prior. This piece
Is arranged to be sung either as solo and cho
ruB.or as a quartette and was written express
1y for Memorial Day, May 80th, 1877, and will
be snng In every Btate, where there la a sol
dier's grave to honor. The mnsle has a grace
ful and flowing melody, expressive of the
sentiment of the words.
Below we give the first stanza i
No more the bugle's stirring blast,
Will call onr heroes to the fray
For they have found a rest at last,
And at their graves we pause to-day I
The buds brought forth by April show'rs,
We've woven into garlands gay,
And on each mound we strew the flow'rs
Fresh with the breath of May.
Crtoiius, Price 80cts.
But the Publishers makes a tpceial price for
those ordering for memorial exercises, viz.
One single copy 25c, and Ave copies mailed
post-paid for 11.00.
Address, W. W. WI1ITNET, Publisher.
Toledo, Ohio.
Philadelphia Produce and Stock Report.
rim.APPi.pniA. May 12. The week lias been one
of dull trade. Prices of grain and Hour have been
unsettled, and there Is an evident feeling thatthe
advance lias not been legitimate. We quote
Hour dull 7.W;!)50; Wheat, higher, wfth little
demand, 2100225! Corn, (1,1607; Rye. K'Oftillifis
Oats In better demand f)lC6s Cloverseed, Yiti Xi.
Present Hock quotations are ; I'enu'a. R. It .,
srj Jteadinjr, 12s I-ehlRh Valley, ,v; i'hll'a. &
Erie, l(i;-4; Nor. Central, 18; Hold, KIT;.
New Coach and Paint Shop.
Duncannon has a New Wagon Shop,
Mr. Enoch ISaker having opened a Hhop
where hullding and repairing of all
kinds of vehicles will be promptly at
tended to. HIh prices he guarantees rea
sonable, and his work satisfactory.
Bigns painted, and Ite-painting of all
kinds, executed in workman-like style
(Jive him a call. He is located in
Mayall's building, between Main Street
and the river. 2t
Removal. J. T. Messlmer has remov
ed liis Shoe Shop to the room adjoining
V. B. Clouser's olllce, 4 doors went of the
Post-Ofllce, where he will make to order
Boots and Shoes of all kinds, ltepalr
lng promptly and neatly executed. He
will also keep on hand a good assort
ment of Boots and Shoes, which he will
sell at low prices. Give him a call. 17
New Tailor Shop. The undersigned
gives notice to the public that he has
opened a shop opposite -Kinesmith's
hotel New Bloomfleld, Pa., in the room
formerly used as a confectionary, where
lie is prepared to do work in his line
promptly, and at reasonable prices.
All work warranted to give satisfaction.
Give me a call. Samfisl Bjsntzel.
Bloomfleld, May 1, '77 tf.
Market Wagon. Some mean persons
have been travelling through this por
tion of the county claiming to represent
the Newport Market Car. Persons wish
ing to deal with the market car wagon
should notice that the name of Charters
& Smith is on the vehicle. The wagon
visits Bloomfleld every Wednesday at
shortly after noon. at
Home made Rag-Carpet only 35 cents
per yard, at I. Bcinv.utTz's
Special Notice. Having added a room
for the express purpose of showing car
pets oil clotli and wall paper, we ask
persons wanting any of these articles to
look at our assortment,
ftf. 1 F. Mortimer.
Wall Papers. Over 300 designs for
Halls, Parlors, Dining-rooms, &c, low
as 8 cents up to beautiful tints and Deco
rations, at the Carpet Store,
21, Kant Main St., Carlisle.
" The Above All," is anew brand of
chewing tobacco, and is without a peer
for excellence and sweetness. For sale,
wholesale and retail, by J. B. Hautzell
in Uantt's Building.
Looking Glasses, Mirrors, Window
Shades, Mutts, Bugs, Hassocks, kc, at
the Carpet Store in Carlisle.
Ask your merchants for "Above All"
Chewing Tobacco.
Handsome Parlor Carpet new designs
just received only 35 cents per yard at
I. Hcuwautz'h.
Purchasers of Carpets, Walk, Papers,
Shades, Oil Cloths and general house
furnishing goods of this kind should see
the large spring stock at the Carlisle
Carpet House, 21, Kast Main Street.
Carpets, Carpets. Beautiful Brussels, 3
flys and Ingrain, with 80 patterns in
lomemade Carpets, Hemps, Halls and.
Stairs at the Carlisle Carpet House,
21, Kast Main St., Carlisle.
Blank Receipt Books for Administrators
and Executors. Also blunk notes and
all other blanks for sale at tills office, tf
Everybody says Impossible!' But nev
ertheless it Is true, that you can buy a
good Suit of Clothes, coat," pants and
vest formly $5.00 at
I. SlinVAHTzV.
"Above All Navy Tobacco." Cau
tion. Every 6c. and 10c. plug of this
Cerebrated Tobacco is labelled " Wardle's
Above All." None is genuine without.
A General Favorite. The Shepley Key.
stone Baking Powder, manufactured by
Janney & Andrews, Philadelphia,
when used according to printed direc
tions has become a great favorite for
producing light, sweet, Nutritious bis
cuit, Kolls, Muffins, Bread, Griddle
cakes, etc. For sale by F. Moktimkk,
New Bloomfleld, Pa. lo.lit
AGKNTLEMAN who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, premature Decay, and all
tliHelfeutaof youthful Indiscretion will, lor the
sake o( sutlering hxinanlty, send free to all who
need It, the recipe and dlrttotlon for nmkluir the
slnii) e remedy by which he was cured. Hulferein
wishing to profit by the advertlwr's exiierienoe
candoobyaddreHHlii In perfect conttdem-e.
18a52 mos. tKiUKl7, 42 Cl-d"r Bt- New Vork-
County Trice Current.
Bloom nLD, May 14, 1S77.
Flax-seed 1 lib
Potatoe 11.20
Butter ft pound, (fresh roll) 18
Packed Butter V pound, io
lags V dozen 10 "
Dried Apples fl pound S( ota"
Dried Peaches, g a 12 ets.Vft
Cherries, 00 ots, "
" Pitted , 00 O 00 eta.
Blackberries, , OQOcts. "
Corrected Weekly bv Koueh Broihtr.)
Nbwpobt, May 12, IH77.
Flour, Extra i 75
" Super, 6 00
White Wheat V bu 1 1)0 a 1 00
Red Wheat 1 8501 85
Bye 850S5
Corn 4R ero
Oats fl 82 pounds, 40f40
Clorer Seed 8 00
Timothy Seed, ,. 150
Flax Seed 1 00
Potatoes 1 3Cf?l SO
Bacon, 8 O 12
Dressed Hog,
Ground Allium Halt 1 40ffll 40
Llmeburner's Coal, S 15
Store Coal 4 00 Q 450
Pea Coal 2 CO
Gordon's Food per Back S3 00
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
Lowest Market Kates.
49 Five per cent off for Cash.
Carlisle, May 11. 1S77.
Family Flour IH.75
Superfine Rye Flour 8.50
White Wheat, new 2 00
Red 2.00
Rye,... 85
Corn, (new) 58
Oats, 43
Cloverseed 8.00 a 8.00
Bartel Bakkr On the 7th Inst., at Newport,
by the Her. J. W. Buckley at the residence of J.
It. Tate Mr. A. R. Bartel of Newport, to Miss
Alice K Baker, of Miller township.
Canwok On the 5th Inst., In Ollvor township,
Mrs. Barbara Cannon, aged V2 years, 4 months
and 10 days. On the 9th Inst., at her residence in
Newport, after a short Illness, Miss Margaret
Reed, In the 77th year of her age.
Goodman On the 7th Inst., In Mlllerstown, Pa.,
after a lingering illness Mr. George H. Goodman,
aged 32 years, 8 mon hs and 24 days.
Htamrauob. In Tyrone twp., on the 12th Inst.,
Mr. John Htainhaugh In the 65th i ear of his age.
Bistline. On the 10th tnst.,in8pringtwp.,Mrs.
Jane, wife or George Bistline, aged 81 years, 3
months and 13 days.
A Safe, Sura and Cheap Destroyer of the
ft yrjm.r m .
Unllti PARIS nttEF.N S&r lt tforf In wmUf,
anrl fi iprlrikltfl. Purt dcfh. No AintrT in pUnti, or In tjlrnf.
Cost i 9B rcnU tin am . Bmi , miM fir tOcrnta (1-4 lb. hm .) 6rt.
tor Circular with hufdfrh of tvn'itinnfttk I'lirnunt tn thff tf.da.
es CorUaadl St., hmw Vrk City.
REV. G. W. LEISHER, A. M Principal.
THE Spring term will open Tuesday, April,
17th. continuing 10 weeks. Tuition M) cents per
week. Pupils of both sexes received. Special in
struction given to those preparing to teach. A
Primary Department In connection with the
Normal Department will be organized foryounger
pupils. Tuition 25centppr week. Languoge les
sons made a speciality. For further information
15 Blalu,, Pa.
CAl'TIOV. The subscriber hereby gives no.
tice that his wife has left his bed and board
without just provocation, and cautions the public
not to trust her on his account as he will pay no
debts of her contraction.
Tenn township, Muy 1, 1877.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the board of
Pardons for the State of Pennsylvania
have granted are-hearing in the case of John F.
Baker, of Perry county, which will be had on
Tuesday the fitli day of June. 1S77 at Uarrisburg.
May 8, 1877. WILLIAM BAKER.
ESTATK NOTICE. Notice is herebyglven,
that letters of administration on the estate
of Nicholas Reislnger, late of Haville twp.. Perry
county. Pa., dpe'd., have been granted to the un
dersigned residing InTuscarora andSavilletwps.,
All persons Indebted to said estate are requested
to make linniediute payment and those having
claims to present tuein duly authenticated for set
A. II. KERR, Tnscaroratwp.
DAVID RE18INGEK. Savllle twp.
May 1st, 1877. Administrators.
Hy virtue of an alias order issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Perry county, to the
undersigned assignee of Andrew J. Burd and wife
for the lienellt of creditors, he will expose to pub
lic Kale on the premises
at one o'clock P. M., a certain lot of ground loca
ted In Penn township, Perry county, Pa., adjoin
ing Duncannon Borough, lot of J. W. Young,
Lincoln street, and an alley said lot being luo
feet wide, and 170 feet deep having thereon
erecreu A L,AiiiiE. nnvv, iwo-NTOKY
FRAME HOUSE, tie. This property ad
joins the flourishing borough of Duncan
non. and will make a pleasant and desira
ble home, for anv one deslriua to nurcliaim.
TERMS OF HALE: Ten pr cent, to be paid
when the property is stricken oft, one third of the
balance on the 1st of April, 1878, at which time a
deed will be delivered and possession given. The
balance in two equal annual payments, with in
terest to be secured by Judgment bonds.
May 1, 1877. Assignee.
$'.J00,000 Worth of Gold Plated
For tl we will send, as below, all WARRAN
TKD GOLD PLATED. 1 Pair Gold Stone Sleeve
Buttons s 1 pair Engraved Sleeve Buttons; 1 set
Pointed Studs; 1 set Amethyst Studs; 1 Wedding
ring, 1 Engraved Band Finger ring, 1 Amethyst
Stone Ring, inlaid with gold, 1 Elegant King,
marked ". l'rieudsliip." Amethyst Slone Scarf
King. Inlaid with gold;l splendid Silvered Hat
11 it. 1 set Ladies' Jet and Gold Pin and Drops, 1
Misses' set Jet and Gold. 1 Ladles' net, Ornamen
ted, 1 set Handsome Kose buds Kar drops.l Gem's
Elegant Lake George Diamond Stud, 1 Cardinal
Red Head Necklace, 1 Pair 'Ladies Amethyst
Stone Ear Props, (nlald lrli Gold, 1 Ladles' Or
namented Jet Brooch, 1 Fancy Scarf Kiug and
Kleeant Watch Chain. Take your choice the en
tire lot of 2o pleors, sent post-paid for II, or any
H pieces yon choose for 60 cents. Now Is the time
to make money. These goods can easily be JM
tuilcUforJla F. STOCKMAN, 25 Bond St, N. Y..
Ills reputation for honesty, fair dealing, and
liberality Is unueqitaled by any advertiser Tn this
city, N. Y. Day Book, )W. lft, 187t). UMm
T W A T Tncim a m r x
Th e undersigned, assignee of James Irvln.wll
Offer for sale, by outcry, on the premises, about.:!
miles southwest of fckesburg, In Savllletownshlp,
Perry county, Pa., on
TUEBDAY, THE lith OF JUNE, 1877,
at 10 o'clock. A. M., the following described real
estate, to wit:
situate In Ihe township of Bavllle aforesaid, ad
joining lands of John Irvine, William Irvine,
Win. stambaugh, Samuel Evnl and Samuel Rice,
Sr., containing
having thereon erected a line BRICK COTTAGE
to which Is attached all the modern home com
forts and conveniences, In the midst ol pleasant
surround lugs and climate, and along the public
road leading from Ickesluirgto Blaln. Also, a
good, commodious frame Bank Barn, with conve
nient appliances, and water In the barn-yard,
with all outbuildings necessary to a first-class
- This Is Ihe Mansion farm and Is nnilerthe high
est state of cultivation, with everything In per
fect order. Excellent post and rail fence sur
rounds the property, and from the door of the
Mansion the whole farm may be readily seen.
, Four Hundred Apple Tree,
from which over 1,ono bushels of apples of the
best and most marketable kinds were gathered
TY PEAR TKEKH, a fine, healthy vlneyaid, con
talnlng i acres of ground, of the choicest varie
ties of grapes, and small fruits, raspberries,
strawberries, etc., are among the many virtues
connected with thlstract of land to recommend
It to pure hasers. Everything is so arranged In
connection with the place that all that will be re
quired for an Industrious man will be to go ahead
' and make money, as there are no necessary re
pairs nee ded tor the next ten years.
contiguous to No. 1, adjoining lands of AVIillam
Shoaf. Chrlsloiilier Waggoner's heirs Ell Smith.
John Stone's heirs, and John Irvine, containing
150 ACRES,
of which about thirty acres are cleared, having
thereon erected a log DWELLING HOUSE and a
Plank Dwelling House.
Xo. .'i, A Tract of Woodland, .
contiguous to No. 2, adjoining lands of James
Elliott's heirs, Wll'lam Shoaf and other lands of
lames Irvine, containing fid ACRES, and having
thereon erected a LOG HOUSE. Also another
Tract of Woodland,
adjoining lands of William Fuller, David Sweger,
Mrs. Snyder, and other lands of James Irvine,
containing 20 ACRES, more or less, and having
thereon erected
, The attention of purchasers Is directed to this
property as it Is an Investment bound to remuner
ate, and possessing superior advantages in every
respect, Is one of the most desirable farms in
Perry county.
TERMS OF BALE: Ten per cent, of the pur
chase money to be paid when the property is
stricken down, one-halt of the balance on 1st of
April, 1878, when possession will be given and the
deed delivered, and the balance on the 1st day of
April, 187ft the unpaid balance at the time of the
delivery of the deed to be secured by judgment
bonds bearing Interest from date.
Newport, Pa., May 15. ts. Assignee.
AJOUAt. STATEMENT of Supervisors'
Account with Tuscorora township. Perry
county. Pa., for the year 1876.
SAMUEL FRY, Supervisor.
To amount of Duplicate assess
ed for 1876, $1,090 41
By amount brought from settle
ment due township, 1875, 65 02
$1,151 4H
Total amount of work done, ffHTl 07
SsKrvlsors' time, 118 5i
Incidental fcxpense. W
Percentage ou 'outstanding
money, 12 06
Exonerations, 2! H1
Voucher Issued to A. Fry, sen. 14 Sil
do do to J. Campbell, 21) 50
?1.0O6 41
Amount due township from S. Fry,
.i5 0.i
GEORGE RICE, Supervisor.
Amount of Duplicate for 187.1. $s7 w
Balance per on outstanding
money, 17 32
?85 II
Total anion nt of work done, issi 2S
Supervisor's time, , 103 !
Exoneiations, 4 8 t
Bv amount work done by team
and bauds. 83 61
$1(172 if
8-5 11
Amount due Geo. Rice from tp.$217 fJ
A. If. KERR, Supervisor.
Amount of Duplicate for 1S75, $ ;45 45
Amount of work done not Inclu
ding Supervisor's time, $22' W
Supervisor's own account 61 5u
Three days' auditing and Per
centage, 7 80
Amount work done in 1875 and
auditing accounts 24 48
$119 68
Amount due township from A.H. Kerr, $23 87
J. R. BLACK. Supervhor.
Amount of Duplicate for Is7.i, $701 2H
Amount of work done, $425 t;'
Supervisor's time, ---. 31 fi m
Paid for Sledces, Sc.. 3 15
Error on Duplicate, 14 So
Exonerations, 11 Pi
Work done since day ct last set
tlement, 15 6)
Three days' tima meeting audi
tors, 4 50
Percentage on Individual time, 1 95
Balance Percentage on money to
collect for 1874, 11 r"
Paid to A. Fry, sen., 25 is)
do do James Campbell, bu flu
roi 45
Amount due township from J. R. Black, $l(t W
WE. the undersigned Auditors of Tuscarora
township, Perry couuty, Pa., met at School Holism
No. 5, anddid audit and adjust the foregoing ac
counts of said township, being duly sworn ac
cording to law, do certify that the above accounts
are correct.
Henbt BiKfR, Township Clerk. (Auditors.
May 1, 1877.
Special attention glvea to the collection of
claims, and any other business entrusted to him
will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate.
April, 1'Jth, 177. . .
, . . i- . 1
j splendid assortment of shoes at the one
cue price store of F. Mortimer.