VOL. XI. THE TIMES. An Independent Family Newspaper, IB rCBLISHKD EVERT TCEStUT ST F. MORTIMER & CO. Subscription Price. County, ' fllx months Within the County, $1 25 Bixinomns v Out of the County, Including postage, " " " six mouths 11 1 60 85 Invariably in Advance I Advertising rates furnished upon appli cation. THOU HAST LEFT ME ALONE. Glad facesare smiling around me, And many that Ioto me are near ; The beautiful flowers I have cherished, Are budding and blossoming here The voice of the silver-tongued streamlet I love and the exquisite tone Of the singing-bird's blithesome as ever; But I'm sad for thou'et left me alone. There's Joy In the rosy-lipped morning, And Joy on the brow of the night j There's Joy In the eye of the floweret, And Joy in each quiver of light ; Joy I Joy I Is the language of Nature I list to its exquUlte tone, And then answer back, " I'm aweary ; Oh, I'm sad t thou hast loft me alone." (From the "lroof Sheet.") A REPORTING INCIDENT. MANY COLUMNS could doubtless be filled with Accounts of the vari ous devices which have been resorted to by enterprising members of the press in obtaining special items for their respect ive journals. May I be pardoned the vanity of thinking that the following incident in my career is not without in terest: It was near the eve of a contest for Parliamentary honors in an old-established borough, in which I held the po sition of senior reporter on the leading county paper. Of course, the usually easy-going town and neighborhood were in a state of abnormal activity and ex citement, and the respective candidates had been hard at work for the past fort night currying favor amongst the classes whose support they were anxious to ob tain. The journal which I represented advocated the interests of the Conserva tives, while a contemporary, whose edi tor was a fiery little native of the Emer ald Isle, contained article after article in support of the Liberal cause, and deT nouncing, in no measured terms, all who had the misfortune to stand in the oppo sition. There was but small quarter shown on either side, and the editor and I found ourselves fully employed in looking after the interests of our party, and in replying to tlw peppery leaders of our rival contemporary. During the time of electioneering, everything said concerning the Conservative candidate was reported in extenso, and so I prided myself upon the accuracy of my work. The other party also received justice at our hands, although only the more im portant speeches, such as those of the pandidate himself, and his principal supporters, were noticed in their entire ty. Such was the state of affairs with in a few day9 of the election, when, "one morning, the editor came into the office looking in anything but an amiable mood. The cause was soon explained. The chief movers In the Liberal camp were to give a grand banquet that eve ning, at which several celebrities were to speak, and it had been determined to exclude any representative from our journal. This would not have mattered much, but an announcement, w'as sent forth stating that an 'exolumvc report would appear in ,the next issue of our rival, and this caused our ' editor to en teitaln an uncontrollable desire to steal a march upon ' the enemy more espec ially as the dinner was on, the eve of our publication,', while pur rival, would not appear until two dayslater. ' Rashly, perhaps, I undertook to pro ure a full rejtort of every speech, with out considering tow It was to' be done, But (parenthetically) a ta time I was secretly engaged j o be married to the editor's daughter, and before startlngon, my exploit I laid the whole 'matter be fore him , and stipulated ' that, as' a re ward of my success,' his 'consent should be given to our union. This was very NEW BLOOMFIELD, T?Ji.., TUESDAY, MAY 35, 1877. readily agreed to, and, with the determi nation of thus winning it wife by strate gy, I sat down to reflect on how I should commence operations. I had heard and read of many plans which had been suc cessfully adopted under similar circum stances, but none of them seemed suited to my case. With feelings near akin to despair, I started off towards the spa clous hotel where the dinner was to be given. As fortune planned it, I hap pened to fall in with the chef-de-cuMne, and as this person was indebted to ' me for many a flattering reference to his culinary skill on previous similar occa sions, I ventured to hope he might prove useful to me. He was a good-natured Welshman, of no decided political opinions, and, therefore, not prejudiced; bo,I resolved to make him my confidant. He listened patiently to my representa tions of how important it was to my fu ture prospects and happiness that I should be at the dinner, but could not oiler any suggestion whereby I might attain my wishes. " If you had been a waiter," he said, with aconsolingsmile, " instead of a reporter, I should have been most happy to have engaged you." A happy thought instantly flashed across my mind. Could he not introduce me in the guise of a waiter V A moment's planning, and it was all settled, and sat isfactorily arranged that, as soon as din ner was ready, I should go In and take my chance as one of the liveried attend ants. A partial disguise was necessary, and this was effected by a barber friend, whose ruthless scissors and razor soon removed from my face the hirsute adornments, and he also supplied me with a wig, under which I was unrecog nizable. A few hours later found me in the character of a Bprightly waiter, the sudden metamorphosis nearly sending the good-hearted Welshman into con vulsions of laughter. To make sure that my identity was completely destroy ed, I put myself in the way, once or twice, of the afore mentioned fiery little Irishman, and as ho would speak to me in a tone of conscious superiority, it at once assured me that he only saw be fore him a household menial. So far, then, so good. I had provided myself with a small pocket book, which could be held, unobserved, in the palm of the hand, but with sufficient leaves to hold many columns of notes when phono graphed with a finely-pointed pencil; and a bribe of half-a-guinea was suffi cient to induce a broad-backed fellow waitcr to keep as much in front of me as possible during the time any one should be speaking. The post-prandiul part of the proceedings at length com menced, and, by some skillful manaeu-' vering on my part,! succeeded in taking down, word for word, the principal speeches, including that of the gallant candidate, who made a laudatory allu sion to the dignity of the press (could ho but have seen or recognized me in the position I then was!) He concluded a long address by remarking . that he was pleased to bear testimony to the great support lie had received from the ably conducted paper whose accomplished editor he was delighted to see amongst them that evening ; and he was certain ly of opinion that they had acted very wisely in taking precautions that their proceedings that evening should not be bandied about in the columns of the rival journal, whose, readers, he feared, were sadly misled by misrepresentations of facts. I felt honored. , r ;,. As the speaker resumed his seat, I narrowly escaped detection. ' One of the company, requiring something to be fetched, suddenly rose up from his chair and came near me,' and,' observing that I was mysteriously operating on the palm of my hand, he called out, in such a manner as to' attract every one's atten tion, " Now, then, young man, whatare you about there V" I hastily thrust the reporting implements into' my pocket,' and, with the assistance of the broad backed waiter,' at once procured the gen tleman what he required,' and averted suspicion by 'stating' that I had run' a piece of glass into ' my hand, whichT was endeavoring to extract.-' ' , ; I was not sorry , when , the speeches were finished. Then I slunk out.oif the room as'qulckly and quietly as possible. ( and, concealing my livery , under a Jong ooai.was soon on my way to the printing oilicew Hurrying into the editoriuj-room,, my chief arrested my progress, and in. quired my business. The old gentle man did not recognize me for some mo ments, and when he did,I could scarcely make him believe tliat I had been to the dinner in the way I have here narrated. However, there was no time for useless talk, for the notes had to be transcribed, and we both worked with a will for hour after hour, keeping up a steady supply of copy to a dozen smart compos itors during tbe night, till the paper was ready for press. The surprise of all parties was very great in the morning, when our journal came forward with a six-column report of the speeches at the political banquet on the preceding evening. Our oppo nents were completely taken aback, for they could not Imagine how the report had been obtained, for nothing appeared more certain than that no reporter from any other journal had been present. The speakers were no better pleased, for their utterances had been reported much too literally to afford them any satisfac tion in the perusal of them, while the entire Liberal committee lapsed into a Btate of hopeless astonishment. We, of course, laughed and said nothing; but, for some weeks afterwards, I had to give evasive answers to the many inquiries from friends as to my reason for having denuded my face of my moustache and whiskers. The affair proved a good thing for our paper, for it not only increased the cir culation, but gave us a name for enter prise, which we succeeded in keeping. As for myself, I gained a wife by what I venture to call a clever trick, and our Conservative member, who was success ful In getting returned, when the joke was unfolded to him, came to our wed ding, and evinced his appreciation of my exertions on his behalf by bestowing a few appropriate presents on the bride on the occasion, which I have ever since valued highly; A BOY'S DISAPPOINTMENT. FOURTEEN YEARS ago a mute came onto the Long Island railroad, but where he came from or who were his parents could never be learned. Recently It was thought a clue had been obtained to his parents, and the follow ing from a recent N. Y. paper, shows what were the grounds for the belief, and how sad was the disappointment: " Dummy, the deaf mute who sells papers on the Long Island trains,lsback at his work. One week ago, Dummy's friends thought they had found his home and parents, and, having provided him with a letter that explained his case, and .asked free pussuge for him, they sent 'him by boat and rail to Fitchburg,Mass. They were all grieved at parting with him, for he had been for many years on the railroad, and had become a favorite by reason of his kindly disposition and reliability. Three weeks ago, a man from the East applied to the Long Island Railroad Company for employment as a fireman. He mingled with the railroad employees and thus full in with Dummy. He asked about the young man, and said that he knew of a family in Fitchburg, Mass., who lost a deaf mute son fourteen years ago,and had never since heard from him. Dummy had been on the Long Island Railroad nearly fourteen years, and this was deemed enough of a coincidence by Conductor Tolhurst to cause him to write to Postmaster George E. Goodrich of Fitchburg, Mass., about the missing boy of that city. ' Postmaster Goodrich found that a fam ily named Hurley iu Fitchburg had lost a boy fourteen years ago. The boy, they said, could be idon tilled by a large cross pricked in his left arm in India ink and by his memory of having worked in a mill. He was about twenty-six years of age, and of light complexion, and he had a scar on his face and another on his right hand. ' Postmaster Goodrich wrote that he hoped Dummy would prove to be the missing son, for he had given the bereaved parents cause to hope, and even the townsfolk of Fitchburg had become interested io their behalf. This; letter was read to Dummy by translation into the sign language. He was elated with what he believed to be an account of himself. In the most exJ presslve pantomime die j rehearsed . his recollections of his ohildhood. il . : M I lived to place where there was a mill," he motioned, "and when. I grew up to be a good sized boy I went to work there. I was a bobbin-boy, and in the mill they made" (here Dummy pointed to his shirt, and was understood to mean either cotton or linen). Then Dummy stripped his left arm and showed a cross In India ink, and he exhibited scars like those of the lost boy. Conductor Tolhurst wrote to Postmaster Goodrich that he would like to know what kind of a mill it is that is close to the Hurley's. He added that he feared there might be no need of asking any further questions, as, instead of being light complexioned, Dummy was very dark skinned ,and had almost black hair. To this the Postmaster at Fitchburg re plied satisfactorily that the mill where the Hurley boy had worked is a cotton mill,and that as both Mr. and Mrs. Hur ley are dark complexioned, it might easi ly be that the lost boy's hair had altered in color, as the hair of children docs as they grow up. By this time, the railroad employees and the Fitchburg people were deeply interested. They considered the identi fication almost complete. Dummy him self was delighted with the prospect of finding his home, and was anxious to start at once for Fitchburg. As a last precaution, Conductor Tolhurst had Dummy's picture taken by a Babylon photograper, and it was sent to Post master Goodrich.. In a few days word came that Dummy's people, father, mother, brother, and Mr. Oliver Ellis, the proprietor of the cotton mill, identi fied the picture as beyond question a likenesB of the lost child. So, on Tuesday a week ago, Dummy was sent to Fitchburg with his letter to the conductors of the roads he would travel on, asking them to pass him, and telling them his story. He arrived at Fitchburg sooner than the Postmaster expected, and no one met him. But, ac customed to act for himself, he made his way from place to place until he ran across some of the many persons who were Interested in him, and they took him at once to the home of the Hur leys. He looked sharply at Mrs. Hurley and shook his head. " No," she was lfot his mother. She made the same motion of non-recognition, and then both cried like children. Mr. Goodrich, the Postmnster, then took Dummy In his carriage to all the points of Interest in Fitchburg, especial ly such places as the missing boy would have been likely to remember. But Dum my shook his head nt the mill, the creek by its side, the railway, and the pond that the missing boy was wont to briihe In when a child. Dummy knew none of these places, but grew sick at heart, and desirous of returning to his old post as speedily as possible. The Postmaster telegraphed, therefore : " Keep Dummy's place opeu for him ; he Is not the right boy." Then having put Dummy on a re turning train, lie snt down and wrote the facts that have been narrated. Dummy took his papers and basket on Friday last, and resumed his old oc cupation, though with a very heavy heart. On Wednesduy last lie 'ld only ten cents' worth of candy and Irnit, and with tear-dimmed eyes, he told Con ductor Tolhurst that he believed none of his old friends knew him ; they ull sup posed he had gone to Fitclilmrg. To a Sun reporter, with the help of Conduc tor Tolhurst, as ititerpretcr.Duiiimj told all he could remember of his wander ings. " I used1 to work in a mill as a bobbin... boy," said he, " but it was ni t such a mill as the one at Fitchburg. There was no railroad near' it. 1 remember that we had to drive five miles to the rail-' road depot. The Fitchburg I toy didn't have five sisters. My fumily had turn up noses ; the Fitchburg people hail long noses" (explained by a gesture indica tive of absurdly long and pointed noses). " Near where I lived were many high mountains, and in another direction to bacco was grown, and much maple sugar was made." ' .;..',. Postmaster Goodrich infers from the mountains and the maple sugar that Dummy came fioin Vermont. 1 But Con ductor Tolhurst is equally 'certain that he came from Connecticut, and he bases that hypothesis on the tobacco descrip tion. .1- J :;.;;' ! :.. : - l .-' I got on the cars one day,'' Dummy continued In pantomime, ''raid us 1 had no ticket or money, the conductor put NO. 20. me off the train. Then there came a long period of begging from door to door and of hopeless wandering, and, finally, I remembered crossing the Sound to Long Island, where I fell into tbehands of Conductor Ryan, who put me where am now." Dummy is twenty-six years of age, and has aflut, plain-featured face, upon which there perpetually rests an expres sion of melancholy. Dummy's sign language is different from the mute language taught In the schools. He ha modified and enlarged It to suit his requirements. A sweep of the hand, accompanied by a hissing noise, means' a railroad ; holding one hand high up indicates a mountain, low down means water. Touching his cheek means pretty, or Indicates a reference to women. A mill or a machine is de scribed by a turn of the hand, as though he were grinding a hand or gan. Some Valuable Adviee. FOR A FIT OfTdLENESS Count ' the ticking of a clock. Do this one hour, and you will be glad to pull off your coat the next, and work like a negro. For a Fit of Extravagance and Folly Go to the workhouse, and speak to the inmates of a jail, and you will be con vinced " Who makea hi bed of brim and thorn Murt be content to lie forlorn." For a Fit of Ambition Go into a church-yard and read the gravestones. They will tell you the end of ambition. The grave will soon be your bedcham ber, the earth your pillow, corruption your father and the worm your mother and sister. For a Fit of Despondency Look on the good things which God has given you in this world, and to those . which he has promised to his followers In the next. He who goes into his garden to look for cobwebs and spiders, no doubt will find them ; while he who looks for a flower may return into his house with one blooming in his bosom. ' For all Fits of Doubt, Perplexity and Fear Whether they respect the body or inind; whether they are a load to ' the shoulders, the head, or the heartj, the following is a radical cure, which. may be relied on, for we have it from the Great Physician : " Cast thy burden on the Lord, and He will sustain thee." For Fits of Repining Look about for tne Halt and the blind, and visit the bed ridden and the afflicted and deranged, and they will make you ashamed of complaining of your lighter afflictions. , A Rough old Ago. An old man called on Secretary Mc-: Gonnige, of the Allgheiiy (Pa.,) Poor Directors, the other day and solicited a little help. His story was quite sad. He said he camo to this country a number of years ago, and by careful management succeeded in saving sufficient to ena ble him to purchase a farm of 1.30 acres near Ann Arbor, Mich., where he set tled and remained until about four year ago, when his sons induced him to give them his farm. As soon as they got possession of it they sold it, divided the proceeds, and turned the old man and his v ife out into the world. They have had to wander around the country ever since. ' He would work at any little jobs ho could get to keep himself and wife alive. A few days ago, while in Youns-' town, -J.j he heard that one of his duughters resides in Conncllsville, and he is now on his way there, to ask her to keep her mother, while he will try' and make a living for himself.: He is seventy-seven years of age, and is partly blind. His wife is seven ty.three years old, and is subject to fits of insanity. ( A Young Traveler. V The feat of independent baby travel ing, by little Maggie Wood, a four-year old Chicago orphan, is a rarity in juve nile achievement. The child's only llv-'-ing relative was an aunt in England, to whom tbe waif was sent alone and un protected, save for thetasual care of con ductors and steamship agents. At New York she was received by total stranger who placed her, supplied with 'toyt rul amusements on the City or Richmond, in the care of the captain and sUw anJ. , who finally turned her ovw to lw aunt at Liverpool after a journey of 4.'X miles in which the child m vy IV familiar face,